It was not
too long ago when former Yonkers Police Commissioner Robert Taggart led one of
the largest Police Departments in New York State during the years from 2003 to
2006. He was an effective leader who rose through the ranks. He was known to
be sincere, honest, and a man of his word; something that seems to be a rarity
nowadays. He was also no push over, and a masterful orator. During that time,
Commissioner Taggart was attempting to do his job without any support from City Hall. It was apparent that then Mayor Phil Amicone had other ideas for
Taggart’s future.
to some police insiders, the Yonkers Police Benevolent Association
(PBA) was privately meeting with City Hall officials, and planning
Taggart’s demise. It seemed that then PBA Vice President Keith Olson, and his
small inner circle consisting of Captain John Mueller, and Det. Sgt. Brian
Moran had been fascinated with the NYPD style of Policing. Sources say that
they were so intrigued by the Policies and Procedures of NYPD that they were
often seen carrying books written by former NYPD personnel. Olson and his
cohorts spearheaded the plan, and would constantly paint a negative image of
Taggart to Yonkers City Hall every chance they had. The atmosphere was ripe for
It was
about that time that then Yonkers Mayor Phil Amicone brought in John Fleming, a
retired NYPD Detective to be the new police liaison with the full blessing of
the PBA. Fleming who was being fed information by Olson and his “cronies” would
systematically attempt to introduce the NYPD style of policing by requesting to
sit in, and video record meetings of the Top Brass, and suggested changes
within the department that were not in step with policies of the day, and
procedures which could have effected day to day operations. Fleming would then
report his findings and suggestions to the Mayor.
Taggart resisted interference from Fleming, a coup attempt was initiated. That
effort was led by current P.B.A. President Keith Olson, Det. Sgt. Brian Moran,
who source’s say is related to John Fleming, and current Fourth Precinct
Captain John Mueller.
The plan
was simple, if they could show then Mayor Amicone that Taggart was
irresponsible, it would become more likely Olson could push Mueller into the
top spot, with the help of his co-conspirators. The plan seemed plausible; at
issue was how to bring about its execution.
It began
by Olson and his cronies belly aching about how Taggart did not know how to
manage the position of Yonkers Police Commissioner, which spilled over into he
did not know what he was doing, and with the assistance of Fleming as Amicone’s
inside man, the plan to unseat Taggart became unstoppable. They must have all
had a rise when Olson began his “sell out” plan to undermine and replace
Taggart with John Mueller. The contention among the “cronies” that Mueller was the
epitome of a coming Messiah who was judged to put his pants on differently than
all Yonkersites.
Even so,
they all got hoodwinked. Yes, Taggart was eventually replaced after a rash of
shootings during the summer of 2006, but John Mueller never got the top spot.
Fleming who guided the “three blind mice”, had another horse in the race,
Edmund Hartnett. Hartnett was another micro-managing NYPD lackey who brought in
with the help of Fleming and the PBA.
When Hartnett
took the office of Yonkers Police Commissioner, he systematically took apart a
good department with Olson acting as an Indian scout charged with blazing the
trail over which unit to cut first. As for the great Messiah, John Mueller
settled for the second top spot in the department, which was the commanding
officer of the then Special Investigation Unit that directly reported to the Police
Commissioner. Mueller went on to besmirch a former Special Investigation Unit
Sergeant with lies and innuendos that eventually led to his demise, thus paving
the way for Det. Sgt. Brian Moran. Both Mueller and Moran then became both
Olson’s and the City’s hatchet men.
It was a
hot summer.
Those who
wish to contest any “facts” herein are asked to do so by directing email to .
Read the
“Blue Truth” column in the Yonkers
Tribune and The Westchester Guardian
as we delve into the truths of the past so that we may understand many of the
issues of the present.

Comments 355
This is some serious stuff that should be dealt with at a union meeting and not on the blogs. This public display of anger is underminding the entire membership.
but Farrah is right about jm, he is tender
hey Farrah,it was only syphilis, not the big bug! keep working baby
It is very clear that what Keith Olson, B. Moran, and John Mueller backstabbed a lot of their own members. Now they are disgraced sorry souls…bye bye
First of all I am not a Cop, nor am I a great fan of RM. however, get your stories correct. Ray was not fired from the job, he willinging resigned, a copy of that resignation letter signed by RM I have in my possession. Second of all, when RM requested to be reinstated (within a year of him resigning) it had absolutely NOTHING to due with union or union leaders. His reinstatement was decided upon between a now deceased, extremely respected Lieutenant and the Cmmissioner at the time. It was not a decision voted on normwas it even a matter for the PBA it was a simple well thought out decision simply made (like things were done in the good ole days). So again, not being a fan of RM for personal reasons… would be smart if you guys didn’t make yourselves look like idiots not knowing the correct scenario of things . State the facts only when you know them.
and what it all comes down to is Mueller not getting the Commish or Chief’s job and KO not having all that control……THE END
I’m sure Gerry could defend himself, but I do want to point out the distinction. Gerry spent about 10 years in actual patrol work in the 3rd and 2nd pct before he got assigned to do DD work for 18 months and getting his shield. Nothing wrong with that at all, veteran cops who get assigned to do actual DD work for 18 months are supposed to get a shield. Unlike Kelly who spent no time on the street at all, was a secretary at HQ for 10 years, then was a DD secretary for 18 months and was “gifted” the gold shield. There’s the difference.
Didn’t spano do the same thing for his shield??
we love you too just looking out for the membership.
Lol, I love those guys.
Members of YPD hang in there we will soon turn over a new page with a new leader,its been tough working with out a contract for over 5 YEARS!!! and reading this morning about New Rochelle just makes me more angry they got a good deal,while our leader is going out to bars and restaurants on our dime just sickens me,Hopefully with Ray,Gerard,Mingy,and the rest of the crew we will prevail in the up coming elections.God Bles You,and God Bless the YPD!!!!
I have to agree with the guy who posted about Kelly O’Rourke getting her shield without earning it, she circumvented the system. But she’s not the only one. Didn’t John Donaghy do the same exact thing. Now he’s a real go getter and not at all tied to Keith, LMAOROTF, go get em DICK
Speaking of contracts New Rochelle Police
just got a 10 year deal from 1.5 % to 5 %
retroactive from 2010 to 2019. Get to work
Keith the membership is waiting. Lets face it
if New Rochelle could do it why not Yonkers??
Isnt Pappas a pro -boxer?
Seems like the sharks smell blood in the water, I can see it now they are circling around,ol ko is chum meat, just a matter of time before they eat his fat greasy RAT ass bye bye dough boy, can you see the fins???
YPD is a fine organization doing a great job, my job is to expose our so called leader and till he is brought up on charges this will not go away, stay tuned to Part2 my friends detailing more corruption in to the actions of 7 members of the YPD, involving illegal investigations and so on …….sleep well keith……
I’m not convinced that was an actual Community Leader who posted. Keith has a way of being a chameleon and posting using various aliases. Nice try Keith, you went a little overboard with the Community Leader bit, everyone knows no community leader will defend you. Nice try though, next time pose as a Girl Scout Troop Leader. A little more believable.
Sorry you feel that way,Your right it is a shame, Keith should just come clean and answer the questions, did he sell us out and did he put his friends in better positions at the cost of the membership, remember (onestly) we are talking about approx. a dozen or so members that are bad apples so no way does this in any shape or form reflect the YPD,600 PLUS members doing a great job except for a few ,and this has to be addressed because if you are following this story our so called leader has not made a public statement or even addressed the membership at last weeks meeting, so unfortunately we have to go public to make him respond and correct what he did to us, Did he sell out his vice-president??did he try to write up a captain, did he put his own personal interest above the unions best interest????
To the Yonkers resident and Community Leader who posted; in a perfect world you would be right and you make a good point Sir. But you are missing the point, one cop did stand up at a meeting and the same cop did try to run against the current union leader. But this is not a perfect world by far, and the same union leader that everyone is upset with did everything in his power to make that cop’s life miserable for speaking up and stepping up against him. Including setting him up and trying to get him fired. We respect your opinion Sir, but sometimes things need to be handled unconventionally. Thank you.
Shame, shame, shame! Shame on all of you for airing your grievances online and not in person at union meetings. I am a Yonkers resident and community leader and have never seen this type of divisive behavior from Yonker’s Finest. Don’t you realize that you will weaken your own position by infighting publically? How will you be able to negotiate a contract now when the topic is “OLD NEWS” perpetuated by disgruntled members? Your recourse, if you are not happy with your leader is to vote him or her out, but until then keep your feelings “close to the vest” and have some class. God Bless and stay safe out there.
Why aren’t the Higher Ups doing anything about this Guy Who has a “Beef”?!
This Guy Rats on a Guy for Ratting, who’s the corrupt one here?
I think the Guy who wrote the article is!
I can’t believe this is going on for so long and no one is doing anything about it.
Something is not on the level and it isn’t who you want it to be.
Residents of Yonkers read the comments carefully, it is clearly evident who the real
culprit is and it stands on the person who wrote this article.
Be weary of the smiling cat……..
For they blame everything on a Rat!
fuck off knock it off your boy asked for this ,it was a matter of time for the water to boil, you are a KO lover, the chickens are coming home to roost, now fuck off………..
The Union leaders, and the city political leaders need to see who Keith Olson is. They need to stay inform, to protect their members from Olson, and themselves. This crusade is against Olson, and only Olson. He use to be protected under Hartnett. Now you have to answer to the YPD members. they will judge you soon. So start packing your bags, and don’t forget your chunky cheese….cheese lips
hey deepthroat you asshole…..not saying I agree…… saying fight behind close doors this is not for the public to see…….
Olson is the worst ever, he has posted more comments than most, and then he goes around asking for help. What you said and did to certain individuals from all unions in this city is not acceptable. Perhaps you should consider stepping down for all the lies you have told about members of the YPD. Why is it that 99.9 of the personnel on this job mistrust you? Yeah, it has to do with cheese…that a boy Mr.O
LOL LOL LOL, I like K.O’s thinking.. “Never mind that I’m humping you now… you weren’t complaining 20 years ago when we had a real union leader.” LOL, pretty funny. Seriously though K.O. give it up.
I don’t know what’s more stressful reading this blog or watching the Stanley Cup Finals ROTFLMAO! Everyone should knock it off!
Be safe and as always……stay thirsty my friends!
Are you for real Keith??? I don’t know why you are referring to anything from the 90′s but nobody is complaining about the union leader from back then. In fact, nobody is complaining about any past union president you Fat Idiot! But you bring up a point that is worth mentioning. If the union leader back then helped out a member, that’s what he (or she) is “supposed” to do, get it. I don’t think you get the concept. You continue to paint a picture that the “Union” is being criticized, when you know it’s YOU that everyone is complaining about, not the union. Remember, the members make up the union; YOU are ruining the union with your selfish, corrupt methods of dealing with issues. It’s YOU Keith, not the union. As a union president you forgot what your job is,.. Fucking over union members was not in the oath you took. And I’m pretty sure that being a Rat is no where in your job description either! You are ruining our job you selfish Rat.
I guess it was ok when the union leader brokered a deal to get you back on the job in the 90′s right Montero? Fucking selfish asshole.
Those who wish to contest any “facts” herein are asked to do so by directing email to Blue Truth.
I think the only one here that is crazy from what i read is how does the union leader try to jam up 2 bosses???Unheard of yet its in the story.How does the union leader broker deals and gets away with it???The YPD I think is one of thee finest arround I am proud of the Commisioner and his team,I see this Department coming arround and morale is getting better unlike when hartnett was there,I also think Mayor Mike Spano is doing a great job,especially when he appointed Gardner to lead this great force,,but there remains a few bad apples that have to be dealt with,so dont try to make me look bad or try to get some pity fron others for the situation your in,you sow what you reap.GOD BLESS THE YPD!!!
hey knock it off, go fuck off! where was your big mouth when ko sold us out?? where was your big mouth when he got ray written up??you want us to knock it off let our leader respond to the story and maybe we just might let it go, in the mean time it wont end the pain will continue…………..
seriously how do you like your cheese sliced or in chunks??????
