The Yonkers Police Benevolent Association (PBA) continues to increasingly become ever more embroiled in controversy that has over many years quietly, but reluctantly revealed itself to have been fomenting under the “alleged” leadership demeanor of Yonkers Police Detective Keith Olson. Olson has come under ever-greater scrutiny as his name surfaces and he is seemingly embroiled in a growing litany of troubling allegations involving members of the Yonkers Police Department (YPD), the Office of Westchester County District Attorney Janet DiFiore, YPD’s Top Brass (Supervisors), the community, and his own PBA membership. Olson’s approach of “denying and lying” in response to questions, telling of circumstances, and recalling of incidents and circumstances continue to fall on deaf ears. Even Yonkers City Hall has grown tired of his underhanded tactics; reluctant to admonish him for allowing too much to have occurred under his watch for fear that Yonkers City Hall will be regarded as deficient in keeping him at bay. City Hall’s reluctance has been recognized by Olson to be his entry to do anything he pleases as long as he continues to garnish greenbacks to those questionable circumstances that need to be spiced up . In fact, it is that very arrogance that defines the root causes for YPD’s standards in ethics and compliance with the law that has brought about forensic study of the Yonkers Police Department by outside agencies.
Yonkersites are fully in the know of Olson’s tight and cozy relationship with former Yonkers Police Commissioner (PC) Edmund Harnett. Under Harnett, the PBA let Harnett cut and gut the department, especially as they conducted their new direction when Olson and Harnett would often share lunch together. Those were the days when the YPD was shaped and run as would be expected by a former New York Police Department (NYPD) bureau chief. Olson is quick to deny their relationship. Olson is embarrassed to admit that Hartnett demanded Olson protest budget cuts to the YPD, and used Olson to do his bidding. Decrying the past in the hope of rewriting the historical records Olson often touts that he had spoken and attended many meetings, written various articles, as well as lobbied on behalf of his association. Well, duh? Isn’t that the role of the union leader? Was Olson’s demeanor self-serving?
Olson back-doored the Yonkers Firefighters without an axe. International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) Local 628 was in control of the federal funds for The Urban Area Security Initiatives for First Responders, and Harnett used Olson, and now Forth Precinct Captain John Mueller to do his lobbying against it; eventually it was taken away from them. Hartnett used Olson as his bully pit bull against members of the Captains, Lieutenants, Sergeants Association (CLSA) that were not conforming to the Hartnett/Olson directives, and also among the PBA membership who were complaining.
In those day, the YPD’s numbers were driven by arrests and fancy named “hotspots” which were attached to operations throughout Southwest Yonkers. This was YPD’s creative concept to place pressure on officers to go out and make arrests in specific areas of the city. The catalyst for this concept was brought about by budget cuts intentionally devised to divert YPD resources to other areas of the department; but the concept did not include any concern for or the welfare of the men and woman of the police precincts, and even less so, the welfare of the city’s residents.
This quest to do “more “with little or no resources fell unto the backs of those now defunct units; the now non-existent city-wide Street Crime and Housing Units. The incentive seems to have been money. As dirty as it sounds, it was a recipe for disaster that cost a person’s life, and undoubtedly may have paved the way for officers to take short cuts to look good for their commanders who needed numbers and information before walking into a ‘CompStat’ meeting. ‘CompStat’, short for COMPlaint STATistics, is the name given first to the NYPD accountability process before being replicated among other departments nationwide.
Given Olson’s self-centered approach to survive as PBA “leader” at all costs, and Hartnett’s numbers driven ‘CompStat’ approach, can be said to have placed too many Police Officers in precarious situations, invariably setting the stage for the recent indictments of two police officers, their respective questionable arrests, questionable police practices and testimonies, and the unusual number of lawsuits involving the same named officers.
Could it be that Olson’s battle cry of “too much supervision” played a distinct role? Most uncompromised supervisors don’t believe a word that comes out of Olson’s mouth, much less agree with his union practices or ethics? Rumors of Olson taping and recording private conversations having seemingly crossed to the “other side” of propriety; what person would be so naïve to share confidence with him?
Recent investigations into the Narcotics Unit by the Westchester County District Attorney’s Office reveals Olson’s approach to blame everything on “Top Brass” supervision. It is Olson’s self-deluding mindset that may have extinguished all prospects of him repairing an already chilled relationship too long suffered by CLSA since Olson came into prominence under a cloak of questionable political maneuvers and actions on his part.
The Westchester County District Attorney’s Office is said to be investigating what actually transpired during a recent search warrant execution. What is known is that the investigation was the catalyst that unleashed a “cornered animal mentality in Olson”. One aspect of contention, only recognized within the last four to six weeks or so, is Quinn Law & Associates’ Andrew Quinn, Esq.’s inability to fairly represent members of the CLSA and the PBA in criminal matters.
This understanding revealed itself during the Westchester County District Attorney’s investigative probing. Olson and Quinn decided to defend Police Officer Neil Vera, who is no stranger to the Internal Affairs Division. Yonkers Tribune has learned from reliable sources who shared facts and insight on the basis of anonymity that Vera was terminated during his probationary period for misleading the YPD during an internal investigation. Sources assert Yonkers PBA President Olson was instrumental in bringing Vera back to the YPD during the time of then Mayor Phil Amicone’s Administration because Vera was a personal family friend, and because Vera had worked with Olson’s wife at St. Joseph’s Hospital.
The decision to represent Vera over Christian Koch may have been a costly one for Quinn and Olson. Their strategy was questionable, to say the least. They decided to blame all of what occurred on the CLSA supervisors. How could that be? Quinn also represents the welfare of the CLSA membership, concerning all criminal matters. How does Quinn do it? How does he represent PBA members and CLSA members without conflict? How does that fact comport to Olson’s cry of too much “supervision”? So, where does that leave the supervisors? Quinn is collecting money from both unions. Is it possible that a well-known criminal attorney like Quinn did not foresee this conundrum? For now the CLSA membership have to hope they are not going to be hung out to dry. The rationale of any CLSA supervisor should be to follow and adhere to YPD’s policies and procedures; lest they be left flapping in the wind by the PBA.
Rumors have surfaced suggesting that Olson and Quinn’s strategy has cost Quinn his legal standing in representing the CLSA, and may even diminish his standing and reputation among the law enforcement community. The PBA’s legal strategy has had a damming effect on the whole department with the immediate transfers of seasoned supervisors, forced retirements, and upheaval among personnel in those units. Ouch!
If that were not enough, the PBA seems to be spending an unspecified amount of funds on defending some serious legal issues, as well as a pending Civil Law suit brought forward by one of its own members against Detective Keith Olson for what seems to be a clear political harassment case, and trumped up charges of impeachment which were carried and explained by Officer Vera, who is currently a PBA Trustee.
It appears that the Office of the PBA, under Olson’s leadership is immersed in and will before Olson’s broad shoulders. Olson’s flagrant disregard for internal policy and procedure may have had a direct role on what is currently going on within the YPD and the community at large. It has shaken the public’s trust.
These days are no longer regarded as the “roaring 1920’s”, when most police departments were still formulating rules and procedures, and civil rights were only beginning to take shape. This is 2014. The Public Trust, the civil rights of the community, and police department personnel must be ensured of their rights under the law. Effective crime control requires a collaborative working relationship between the police and the community. A culture of police integrity is essential in building respect and trust in the community. For a union leader, such as Olson, to go out into the community to personally issue a parking summons to a local businessman based on a personal vendetta tarnished the YPD and taints the Public Trust. Olson’s action was demanded by him of other police personnel that he instructed to issue more summonses. Olson’s heavy-handed attitude among Yonkers Police Officers may cause new police employees to believe that his conduct and directives are acceptable and warranted; they may believe it appropriate to continue to use this type of abuse of authority on others in the community. At issue is why would a PBA president believe he has the right to expect support from the very community over whom he runs roughshod? Police integrity starts from the top; it goes hand in hand with ethics.
Is that what is missing from PBA President Olson? Has Olson robbed and then trampled the integrity of the Yonkers PBA?
Police Integrity and ethics strikes at the very core of a functional police department, and its relationship with the community; integrity and ethics cut across an array of issues, including but are not limited to criminal investigation, racial profiling, traffic stops, internal affairs, complaints, and internal policy and procedures.
No union official should be given free reign under threats of legal actions, or job actions at the expense of its membership. No union leader should be allowed to conduct their own investigations against any union member without any authorization from its own department, and without any consequences for those illegal actions. No union leader should be able to gather official police files to be used against others without authorization or oversight from the District Attorney’s Office.
The system has to be fair for all in order to gain the public’s trust. Perhaps it is because of Olson’s disregard of Yonkers Police Commissioner Charles Gardner’s professional and ethical approach that the YPD is under investigation. Perhaps because Yonkers did not pick Fourth Precinct Captain John Mueller to head the YPD has been the reason for Olson to be so frustrated. Those who know Mueller know in their hearts and minds he is a wrong pick. How easily we forget that Mueller, along with Olson, fought off Gardner’s transfer order. What message did that send to the personnel that are transferred every day? There are professional captains suited for the top spot. Mueller, who is without a doubt an Olson lackey, is not one of them. Mueller is said to be solely controlled by Olson; under the guise they are best friends. Even formerSenator Nick Spano has his teeth in Mueller. Double ouch!
Gardner must use all legal means and resources to bring Olson and his cronies into compliance with the rules and regulations of the department. It is no easy task in dealing with an adversary such as Olson because he is allegedly pillaging the association’s funds to defend his acts of misconduct. Gardner and the City of Yonkers must move swiftly against the PBA. If they fail to do so, the future of the YPD will be tarnished and bleak and invite lawlessness within Yonkers borders.
The Department of Justice is said to have requested specific police records, and the Westchester County District Attorney’s Office is conducting criminal investigations into the YPD. There are simply too many “cases” under investgation to designate Olson’s defense of some officers’ conduct as an “occasional misstep, or the benefit of the doubt” that Olson asserted referring to his April 17, 2014 response to abuses of the badge in a LoHud article.
Charitable fundraising efforts by the PBA does not give rise to trampling the civil rights of ordinary citizens or its union membership. Doing charities and fundraisers does not mean it is a green light to violate someone’s civil rights, no matter how much money one raises. Fundraisers are done each and every day across the United States by many different union leaders for many different reasons. It goes without saying. The Yonkers PBA has yet to come clean with respect to some fundraising efforts in which there are rumblings that some beneficiaries did not receive all the funds collected in their name. What’s up with that?
So for the time being Yonkers waits as the Department of Justice, and the Westchester District Attorney’s Office continue to investigate allegations of police misconduct. As for Olson, he too is represented by PBA Legal Counsel Quinn for unauthorized investigations, evidence tampering, and numerous reports of harassment against others. Cheering over misconduct at an open union meetings is no badge of courage. It tarnishes the image of the majority of the YPD membership who do the job each and every day. These are the same people who do not attend the PBA meeting, and could care less about Olson. Perhaps it may be better if the Department of Justice steps in and also puts a hold on union activities over alleged criminal acts?
One thing seems apparent, the Yonkers Police Department and the City of Yonkers may be better served if they unload Yonkers PBA President Detective Keith Olson. The membership will certainly be richer without him.
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Comments 730
Merry Christmas! All I want for Christmas is a hoe hoe hoe. I was very busy today being Keith’s, I mean Santa’s number one elf. I handed out many gifts and fed the local crack heads too.
I miss you man
You assholes prove it yet once again…………..
You assholes prove it yet once again, lol. Ooooooohhhh, a regular sharing community tough guy. Go pluck yourself another ghetto rose and then go play in traffic you little dwarf.
I heard that Brian Moran owns the patent for the now famous quote, “I can’t breathe”.
appeal is coming stay tuned.
I don’t know. You tell me.
im telling you now its coming
I don’t know. You tell me.
Suddenly everything is Verrrrrry quiet nowadays. Guess that’s a by-product of what you get when you make set people up, create a hostile work environment and attack those who wore the uniform better than you once did. Ya Might have actually had a shot if you didn’t lose sight of the fact that you guys have just as many faults as the rest of us, especially the wife beater and the Hoover boys punching bag. The good thing for everyone else is that we put your antics on the internet – so that everyone would be aware of your rat packers hypocrisy. Now something tell me that you’ll find someone else to set up and violate their civil rights soon enough, but until that time comes, let us all never forget the Rat Packers and what they tried to do to this job and Ray Montero. So, to:
Keith Olson
John Mueller
Brian Moran
Anthony Chiarella
Dean politopoulous
Frank Fernandez
Joseph Galinski
……and all those who fell in line with them, thanks for doing your part to break up a job that has a thousand more other things to worry about nowadays than impeaching a 27 year, highly decorated, veteran Detective. Fortunately, LIKE EVERYTHING ELSE YOU TRIED, you will eventually have to answer to a higher authority – but that still doesn’t change the fact that you’ll never be forgotten. Happy Holidays RP. hope this years invite-only xmas party is as good as the PBA Christmas party.
PS: Karma is definitely a bitch. When Keith finally eats himself into an early grave our job and union will be better off. To Frank Fernandez and Joseph Galinski, I wonder how guys like yourselves can even look in the mirror. All theq things you guys have done will certainly catch up to the both of you soon enough. We wish you all the ill will humanly possible. We want you two to have the happiest of Holidays this year cause you never know when karma will get you.
Suddenly everything is Verrrrrry quiet nowadays. Guess that’s a by-product of what you get when you make empty threats, create ridiculous accusations, and attack those who wore the uniform the same way you once did. Ya Might have actually had a shot if you didn’t lose sight of the fact that you guys have just as many faults as the rest of us. The good thing for everyone else is that we didn’t need to put your antics on the internet – word of mouth was good enough for most. Now something tell me that you’ll find something else to fabricate soon enough, but until that time comes, let us all never forget the Blue Truthers and what they tried to do to this job. So, to:
……and all those who fell in line with them, thanks for doing your part to break up a job that has a thousand more other things to worry about nowadays than the thin skinned rants of a few bitter cops. Fortunately, LIKE EVERYTHING ELSE YOU TRIED, you failed – but that still doesn’t change the fact that you’ll never be forgotten. Happy Holidays BT. hope this years invite-only xmas party is as good as last years.
Drop it already.
Deputy Mayor Is getting the boot !
Prepare for a shakeup in city hall.
Has anyone else seen how unhappy the Mayor has been? He will smile soon when he finally let’s the other show drop on her.
If it doesn’t restore the police budget back to where it was then I ask, who the fuck really cares? I never really had to see or deal with that miserable pos anyway. I’m sure the rest of the spineless workers in city hall are happy. Someone should’ve kicked her in the #ss a long time ago.
Let’s keep our brothers and sisters in blue in our thoughts and prayers. Ferguson is a mess and now NYC will be too with the Gardner verdict. Keep your heads up and stay alert. A person has threatened YPD members with a firearm. Put this bullshit aside.
Hey hezi can we expect a not so eloquent article on why ray’s suit got dismissed?
yes great story coming hang tight
Hey Ray, I hope all the money your spending is worth the humiliation. Fucking idiot.
Lol, can’t wait, lol!
ray, how did such an incompetent beat you to the point that there wasn’t even a trial? According to you he sucks as a lawyer, what does that say about your team? Not KO
Why are you so infatuated with Ray? Quinn can’t even represent Neil because of all his shyster moves but yet he is paid heftily to represent your nonsense and all on our backs of course. That’s the problem with Rats, they infect everything around them. Who ever said anything about a trial? You guys make shit up as you go along. One thing you can bank on is that it ain’t over till its over! I heard if it wasn’t for the younger cops that love to go out, Zuppas would’ve been full of your usual butt munchers. Did Frankie come out of el bańo yet? I have an idea, instead of paying Quinn out of our hard earned dues, you should just charge the 20 board members and 52 cops that signed your propaganda petition. Or just have the cheerleader and the wife beater foot the bill. After all, it was their idea, wasn’t it!
Generally when you sue someone the intent is to go to trial to get your desired result, no?
The mighty Quinn didn’t explain the process to you? It’s ashamed we are even discussing this anyway. At least Ray is paying his own lawyer fees. Who is paying Keith’s? He allowed two members that have caused more detriment to this association than anybody else could ever dream of, to propose this preposterous idea. Now what the hell will all our athletes do when there is no money to fund our sports teams? I have an idea, get Quinn to donate. We sure have donated enough to him these past several years.
montero was suing the Police Association of the City of Yonkers, not KO. So you figure it out.
ray was suing the pba which is a private entity …… figure it out moron..
Yeah, a private association that didn’t want him in it anymore. Now he’s not. That’s that. Why would he want back in a group that wanted him out anyway?
Yeah that’s right loser, it’s a private entity. Just not Keith’s private entity. 410 members know why Ray is doing what he has to do. On the other hand Keith and his two dingleberries could give a shit less that the membership is paying for this nonsense. Frankie and the wife beater are two pipe jobs that only care about themselves. Someone tell joe that he’s writing checks he won’t be able to cash! Get from behind that desk you fucking drunken coward.
Speaking of losers, was Mahoney and DeVitt at the Christmas party? Or are they still severely injured from Claude Rains phantom vehicle? Holy shit! If I have to hear Mahoney say he needs one more year of overtime again, I’m going to expose all of his twisted secrets.
Hey Blue Truth, we heard at the meeting that Montero’s lawsuit got tossed. Dismissed. Squashed. So much for all that shit talking huh?
Maybe now you can stop wasting everybody’s time with your bullshit.
Probably not, lol.
Yeah, we heard the same. I also heard Frankie was doing back flips while PTF held his Pom poms and Joe Ski knocked around a couple of the female cops. Then one of the rookie cops invited a few of the Hoover boys and Frankie disappeared into the bathroom, again….
The Spartan is awesome. Anybody that ever worked with or for him knows the deal. Even the guys that talk shit on this site know he’s awesome. If they didn’t, then they would identify themselves and stop hiding behind anonymity. We know that it is one spineless moron posting negative shit about you Pappas. You can’t stop a hater!
Any news? Park hill bookie, blue Templar? Is he nominated yet?
Yeah, we have plenty of news. The Jets suck and so do you!
Next time you see Santabello just address him as Detective. You know the guy you tried to sink and have been mouthing since you took over as prez. Can you match your awards with his. He did it all without YOU and that dirty P.B.A. board.
Now let’s get back to Q&A. Did you not investigate a DD Captain and try to set him up?
You can polish a turd all you want but it’s still a piece of shit. Another shield wasted, just like the one that’s sitting in 1106.
Speaking of waste, think about all that money we wasted on that bum Quinn over the last several years. Wasn’t he going to put the whole department on trial? Now he can’t even defend Neil.
What’s amazing is how Keith Olson has denied everything including his name. Lol
Mr. Keith Olson are you going to impeach Joe Mahoney and Brian Devitt for attacking another police officer while on duty?
no they are the rats inner circle
pba by laws prohibits going after trustees and or keiths bitches….lol
So this is a showing of Yonkers’ finest?! Scary. These are the men who have sworn to “serve and protect” and uphold the laws of this city.
I don’t know. You tell me.
Nobody said we were God lady. Well Keith may think he’s God, but that’s all I got to say about that lady.
decision has been written cant release what the judge wrote but the fat rat wont like it…………..
Can we still bet?
