Attempt to Save Boyce Coleman Failed
YONKERS, NY — September 8, 2014 — David Almanza, an off-duty Yonkers Firefighter who completed his “probie” status saved a 6-year old child from the Hudson River near the JFK Marina yesterday night. The child was noticed to be in the water at about 6:48 p.m., Sunday, September 7th. Within four minutes time, the Yonkers Firefighter pulled the child from the river. The child was taken to a local hospital and was expected to recover. The former “probie” attempted to save Boyce Coleman, whose identity was then unknown, who also attempted to save the child, but the “probie” could not be extricate him from the water. Mr. Coleman was one among a small group of men and one woman who attempted the rescue.
Knowing that Mr. Coleman had still not been extricated from the river, efforts continued to find him. Coleman was later found at about 8 p.m. to have drowned in his effort to save the child.

Comments 63
brotherhood brotherhood brotherhood….until it comes down to the stronger emotion.ego ego ego and of course the almighty buck. the yonkers fire dept is a great career opportunity and it is what you make it. however ,as in all organizations there are always a few aberrations to the the bad apples. though not the masses. as in all walks of life some will do better than others and some will earn more .that being said I don’t be grudge a guy for doing well getting promoted and enhancing his spot in life. I do take issue with wide spread cheating, stealing of state exams and political corruption to make your ends meet. this for sure has been the PROTOCOL for getting promoted on the yonkers fire dept for as long as I can remember and that is more than the past twenty years and then some. sad to say but I don’t believe anybody who was ever promoted on the yonkers fire dept did not use some LEVER to achieve his objective as well as on the entrance exam. the cronyism nepotism comes in with the 2 year four Shiite as far as the length of the list goes . the commissioner should never see who is on the next list until the current one is exhausted. but in yonkers that doesn’t happen its all about the hook up and of course the coin. no matter what shit is pulled or how its doled out its still a great job don’t bullshit yourself stay safe
Spano got in on the act as well….waiting on the NEW firefighter list to make sure his relations were hired.
I just worked last night. I hear what the talk is. I was told to go
on this site and see for myself.
It feel sick. Deeply sick.
What kind of job am I on?
What did I get myself into?
The more I see and hear for myself… ugh… a disgrace.
Looks Like this all goes deep, very deep!
The Tip of the Ice Berg, so to speak.
Like a rotten apple, it looks OK, then right under the skin.
Looks like The Y.F.D needs a new patch.
Instead of Geo. Washington, Put “Bernie Madoff” on it.
A/C Nigro got his.
How did he get that 207-A signed ?
Now Looks like a blackmail ?
Must be investigated as a collusion incident to defraud tax payers.
What a bunch of cowards posting on this site.
If its true how are u a coward. Ps. How comeu didn’t sign your name Bernardi
Cant be fire personnel firing off this internal, off the subject shit. Not with it being 9/11 and all? thought you guys were more fraternal, unless it is some other sinister source?
Well I worked today and in my firehouse like every firehouse we were talking about this article, the UFOA or the lack of one , and the Al Hanon e-mail.
I have over 10 years on the job and I was Around for the good times, I goto as many fundraisers,King of the Hills, old timers nights, Maryland( 7 out of 12 years) fil the boots, Ronald Mc Donald events, political rallys etc etc etc …. as I can make like most guys do.
Than today at lunch a senior man said something that just stuck out and really pissed me off. He explained to me and made me open my eyes a little wider, on how John Darcy has never given back one thing to this job, or to the people of yonkers community, to a sick kid w cancer, he has never packed a cooler, never loaded a truck , never set up a tent, never un packed a truck, never sold shirts at an event, never worked the door, never sat behind a hot grill in the middle of the Summer for 2-3 hours and feed the men, their family. John Darcy has never gotten a bus to sing Christmas Carols to the elderly people of Yonkers in old age homes, never gotten on a bus to Run the Tunnel to Towers to show Support, I have never seen him at A LINE of Duty Death Funeral to show support.