This job is done…. all you disrespect punks that call yourselves cops are a disgrace….no one should ever be let into OUR cirle of blue from the outside. Our fights should be between us and in private. You guys are weak from both ends of this. No matter which side you are on… one should be bad talking the PBA pres or Det Capt’s or anyone else on the job…..You new guys have no respect for senior men (bosses or cops). Guys with no time running their big fucking mouths. You ruined OUR job and this is the beginning of the end. This has weakened us ALL of the jobs in the tri-state area are talking about this. You new guys (bosses as well) and when I say new I mean even if you have 5 years don’t know what it was like to be proud to call yourself a Yonkers Cop everyone wished they could be on this job you have made us look like assholes with all this and make us look weak. This job has become every man for themselves and the price to pay will be some ones job or maybe worse because no one cares……this goes for everyone involved with this not it the fuck off sit down and start new because if you don’t it will never end……….be safe
Broken Box
Off the topic a bit,I know PC Gardner is a great guy,
a gentleman, But even as a retired member,it pains me
to see that he actually promoted that Pilot, Orourke broad
to Detective. She, as I remember didnt even make the list,
but he and that prick EH sent her to SIU to work with Detectives
for 18 months for a shield. That should infuriate any working
patrol man or any one on the list who doesnt make it. She was
handed some ones spot who actually earned it. Shes been a secretary
her whole career, now a secretary Detective.. Disgraceful to say
the least!!!
Can you be any more “Mingy” than that Mo?
The Bull Shit artist, starring keith,”the bullshitter” Olson, coming to a precinct near you, stay tuned and just watch how he bull shits his way out of the mess he is in, nominated for a academy award winner.LOL
It’s simple… this is all because Mueller did not make commish or chief….he should get over it……alot of us put in for things and don’t get it thats the way of the world…..besides it’s a little strange that Mueller would still be crying about this it’s been over a year and a half……the other fight with Capt Itzla is only and like I said only because he would not let Moran write up Ray… why would the PBA pres be so upset about a Capt not allowing a Sgt to write up one of his members……. and that is why this is going on no other reason…..
Yeah you think if KO was an offensive lineman he could block Joe Klecko?
Olson put a leash on your brother in law. Dumb& Dumber= JD. just answer the article, and if you have facts submit them……anyone is smarter than you KO
After Montero got fired the first time, didn’t have have a checkered couple of years? Like getting collared? I know that’s true. There’s a fact for you.
I would love to see Mingy and Gerard run. Can you imagine how entertaining that would be? I may actually follow them around the precincts and make a documentary. I think Joe Spano is smarter than both those guys put together!
So the PC puts out an “order” to stop this embarrassing shit. Now there’s double the comments. Typical. Lets dis respect and shit on Gardner because he will do nothing, except try and fail. Fucking embarrassing. Especially with the skeleton or two in his closet.
Hey Mr. Olson, are you gonna stop by the firehouses too? We want to hear your speech. We’ll even give you some tips on working out.
Today I heard Mr. Olson will be at the third precinct to attempt to repair an image of deceit, lies, and his abuse of power by attacking his own members. His image in the city is one of mistrust, and his words as you can see spews hatred toward many different members, only supporting the article at hand. The point is that if you turn on any member of service, for any reason at all, you have failed as a leader. I have been retired for almost three years and I know the persons Mr. Olson keeps referring to. The truth is that Mr. Olson has misled you all into thinking that these brother officers would go on an offense like this if there was no validity to the article, or accusations. I personally heard, and watched Mr. Olson verbally attack other members of this department with out right lies. It is my opinion, a retired member of this department, is that Olson is no credible, and should not represent you. A view from a retired mos.
Soooo you want to know when KO will be in “your” precinct so you’ll make sure you’re NOT there? After taking the time to make more than 200 comments on this web site about what a fat cheese eatin’ failed leader he is and you can’t gather your 500 Blue Truthers to let him have it when he shows up?
You guys are nothing but a pathetic bunch of weasels led by the biggest 14b phony the YPD has ever known.
So when do we get the honor of seeing Keith here in the 4th? When is it our turn? I want to make sure I go extended so I don’t have to hear more lies. Keith you really disappointed us, even guys that didn’t want to believe what was being said about you can’t look at you anymore. All the facts are coming out and you don’t look good my friend. Hate to say it but our union is worthless now under your care. You used your friends who are bosses like puppets for all the wrong reasons. After you let Hartnett take our job apart without a fight, you got him to put your two friends Mueller and Moran in charge of Special Investigations, and your other buddy McAuley second in charge of Internal Affairs. Then you got Moran and Mueller to sandbag Ray not once, but twice. And you got McAuley to back them up in I.A.D. as if it were a founded complaint. You were the puppet master. All was great in your world, you ruined cops careers at will, you had all the angles covered. That is until the new Administration took over; Mayor Spano and Commissioner Gardner saw your evil puppeteering act and the first thing they did was bounce Moran and Mueller from Special Investigations and your buddy McAuley bounced from Internal Affairs. Thank God they rectified that situation. You wanted to ruin Ray’s career and ended up ruining the careers of three bosses. Thanks to you, your puppets will never be taken seriously again. It’s ashame, most of us actually liked Mueller and Babe until they started being your puppets. I think you’ve done enough damage Keith, just walk away quietly.
KO nobody believes your lies anymore, get a mask and hide those whiskers.
Answer the facts hairball, you relatives got jobs with the city, and you set up cops and target other union members from other jobs. Did you give a call to the other union leaders before you started your unauthorized investigations into their members.
90% is good for me, this wont go away till dough boy answers the story
Foiafighta might just be right. It’s hard to believe that these dopey blue truhers could keep this going so long, then again they are 90% of the posts. Just saying
Stupid Cops
Hooked on Phonics didn’t work for Stubs.
It’s Gerard!!! NOT “Girard”
keith please make a comment about story its been over a week and your silence is deafening!!!
please take your brother inlaw for a psych eval asap!
Jerry Spano for Union President? you need balls for that job, only balls jerry knows are the ones bouncing off his ugly fat face
headquarters to shield 624 10-2 IAD……
How was this Guy ever allowed to become a Cop a second time around is beyond me. Instead of being greatful to get that “Second Chance” he chooses to wreak havoc, jealousy and hate. He doesn’t care about Unity within the Union, he never even cared about being a Rep or a Trustee! All he cares about is himself and getting back at the people who supposedly “Wronged” him. He is all about Image & “Title” and having his disciples doing his work for him, I bet those disciples are afraid of him too.
A Real True Blue Bully!!!
Sorry blue truther I am not Keith but you are still dumb
Girard can’t shine keiths shoes, but he could possibly fit in his pants!!
^ K.O. ^
Lol, your first sentence was already a lie! LMAO! “This is not Keith” ha, ha you are pathetic, we know it’s you, I just saw your stubby fingers typing in your office. You avoid answering the real issues K.O. This has nothing to do with next years election, RM is not even interested in doing that again, just respond to the allegations in the story. You can’t can you.
This is not Keith, just a guy who’s sick and tired of the crazies writing on here and the administration doing nothing to save the job from them. All you guys are doing is embarassing the members of the YPD looking to put ray in a spot where he was trounced in an election. And if anyone believes it was fixed you are as demented as the blue truthers.
a basic tenant of being a union boss is to negotiate a contract WELL WHERE IS It ? five going on six out please!
First, I’d like to second the motion to vote no confidence for the Fat One. Second, I’d like to nominate Gerard for President, at least our Commissioner and the Mayor love him. They despise Keith. And lastly, Keith you keep asking on this blog for someone to say what you did to a Capt. That’s because you want someone else to put it out there what he was accused of (which is false I might add). You know what you did Keith, the entire CLS knows what you did, and some of your executive board knows what you did. You kept it from the Trustees and you kept it from us members. And this is why you are isolated from the rest of the department, you cannot be trusted. You are a Rat.
When are ray and the blue truths going to answer questions posed here? If ray wants to be a leader maybe he can show KO by answering the questions he’s been asked? Just saying.
part 2 of Blue Truth coming out this week will make him say the truth
Can you at least let us know what he will be responding to regarding the accusations of ratting out bosses? If we don’t know what he said how will we know if he is telling us the truth?
Let keith address the story that will clear everything, make a statement keith members deserve that at least.
Again if RM is such a great cop how could he let the dopey friends of KO set him up? Not once but rwice, not too bright I guess. And what exactly were the accusations of the capt he ratted out? Inquiring minds want to know.
Why would he run for prez? He’s in a great no show spot with unlimited no show OT…. Think ppl. Think
he was at the last one!!!!!new change is coming members hang in there God Bless YPD!!!
Gerard for pres? When was the last time he was at a meeting? Half the dept doesn’t know who he is, a sad day for YPD.
The Jets invited Kellen Winslow to tryout. I hope he makes it and signs with the Jets. I like Kellen Winslow you? Remember when his dad played for the Chargers and they squished the Fish in a overtime playoff classic? I think it was 1982. That’s one of my favorite all time games. You?
keith you should step down and address this story there are serious accusations that we need to know if its true, I make a motion of no confidence who seconds, all in favor………….
when are you going to make a comment on this article mr president? Inquiring minds want to know………….
PS. When you come to the 4th don’t tell us how great our Capt (your only friend) is. Be prepared to tell us the truth. Did you set up RM twice, did you rat out a capt, did you sell us out to Hartnett in exchange for hooking up your friends, etc. answer the real questions.
When does K.Os Propaganda Tour start? K.O says hes coming to a precinct near you this whole week to try to cover up his pile of shit. Keith you are so insecure and full of shit. Here we go again, you’re feeling insecure so you feel you need to come and lie to us in person. You are a clown, we don’t want to see you unless you have a contract for us. Let me guess, you’re gonna tell us Ray started this blog, and he’s a 14b, and it’s shameful. You’ve already said it 100 times in your postings, save your breath. Who are you bringing with you this time? Eddie? No he ain’t going with you, how about Mike Mueller, no he doesn’t like being around you anymore. Take Politopolous and plant him in the crowd so he could ask you the questions you hand fed him like a puppet. You are a fat lying loser!!!
I don’t think IAD, Street Crime, Narco and SIU were working last night, genius. Just saying
Yes Keith, all those posts were posted after midnight like you pointed out. That’s because real cops work real hours you Fat loser! They worked until midnight and post after they got home you idiot! You wouldn’t know about that because you sleep until noon, come into the office for 3 to 4 hours then leave and have a huge dinner paid for with your “expense” account. And you get to collect two full salaries you miscreant!!! You ruined our job, just leave already!!!
just got a text from last night seems like we may soon have a new leader.
Do we have to spell it out? Just look at these postings, their “names” and times. 0141, 0145, 0147, 0148, 0150, 0152, 0154, 0155, 0157, 0159, 0201, 0204, 0205, 0207, 0208. RM or whoever this is has gone completely off the deep end, YPD is completely aware and they do nothing.
Tha administration of the PD won’t do anything about this because they are too busy covering up and protecting a few. THAT’S THE REAL BLUE TRUTH. MAYBE TIME FOR SOME OF THAT?!!!
Wowwwww! Someone has seriously blown a gasket. How is the YPD not doing anything about this 14B?
If the administration cannot see someone has totally lost it, they are either blind or are supporting this. Help him and that will help the job.
MINGY we are behind u!!!!!!!!!!!
gerard PBA pres Minggy vice pres!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MINGY vice pres!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
all ypd members report to 53 parkhill private celebration kO is buying with union credit card
gerard best wishes just got text
just got a text is gerard gonn do theis Go Gerard!!!!
Gerard were going to miss you
I was gonna retire not no more…………..
GERard next PBA pres………….