Of course you can still bet. Odds for or against that ESU will be cutting the fat man out of the boat masters old Crown Vic, following his Christmas extravaganza? If you really wanna bet a long shot, take the action that YFD will be the ones rescuing him, lololololololololololololol.
It ain’t over till it’s over.
It was over a long time ago.
Don’t think so!
how much Quinn makes
how much Quinn makes
why do you want john Mueller chief so bad…………..
Blue dopes
NOVEMBER 26, 2014 AT 1:43 PM
A little word play and voila!!
But your meaningless, empty, little life is totally consumed by your sick infatuation wIth Ray and the Blue Truth expose and you will never see what you are hoping for. Still waiting for to make Blue Truthers pay for exposing you and getting each and every one of them back as you have stated numerous times. And when you see Mingy, please address him as Detective.
“Still waiting for to make Blue Truthers pay for exposing you”
What the fuck does that mean? You dopes are getting dopier if that’s even possible.
“Still waiting for you to”, come on man. You get the point. It’s ashamed the way you run our union. If only you cared about the membership as you do typos and grammar. You rat bastard.
BLUE TRUTH finally exposed a dirty rat corrupt cop any one here pathetic is that 600 pound gorilla that continues to lie. Yes we will hammer you till your ass gets sore and step down or get ousted the glory days for you my fat gray rat are coming to an end, and this isn’t khadar .
Haven’t looked on this stupid site in a few days but now I see that you Blue Truth losers have been blogging throughout the holiday.
When most of us were having fun with our family and friends, going about leading a productive normal life, you low life losers were spending your time and efforts on this meaningless, useless, hateful site. That is the most pathetic thing ever.
You idiots don’t realize you lost the battle a long time ago, back when one of you genius’ decided to start this silliness. I feel bad for your wives and children who get neglected on holidays so you can spew hate and lies while hiding behind your keyboards. It really is sad.
That’s it for now. See you assholes in a week or so.
you look all the time you just don’t comment because your either nippling on cheese or counting the money you skimmed..ROTFLMAO
Yes but you are the pathetic loser that couldn’t wait to get on the Tribune. How is your family? You waited till the day after Thanksgiving to post wow you are a terrific family man. ROTFLMAO. Get lost loser we know you were trolling the Tribune on Thanksgiving.
Mr. “Pathetic”, lol. At least you rat packers know what you are, lmao. Who the fuck are you kidding. Whenever someone writes and I quote, “Haven’t looked on this stupid site in a few days”, it’s a damn lie. You tend to this site like a mamma bear does her cubs. “When most of us were having fun with our family and friends”. Notice how the brilliant author of this post can’t find the courage to say “I”, lol. I get it, even your family and friends have no use for ya son. The only thing about your post that is accurate is that you definitely are “PATHETIC”, along with your pack of rats. And let’s clear the air for my chubby Rodent, this ain’t no battle, this is clearly a war you started and we will finish.
where is the rat come out and play fat boy……………..
The one you have to really look at for is that asshole Sean Mullins >>>>>>now that guy is a dick never did nothing on the job but kiss ass……little chubby kid
Well “ha” we are all used to that by now. Most of the guys Keith vouches for are zeros that never did anything on this job. Why do you think that is? Maybe because that fat fuck has never done anything on this job either. Well, I mean work related anyways. We do know he was working overtime on carrying other cops files around and setting up hard working MOS for political reasons. I’m sorry, I stand corrected, he did vouch for one really great guy. PTF got traffic. Lolololololololololololololololol
Yonkers P.B.A President , did your union trustee not lie to the State? Did you and Moran not investigate a DD Captain? Did you not call for a ticket bliz against a civilian? Tell it to the D.O.J. on the sand. Pataky will be with you.
What is a “bliz”?
he meant blitz asshole wish you would of went thru the new pba contract the way you scrutinize these comments …lol
“would of” don’t you mean “would have”?
keith you should of looked at our new contract you fucking asshole when will the next member have to go thru the new procedures, you are a fat loser that steals from the members.
To pathetic is keith, you did it again you dope, lol!
Short for blizang, the new slang word we created for when you get caught with your claws in the next fundraiser bag.
Someone is meeting the DOJ on a beach?
he meant stand asshole
I hope Keith ain’t meeting the DOJ on the beach. He will get harpooned and cheat justice. #other #ucker.
Are you drunk, or just that stupid?
Oh, I get it now. You’re senile. Poor old guy.
saw that short bastard this morning coming out of main st must of been having his turkey dinner with his homies
keith and his inner rat squad talk shit about everyone else including cops, civilians,bosses make no mistake he is a rat thieving fat bastard from moquette row and only cares about himself. We will continue to hammer you at all cost and expose you and your dirty deals. and this is not khader asshole
keith you the think for the new year you can get a new sweater vest something with no stains on it….lol
I don’t know. You tell me.
keith or his rat squad constantly make reference to john khader after all RAT wasn’t it you that called him names? wasn’t it you that wrote him tickets many years ago? wasn’t it that called him a ‘drug dealer’? wasn’t it you that went back to his place of business and waddled out of your car and wrote him again? wasn’t it you that started this war with him for no reason? every time he pops out here he signs his name and challenges you go underground, please tell us why do you constantly bad mouth him? What did he do to you? is it because he is friendly with your enemies? or maybe he knows all your past supervisors well and knows how dirty you are? I mean really keith can you get a letter of good reference from any boss today? as far as I know john is a good person and takes care of cops and their families as a union leader you should be ashamed for starting this whole mess with him. You are a mess you really need to get some professional help.
I don’t know. You tell me.
Nobody, and I mean nobody cares about that asshole. And what the hell does “infaCtuated” mean? Damn you guys are dumb.
you know what it means Keith or his lackey your a loser you talk about every one else on this site you are a ZERO no one cares about john khader why must you or lackey inject his name clearly you do. Happy thanksgiving to all and God bless the YPD except Keith.jk
keith nothing is lower than skimming money from fundraisers and leading your membership down the wrong path, you only won last time because you blew the mayor. Watch how the mayor uses this in his campaign commercial when he runs next year saying how he saved the city money by renegotiating something like 207c that was never touched in the past with other leaders, you are a sellout lowlife dirty pool cop and this aint john.
They make five sergeants with no spots I wonder why and you guys fight over nonsense this job is a joke
cant believe at the ceremony fat ass keith sat in the back some leader …you cant recycle garbage lol
It is amazing how obsessed you are with KO. You watch his every move like some weirdo stalker. You know where he sits, what he wears, where he vacations, where he goes to lunch, etc.
What amazes and disgusts all of us is that despite all of this stalking not one of you pussies has ever confronted him.
Weirdo stalkers, that’s what you are.
no one stalking the rat he should of been standing next to the brass not in the audience typical behavior of an outcast.
Weirdo stalker
only man crush is the joker
But your meaningless, empty, little life is totally consumed by your sick infatuation wIth KO and you will never see what you are hoping for. Still waiting for the press conference on the City Hall steps, lol.
ahhhhh your so wrong it takes time to bring down evil doers like keith press conference will happen just waiting for Judges decision. More importantly when judge reinstates Ray the federal lawsuit will come right after keiths days are numbered water boys……
So the decision will be Monday?
don’t know but very soon either way Ray will be reinstated on the merits of the case, and Quinn will get a call or letter from the grievance committee on his illegal and unethical conduct, he seems to forget that he is a officer of the court and held to higher standards,but I guess money made him blind…..
How did that work out for you?
One thing the PBA board told me that makes a lot of sense about Betty. She may be beastly,but she is very good for bathroom sex in bars after the 4×12’s.
“Lets make this quick dear.”
Typical low class comment from a Blue Truther, taking another shot at a woman. Funny thing is you don’t even have the balls to confront her.
Fucking cowards. All of you.
totally uncalled for this is not what we are about, Betty I apologize on behalf who made that comment.
It is exactly what you stand for. Stick your apology up your ass.
You can’t spell TemplAR without R-A-T.
as far as I know keith you could of posted that your self,you are an asshole cant wait till you are gone.
keith your a bum some one apologizes and you answer back like that your not a leader your a thug.
By “inside guy” do you mean that you’ve been inside a smelly limo?
keith again dragging in khader do you really think its him the dude has many times signed his name you refused to answer sounds like we know who the coward is……..
he sat by himself no one wanted to be seen with the fat fuck
So the December PBA meeting is approaching fast and still no reinstatement for Montero? Awwwww, but you guys promised! LoL
Is he gonna get pardoned like a Thanksgiving Day turkey?
guaranteed he will be in by that time take it to the bank fat boy
If you’re so confident you must be giving pretty good odds. So tell us park hill bookie what are the odds that ray will be at Monday’s meeting?
if the decision comes down by Monday he will be at the meeting, if it doesn’t he will be at the January meeting 100% take it to the bank, and guess what he will be nominated for V.P.
I thought you gaurenteed he would be there Monday?
how can I say that it all comes down to when judge releases his decision, Dec or Jan he will be in for nominations what will you do then?
keith what difference does dec or jan make he is going back in whether you like it or not,and he will be nominated.
I pray that does happen so we can watch that idiot mumble and stumble through an election only to lose by about a thousand votes in complete and utter humiliation.
if you do it honestly and both sides watch the boxes he wins easily, can you explain how he beat farina almost 3 to 1 and farina was backed by you?
Al Sharpton would beat that fool in a PBA election.
Oh boy, if Ray runs against Keith then Quinn better “RUN” also. To the print shop that is and order double ballots again, lmao. I would hate to see him lose his goal of stealing a cool mill plus from the hard working Yonkers cops.
last laugh will be on you, what will you do when he gets reinstated? you are your worst own enemy is it true you really sat in the back when members where getting made?
missing this morning at the promotions was Capt.Mueller he was at the tailor getting his new uniform made when he becomes the next chief….lol
Missing today and every day is your dignity.
even scumbag pres .leader thief was not sitting next to brass he was seen hanging out in the rear rats nest corner…lol
Really? What did you say to him?
you kidding wouldn’t be seen with that slimy rat now want to get next to him with that stained
I thought he was on stage pinning the detective shield on Mingy.
Can’t blame him. I wouldn’t want to be in the direct line of one of Mingy’s buttons from his dress blouse either.
fuck you keith don’t hate
That’s why Keith always wears the proverbial sweater vest. He’d be shooting missiles. Button banned. Lmao
Missing for 5 years is the money collected for Wayne.
That’s true. You should be worried.
Mr. Olson is your union trustees involved in fights, illegal vehicle searches, and false arrest ? Did William Pataky not have on duty and off duty physical confrontations with other police personnel? Did your union trustee Joe Mahoney not attack a co-worker while on duty with another police officer Brian Devitt? Did your other union trustee Neil Vera not lie to another Detective? Did he not randomly find drugs to plant, so he could get a search warrant? Did you and Brian Moran not conduct an unauthorized investigation against a DD Captain? Did you not tell the P.C. you had gathered I.P. addresses of people you suspected of posting? Did you and J. Donaghy not remove evidence of a possible assault from County property? Did you want us to believe that all of this is a one time event? We will even leave the fact that you started a ticket bliz against a businessman and verbally threaten him with bodily harm. You have been found guilty as charged. No buts…just facts….all on paper…..all on file….
We are wondering what you and Pataky did to ordinary citizens?
How about we put this petty bullshit aside for awhile and focus on our brother and sisters of Law Enforcement in Ferguson. Let’s keep them and all out Law Enforcement in our thoughts and prayers and we gave these trying and troubling times. Thier fight is long from over and need all the help they can get. Stay safe.
You’re like a broken record. Holy crap.
Keith makes the looters in Ferguson look like Saints.
heard some great things are happening in white plains concerning the rat.
evil triumphs when good men do nothing. Edmund Burke
By now everyone knows that it’s highly unlikely that the only Captain in the city who ever worked against his boss will never be made. How could any politician make a guy like John Mueller who is not only not stable but refused an direct order to transfer with the help of his handler and union rat Keith I never told a lie Olson. Mueller and Olson come together like a pair of loaded dice. Two for the price of one. You see Olson is a carpet- bagger who thinks he will be promoted because he walks Mueller around like a baby chip.
Bottom line is that the majority of the C.L.S.A. and uniform personnel don’t respect either one.
too bad the deal has been made start calling him chief please thanks keith …lol
p.s. keith is a good guy he is the only pres. that works for both unions
By now everyone realizes you’re a dick.
and by now every one knows your a dirty cop
If Tim turns down the chiefs spot, it will then go to Capt. Brian, hes young enough and has the time on the job to handle the assignment. JM pissed too many people off.
Rogue union leader Keith Olson tries to buy Mueller his stars. Let’s face KO nobody is buying into your latest publicity stunt to reshape yours and his embarrassing despicable behavior. You can shell out another $48, ooo dollars but that does not mean he is Chief material. So stop it with your little coffee clutches and go crawl back into your sewers. Take that ass hole I have a dream acorn carrying girl of yours with you? Fools. Do you think that everyone believes anything you have to say after your want to be Chief stop talking to everyone in the C.L.S.A for five years. Have Mueller rub the fat off your belly. Nobody respects or trust either one of you carnes. Lol
never gonna happen would you give up a free credit card with unlimited funds and no one to question you?
I don’t know. You tell me.
and im telling you keith would never step down with an open bank account to do as he pleases
Keep praying dick.
any dick here that needs to pray would be that dirty cop named fat rat cant wait till hammertime.
I’m praying you take a grammar lesson.
2 Yonkers cops named in 14 misconduct lawsuits
Erik Shilling, 1:44 p.m. EDT April 7, 2014
(Photo: Mark Vergari/The Journal News)
James Jones had just left Nepperhan Community Center in Yonkers on Nov. 20, 2012, when he saw a city police officer he recognized: William Pataky.
Pataky apparently recognized Jones, too, a 38-year-old ex-convict who is no stranger to law enforcement and was out on parole after serving more than a year in custody following a violent confrontation with officers in May 2010.
But in this instance, Jones said, he was doing nothing wrong when Pataky screamed a vulgarity at him and then gave chase after Jones ran.
Jim Bostic, the executive director of the Nepperhan Community Center in Yonkers, talks about the behavior of the Yonkers Police Department, March 28, 2014. (Video by Mark Vergari/The Journal News) Video by Mark Vergari/The Journal News
When Jones stopped and put his hands in the air, Pataky kicked him in the face and called Jones a “black monkey” who “will not see Thanksgiving,” according to a civil lawsuit Jones filed. A gash on Jones’ head was later glued shut at the hospital; in October he won a $2,500 settlement, with Yonkers admitting no wrongdoing.
Jones’ suit may sound like an ordinary case of police brutality against an officer who may have simply made a mistake in a tough job that many street cops say is relentless and thankless.
But Jones’ case against Pataky is not an outlier. Many officers spend their entire careers without so much as a civilian complaint, but Pataky has been named in lawsuits in U.S. District Court at least six times in the past two years alone while another Yonkers police officer, Alex Della Donna, has been named at least eight times in the same period. Judgments or settlements in three additional suits against the officers prior to that totaled $227,000.
Lawsuit: Yonkers cop used PCP arrest to coerce sex
Cost: Yonkers pays nearly $3M in decade over police misconduct
Documents: Read the complaints against Yonkers police
Taken together, the lawsuits paint a grim picture of the officers’ behavior, suggesting that though the city’s police force has made strides since a 2009 federal report that faulted it for, among other things, not requiring officers to wear nametags, there remain a few officers who lawyers, residents and community advocates say continue to stray from procedure. Merely showing disrespect to one of these officers, they say, could get you arrested or, on a bad day, physically beaten.
“Even by Yonkers standards, Della Donna seems to shine,” said Rose M. Weber, a lawyer for one plaintiff. “It’s incomprehensible to me that an officer with this many lawsuits against him is still on the street.”
Another lawyer, Andrew Laufer, whose clients accuse Della Donna of illegally searching their home and arresting them, was just as critical.
“There doesn’t seem like there’s any real accountability for any of these officers’ antics … They’d rather seemingly cover up corruption,” Laufer said.
Yonkers police declined to say whether Della Donna, Pataky or any of its officers had been disciplined or fired for misconduct in the past 10 years. Della Donna has been the subject of Internal Affairs inquiries and numerous civilian complaints, and court papers reveal that one woman’s complaint was deemed to be substantiated, forcing him into the department’s Performance Monitoring Program.
Photo of Yonkers police badge and uniform hat at a police promotion ceremony at Yonkers City Hall, Jan. 31, 2013.(Photo: Mark Vergari/The Journal News)
‘Excellent cops’
Della Donna, 37, and Pataky, 36, have won awards for their police work, however, and police and union officials defend them. In each lawsuit, the officers and the city have denied the most serious claims against them, and even after settling often do not admit any wrongdoing, as in Jones’ case.
Keith Olson, president of the Yonkers Police Benevolent Association, said it was simply a paradox of police work that the officers who get most of the awards also attract the most complaints because they are the most active. He said Pataky and Della Donna were “excellent, excellent cops.”
“I can’t think of (any complaint) that’s ever been justified,” Olson said. The stream of lawsuits and complaints hurt morale, he said, because “you want your active cops out there and you want them to feel motivated and protected.”
“Even if you know the lawsuit is completely frivolous, it sets you back a bit,” he said.
Joseph Pollini, a lecturer at John Jay College of Criminal Justice who was an officer and detective with the New York Police Department for 33 years, said that being active on the beat was no excuse for generating complaints.
“It’s still up to the officer to conduct themselves in a proper fashion,” he said. “But a lot of times they go out and they get a John Wayne mentality.”
Pollini acknowledged that force sometimes was necessary if a suspect was less than cooperative, but “the rule is, use the least amount of force possible.”
For certain officers, he said, the equation might change for suspects who already have admitted to illegal acts or whom they have interacted with or arrested before. For those suspects, there’s less of a chance they ever report misconduct.
“If (an officer) roughs him up, the probability is he’s never going to tell anyone. He’s committing illegal acts, he’s out there, he doesn’t want to tell anyone,” he said. Officers “are not going to talk to someone with a business suit like that.”
Della Donna didn’t respond to requests for comment. A reporter who mistakenly went to Pataky’s mother’s house in search of the officer received a phone call from the officer minutes after leaving. Going to the homes of officers, Pataky said, “was not a good idea,” before adding that his department did not allow him to speak to reporters.
TJN 0406 YONKERS Commisioner GardnerBuy Photo
Yonkers Police Commissioner Charles Gardner was photographed in his office in Yonkers on March 5.(Photo: Carucha L. Meuse/The Journal News)
Yonkers Police Commissioner Charles Gardner deflected questions about Pataky and Della Donna specifically. The department also declined to provide basic biographical information about the men, including their current assignments and ranks.
The department spent nearly $3 million from 2000 through 2009 to pay legal settlements or judgments related to police misconduct, city records indicate.
Even so, Gardner said community outreach efforts were paying off in recent years.
“The department remains committed to providing professional police services to people in communities throughout the city,” he said in a statement.
Fewer complaints
The complaints against the officers come at a time the Police Department was acknowledged to have cleaned up misconduct after the U.S. Department of Justice issued a 2009 report.
With DOJ officials now looking over their shoulder, both community leaders and police officials have said that complaints have dropped, and have continued to drop. In 2011, there were 25 excessive-force complaints, compared with 16 last year, for a department of some 600 that responds to more than 120,000 service calls yearly and arrests around 6,000 people a year.
