Student to Read Winning Essay at MLK Celebration Monday, January 20th
YONKERS, NY – January 17, 2014 – Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano (left) today announced the winners of the city’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Essay Contest to celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and honor the 50th anniversary of Dr. King’s historic I Have A Dream speech. Fifth grader Jessica Costello of Montessori 31, eighth grader Lavonne Spencer of the Yonkers Montessori Academy, Junior Ayesha Asghar of Yonkers Middle High School were selected by Mayor Spano as the contest’s winners.
Yonkers students were asked to reflect on King’s words and write their own I Have A Dream speech, expressing how they hope the world will look fifty years from now. A student from the Yonkers elementary, middle school and high school grade levels were selected by Mayor Spano from among over 300 essay submissions.
“I was very impressed to read the submissions from our Yonkers students and to learn how our youth plans to further the dream of Dr. King in our own city, and how they plan to turn their own dreams into reality,” said Mayor Spano. “Our job is to help provide them the opportunities to put them on the right path to fulfill those dreams.”
Eighth grader Lavonne Spencer, of the Yonkers Montessori Academy, will recite her work at the annual Nepperhan Community Center Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Breakfast on January 20th, 2014, at 8:30AM.
Dr. Jim Bostic, Th.D., (right) Executive Director, Nepperhan Community Center said, “Mayor Spano’s Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Essay contest was an outstanding competition that is helping to keep awareness of the many great contributions of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. alive and in the minds of our students.”
The essay submissions will be displayed beginning this week at City Hall and on the City’s Facebook page ( for Yonkers residents to read.
SOURCE: Christina Gilmartin, Communications Director, office of the Mayor.

Comments 2
So let’s get this straight.
For the last 2 years, WHILE MIKE SPANO HAS BEEN MAYOR, the Board of Education has been improperly accounting for state aid (spin ups) to the tune of AT LEAST 55 MILLION DOLLARS and Mike Spano is just finding out about it now ?
Maybe if he had focused his energies on the BOE these past 2 years instead of fighting with the firefighters (and losing every one of those fights) he could have discovered the improper accounting at the BOE and corrected it before it became a crisis.
No more drama? All we get with Mike Spano is drama. Maybe the sequel should be Mike Spano’s impeachment?
I hope this will help the school system which is in such a bad position !!! I was at an open house last night and am so concerned about my children’s future !! There are 40 schools to pick from and there are only two or three that are at a “good” grades and very long wait lists! One of the three is Pearls which is for the gifted and talented! Absolutely so sickening ! I was discussing with my husband how we need to think about selling our home and move to another city, that cares about there schools system and make it priority.I look at other city schools and there grades and how well the students are doing academically. Yonkers schools are sickening and now with Core Curriculum the kids are struggling as is and now with the new standards. I spoke to my oldest child which is 10 years old and explained to him our concern and how we think we should find a new home and new school. He was so upset and will not accept leaving because of his friends and how he loves his home and neighborhood.
Is there hope for Yonkers Public Schools????????
By a very concerned parent!!!