Go Gerard !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!we are all behind you
YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO gerad is gonna run bye fat boy
justgot craxy texyt is gerard runnung
GS please run take this guy out to pasture,you where supoose to runlast time you backed out…………….
is it true gerard?your gonna run against douygh boy??
keith is it really true my dues are going towards a 1500 moth coffee machine 18k ayear on coffee?????tell those mofos buy there coffee on the street its cheaper
me to im sick and tired of this bullshit please keith tell us what is going on is it true you have been quiet passed by your office but you where yelling at some one,you owe us.
just got home Ray the guys love you wish u the best take this so called leader and tell him 5 fucking years no contract???? any cop that has half a brain knows something is wrong,
keith do you sleep well?
Ladies and gentleman of the YPD keith and his losers will soon be exposed in yet another part of Blue Truth story is unfolding stay tuned my friends, the best is yet to come,keith take a double dose of what ever your doctor prescribed your going to need it…………is that red car around????
Just finished giving editor some more fact about how our leader dismembered out department PART 2 Blue Truth ,keith didn’t you put up trainor to try to take Hodges out in election for vice pres,in cls ????you only got 11 votes out of 123 members???you are done cooked useless, no steam at all the train is out of keith give it up you are the laughing stock of the department, the rookies starting the job are laughing at you, did you see the red car today while you out and about…………keith why are the monthly meetings so low in attendance??? why was your dinner dance a major flop???you are the worst leader in history, please give the MOS an explanation do you have an open investigation on you,yes or no????did you sell out the union yes or no??? do you like cheese sliced or in chunks????inquiring minds want to know
keith answer the story stop deflecting what’s going on……members want to know…………did you or did you not???????
Eddie is not in question, and he sure was not the best we had, he was good but not the best, stop drinking the keith aid……..
Hmm, the fat rat and his friends can’t seem to redeem themselves. Olson is about to kick off his precinct tour, and will most definitely put a lie on top of another. Here are some question you should ask; do you have any pending IAD investigation, did you tell on any supervisors, for any reason, are your two sad sack rat friends still investigating cops….do you still have copies of any cops personnel file…something I heard you say openly at a meeting. OH, can you get an reference letter, and I said “reference letter” from more than one Captain, how about three lieutenants, any Chiefs, or any past or the currents PC…..AH……just what I thought ….you rats are not the main stream….
That’s what happens when “The Man” has all the power.
The best PBA President that we ever had was a man by the name of Eddie Lee Armour.
Eddie was the best…do any of you remember Eddie EVER being accused of any wrong-doing, corruption, selling out his members, getting his sister a job in City Hall, or most important of all being called a RAT?? Me neither.
Sometimes Eddie was in a grumpy mood, which was the worst thing I ever heard anyone say about him.
Maybe most important of all, Eddie had the RESPECT of his members, the CLS, YFD, and City Hall.
R-E-S-P-E-C-T….Aretha Franklin wrote that song for you BROTHER!!
Come on “honest cop” you brought it up, let’s hear his side. It should be very amusing. He signed off on it, so let’s hear what he has to say. And don’t start with all the conspiracy stuff, just the facts. If he was so tough and such a great cop he should not have been so easy to fool and just sign off the way he must have. Never heard of any appeals on the matter. So it seems he knew his goose was cooked and he put his tail between his legs and shuffled off.
SOMEBODY went through a whole box of tissues writing those last two posts…..lmao!!!
Why don’t you just spell out what it was that he did to get transferred, maybe his lawyer buddy could write it for him, birds of a feather.
By the way cause I cant keep this in any more,wasnt it you keith that got ray transferred out of siu?he lost 40 hours sat on a desk for a year,and wasn’t it you that made a complaint about him campaigning while he was suppose to be sick at home,but had clearance?I don’t want to go on but with 21 years on the job the way I see it ray got sand bagged by you as orchestrating the whole thing, you had your boy write him up, how can you do that? ,that guy broke you in taught you how to be a cop, guess you didn’t learn from him, the way I see it is ray is a good street cop he is respected by the majority f members, worked in a lot of units, and you too keith was a good guy at one time, what happened???guess when you ousted taggart the power trip made you forget your real friendship thinking about retiring cant keep working with out a contract for 5 years and it doesn’t look like we a getting one anytime soon, so focus on your job helping out all the MOS not just a hand few, and im waiting for your response to this story or write the editor I save you time here is his email
starting today we should try to keep the negative out, we have a good department run by a good commissioner, appointed by a good mayor, please keith can you put and end to this story and make a comment either privately to your members, or write to the editor hezi your response, you owe it to your members so far you have been just attacking the comments, attack the story, its no secret that you don’t like ray and ray doesn’t like you, even though ray broke you in, and you got him transferred out of siu,bad enough you didn’t back him when he went against you for vice pres,and he won handily against your pick,Please everyone lets just focus on storyand only story for the love of the job,we are waiting keith please make a statement GOD BLESS YPD!
Ever notice how ray and rat, ray-rat, are almost identical? I don’t think it is coincidence. Just sayin.
Hey Jackie, “Where my Marvin and Vinnie at?” But you nalied it, crazy as a shit house rat, rat get it.
I want Cartagena to run again. We all get a kick out of him when he starts crying. I’ll bring a big box of tissues. Better than a movie
There’s a new trend in the 3rd Pct these days. It’s not planking or twerking. It’s called “The Montero”. The cops sit around and try to be as 14B as possible. When someone says something stupid we call them “Montero”. Matter of fact , going to a 14B job the other night, we renamed it Monteroing. So far we haven’t found anyone as crazy as Ray. But it’s catchy and even the cops in the bee hive 2nd Pct have joined in. Thanks Ray. Pleas continue with these insane rants. It’s fun! We even have your picture posted!
Ray nobody is buying your crap except your little cowardly rat pack. I have not heard one cop say anything negative about KO but the same can’t be said said about you and the others who actually did go to IAD pisssing themselves.
I don’t get it you Fat Rat… you cry to the Commissioner about the postings on this site, he puts out a memo asking people not to post in order to satisfy you (you were the only one complaining). Then you go and post 6 more postings?? You need a head shrink. Better yet, you need a body shrink! You continue to be a Fat Rat, once a Rat always a Rat.
^^ K.O. ^^
The last few posts have reached all time lows. Congrats to those responsible. You have accomplished nothing but shaming yourselves and a proud PD. At the end of the day it doesn’t matter if we know who you are, because YOU know who YOU are.
The ghosts of Jimmy, Barci, John Salerno, and Pagnozzi are going to haunt you tonight Keith….watch out.
I wont talk about Jimmy God rest his soul,keith couldnt shine his shoes,but he never did like keith that i know for sure,so the above posting is true,Lets stay on topice i notice at the end of story,that if any one of Those who wish to contest any “facts” herein are asked to do so by directing email to Blue Truth, its on bottom of story.keith you owe the members a statement about what is going on,the longer you dont respond the more it looks bad.GOD BLESS YONKERS FINEST!!!
Outraged MOS is 100% correct on that one KO got caught.RIP Jimmy
Wowwww!!!!! Keith this is an all time low even for YOU!!! I can’t believe you want to throw Jimmy McCabe’s name in this mess you’re in!! You are amazingly despicable!! So now you’re saying that the money that was taken from your office was the money we raised for Jimmy?? That’s amazing and it’s the first time you ever said that to anyone!! You are a pathetic liar!! The guy who took “change” out from your desk was only charged with petit larceny (small amount of money), yet you never paid Jimmy thousands and thousands of dollars we raised for him. You really are a pathetic LIAR to come up with that sorry excuse now!! Poor Jimmy is resting in peace and you want to try to gain our sympathy for your greed by bringing his name in this? Shame on you! Why were you “holding” onto Jimmy’s money in the first place?? You had it for several months and never even told Jimmy you had it. It wasn’t until Ray Montero exposed you and shamed you into fessing up to having Jimmy’s money that you finally decided to let Jimmy know we raised money for him. Remember Keith, it wasn’t until after Ray Montero went around the precincts telling everyone that you have Jimmy’s money that you had to do something; so that’s when you finally gave the cash to someone to give to Jimmy. You didn’t even have the decency to bring it to Jimmy himself because you were embarrassed that you got caught. Remember what you said back then? I remember, you said “I was waiting for the right time to give it to him.” You are disgusting! what were you going to wait until he passed away?? Even when you finally gave him the money, it was only half of what was raised, where’s the rest? The “petty larceny” that occurred in your office was much, much later. I know why you weren’t going to tell Jimmy how much money we raised, you knew he was no fan of yours and that is the honest truth. Jimmy McCabe was a great guy, a great cop and very tough. Just like Ray, Jimmy never took your shit and that always bothered you. It also bothered you how close Jimmy was with Ray. They were friends before this job, they worked together in Corrections for over 5 years before being cops and they worked together as cops here in the YPD. Maybe that’s why you made poor Jimmy wait so long to get his money. Maybe that’s why Ray had to shame you into finally giving it to him. If you’re going to bring up a great man’s name like Jimmy McCabe on here, then for God sake say the truth. Fact is Ray did everything he could to help Jimmy in his final year or so. Ray drove Jimmy to therapy in NYC on a regular basis in his own personal car and on his own time for several months, what did you do Keith? Ray was standing outside Jimmy’s room when the nurse came out in tears just as Jimmy passed on. Where were you Keith? You have a lot of nerve bringing Jimmy’s name into this mess. The way you are trying to exploit a man whom you know disagreed with the way you’ve conducted yourself is deplorable to say the least. Let Jimmy rest in peace, please.
You know what i dont want to go in circles ask IAD what they got on all 3 of them,Again the leader has not made a statement at last weeks meeting and I think he should of reguarding the story,also reguarding the text he sent out, why did it say to “lets meet outside jursdrication and off duty” in my opinion that is considered a threat especially when you dont have a freindly relationship,with the sender,God bless YPD!
Anybody who worked with Pappas in the 3rd knows he was known for smiling in your face and then writing about you on the barhroom wall. KO showed me and a bunch of us the text. There was no threat I think it said he wanted to talk to him. Ask him about it I bet he will show you the text too.
Pappas I believe received a indirect threat from our leader,and followed procedure ,protocol and filed a complaint with IAD and i believe also that our leader tryed to conduct a unauthorized investigation into a capt based on hours worked and that captain filed a complaint,but the best person is to ask our leader he knows everything,It is my opinion that based on this discussion,our leader should make a comment about these allegations here in the storyand set the record straight,so far he has been quiet on these allegations reported in the story ,i wonder what he will do when part 2 comes out soon.God Bless the YPD
Lets be nice. R u kidding? These skels like Montero and Pappas throw one nasty lie after another out there and defend mutts that steal from a dying cops fundraiser and now you wanna play nice. I wanna hear more about Pappas going to IAD and the Det Captains allegations. That’s what I wanna know about.
Guys lets all be nice I say the best thing to do is our leader should make a public statement reguarding the facts of this story and that should put everything to rest usually when a story accusing a public official of this type of behavior,they put out a press release to clear the smoke or to defend there actions ,which one is it gonna be????And agian the Y.P.D. is doin a great job protecting and serving our city,along with the commisioner and our Mayor ,GOD BLESS !
Those are 2 facts. Pappas def went to IAD. A boss on a cop. Spineless. Would you expect nothing less from him? And that other guy, his is coming down the pike soon. Lets leave it at that.
So Ray defends a guy who steals money from a cops cancer fundraiser and Pappas and Itzla both make internal affairs complaints about cops. Who’s the real cheese eater?
This off the wall lunatic has been ranting and messing with cops AND THEIR FAMILIES on this shit blog for months now. Jimmy McCabe…….that should be the last straw. What a disgraceful lunatic. Guy needs EAP like this place has ever seen.
So now this asshole Montero is complaining about a dirty DPW worker stealing money from a desk that was marked “Jim McCabe Cancer Fund” ???? Can you get any lower you fucking skell??? That DPW worker deserved getting fired AND should have taken a beating for stealing Jimmy’s money. YOU ARE AN ASSHOLE RAY MONTERO!!!!!
Ray are you defending the guy who broke into the PBA President’s desk and stole money from an envelope marked Jimmy McCabe Fundraiser?