By comparison, the White Plains Police Department, about a third of the size of the Yonkers force, averages around a dozen complaints each year, officials said.
But the number of complaints may not tell the whole story, primarily because residents who have complaints may not tell the police at all, for fear of indifference or, worse, retaliation.
Take the case of Danny Squicciarini, a college student who said in court papers that in April 2011 he was driving at a parking lot at Cross County Shopping Center when Della Donna and another officer stopped him and ordered him and his friend to step out of their vehicle. A patdown and unauthorized search of Squicciarini’s car followed, he said, but he was not arrested.
Squicciarini and his friend immediately tried to lodge a complaint at a precinct house, he said, but a desk sergeant refused to file one without names or badge numbers. Five months later, he ran into Della Donna and the other officer again; another car search turned up an unlit marijuana cigarette.
Squicciarini was arrested after one officer made oblique reference to his attempt to complain, the lawsuit alleges. At the Alexander Street jail, he was forced to go nude in front of several other prisoners while officers performed a strip search, according to court papers.
‘Rogue officers’
Jim Bostic, executive director of Nepperhan Community Center, credited Gardner with improving the department’s relationship with the community. But, without naming names, Bostic also acknowledged in an interview last year that “rogue officers” pose a continuing threat to the department’s credibility, making it harder for all cops to do their jobs.
“People are less willing to cooperate. People are less apt to volunteer information,” Bostic said. “It makes (officers’) jobs very difficult.”
Bostic also criticized the complaint process, saying it fed the impression that “the situation is being whitewashed.” Meanwhile, he advises residents to try to “de-escalate” confrontations with the police, which can be difficult.
Alexander Spillman’s confrontation with police began in June 2006 when he refused to pick up a lollipop stick he had thrown to the ground. In his lawsuit, Spillman said it ended with him being given a broken nose after he fought with several officers, including Pataky. He won $190,000 from the city, though the jury found Pataky’s actions were justified.
Lisa Williams of Yonkers talks about a violent encounter she had with a member of the Yonkers Police Department which she claims resulted in a injury. ( Video by Ricky Flores / The Journal News ) Video by Ricky Flores / The Journal News
Lisa Williams, 33, said she had a run-in with officers in July, when they roughed her up after she began questioning them for putting her son in handcuffs. She said most police were good officers just trying to do a hard job. But bad officers can undermine the system.
“At the end of the day, psychologically, it does mess people up, and it does make them want to come out and retaliate,” Williams said. “It’s not right, but that’s just the way it goes when you’re not getting justice served.”
James Jones, who won $2,500 from the city in a settlement of a lawsuit against Pataky, said he was surprised he got any money, even though he tried to keep the faith.
“I didn’t expect it, but I knew justice was going to prevail,” Jones said, “because they can’t keep doing this.”
Bostic said flatly that they can, but must also accept the consequences.
“You can do it that way if you want,” he said. “You’re the law. Just don’t expect your job to be easy. Don’t expect that when you come back, you’re going to get people’s trust, or confidence, or cooperation. What you will experience is resistance. You will experience hatred. And you have to come back tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after.”
Staff writer Colin Gustafson contributed to this story.
Twitter: @erikshilling
Alex Della Donna, age 37
• From July 1, 2012, to June 30, 2013, earned $179,500; $81,112 in base pay. Earned $177,500 in total compensation in 2013.
• Was an officer in Mount Vernon and Ossining before joining Yonkers police in 2007.
• Received meritorious police duty bar and an excellent police duty bar in 2004 while with Mount Vernon. In 2005, received a first-place award for exceptional merit after he and another officer shot dead a knife-wielding man who had attacked them.
A sampling of Della Donna’s work over the years:
• 2007: Arrested man who smashed a window at a BP gas station after he got upset over the price of coffee.
• 2008: He and another officer arrested man who later admitted to shooting a 15-year-old boy.
• 2009: Arrested man who was accused of gang-related drive-by shooting.
William “Billy” Pataky, age 36
• From July 1, 2012, to June 2013, earned $158,138 in gross pay; $85,639 in base pay. Earned $161,735 in total compensation in 2013.
• Sworn in as an officer in 1998.
• Received award in 2008 for taking loaded gun from suspect. In 2009, was given meritorious service award by Police Emerald Society of Westchester.
A sampling of Pataky’s work over the years:
• 2001: Arrested Earl Simmons, better known as rapper DMX, whom Pataky and another officer took into custody after traffic stop.
• 2006: He and another officer arrested car-thief suspect who smashed window of unmarked police car.
• 2008: While in plainclothes, arrested teenager who tried to mug him. That same year, found half-pound of marijuana on suspect who had been pulled over in routine traffic stop.
Source: The Journal News archives, city record
Federal lawsuits
Some of the plaintiffs who name William Pataky and Alex Della Donna, among other police officers, in federal lawsuits. The claims below are as stated by plaintiffs in civil complaints and other court papers.
• Kadeem Smith’s August 2012 lawsuit claims he was mauled by a police dog after he was pursued by a group of officers, including Pataky. Smith fled from officers who tried to arrest him on suspicion of trespassing at Gorton High School on Oct. 22, 2009. After chasing him into nearby woods, police struck him in the head with a gun and let a canine repeatedly bite him until one officer finally shouted, “Stop, you’re killing him.” The case is pending.
• Alexander Spillman sued in March 2007, saying he was driving on Ashburton Avenue in Yonkers on June 5, 2006, when he threw a lollipop stick out of his car window, starting a confrontation with Officer Robert Wilt, who ordered Spillman to pick up the stick or receive a summons. Spillman told Wilt to back off, using a vulgarity. Spillman was ordered to pull his car over, which he did. Moments later, Pataky and several other officers arrived and beat Spillman, resulting in a broken nose, heavy bruising and other injuries. He was awarded $190,000 after a jury in U.S. District Court in Manhattan found in 2011 for Spillman and against Wilt, though the jury also said Pataky’s actions were justified.
• Joaquin Thatcher’s February 2013 lawsuit states that Pataky and other officers beat him until his eyes were closed shut after a traffic stop. He suffered a broken nose, fractured cheek bone and fractured rib. Pataky had first accused Thatcher of ramming his car into a police cruiser and selling cocaine. The lawsuit is pending.
• Richie Nadal sued in January 2013, saying he was beaten by Pataky for no reason in October 2012 after he was a passenger in a car that was involved in a minor accident and he couldn’t furnish any identification. Nadal suffered bruising to his head, a concussion and lacerations. The lawsuit is pending.
• Reginald Driver’s April 2012 lawsuit alleges he was beaten by a group of officers including Pataky after a traffic stop in March 2012 and later had multiple stitches put in his head at St. Joseph’s Medical Center in Yonkers as a result of the beating. The case settled in October 2013.
• Christian Colon sued in June 2013, after he says he was severely beaten by a group of officers including Pataky when he tried to videotape officers arresting his girlfriend. Colon later spent two weeks in St. Joseph’s Medical Center to recover, cuffed to a bed. The lawsuit is pending.
• Tisha Solomon sued in March 2011 after she was stopped in June 2009 when she and another person stole a 1998 Dodge. After officers surrounded her car and ordered her out, she was beaten by five officers including Della Donna, breaking her nose, several teeth and knocking out another tooth. The case was settled in Solomon’s favor for $33,000 on Jan. 8, without Yonkers admitting to any wrongdoing.
• John Rivera, a 34-year-old serving 4 1/2 years in state prison for drug possession, sued in March 2013. Rivera said he was arrested and beaten by Yonkers police officers in December 2012. Della Donna then took a bag of Rivera’s, which Rivera said contained valuables including $800, two gold chains, gold bracelets, a Citizen Eco-Drive watch and a Samsung cellphone. A search of Rivera’s vehicle later turned up 57 grams of cocaine and 89 grams of heroin, but Rivera said in the suit that was untrue: He actually had 84 grams of cocaine. Also discovered in the car was $4,000, Rivera said, but never reported. He never saw any of the items again. The case is pending.
• Wilfredo Ruiz and Elizabeth White sued the city in December 2012, saying they were outside his apartment in September 2011 when Della Donna and two other officers approached, questioned the two, searched Ruiz’s genitalia and then made an unauthorized search of his apartment. Charges against the two were later dismissed; the lawsuit remains pending.
• Brian Pettiford’s February 2013 lawsuit alleges Della Donna forcibly searched his anal cavity after he and another officer already had taken $350 and crack cocaine from Pettiford. Pettiford was never charged, he said. Pettiford asked to withdraw the suit in December, saying he planned to refile later.
• Ivan Evans sued in October 2012, saying Della Donna falsely arrested him a month earlier on a made-up charge of heroin possession. The case was dismissed in October 2013 after Evans stopped responding to court requests.
• Joseph Yearwood’s April 2013 lawsuit accuses Della Donna of illegally searching his home after an arrest and taking $5,100 from him while also fabricating claims that he possessed cocaine. The case was dismissed in January after Yearwood stopped responding to court requests.
• Rodney Crenshaw claimed he was repeatedly harassed by Mount Vernon police officers including Della Donna over a period of years. He sued in April 2006 and won a $5,000 settlement in November 2010.
• Branden Brown sued in April 2013, accusing Della Donna and another officer of fabricating drug charges against him. The suit is pending.
• Sonia L. Gomez’s March 2013 lawsuit states that she was arrested by Della Donna on drug charges before being released and having the drugs returned to her — all part of an apparent seduction that led to her sleeping with the arresting officer, in return for drugs and other favors. The case is pending.
• Danny Squicciarini claims he was stopped twice by Della Donna and another officer, the second time in retaliation for Squicciarini’s attempt to complain about the first stop. The lawsuit, filed suit in June 2012, is pending.
• James Jones’ February 2013 lawsuit claimed Pataky approached him on the street, called him “black monkey,” kicked him in the face and beat him a few months earlier. The city was ordered to pay $2,500 to Jones in October 2013 without admitting wrongdoing
Compiling the data
Information from Yonkers concerning settlements and judgments related to misconduct by police officers during the years 2010-2013 was provided too late to be included in this report.
The Journal News sought data for the past 13 years in Freedom of Information Law requests submitted to the city during the first week of July. Yonkers responded in January by providing figures for 2000 to 2009. The city said it would supply data for 2010 to 2013 within a few weeks. Follow-up calls for this information were not returned.
The city’s next response was April 2, stating it would seek to provide figures for the remaining years. Information for 2010 through 2012 was provided by Friday and the city said numbers for 2013 would be sent by early this week. This data will be used for a future report.
The Journal News was not charged for the data from 2000 to 2009; the city said it would charge the newspaper an amount not exceeding $459.54 for the remaining years.
First of all Keith the mystery writer, do we know its these people you repeatedly mention? We can probably all agree that you are off the mark. So let’s see Keith, after almost seven years of not writing ONE single summons you decide to get your cottage fat ass out of your union chair and personally go to John’s place of business and start off a failed bullshit ticket bliz that yielded only eight.
Then you spread rumors about him and tell his own friends that you suspect he is friendly with cops that either you do not like or you set up. Then you see this same taxpaying Yonkers citizen at a opened sponsored old timers picnic and try to humiliate him in front of his retirement friends. Not only do you fail to get support from the retired members watching your insecure pathetic belligerent emotions play out, YOU then threaten the guy by inviting him into the woods. Really mr. Prez. Really, is this why you are being chastised. So don’t come on this site looking for sympathy or trying to spin it on all these people you name. You see KO your a rat and no doubt a fucking criminal thug union leader. We will not go away. You are no only a want to be thug, but a coward for using your position as a union leader to commit internal an external misconduct. So go run along you chubby little bully boy, this will not go away and every day we will stand together until you are removed and charged. So go brush those yellow stinking teeth and suck on a diabetic cheese nip before you attack anyone else. Who cares if anyone reports you, you see it you report it. Should he lie like your union trustees that lied on Kock, Montero, Pappas, Itzla, Santabello, the P.C. and a host of others. Our message is strong. Take that other lying Law Firm with you because it’s there last year. Answer why Quinn got booted off the case after the membership spent thousands and continue to pay thousands for protection?. Step down or be removed you public liar. Your laughable, cowardly and corrupt, besides an over weight pussy.
There are some names that are always mentioned together. Montero, Pappas, Itzla, Santabello and KOCK!
Keith Olson can you show the District Attorney’s office the hundreds and hundreds of awards your union trustee Neil Vera has earned? Not only did he not buy any drugs from the School Street address, but clearly sent other police officers into uncharted territory. Keith, did Vera’s lies not cause police officers to get investigated? Did he not cause the death of another?
Keith, why the the Quinn Law firm get the boot off the case? Lol
How many more times are you going to post that you are a successful businessman, too old to fight, and that you filed an IAD complaint??
We get it already…..defending yourself once or twice is understandable but you have now made a fool of yourself.
Have some dignity…aren’t you above this nonsense?
You are coming across as an arrogant, middle-aged and overweight, mouth breathing idiot with a low IQ and a haircut from 1985.
Please just go away.
keith go fuck your self you wish you are half the man he is..opps let me rephrase that cause lord knows that doesn’t fit you…opps let me rephrase that too cause lord knows not too many things fit you… I give up lol keith why not debate him he seems like he knows a lot about scumbags like you
keith lackey or should I call you his water boy? don’t talk about weight john is no way close to that fat fuck corrupt stealing cop..ROTFLMAO
you forgot to mention the complaint with the its in the pipe line…lol
fuck you keith any one ever say you look like south broadway bum BILLY QUINLINN…LOL
you mean mike caspari,,lol
Well you can see that this year’s butter ball rat turkey has come stuffed with all the lies and all the scat droppings of his sweet sugar hamburger, mop swishing, gyspy telling , I am in charge John Mueller, boo ho refusing orders, acorn packing, Olson ass licker, give me more money and I am sorry to all the C.L.S.A. members that I refused to talk too, sweet taste of Olson’s ball less sack, all served with warrant less searches, personnel files, loads of warrant less Carmel illegal phone numbers, charbroiled tampered evidence, and union trustees armed with sharp lies of bake moquette raisin covered rat cheese, served with cinnamon see through search warrants baked by two of the best rat chefs that the Yonkers Police cafeteria has to offer. Neil Vera, and Brian we do not need a warrant moran.
Now the lying prayer serve will be led by William Pataky, I do not plant drugs and slap around young teenagers. Amen boys, pass me the tainted sweet potatoes K.O.
well fat rat from the river seems like john is not afraid of you why haven’t you answered him and you call other members cowards behind computers ROTFLMAO as far as I know I wish john was a cop seems like he has no problem going toe to toe with you LOLOLOL
keith or follower if you really think some comments are mine you need help, as I said in previous comments you have enough guys banging the shit out of you already I don’t need to add my opinions, and yes I do read and follow blue truth a lot I find it amusing how you haven’t addressed any of the statements or facts that are presented not that it is my concern because I have no interest in the inner workings of the department, as a citizen and local businessman I have witnessed and experienced the harassment personally from you, but I really do get a rise when I see how you react back at some of the comments. Its almost like a comedy show. If I was you I would focus on how to fix what you broke many years ago.jk
keith I don’t fight I am too old for that, also as you know already I did file a complaint with IAD and the county, so keep it up your only helping my case get stronger against you, not too mention the public now knows what you really are, by the way why do you have it in for me? you have been attacking me way before the blue truth series came out, I have no problem meeting you anywhere to discuss why you continue to target me.jk
Keith why do you keep mentioning my name? you really think its me you need to get some help as I said in previous comments I don’t care what goes on. I have an idea lets debate on Hezi show and lets talk openly no holds barred other wise keep me out of this. There is enough guys out there slamming you I don’t need to do it have a good day.jk
I am sorry Keith but I did not post those comments I know you would like to paint me as a bad guy and do what ever you can to make other cops think the way you do, but I will go on the record that I never bash cops or go against them, even Vera and Koch I feel bad for them and their families and my opinion is that they are innocent till proven guilty. I wish them the best and I say that sincerely. Just because you harassed me, wrote tickets and threatened me to a fight doesn’t mean I will bash other members of this job or bring up the past I actually feel bad for them that they have a leader like you seems like you aren’t paying enough attention to the ENTIRE membership, but that’s not my concern its your problem you have to deal with it.GOD BLESS THE YPD for the great job they do each and every day.
Out with the old in with the new . new guys need to step up and clean up shop do it the way clsa does and keith will lose and you still have to watch those boxes like a hawk
hey Keith or who ever the coward may be, number one if I want to blog here its my right, number two keith you came after me so I have every right to say what ever I may so let me go public and say keith you are an asshole and one of the worst cops I have seen. You are useless self serving junk. I stand behind blue truth I believe mostly everything Hezi printed about you is accurate, I don’t stand for the personal comments and attacks that not me , you have harassed me called me names as you continue to do so you wrote tickets I have no clue what’s up your ass but let me go on the record to publicly say FUCK YOU.I am not afraid of you as a matter of fact your lucky that I am a family man and run a successful business in Yonkers otherwise the day you threatened me and invited me in to the woods the outcome would of been different. You may be the bully that no one stands up to at your meetings but I will go to one of your meetings and we can straighten out things and let the members see your true colors. Do you really think that its only me that comments on you ?believe me lots of civillians are banging you online . The political community is blogging on you your story is all over Westchester county and further spend some money and fix your reputation your a loser and everyone knows it, go learn how to be a true professional and not a thug now go fuck your self .jk
that was copy and paste from one of the older blue truths what do you say now keith….
Hey dummy, you forgot to change the user name you idiot.
“Retired MOS”? Are you schizophrenic? And you wonder why people don’t like you?
that was copy from another blue truth from john retart
well here we go again Keith and his crew throw my name in the mix….yes Keith or co. Det.Montero gets reinstated in an easy decision based strictly on the merits of the bull shit impeachment process, Quinn fucked up bad on how you did the proceedings so what the wager big shot? I will bet any thing I lose I apologize you lose will you step down…………………
This is the way it will go….. Hodges can be chief but does not want it because he is smart and knows the job is all about the money so he will refuse the job stay DD capt get a nice three year average or retire collect his pension then when Garnder goes he will become commissioner and collect that salary as well . Mueller who is all about the power and is about obsessing over getting everyone back that he does not like will gladly get and take the chief job. To all his ass kissing fans it will be a victory but in realty it really does not matter because he will only do what he is told. Then in a few years he will retiree with a pension equal to a cops if not less and realize it really is all about the money. Then he can tell all his neighbors and friends he was a chief and realize that beyond that small Yonkers police circle no one really gives a shit and how powerless the job realy is.
yeah that sounds realistic.
Just shut up and get back on the sidelines sonny boy. Nobody cares what you think.
why are you so rude you know its the truth
He the chief wow still looks pathetic crying about it for 3 years
Who mentioned anyone’s name?
Why are you so stupid?
keith did john ever bully you when you went to high school seems you keep mentioning him here.You called him drug dealer and everything under the sun you wrote him tickets many years ago and you did it again a few months ago, if I were you I wouldn’t be mentioning his name word has it he filed a complaint with Janet’s office on you.
