Yonkers Puerto Rican Hispanic Day Parade José Roman.
YONKERS, NY – October 24, 2014 — The Yonkers Puerto-Rican Hispanic Day Parade (YPRHD Parade) is being hijacked under the wrongful and unlawful advice of Fred Hernandez, School 13 Principal. This internal struggle for power orchestrated by Mr. Hernandez and his followers do not contribute anything positive to our organization. Mr. Hernandez exhibited bullying behavior and the arrogance of a tyrant during the course of the most recent meeting. Roberts Rules of Order were flagrantly violated. When addressing those in attendance, as president of the YPRHD Parade Board Mr. Hernandez incited his followers to consistently interrupt the preceding with constant interruptions and loud outburst that betray their collective demeanor as less than civilized. A belligerent and hostile atmosphere plagued the meeting. Mr Hernandez’s attempts to undermine the José Roman, the president and chair were systematic and disrespectful of Mr. Roman; even more so, of those in attendance.
Mr. Hernandez had launched an attack decrying the integrity of the democratic process and the parliamentary rules of laws universally accepted in Mr. Hernandez’s attempt to manipulate and control the outcome of the next election. Mr. Hernandez promoted amending the YPRHD Parade By- Laws asserting he had a valid majority of qualified voters, which is not so. Those claiming to have the right to vote lacked the required 10-days before their votes may be authorized to be cast.
“It seems as though Mr. Hernandez envisions the YPRHDP as his own finquita (property). His self professed entitlement is guided by a distorted view of reality,” said José Roman. “We must work united to stop his abominable and stupefied tactics. It is our obligation to defend our parade against people who have a surreptitious agenda for future personal gains.”
“The parade must continue to be known as the Yonkers Puerto Rican/ Hispanic Day Parade honoring the founding fathers and the emerging Latino people,” Mr Roman said. “Mr. Hernandez has expressed explicit intentions, if elected, to get rid of the legacy of the pioneers by deleting the Puerto Rican name from the parade. Mr. Hernandez will evaporate and deny future generations the knowledge and respect for the 12 Boricuas pioneers that marched in Riverdale Ave 35 years ago. Subsequently, this parade has been alive due to the concerted effort, solidarity and unconditional commitment of the Boricuas (a native born Puerto Rican) and friends of the parade. Justice must prevail,” continue Mr. Roman.
With no regard for the reputation, dignity and legacy of the parade observed at the last meeting, most of the founding fathers of the parade expressed indignation and embarrassment to the conduct at the meeting and the chain of events that shocked their sensibilities and decorum. The paramount mission of the YPRHDP organization must be the preservation, dissemination and promotion of the culture of the Puerto Rican people and the greater Latino community. We must strive to advance and empower the Puerto Rican and Latino communities in Yonkers to know their respective history and contribution to “our” new home in Yonkers.
Members of the community raised serious concerns and indignation to the allegations that some high-ranking administrators of the Yonkers Board of Education (YBoE) for actively campaigning on their own behalf in preparation the upcoming YPRHDP election on Friday, October 24, 2014, during YBoE working hours. It is unethical, immoral and in violation of the City of Yonkers Code of Ethics to engage in such practices. Yonkers Board of Education Superintendent Yazurlo must address these allegations and immediately initiate an investigation into the aforementioned improprieties.
The City of Yonkers Code of Ethics policies are unequivocally clear regarding the alleged allegations being anathema to the standards expected of our educators.
Since our educators play a pivotal role in educating and showing our children acceptable standards of civil discourse, impeccable conduct and behavior is demanded. They must serve as role models to our future leaders; nothing less is sufficient.

Comments 106
Hezi since you printed this article, and an overwhelming amount of readers disagree with what was stated, then it falls on your shoulders to get clarity as to what exactly happened.
1. What is Lionel Turner’s point of view.
2. It is obvious from all the comments that Mr Hernandez is the communities chosen leader. Then, who is it that wants Mr Roman to be president? What do they want in return?
3. Have you reached out to Mr Hernandez to get his side of the story.
4. Lastly, it is very convenient for a person to state something and then disappear or go on vacation, so they will not have to answer all these queries.
Please let us know what’s our next step…
Necesitamos reunirnos como hispanos unidos en el proxima reunion el la junta de educacion el la escuela Saunders H.S. en 11/19/14 a las 6:00.
We cordially invite you appear at the next board of education meeting at Saunders H.S. On 11/19/14 at 6:00
You should pack it in now your political career is over.
The bow tie idea you stole from the other guy along with his platform. Return the tie and give it up. Your article said you were under attack but you brought all this on by your selfish ways with your lying big mouth….
I have no reason to write tonight except that this seems to be a very compelling story. Mr. Roman, it seems that an awful lot of people are standing up to what you did. I admit, I know nothing at all about what went on…but there are an awful lot of people speaking against what you did.
Why don’t you answer them?
If you think that being the head of a parade is going to get you political points, you are crazy. People want to support others who really try to help…and keeping 40 or 50 people from voting is something that goes on in countries without a free press. Not here.
I would like someone to explain what Mike Spano’s role is here though. Did he go against Mr Roman? Is that the complaint?
It seems to me that if he did, he picked the right side.
That’s the point. There shouldn’t be “sides”. That divides us and weakens us. And who benefits from that? Think. It’s not that hard. You got it !