Sounds like your union leader is what I see early in the morning in the trash can. We know that you posted on your Facebook one of our members actions after you had him arrested, and fired for petit larceny. Imagine that I thought I have seen some big rats in my day, Hey also heard your friends in the article investigate firefighters from that left over Mayor Amiclown.
Hey Ray, what were your charges for? And what was the outcome? If they were bogus you must have been cleared. What happened? And what about that Det. Capt? What did he do? Who made complaints about your leader? It’s time we got some real blue truth.
It WOULD be really interesting to see him led outta headquarters in handcuffs! Maybe next week? I know the entire detective division would celebrate like it was New Year’s Day
Screw that Detective Captain. Moc, Camp, his own squad of guys despise him. Even his own Chief thinks he’s a joke. Matter of fact, the IG has found his history very interesting. NOW THERE’S SOMETHING TO TALK ABOUT!
He got a member written up on bogus charges,and tryed to jam up a det.capt,go to IAD office they will tell you.or better yet ask the leader does he have at least 4 IAD complaint/investigations ???
There’s tons of accusations being tossed at the union leader but no one wants to say what he accused these superior officers of? Seems strange to me.
Who are the bosses and what did they do? What were they accused of?
Informer, aka Deep Throat? Anyone?
What’s the blue truth on that one?
our leader can answer that better than me.
I keep reading that someone tried to jam some bosses up. What did they do?
Inquiring minds want to know?
I think the only one here that is crazy from what i read is how does the union leader try to jam up 2 bosses???Unheard of yet its in the story.How does the union leader broker deals and gets away with it???The YPD I think is one of thee finest arround I am proud of the Commisioner and his team,I see this Department coming arround and morale is getting better unlike when hartnett was there,I also think Mayor Mike Spano is doing a great job,especially when he appointed Gardner to lead this great force,,but there remains a few bad apples that have to be dealt with,so dont try to make me look bad or try to get some pity fron others for the situation your in,you sow what you reap.GOD BLESS THE YPD!!!
I actually like the spanos they have nothing to do with the story,its the topic that needs to be addressed,not who gave it to the editor,The editor also is a good man,that verifys as much as possible before writting,so i say again,focus on what the story has to say about our leader.
What’s disgusting, is Keith Olson passion for targeting union members from all unions, his passion for being a compulsive liar, his lack of character, his lack of credibility, and a board that sits there and has no back bone. The only stalking that went on in the Police Department was from Olson, Moran, and J. Mueller. Just ask around. Call Harnett, ask him what he thinks, Keith…
Whoever Deep Throat is is obviously stalking the Spanos also. Maybe they can speak to somebody in e police department about it? This has been going on for months and really is disgraceful.
Can someone in this department read that Deep Throat comment and realize that mother fucker is talking like a crazy stalker? He DOES carry a gun! Pathetic……..
I love you mingy your my hero,not like those other zeros…lol
Mingy has my vote, a real cop. Never had any strings pulled for anything, mingy 2014.
It is my opinion that you and B.M., and J.M. never addressed the article. What is very apparent is that you, yes you Keith got caught going after your own members, C.L.S. members, and the most current professional third floor we ever had. Now you want to run all over the City pretending that your are the victim, when in essence you and your friends have attack good descent “cops” that do what you can’t do. it is apparent that you have lost the members confidence for eating your own. Mail call
Is it me or am I the only one that thinks Betty looks like Hugo Chavez??
what happened…………
Is Chia still chasing around that hair bag little skinny Hispanic cop with a day on the job…..just wondering.
no one has answerwed my question yet…..
And who cares about RM getting his job back that’s the problem with this job there are alot of screw balls that should have been fired along time ago…..
The law says, under our Constitutional rights, you can use the internet to voice your opinion about any person or public official whether or not that opinion is true or false. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” (US Bill of Rights, First Amendment) This story perpetrates whether or not our current PBA President, has current, active IAD investigations/complaints, at least four pending. Did he or did he not investigate a supervisor without authorization? Threaten all you want, you cannot legally obtain an IP address, many have tried it before and no court in their right mind would ever give that information out. (See attached link) Even if you were to illegally obtain the IP address (because you guys are experts at illegal acitivity), the address does not mean that the owner of that address posted the comment. An IP address is not a form of identification under US law.
Anyone with access to that computer or anyone who logged on with a wireless router could have used that IP address to post whatever they’d like. So don’t waste your time unless you are looking for a way to funnel money to our PBS lawyer (because I know you guys like to waste money, $1500 every month for a coffee machine, numerous dinner/restaurant charges, wining and dining friends, ect.) I think you guys need to focus on what this story is based upon. It is based upon our current PBA President being under investigation by IAD and selling out the union members for his personal friends and gain. By the way, is it true or not that at the last PBA dinner, only 115 members were in attendance? Under past PBA presidents, the dinner always had 450+ attendants, packed, standing room only. Is it true or not that our monthly PBA meetings have went from roughly 150-200 members down to 30-40 members? Is it true or not that his sister works in City Hall making $63,553 a year? We have been working for the COY for 5 years without a contract. Guess what? It doesn’t look like we will be getting one any time soon either. By the way, Blue Truth is not 5 members, 50 members or 100 members, Blue Truth speaks for over 500 members. Sleep tight. –
Keith the clock ticks, we know what you tried to pull at your last meeting ,it failed we know what you tried to pull off at the spanos residences last Saturday crying like a bitch,that failed, we know you better than you know yourself, the red car yesterday did it follow you all the way??,To day your friend was seen in city hall in the afternoon, even the officer in the front door post almost had to look twice, your friend running to the first floor looking like an expecting father soon realized that that plan today also failed, I know what you drank yesterday, I know what you will have for breakfast today, ,you are coming to the end of the road, there will be no signs to direct you, Your friends that tried to intervene last week, yesterday and, tomorrow cant help you, the pain must continue as to show you what it feels like as the pain you inflicted on others you FAT RAT, so as I close my remarks I have to ask you when you go to bed how long does it take you to close your eyes ,or do you wonder, what did I do???only 2 people know you did and that is the big guy above ,that’s right Keith God knows who you fucked over your lifetime, so if you have a hard time tonight sleeping or even if you do get some sleep look out your window and see if that red car is still there….red car is waiting to take you for a rough long ride ahead, cause the BLUE TRUTH lives…………..
Hola guyz, I am Carlito the server at Donwoodie gulf curse. I jus vant to say dat I wuz da guy servin at the meetin da other nite. I vant to clear up sumthin. I never serv the Grande Raton no chezburgers. He say to me “giv me two chezburgers with no burger and no bred, he only vant cheze. El Gordo keep say to me “give me cheze, cheze, cheze and more cheze pleez! Dat is what I give him. He berry hoppy with cheze.
I agree with Frank. Time to end the nonsense. I had a fun career full of shenanigans but enough is enough. Have fun my friends and be safe!
Of course as always…. Stay thirsty!
Help I’ve fallen and I cant get up!!!! lol
see what happens when you lie at your meetings,story back on top page dipshit,guess this confirms the story as a very solid one,you can run but you cant hide,lol
Stop fighting on here. Let’s fight to get RM (not the RM mentioned on here before) his job back. He is one of our brothers and we should fight for him. He got fired and he has a family to feed
Yes, we know ^Betty^ is doable.
^ Betty ^
How come no one is mentioning Lou V. What gives.
ko instead od 10 mlg of valium up it up a lil 20mlg should put you to sleep nite nite don’t let the bed bugs bite lol
With all due respect sir, we as a group of concerned officers cant refrain from not posting on this site, Unless our leader is bought up on charges that are currently under investigation by I.A.D,you know there is at least 4 investigations/inquiries pending, why are the investigations taking so long? Sir the pain will continue and part 2 will be coming out soon, as much as I would like it to stop, there are over 75% member’s that agree with us, either charges are bought up against him, or the saga continues, while the public that reads this story understands that YPD is doing a great job under your leadership and also that this does not involve the police department so to say, it actually involves one member in cohort with 4 other individuals that carried on illegal investigations of other members and also supervisors of this department, while we do not want to air our laundry out in the public, we have no recourse till he resigns his position or is bought up on charges, and sir this is the same individual who when our mayor asked who would you like as commissioner he replied in letter form
As A cop on the job for over 18 years 99%of our members like you, respect you, and agree you turned this Department around for the best, I wish you the best and stay strong, and let the chips fall where they may fall,
Blue Truth
Midnight Delivery PBA Pres. Olson, B.M., and cry baby J.M. You are arriving at the finish line in your careers. the members from this union, and other unions know what you have done to their members. So stop trying to squirm out of it, and know that you are caught in a trap. The criminals on the street have more honor amongst themselves. That is why soap and water can never cleanse your actions within this city. Therefore, get use to the long whiskers you all have.
Once a rat you never go back….
The kool aid and the dry burgers and the hot air that comes out of fat boys mouth I rather be at the dentist office for a filling because those meetings are just a waste of time, pure and simple what was done yesterday NADA except that our lawyer made some money on our dime, when fat boys tells us the mayor is going to give us a contract then I will be there,in the mean time take your head out of dough boys ass……extra cheese on my burger please
I’ll tell you who I want to negotiate my contract. The type of nut who blogs the same shit over and over and who’s afraid to show his face at a meeting, that’s who! Lol
I’ll tell you who I want to negotiate my contract. The type of nut who blogs the same shit over and over and who’s afraid to show his face at a meeting, that’s who! Lol
I’ll tell you who I want to negotiate my contract. The type of nut who blogs the same shit over and over and who’s afraid to show his face at a meeting, that’s who! Lol
sorry meant going
Members in the next few days our next chapter will be out, hope you refilled your prescriptions dough boy your boing to need them…LMAO
Guys, Keith doesn’t have to come on this site to answer these allegations, he owes this site nothing. He asked us all to come to the meeting in person and a lot of us did. Those of you who didn’t go ask someone who was there. I was there like many of you hoping to hear some answers about this article and mainly about the contract. Well we were all disappointed, after the big build up of getting a lot of us to attend we learned nothing. As usual no new news about a contract at all, same old stuff. But many of us were there hoping to at least hear Keith say that this Blue Truth article is not true, he couldn’t even say that. All Keith said was that we shouldn’t be airing our dirty laundry on the Internet. That’s it? So the allegations are true?? Keith, by not coming out and assuring us that this story is false spoke volumes to us. There was no one there except for us members at the meeting, that was your chance to clear your name with us and you didn’t. All you did was try to bash the MOS you think helped contribute to the article, you never said the article is a lie. I am very disappointed, we all are. It is what it is I guess. Very disappointed.
You know those ballot boxes KO had control, they showed up almost an hour later at the precinct,ko is not that popular you know it and so does the rest of the members that’s why no one said a word when Doughboy mention rays name yesterday, Keith stole the election cause that’s what thieves do.I challenge doughboy next meeting do a vote for no confidence bet you he gets ousted RECALL KEITH !!!!
even simpler, are you taking about the numbers before keiths boys got to the box or after? Please everyone that has a pulse knew those numbers where played with or tampered
Fact, Keith wanted Mike Farina for vice pres Ray challenged him and beat him 3-1,imagine that 3-1 with the gran pupa behind Mike farina that’s all he got???
Fact/ Keith cant shine Rays shoes, Ray has more experience being a real street cop.
Fact/ worked more specialized units than keith
Fact/has 2 times more arrest than fat boy, plus double commendations and awards
Fact/Ray is better looking than Keith lol
Fact/hey rookies or confused ones just ask your supervisor about the 2 no choice is simpler Ray is the guy I want backing me up going a stairway in the projects fat boy cant get up a flight quick enough
Fact/keith wont run again because this time ballot boxes will be watched and handled by outsiders.
Fact/ray broke in keith taught him how to be a cop.
Bottom line ask any supervisor who they would want on a back up ray or fatboy????good night its simple ray is the man!!!!
you ate chixx b b q fat boy burgers drank beer ? where are the percents of the contract.five years out five years ?? nigga please ! show me some beef
^ Betty ^
What were the results of the 2012 election.? Do the math boys, give it up now. Move on
Keith just answer what the story says ,dont worry who BLUE TRUTH is you are on the line of fire your members of the union deserves a answer
he got a big XTRA cheesy burger because rats love cheese.Keith answer the questions that this news articles says about you,dont waste your time worrying who it was that revealed the facts!!!