What did john do exactly Keith to you or any other member? I got more years on the job than you do he has more friends than you and he always helps when ever he can you must be jealous but I cant figure why you really need to get over him and move on.
keith is a dick always will be for any leader to be going after a local businessman that supports YPD is an asshole,I just saw one of his limos at a funeral for a member and it wasn’t the first time. Get to work Mr. Olson focus on your duties and leave civilians alone.
keith always hated john I remember one time he said in a small group in back of one of the precincts that him and mikey d fixed tickets I told him don’t say that you know its not true, fact is he hated john because he has more respect from members and bosses and john always helped and did what ever he can for ANY cop that’s the way john is always helping out YPD family and members very surprised at keith for still doing this has to be at least ten years shame on you keith
maybe if you’d stop blogging people wouldn’t pick on you so much.
go away already. LOL
Maaaaaa, we met with him. I don’t think the third floor likes us. Do you think it is because John is the only Captain in the C.L.S.A. who refused a transfer order maaaaaaaa? Our meeting was a Mexican stand off. Can we come up with more lobbying money mama? John sure is shelling out money..for this spot. Maaaaaaa are you listening?
While you idiots were posting this nonsense Tony Maggiore passed away today after a long battle with cancer and unfortunately I found this out too late that Joe Rodriguez passed away this week as well.
For you hot shots with no time on the job, these were 2 great, stand-up guys.
Unfortunately it seems that stand up cops like these 2 guys are a thing of the past
RIP Tony and Joe.
Hey asshole, give Tony and Joe their due respect, and don’t send a post with undertones. Next time you wanna give your condolences, just GIVE YOUR CONDOLENCES, dick, and do it without making a pathetic point of showing you allegiance.
Clueless, No allegiance . I respect Tony and Joe and hope their families are doing well in this hard time.
You are the classless d**k! Posting curses. RIP Joe and Rich!
by the way did any one see keith at Joe Rod wake???
It’s not “showing you allegiance” Just want to help you out my brother. But seriously Joe and Rich were great cops and guys. Nobody should be posting nonsense on here
P.S I am not a Keith or Ray guy, the KO is for knockout. Next time ask before you attack. God Bless!
who is rich?
don’t mind Keith he is an expert at making good guys look bad
Typo “Rich” sorry didn’t intend to type Rich. It was supposed to be Joe. I guess I was thrown off by the rabble rousing.
understood brother.
Mueller 2015 keith knows how to make deals
I don’t know. You tell me.
again with personal attacks from both sides why can we stay focused, Keith why do you continue to attack civilian’s and call them names? shouldn’t you be a little more professional.
I don’t know. You tell me.
seems like the fat gray rat is losing it wonder why …lol
Ray , u so cRAYzzzzzzyyy. You are a pathetic old senile moron with terrible old man smell. Please just do us a favor and go away. That greazy mop
On your head is a wig. Crazy old coot.. Lolololololololololololololo…
Koch’s lawyer, Andrew Rubin, would also not comment. His client is getting support from a account, to which 128 fellow police officers and other supporters had pledged $23,765 toward a goal of $50,000 as of Tuesday.
this was printed in the journal news, why are we asking members for more money when Quinn is on retainer at 175k a year
Maybe because he is SWOP?
you promised no money out of members pockets keith you are a scammer
You’re not a member.
Now, kindly go fuck yourself.
You can’t handle the TRUTH!
I don’t know. You tell me.
Quinn should be paying Koch lawyer with his retainer money this is bullshit
I don’t know. You tell me.
I don’t know. You tell me.
Maybe because he is mint.
He is suspended without pay. You don’t want to donate, don’t donate you fucking cheapskate.
great if the money is going to them fine thank God you are not handling that we all know what happened with waynes money
I don’t know. You tell me.
You obviously are not a cop, kader. Mind your own business you asshole
fuck u
Speaking of Khader, why don’t you rats go do another ticket blitz on his place of business? You guys are soooo minor league. Oh what a tangled web you rats have woven, good luck, not.
I don’t know. You tell me.
With all the scams ko is running he should be able to support Chris for years to come. I’ve been on these go fund sites. Ko is famous for the 100-200 dollar donation. Selfish prick.
The Blue Truthers are famous for their $0 donations.
And for being lying, rat scumbags.
than I urge all members to donate to them innocent till proven guilty
I don’t know. You tell me.
Thanks John, you’re a big help.
fuck you keith
the news made it sound like it was for a legal fund
I don’t know. You tell me.
It’s not for legal fees you blue truth asshole. Drop dead already!
we know now dick the way the story was printed looked that way
Cops know what it meant, dicks and assholes didn’t.
yeah keith no one here comments except cops and john khader your an asshole for thinking that.civillians in yonkers just love you
Oh, okay. So then Billy Cobb and Chiarella didn’t know why we were raising money. Neither of those two dicks are cops.
was hanging out last night with my homies at the sharing center and got a phone call john Mueller will be next chief as soon as cave retires thats great I told you guys its gonna happen
Sorry, but Timmy is getting the nod.
You tell me.
Timmy is a good guy but he is not qualified, Mueller has been a captain lot longer.
I don’t know. You tell me.
im telling Mueller is the next chief
Since when do qualifications mean anything on this job?
Yeah, he certainly has been a captain a lot longer. Captain fucking chaos. Go put on your PJ’s and flip flops and mop the precinct. I don’t even know if you’re good at that.
make sure beginning of the year you address him by chief Mueller keith is the mac daddy
Yes sir, chief mueller. Whatever you say pal, lol
Keith Olson, before Mueller becomes the chief you have to find your acorns that are packed in his ass. Yeah he has been a partying capo and has refused a transfer order. Your right he has been a grilling back stabbing Captain longer than Tim, but Tim never refused an order and he is no fking liar like Mueller. The community show really know what a fool and liar he really is. No one respects that fool. Respect is earn not bought with city or P.B.A. money for $24, 000. Maybe KO can find his acorns. Moran is the last stooge that’s only good for doing warrant less searches of Captains office and police files. The choke chain lol
Lol, did some munchkin really have the balls to say imagine if Khader negotiated our contract? I wish that gentleman negotiated our contract. Lets see…….. Successful businessman negotiate my contract? Or some lowlife from Moquette Row that is about as classy as a crack hoe in the ghetto? I’ll take the first choice, fuck you very much. And to answer your other question, I would’ve loved for Ray to negotiate our contract. That could’ve happened if certain people, you know who you are (“karma” lol), didn’t transport election boxes in their personal cars, unsupervised. But hey, fuck it, it got you a shweeeeeeeeeet gig. Right stuffy! As for Keith Olson and Eddie Armour! No dirty deed goes unnoticed. How does that old saying go? Oh yeah, you guys are infatuated with famous quotes. “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
Overtime may have motivated bad Yonkers search warrant
Jonathan Bandler, 11:42 p.m. EST November 18, 2014
New court documents suggest the extent to which two indicted Yonkers cops deceived a judge
Yonkers indict
yonkers housing cop allegedly went rogue, arranging unauthorized cocaine purchases with the possible hope that getting involved in a drug investigation would guarantee him overtime pay, new court documents suggest.
But the scheme unraveled in March after the occupant of an apartment raided by police fell to his death out a third-floor window – leading to last month’s indictment of the housing cop, Neil Vera, and a narcotics detective for allegedly falsifying the affidavit that convinced a judge to issue a search warrant.
The new court documents reveal the extent to which Vera and Detective Christian Koch allegedly deceived the judge, who The Journal News has learned was city Judge Thomas Daly. A confidential informant the cops claimed to have used played no role in the case; there were no controlled buys of cocaine at 141 School Street leading up to the search warrant; and the man identified as the suspect hadn’t sold drugs there – or even lived there – in years.
Instead, the tenant police encountered March 21 was Dario Tena. Police contend he tried to escape out the window, but his family and friends are dubious.
Andrew Quinn, the lawyer who is representing Vera, talks indictment of the Yonkers Police Officer outside of the Westchester County Courthouse in White Plains on O
“Many wrong things were done by the police. And if they did all this to get some benefit that is very wrong,” said Tena’s sister, Maria Tolentino. “My brother didn’t have to die.”
Vera and Koch were suspended without pay following their indictment on charges of perjury and official misconduct, with Vera facing additional charges for allegedly getting an informant to lie to investigators following Tena’s death.
One of the charges accuses them of getting a benefit – overtime – because of their false statements. The amount of overtime was not immediately available but officers can get hundreds of dollars for each extra shift, and even more if needed as a witness in the court case.
Vera, a trustee in the Yonkers PBA, made a brief appearance in Westchester County Court on Tuesday where his new lawyer, Bruce Bendish, was formally put on the case. Vera had been represented by the union’s lawyer, Andrew Quinn, who withdrew last week citing unspecified conflicts.
Bendish declined to comment, saying he has not yet reviewed the case file.
Koch’s lawyer, Andrew Rubin, would also not comment. His client is getting support from a account, to which 128 fellow police officers and other supporters had pledged $23,765 toward a goal of $50,000 as of Tuesday.
Maria Tolentino asked not to be photographed but she spoke with The Journal News about the death of her brother, Dario Tena, who fell from his 3rd floor apartment in Yonkers when police raided his apartment. (Video by Jon Bandler/The Journal News)
According to the new documents, Koch told the judge on March 21 that he had learned early that month that drugs were being sold from the third-floor apartment at 141 School Street. The dealer was identified as Rich and through a database, Koch developed a suspect: Richard Polanco.
The detective claimed he went to Confidential Informant #103, who identified the picture of Polanco as a drug dealer in that area. Koch then detailed two controlled buys in which he said the informant brought them cocaine that “Polanco” allegedly got from his bedroom.
But investigators learned that Koch and Vera could not have been dealing with that particular informant – he had been jailed out of state during February and March and never spoke with police during that time. And while Koch swore that another detective, Dennis Molina, took part in the investigation, prosecutors said that was untrue.
Koch’s information about the drug activity had come from Vera, who had made his own arrangements to probe the drug trade even though officers in the Housing Unit were supposed to team up with narcotics detectives on such cases. The unit, which has since been disbanded, had jurisdiction in municipal housing authority buildings but that did not include 141 School St.
Rather than conduct the controlled drug buys detailed in the affidavit, Vera allegedly gave money to a civilian, who gave it to an acquaintance to buy cocaine at the School Street building. Plastic bags of cocaine then went through the same civilian back to Vera, who was not in a position to verify that the drugs even came from that apartment – something generally required to support a search warrant.
As part of the coverup following Tena’s death, Vera allegedly got a different informant to lie to investigators by signing a statement saying he had participated in controlled buys. Authorities have not identified that person or said whether the person has been charged.
Detective Keith Olson, president of the Yonkers PBA, acknowledged that drug buys like those described should have been coordinated by narcotics detectives. But he declined to discuss any possible motive, other than to express doubt that it had anything to do with justifying overtime.
Despite Tena’s death and the circumstances, authorities maintain that he had been selling drugs and that cocaine, drug paraphernalia and U.S. currency were recovered during the raid. Sources have said that three people were arrested on drug charges at 141 School St. on the day of the raid, but all three cases were subsequently dismissed and sealed. Prosecutors have also dismissed drug charges – mostly felonies – against 16 defendants in cases involving either Koch, Vera or both because their credibility is in question as a result of the perjury allegations.
Twitter: @jonbandler
Every time you post shit about another cop you remind us all why the PBA kicked you out of their union.
You are nothing but a low down, backstabbing, anonymous posting, letter writing, IAD complaining to RAT!
Fuck you and your small band of cheese eating pals.
sorry keith neil became a criminal when he started to lie and jammed up other cops,your trustee put is in a very bad position yet you throw out a cop for punching another cop……
Neil crossed the blue line when he committed a crime sorry that wasn’t a mistake or a bad call, that was a clear premeditated act what he committed now he put us all in the lime light.
I don’t know. You tell me.
keith serious question are you going to kick neil out of the union after all he is indicted and seems like the evidence against him is going to sink him?
I don’t know. You tell me.
some one is losing it…….
Keith have you gone to the other side my poor fat little rat. Wow we are impressed with your foul language and your bully boy rant. Still you do not rattled our resolve. You still can’t answer any of the questions. The only rat we know is a fat union gray rat that set up other members by breaking the law. Sort like Vera, you know your hundreds and hundreds of awards guy. The best of what Yonkers has to offer. Should the descent folks of Yonkers give him the benefit of the doubt there tight pants. The article was shameful concerning Vera a good standing P.B.A. trustee. Thank god you saved the association from Montero. Imagine what would of happened if your 80 members did not vote him out. He could have lied and caused another person to lose their life. Keith whats with this fund? You and Andy sold this legal beagle deal telling members that they would have Quinn at no cost. Remember you give Wayne’s case as an example. Now Andy finally realizes that he can’t play both sides of the net. You call other people rats but you proffer against your own. You call other people rats but you conduct illegal searches of cell phones, offices, and I.P. addresses. You do know you need a warrant right? Or are you riding Vera style? We assume the later right mr. Prez or was it fk you? Vera is just the beginning of your problems. Now run along now, don’t you have some cheese to nibble on or some ass to pack your acorns in? We know who your boo. No, no one wants to go in the woods to get packed. Lol
Yeah, yeah Chiarella. We know and Ray wrote the article too, lol. Oh yeah, and he told Neil to go do third party buys also. Go back into your basement apt., put on your dunce cap, and sit in that custom made child seat. Please don’t forget to put on your helmet.
Keith Olson this is not about a bunch of 456 workers and the choices they made with less then 200 workers that do a completely different job than most police officers. This is about you and the conduct of others. The new police officers will have decipher and compare other past police contracts on their own. This is about you and those handful of corrupt union trustees and your buddies. You come this site and call out names like a fat bully, but offer nothing but calling out names. Save your name calling for later and answer. We all know your a back stabbing liar who fked over most of the department.
What did you for the units that Vera proffer on? Did you refuse to transfer like you did for your whipping boy John Mueller I have Ideas. Did you and that expert on warrant less searches Brian Moran not conduct unauthorized investigation against C.L.S.A. and P.B.A. members?
Did you and John Donaghy not conduct the Dunwoodie incident and remove audio and personal property from there which was found in Larchmont by I.A.D.? Now that the Vera article is out, it is very very clear that your best union trustee Neil Vera is nothing but a rogue cop that caused the death of another and caused a chain reaction within the police department. I guess in your books it was okay for him to carry a petition against another police officer and spread lies to the membership? Did he not proffer Keith? You should be proud that he voted against another cop, because his integrity is intact right? Do you really believe that Pataky should have voted or be a trustee? He is more harm to the membership than good, just like you. The allegations against him raise some serious civil rights concerns. A union trustee that has been slapped around more than once by other cops and for good reasons. If cops are slapping him around are we believe that citizens have been treated fairly? Clearly we know the answer. Did you not give a civilian businessman a parking ticket you low life and call for a ticket blitz using unaware new cops to carry out your personal vendetta? Did you not fist fight yourself pal? We can ask Garbo who spanked you in a couple of seconds? What was that over? Did you not threatened to fight two I.A.D. supervisors than were attempting to intervene in another Joe Mahoney fight the current union trustee? Did Joe Mahoney and Brian Devitt not attack another on duty K-9 cop and lie about there injuries, after they checked for video and called you personally? Keith you and your handful of rogue cops are clearly out of control and have no doubt broke state and federal laws. So denying just makes the investigators more inquisitive. So keep avoiding the clear civil rights issues against other police officers and the citizens that pay your salary. That’s why when they start asking questions about you and the other rogue cops, no one will say anything positive on your rogue fat ass. No run along fatty, don’t you have some files or evidence to steal, or phone numbers to down load.
I don’t know. You tell me.
I don’t know you tell me.
Vegas odds
Jets winning Super Bowl 500-1
Mets winning World Series 600-1
Ray getting reinstated 1,000-1
first 2 right, rays you got it back ward…lol
Hey Lockwood, give me a G on Ray getting reinstated. Do the math on that one. I say Keith takes the action being he has an endless supply of money and open checkbook, lol, wink wink mueller. If Ray loses, I’ll personally come to the office to pay up. Whadda you say there chief? On second though I really don’t think you guys can even cover half that bet. Silly fucks, our dues has gone up and funds have stayed stagnant. Do the math on that one members.
Teamsters are voting on their contract today. It includes 3 zeros, paying more for their healthcare, lowering starting pay and much less money than the cops got.
Let me guess. That’s KO’s fault too? LoL
they got 20% paying 250 a year towards benefits don’t exaggerate the new cops that get hired also the new recruits that get hired also lost what they used to get don’t spin fat rat
456 will get 20% over 11 years, including 3 zeros. Cops got 23.5% over 10 years. Their new guys take a 20% pay cut and have their other steps cut too. New cops got a big fat raise.
No spin, only facts. And no, this isn’t KO.
my point can you imagine what better deal if the fat fuck would of played harder instead of jerking off the mayor,imagine if he would of united with tommy barry? guaranteed you would of done much better but keith did it on his own and froze out the rest of the unions…………and this aint kahder
You guys should have let Ray and Kader negotiate your contract. “Imagine” that!
new cops lost other incentives
Really “imagine?” Like what?
new cops start at a lower salary
new cops take longer to get to top pay
new cops take longer to get 25 vacation days
new cops are paying more into medical
and soon we all be on evaluation system coming down the line members wait and see yes Keith you agreed to that unlike cola and armour
Listen, we might as well have taken 3 zeros. 10 fucking years to get my retro. I feel like a dope head waiting for my next fix. By the time I get my last retro check I will be dead “and” sober.
I would say stop worrying about the teamsters. What we as the YPD need to worry about is when we respond to work 15 minutes early and fall down a flight of steps on city property, will we be covered by 207c or will they say you were not on shift yet?
Sounds like someone else needs a hug.
Keith Olson is never going to answer any questions about Wayne or Jimmy’s money. We don’t know how long it took Wayne to get only a small potion of his money. We do know that it took Montero six long months of pressuring KO for the money. We heard some excuses like the C.L.S.A has it to Mike Farina has it to Eddie Armour has a check to finally Olson given Jimmy a potion to a member of the Intel Unit. Oh yeah, that’s when Keith Olson said he was going to punch Hector C. in the face. Why? Another question? We are still waiting for it too? We are all broken up because you threaten Hector. Then you only give him a potion because you claimed a D.P.W. worker took a potion. Records reflect he was charged with petit larceny. How long was the cash sitting in your draw Keith? How long did it take you to set up your youtube video of the incident? Lol
Hey jackass, no one will take you seriously until you learn how to spell.
“Potion?” Really?
Is it magic?
again there you go pointing out typos that’s just another way you spin out here be prepared to answer questions mr pres.
I wish you would of proof read that new contract the way you point out these typos that whole contract was a typo…lol
It’s not so much the typos we point out. It’s how incredibly fucking stupid you are. LOL
Nobody is afraid of you, the DOJ, your questions or anything else.
You can ask all the questions you want. You just have to do it in person, not like some anonymous pussy. Also, You’ll have to answer some questions yourselves.
ray will soon be reinstated he doesn’t have to answer anything to you only his supervisor, IAD,or P.C. you on the other hand to answer to ALL members about your activities involving money that the members pay into so now go fuck your self.
another thing jerk off ray is not a board member what makes you think he has to answer to you? You my fat gray furry rat do have to answer a lot of question your the leader you made decisions so now we want to know why……………..
by the way keith this aint john………
Personally I hope Ray does get back in the PBA so we can kick him out all over again. LOL
this is what he does spin and deflect attention olson is a professional at that never can answer his motto is spin spin spin soon they will believe it
I can only point out a typo here and there but I won’t answer. Ahhh, does anyone one to go into the woods with me. I just a fat over weight slop from the curb of moguette row.