You are so right!…Mr. Roman thought his article could manipulate everyone in politics to support him but there was one problem….He did not expect the truth to come out and discredit him? Thanks for your comments….Everyone’s voice of support helps…
Todas alrededor de este escandulo empesaron este veneno contra nuestro hermano. Ellios tienen que salir de nuestra parada encluyendo las hermanas que no son de Jesus, la bruja,la coja, y la pilla.
Que pena…estan actuando como niños. Todos son adultos y profesionales, que pena que hay jente que no quieren soltar lo que no es de ello, especialmente jente que año tras año siguen y no han hecho nada. QUE BORCHORNO. Denle la oportunidad a sangre fresca. El año que viene habran otras elecciones coran de nuevo. WOW, que pena.
Nosotros no somos ninos! Somos de la misma sangre y sentimos mucho. La razon por tantas angustias, si te recuerdas, es por el articulo de mentiras qual fue escrito por Sr. Jose Roman qual tratoqual de afectar la reputacion de nuestro hermano, Dr. Hernandez. Esto fue algo fuerte.
Persona, usted no tienes sentimentos. Las voces unidas contra la injusticia no es para los ninos. Estoy seguro, si el articulo era contra usted, no tuvieras diciendo lo mismo que somos Nino. La gente nueva quiere participar, abre el camino en vez de tirar la puerta en nuestras caras con sus comentarios tan frios. La pena es que alguie no escrivio una carta con commentarios fuertes para hacer una guerra y hacer algien sentirse mal. No Te pongas hacer igual…
Mensaje, a nuestro hermano Dr. Hernandez, lo siento mucho
por los comentarios de mentiras de Roman…No Te deje afectar su espiritu.
Que pena que todavia estan actuando como niños WOW
No busca en el pasado para reganarnos. Nunca es muy tarde para empesar a reunirnos. Tienes que saber que fueron MAS de una persona que trato de maliciosamente de parar el Vito. Despues, juntos escribieron una articulo de mentiras para todos leer. Wow…que pena que no ves la verdad completa!
La VERDAD es nestitamos reuninos todos, al me el favor y no empieze mas divisiones. La verdad tienes de dar los insultos que somos ninos. Tenga mas respeto para las sentimientos y ponte gentile!!!
Dear Seeker of the truth,
Your comments for everyone to grow up, get over this and stop acting like children is very inconsiderate. The members need to express and voice their opinions against the outrageous article written in this forum. We need to be united not divided otherwise we can’t go further as a group. Help us all to strengthen the cause…together….That’s the sad truth….
Ah! I’m hija deja de hablar tan negative porque no somos su ninos…
Usted esta en el lado del grupo de Roman?
Porque los commentarios que somos ninos No es la verdad! Trate de tener su corazon mas abierto…Estoy fue una venguersa para la communidad hispana, somos unidos defendiendo nuestro hermano!
Trate de reunirnos y no dividirnos…..
Mike Spano orchestrated this who charade. The purpose is to divide the Hispanic community and distract them from the real issue of importance to Hispanics. That is Mike Spano has done NOTJING for the Hispanic community in Yonkers in 3 years as Mayor. NOTHING. Except divide and distract them with this fight over control of our parade.
Como esta pasta do do su vacaciones y combo esta la temperatura. La verdad esta mucho para acceptor. Hace mucho callor? Te fueste para no sentir la temperatura aqui? Vega para atras para hablar y buscar soluciones como hermanos…
Como fue que se entregaron a defender a Jose Roman que es obvio no merece respeto de nadie? Uds. se asociaron con Jose y Israel defendiendo un caracter que no vale la pena. Que estupidos son, no ven todos los commentarios sobre el que Uds. quieren apoyar. Ahora cayeron Uds. en agua caliente tambien y llamaron atencion a sus caracter y asociaciones. Debes de seguir el ejemplo a sus panitas Maribel y Evelyn que no han dicho ni pio. No les convienen porque estan en agua hirviendo. Estan con las lenguas amarraditas. “Mira con quien andas y te dire quien eres”-no te enseno esto sus mamas?Cuidense, que estamos mirando y oyendo todo lo que hacen tu y tu amigo Lionel. Hasta la proxima investigacion de ustedes.
Let’s all talk about a protest in front of city hall against this THUG. We will make sure news 12 and the press will be there.
Que dia triste cuando tenemos los Boricuas y hispanos peleando uno con el otro…No entienden que el que esta manipulando este es un politico mas grande de Yonkers que con dinero compra a algunos miembros con trabajos y dinero.El proposito es para dividirnos y para que no podemos demostrar la fuerza que en si tenemos. El Jose Roman fue comprado. Se alega que el recibio 10 mil dolares para ganar las elecciones. Donde esta el hoy dia? Esta de vacacion. El mismo que hace poco comenzo a trabajar en la junta de educacion y todavia esta de probacion!Se alega que fue obligado a retirarse de DSS por compromisos sexuales alegados por algunas que necesitaban la seccion 8. El no es un individual ejemplar que pueda llevar a cabo el desfile de Yonkers que debe de enfocarse en darles programas ejemplares a los ninos donde nuestras culturas es lo mas importante.Los hispanos necesitamos abrir los ojos y reflejar en lo que esta pasando. En la historia de Yonkers siempre han impedidos los hispanos poderoses tener exito. Lo que hacen es darles trabajitos en la ciudad y el estado o si no los compran con dinero. Son personas debiles y hambrientes como Jose Roman que caen por esto, Nunca vamos ha superar esto……..Hispanos Despierten!