Now John Darcy goes down to special ops after he told the whole job he was leaving 3 months ago because he thinks “he can help the Job”. John your whole career is a Farce. Your only friend on this job is Faulkner , and all your minions at 460 that you feed unlimited OT to.
Al Hanon is not right about many things but he is %100 percent right about this, I was down at 460 the day Augie came down their and you signed his 207a benefit and than when Hanon asked you to sign his you said NO!!!!!! Guys wake up the Chiefs are all about the Chiefs and nothing else……. Al Hanon gave 110% to this job, Their isn’t an event that he didn’t go to and help out at unlike you.
John this job is not about who can become a Chief the earliest in their careers, it’s about the brotherhood, the kitchen table, the nights out, the donating of ones time to the less fortunate. Why dont you hand in your papers tomorrow like you said you were going to do 3 moths ago and go down to the Ronald Mcdonald house and Volunteer 5 nights a week and than maybe after finally giving something back , than maybe you might be welcome back.
Thank You to the senior man for showing me once again the right thing.
If u have 12 years on the job u have no idea what the good times were. way before your time.LOL
I’m retired a few years and had over 25 years on the job. You are right on target about Darcy. The same conversation was recently had by many of us at our retiree lunch a couple of weeks ago. Darcy has never been a part of the job, never did anything for anyone other than himself, never did charity work, never did union work, never did political work, never volunteered his time, energy or efforts for anyone other than himself. Now he thinks he’s going to “help” the job? What a joke. If Spano looked in his file he never would have made him acting Commissioner. The “men” know who Darcy is an what he is all about. Two words. No respect.
So true.
John you are nothing more than a fucking loser. What are u going to do once they give the job to another political hack of Mike Spano. Your have over 30 years on the job and now you are sitting in a 10×10 office w no windows in a warehouse in Yonkers like you are doing job that no one else could do. Really John…. After 30 years on this job this is your exit strategy And I promise I won’t let anyone in the job know that you took all that Sandy Storm money and never entered it into red alert. So you cost the the city over 75k in a libel lawsuit , stole money from your brothers because you thought you deserved it more than my family. He guys go look in red alert and see how much money this guy made the last 2 years , over 225 k each year w a base salary of 125. That’s over $100 k per year in OT each year his last 2 years. I’m sure even the other chiefs didn’t realize he was stealing that much. Guys time to wake up we are in the 20/20 club and all chiefs are in the 50/50 club . How the fuckn is that fare. I thought we were all gentleman on this job. Guys complained about melliolo when he left , the chiefs have been doing it for the last 10 years w the start of the M29 project. Remember only Cheifs could work that ( thanks John flynn) You don’t believe me go ask your union presidents to get access to all of the Cheifs numbers who have left over the last 15 years.
That’s a good idea, than maybe you will learn the truth!
I thought that M-29 was decided at a “chiefs meeting” that ONLY a chief is competent to watch over a hole in the ground. way to go assholes!
A Chief scamming ? Come on Brothers !
M-29 ?
Safety Division ?
Old Repeat Exam Questions ?
Friends and Family setting You Up ?
What else- What else ?
The Fire Computer System only accessed by Insiders
what did you expect !
What is going to happen when Ex-Comm Sweeney finds all this out !
Right under his nose !
No wonder he bolted out of YO !
Who is the BIG NOSE BUTTON PUSHER behind the curtain?
The Big Nose is Baaaaaack with
A Big Nose Ataaaaaaack.
How long did that Pope last back in 1980’s, John Paul the First ?
Give Baldy Flynn a Chance
Lets Thank God that we have upstanding Yonkers natives who do not fear doing the right thing
I and my family have him in our prayers
“Hell haveth no fury like a woman scorned” what did u do to this woman ?
It is obviotsly not about the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
maybe its about character ????
What’s up with the Shadow chief running the op’s division of the YFD ????
A/C Caporrso, is he running the unit or is Darcy ?????
Only Com Darcy knows ????