Here is what you missed last night:
Andy giving a 101 lesson in how contracts are done.
A good question about what’s on the table.
Extra spear ribs for the big guy to take home for a late evening snack.
An oh, we can’t talk about the contract.
Then lastly, Olson thinking everyone in the room was retarded, because he said the news media revealed its source, and again could not help himself from spewing names, and lies.
Then he got to eat a big cheesy burger..on the members dime.
KO+3Ms=I.A.D. keep Quinn nearby….lol
liar liar pants on fire
Guys, please stop blogging this filth! I’m working a Day Tour tomorrow and have to get some sleep! I don’t want to miss anything, so continue throwing bombs tomorrow after 3pm! Good night
Oh, and Keith, I had to leave before your speech at tonight’s meeting and I missed almost all of it. So what ever you said…. it’s a LIE!!! All you do is lie to us.
wow after all the texting all the begging all the crying our leader barely reached 110 members tonight,-18 exec.board-minus on duty(only there for the BBQ)poor showing especially that he was blowing hot air last 24 hours, Keith BLUE TRUTH is over 500 members, if you had any support you would of had 50% turnout.You shouldn’t be concerned about BLUE TRUTH you should be concerned about what the editor wrote
If you are so great and a good leader address the story don’t go around trying to deflect by saying it was Ray that wrote this address the story not who is behind it you FAT FUCK!!
p.s.lots of the new guys there tonight that normally don’t attend just wanted to see how you address the current situation you are in,guess what they think you are sinking………bye bye RAT!!
Embattled Olson only managed to muster up a few more members then usual, luring them in with no news on a contract that is headed into its fifth year. However, he managed to slip in one more lie at the end of his meeting throwing out a members name, like the units he use to tell Hartnett were not needed. WOW, do you really think it will change anything. Olson, once a rat, always a rat. You just can’t stay away from the cheese.
I know what the expenses are 50% will be restaurants and bars no doubt about it ,hanging out with his 3-4 friends on our dime,1800 a month on that piece of shit coffee machine,must be related to one of board members……….bombs away!
Lets face it Keith, you and your buddies are exposed. Your Uncle Harnett is no longer around to clean up your mess. Word has it you can no longer represent the membership in a legitimate manner. Your arrogance most definitely brought you down and hurt the membership. You can not blame the city for no contract.
P.S. We would all like to see you publically release your PBA expenses for the last two years. Line by line.
Yo mo for president !!!!! 2013
Looks like you hate KO with a Passion, it’s quite disturbing.
I think Your the Bad Egg!!!!
Ballot tampering????? This sounds like sour grapes to me, let it go boys
Great idea!!! I will run for president, as long as I get to have all my friends handle the ballot boxes and drive them to the 1st precinct in their personal cars, and show up 45 minutes later. Great idea! I know, they had to stop for cheese for Ol’ Fat one! Can’t get enough cheese. Large greasy Rat!!
Yea you can get that deal – run for pres you dipshit!!!!!
All you guys are wrong about Keith, he doesn’t just look out for himself and his close friends! He looks out for his sister too! Didn’t he get her a job at city hall recently? Hmmm looks mighty fishy Keith. Still no contract for us while you take care of yourself. And by the way, the city pays you a full detectives salary and us union members pay you an additional 50k a year to be our president, so how do you show up to work at noon and leave at 4pm?? You get two salaries and only work half a day. I like your deal, can we all get that deal? Just saying.
This is the 3 PCT bathroom wall all over again!
The only thing missing is Matt R washing his ass in the sink
Just got a text about tonight’s meeting, I usually don’t go since the last couple of years there is no reason to go, all KO does is blow hot air, no contract for over 5 years is enough to wonder why do I keep paying dues, but I am going to ask him for our monthly statement credit card bill for the last 12 months, want to see what he does, also I want to ask him do we need to spend almost 2000 dollars a year on a fucking coffee machine bust my ass for this guy to spend on our dime things have to change see you tonight, and watch what you say might be a couple of recorders in there.
Is Chia still chasing around that hair bag little skinny Hispanic cop with a day on the job…..just wondering.
I’m not gonna jump on any band wagon and call anybody names, I don’t think it’s right to do so in public or in this forum. I will say this, I backed Keith all the way. When Ray stood up at a union meeting and started to put Keith down I was one of the guys that stood up for Keith. I thought Ray was way out of line for bashing Keith at a union meeting, and honestly I didn’t believe any of what Ray was saying to us back then. It wasn’t until many months later that my eyes opened up and I started to see for myself what Ray was talking about. My eyes opened up when Keith came to our precinct and asked all of us to rally for Capt. Mueller because he was being transferred by the Commissioner. He wanted us to knock on doors and get businesses to petition against the Commissioner and Mayor so that Mueller wouldn’t get transferred. That opened a lot of our eyes, why was Keith so hell bent on getting us to help his friend. Mueller is not even in our union, last I checked he’s a boss in the CLS, why didn’t the CLS help him? That’s when I remembered what Ray was saying many months ago…. Keith is only out for himself and his friends. I remember Ray saying Keith used his close friends Mueller and Moran to try to get Ray suspended or fired (don’t remember exactly). And here Keith was fighting to keep Mueller from being transferred. It started to make sense. I know of a bunch of cops (PBA members) that were forced to transfer and Keith never did anything for them. Solid guys like Merante and Walsh were forced to transfer for no good reason, the list goes on. There were no rallys for any of them? Keith simply said there was nothing he could do to help them. Makes us all wonder. I actually feel bad for not listening to Ray back then. That’s not the only inconsistency we noticed with Keith, but this is not the right place to point out the rest. At the next PBA meeting I really hope it doesn’t turn into a name calling shouting match, that’s getting old. I just want to hear Keith explain if this story is true or not, that’s all. Actually, here’s an idea… forget about helping out your CLS friends and get us a contract, do you remember what a contract looks like? 5 years without a raise! I’d vote for Mickey Mouse at this point if he could get us a contract. Lastly, to the former MOS who wrote that past PBA presidents got favors for their friends too, you have to clarify that atleast they never did it at the expense of selling us out.
heard the same thing,im just going for the beer and burgers, but I will be recording the meeting to see what he has to say, because at this point I believe in blue truth, after talking to my supervisors they say its all true,nothing but the Blue truth
I just received a text that seems to be circulating around the precincts about attending tomorrow nights union meeting. After what I read of what our union president and his good Harnett hold overs did to our own members he is not worthy of my presence. After all why listen to another spewed lie.
Of course he knows the difference, the yellow tail is a much better personally I drink beer .
I just want to say a few things about BP. In my unit he was respected by the fellow supervisors and cops who worked for him. He went out of his way to help cops and at no time did he ever try to hurt a cop.
The only thing negative I have to say about BP is that he wouldn’t know the difference between a Vintage 1951 Penfolds Grange Hermitage and a 2012 Yellow Tail Merlot.
Looks like our leader was crying the blues yesterday at the spanos residence, little does he know they are all laughing behind his back, no one will help, no one can help you, but just maybe ,just maybe the 2nd floor at St.Joes psych ward maybe able to medicate the condition you are feeling, its called fucking over the members syndrome (FOTMS) lol,perhaps some Zoloft or Prozac may take the edge off, but I hear when 2nd part of Blue Truth come out,you will really flip and may need something a lot stronger possibly some lithium
apprehended missing EDP transferring to St.JOes
What game you think Geno Smith will be the Jets starting QB? I think by week 5 you?
Seems like the ones sprewing hate against this one guy, are the ones to watch out for.
These guys seem like they have some wrinkles in their shirts. Just sayin….
Members of the department- please try to understand what this is all about. It’s about a leader who ratted on a cop and two bosses, then tried to get him fired. 99.9% of the members are doing a great job each and every day, breaking their asses to make this city a fine place to work; but when our leader tries to undermine us and sell us out for his own agenda, it’s plain as day that it’s just completely wrong. Him and his six friends only think about themselves, their personal agenda and what benefits them. Meanwhile, our dues are being spent foolishly. Giving our lawyers more money than needed, a $1500 coffee machine in the office and unnecessary wining and dining, all on our dime. So please don’t let him try to spin this story. The blue truth speaks for over 99.9% of the department minus six of his friends who agree this leader needs to be exposed. God bless each and every one of you, hold your head up high and hopefully soon this departmnt will be what it once was under past PBA presidents like Charlie Cola, Paul Carozza and Al Portanova (RIP). At ease!
You guys are relentless! You have us all laughing our asses off! I am not a cop or a fireman, but I am a 456 union member. I was just turned on to this blog by another 456 member, I think it’s great for all sides to voice opinions. That being said, we don’t know how you cops made that fat hairbag your union president? He looks embarrassing every time he appears on television he looks like he just ate a dozen donuts. He does nothing but bash other unions which is not what he is supposed to do as a union person. He sent a long letter to city hall saying that the jailers are not necessary (they are 456 members) and how to save money by cutting supervisors (CLS union members). He put a picture of a 456 union member on his Facebook page gloating about his arrest, that was childish and un-unionlike. He made every union in the city hate the PBA, even the firemen hate you. I for one don’t hate the PBA, I know it’s just the fat hairbag who runs the PBA that’s the cause of all this dissention. You cops want to get your respect back, vote someone else in. Vote somebody like Pagano in, he represented the firemen like a professional and never bashed other unions like the fat guy does.
As I sit back and read this (very true) story, and the comments,I cant help but laugh at all the idiot cops who pay this union leader a lot of $$$ EVERY MONTH out of their union dues (stipend, cost of living, whatever u call it).And what does he do for you.? NOTHING!!. Oh wait, he did try to use YOUR DUES to advance his friend, who is NOT A COP, he is a BOSS! You cops deserve all you get from this guy, you voted him in. Say what you will about Carozza and Cola, yes they did take care of their friends, but they did not try to screw other cops in order to do so. big difference.
Ray is still “Campaining” on-this Thread?!
Ray is still “Campaining” on-this Thread?!
Ray is still “Campaining” on-this Thread?!
Have a wonderful weekend my YPD friends & of course as always……stay thirsty…..!!!!!!!
Be safe, healthy and don’t rat….. ROTFLMAO….!!!!!
hey dumb and dumber,if your cheese eating rat ass shows your real name they still wont show up just saying….
This story has more cops reading it than would show up at a PBA meeting while he runs the union,Fact’
cola and carozza never did what he did please don’t go there
I read the posting by the retired MOS and I have very similar feelings. I too am a retired MOS and do remember past PBA presidents who did similar antics as what Keith is being accused of. Getting favors for friends is a given, Yes it’s questionable but hey it’s always been that way. That doesn’t make it right but just wanted to put it out there that Carozza and Cola also made deals for their friends. So Keith I really don’t have a problem with that. The only difference I see here is that Keith crossed the line and broke the unwritten rule… Just like the other former MOS wrote, Keith I could remember you and Brian Moran loving Ray. Ray has always been a cops cop, no nonsense kind of guy, he was always tough as nails and lots of cops looked up to him including you. He even trained your buddy Brian Moran when Brian first came on the job. I don’t know what happened between you guys but it’s disappointing. The unwritten rule that you broke is this…. You are a cop first no matter what. All the bosses on the job (that I still keep in touch with) all say that you Ratted out Ray twice, and you had your buddy Brian Moran write him up twice and tried to get him off the job. I’m sorry Keith but that is unforgiveable, we don’t Rat out cops, especially since you are the union president? You’re supposed to represent the cops not try to get them fired. That’s where you crossed the line and I see why Ray is bitter with you. Then I heard that you went to City Hall and Ratted out Bobby Itzla and made a complaint about a discrepancy in overtime hours? I wouldn’t post this on here unless I was absolutely sure you did this, I don’t know what happened to you Keith but there are a lot of people unhappy with the direction you’re taking the union. No other union representatives before you would ever think of trying to get a cop fired. As far as Mueller, Johnny was a nice guy as far as I could remember, don’t drag him down with you. I think his reputation is hurt because of his connection to you. For what it’s worth, that’s my two cents. Take care guys, be safe.
no one is at the meetings, except for his bogus exec.board and maybe a few fresh rookies besides his stale few house plants that do his bidding, last time he had over a 100 members was when ray was vice prez,and ko tried to ambush him that’s just the facts folks and only the facts
Here’s a question for ya. Will all these brave bloggers like Ray and Mingy come to the PBA meeting on Monday to air their grievances or will they continue to sling mud hiding behind their computers?
cant negotiate our mayor doesn’t pay mind to our prez,also he bought him off with a job for his sister
shut the fuk up you over paid whiners and sit down and negotiate a contract
^ B. Dot ^
You are a good guy and I do like you allot but your arrogance is what bit you in the ass….it’s not so much what you did but it is your attitude, demeanor and the way you went about it is what pissed people off.