So, you now see Mr.Roman that your hurtful letter to the Tribune created a fire sparked by your two-faced supporters. Your venom just opened up a can of worms. Your falsehoods caused us to voice our concerns against you to support of our friend Fred, who you callously attempted to slander. Your negative nasty letter of lies is that just lies.. How could you make up such nonsense and poured salt in our wounds. You will NEVER be accepted by us to represent any group in this town. You must realize that you held your voters as “Captive citizens”by blocking the door which is a violation and which broke more rules than you can imagine..You just lost more than you know by this cheap stunt of yours and inadvertently united the rest of us against your poison…
Mr. Roman, where’s your rebuttal, as you can see many of your members do not share your recollection of your fraudulent hostage voting practices…Are you surprised that your poorly planned letter brought on such dismay..Your board is corrupt and influenced you to write a letter of lies. This had a reverse reaction which caused for your constituents to lose faith and turn against you in large numbers due to your lack of integrity. Forget about running for this or any other platform cause you lost more than you know. How could you be so short-sighted to see that the can of worms you opened just caused the rest of us to unite together against you and give our entire support to the other candidate
who you callously attempted to slander in the can of worms that you opened…
Nunca de patas con Los pies porque eso dice que no tienes modales.
Did I not warn you Lionel Turner? Did I not warn you? Do not ask yourself how did you get there hanging at the edge of the dark never ending abiss, but you still can see those beady eyes of the De Jesus’s …oh wait a minute they pulling you in
…w a k e u p…WAKE UP!
Please tell this man to step down from office and run an honest election..
He will listen to you…mmmm
The only problem here is that many paid members were not allowed to vote. Would you be upset if someone violated your constitutional right ? At no time at all was there chaos outside the hallway , with the exception when the Vice President heard that the door was closed at 6:30, and that many members were not allowed to enter. BTW it was Dr Hernandez asking him to calm down and let it be. i never made it inside since I arrived at 6:40, but several colleagues were inside, and that’s where they stated that Ms. Dejesus and sister were disrespectful with several members. You are right about one thing people should respect each other. Moving forward they should make sure they have this ballot at a different location . The members were treated like criminals .
No one try to stop Evelyn De Jesus when she went after Ms. Aponte-a mentor , a TRUE Pioneer and legend who supporter many of us over the years. Hoping for new elections and letters to the Attorney General will bring back the stability this organization needs. The good thing is that this blog has exposed the negative elements in the community. The mayor can grease their hands with jobs, $$$ and favors but they will NEVER educate our children or promote our culture. That the reason why we must continue to preserve the integrity of the Yonkers Puerto Rican/Hispanic Day Parade. Pa’ Lante Mi Gente.
First of all Ruben…you never supported the parade until October 24th when you were bought in by the underhanded tactics of Jose Roman. You say you have respect for both candidates but fail to address them by their titles, it’s Dr. Hernandez you idiot! What kind of safety officer are you when you stood by and let Evelyn DeJesus block the door causing a safety concern and illegal action. Weren’t you trained on safety in a school building? You trespassed into the building before the 6:30 pm meeting time as printed on the permit. Don’t you adhere to Bd. of Ed. rules and regulations?You didn’t get involved even though you witnessed Maribel Dejesus and her sister harass and took a swing at our oldest and handicapped YPRHDP member. You sat there and watched. You can say what you want about the Vice president who went in diplomatically to ask why members were locked out including himself who is on the executive board. You and your cronies were upset and you tried to block him from coming in…You earned what you got if he pushed past you! But you are a safety officer however instead of calling for order you proceeded to challenge him physically until Dr. Hernandez seeing the chaos and fearing for his safety pulled him out of the room before the police arrived. I hope you get reprimanded by your superiors and get transferred out of your position…Lionel is your union leader who also stood and did nothing! You are part of the Rif-Raf that is part of Jose Roman’s groupies . Although you attempted to apologize, you can’t erase what occurred under your watch Mr. So-called Safety officer… Don’t you get it..you exhibit elements of being uneducated,incompetent and have no sense!
Read the comments..obviously YOU ARE OUTNUMBERED! HAHAHAHA! Go back to work and do the right thing you idiot! NO Name Needed!
Stop the bull Mr. Velazquez. You should analyze the reputation of your leader! Does he deserve to be followed? It’s so disappointing if that’s the best you can do.
For starters, I was a witness and I was member of the PRHDP but that all changed after I saw the incompetence of Jose Roman, and his trashy slate. It was disgusting to see a woman in her 40’s (Maribel) attack an older woman in her 60’s. That is the definition of trashy!!!! Why else did Jose Roman close the doors? It was evident that he was going to lose. He clearly doesn’t know how to lose. Mr. Roman don’t compete or run for something if you can’t handle the reality that there are better opponents than you. This organization isn’t a political platform but instead it’s supposed to help our community and the future generation of tomorrow. Thanks to your incompetence the organization lost its best members and a lot of money. Good luck to Pee wee Herman and his trashy slate, they’re going to need all the luck they can get!