You board members are just as responsible for not controlling a lying rat. We understand that some may not be seeking to represent the association for another term. That is a good idea, because this lying fat carne rat has even lied to you too. He is spending the members money like its his own. Ask for an independent audit before we do, or the department of Justice does. Make no mistake about it. Their boots are on the ground and have around had meeting with the community leaders and Keith Olson’s behavior within a governmental state agency is no laughing matter. They will find police officers that have been targeted by Olson and others to confirm there actions and outright violations of state and federal laws. Distance yourselves now. What they have done to C.L.S.A. and P.B.A. members is outright criminal. The list is long. As for officers like William Pataky and Neil Vera it won’t take them long to find citizens that became victims of civil rights abuses. Impeaching anyone will not stop anything. Justice is on its way for Olson and others. As for the C.L.S.A. members, you guys are all smart guys. Shut that back stabbing liar out. He almost always twists your words. Time for the rule book. Good luck to the majority of the Yonkers Police Department who do a great job, day in and day out. Out with low lives like Keith Olson and the criminal union trustees. You new rookies should decide your own fate, not some criminal trustees that carry Olson’s message of lies.
What happened to all of the money collected for Wayne?
that will be just one of many questions to be answered at next months meeting.
I can’t wait to finally get an answer. I guess someone needed 5 years to figure our an answer and/or was praying that it would NEVER be revealed. I will make sure that I have a front row seat for the festivities . Should be fun, make sure you bring popcorn.
Can Wayne come and hear the answer?
ask the chef at Khangri…rotflmao
Get over it you all think highly of yourselves your just a bunch of civil servants no one one cares who or what rank you are beyond that job no one really gives a crap about you. Now go enjoy yourselves.
that’s not what this forum is about now go to bed,
Your have no control of anything that goes on why bother make money and enjoy your family and stop obsessing about this
its correcting the wrong that happened
You will give a shit when you get raped, robbed or burglarized and are praying the police are nearby. Maybe even when someone shits on the hood of your car and you just want to complain to us. So go take your soapbox show somewhere else Mr. Really. Cause I really don’t give a shit about you. Although if any of the above shall befall you I will do my job as the City pays me for and probably go above and beyond.
So as you can see Keith Olson is the dirtiest corrupt P.B.A. leader this department has ever seen. It is very obvious that he can never answer any questions regarding these series of articles because it is All true. Every bit of it. From setting up members from both unions to tampering with police records an evidence.
He throws a member out for his own political gain and supports the common rogue officers like Neil Vera who proffered for 7 hours against supervisors and other units, William Pataky a complete detriment to the citizens of Yonkers. In one way or another both of these union trustees have intentionally caused irreparable harm to the association and the image of the Yonkers Police Department. As for Keith Olson the city and the department must deal with this dirty corrupt union leader. If not, it is no secret that the Department of Justice and the District Attorney’s Office are already working together to rid the department of these rogue police officers that have violated departmental policies, laws, and its members. If these so called police officers were able to do what they stand accused of, then we all can assume the worst for the city’s citizens. Time for Olson to step down or be removed by the outside independent investigators.
Only then can the department begin to heal.
That Neil Vera did not lie to another Detective? Did Vera’s lies not cause police officers to retire, be transferred, and units to be disbanded or deactivated?
Did Vera’s lies not cause the death of another?
Did you not threatened I.A.D. supervisors, civilians, and cops like Brian Walsh?
Did you and Brian not do a nine month investigation on a DD Captain? Did you not find the file complied of official police records on your desk? Did you not take that file to the Mayor and not tell the P.C. until you sat with the Mayor?
Did you not tell the C.L.S.A. that you wanted the DD Captain arrested for your unauthorized investigation?
Did Moran and others not do an unauthorized investigation in Montero that went a week without the department knowing?
Did you and Det. John Donaghy not do an unauthorized investigation into an incident at Dunwoodie that occurred during your Ra Ra Violate people rights meetings?
What’s not true that William Pataky does not do car stops on young teenagers and drag them out of their vehicle and slap them around?
What’s not true that does not search vehicles without warrants?
What’s not true Keith that you and Brian never compromise personnel departmental files?
What’s not true that you did not boast that you had Montero’s personnel file at an open meeting?
Your right fat rat. Tell it to the D.O.J. or we will. Dirt bag union thug.
its all lies when I sue you guys get ready to pay up…………….lol
You’ve been threatening going to the DOJ for 2 years. Nobody is afraid of you because you are a lying, delusional 14B.
My guess is that they’d be a lot more interested in investigating some thug cop with a lengthy criminal history and a propensity for excessive force complaints. Or maybe a Captain who puts false information on more than a dozen OT slips just to pad his paycheck.
Please, hold your press conference already.
be prepared to answer questions see you soon
Ah, fatty the truth makes a rat come out for cheese. We will wait and we will rate your fat cottage cheese ass. No my cheesy friend the only criminals on this job are YOU, Vera, Pataky and others. This nonsensical ranting won’t help you Olson. You are a cornered rat and these statements are no conjectures like yours, these are facts. Its not went the D.O.J. arrives chubby, they are here. Don’t worry Olson we will sink you. You know if you have proof of excessive force, make sure you prove it. Now fatty, run along. Don’t you have some file to steal or telephone to download? Wait, Brian Moran does the warrant less searches around the department right? He also is good at shredding police files too? Laughable. Don’t you have to take a sugar cube? Or is it a cheese chunk?
I am trying to stay in the middle can you stop talking about weight and diabetes, lets stick to the topic.
keith at next months meeting ray will be reinstated by that time will you answer all the questions that you have been dodging for the last 2 years here?
He never asked a single question when he was IN the union. The last meeting he was at he got laughed off the floor and then punched a guy. What makes you think he’d ask one now? LMFAO
not true IAD says no wrong doing occurred otherwise there would be paper trail on it, as far as questions he did ask them I was there most of the questions went unanswered or they where last meeting he did get Quinn to admit the burden of proof shifted to the member …………………….
p.s don’t worry he will have plenty of questions at the next meeting just make sure your kool aid boys don’t stop him when he goes to use a bathroom
Why don’t you ask the questions old noble Knight of the Templar?
And how do you know what IAD has said?
last I heard on that investigation no wrong doing was found against ray, your turn.
Why don’t you ask the questions? Why have someone else make a fool of themselves when you can do it yourself?
fact or not did IAD file charges against ray? NO
fact or not when you and donahgy conducted a illegal investigation against cops did you and john get letters placed in your file? YES
I know I was there .
Typical Blue Truther. Come to the meeting and ask the questions yourself.
yes I will be there watching what goes on but RAY will be asking you all the questions I will watch you squirm .
I am answering your questions you are dodging them did you and donaghy get letters in your files?
this is the typical spin you do each day YES OR NO
ladies and gentlemen this is what keith does barks barks and when time comes to answer he spins or runs away don’t worry next meeting be ready to answer a lot of questions
Not KO but you and your little crew will have the opportunity to ask all the questions you want. That’s if you grow some balls between now and your next meeting.
be prepared to answer a lot of questions see you soon.
keith seems like you got fires burning all over the place just plead the 5th as you have been doing all along no comments all spin spin spin.
November 16, 2014 at 11:40 am
No, that’s not true. But rest assured, many of you people who thought you could say anything you felt like here and thought you would remain anonymous will be writing some checks.
the above comment was posted to intimidate us from not blogging the truth…
what a lie here keith and we will retract it…… NOW GO FUCK YOUR SELF
Keith Olson will you answer Preet’s questions. Like why you and Brian Moran conducted a nine month investigation into a DD Captain? How you and Brian removed official police records and illegal search the Captain’s Office without a search warrant?
Can you tell us why you and J. Donaghy tampered and removed evidence while conducting an investigation without notifying the department? Can you or John tell us where the evidence was found and by whom? Can you tell us why you did not pay taxes on your $4000 stipend? Can you tell the D.O.J. how it was resolved? Can you tell them why you brag about getting away with crimes at meetings? Can you tell the community why you support your union trustee William Pataky who everyone knows plants drugs and violates people’s civil rights? Can you show them the complete account of all the Yonkers P.B.A. expenditures including your hand shake deal with Quinn? Can you show the membership what there entitled too? Can Preet and his investigators ask other officers about your conduct within the department?
Can they interview the P.C. about the I.P. addresses you said you had of police personnel? Can you tell them how much the membership has paid the Quinn Law Firm to date? How much did Quinn take representing you and your personal vendettas? Can you tell them why you would spend all the memberships money on defending a union trustee that lied to another Detective and intentionally caused a person to loose his life based on Vera’s lies. Can you tell them why two cops recently chose to attack another while all were on duty? Can you tell the D.O.J. investigators why you or J.D. would make up false police personnel and used the false identity against other police personnel to get elicit information about others? Can you tell them about how you claim to be in possession of police personnel files? Can you tell the D.A.’s office why you got caught going through their files? Do worry we will give you a good reference, or you think maybe the P.C.?
so mr olson I read in one of the post the pba is paying two thousand dollars a month for and I quote,
‘If you don’t think there is potential anti-cop, anti-union legislation that has been proposed in the legislature, you are fooling yourself. One of the jobs of a union is to prevent that legislation from becoming reality. That is why unions hire lobbyists.’
unquote well if you really care about cops and their families you would of hired a labor lawyer and worked with Tommy Phelan and Barry McGooey and worked harder for a better contract, but you didn’t you side stepped Tommy and Barry and made a deal with the city with out any input from them all in six days. Now you hire a lobbyist to protect us from anti cop legislation? Give me a break Mr. president, in six months when the mayor runs he will say how much he saved the city by skinning the backs of the membership make no mistake about it.Yes cls finally did cave in only six months later not six day you set up all the unions,so please don’t say you are spending our money to help us in Albany you should of spent it when the contract came up…………………
Preet is on the way. They are already pulling jobs and are no doubt looking into P.B.A. under Olson and Quinn.
C.L.S.A. members just want to personally thank Quinn and KO for their legally strategy. Just blame the supervisors. Wait doesn’t Quinn represent the C.L.S.A too. Going to be an easy one.
What is legally strategy?
I wish you proof read that shitty207 c the way you read these comments and have to tell every one, we all make typos especially when its not serious and just blogging but you have to come out of your rats nest and point it out ……………ROTFLMAO
wish you come out and say what happened with waynes money
And in case no one told you, the DOJ has been here for almost seven years.
now they are looking at you………..
I wish you’d grow a pair of balls and have your stupid press conference. LoL
as soon as the judge gives his decision I am sure it will happen take it easy Keith I am sure you wont like it.
Why are we paying $2000 a month for anti cop legislation? Is it really about hiring an insecure prick like John Mueller who refused a transfer order? Did you help the housing unit or the plainclothes units like Mueller? What about Neil Vera? Why did you let him proffer against the others? Is that the anti cop legislation you are talking about fat man? $24,000 = Mueller. A guy with your balls in his ass?
keep it clean how do you know who’s balls are up who’s ass keep it clean.
Does any civilian want to go in the woods again? Any civilian? Huh? Anyone? I can’t answer any questions on this site because the D.O.J. is reading this site. Maybe I will just send Pataky, Vera, or Mahoney to attack another cop while on duty. Even though I just spent $24,000 to fix the images of police officers. Maybe I should step down and save the association some money. For you soft ball players make sure you come to the Olson unity meeting and beg for $1000. Suckers lol, I am the woodsman. A.k.A. gray river rat.
Keith Olson can’t remember the sum of money he personally raised for Wayne, and can’t even remember how long it took to give former Detective McCabe his cash. He does remember the hundreds and hundreds of awards the his union trustee Neil Vera has earned in 7 years. What he refuses to answer is why they are blaming the C.L.S.A. members for Vera’s criminal lies. Afterwards, his actions did cause men to retire, men to be transferred, and men to be indicted. Not to mention that Olson’s personal friend caused the death on another. All based on intentional lies. That’s why the fat man refuses to comment. Olson did say that Vera is the best that Yonkers Police Department has to offer. One can only imagine how long this went on. The other units want to personally thank you for helping them while they got thrown out and scaled down because you let Vera proffer. Great strategy.
keith will soon hear a decision from the courts telling him he was wrong to throw out a member, when that comes down keith has to resign as leader as you are no longer fit to lead you know it and so does everyone else. Dale Hughes would be much better suited.
Being positive in a negative situation is not naive. It’s leadership
Ralph Marston
that’s what criminals and politicians say before their demise………………..
Keith Olson by now you know you are a lame duck. You have no steam that’s why your queer friend will never be Chief and certainly not commissioner as long as your fat pussy ass is around. The only coward in this department is you. Yes rat man, your the guy that ran around a complied files on C.L.S.A. members. Talk about a coward, you read everyone’s personnel file, tampered with evidence, supported lies, conducted unauthorized investigations, like the gas pump. Threatened police personnel you knew would not fight back, which included I.A.D. supervisor’s. Told the P.C. you have cops computer I.P. addresses, video and recorded personnel, keep fund raiser money from W.S. and Jimmy McCabe. Lied to I.A.D. about that Montero punched Pataky in the face along with Pataky. Personally threaten civilians and called for a ticket blitz on a businessman.
You and Quinn had Vera proffer for seven hours and blamed the units and their supervisor’s for Vera’s lies. Did those lies not cause someone’s death? Did those lies not cause Koch to be where he is now?
You talk a lot of shit from behind your belly, but when you see these so called blue truthers you stay quiet. On more than one occasion they have called you a fat fuckin rat to your fat face. Your fkin laughable Keith. What’s the matter your crew or rat following are getting smacked around everywhere. Moran, Pataky, Mahoney, Brian Devitt, and Angus too. What tough guys to jump another cop on duty. You come on this site and not answer any questions, but like a cunt call people cowards. What hypocrisy. Next time you see a coward fat boy go tap him on the shoulder, or better yet show him your ball less sack. We rather be called cowards than a fat gray river rat from moquette lane. The city of Yonkers knows who the fkin coward is. All they have to do is go ask around. It’s not us that drive around a city car while you get $ 4000. Dollars a month. Its not our sister that got a job with the city after a bullshit contract that fked our membership with 207c. Its not your money of $24,000. that’s trying to buy your born again J. Mueller a spot. Now run along fat ass and try doing about 15 push-ups before you start calling people çowards. Ask Vera to verify your words as a union rat. Your a real garbage pail river rat. Lol
Maaaaaaaaaaaaa, they just told on me maaaaaaaaaa. I thought you said if I bullied the department they would ran away. Can I punch the wall again mama?
The D.O.J. can save themselves a lot of work by starting with the P.B.A. office first. See if the fat man can show you Vera’s hundreds and literally hundreds of awards. Check out that true serum guy Pataky the P.B.A. official punching bag. You guys be careful, he may pull you over, try to slap you around and search you vehicle illegally. If that don’t work, weed might be found in your jacket. Work to be done..
I’m sure the DOJ would be very impressed with this totally incoherent, profanity laced, grammatically incorrect rambling of a lunatic. It’s obvious to anyone who’s paying attention that you’ve lost your mind.
By the way, we read your latest IAD complaint. You said KO cursed you out and what did you do toughguy? You ran to IAD. Again.
You live in a fantasy world.
I want one just one fucking question answered over 500 members paid 100 bucks each wayne said he got 12grand where is the rest keith?
math was obviously not your best subject while in school.
well tell us how much was collected ………….
Imbecile, do the math yourself
I did jack off 430 members at the time and at least 100 bosses I rounded to 500 being conservative, take 12.000 that he says was given to him leaves approximately 38k where did the rest of the money go and for what?
what the hell makes you think that everyone donated?
“I did jack off 430 members at the time and at least 100 bosses?”
Someone had fun with it lol . Get lost imbecile
one thing for sure Keith it wasn’t twelve thousand collected lets say for arguments sake half the department donated that would be about thirty thousand dollars you only gave Wayne twelve where is the rest……………………
ask the sushi chef at Khangri how the money was spent…..rotflmao
lets keep it clean no personal attacks keith will not address questions on line I suggest some one that has the courage go to the next monthly meeting and have a list of questions for keith to answer, Keith is that acceptable ?
in fairness to keith so he can be prepared the questions will be will be
how much is our attorney costing us the last 5 years?
is Quinn charging extra to defend keith with rays lawsuit?
why do we need a lobbyist and what is the goal of his job?
what is the name of the labor lawyer that said this contract was good and his report on it?
when was the last time an outside firm did an audit on our books ?
keith I don’t think those 5 questions are too difficult what do you say?
Not KO but all those questions are fair and can be easily answered.
Some questions for the Blue Truth. Why didn’t Ray ask or answer these questions during his tenure as VP of the Union? Why choose this ugly forum under the cloak of anonymity?Honest answers only and no silly excuses will be accepted.
your right but back than ray had keith going against him he had enough headaches so now the water is to a boil why ray never asked don’t know ,but now we are asking……………..
For someone who wants all their questions answered you don’t like answering them much.
what do you want answered and I will try.
Well, if you are Keith, then it’s confirmed that you are the biggest, fatest, ratiest loser that’s ever put on our great blue uniform. Ray was the only one on that emptiest of suits board that would challenge Keith on just about everything he saw Keith doing wrong. Do your homework you stage five clinger. This is the reason why Keith set Ray up. It all started when Ray had the balls to speak up. Keith saw that his gravy train would eventually be over and he did the unthinkable, he turned on Ray like a rabid dog.
Can you remind us how ray got set up? Kind of hard to believe such a smart highly decorated Detective could get set up by someone as dumb as Keith.
Hahahaha, total fraud, the set up, aka Anthony Chiarella, lol. I will bake you idiots cookies being that you feel left out. Just because Hartnett was a dick doesn’t mean you can’t have the decency as a union Vice President to send cookies to the third floor. Instead of Keith trying to broker his own deals, as he always does and worrying about Ray giving him cookies, he should’ve fought Hartnett instead of giving him the keys to the candy store. Last administration Keith used Hartnett and Fleming to sell us out and in return he was allowed to take care of the few ass kissers that hang on his left testicle. Now he’s selling his soul and membership to city hall because Gardner won’t give him the time of day. In return, and correct me if I’m wrong, the new group of ass kissers that hang on his left testicle are being taken care of. Lets get real. I’d rather have a VP give the Commissioner cookies rather than have the President sell us down the freaking river. When the membership finally wakes up, the union will be broke and destitute like a crackhead prostitute on Elm St. Keith, you are a joke. More importantly you are a very selfish person. I could most definitely bet that as a child you would never share your toys. And when you didn’t get your way you probably threw tantrums like the weasel you are and will always be. What’s that old saying? Oh yeah, a leopard never changes its spots. I wish you luck with this mess you’ve created cause you’re going to need every bit of it when the hammer finally drops.
PS. I thought William Cobb got a three quarters pension for having an arm that is so badly injured that he couldn’t perform his duties. It’s amazing how he can pound the crap out of his keyboard and continually post on this site. Maybe he should come back to work the way his arm has miraculously healed.
Hey Bryant, didn’t Hartnett take care of Ray and hook him up with SIU? Maybe that’s why Ray baked him some Christmas cookies.