I for one was happy to see Taggert go. He was a disheveled and unkempt babbling idiot. The sight of him walking down the hallway was an embarrassment. John Mueller on the other hand, is everything that a police commissioner should be and I would have loved to see him as PC. Your plan backfired and we got Hartnett who didn’t give a fuck about any of us and as a result the Dept will never be the same again. It’s done.
I don’t blame you for trying to help your friends…that’s the way it is and every PBA President has done the same…should we get into what Carrozza and Charlie did to help their friends and family?? That’s “just the way it is” and I would have done the same for mine if I were PBA Pres.
That’s my 2cents…take it or leave it for whatever it’s worth.
As a side note with all this mess aside and blaming neither of you, I think what happened between you and Ray is a shame. You two were great friends and Ray was your mentor. You adopted allot of his “Style” demeanor, and MUCH of his terminology as well. I say this to you all…you/Keith, Brian, and Ray were such great friends and did allot of great work together so it’s a shame to see it all come to this.
I am a long retired MOS. I can tell you that although I admit that I do find this thread somewhat entertaining it is a huge embarrassment to the YPD….can you imagine what civilians reading this crap are thinking?? You all sound like a spoiled bunch of little bitches….can you imagine what professionals like Chief Rutledge or Joe Cassino would say?
Good God!
Sing it….And the bombs bursting in the air,gave proof to Blue Truth that the facts are still here,So say it aint sooooo, that KO is loooooow loow,…..etc
All you guys with 20 years or more
on and haven’t retired yet, Shame on you,
All I know is that the pension fairy made her
monthly visit last night, Thank you very much!!
FACT: off duty is blue truth
Again, Mr. Olson you keep trying to divert the issues. This is not a bash on the union, quite the opposite. We are all union members and would like our union run by people with integrity. This is many union members speaking out about YOU. Our union was once great until you came in and used the position to help yourself and small (tiny) group of friends. And you sold us out in the process. We don’t want a new union, us members are the union… we want you to stop selling us out. Plain and simple. Notice how you still haven’t denied the facts in the article. hmmm, makes us wonder.
Off duty didn’t you mean blue truth et al?
Seems Keith you have a real credibility issue in the city. You can look up all the quotes you want, but we all know you have not address the article. We all know that you have used the same tactics against your own including the third floor.
“The Ego, however, is not who you really are. The ego is your self-image; it is your social mask; it is the role you are playing. Your social mask thrives on approval. It wants control, and it is sustained by power, because it lives in fear.”
Someone wants to “Run” again.
It all makes sense now.
Starting early, gotta get that ball rolling.
He’s got nothing else.,
Empty suit with no integrity.
Oh Brother! Sad.
God is watching that’s all I can say.
Add Car 54 to the list
Ray, Bluetruth, Clark Kent, Insider, Just the facts and all of the other names you use, you are a pisser!
I forgot to say the beatings will continue unless moral improves…lol
Wait till you see next weeks Editorial,might have to increase the meds or change from zoloft to prozac.Looks like the pain will continue.
Keith , watch out. Car 54 might be your ” FB friend”
Smiles in your face and stabs you in the back.
Would be so great to get the IP addresses to these cowards.
I’m blown away.
The cyber mental illness and bullying is out of control.
And on the Tribune?!
I bet the citizens are reading this and are worried for their own safety.
A total damn shame and lack of respect.
This is an A.P.B… for E.D.P
Description of subject: Male, White Caucasian, late 40s approximate height 6’2 weight 470 lbs
Subject is under huge stress for the past week. Considered a self threat and may be suicidal, approach with caution. May have missed his meds.
Known work place is 104 South Broadway
Known hangouts are sushi bars on Riverdale Avenue, as well as Irish pubs in NYC. If you do see this person, please handle with care and admit to St. Joes, 2nd floor in Yonkers
Insider ,blue truth who ever let’s unite not divide . Move on everybody this is really really really sad . Stop the personal attacks if u have an issue settle it dont make it public
It’s forums such as this, breed segregation & hate. It’s really pathetic.
Bad Seeds are Just That, Bad Seeds. They Plant their seeds in fresh soil and that soil spoils the whole bunch.
Integrity & Loyalty are the Good seeds of a strong Union.
Losing Weight is Possible
Bad Seeds remain that, Bad Seeds.
If you don’t like this P.B.A start your own : P.B.A # 2 membership 6 good look boys. I am not KO way thinner
but the members are already split from a year ago,look at the monthly meetings less than 50 cmon always had way more than that,look at the last dinner less than 100 cmon cant wait till I get my 20 then im outta here
Again the blame goes to the P.B.A for units being cut .I think not. Blame the ones on top not the people who stand up for us . This is insanity we are brothers . If you are not happy in the P.B.A. Then leave you have that right don’t pay dues and when you fuck up your on your own. Don’t come crying for support because the true brothers in blue see you for what you are dividers and sore losers move on please .you hurt the whole department with this bullshit . Mr commish stop this shit
Where does this get us. Don’t blame the P.B.A for no contract blame city hall . These posts are petty bullshit trying to drive us apart that’s not a union stop fighting each other and unite. We voted K.O. In not anybody else so united we stand . Blue truth if you are a union guy support the union don’t try and tear it apart
Boys this is getting redicullous
Nope, I’m Not K.O.
Sorry KO he’s dragging u into this.
This whole Thread of Comments are Sad.
I’m for “Does it take a Police Officer to get Killed?”
wow now you want 3rd floor to stop whats going on???are you kidding me they are laughing along they know its all true!,by the way why doest he ask
for help fron the 3rd floor isnt that what he wrote to the mayor when the mayor asked him give me 4 choices for P.C. ??????? JUST THE FACTS FOLKS AND ONLY THE FACTS!!!
I just think its hilarious how Mr. Olson keeps changing his posting name each time he posts to make it seem like people are standing up for him. It really is funny and sad. Come on Mr. Olson, you’re not fooling no one. You keep trying to make this sound as if one cop has gone crazy and is attacking all the good the union does. Fact is the cop you keep calling crazy is right about everything he has said about you in the past, and he said it to you in person. But this article is not about him and it’s not about the union. It’s about YOU and how YOU have exploited your position to get your personal friends in cushy positions. I have read all your posts, and there were many because you keep changing your name. Not one time did you challenge the accuracy of what this story was about. Basically the question is did you sell out the members in order to get your friends in their positions? Did you conspire with the former Mayor’s Office to give up many specialized units without a fight in exchange for “favors” for your close friends? Those are the facts everyone is wondering about. All you keep saying is “the source of this story must be RM” and he’s this and that, then you call people cowards, etc, etc. But you never address the real issues the story is about, you want to divert everyone’s attention by calling cops crazy and challenging them to a fight. It seems your past is catching up to you and you resort to cursing and taunting people into sinking to your level. I know this posting is not going to make you come out and address the facts of this story. I am just glad that the new current administration has not fallen for your trap. Isn’t it ironic how you backed the new administration until your friend Mueller was not picked as Commissioner, then the new administration “sucks, and is gonna pay” according to you. You really are a pathetic lost soul. I really feel sorry for you.
Your Due for Blood Level Checks.
Your not on the “Level” and never were.
You are the contaminated cold sore that refuses to get ointment, you just mutate and infect the people around you.
Do we have to BEG the Third Floor to do something about this? What an embarrassment to the YPD. Where is the pride in that dept? Anybody want to make a stand and cut Rays bullshit off. It’s really shameful.
” The Ego is not who you really are. The Ego is your self-image; it is your social mask; it is the role you are playing. Your social mask thrives on approval. It wants control, and it is sustained by power, because it lives in fear”.
This Quote is perfect for the people who are the “Cancer” in a department that should be a Brotherhood.
I know Keith Olson is Exempt from this decription.
He has done nothing but good, and good is never enough for people who have agendas and breed hatred.
Look within yourselves and seek the peace you so lack.
Life is too short.
Yonkers Police Men & Women should come together for eachother and not only God forbid if you lose one.
Thats when Hypocrits will suface.
Sad & Heartbreaking to say the least.
Doesn’t mingy drive the mayor now???? Maybe he’ll get us some raises,boys…………….
As an observant person, who has heard about this thread for a very long time, I decided I would indulge into it and read it. Although I skimmed at first, I read about the “sell out plan” to undermine and replace Taggart with Mueller. Do you realize that makes absolutely no sense?
Taggart = Commissioner
Mueller = Lieutenant at the time
Do you realize he would have to become Captain before becoming anything above that? Your opinion”, “theory” “turn of events” or just blatant “bullshit” is just that, bullshit sir.
Obvioulsly you just moved to Yonkers. Charlie Cola, Police officer/patrolman. He was never promoted and yet he was Commissioner and that’s just a fact
As an observant person, who has heard about this thread for a very long time, I decided I would indulge into it and read it. Although I skimmed at first, I read about the “sell out plan” to undermine and replace Taggart with Mueller. Do you realize that makes absolutely no sense?
Taggart = Commissioner
Mueller = Lieutenant at the time
Do you realize he would have to become Captain before becoming anything above that? Your opinion”, “theory” “turn of events” or just blatant “bullshit” is just that, bullshit sir.
You ALL say A LOT! I say you all, since “Blue Truth” is now claiming to be a slew of people and not just one. It’s so sad to see that on top of the black and white inaccuracy here that you post, which, by the way, makes no sense to people who actually have common sense, you went outside internal issues that you obviously have and started attacking families. Do you realize how much that can hurt a family just based on your insecure, bitter, sour grapes manipulation scheme? I REALLY don’t think you would appreciate anyone retaliating with your family’s skeletons being posted about, would you?
If you have an issue with your job, your position, your lack of being heard, your inability to understand something, your position being stagnant, you being pissed off for getting in trouble for something and being embarrassed about it, deal with those specific issues, but don’t be such a low ball scumbag and make shit up, attack publicly families and the character of the people in your “work home”. AT THE END OF THE DAY YOU ARE ALL BROTHERS. The police department is YOUR home. What you are doing here is creating such a distention amongst yourselves, bosses, precincts, unions, ranks and organizations over internal personal issues you all have as “Blue Truth” and NOW it’s spilling into the community. All over what? Think about it. It’s PERSONAL. Stop feeding off each other at your breakfast clutches and private meetings. Start thinking for yourselves and realizing what you are all doing to the department as a whole. Seriously. Think about it.
As an observant person, who has heard about this thread for a very long time, I decided I would indulge into it and read it. Although I skimmed at first, I read about the “sell out plan” to undermine and replace Taggart with Mueller. Do you realize that makes absolutely no sense?
Taggart = Commissioner
Mueller = Lieutenant at the time
Do you realize he would have to become Captain before becoming anything above that? Your opinion”, “theory” “turn of events” or just blatant “bullshit” is just that, bullshit sir.