Que pena…
Fernando Fuentes
Mr. Velasquez, you must be another loser like Mr. Roman. You are the only one who dared to lie. How can you support such unconstitutional action?Of course you were all happy when Dr. Hernandez left the premises bec you knew that he was going to win, without a doubt. But justice will serve. we still have faith in this system. Btw call Dr. Hernandez by his title. He well deserves it, Mr. Velazquez.
Jose Roman will be defeated once again! After losing his run for county legislator he is still seeking the YPRHDP as a platform and a spring board to his next political run. That is why he is desperately trying to regain the presidency with people of questionable backgrounds and character.The YPRHDP is not a political organization but Jose Roman wants to make it that! This is a non-for profit organization to enhance the culture among our Puerto Rican /Hispanic cultures and community.
The meeting held for elections of the YPRHDP on October 24th was illegal due too many discrepancies on the part of Jose Roman. The president sent several emails cancelling the meeting and refused to entertain the votes taken during the previous meeting.. He and his crew were illegally trespassing when they entered School 13 at 5:15 pm when the permit clearly stated the meeting to commence at 6:30 pm.That was the first violation.This was a total disregard for the safety of the children who were having a Halloween parade on that same evening. Jose Roman has never started any meeting on time , or followed Roberts rules of order . He has no idea what they are! He never excluded members until this night when he saw the outpouring of support for Dr. Hernandez. Jose Roman decided that this night the doors would be closed and that no one could come in and vote if they were not in the room by 6:30 pm. How can you open and close a meeting at the same time? There were many members on line who are in good standing including the current vice president who were not allowed in the room. Jose Roman and Maribel Dejesus registered many members and ushered them into the building early so they could take a quick vote at 6:30 while depriving others of entering and voting. This was a clear demonstration of hijacking a meeting, but on the part of Jose Roman,not of Dr. Hernandez as he says.One of his bullies who was a past president of the parade(Evelyn Dejesus) got up and physically blocked the door and she announced that no one would enter or exit. Her sister(Maribel Dejesus) shouted that no one would enter or leave and that the meeting was closed to everyone on line waiting to come in. She yelled that the email was sent out to start meeting at 6:30 p.m. however there is no evidence of this email amywhere. People in the room were sequestered as if being a sequestered jury! This is a violation and punishable…we were held captive for about 10 minutes but Jose Roman never called her out of order as he has done on many occasions when anyone questioned him or made suggestions that he did not agree with. One member attempted to leave but was refused exit by Evelyn Dejesus who blocked the door, she was very nervous about this until Dr. Hernandez walked into the room and ushered all of his followers out due to the dangerous situation in the room. Jose Roman has run meetings like a dictator with no regards for by-laws or Roberts Rules of order.
Once the door was blocked and people became nervous about the sequester and hostility in the room by Mr. Roman’s supporters, many members wanted to disassociate themselves with this meeting. It became a fire hazard and there was total disregard for people’s safety. Once Dr. Hernandez came in and confirmed that they would not let others in to the room, members decided to exit as this was an illegal election since it did not allow the 50 plus members to come in an excercise their right to vote under NYS Bd. of Election rules and regulations and the by-laws of the parade which clearly states that” Under no circumstances should “undue strictness” be allowed to intimidate members or limit full participation..This rule was sadly disregarded and violated!
Dr. Hernandez after speaking with the principal of school 13 was advised that the room was not large enough to hold that many people and she feared that her children in the Halloween parade were in danger after she witnessed some of the hostility of Mr. Roman’s cronies. She decided to call the police to escort everyone out. Dr. Hernandez and his supporters left peacefully and quietly before the police came while Jose Roman on the other hand sought the opportunity and remained in the room and quickly took a vote on an illegal election to vote his slate in, although more than half of the executive board was missing…They finally left after police intervention.The YPRHDP has been in existence for 35 years and Jose Roman has marred the reputation of the parade and has also defamed and slandered an individual like Dr. Hernandez who wants nothing more than to build the parade and enhance the P.R. and Hispanic cultures through programs for our children and community . Jose Roman’s agenda has been known to use the $$$$ to go to PR for a political conference in Puerto Rico in November. I’m sure his plans include taking his cronies along and leave the YPRHDP bankrupt once again. This was illegal and justice will prevail..I look forward to having these injustices overturned and having the best parade ever! Let’s not let naysayers deter us from our cause!
this is so much bull> I was there and as a public safety officer for the yonkers public schools I am the one whom stated there are kids in the building and this nonsense must cease and I am the one who initially asked for the police to be called. everything had came to order after mr hernandez came back in and took his supporting members. afterwards the then vice president came back in with mr hernandez and a few others and the chaos then erupted again. the then vice president even tried to engage me into a fight with his street mentality and thugged on ways trying to intimidate me. lets be real, let mr roman finish out his term and mr hernandez can start a fresh slate next year. this was a total embarrassment for me along with all the other latinos involved. I cant believe two highly educated men like mr hernandez and mr roman cant work together for the better interest of all latinos as a whole. understand this very clearly!!!!! if mr hernandez and mr roman would simply join forces this organization would be unstoppable. rally together for the better cause and stop acting like uneducated children.
