White Plains CitizeNetReporter Publisher John Bailey on Westchester On the Level with Narog and Aris – Monday, December 1, 2014 @ 10 a.m.

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YONKERS, NY — November 30, 2014 — The “featured” BlogTalkRadio program “Westchester On the Level with Narog and Aris” opens the Monday, December 1, 2014th broadcast day with Monday Co-hosts John Bailey and Hezi Aris, publishers of the White Plains CitizeNetReporter (www.WPCNR.com) and Yonkers Tribune (www.YonkersTribune.com), respectively, in discussion about the trending issues pertinent to both White Plains and Yonkers. At …

Hezi ArisWhite Plains CitizeNetReporter Publisher John Bailey on Westchester On the Level with Narog and Aris – Monday, December 1, 2014 @ 10 a.m.

American Airlines’ Flight 67 from Barcelona, Spain, Lands at JFK Amid ‘Security Concern’ By HEZI ARIS

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YONKERS, NY – November 30, 2014 – American Airlines Flight Number 67 from Barcelona arrived at its destination,  John F. Kennedy International Airport early Sunday afternoon immersed under a nebulous suggestion that a telephone call to WPIX-11  received notice of  an “unspecified threat”. Emergency Responders were quick to surround AA Flt. #67 amid unsubstantiated reports suggestive of a bomb threat. The …

Hezi ArisAmerican Airlines’ Flight 67 from Barcelona, Spain, Lands at JFK Amid ‘Security Concern’ By HEZI ARIS

MIDDLE EAST FORUM: Legitimate and Illegitimate Dictators By BURAK BEKDIL

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  President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has once again declared his refusal to recognize the legitimacy of Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, and reproached countries that have accepted Mr.. el-Sisi as a legitimate leader.  “They [el-Sisi] toppled a person [Mohamed Morsi] who came to power through votes. What did those countries who call themselves ‘democratic’ say? Did they speak up?” These …

Hezi ArisMIDDLE EAST FORUM: Legitimate and Illegitimate Dictators By BURAK BEKDIL

YOUR MONEY: Have Canadian Stocks or Wages? Make Sure You’re Not Getting Taxed Twice By LAURIE SAMAY

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Many Americans own Canadian securities or earn wages in Canada. If you do, you’ll want to make sure that you’re not paying tax on the same income to both the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). U.S. citizens and residents pay U.S. income tax on worldwide income, but those earning income in Canada may also be …

Hezi ArisYOUR MONEY: Have Canadian Stocks or Wages? Make Sure You’re Not Getting Taxed Twice By LAURIE SAMAY

THE HEZITORIAL ANALYSIS: Mayor Spano Needs to Lift Yonkers Out of Its Inconsequential State By HEZI ARIS

Hezi Aris Hezitorial 54 Comments

The grief shed over the recent passing of one-time Yonkers City Manager Martin Rochelle will move people from denial to acceptance in five stages. The irrefutable model first postulated by Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross in “On Death and Dying,” recognized as denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance having stood the test of time. Juxtaposed to such understandings, Yonkers has collectively moved …

Hezi ArisTHE HEZITORIAL ANALYSIS: Mayor Spano Needs to Lift Yonkers Out of Its Inconsequential State By HEZI ARIS

MIDDLE EAST FORUM: The Myth of ‘Deradicalizing’ Islamic Radicals By TAREK FATAH

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On Monday, November 24, 2014, I appeared before the Senate Standing Committee on National Security and Defence. The committee is studying the question of security threats to Canada as well as ‘deradicalization’ efforts being promoted by the RCMP [Royal Canadian Mounted Police]. I suggested to the senators that ‘deradicalization’ initiatives by Canada’s security agencies were doomed to failure because the …

Hezi ArisMIDDLE EAST FORUM: The Myth of ‘Deradicalizing’ Islamic Radicals By TAREK FATAH

Ray Rice Appeal Permits Him to Sign with Any NFL Team

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YONKERS, NY — November 29, 2014 — New Rochelle resident Ray Rice, the former Baltimore Ravens running back, won his appeal of being indefinitely suspended by the NFL on Friday, November 28, 2014, making him now eligible to sign immediately with any NFL team. Rice’s appeal was heard earlier this month by former U.S. District Judge Barbara S. Jones who …

Hezi ArisRay Rice Appeal Permits Him to Sign with Any NFL Team

Whatever Works: Charter Schools Thrive in Buffalo By CHRIS THOMPSON

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Though not universally loved, charter schools more widely accepted in Buffalo than other parts of the state. On Sept. 10 teachers from the Buffalo public schools walked the line outside a meeting of the Buffalo Board of Education. They were staging what they called an “informational picket”— not the first time they have done so—to call attention to a remarkable …

Hezi ArisWhatever Works: Charter Schools Thrive in Buffalo By CHRIS THOMPSON

PBS News Hour: Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi Decries Islamic State as anti-Islamic

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Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi, a prominent Syrian Sunni Islamic scholar and vocal critic of the Islamic State, led prayers at the funeral of American beheading victim Peter Kassig. Chief foreign correspondent Margaret Warner interviews al-Yaqoubi, exiled from his country, about atrocities committed by the Islamic State, why the militant group is able to gain followers and the fight against the Assad …

Hezi ArisPBS News Hour: Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi Decries Islamic State as anti-Islamic

EarthTalk®: Rooftop Solar Finally Cost Competitive with Grid in U.S. By RODDY SCHEER and DOUG MOSS

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Dear EarthTalk: I’ve heard that the price of getting solar panels installed on a home is lower than ever, but has it gotten to the point anywhere in the U.S. where it’s actually cheaper than traditional grid power yet?         – Lester Milstein, Boston, MA     The cost of electricity derived from residential rooftop solar panels could achieve “price parity” …

Hezi ArisEarthTalk®: Rooftop Solar Finally Cost Competitive with Grid in U.S. By RODDY SCHEER and DOUG MOSS