Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano emblem

Politicocchio, Pinocchio’s cousin.
UPDATE – October 3, 2014 — 5:10 p.m. — Mayor Mike Spano called to advise that he has reviewed the paper trail of Yonkers Firefighters that he asserts had called in sick on September 4th. The mayor asserts there were 22 Firefighters, 3 Lieutenants, and 3 Assistant Chiefs. He noted that the number of men who had called sick did so in some cases with respect to a double shift. The cost of overtime for that day alone amounted to $29,000 and that for the month of September 2014, Mayor Spano advises the overtime cost accrued to $611,000. NOTE: I will not be attending the website from this moment until after Saturday night in deference to the Yom Kippur – The solemnity of the Day of Atonement.
YONKERS, NY — October 2,2014 – In this weeks edition of Yonkers Rising (http://www.yonkersrising.com/images/current_issue.pdf) Editor Dan Murphy reported that International Association of Fire Fighters Local 628 President Barry McGoey, Esq., called Mayor Mike Spano a liar with respect to an assertion Mayor Spano is quoted to have said to Yonkers Rising Editor Murphy in the edition dated October 3, 2014: “Spano said that the day after the last union demonstration at City Hall, four weeks ago, 31 (thirty-one) out of 51 (fifty-one) Yonkers Firefighters called in sick the next day [September 4th, 2014].” During a luncheon meeting at Giulio’s Restaurant on Wednesday, October 1, 2014, Yonkers Tribune Publisher Hezi Aris was advised by Mayor Spano of the same “facts” shared later that day with Editor Murphy.

Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano

Barry McGoey, Esq., President of the I.A.F.F. Local 628.
It must be recognized that the minimum manning regulations to which the Yonkers Firefighters must abide is 57 (fifty-seven), not 51, as mentioned by Mayor Spano. More importantly, 31 (thirty-one) Firefighters claimed by Mayor Mike Spano not to have reported to work, feigning to be sick, is a totally incorrect assertion in number. Fact checking has proven that 5 (five) Yonkers Firefighters reported sick on September 4, 2014.
Had 31 Yonkers Firefighters reported sick that day or any day, the Yonkers Firefighters could be fined for conducting what would have been legitimately considered a “job action” that is disallowed by the Taylor Law. Not abiding by the Taylor Law would impose a daily monetary penalty as well as imprisonment of Local 628 President McGoey. No fines were levied; President McGoey served no time in jail.
If Mayor Mike Spano judged the 31 Yonkers Firefighters to have been engaged in a “job action”, why was Yonkers Corporation Counsel not unleashed to protect Yonkersites for not allegedly having sufficient Yonkers Firefighters to protect life and limb? Was any litigation effort against the Yonkers Firefighters’ union ever initiated? Why not? The answer is concise and easily comprehended; only 5 Yonkers Firefighters reported sick the day after the September 4th rally demanding a contract be consummated with Yonkers City Hall. Almost 6 years out, the Yonkers Firefighters do not have a contract with the City of Yonkers.

Comments 42
There are at least 2 polls being conducted right now about possible contenders for next years mayors race and they are not being done by Mike Spano. It appears that there are several serious possible candidates out there thinking about running against Mike. Heck, even Chuck Lesnick is considering another run against Mike and most democrats know Chuck is a life long member and Mike is just a republicrat that went dem to get elected. How does a 3 way primary sound? And a 3 way general election? Sounds good to me but it must sound bad to Mike.
so very true
Don’t forget all the black unmarked police cars.
Lets see…. Mayor goes to parade today and gets driven by his cop brother on overtime, his useless nephews on overtime picking litter along the parade while his useless brother joe cleans the garbage cans along the parade route!! all on overtime!!!!!!!!! and we can’t forget his brother the cop drives from his house to the mayors house in a nice new shine unmarked police car!!!! and you have the balls to say the taxpayers come first??? be real for once Mr Mayor. you are handing out jobs to everyone in your family just because its the only way you will get them to like you!!! must suck to be in nicks shadow your whole life!!! but power is definitely something you don’t handle well!! at least you can fit into your brothers suits now that you gained all that weight dining on the taxpayers dime!!!