Please know that the Principal of the school called the police to keep the
Peace after the sisters of Jesus decided to yell and tempers flared.
You were not outside the classroom at that time you were inside in your seat feeling valued and respected. The members in the hallway were feeling dismissed and isolated from the” VOTING”….The voting process should have allowed both men to speak and share with a secret ballot to be performed by all.. BUT THAT DID NOT HAPPEN… The door was obstructed and only one group had the right to vote… This was all orchestrated by Roman and people like you who sat quietly inside voting without saying a thing. If you can’t see that the members inside mishandled this whole situation.
Call CSEA for benefits cause you need new glasses..
Roman’s nasty lies just poured more salt into everyone’s wounds…
So Ruben…wake up and smell the cafe… Esta podrido…
Oooops just as guilty as the man you defend…
let me say this loud and clear all of you who comment but don’t put ur names are a disgrace in itself. if ur really a supporter then let urself be heard put ur name in the heading not some quote. I know both parties involved and had the utmost respect for them both until this past Friday. this is not a political podium, join forces and cut the bullshit!!!!! its that simple. im a supporter for the organization……. if you two cant come together then maybe a new election should be held omitting both of them. I will also say this…. I will be the 1st to inform the school district not to ever allow a meeting like this to take in one of our school buildings putting in jeopardy the safety of our children.
You can’t join forces when illegal practices, hostility, and violation of civil rights are practiced!
You are right sister….
Anyone who agrees with Ruben is in the same category as he. The Bd. of Ed. should look into the elements they hire. If Ruben who calls himself a safety officer but did not do anything about the situation on Friday the 24th, he does not deserve to be a safety officer. I was the one who the DeJesus sisters came after me like gang busters.
The comment, “that’s right sister “was written to agree with the previous female writer. Not to support the unsafe officer who did nothing and did not seek peace……………….
The whole evening was a sad event.
It was on…that night … what a nightmare and a horrible letters of lies Que Pena….
I guess that somebody felt it was too hot in Yonkers and decide to go to P.R.
on vacation! All the members want their membership funds returned..
Guess Mr.Roman ran away….Too bad he could not stand up like a man and answer why he created such tension only to disappear….
La verdad es que todo eso es una vergüenza, los que realmente secuestraron las votaciones fue el sr Román al no dejar que las personas entraran a votar y dejar que ejercieran su derecho al voto, eso fue todo un atropello. El es el real dictador.
Mr. Roman is just another of an ever-growing number of failed political candidates who ended up with a government job.
Señor Román,
Usted es una vergüenza para nuestra isla y los puertorriqueños en general. Hablando tantas mentiras y acusando a un hombre íntegro y decente como lo es Dr. Hernández. Usted fue quien le prohibió la entrada a los miembros de la organización. Nos insulto diciendo que no teníamos la capacidad de pensar y mucho menos de saber tomar decisiones. Le hablo en Español porque es su idioma natal y el que usted uso varias veces durante el transcurso de la reunión. No diga tantas mentiras y corrija su error. Vuelva a escribir esa carta con la verdad y pida disculpas por su falta de profesionalismo. De muestre que es un hombre honesto y que de verdad busca la prosperidad para la Parada Puertorriqueña de Yonkers.
If you are an honorable man, you should know that your so called friends
twisted you and filled your head full of lies to lead you down the wrong path for their own selfish political reasons …Quien lleva las noticias es quien lo trais..
All can be worked out and seek forgiveness…write a retraction..let’s make peace and unite…
Mr. Roman, if you are a real Puerto Rican, you can’t forget that our parents taught us dignity and honesty. Stop lying and tell the truth. You prevented members from casting their votes so you could win the elections. No more lies please!!!
After reading this long paragraph, coming from someone that is representing the YPRH parade. You should step down and hide under a rock. How dare you talk about someone who’s reputation speaks for itself . Dr Hernandez is Yonkers, Hispanic and Yonkers Public Schools. You have the nerve to taint his make by insinuating his job title as an administrator. Please know that tou opened a can of worms and we, the people will get a chance to vote. We will be heard .
Jose Roman will be defeated once again! After losing his run for county legislator he is still seeking the YPRHDP as a platform and a spring board to his next political run. That is why he is desperately trying to regain the presidency with people of questionable backgrounds and character.The YPRHDP is not a political organization but Jose Roman wants to make it that! This is a non-for profit oganization to enhance the culture among our Puerto Rican /Hispanic cultures and community.
The meeting held for elections of the YPRHDP on October 24th was illegal due too many discrepancies on the part of Jose Roman. The president sent several emails cancelling the meeting and refused to entertain the votes taken during the previous meeting.. He and his crew were illegally trespassing when they entered School 13 at 5:15 pm when the permit clearly stated the meeting to commence at 6:30 pm.That was the first violation.This was a total disregard for the safety of the children who were having a Halloween parade on that same evening. Jose Roman has never started any meeting on time , or followed Roberts rules of order . He has no idea what they are! He never excluded members until this night when he saw the outpouring of support for Dr. Hernandez. Jose Roman decided that this night the doors would be closed and that no one could come in and vote if they were not in the room by 6:30 pm. How can you open and close a meeting at the same time? There were many members on line who are in good standing including the current vice president who were not allowed in the room. Jose Roman and Maribel Dejesus registered many members and ushered them into the building early so they could take a quick vote at 6:30 while depriving others of entering and voting. This was a clear demonstration of hijacking a meeting, but on the part of Jose Roman,not of Dr Hernandez as he says.One of his bullies who was a past president of the parade(Evelyn Dejesus) got up and physically blocked the door and she announced that no one would enter or exit. Her sister(Maribel Dejesus) shouted that no one would enter or leave and that the meeting was closed to everyone on line waiting to come in. We were sequestered as if we were a sequestered jury! This is a violation and punishable…we were held captive for about 10 minutes but Jose Roman never called her out of order as he has done on many occasions when anyone questioned him or made suggestions that he did not agree with. He has run meetings like a dictator with no regards for by-laws or Roberts Rules of order.