The tipster says, A/C Caporrso sees his shadow and goes back in his room and hides………
Give the Y.P.D. the unit already……We hear this A/C is useless !!!!!
He just shadows Com Darcy…….
Trust The Temp !!!! Comm/Darcy !!!! He just screwed over Mayor Mike Spano, Depty Mayor Susan Gerry, and James Naborzany !!!! Behind their backs he signed Re-Tired Assistant Chief(Thief) Negro’s. full pension disability…. This went and goes against a policy being set to stop disability abuses…..
Why did Comm. Darcy sign off on his fellow chief ???????
Did he get payed off somehow ???
Is he in on something ???
Why another assistant chief and not a Fire Fighters disability ???
Al Hannon has exposed your deviousness, in his e-mail, letter about how you signed off on “Chief Augeeee”
looks like a guy married to a connected(in the legal world) wife and she made a payday for herself on the back of their marital problems. As for Darcy, word on the street is you could not ask for better, but that’s on the street. Funny how usually that is the truest version of tales told.
Nice post Commissioner Darcy, Glad to know that you are reading this. FYI my cousin works over in HR for Moran and they are still actively looking for a “real ” Commissioner. His words, “they are not going with Darcy”. John take your ball and go home now, trust me you will not be missed , well maybe a little by faulkner .
Paul Faulkner is an arrogant douchebag anyway….he should eat shit…
Was he hired as an old dude in the days when there was no age discrimination, even in a profession where youth and strength was key to the job?
Paul Faulkner, an arrogant douchebag? So are you a jilted lover or a jealous man?
disturbing news of an interim commissioner, I guess yfd will see another fdny leader soon.
If this is at all true Shame on Spano for hiring this guy. What is going on in Yonkers.
Now I understand where you got the story of this probationary firefighter saving this boys life. Did the story come from the commissioners office. Or did this story come from the mayors office. How can we believe anything that comes out of this man’s mouth This man just cost the city of Yonkers $100,000 And your reward him by making him acting fire commissioner. Where Mr. Darcy and firefighter Faulkner brought up on dept charges for making false statements to the police dept. what a discrase. Yet another brilliant move by MR Spano. As soon as my house sells I am out of this crooked town. The only problem is no one wants to by a house in Yonkers because of things like this.
Mr editor , what is going on in Yonkers, why would a mayor nominate this man Commisioner when he just cost the City of Yonkers over 100k in fines and court cost. If this man made false statements which in fact sent an innocent woman to jail how could you make him Acting Commisioner. Is this not what has the YPD in the same trouble What is going on in Yonkers.
wow, look at all the different scenarios. I guess unless we have it on video we will never know except that people chose to help and one paid a high price for his effort. the Hudson is a dangerous current filled river with very low visibility. all involved took risk when entering those waters. god bless Scoop, gave all he had.
It’s sad how a tragedy brings out the ugliness in people. I was there too and people on this blog clearly wasn’t. That fireman was 1 of 3 people to reach that boy to include that young girl and Mr.Coleman. The girl and fireman both swam and brought that boy back to shore and the fireman was the only one that swam back out to try and save Mr.Coleman. 2 guys on jet skis came while the fireman was still looking for Mr.Coleman, picked him up and started riding around still looking for Mr.Coleman. Police boats didn’t show up till 5 minutes later where the fireman went from the jet ski to their boats. People need to stop trying to trample this fireman who apparently was on his day off and focus on the life of Mr.Coleman and the sacrifice he made to help that little boy. Good job fireman David and the young lady also, R.I.P Mr.Coleman.
According to News12 accounts, it was a young female lifeguard – one of several who had jumped into the river to help – who rescued the little boy, who had apparently been kept afloat by the heroic Mr. Coleman who had gotten to him first. She then seemingly took the boy to safety. Sadly, the tremendously brave Mr. Coleman did not make it.
Jenna Fanelli to be exact. A wonderful young lady who should be recognized for what she did.