Leave gman alone!! He’s out there working the OT for his family. He has kids to feed and rumor has it another on the way, he’s expecting!!! Or at least it looks that way …..
Maybe it’s cals ???
The Spano clan was hiding behind the 2 of many white dually trucks at 8 45 am plus undercover cars on midland next to that hot dog truck illegally parked on the county property just south of old taras. Smiling could of been smoking and drinking the cop to I guess they know to hide nick teaching them well.
What are you saying lol
Why are you hiding:
What the hell did you just try and say?
From what I can understand he saw Spanos working on parade route?
Not many people out of the yfd circle even know your name or that you would do good job.To bad they paid off Ken Jenkins
That movie that’s being filmed around city hall should be playing at election time. Perfect timing good luck.
If that’s the case then Mike Spano has nothing to worry about.
I’m sure Barry will point this out (as he always does) but Mike Spano just admitted he lied and he’s trying to spin the facts (or lies in his case) to justify his original outrageous false statement.
If he was referring to the day AND NIGHT then the number should have been 31 out of 101 But he didn’t. He was referring to the Day tour.
If he was counting Fiee OFFICERS as opposed to FireFIGHTERS then the number should have been 1164 (total Firefighters and Fire Officers on tour for day AND night tours – each day there are 57 Firefighters and 20 Fire Officers working = 77 x 2 = 154 line staff and another 10 or so administrative staff = 164 total.
But he said 31 FireFIGHTERS out of 51 scheduled to work the DAY after the first rally called in sick. He didn’t say FireFIGHTERS AND FIreOFFICERS, he said FireFIGHTERS scheduled to work the DAY after the rally.
So much for reviewing the documents and telling the truth.
Wonder who they would support in a Democratic Primary?
A career politician ?
A union leader?
Hmm. Bad question.
Mike Spamo bought off every potential opponent who could be bought off.
Backed Liam McLaughlin in Council President race to buy him off.
Made sure Republicans didn’t run a candidate against Shelley Mayer to buy her off.
Gave Ken Jenkins a job at the IDA to buy him off.
Have Dennis Robertson a job to buy him off.
Had uncle Andrew Cuomo give Chuck Lesnick at job to buy him off.
Mike Spano bought off all the likely opponents who could be bought off.
The one other thing Mike Spano did buy is a real challenger in Barry McGoey.
Barry McGoey could never be bought off and the possibility of him actually running against Mike has put the whole city into whisper mode. “Do you think Barry will do it?” “I he did he would win.” “Mikes got a real problem on his hands.” “I better start working on my résumé.”
Mike Spano. The stupidest man alive.
That’s why politics and politicians are all so crooked. This happens all the time at every level of government.
All the more reason why the citizens of Yonkers will support and vote for the non-politician Barry Mcgoey for Mayor
It’s not over till it’s over as the saying goes. Election Day is far off and anything can happen. There is no loyalty in this city, doesn’t anyone know that yet?
Most likely to change mind:
Chuck – LOVES politics and may be back, despite job. May not be able to help himself. Chuck will always land on his feet, although he may be stepping on your toes.
Shelley – Non aggression pact now but, wow, how very tempting to be the first strong woman mayor in the city.
Never a viable threat
Liam – family man – has a private practice which is critical.
Larkin – needs another gig (term limits) – county leg also an option
Murtagh – very much a visible presence in the city of shills
What’s your next job for me:
Blasts from the Past:
Carlo – nah
Has anyone don’t a recent poll on the mayors approval rating??
I’m guessing all of the above have, that’s why they were bought if so easily.
Love him or hate him, he’s here for a 2nd term.
Murtagh or Carlo would be better than the lot. 100x better than handing this city over to a union official. Pray for us.
I’ve known Barry a long time. He always tells the truth. I don’t know Mike Spano but he’s a life long politician and that proves he’s a liar.