Once the door was blocked and people became nervous about the sequester and hostility in the room by Mr. Roman’s supporters, many members wanted to disassociate themselves with this meeting. It became a fire hazard and there was total disregard for people’s safety. Once Dr. Hernandez came in and confirmed that they would not let others in to the room, members decided to exit as this was an illegal election since it did not allow the 50 plus members to come in an excercise their right to vote under NYS Bd. of Election rules and regulations and the by-laws of the parade which clearly states that” Under no circumstances should “undue strictness” be allowed to intimidate members or limit full participation..This rule was sadly diregarded and violated!
Dr. Hernandez after speaking with the principal of the school was advised that the room was not large enough to hold that many people and she feared that her children in the Halloween parade were in danger when she witnessed some of the hostility of Mr. Roman’s cronies. She decided to call the police to escort everyone out. Dr Hernandez and his supporters left peacefully before the police came while Jose Roman on the other hand sought the opportunity and remained in the room and quickly took a vote on an illegal election to vote his slate in, although more than half of the executive board was missing…They finally left after police intervention.The YPRHDP has been in existence for 35 years and Jose Roman has marred the reputation of the parade and has also defamed and slandered an individual like Dr. Hernandez who wants nothing more than to build the parade and enhance the P.R. and Hispanic cultures through programs for our children and community . Jose Roman’s agenda has been known to use the $$$$ to go to PR for a political conference in Puerto Rico in November. I’m sure his plans include taking his cronies along and leave the YPHDP bankrupt once again. This was illegal and justice will prevail..I look forward to having these injustices overturned and having the best parade ever! Let’s not let naysayers deter us from our cause!
After witnessing how professionals conducted themselves, I’m expecting a new voting date. Let’s make sure that the people that created the chaos at the Fridays meeting, are completely banned from all future events that represent YPRD parade. Let’s bring back respect and dignity to represent us.
Vamos reunirnos para salir undos…
Is it true that love conquers all even financial solutions including freebies
One does not simply allow people to vote,
Unless you are “Jose Roman.”
Yah! Jose Roman I was listening to you run your mouth with a buch of non-sense for hours. It was aggravating me, and making me hungry. Thank God, I ate ice cream after that living chaos.
I decided to become a member of this organization because I believe that Dr. Fred Hernandez as a Latino leader, really cares for all communities. I was one of the members who sat inside the library and witnessed, Maribel DeJesus, Vice President of the CSEA, and her sister Evelyn DeJesus close and block the door at 6:30 p.m. Preventing members from entering and leaving the library. It’s sad to say that Lionel Turner, President of the CSEA, sat there and witnessed the violation of people’s right to vote , and did not say or do anything. What kind of leader participates in such a shameful event.
I respectfully disagree with this letter. I arrived at school 13 in order to cast my vote. We were NOT allowed to get in. In addition, the doors were locked from the inside in order to stop people from coming in. I heard people complaining about the way the situation was handled. I agree 100% with the comments written by Cayey, A better version of the occurrence, Herson Martinez, and others. We were asked to leave the premises. As I was leaving the building, someone called the police. What a disgrace! I was ashamed. I really thought I was going to deal with latin professionals. They really let me down.
Trobleshoot With a computer did not allowed me to express myself clearly about the situation at hand. It is a shame what happen Friday night at school 13. I was one of the people who was not allow to exercise my right to vote.
Sounds just like what happens at a Yonkers P.B.A. meeting. Keith Olson setting the stage for his union thugs. Only there are a lot more fights and lies.
YONKERS, NY – October 24, 2014 — The Yonkers Puerto-Rican Hispanic Day Parade (YPRHD Parade) is being hijacked under the wrongful and unlawful advice of current President and his corrupted followers. The doors were closed at 630PM not allowing anyone to exercise their right to vote, Mr Roman and his followers exhibited bullying behavior and the arrogance of a tyrant during this meeting. Dr. Hernandez politely requested everyone just go home. He Thanked everyone for their support and excused himself for the incident that occurred. Never ever seen an election that didn’t allow anyone to vote, with the exception of Mr Romans followers. Your an embarrassment and should be removed whether Dr Hernandez decides to run. This is why No one respects Latinos or the city of Yonkers
Mr. Román is not telling all the facts.
I was there at 6:30 and wasn’t allowed to go in and participate. There were about 40 people out in the hallway who were not allowed to go in. Who prevented us from going in? Mr. Román and his clan. Yeap, the fellow thinks the this organization is his private finquita.