Yeah, that’s exactly why Anthony, not. But can you tell us what you were doing with Billy’s wife in Greenburgh? Oh, wait, we already know. I was made for loving you and you were made for loving me baby. Another weasel who should’ve had his weasel neck rung. Is it true when Billy was chasing you around the restaurant that you had the balls to try and bribe him saying you will have mueller get him a tit gig when he becomes chief, lol.
Hold on. You guys keep changing your stories. Sounds like a regular for you ratpackers. First you say Ray baked the dick cookies, now you’re saying he bought them, lol. Which is it Rats?
Which is worse? Sending the dick cookies or taking him to lunch while he was raping and dismantling our department?
Speak up? Like when you bought Hartnett cookies? Or when you told Hartnett he deserved a raise?
Listen you 14B, do you not remember that we were at the PBA meetings when you sat there like a mute? When KO would turn to you and ask if you had anything to say, in front of them hole membership, you sat there like a senile old man.
When he offered to debate you, you refused. You had the perfect opportunity to go head to head with that guy that “set you up” and you chickened out. You are nothing but a mean and cowardly fraud.
Do us all a favor and just retire. The job will be soooo much better without you.
what will you feel like when he gets reinstated…………….
As I read these post I have to say what’s it all about and how did it get to this . The anger and hate that people have for eachother is unbelievable. The way you guys go after eachother is a shame. What is the end result and what are you all looking to accomplish. Both sides are to blame from the attacks from Ray and his crew to the resentment of Mueller not becoming a Chief. The department is out of control the bosses backstab eachother and outright try to hurt eachother the cops have a total disrespect for eachother that things are now getting physical. Think about people you ALL look like fools and from the outside looking in you ALL look foolish. There is life beyond the YPD.
keep personal attacks out of it both sides are wrong, stick to the topic if you have nothing nice to say keep it to your self. All keith has to do is answer the allegations that blue truth describe in the articles so far he hasn’t all he has done is blame others for who started blue truth fact is he and he only can clear this up.
This disgusting mess was created by the handful of people who call themselves Blue Truth. It is perpetuated by the BT and can only stop when the BT stops it.
It is nothing but ugly lies and slander hidden under the guise of “questions.” Anyone with half a brain realizes they are not interested in the truth. If they were they would very simply ask their questions in public. Go to a union meeting, go to the union office, call for your own meeting, whatever. Just man up.
But that’s not what they want. When asked if they are involved in this they lie and run from it. It’s not the truth they are looking for. That’s the LAST thing they want. They only want to make phony and hideous accusations, talk about people’s family members and try and drag down others into their misery.
If these BT’ers had a shred of decency or integrity they would stop with the anonymous bullshit, man up and own their comments and questions.
You really want to get KO? Force him to answer your questions in a public forum. Just be prepared to answer some questions we have for you.
every time there is a personal financial question Keith says ,”this is not the time:, or he may say ,”this is not what this meeting is about “his meetings are a waste of time the attendance is less than 10% must be a reason why its the lowest ever. I stand behind blue truth there is nothing in the story that is a lie otherwise we would of known about it quinn would of sent hezi a letter by now but we all know the truth and the truth is BLUE TRUTH like it or not, but the personal attacks cant continue both sides are to blame for that.
Lawsuit pending…
why spend money on a lawsuit usually public figures when their name gets slandered they have a press release some where public and responds to the allegation’s that are made you haven’t all you did was go on the radio with hezi and talk about sources that blue truth are,how much has Quinn been costing us the last 5 years ?
what ever hezi prints is verifiable good luck with the lawsuit is Quinn writing his own check on this case to ?lol
Verifiable? No.
Certifiable. Maybe.
waste of pba money but then again you are an expert at it true Quinn writes his own checks?
No, that’s not true. But rest assured, many of you people who thought you could say anything you felt like here and thought you would remain anonymous will be writing some checks.
public forum you can say anything you want as long as its not life threatening haven’t seen anything like that here,so now go scratch your ass
Haha. Can’t wait to see your faces in court.
justice is a total asshole like you really are going to find out who is posting…lol there isn’t anything here that’s a lie all verifiable
in court for what speaking our opinions and what we think about you and others good luck spend more money from the pba account just remember there are two sides talking you get us in court we can have you in court also whats good for the goose is good for the gander now that in mind GO FUCK YOUR SELF
I was at the meeting less than a year ago when Ray, Mingy, Hector and Roy were there. Not then or at any other meeting I’ve been to did they or anyone else ask any of these questions or make any of these false accusations. And KO has never avoided any questions.
“There’s only one truth” lololololololololololololololololol
The truth according to the ratpackers.
PS go fuck yourselves you rat fucks. You continue to talk about anonymous blogging yet you post “there’s only one truth”. Is this your government name you pos?
PSS I hate each and everyone of you rat fucks. All of Keith’s dingleberries are nothing but cowards. Nothing but a bunch of spineless weasels that suck cheesy ass to get tit gigs. Like a bunch of indigents waiting for your government cheese. Who cares about what Keith is doing to our union as long as I can get a tit gig, right rats!
Yup, can’t wait till the ratpackers short bus goes off the cliff.
“That’s the truth”. I think I know that guy. We came on the job together. I didn’t like him though. He was a coward then and a bigger coward now. Rats, you got to love em, without them there would be no need for exterminators, lmao
guys lets try to be civilized stop with the name calling, keith can you show some good faith when ray gets reinstated he will ask more questions but for now can you tell us what Quinn has cost the members, and why now for a lobbyist firm what is that suppose to do for us?
Typical classy Blue Truth response.
answer it show some good faith why ?
and this aint john…lol
so, when you say “I hate you” , are you slamming your fists down on a table like a 5yr old waiting for dinner????
face it dicks, you flood the site, but evey once in a while you get a dose of your own medicine, and you cry like little bitches.
blue truth bitches!!!!!
be nice and a gentleman show us or tell us why do we need a lobbyist?
To lobby in Albany for positive legislation and against negative legislation in the interest of the association.
cmon do better than that what was the legislation that hurt the union?????there hasn’t been any ,also if its in the interest of the union why did we rush the new contract? why didn’t we fight harder with a labor lawyer? c’mon Keith if you had the interest of the members at heart you would of had Tommy in negotiations with you but you didn’t. I would love to believe you but based on past performance you sold that contract in 5 days what was the rush?and with in 6months your trustees got rewarded by getting some nice gigs.
If you don’t think there is potential anti-cop, anti-union legislation that has been proposed in the legislature, you are fooling yourself. One of the jobs of a union is to prevent that legislation from becoming reality. That is why unions hire lobbyists.
New start, you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Go to your union meeting and ask questions.
I agree I don’t know it all but why did you not do this when you swallowed the new pba contract and had a vote with in the week every other union took months if not longer, by you cutting your deal with the city it only hurt the rest of the unions, your logo says united we are strong and divided we are weak, strength in unity, than why did you negotiate with out Tommy and Barry ??? you don’t practice what you preach, and as far as a potential anti cop thing that might come up we will deal with it when it time comes why do we have to shell out 2k a month?
Nobody is crying whiskers. Just hate all you ratpackers. Get over it and stop worrying so much about the TEMPLAR. Worry about Neil and all the great things he has done for this department, not, lol. It’s so laughable what clowns Keith and his ratpackers are. You all give new meaning to the word CIRCUS.
relax guys we will soon know who is the liar as soon as the judge renders his decision, my bet is the ray gets put back asap in the union, by the way keith is Quinn doing this as part of his retainer or is he writing his own check?
You can’t spell Ray Montero without R-A-T.
Ray the rat!
keith how much has Quinn made off the member ship the last five years …………
When Ray Montero gets reinstated maybe the membership will realize what he did was illegal and for personal reasons we should band together and start a petition to REACLL THE RAT= RTR
Ray has been to IAD several times on other cops, filed numerous lawsuits against cops, blogged anonymously about dozens of cops and sent anonymous letters about cops.
He is the biggest rat in the history of the YPD.
Monte, Pappy, Russo….. three guys who would have flipped your locker if anyone even suggested going to IAD on another cop back in the day. My, how times have changed.
Taking the money collected for Wayne. My, how times have changed.
ray only filed against you KING RAT,only lawsuits are against KING RAT,never sent letters show them KING RAT
Hey Monty, didn’t you get written up in SIU because you didn’t understand what “recall” was? Lol
I mean seriously, you can’t even spell the word. REACLL!
What an ignoramus!
I agree with RTR. What Ray did was illegal and it was for personal reasons.
what ray did can never be as bad as what KING RAT did to the job
It’s not your job dick.
that’s all you do keep calling the guy dick and names he has more class than you will ever have keith he asked you to have a debate you never answer him you keep thinking he makes comments, I am sure he does make some of the comments after you wrote him tickets and try to get members to go after him. I personally heard you a few times in precincts attacking him grow some balls and take his challenge in a civilized forum so we can see who the real dick is.
Manhattan U.S. Attorney Announces Arrest Of Amtrak Police Department Officer On Fraud, Embezzlement, And False Statement Charges
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Preet Bharara, United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced today the arrest of ERIC GIVENS, a police officer with the National Railroad Passenger Corporation (“Amtrak”), and the former treasurer of the national union for Amtrak police officers, on charges of wire fraud, embezzlement of union funds, and making a false statement to a federal investigator. GIVENS was arrested this morning in East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, and is expected to be presented this afternoon in Manhattan federal court before U.S. Magistrate Judge Michael H. Dolinger.
According to the allegations contained in the Complaint unsealed today in Manhattan federal court:
GIVENS has been employed as a police officer with Amtrak since May 1997, and was most recently assigned to Penn Station, in New York, New York. GIVENS served as the elected treasurer of the Amtrak Police Lodge 189 Labor Committee (the “Labor Committee”), the national union for Amtrak police officers, from 2003 through January 2010. During the same period, and continuing until November 2013, GIVENS also served as the elected treasurer of Amtrak Police Lodge 189 Inc. (the “Lodge”), a fraternal organization affiliated with the Labor Committee.
Starting by at least 2008, GIVENS improperly took at least $100,000 in total from the Labor Committee and Lodge by fraudulently charging personal expenses to the Labor Committee and Lodge and by withdrawing cash for his own purposes, and took steps to hide what he had done. During this period, GIVENS used the debit card of the Labor Committee to pay for, among other things, gasoline and food, and used the debit card of the Lodge to pay for, among other things, travel, hotels in multiple cities, and entertainment in New York and New Jersey. GIVENS also withdrew thousands of dollars in cash from Labor Committee and Lodge bank accounts.
* * *
GIVENS, 52, of East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, is charged with one count of wire fraud, one count of embezzlement of union funds, and one count of making a false statement to a federal investigator. He faces a total maximum sentence of thirty years in prison. The maximum potential sentence in this case is prescribed by Congress and is provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendant will be determined by the judge.
Mr. Bharara praised the outstanding work of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Labor-Management Standards and its Office of Inspector General’s Office of Labor Racketeering and Fraud Investigations. Mr. Bharara also thanked the Amtrak Police Department’s Office of Internal Affairs for its assistance.
The case is being handled by the Office’s Public Corruption Unit. Assistant U.S. Attorney Daniel C. Richenthal is in charge of the prosecution.
The charges contained in the Complaint are merely accusations and the defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.
3 Coral Springs officers charged with fraud, grand theft
Posted: Sep 04, 2014 5:25 PM EDT
Updated: Oct 30, 2014 10:57 PM EDT
CORAL SPRINGS, Fla. (WSVN) — Three Coral Springs Police Officers and former executive board members of the Coral Springs Police Union were charged Thursday on grand theft and organized scheme to defraud charges.
Friday morning, two of the officers under scrutiny, Michael Hughes and Sherry Williams turned themselves in at the Broward County Jail. Also arrested: Sherry Williams’ husband, officer Douglas Williams. He turned himself in and bonded out of jail Thursday. The other two bonded out later on Friday.
Retired in 2009, Douglas Williams started to collect his pension. He remained on the force part-time– taking prisoners to jail.
According to the Broward County State Attorney’s Office, from January 2006 to December 2011, the officers used credit cards belonging to the police union for unauthorized ATM withdrawals as well as charges to bars, restaurants and other stores.
Douglas Williams was charged with one count of grand theft. According to a police report, he is accused of using a police union credit card to pay for 10 personal expenses, including $409 at Loews and a cash withdrawal for $300. The grand total of his expenses amounted to $1,584.
Once the charges came down, Lieutenant Joe McHugh of the Coral Springs Police Department, said, “Doug Williams was removed from the part-time officer program.”
Sherry Williams, a fraud detective and the wife of Douglas Williams, was charged with six counts of grand theft and one count of organized scheme to defraud. She is accused of spending over $30,000 of the union’s money, including the shipping of a $400 chair to her father’s house.
Both Douglas and Sherry Williams turned in their resignations to the police department Thursday.
Michael Hughes, who is also a detective, has been charged with four counts of grand theft and one count of organized scheme to defraud. He is accused of spending $10,000 of the union’s money and has been suspended with pay pending a meeting with the city manager in the coming days.
McHugh shed light on how much access the officers had to the funds. “Members of the executive board, they have credit cards that they’re able to go ahead and purchase stuff for the union or purchase stuff that, you know, like to go to lunch,” he said.
McHugh also reinforced that these allegations should not reflect their duties as officers but rather their duties as executive board union members. “The community needs to know that these are allegations that will have their time in court. The most important thing is, their performance as police officers had nothing to do with these allegations. These allegations are as their positions as executive board members on our union,” he said.
The investigation launched in 2013. It was sparked by a random audit by the IRS which flagged the questionable transactions.
The FOP President Glenn Matonak released a statement. It reads in part: “In the law enforcement community, we consider ourselves brothers and sisters of our fellow co-workers and to discover that our leaders were stealing money from us is such a huge betrayal of trust.”
There are a total of 13 grand theft charges listed in the affidavit. If convicted on these charges, Sherry Williams could receive a maximum of 70 years in Florida state prison. Her husband could see a maximum of five years and Hughes could see a max of 35 years in Florida State prison.
Good morning members seems like Keith is trying to stir some trouble against other members by dropping names, make no mistake this war against corruption is on KEITH OLSON and only him others will try to distract us from what the prize is.We will not go away Keith till you are bought to justice. We stand for honesty and loyalty something you know nothing of.
the only thing you “stand for” is cowardice. cowardice for:
1. Using your tribune connection to attack people here who you otherwise wouldn’t attack in person.
2. going IAD to make complaints when everyone knows that neither you pappas, or russo would have EVER respected another cop for running to IAD the way you three did.
3. Not having the humility to take your losses like a man. You can file a lawsuit and you can say whatever you want here, but you’ll never be looked on favorably by the masses ever again.
4. Bashing city hall and the administration on this site during events like 207-c, but being a coward and kissing their ass in person.
You can say whatever you want about Kayo and the board, but more than anyone else , YOU and your crew forgot where you came from. You have named dozens of people, PBA and CLS alike, and threw them under the bus all because they wronged you or didn’t see things your way, and people who hide behind a keyboard and ask questions will never get the respect of an answer, because they are the very definition of a sensitive coward.
…..and what’s even more pathetic is that there are a shit ton of examples of your cowardice that have NEVER been mentioned here. And that’s a GOOD thing, because it proves that the vast majority of us are above your tactics. We don’t need to shout you out here, because you do it for us!
Really what about all the different people your pack of COWARDS attack on here. You attack members of the department in every rank, the mayor, retirees and well respected business owners in the city of Yonkers.
What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.
Your pack of rats hide behind their keyboards like the COWARDS they are!
you’re not actually turning this on others, are you? you start this bt nonsense online and expect people NOT to strike back. Cmon, stop it already. you wanna throw blows back and forth at people, that’s all good – but don’t sit there and claim “honesty” and “loyalty” , cause starting this up the way you did, yet openly denying it in public, was anything but that.
……hi Cobb!
keith why did you settle for a contract so early right before the election?
why did you cut tommy out from negotiations?
you didn’t play a role with taggarts demise?
you didn’t get a 456 employee fired?
you didn’t help disband units in return the administration gave you all the tit gigs?
over 500 cops gave 100 toward waynes fund why did he only get 12.000?
did you not threaten a cop name brian walsh?
did you not threaten a civilian named john khader?
did you not run to city hall and try to jam up ITZLA?
did you and moran not skim money from the tough man contest ?
no keith we are all fucked up and you have been our savior how much has Quinn taken from the union so fay the last 5 years .spin it off now.
AND THIS AINT JOHN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is it just me or is “blue legacy” looking for back up that will never come, lol. You’re coming apart at the seams rat packers. Especially the fat one, he doesn’t look to good these days. Guess that’s what happens when your balls get put in a vise. And you’re right, we never said anything to these guys mentioned on the tribune, lol. We will continue to let our knuckles do the talking to any so called tough guy that even farts aggressively. Do us all a favor and remain in your fall out, underground shelter below ground apartment and keep hiding behind the keyboard. I would hate to see another weasels neck get rung. Keep up the anonymous posting, it’s safer for you. I did like the “sir-blog-a-lot” post. Every once in a while you rats make me chuckle. But most times I just want to barf.
Where there is unity there is always victory.
Publilius Syrus
When then I guess this union will never have victory. Keith has parted this union more than Moses parted the Red Sea.
Olson’s strength:
Investigate C.LS.A. members
Great respectable union trustees that voted another member out of the union with no proof.
Vera who lied to another Detective and caused the death of another or possibly could have had another cop injured based on those intentional lies.
Pataky who claims that Montero punched him right in face with only one other witness at I.A.D. and that was none other than the only and only union rat in the city, Keith Olson. Pataky also know for slapping around teenagers and doing illegal searches as well as on numerous persons and traffice stops.
Keith’s fat extention trustee Joe Mahoney that currently with another shit drinker Brian Devitt physically attacked and lied on Pilot in front of outside agencies and while ON DUTY, then they do would ANY Yonkers P.B.A. trustee under Olson would do and that is lie and file false and misleading statements and also lie to the treating medical staff.
Then you have that wife beating rubber gun steroid using witness and motion man to throw another member out.
Yonkers citizens this is what life is under the roof of the current leadership and wing of Olson.
Just remember that these reports do not include missing funds, hand shake legal deals, misleading contract, evaluations, missing files, illegal searches of phones, computers, and employees offices desks, draws, and personnel files. Searching D.A. files as well, and breaking into offices. Please keep in mind that these men are in good standing.
skim money from fundraisers
set up your own members
help shut down units
make Quinn a millionaire
yes keith that’s strength in unity
Sean Mullins is one of the biggest Dicks on the jobs some one should tell him to get off his high horse
mullins is ok but the bigger dicks seem to be the ones in keiths rat hole venturino,babe.moran,cheetah
keith go join a gym you fat bastard,biggest assholes on this job is Mueller cheeeata brian
Still at it?
keith get medical help over half the job hates you keep thinking its john we all know you mention his name so you can hurt him with other members and your continuing of the way have you seen your self lately you haven’t been in the office recently I would see a doctor.
Mullins is in love with himself . Oh and he’s Tommy’s lover too.
poor keith trying desperately to deflect our attack on him by bringing in other members the Blue Truth does not mention sean or tommy in a y articles decent members yet keith drops names. WE ARE ONLY AFTER EVIL CORRUPT OLSON.