3 things that are sad #1 a little boy fell into the Hudson river.#2 A VERY BRAVE MAN LOST HIS LIFE TRY ING TO SAVE THE LITTLE BOY.#3 the Y.F.D trying to lie to the public for something they did not do,BELIEVE IT OR NOT THE SUN DOES NOT RISE AND SET IN THE Y.F.D ASSES.AND IF THE JOB IS TO DANGEROUS QUIT
This isn’t how this went down at all. The man who died made the grab on the kid, he then passed this child to some woman who handed him off to someone on shore. The off duty fireman attempted to make a rescue but instead he found himself in distress and was found clinging to a piece of flotsam when he was rescued by the county police boat.
The real issue here is the fact that a city the size of Yonkers with as many bodies of water within its borders doesn’t have a dive team on hand. Had there been trained public safety divers be it police, fire or both, then perhaps this man might have had a chance at being saved. Not to take away anything from the NYPD divers who recovered the body, but they are responding from an airfield in Brooklyn. With the insane amount of taxes, the residents are paying to live in Yonkers, they deserved a properly equipped and trained police and fire department that is up to the task to handle whatever comes their way.
I can only say that I agree that a city this size should be able to take care of it’s own. Both PD and FD use to have marine units and both seem to have been cut to save money. It seems to be forgotten that saving money does not translate into saving lives. that is the real shame. Kudos to all those involved in saving that child and God bless SCOOP!
Bullshit! The guy that died made the grab on the kid and handed him off to some woman who then passed off to someone on shore. The fireman was actually fished out of the water himself by a county police boat.
People always bring politics into it instead of thinking about the fact that yes the 6 year old was saved and yes Boyce was among the many Good Samaritans that went to help but what about the fact that there are now 2 children that have lost their father. Yes he was doing gods work.My condolences to the Coleman family for your loss Boyce was a great guy.
Happy to know that the kid was saved but unfortunately a life was lost…thank you to the firefighter and the rest of the folks that tried to help. Go YFD!
Great job David Almanza! Prayers go out the the Coleman family. RIP sir.
Dave should be a man and tell the truth …
Thank God David was at the right place at the right time. People always refer to the negative instead of the positive. It’s unfortunate someone died. Fortunately one was saved.
Completely made up. A woman pulled the boy from the river. Then a police boat pulled the fireman out.
What a terrible tragedy. I am sure many people tried to help, but thankfully this young firefighter happened to be there, and get to the child.Nothing but accolades should go out to this young man for his actions. God bless you Mr. Almanza!!!
Mike had you not cut the Yonkers Fire Department Marine Unit this Poor Man would not have died. This is all because you like to play politics w people’s lives. I hope this family sues Yonkers. What a disgrace ” cuts do kill”.
Make Mike Mayor
Mike kills people.
This is an absolutely disgusting thing to say. This man’s death should not be politicized and you sir should be ashamed that you have.
I’m extremely proud of the YFD! The “probie” needs recognition.
Jenna Fanelli save this young boy.
Good job YFD!
I remember when the FD had its Marine unit at the Kennedy Marina. I guess cuts do kill!
Back room deals to cut any units, whether the Fire Department or Police Department certainly puts every citizen at risk. Right Mr. Strength in Unity Olson.
For the last poster. YPD has a Marine Unit. YFD doesn’t.
Nice job by everyone who helped save that child and R.I.P. MR. Coleman.
How right you are. The FD marine unit was cut and they were based out of the JFK marina. Where is the PD unit based and how frequently is it manned?
Commissioner Garner chose to not staff the Marine Unit just like all the other cuts him and the rats made to the YPD like the Burglary Unit and Dare. Theirs blood on his hands to!
Wow…this is unbelievable. This is what we’ve come to. Blaming people for an accident. People should be congratulated for trying to help. There is no blame here. This was an accident that could have been worse.
Disgusting making this about politics. Not everything in the world is about politics.
Really low.
This probie was flipping burgers and didn’t get his big toe wet. Com’on