Expecting a real and fair ballot soon. Time for a change
Your letter is 100 percent incorrect
We need a new election…ASAP
Let’s open up the books and review the funds..
Has mismanagement occurred alledgedly by members of your team in the past?
Where’s the money collected from our fund raising dinner?
Rumor has it that your gonna appoint a thief on a broom to be your
next treasure ..Is it true?
Is it true that money was used from fund rasing dinner, allegedly by your crew for a celebratory dinner.?.??
Why are people giving this poor poverty pimp a bad rap…
He is a former working stiff who just decided to retire early
because of alledged rumors section 8 impropriety
Roman…Your comments are unfathemable.
Your false accusations are salacious, egregious and preposterous …
I can’t believe how anyone would state such lies, about Dr. Fred Hernandez. Its unbelievable how can anyone try to tarnish Dr. Hernandez reputation, when indeed he represents us, Latinos. The ones that arrive lost without a sense a direction, he has touched so many lives. Those people are now here, to represent him, defend his name and honor. Not once was he rude or disrespectful to anyone during that meeting . SHAME ON YOU.
I proudly became a new member and was looking forward to being a part of the whole process . Until I was not allowed to vote….. Not only was I hurt and upset at me chance of being heard. I am also embarrassed to have Mr Roman representing us!!!!!! There are no words to describe what was done! Mr Roman you need to go back under the rock you crawled from…. You do not deserve the right to represent us!!!
My dear Sir,
Please be aware that you sound troubled and your integrity is now being questioned. You really need help, serious help but a regular doctor couldn’t
Do much to help you. You need to go to Vienna perhaps have a team of shrinks help you at the university level Like where Freud studied and have all those people looking at you and checking up on you. That’s the kind of help you need, not the once a week for 80 bucks, but a team working around the clock observing you…like the way they did with the elephant man..by . Jerry Seinfeld
I vote to impeach our old P.R. Pres. and elect a new one at City Hall.
I’m surprised this paper printed this accusations with out getting all the facts!!!! the sad part of it all is that some people may actually believe it
I have no respect for the person who came up with this allegations. It can’t be mr. Roman for he is not eloquent enough to use this vocabulary
Esto salio de Gladys
If we are going to talk about bullies, we must begin by mentioning Mr. Jose Roman and Mrs. Maribel De Jesus. Last Friday, while my friend and I were waiting on line to get in the library around 6:25 p.m., Mrs. De Jesus came out yelling that the door was going to be closed because the meeting was going to start. She said that an email was sent to all the members. That is an absolute falsehood! Myself and many other members never received said email. Mrs. De Jesus under the instructions of Mr. Roman didn’t allow members to get in the building. Dr. Hernandez asked us to leave the building in solidarity to the other members who were outside and couldn’t enter the building. We didn’t have the opportunity to exercise our right to vote due to the lack of respect and unprofessionalism from Mr. Roman and Mrs. De Jesus.
In reply to Mr. Roman allegations that Dr. Freddy Hernandez, a public servant to our public schools community for decades, as using bulling tatics to gain control of the Puerto Rican/Hispanic Yonkers Parade is a bit of a stretch lol. We shouldn’t worry about what the outcome will be once we investigate what TRULY occurred. The fact of the matter is that Mr. Roman with his large ego & arrogance is not worthy or capable to lead a proud & organized Hispanic community. We need talented people to lead our growing, conscious political voting Latino communities here in Yonkers. We are demanding that the State Attorney General investigate what truly happened here and how Mr. Roman actions on October 24, broke the law by obstructing justice. Mr. Roman’s action of closing the doors of a voting community to prevent its citizen from voting were denied. The truth is that Mr. Roman & whoever has advised him on how to respond and try to deny us of our constitutional right to elect the public servant of our choice has to be investigated promptly. Thank you.
Btw in reference to Mr. Roman: let us check his back ground now that he’s trying to sully the reputation of Dr. Hernandez. Mr. Jose Roman was running for county legislature & lost election. His campaign manager, Israel Rosa, was arrested for selling cocaine on Linden Ave. that evening of election. Israel Rosa currently is on Jose Roman slate for treasurer for this organization. We as a Latino community deserve better leadership.
Mr. Roman unprofessional behavior created chaos and left us behind without stating the reasons why we couldn’t vote.
His dictatorial manner does not play in a democratic and free society like the one in Yonkers.
I am really hurt knowing that one Hispanic like Mr. Roman can give such a bad name to the rest of us, Latinos in Yonkers.
A fair and crystal clear election must be done according to the legal practices of USA and specifically as per the by laws of the organization.
Mr. Hernandez demonstrated professionalism and class asking us to leave due to closing of the room that Mr. Roman decided to use for his own benefit without any consideration to the rest of us who where ready to vote. Unacceptable! Shame on you Mr. Roman.
The only bully in these scenario is Mr. Roman. The belligerence and hostility were demonstrated by Mr. Roman and Ms.DeJesus. Members who came to vote were not allowed to enter the meeting. In addition Mr. Roman demeaned and insulted us.
Democracy? It’s not a democracy if there’s only one candidate. According to Mr. Roman, “Those claiming to have the right to vote lacked the required 10-days before their votes may be authorized to be cast.”
How will the truth of that statement ever be verified if Mr. Roman has control of the books? How will anyone ever know the truth?