We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.
J.K Rowling
strength in unity?
is that why your last pba dinner dance you had more civilians than members?
is that why monthly meetings are so low its not even funny ?
please keith if any one needs help its you get some, and me I have to go to work good night.
I ask members of this department was this job what it was five years ago?was it better ten years ago? this job has changed because of one selfish person KEITH OLSON and only him. Lets not make comments on others focus on the culprit the one that breeds evil into the job, yes there are a few bad members hopefully they can find them selves and do better. Keith is the master mind of why this job spiraled down hill and for that we will continue this movement till justice comes . I ask members do not attack others keep it clean just go after keith he has done something that has not been done in the history of law enforcement he turned on his own and threw a member out. Just think about it keith and only keith is evil we will prevail and win this war sooner or later. God Bless you.
Seriously dude, seek help.
Holy crap, I didn’t think it possible but he’s getting worse. ray you seriously need help.
You ran against him.
You lost.
For the sake of the job and for your own sanity, get over it.
you stole the election and you know it, if you did it the way the clsa does you would of lost your ass.
Ray needs help? Then Keith should’ve been institutionalized years ago. Call a spade a spade.
Keep it clean in time all those that are involved in wrong doing will pay the price, but keep it clean Blue Truth expose will bring keith olson to justice don’t bring in other cops no one can be as bad he is or done what he has.BT
does that mean Quinn will also get his share ?
Yes Quinn will face consequences of his breach of duty to the members affected and he too will have to answer to a higher court.
Quinn will be getting a complaint logged in with the grievance committee as soon as ray gets reinstated, and no keith this isn’t
crooked lawyer and dirty cop now that’s strength in unity………
You bunch of anonymous pussies think you are a templar now? That’s fantastic.
This whole movement is not going to stop till you resign or get indicted and one of them will happen. You have attacked members,civilian’s and families we will not forget.
Ohhhhhhh is that what this is? A “movement?” How noble. It’s unfortunate that the only people that will experience your “movement” are the 20 or so readers of this site.
Maybe it’s time for you knights to take this crusade outside the small dark world of anonymity. May I suggest a press conference on the steps of City Hall? LMFAO
laugh now cry later. Justice will get you
You got it Sir Blog-a-lot.
How long did it take you to google that you troll?
You are on the radar various agency’s know about you and what you have been doing. You will get disciplined for all the illegal acts over the years you have committed and continue to do today so today,
Angus is suspended without pay pending his handlers fate. Devitt will go back to following Keith Olson in the second precinct where the Don may give him another beating. Lucky for Brian Devitt, Roy just used him like a dog sleeve. Now Devitt, Angus, and Mahoney face impeachment for hitting another member while on duty. Where is the petition rat face Olson?
who is representing angus when IAD calls him in?
We all know Sean Mullins is John Muellers boy and he pals around with that midget Chiarella. Truth is I seen him with Gardners goomie. The Phillipino lady from McLean Avenue. maybe now Gardner will get him out of traffic and put his gay ass where it belongs.
listen to keith squeal
sit back and open up a 40
Was at the promotions the other day, not one member of the PBA Board was present, very disrespectful!
That’s a common occurrence. Unless it’s one of their cronies they are nowhere to be found.
Was Montero there? Or anywhere? Lol
How does the midget Kiss fan LT like his basement apartment?
I hear it’s not bad. How does your wife like it?
I don’t like it…You?
No you impeached him on a pack of lies. By the way fat mama’s boy your the P.B.A. Top Rat loser. We would call you a dick, but you have not seen it in years.
Guess Fat rat was too busy driving around doing surveillance on his cheating brother in law. No one wanted that fat chunk of cheese at promotions anyway. No one speaks to him. He is the most hated person in the department. Take a poll yourself.
Apparently some spineless carnes from the traffic unit decided to vandalize Judge Cerrato’s locker at the 1st Pct. Very spineless indeed. Do you think it’s connected to Moran? Ground ball case. Pussies. Bunch of traffic cry babies. Go back to writing cops friends and families. Hope someone stops Rios family and friends in southwest Yonkers. Sooner or later. Felix which cheek do you lick?
ray is not pba pres or trustee the rat should of been there
How many of the promotees were at the 10-13? Zero
How many Blue Truthers were at the 10-13? 1
Which is more important?
That’s very obdervant of you Gerry.
Does anyone know why Brian Devitt and Mahoney would attack another K-9 officer while on duty and in front of seven other agencies? Three on one with Angus.You guys should be proud.
If that did happen it was probably 3 on 1 to offset the weight differential. Mahoney and Devitt were still outweighed.
In fairness to Angus, it was either eat or be eaten.
Please Mr. Moquette can we get another quote? Oh, you never answered the question about your union trustee Vera. Did he not lie to I.A.D. or Chris? Did he not cause the death of a civilian because he lied? Is this made up too?
If there was a fight it would only be fair that it be 3 to 1 to offset the weight differential. Mahoney, Angus and Devitt would still be outweighed.
In fairness to Angus, it was eat or be eaten.
“Dog eat dog” how long have you been posting here? My guess is for quite some time so why so excited that you have to post it twice. Settle down and go get the papers, the papers!
As you can see Keith is too much of a pussy to respond to me.
Real tough guy LOL jk
that is not my post some one else put that up.JK
Will the real fat shady please shut up,
Please shut up, please shut up!
He’ll shut up when you get an above ground apartment, you troll.
Keith can you show the rest of the membership the hundreds and hundreds of awards Vera has. Also, while you are at it can you show the membership the literally thousands and thousands of arrest he has. It will save the other investigators some time.
Any update on Khader’s challenge? I haven’t seen a reply.
Here’s the update.
He still sucks.
im not on any ones side john was and always supported YPD never heard him say anything negative about any member, Keith you should leave the man alone he never did wrong to any one.
Make up your mind John.
keith you know dam well john has many friends on the job and retired leave the guy alone he already asked you to go on a radio show and you haven’t answered him,but you still mention his name here doesn’t make sense.
Stop blogging you fucking idiot and no one will mention your name.
keith you think its just ray and a handful of guys just blogging on you really wake up asshole its no wonder why no one comes to your monthly meetings les than 40 that’s embarrassing, you forced almost 60 members cause your trustees don’t count into throwing ray out 400 members refused to sign that petition you are a weak leader,don’t think for a minute some of your own friends are knocking you here.Wake up who ever does not come to the meetings is considered your enemy or at the minimum hates you, I wonder why you have it in for khader I think he has more friends on the job than you do.
When will Sherding, Perotta, and Mullins get indicted for Bribe Receiving????
Is that not the unit that supports the fat liar. Rios, Moran, Romano, and Stev S . Is that unit that writes cops family and friends. Don’t worry it could happen to you. Pole licker and Olson’s pimple licker Mahoney has been working overtime for consecutive years. When is it enough.
Now Perotta, Sherding, and Mullins??
Yea, those 3 are REAL SCUMBAGS!! They go out of their way to fuck people over, especially Perotta:)
What a tool you must be to add these 3 names to this mess….all 3 are really good guys. I know because I worked with all 3 of them.
Perotta especially, is one of the nicest guys on the job.
If you guys from traffic are spoken about, well maybe it’s the guy in the high boots next to you. Maybe you should stop writing cops families and friends. Especially from other jurisdictions. Maybe you not the Sgt. Should stop licking Olson’s ball less sack and dump him. Laughing at some of you. You know who you are.
Keith the union rat is a compulsive liar. He can’t challenge anyone because he would just sit there motionless like a rat hoping you would not see him.
First and foremost Keith is why after years and 50 more pounds would you take that Hurst you drive in and write a personal friend of the Spano’s? Then your waddling fat smelly ass gets recorded with another radio car. Why would you ask someone else to do your bidding? Did you and that filthy short three foot cop stealing ass hole not send cars to write him more summons?
No you can’t go on, he would prove to everyone what we already know. That your a proven liar that broke many laws. Your trustees are not so honest and you are not even honest to them. You talk behind their backs too. We know Keith, Pataky don’t plant drugs, Mahoney and Devitt didn’t attack Pilot while on duty, you and Moran didn’t conduct an unauthorized investigation against a DD Captain, you and Donaghy did not tamper with evidence on county property, you did steal personnel files, and Vera did not proffer with Quinn for 7 hours, Quinn and you didn’t blame the C.L.S.A who by the way he also represents, Vera didn’t lie to Koch, Vera lies did not cause the death of a civilian. Lots of dirty cheese stuck on those yellow sharp teeth of yours chubby. Man and there is more.
Ah, just one more of your lies. You also didn’t threaten to fight two I.A.D. supervisor and threaten to fight Kader in the woods. Woooo.
keith there has been no other bigger asshole on this blog but your self. I do not condone the personal attacks on either side while I do believe in what blue truth is about exposing a corrupt union boss like you I know first hand at what you have done to me and others, yes let me be clear I DO STAND BEHIND BLUE TRUTH ACCUSATIONS AGAINST YOU AND AGREE WITH MOST OF THEM YOU ARE A BULLY LOW LIFE COP THAT WILL DO ANY THING FOR PERSONAL GAIN. Shame on you to come out here and call others names you have not addressed any thing that blue truth accuses you of, you cant you are what blue truth says you are. Yes Ray Montero will get reinstated based on merits of his case you threw him out for nothing. Cant wait till see what the judge says about that, now once and for all will accept my challenge and go on hezis show and lets air out everything, and no keith I don’t fight I don’t go into woods I am too old for that. I am calling you out lets talk about everything and anything you are down right dirty and a rogue cop I know a lot about guys like you thru past bosses and no one says anything good about you instead of mentioning my name focus and save your self you are losing this war badly.I don’t know what’s up your ass but I will be happy to confront you anywhere anytime and after I finish you off in a forum you will wish you never knew me,I am not afraid of you or your ass hole rat squad that carry’s your water you are nothing but a waste and embarrassment to the YONKERS POLICE DEPARTMENT. and its too bad others in higher office wont do anything about it.jk
p.s. don’t spin this talk openly or go fuck your self now sign your name COWARD.
gotta say johni got balls he don’t fuck around your turn rat.
Hey weirdo, do you really think we don’t know these posts are all from the same dick? LOL
hey dick answer him…………cricket ……………..
Olson is corrupt as his drug planting union trustees. He has stole files, tampered with police evidence, search IP addresses and cell phones without search warrants. He his cronies have even insulted the bosses union by doing an unauthorized investigation against the DD Captain. He is hated by most bosses and had them investigated too. Bring the file were you and Donaghy stole evidence from Dunwoodie and were discipline.
Have you told the membership that you are being investigated by the District Attorney’s Office? Have you told your membership how much you spend of the membership money fighting the civil suit? How much you fat low life? Yes we are NOT worried about YOU or your dirty rogue union boys who lie and plant drugs. John can’t go in the woods, but he sure can speak on your history and criminal actions. You mother rat called for a job action against him which has not been forgotten along with lying on C.LS.A. members. Only 8 summons, how pathetic. Some following.
Now you have your dirty on duty cops fighting and damaging a city vehicle. Another union trustee. When the D.A. office comes we sure will confirm everything you have done to the Yonkers Police Department. As everyone knows the D.O.J. is going to start on your dirty trustees then your office business. So far you boys are not doing to well. Roy drag your piece of ass around the trailer after he was attacked by Devitt and Mahoney’s dog. Your lies won’t work work any longer. Gardner will make you his Fat Rat rug. Your a lying corrupt Fat PUSSY, the kind found on Moquette Row. Lol
Way to speak to a fat smelly dirty pussy John. Talk about Cruddy.
Not a coward, just a fat pussy rat from the P.B.A. Office. Hey Keith bring Vera, Pataky and Mahoney with you on the show. We have witnesses for all. A disgraceful union president.
The NAACP wants to go too Kader. They want to see the hundreds and hundreds of awards that Neil Vera received to lie to Koch. Keith is he still the Housing trustee? Oh that right we have no Housing Unit after you and Quinn came up with this plan to blame the bosses. They did refuse a transfer order like john Mueller?
Hey you really never answer anything. Did Vera not cause the death of another with his lies?
Maaaaaaaaaaa, what do I do now? Kader challenged me? Maaaaaaaa, you listening?
well there it is john khader has been harassed threatened ticketed by mr olson what will you do now mr pba started this many years ago with him seems like he tired of your shit and that sounds like the real khader I know go on the show with him keith
Ray, this is so obviously you. Why don’t YOU go on the show? I guarantee KO will take you up on it. Why the hell would he go on the radio with some dirtbag taxi driver?
Come out of the closet already.
only dirt bag is you stop spinning be a man and lets do a radio show let me show the members the real you.
You are irrelevant.
I am your worst night mare …..
Don’t flatter yourself.
Take a couple of grammar lessons before you try and debate. One question, is your history of all the runs to Washington Heights in the late 80’s on the table?
if you have info of me going into Washington heights please reveal it that would be flattering.
Was up all night trolling for cops wives. Had no luck because K.O. was outside in the city car do surveillance for his sister. Shit. I can even smell that cheap cigar over a barrel of ghetto ass. I know that other freak who was nearly choked to death is creeping too. Two freaks. Lol
Was up all night in the hood trolling for cops wives when I smelled some foul shit. It small like a pile of dirty ass. I looked around and saw Keith in that black city car smoking his cheap cigar. Yo dude, he is creeping. I ran inside because that other freak Moran must be with him too. Bad night.
Does anyone know who was fist fighting on duty in the K-9 trailer?Heard Devitt got dragged around like the sleeve.
Mr. Olson did Vera not lie to Koch? Did you and J. Donaghy not conduct your own investigation into another member. Hope you and John do the same to pole rider Mahoney, your good standing union trustee liar. As for Brian, well we will just call him “sleeve” from now on. How long has he been there? Talk about Mingy. Lol
Too bad your IQ isn’t as out of control as your Ego. Seriously John, you have done enough damage to your name already. Stop now and you will soon become as irrelevant as you were before this started.
Even though your name has been injected into the BT, you are NOT a Cop and you will never be respected as one…..all free Limo rides to certain people aside.
Seriously John, every time you post you sound even more retarded than the time before… happy that you have a great business going and just go away.
We all know that you want to debate Keith and are too old to fight…..blah, blah, blah.
and what is your name coward.jk
keith how much we spent on Quinn last six years ..
whats the reason behind the twenty four grand for a lobbyist ..
Still at it? Get a life you loser.
you are really crazy keith let me text john and tell him you are mentioning his name again
Aaaaaaaaand cue the immediate comment signed by the asshole himself.
Aaaaaaaand cut. LOL
just got a text that kahder is on a rampage gotta say im not crazy about him don’t know much but now he is my man,keith you going to accept his challenge?
keith will you step down when ray gets reinstated,..
We all will. Or when pigs fly. That’ll come sooner.
Here’s the better question. Will you shut the fuck up when his lawsuit is tossed?
absolutely, will you resign when he gets reinstated because you will look mighty stupid if you stay ….just saying
Not KO but I hope he does get reinstated and I hope he thinks he can get elected. For anything. LoL! There’s nothing more entertaining than watching that old fool try and speak in front of a group of people.
Ok John. When Ray takes his hand out of yours.
johnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnny you crazy arab cant believe what
you said.ROTFLMAO
Let’ see your a Detective, but seen no action. Your friends are few and could not survive alone with Ray. Although when you and that pussy Det. Sgt. see him you grow mute. So far, most of you rats have been either verbally insulted, choked, dragged and punched. So Keith continue to call out names and beg the city to make it go away. We are certain that it won’t. We are larger in numbers than you keep saying. Your a pussy bully with no balls and I believe most have told you that at your small meetings and to your face.
As for the cruddy gang, well lets say most of you are scared of them.They are garbage like your rat stinking unwashed ass. They are not personally scare of you fat boy. They are scared of you and your rogue union cops that skirt the rules like lying, planting evidence, searching without warrants and your favorite downloading phone numbers with search warrants. Your crew like Pataky, Vera, and others including yourself are just crazed rats with NO balls that can’t even stop a cruddy member without 10 cops to help you. So don’t wait to say something there tough Detective. Go see who you need to see. We are always ready to give you a helping HAND. You or any other pussy dirty cop that needs help. Keith I bet your one of those decorated cops like Moran that take suspects keys and search behind your dirty shields. Now hurry along fat boy its getting dark down on Warburton Ave. and a cruddy member might take your files or evidence you been carrying to plant. Now make sure you and your dirty cops like Vera and Pataky bring your lies and packages. That’s the crew you run with you lying piece of rat flesh. Now go ask someone where the diabetic cheese is.
Koo Koo, Koo Koo, Koo Koo…
Someone throw a net over that nut!
Maaaaaaaaaa, I can’t answer any questions even the recent in which my union trustee and Brian Devitt attacked another cop ON DUTY. Who’s the 14b maaaaaaaaaaa ? You honey. Maaaaaaaaaaa, you making me made and i have to punch the wall because it don’t hit back, maaaama. Ahhhhhhhhh
maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I love it
I heard Ray joined the Cruddy Gang after the PBA threw him out. Then they threw him out too. He was too Cruddy.
I don’t believe a word of it. ray could never find the Cruddy Gang or a single member for that matter. Maybe that’s why they had to put a Task Force together to stop this gang, certainly the “Gang Unit” couldn’t, even with the highly decorated detective. Lol
Yup, that’s exactly why they put a task force together, lol. It’s not because Neil single handedly shut down every active unit in the City because he is a dishonest person, to say the least. Why devise a task force anyway? Haven’t they been told to sit idly by while crimes are being committed?
Well two of Olson’s union ass wipes, Joe Mahoney and Brian Devitt are claiming false allegations against another member. We guess they are graduates of the Olson’s school of lie and deny. Another one gets slapped around. Guess they were close to the woods right Ko. Only they were on duty and not civilians.
Keith Olson has yet to admit to doing anything. He has yet to admit to that he and Brian Moran investigated a DD Captain without the departments authorization and were involved in many other outrageous troubling issues.
Blame this one has been constant with Keith Olson. He runs to Nick tells him its not true. Ha, we say to that. Meeting with Nick or hiring him to be your lobbyist will not exonerate Keith Olson and others as to the laws and acts of misconduct they have committed against so many C.L.S.A and P.B.A. members. Paying for ones sins won’t make this go away. The department was a great department until the likes of Keith arrived. If you really think John Mueller will be the answer, then take your chances at the roulette table. In fact, it will turn on more gas.These so called cops have set some serious fires that will forever burn in the minds of the individuals that these slime bags intentionally either set up, targeted with investigations, or just put out misleading and distorted information on members of this department.
No way will we accept these internal corrupt actions of Keith Olson and his cronies. So Mr. UNION leader keep attacking our P.C. and our Chiefs and all their families, because your illegal misconduct will not be over looked by the entire department as well as the new investigator. You can only hope that they DO NOT speak to the many bosses and officers you have intentionally lied on. So don’t go away mad at your on actions, just do what you always do. Scurry along a curb you fkin rat union so-called leader.