Barry should run. He would win hands down.
He’d get the Irish vote
He’d get half the Italian, black and Hispanic votes
He’s get the union vote
He’d get the conservative vote
He’d get the vote of every person who’s fed up with career politicians lying to them year after year.
Barry would be the ideal citizen office holder and not a career liar.
He’s. got my support.
And what give up his pension for a 4yr run.
C’mon ppl think. We all know he can’t retire yet and he’s not gonna blow his pension to run. Although it sounds good to all the firemen- it’s not happening.
Although Barry has only 14 years in the Yonkers FD, he has almost 10 years in the pension system from his prior job. I guess its sounding even better to the firemen now, huh?
Don’t you think the mayor has done a poll on all possible candidates.
Maybe 628 should do one, then they could shut up and go back to playing cards and drinking in the firehouse.
Spano’s tenure is temporary and needs friends for future employment, firefighters will still be here many years after.
Political spin doctors talk to a camera and microphone, while firefighters impact the people of yonkers in need. What a difference and is evident with the current contract issues.
Michael, don’t you have a cousin Vinny in the used car market, you’ll be great at it!
I know Barry and he doesn’t play around. Like every firefighter he is going to do whatever it takes to get the job done. Spano lie this time is inexcusable and easlly proven. Take Spano down Barry In evey way possible.
Forgot about answers. There all lies anyway. Yonkers deserves a real Mayor. I hope Barry McGoey does run against Spano. As he has said many times Yonkers needs the truth and someone willing to fight FOR Yonkers. Mike Spano and the Spano’s are in it for one thing and that is the Spano’s.
Can someone tell me Jamie McGills start date with the IDA?
Can someone tell me her wedding anniversary ?
(To the mayors brother)
Can someone tell me when her baby was born?
(the mayors nephew)
I’m sure the mayor can answer all of the above, so maybe he can answer why he hired her when he was well aware she was family….
Oh I know, maybe he wasn’t invited to the wedding…
What a schmuck Mike Spano has turned into. He was never smart but now he’s just a moron.
Did he ever think the firefighters would ever sell out their job and their union for a few thousand dollars? If he did, then he was mistaken big time.
The firefighters will stick together and do everything they can to crush the real life Freedo.
What’s a freedo?
It’s a good thing for Mike that the Firefighters are hated in Yonkers, have a dopey leadership team, have no money, are afraid to fight back and are otherwise scared of the Spanos. Good thing Mike….NOT
So which is it 5 or 31??
Sounds like the same Spanorithmatic used in the vote count when Nick beat Andrea by 18 votes. Does anyone really believe that number was real? What do you say Mr. Levy?
Spano in. Spano out. It’s always a lie with a smile when it comes to the Spanos.
Ha ha heh heh heee
Spano in. Spano out. Nothing but garbage.
So how many firefighters were out that day?
Ask Mike. He will lie about it like wverything else. Lets see if he lies about it in Court.
I think the mayor made the comment that 31 called in sick that day not how many were out. Big difference
A politician that speaks the truth is the one that lost the election.
Only thing worse than a liar is a backstabbing liar. Turn on your friends and eventually your ex-friends get to pay back the favor.
I spoke with Barry earlier today. He has retained a lawyer just for this case and will be suing Mike Spano for this and other slanderous lies spewed by Spano against the firefighters.
I and many other people who got screwed over by Mike and the rest of the Spano’s will be sitting in the front rows of the court room to watch this drama unfold.
You screwed with the wrong group Mike. You deserve everything you get.
I don’t think Mikey saying those “facts” means he is a liar. I think him repeating those “facts” given to him by incompetent assholes just proves that he is a blithering idiot for accepting the “facts” and repeating them. Him probably denying he said that would mean he is a liar. let’s wait for the spin!
Mike can save his spin for the Judge. McGoey and 628 retained an attorney today to sue the Mayor and the City. I can see it now. Mike Spano reading a public apology in the very same spot where Amicone read his public apology. What makes three politicians think they are above the law?