Mr. Roman, this is Yonkers, New York, United States of America!
Not Hong Kong.
Apparently, he thinks if he recreates the facts, in a printed format, it makes it true. there is a video, correct?
Que verguenza
All lies from part of Roman. He just want to another Castro. Dictator
Sad but true, to say that
the election voting was handled in a fraudulently manor.
Most members were obstructed from entering the voting room.
After 6:30 you closed the doors so only your supporters could vote for you to become president. By denying other members the right to vote. What ever happened to respect towards our fellow colleagues and our right to exercise our vote. I am confident that once this matter is further investigated we will have a chance to cast our vote in a professional manner. Let’s learn to respect each other and avoid being spoken about, it’s a true embarrassment for all Latino members.
Get those switchblades and zip guns out of your closets and settle in like the spicks you are.
This is why spicks are not in city
Hall blame yourselfs.
Your commend is so bias that all I can say is that I’ll pray for you. Hate is a powerful thing but only if we listen to sure poison. Don’t wanna go into how great the Anglo Saxon Devil has done thru out history. It’s ok cause us people of the rainbow are coming.
It really sad when someone has the audacity to make references like this.
Yes… It was a rough night and the election was a sham which needs to
Be done over… Your negative thug comments are insulting and prejudice
What happened was poor leadership by Roman and his crew
but it was not like your suggesting
Now …Grow up ….
Btw for our Latino friends here in Yonkers. Lionel Turner, President of the CSEA was present while his Vice President of CSEA, Maribel DeJesus & her family & friends were preventing VOTERS from participating in election of organization. -An awaken Latino in Yonkers
I had no idea, very sad
We need to unite to create positive change..
In a way this had to happen to make change
We will become stronger and unite
Our voices need to be united not divided
A new fair election must occur…
Please leave the thug mentality out of these discussions…
Unite and get organized and get representation and vote, that’s all that matters to city hall. Nobody in city hall is from Yonkers.
We are here…and were not leaving..
Este pueblo de Yonkers es para nosotros
Vete par …..
Not all hispanics are thugs. What an ignorant comment!
Dear Rumble old Skool
what rock did you crawl out of…
Do us a favor and crawl back inside…pendejo
… … … get a life…
You are not a member and your bigotry has no part in these discussions. You get a life and go to….
Nasty …low life
Strongly Disagree With Mr Roman
I believe that Mr Hernandez definitely had the votes to beat out Roman’s Presidential aspirations.
This is why why so many people were kept out of the election.
Mr Hernandez acted professionally, and asked all his supporters to boycott the elections and leave.
If Mr Roman wants to have a real election, then he should have one, unless of course, he does not think he can beat Mr Hernandez in a fair election!
There they go again. The Spano’s try to take over the Hispanics in Yonkers and now the Hispanics are divided. Right out of the Spano play book. Either take them over or divide them. This is the treachery of the Spano’s.
Those days if divide & conquer are coming to an end in Yonkers. We, the Latinos of Yonkers will unite & go to the polls & show our power thru unity. We the majority just want our share of programs that we are entitle to. Our time is NOW!
Spano has no interest in YO except to preserve his next job with Gov. Cuomo. It’s not about Yonkers issues and needs, rather it’s what YO can do for NYS……Empire City deal is CLEARLY a win, win for NYS, yet YO schools are still held hostage to NYS puppet master, Gov. Cuomo. Spano appointed Eastchester longtime politician/resident, Jim Cavanaugh, he sound really concerned about YO students…..REALLY
The city of seven hills where nothing is on the level
not even an election committee by Mr Roman….
People…. Your comments are annoynimus and need to be heard…
The people that stand behind Mr Roman have questionable reputation.
Eric Schneiderman New York State Attorney General’s Hot Line number is (800) 771 -7755 for those members who where shut out from the Voting process . Please demand an investigation on what actually happen at School #13 including police report. Please request to open the books the practices of Mr. Roman and the past three Presidents. It’s election time and we make up over 3o% of the vote in the City of Yonkers.
Yes!! I agree 200%!! Lets get those 30% to the polls & let these politicians here us ROAR loud & clear.
Mike Spano set his puppets to try and wrestle control of the parade committee. These were his pitbulls and they all acted under his orchestration. Mike Spano should be exposed and ashamed of himself.
I can not believe that you, Mr. Roman, would say such lies…..
Mr. Roman,
Yesterday’s election voting was handled in a fraudulently manor.
Many members were obstructed from entering the voting room.
After 6:30 you closed the doors so only your supporters could vote for you to become president. You, decided to deny other members the right to a fair election process. When others challenged you, instead of answering in a diplomatic answer, you became rather hostile. The meeting was poorly organized with no civility whatsoever. An opportunity for candid discussions and an honest election were lost last night. The election was not handled fairly equally and honestly. At 6:30 you…Mr Roman.. closed the door and left at least fifty members in a hallway with no way to vote or participate… Where are the paper ballots for all of the members? I was there last night and couldn’t believe that you locked members out of the room refusing to let them enter to vote. You did not acknowlege the members in the hallway who were waiting. This election was not performed in good faith and really should be void and done over … Your actions caused the members discussions to become heated to the point that the cops were called…. Your account of what occurred was recorded on video and frankly way off of what really happened.