You ALL say A LOT! I say you all, since “Blue Truth” is now claiming to be a slew of people and not just one. It’s so sad to see that on top of the black and white inaccuracy here that you post, which, by the way, makes no sense to people who actually have common sense, you went outside internal issues that you obviously have and started attacking families. Do you realize how much that can hurt a family just based on your insecure, bitter, sour grapes manipulation scheme? I REALLY don’t think you would appreciate anyone retaliating with your family’s skeletons being posted about, would you?
If you have an issue with your job, your position, your lack of being heard, your inability to understand something, your position being stagnant, you being pissed off for getting in trouble for something and being embarassed about it, deal with those specific issues, but don’t be such a low ball scumbag and make shit up, attack publically families and the character of the people in your “work home”. At the end of the day, you are ALL brothers. The police department is your home. What you are doing here is creating such a distention amongst yourselves, bosses, precincts, unions, ranks and organizations over internal personal issues you all have as “Blue Truth”
Ray is probably a danger to himself and others. Don’t say you haven’t been warned. Seriously, that post is a cry for help. How can you not see this?
Okay seriously, SOMEONE to do something here. The Insider post with the links? How do they allow this guy to come to work and carry a gun? Can’t you people see Ray has completely unraveled? HE IS OUT OF HIS MIND. Please do something to help him. PLEASE. Guy is a time bomb.
I made a type o everyone knows it was meant for PBA,but what do you mean, “they’ll give you the number o EAP” ??? On second thought the PBA leadership is almost like PBS a boring!!!!!
You still have not addressed the article. Seems that Mr. Olson has no way out other than attacking the members. You sound like a rat in trap.
Can one of you jerks please throw a net over RM? He’s gone way off the reservation. Call the “PBS” Office. They’ll give you the number o EAP.
after reading all these posts i think these cops are just too stupid to realize they are being blown apart.
the days of 200k pensions and OT are over boys
and piss the f#ck off for taking the taxpayers to the cleaners.
looks like KO got KOed ….lol that insider must be one of those on the 3rd floor
The clock is ticking ray. And it has nothing to do with all this blue truth crap. And you know what I am referring to.
The law says, under our Constitutional rights, you can use the internet to voice your opinion about any person or public official whether or not that opinion is true or false. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” (US Bill of Rights, First Amendment) This story perpetrates whether or not our current PBA President, has current, active IAD investigations/complaints, at least four pending. Did he or did he not investigate a supervisor without authorization? Threaten all you want, you cannot legally obtain an IP address, many have tried it before and no court in their right mind would ever give that information out. (See attached link) Even if you were to illegally obtain the IP address (because you guys are experts at illegal acitivity), the address does not mean that the owner of that address posted the comment. An IP address is not a form of identification under US law.
Anyone with access to that computer or anyone who logged on with a wireless router could have used that IP address to post whatever they’d like. So don’t waste your time unless you are looking for a way to funnel money to our PBS lawyer (because I know you guys like to waste money, $1500 every month for a coffee machine, numerous dinner/restaurant charges, wining and dining friends, ect.) I think you guys need to focus on what this story is based upon. It is based upon our current PBA President being under investigation by IAD and selling out the union members for his personal friends and gain. By the way, is it true or not that at the last PBA dinner, only 115 members were in attendance? Under past PBA presidents, the dinner always had 450+ attendants, packed, standing room only. Is it true or not that our monthly PBA meetings have went from roughly 150-200 members down to 30-40 members? Is it true or not that his sister works in City Hall making $63,553 a year? We have been working for the COY for 5 years without a contract. Guess what? It doesn’t look like we will be getting one any time soon either. By the way, Blue Truth is not 5 members, 50 members or 100 members, Blue Truth speaks for over 500 members. Sleep tight.
Ofcourse once the truth is exposed a white flag always works itself into the mix. This ain’t Ray nor Mingy but I sleep just fine and had a counseling session just yesterday. The only thing that needs rethinking now is how the hell did all these boobs take over our great union! 5 damn years without a contract but we pay increased union dues for a worse case scenario? Really?
Hey ray, you and your crew might need some sleep and counsel, if you know what I mean. You might want to rethink your tactics. And this isn’k KO
Please guys take it easy on doughboy,98% of the postings are his, while everyone was enjoying there weekend doughboy was posting trying to save his fat asssss,let him get some sleep so when I.A.D questions his ass he wont stutter, you stuttering fuck ya lol
Hey Guacamole, Rats will be rats, you are right about that and you are the largest one YPD has to offer. What do you know about stick jobs? The last stick job you had occurred in your bathroom while you were with yourself. Stop acting like you’re a real cop, don’t forget “Rats will be rats,” we know your lame ass. You have a lot of nerve calling anyone a rat. The main reason why the entire dept. can’t stomach you is because you’re supposed to be a union rep but instead you have become the fattest Rat in the city! Have some cheese ol’ Fat One
oookay 2nd grader, we can see that you’re a literary genius. Stick to what you know best and what short weasels like you do….. Bang other cops wives!! You are a real dirt bag and you got caught!!
After reading all of these comments there is one thing that is abundantly clear. Ray, Mingy and their tiny group of pals read and write at a 2nd grade level.
Crazy, dumb and sneaky is no way to go through life son.
hey guacomale,you got your head so far up that fat rats anus that he is not sure if you are a hemmoroid or his pet gerbil,keep sucking up to the union,oh’wait you were already taken care of… should be ashamed of your self talking about BP at berhest of our spinless leader,i mean loser…by the way you aint a leader last PBA dinner you couldnt get 100 people there,shame on you,our monthly meeting have dropped to a all time low 40 cops??????minus your bogus board only 20…….LOSER!!!!
could you provide a picture of Farrah and her phone number please. man…whoa …I heard of slinging a ,, a little mud with politics but ,, sticky stuff from a he she…lets return to the batcave its getting dangerous out here
Yonkers Cops are a bunch of deviants!
I am Farrah the He-She from South Broadway and I can tell you that I had hot liasons with several of them…..JM K9 and Corky i will cherish our hot sticky nights behind ( no pun intended!) Auto Zone. Joe you are a great kisser and thanks for being so tender with me.
Woof Woof!
Let’s not forget BP part here. He has always proven to be a guy who talks shit about his own friends and partners. He is a lying, no good, RAT.
Here’s what happens. Ray runs for Prez in a couple of months, shows up at the precincts like a blabbering fool, makes a complete jackass out of himself “campaigning” , and then loses the election by about a 95-5 ratio. The infamous “Ray” has become nothing but a sad joke who will need to retire afterwards. By then he will be 62.
The police ,fire, and dpw have always been great as far as the services they provide. They are costly but appreciated and they are better than the surrounding areas. If there are inappropriate things going on it should be brought to light, after all they are paid professionals. As a taxpayer I feel they should be reported on . However these are allegations . Police officers especially should know the difference. Please do your jobs and report these things. Do it right with both sides , testimonies, witnesses and research. Stop with the dirty laundry bullshit and stop with bringing in personal stuff and the wives and families too. That just shows you have nothing. I AM DONE WITH THIS POST ITS JUST AN EMBARRASSMENT AT THIS POINT.
Yes Ray, that’s what happened. They fixed the election…with 4X the amount of your votes.
You’re crazier than we thought. Don’t you guys have a PBA meeting coming up? With all this stuff to say you’d think you would be there to stand up and voice your opinion but that’s not gonna happen is it? You or your group of pussy friends.
It would be tough enough to vote for a nut, but to vote for a coward? That ain’t happening.
Wow, they say the truth always comes out in the end. fact is Keith is the worst union rep this city has ever seen. Thank god I’m long gone from that bullshit. To the poster who wrote that Keith beat RM overwhelmingly (that was Keith who posted that by the way), the truth is that nothing is on the level when it comes to Keith and his less desirable friends. I could care less about your PBA elections, but if what I heard is true then Keith and the entire board should be ashamed. How do you have a fair election when Keith himself and 6 of his close friends handle the ballot boxes themselves and deliver them on their own in their own personal cars to the 1st precinct to be counted? And from what I hear a couple of the boxes showed up 45 minutes later? Come on, the entire city knows that was no legitimate election. Keith you really managed to destroy that job in the two or three years since you been in that spot. It’s really ashamed. I won’t say nothing about the bosses that everyone keeps linking you to, but you’re not very credible, something doesn’t smell right with you.
I was going to stay out of this but just had to put my two scents in. I consider myself somewhat of a friend of Keith Olson but the truth hurts. Everybody knows Keith is best friends with Capt. Mueller and Sgt. Moran (Keith only mentioned it 20 times in his e-mails since he became president). So that part of Blue Truth’s story is true. And yes Keith conspired with the ex-Vice Mayor Flemming to get Taggart out and bring Hartnett in. Keith had good intentions back then and his plan worked. But, things went wrong when Hartnett got here he didn’t follow the “Old Rules” and started shitting all over us. Keith didn’t know how to handle that he was being shit on by a guy he helped bring in. So he sold out the union by allowing Hartnett to take the job apart and eliminate many units. Units we never got back. In exchange all Keith wanted was for Hartnett to take care of his “Best friends” Mueller and Moran. And if we all can remember Keith’s “best friends” got taken care of and put in charge of S.I.U. while the rest of us got shit on by Hartnett. The truth is the truth Keith, even you can’t deny that. You sold us out to take care of your friends. I know that wasn’t your original intentions, but that is what happened.
^ Santobello ^
Hey Hartnett! You forgot your trash when you ran out of Yonkers and it is starting to stink up our City. You forgot one fat RAT, a sickly ex IAD boss, a retarted useless bagpiper, what the heck is his job anyway that he’s a boss detective and one mini me. But beware of mini me cause he got his eye on your rag wife. And if that’s not a fact tell me, am I lying?
Hey hezi why don’t you get blue truth and his alter egos on a family feud type show with those that they accuse of all this wrong doing?
or can be threats to supervisors and officers,illegal investigations,who knows…..
Maybe they were checking out fraudulent OT and cover ups?
Looks like a lot of people might be in trouble,heard the I.A.D unit was busy this morning………
To Just the facts.k.a. Blue truth: Fact: your facts are all wrong. Fact: The PBA president offer can’t up jobs from other unions. Also take some spelling and grammar lessons you Idiot and if you want people to understand your buffoonery you really should have someone edit it for you. Perhaps your lawyer friend.
Another thing, can you explain why one of your crew ran to Internal Affairs?
Its sad to see, a once GREAT job is now
officially dead. Last one out turn off the lights.
Thank God i am RETIRED and far, far away from
the sh*tty of Yonkers!!
FACT: Even the bosses in IAD think Pappas is a RAT!
Facts, Olson offer up the Housing Unit to save two million dollars, Olson’s name is mud in the DA’s office, they do not trust him, Olson offered up supervisor positions in the CLS, and 456, Olson posted on facebook the video of a 456 member who was arrested, and terminated for his actions for his own self serving purpose, Olson’s two drinking pals investigated over one hundred Yonkers Firefighters in two days at ipark, you think Olson did not know, Barry knows because he was there to represent his members, Olson spray paints City own walls and gas pumps then attempts to investigate others, seems you forgot to focus on the Taggart article, members should ask Former Taggart for his opinion, Olson you feet are in quicksand so stop moving.
….and Pappas is leading the way. If he goes to IAD on some lame shit, what happens if he has to supervise a “sticky” job? He’ll RAT and bury cops. He is CONTAGIOUS (just look at him)
hezi where has your source gone? Cricket,cricket,cricket………… Oh that’s right they are waiting in line at Internal Affairs to file more false allegations that they will try to do something with. Sad, very sad.
I don’t think they are all totally consumed. Only a few of the real dumb ones(read-blue truth)
You cops on here are fighting amongst yourselves over stupid shit. All the while those up in City Hall are reading it and proving what they believe, that they are somehow superior and their job is so important. Its a perfect diversion. You carry on while they rob us blind. Smarten up .
He was known to be sincere, honest, and a man of his word; something that seems to be a rarity nowadays – Taken from the opening paragraph of this of article. I don’t know where hezi was going with this, but he nailed it.
Come hezi, get blue truth on your show so everybody will know the truth. Or are you and blue truth afraid to do it. That’s what it really looks like.
