YOUR MONEY: Retirees Need Smart Withdrawal Strategy to Minimize Taxes By ANTHONY D. CRISCUOLO

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New Medicare Surtax Adds Complexity A smart strategy for withdrawing money from taxable, tax-deferred, and tax-free accounts can save retirees a lot in taxes. Tax planning is crucial for every retiree, particularly for the affluent because of the new Medicare surtax. Withdrawing funds from your taxable accounts first is the general rule. When you sell stocks and mutual funds that …

Hezi ArisYOUR MONEY: Retirees Need Smart Withdrawal Strategy to Minimize Taxes By ANTHONY D. CRISCUOLO

YOUR MONEY: 529 Plans – Customize Your Glide Path By PAUL JACOBS

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Getting the Right Allocation Now and in Future Depends on Many Things While many 529 college savings plans offer standardized glide paths that reduce risk as the child gets closer to college, these paths are one-size-fits all. Parents can do better. Instead of choosing the plan’s glide path, customize your allocations to achieve a better fit for your personal situation …

Hezi ArisYOUR MONEY: 529 Plans – Customize Your Glide Path By PAUL JACOBS

Make Two, Take One: Crafts for A Cause @ The Yonkers Riverfront Library

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Open the jewelry making file by clicking onto the hyperlink of the words “jewelry making”. YONKERS, NY — November 28, 2014 — Children*, Teens, Adults and Families are encouraged to make Crafts for a Cause at the Yonkers Riverfront Library on Friday, December 12, 2014 from 2:30pm-4:45pm in the Community Room A&B. (*Children ages 8 and under must be accompanied by an …

Hezi ArisMake Two, Take One: Crafts for A Cause @ The Yonkers Riverfront Library

Mayor Spano’s Youth Advisory Board Swears-in Three New Members at City Hall Ceremony

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YONKERS, NY — November 28, 2014 – Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano announced in September that the Youth Advisory Board, established by executive order in January 2013, would be accepting applications to select three new board members. After a month long selection process, Mayor Spano has made his selections, appointing Ashley Mendola, Peter Kusick and Brianna Noriega to the board. The …

Hezi ArisMayor Spano’s Youth Advisory Board Swears-in Three New Members at City Hall Ceremony

MAKE IT FUN! Turkey Hangover By PAM YOUNG

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The feast is over and I won’t be going on that scale for a few more days. It’s Sunday and the family that traveled over the river and through the woods to visit “Grandma’s house” is back home and there’s a Ziplock bag in my fridge screaming at me to be creative with its contents: one dried out turkey leg, …

Hezi ArisMAKE IT FUN! Turkey Hangover By PAM YOUNG

The Ghost Who Came To Dinner By GAIL FARRELLY

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Yesterday was the best Thanksgiving Day ever. But it didn’t start out that way. In the morning I figured I’d have nothing to be thankful for. Not when my mom announced at breakfast that she was appointing me “MAN in charge” of the kids’ room for Thanksgiving dinner. Uh-oh.  I didn’t like the sound of that.  Not at all. “If I’m a …

Hezi ArisThe Ghost Who Came To Dinner By GAIL FARRELLY

NYS Senator George Latimer and the Joe Duraes and The Skills Band on Westchester On the Level with Narog and Aris – Friday, November 28, 2014 @ 10 a.m.

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YONKERS, NY — November 27, 2014 — The “featured” BlogTalkRadio program “Westchester On the Level with Narog and Aris” opens the Friday, November 28, 2014th broadcast day with New York State Senator George Latimer (37th SD) discussing the process that leads to the Governor’s Proposed FY2014-2105 Budget and the issues that concern the Senate District he represents. From approximately 10:30 …

Hezi ArisNYS Senator George Latimer and the Joe Duraes and The Skills Band on Westchester On the Level with Narog and Aris – Friday, November 28, 2014 @ 10 a.m.

GATESTONE INSTITUTE: Obama’s Legacy (and Europe’s) By GUY MILLIÈRE

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It is difficult to think that President Obama — or leaders in Europe — want their names to go down in history as the fools who actually legitimized a rogue entity such as “Palestine” or enabled Iran to acquire nuclear weapons. But just as Neville Chamberlain is looked on as the biggest laughing stock in history for promising “peace” with …

Hezi ArisGATESTONE INSTITUTE: Obama’s Legacy (and Europe’s) By GUY MILLIÈRE

TRANSLATING ISLAM: Islamic State Breaks Another Church Cross By RAYMOND IBRAHIM

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First published by RAYMOND IBRAHIM: Islam Translated in Muslim Persecution of Christians on November 23, 2014. Raymond Ibrahim is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, a Judith Friedman Rosen Writing Fellow at the Middle East Forum and a CBN News contributor. He is the author of Crucified Again: Exposing Islam’s New War on Christians (2013) and The …

Hezi ArisTRANSLATING ISLAM: Islamic State Breaks Another Church Cross By RAYMOND IBRAHIM