That guy went to IAD on another cop. That’s what I heard.
For everyone who isn’t sure what the motivation for this is by Montero as Blue Truth:
Ray Montero ran for PBA president last time the spot was up. He got trounced 80 % to a measly 20%. During the campaign, he was quickly exposed as the lying, manipulating 60 year old dirtbag he is and Keith made a fool of him time and time again, debating him wherever he went, exposing him as the senile, confused, joke of a candidate.
That’s what this is really about. Nothing more, nothing less. Then you get cruel people like Bryant Pappas, who has made a career of humiliating people, writing on walls, sending anonymous letters and doing every sneaky thing he can do to get people to fight. What a disgrace.
Way too many inaccuracies in this article. First off, Taggart was probably the worst commissioner since Guido. Olson and the arrogant twins had little to do with Taggart’s demise. Linus, er..I mean Taggart brought nothing to the table. Except bringing Tom Sullivan on bard as DC. Another failure.
Where do the additional comments go?
Didn’t take long for JK to jump on here. Imagine this….three or four Yonkers cops cavorting with that fella. Okay Mr Scarface. How old are you? You got a velvet poster of Tony Montatna up on our wall?
FACT: RM nearly got fired by Taggart but saved by he PBA
FACT: BP went to IAD on a cop and is now comparing himself to someone being interviewed by he Feds to backpedal
FACT: RM is so incompetent that County DAs and local DAs don even speak with him anymore
FACT: He’s got a “hole in his own fence” that he should be concerned about instead of embarrassing himself day in and day out on here and on the job with this bullshit.
Amen MOS. Enough of the cowardly mudslinging. It’s an absolute disgrace.
I have to say that this job has really gone to the dogs. I am no fan of some people on both sides but I do respect their views although I may not agree with them. This article should have not been posted on here. Reading all this and seeing what people on both sides of the fence are doing is disgraceful. You guys should not be putting this crap on here for everyone to see. All of you should stop this and put it behind you its not good for yourselves or the job, no one wins this way. The job is stressful enough without ALL of you attacking eachother like this. Remember we have a dangerous job and what we say today we may not be able to take back tomorrow…..
To whom this may concern,
Please keep my name and company out of this story, I have nothing to do with it. I am not a cop, I am not a complainant, and I have no personal interest. Yes, I am Hezi’s friend, yes, I am an adverstiser and yes, I have plenty of friends in the Police Department as well as in higher places. I suggest you deal with the story rather than taking your frustration out on me because I have nothing to do with what’s being mentioned. This is an internal Police Department matter and I am not involved in any way. Hezi is his own man, he doesn’t listen to me or anyone else when choosing to post a story but I’m sure he checks his facts before he does. Again, if I were you, I would deal with the story, not what you feel. Being that you brought up Samir Annabi, you are wrong, it was Sami Annabi. Samir is his son. If you read the criminal complaint filed against him in the 80′s you will see my name was not included in any part of his criminal indictment.
By the way, being that you brought up drugs, if you watched the movie, “Scarface”, remember when Tony Montana said, “You fuck with me, you’re fucking with the best”. I am not scared of you, I do not fear you or any of your friends. If you have a problem with me, you know where to find me. If my name is mentioned here again, I will start to engage in discussions, and I promise, you do not want me to say what I know about the players mentioned.
“We know” you say these are facts but because an anonymous malcontent says so doesn’t really make it so. Hezi, any word on blue truth going on your show with the people he keeps naming? Right he and his cronies are cowards who do their work from the key board rather than being real men and doing it face to face. Cowards, the lot of them. Hezi let us know what they say. Your credibility is at stake.
Just the facts; Olson and Moran conduct their own investigations against cops, just ask some, and its documented, facts, Olson used his friends to take cops personal files from IAD. fact, Olson threatens supervisors, fact Olson asked DPW for records against cops, and other non union members, fact Olson brother in law likes to date cops wives. No show just a good old rat rinsing cleanse. The bad out weighs the good you fat rat.
What a coincidence you had that loudmouth owner of Top Class limo on your show the other day and now this article. Isn’t he one of the few advertisers on this site? And isn’t he ‘friends’ with RM? I would have fallen asleep listening to that dullness if it weren’t for the sound of Khader breathing so hard and the smacking of RM’s lips on Top Class’ ass. Why didn’t you ask him of his relationship with Samir Annabi during his heroin smuggling days in the 80′s.? That would have made for an interesting interview.
Holy Mountains of Vesuvious Batman!! Looks like the whole dasterdly leadership, especially the president, of the PBA has been exposed as the self-serving, J.M. Loving, manipulative double talkers that they truly are! How could those lowly cops have fallen for this!!?? Could it be Penguin, Joker?? Oh, I know who’s behind this! Its 2 face!!they’ve paid all those dues for what? To further the agenda of 2 meglomaniacs??!! Poor fools!
To the Hartnett- mobile!! Let’s go!!
Holy mountains of vesuvious Batman!! Looks like the whole dasterdly leadership of the PBA has been exposed as the self serving, J.M. worshipping, manipulative group of meglomaniacs that they truly are!!
To the Hartnett mobile, Robin!! Let’s Go!
I’m guessing John Khader has his greasy paws in this crap also. Is that right John?
Hez, after all these years of professionally and seriously dealing with KO, Eddie Armour, et al, you wouldn’t latch on to some seriously pathetic people who are USING YOU. Really man??????????
If this (these) Blue Truth guys come outta the shadows it would be great! Put Olson, Moran, and Mueller up to answer any of this bullshit. Well, it won’t happen because he fact is Blue Truth spineless, and, from all appearances, pretty fuckin dumb!
Check out these stories which were posted on this very site. It seems to me that KO and the Yonkers PBA do some pretty good things for the community and that they fight for their members.
Hezi it sounds like you are being strung along by one or two lying dirtbags who have an axe to grind.
This is yellow journalism at it’s worst.
Lets see if these big mouth PIGS should come out of the shadows and speak up on CHANNEL 12 lets see still waiting BLUE FOOL….lol
Come on hezi, have your buddy “blue truth” on your show. Let him be the hero he believes he his.,if he is fruly right, just and honest it will bolster his credibility and yours. Maybe even have the police union president on with him so they can end this once and for all.
Oh come on folks, are you surprised about ready how the Civil Service Unions in our city are the ones who are really running the show and not the Administration or Tax Payers? YPD PBA are indeed running the ballgame. So are the YFD Fire Union and the DPW Union.
Don’t even think about being a “RAT” and have any of these unions find out about it. You are in big trouble if you are found “Ratting Out” anyone in any of these unions.
The Good Old Boys Clubs have been running the City of Yonkers for decades and will continue to do so.
Just a fact of life folks, so accept it. Stories like this will just come up, shake up some, but then the “Rat(s)” will be found out by the Unions, silenced by the unions, and the life will continue to go on in our city, as they have been done so for the past 80 years.
It is what it is
Can you be any more embarrassing you old Cuban moron? RM, BP, RI, and that crew are done. You’ve “admitted” to using “our lawyers”, you and that fat bastard lackey you’re using here……can’t wait! ANY COP WHO POSTS LIKE YOU SHOULD BE EXPOSED. Spineless old man. Lets not even get into the misfits you hang with. RATS RATS RATS. Oh yeah, all IAD does is talk about how cowardly BP is. Fucking wmbarrasing.
very quiet. Too quiet…. maybe the bully is crying to our lawyer and saying please andy help me I cant take it anymore, I cant sleep, I cant eat, make this go away, just for your info you will never know who we are so please don’t waste our lawyers money because that’s illegal, and we will file a complaint on that also if you try, You cant sue if its true so think about it dough boy real hard…..think about the file I.A.D. has on your fat ass 4 maybe 5 maybe another one next week????? sleep tight don’t let the bed bugs bite…….cricket….cricket…….
Say it aint so mr.prezzzzzzzzzz
looks like Joe black makes a point someone call I.A.D. and ask for a comment on this story.looks like some one is gonna need some prozac soon,LOL
Great piece Hezi, this article is evident that you vetted your sources, and what is clear is that Olson, Moran, and Mueller are exposed. Just contact I.A.D to confirm or deny.
Blue Truth you are my hero expose all the back room deals done over the years by the P.B.A. by the way how did E.A.ever get that boat years ago???????
It’s funny that certain people are complaining about a particular supervisor supposedly going to IAD but when a RAT COWARD talks to the Feds it’s forgivable and forgotten. Oh I forgot he is related to certain people on the job, then it’s alright. Who cares that it would have put an innocent cop behind bars.
When you say he ratted on a cop I’m seriously hoping you don’t mean he went to IAD. Because if that’s the case, he should be destroyed!
You guys should know what to do to that RAT supervisor. Rats will always be rats.
Where is the police commissioner during all this? Doesn’t he realize how embarrassing his department has come? He’s probably protecting his band of thieves and dick son of his who is a “cop”. I think you need a little exposé on that. CG is the weakest commissioner ever. Just look he surrounds himself with. Non cops and boobs!
What I can say for certain is the Blue Truth clique is pathetic. Hey Bryant, you’re a “boss” who ratted on a cop. RAT is only word to spell it. Or faggot. And R.M., you seem to have your own problems at home. Maybe you should be there more often. You’re almost 60 years old. You’re senile!
So who are the police insiders? Why don’t they just come forward and speak what they feel to be the truth? What kind of a police officer hides behind the cowardice of anonymity? I’ll tell you who.
It must hurt to be so desperate and irrelevant. Like the poster said before, go on Hezi’s radio show and shout it out loud. Let every Tom, Dick and Harry, or should i say Ray, Bob and Bryant hear the “blue truth” from your own mouth. Fucking jellyfish.
I never thought your credibility could sink any lower after your brilliant expose with eddie maier, but giving this quack a column? What the heck are you thinking? I guess this is keeping with the fact that you never ask for corroboration, probably because you know you could never get it. Why don’t you get your new deep throat ” blue truth” on your radio show with eddie maier? I bet your ratings would go through the roof with one of the best comedy teams out there. Good luck hezi, you’re going to need it. Watch out for comimg lawsuits.
Ruh, Ruh Shaggy!rooks rike ra rops rot ra raw real!!!
Everything would have been alright if it wasn’t for that meddling Blue Truth!!
You are wrong we lost good cops good units so just a handful of PBA pres boys can get there sripes and promotions,you say proof??? how can you shut down burglary unit in a city of this size???no more cops in our public schools????no more domestic violence unit??? Cola,Carrozza,Portanova, those where true PBA leaders,anytime there was a talk about cut backs in YPD they straightend out city hall and told mayors go screw your self find cuts elsewhere,Those leaders didnt owe any mayor anything….wish i can say that today.
Still not a story. Was anything illegal or scandalous (with some proof). People will come and go and there will be budget cuts. Only plus side is blue truth has his own article so he can stop hijacking all the other topics.
Fact.Taggart was ousted
Fact.flemming did bring in hartnett with help of pba
Fact.hartnett came in and disbanded Housing unit patrol cars,Domestic violence unit,burglary unit,school safety officers,want me to go on?Your not a yonkers guy if you are you would know hartnett was one of the worst commisioners,go down by Ipark there are 12 marked housing cruisers parked for years there,PBA pres. cut down specialized units so he and a handful of his friends can get what they want
Once again I don’t get this guys point. He just keeps going on. This is his opinion of some people that are apparently higher up in the department. We are all interested in Yonkers politics but please get some facts and testimonies to back this up or let it go!
Its about time somebody exposed the truth…for years the PBA leadership has been portraying themselves as the saviors..meanwhile, the stupid membership didnt realize the true events…THEY orchestrated the demise of YPD under nYPd idiocy!..hahahha!!…U idiots! now its too late! u ait idly by while your union was looted and manipulated—-keep re electing the same ones! u deserve them
Ruh, Ruh, shaggy….rumbody gon be pissed!!!….hahahahahhahaha!!!!
ohhhh ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh heeeeeee’ssss baaaaaaaackkkk!!!!