Is this another impeachment? Are we going to impeach Devitt for attacking another member of k9 and that pole sucker Mahoney for letting his dog attack another member? What’s the word fat rat olson? What’s up with Pataky? Is the city still going to allow him to plant drugs and harass teenagers ? Some P.B.A. board. Lol I
Nope. Only you dick. LoL
thanks we will pass this along to the attorneys …lol
Are you still getting wifi down in your basement you munchkin!
don’t worry ray I am confident out side agency’s are well aware of what’s going on with our department, and as far as that jack off brian and joe they just made your case stronger keith has to do something about that problem is he cant they both are in the rat squad, but don’t worry this will help us in the long
Holy shit! I’ve never seen any group of people so obsessed over someone as you weirdos are of KO.
Yea You?
Not only do we have a union trustee that was arrest for lying, but now we have another union trustee filing false reports against another K-9 officer after he was attacked by Devitt and Mahoney. How does it go Joe and Brian, allegedly get hit by a company car, then run for video, then hang around the trailer for an hour, then attack another officer, then go to hospital and file a false report.
Joe phone records show you spoke to your over weight sugar eating fat friend who steered you the wrong way. Don’t worry Joe, mama will fix you something nice for dinner. Just for lying. Nice nice.
very surprised at joe and brian your phone call records one hour before and one hour later will not help you hope keith gives you quinn…………………
Can you also bring the IP addresses YOU told the P.C. you had on the membership? Also did Vera not caused the death of another because he lied?
Will the ip addresses list include the rat pack’s ip addresses? It’s okay when they attack members on here, fabricate complete lies, wish death/sickness upon people and completely try to soil the reputations of well respected people. They attack members of the department, retirees and well respected citizens of the city of Yonkers. They get upset when their cronies are written about but God forbid if anyone posts about them. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.
Did Neil Vera not lie to get a search warrant into a someone’s home? Did those lies NOT cause the death of another? Did Vera and You not lie to I.A.D. ? Did YOU Keith give Wayne ALL of the money raised? Where is R.M. ‘s file ?
“Your” the smart guy?
I agree with Interesting. If you give ip addresses then let’s give the ip addresses for both sides. But we know that the rat pack thinks they are above the law. They want to blame Blue Truth but they are posting lies and distasteful posts on a regular basis.
Keith can you tell us why Quinn and you are blaming everything on supervisors? Did your union trustee not lie to Koch? Lastly is Joe Mahoney now not under investigation for attacking another member with Devitt of K9? Can you show us at the next meeting the hundreds and hundreds of awards that YOU said Vera has? Also bring the hard copy of what exactly our membership is entitled too by the Quinn firm? Also show us the file or tapes you collected on our members, or release your IAD file? Thanks Mr. PREZ YOU RAT LIAR. THE COFFEE IS SURE DOWN TO 200 DOLLARS SINCE YOU HAVE TAKEN OVER BECAUSE NOBODY STOPS BY THAN YOUR BALL LICKERS LIKE pataky the small planter.
Holy crap, take a breath and a sedative. You sound like you’re going to explode.
He may sound like he’s going to explode but have you seen Keith and Pataky lately! They look like they’re going to explode. Those two fat fucks are going to bankrupt our association with their food tabs.
Keith can you tell us why Quinn and you are blaming everything on supervisors? Did your union trustee not lie to Koch? Lastly is Joe Mahoney now not under investigation for attacking another member with Devitt of K9? Can you show us at the next meeting the hundreds and hundreds of awards that YOU said Vera has? Also bring the hard copy of what exactly our membership is entitled too by the Quinn firm? Also show us the file or tapes you collected on our members, or release your IAD file? Thanks Mr. PREZ YOU RAT LIAR. THE COFFEE IS SURE DOWN TO 200 DOLLARS SINCE YOU HAVE TAKEN OVER BECAUSE NOBODY STOPS BY THAN YOUR BALL LICKERS LIKE pataky the small planter.
keith that twenty four grand we are paying for a lobby firm for God know what would be better spent to past PBA pres.YPD commissioner Charlie Cola guaranteed you will get your moneys worth Charlie is a good man and he can help you steer this doomed ship .
Keith why under your leadership dues have gone up? Why do we need a lobbyist, why does Quinn make so much off us, why do we need a 1500 a month coffee no one comes to the office like when Charlie was the pres.I just want to know what a lobbyist can do for us being since I have 24 years I never seen a lobbyist work for us or any other police union I sure hope this is not one of your feeble attempts to get Mueller a D.C. spot if that is God help the job……………….
I remember what happened so I’ll say it. The dues went up because the membership voted overwhelmingly to adopt the Quinn retainer. Even Montero was for it. Or at least that’s what he told some of us, lol. There are more than a few members out there right now who are awfully thankful that we adopted that plan.
$1500 a month for coffee? Try $200.
Got questions? Go to your meeting and ask.
Since you are good at numbers and are on a roll answering questions then answer this question;
What happened to all of the money that was collected for Wayne?
Got questions? Go to your meeting and ask.
It’s been asked numerous times but never answered. We all know why.
If someone promises to come clean and reveal what actually happened to the money then we will be there. Otherwise enjoy the company of the 30 or so members.
the coffee service was 1500 a month at onetime was it? Also why now for a lobbyist?
The coffee was never $1500 you jackass. Always around $200. Keep believing the Blue Truth.
What is the rent for the basement apartment?
now tell us about this new expense we have the lobbyist what is that about?
Got questions, lol. Two hundred dollars my ass! Maybe two hundred now after we mentioned how much we were getting ripped off. And that jerk off Quinn robbed us. He’s probably charging that account right down to the second. Vera is very happy that he’s covered but he lies and now if someone else has a legitimate problem, ie. bad shooting, we are fucked. Throw that bum Quinn out. We raised over 100 k for Rich in several days. If we need to raise money we always do. Just keep KO away from the hard cash, let him handle the checks, lol
WE raised money for Rich? Don’t kid yourself you selfish asshole.
How much did you give you pos? I got my receipt you thieving bastard!
but Keith every time some one asks a personal or financial question the first thing that comes out of your mouth is, ‘we are not here for that’ c’mon you know the meetings nothing gets accomplished its just a record that spins the same, so can you tell us at the next meeting what are the goals for lobbyist firm we are paying for?
do the math Keith has taken us for a long ride since you became the pres. How much have we paid him so far? My guess would be 750k at least we are better off putting that money in a safe mutual fund earning us a average 11%yeild instead of giving it to him with no return if we need money we throw fundraisers bad choice when it comes to financing issues ………
do the math Keith, Quinn has taken us for a long ride since you became the pres. How much have we paid him so far? My guess would be 750k at least we are better off putting that money in a safe mutual fund earning us a average 11%yeild instead of giving it to him with no return if we need money we throw fundraisers bad choice when it comes to financing issues ………
750K? Do us all a favor and learn a little math or borrow a calculator. Geez.
well than what was spent the last 6 years……………….
well than what was spent the last 6 years……………….
prime example keith chooses what to answer
its the same at the meetings…we are not here to talk about that…lol
Questions….No You?
Yes questions, you got answers?
Going to church to pray for me being able to move out of this basement apartment.
You are stuck in the basement for eternity. Go to confession and the priest will tell you to say 5 Hail Marys, 10 Our Fathers and deal with living in the basement. Kiss fan adulterers are never forgiven.
St. Mary’s mass is crowded this morning as it is standing room only. Unlike Olson’s monthly lecture about everything is fine and don’t talk to the investigators with a crowd of about 35 officers.
Anyway, I pray for the removal of a corrupt union leader who has lied and intentionally broke state and federal laws for the sake of the city. Once he is gone, then the YPD can and will begin to heal.
Amen .
Face it dick. You ain’t going to church and you damn sure ain’t going to a union meeting. If you’re gonna pray, pray for a set of balls.
You can pray for an above ground level apartment.
You can pray for a neck collar
Fuck you. I hope you go insane in that basement apartment.
With the tune of $24,000 dollars one might think that a shower is order. Wonder who will drink the water running off the fat one’s ass. Flip flop or choke chain moran. Good luck. Mueller can you help fat rat Olson find his acorns?
Did guys really get demoted ???and more importantly why ???
Suck it Bob. Lol
Suck it basement dweller
Nothing says Karma like your wife taking your check while you live in a basement.
Spending that check AND screwing the janitor in the bathroom has gotta be worse.
Please refrain from posting about the little Kiss fan. He is all alone in his basement apartment and needs something to make him feel better about himself. Ignore the posts that are obviously from him. Just imagine having to live his life.
Thanks for playing
He banged your wife, didn’t he? Is that why all the anger? Less blogging and more affection for her and maybe she wouldn’t disappoint you so.
I was made for loving you baby
You were made for loving me
I can’t hear my Kiss records because all of the noise upstairs.
You give that weirdo too much cred dude. He is living in a closet but he is happy as long as he has his Kiss albums. Take those away and he may hang up, lol.
Nothing says Karma like your wife banging a janitor.
Listen, we heard all about your wife short guy. Speaking of throwing hot dogs down a hallway. A little guy like you probably had to strap a paddle to his ass so you didn’t fall in.
Did someone pull Brian Devitts G string over her head and bend her over like a two dolla hoe?
Not really but didn’t Brian Devitt punch that little midget Russo in the mouth not so long ago?
The way I remember it Russo held him by the top of the head the same way Roy did, while DeVitt swung his arms in place. Just like in the cartoons.
Time to get my swerve on. Hopefully I can find a lady married to a cop.
Maybe yours?
This virtual world of The Yonkers Tribune is the ONLY place it’s “fun” for a Blue Truther. How pathetic.
Their real world is full of lies, embarrassment, loss, shame and humiliation. So much so that not one of them will ever admit to anything said in their sick little virtual world.
Demotion, sickness, humiliation and even the ultimate message. Damn. Karma is a motherfucker.
Ask Devitt, Moran and Pataky how much they like Karma. LOL
Don’t have to ask. They love it.
Brian Moran finally got demoted? Good for the Spano’s, after all the shit he has been talking about them.
I heard they are also good at bar room brawling, playing hockey in trailers and turning one of those long winded KO PBA meetings into a great time. Viva la blue truth, lol.
Karma is living in a basement apartment after being caught chasing after the wife of a cop.
Actually a better example of Karma is cancer.
Actually a better example is being almost 50 years old, wearing a Kiss shirt while posting on the Tribune from the confines of a basement apartment.
The midget finally was stricken with cancer? Serves him right for boffing other cops old lady’s. fucking weasel bastard.
Yonkers P.B.A. union leader, did your friend Neil Vera not lie to Koch? Did he not use his own money or intentionally lie as what he observed? What about you Olson? Did you and Moran not conduct unauthorized investigations against police bosses and personnel? Can you show the court the hundreds and hundreds of awards that Vera supposedly has?
The only thing Keith has united is the lies they have been delivering to the Westchester County District Attorney’s office and the Yonkers Internal Affairs Office, his membership, and the Mayor’s office. Strength in getting Olson out. Loser
The destiny of man is to unite, not to divide. If you keep on dividing you end up as a collection of monkeys throwing nuts at each other out of separate trees.
T.H White
Where there is Garbo there is victory.
4th Precint
That’s when the bosses in the fourth were honorable men and not midget lieutenants who chase after the wives of cops. Instead they gave loud mouth PBA members their justifiable beatings. Strength in Garbo!
Garbo is a fat has-been bully with a small dick.
He never fucked with anyone who could kick his ass.
Because nobody could kick his ass other than his ESU buddy. Being infatuated with another mans penis size and living in a basement apartment is no way to go through life.
Sounds like a racist post “Mr. Strength in Unity”, the boat master may not appreciate you making reference to “MONKEYS” In “TREES”. Now on the other hand, I’m sure Mueller loves the “NUTS” part of quote! Stealing quotes is no way to go though life son.
That is not a racist post. It’s quoting someone else and it is an example of a strength in unity quote. Get your head out of the gutter.
Yeah, great quote. Better do some fact finding on the history of that quote Mr. Aryan nation.
Another incident involving yet another union trustee making false statements against another union member. Devitt gets sacked then reports fake injuries with Mahoney, Olson’s personal pole dancer.
Keith please did Vera not cause the death of a Yonkers Citizen? Did he not lie to Koch? That’s your boy, just like Pataky who plants drugs on teenagers, then slaps them around. Then he has the balls to accept an award for the job. Great bunch of lies mr. prez.
Please force that cross dressing freak Mahoney to retire already, Mr. I need one more good year of overtime. And take poor Angus for a rape kit. I heard that there’s a new Y.P.D. Punching bag. Hey Brian, you should stick to talking tough. Didn’t you learn your lesson years ago when Carl had to slap you around.
Can somebody please tell this fucking little midget Lt., you know the guy that likes sleeping with other cops wives, to do his own bidding. We are tired of him up here in the fourth precinct spouting off at the mouth on how when Mueller becomes chief he is going to straighten out Ray, Pappas, Mingy, Hector and a few others. He is also telling people who their friends should be. I have a great idea for that midget weasel. Why don’t you just approach any one of these guys in the dark alleys you claim they meet up at. Then you will not only have diarrhea of the mouth you little whining coward. When Mueller becomes chief he will do this, when Mueller becomes chief he will do that, whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, went this little piggy! Twenty four big ones and all he’s going to get is a load on his face. I’m transferring out of here. These people are sick.
The corrupt game of the Olsonettes is almost over. No more Mueller no Moran. The D.O.J. is here looking into the P.B.A. About time.
Nobody cares and nobody believes you you 14B.
Hey park hill bookie, what the odds on KO wearing an orange jump suit? I’d have to guess odds for! Just hope they have his size. Would hate for him to have to wear a tight outfit in the joint.
so what’s the wager guys and gals? ray wins gets reinstated 99% chance of happening
keith loses 99% almost guaranteed keith has to step down the courts will prove he is unfit to lead, actually we know he is unfit already…lol
Hey Mingy, I mean bookie, didn’t you say Ray would be reinstated by now. I put down a C-note now pay up!
I’ll take another 100 on that new one and I hear you’re offering the Jets -20.
J E T S, jets jets jets……
No You??
take the c note from waynes money…lol
I love this just listen to this red neck what he says ROTFLMAO
So clever. So, so clever.
Back in the union yet asshole? Lol
very soon cheese lover than what will you do, maybe resign ………..
You’ve been saying very soon for over a year, as well as your eagerly awaited press conference on the steps of Ciry Hall. When can we expect these things? We are very anxious for a good laugh
Did you get a good laugh when
B Moran cried like a little baby over his mommy getting fired and when he tapped out? ROTFLMAO
Hey, UNRWA! Did you use Wayne’s money for funding too?
Maybe you Blue Truth assholes should hire a lobbyist. Any plan is better than the one you jerks have stuck to so far.
take it easy fat rat you are going down no doubt about it
Wake me when that happens, your plan really a hasn’t worked that well so far. Ask the former CO of the DD about your plan, lol.
its all good rat face just part of the battle but the war will be won and you will lose
Like I said wake me when it’s over, lol. And wake the former DD CO, he apparently has been asleep for years, lol.
keith you really should get checked out you don’t look so good, when was the last time you had a check up…..
Grow up asshole.
I meant that sincerely asshole you look like shit we need you around to give those great statements that you make when the media comes looking for you ………….
Yeah, but unlike that scumbag Keith Olson, we will use our own money!
Please force that cross dressing freak Mahoney to retire already, Mr. I need one more good year of overtime. And take poor Angus for a rape kit. I heard that there’s a new Y.P.D. Punching. Hey Brian, you should stick to talking tough. Didn’t you learn your lesson years ago when Carl had to slap you around.
Come on coach, put me in. Keith just bought me for $25,000. Besides grilling and moping, he wants to write P.I.N.S. petitions too.
Meanwhile, Keith can tell more lies.
It’s $24,000 dick. $30G if you count the CLSA.
Crimes up, there seems to be a bank robbery every day, bad search warrants, cops getting arrested, more cops spilling secrets on this blog and fist fighting each other, DOJ is on the way but the police commissioner is doing great!
Keep up the good work Chuck!
My partner met his fate and he still isn’t smiling ROTFLMAO
keith is the worst ever wake up members and ask where the money goes and more importantly why
My partner loves when I eat peanut butter.
Everything talked about in this article has happened under the “leadership” of Police Chief Garner. Bad search warrants, hot spots, racial profiling, all of it. When the DOJ comes it will be because of Garner.
Hezi, why do you give him a pass? Isn’t he and those other Chiefs supposed to be in charge?
He is the Commissioner and he’s doing a great job! Learn the ranks dummy.
If he’s doing so great then why all the problems?
don’t blame chuckie blame the cops that did it all cause they lied never told supervisors what they were doing never got the ok from anyone except the fat
Breaking news from the P.B.A, apparently two of Olson’s union trustees attack another member of this department and one meets his faith. Oh yes Keith, the city officials love you.
Stand by for more news concerning Keith Olson’s pea bag carrier. Way to go Mahoney. Your a union trustee right. Always for the men right Joe.
More to come as the neck and back injuries pile up.
What does “meets his faith” mean?
Det Capt Bob Itzla
Det Ramon Montero
Lt Bryant Pappas
PO Mingy Santobello
Sgt Matt Russo
Leddy Intervallo
John Khader
The Spanos hate you.
Keith your an over weight diabetic gray rat. Talk about how you fked these men and woman. Don’t inject any more names. Especially after you just wrote a check attempting to secure Mueller is place on the wall of shame. Fk off Neil Vera’ pal. The guys in the housing unit say hello Fatboy. Lol
You guys are dillusional.
missing a lot more names some are your close friends lol
What about blue truther
G Spano-
do the spanos hate him as well.
We will be coming in to take a closer look at some of these troubling allegations against the Yonkers Community by William Pataky.
Way to go Mr. Kader. Olson just can’t help himself. He started this with you when he injected your name into this. Probably because the tickets issued was an abuse of Keith’s authority. Probably because you refused his offer to go off into the woods and fist fight a Police Officer. His postings are pathetic and sad. He is coming apart at the seams, literally. Lol. Why don’t you ask Pappas or some other cop to go into the woods. Kader has you eating out of palm. Go send your union thugs to set some other cop up, carne man.
Keith why do you keep mentioning my name? you really think its me you need to get some help as I said in previous comments I don’t care what goes on. I have an idea lets debate on Hezi show and lets talk openly no holds barred other wise keep me out of this. There is enough guys out there slamming you I don’t need to do it have a good day.jk
The DA office hired two retired Yonkers Bosses as investigators for the integrity unit
Who did they hire?
Keith Olson must step aside in order for the P.B.A. to move forward and repair the unscrupulous display of behavior that damaged the image of the Yonkers P.B.A. and has purposely attacked and set up members of the C.L.S.A.
This so called ” union ” leader will go down as the worst corrupt leader that this department has ever seen.., or will ever see again. Olson and his band of self serving union trustees must be ban. The trustees in the precincts are nothing more Olson’s lackeys and intentionally misrepresent and distort the hard facts. Send the union fat man a message and dump him and his board.
yes go back in your fucking rats nest and don’t come out til the DOJ calls you.
tell the members keith why you hired a lobbying firm………the new contract you rammed down the members throats in one week why now a lobbying firm…………
keith please don’t go and write john any tickets this is not him .
What’s not true the part that Pataky plants drugs or got smacked around three times?
What’s not true you and J. D. did not conduct a criminal investigation on county property and tampered and removed evidence?
What’s not true that you fought off a transfer for your grab ass girlfriend John Mueller?
Did you call housing or City wide when they were disbanded and transferred?
Did you help all of them?
What’s not true that you did not personally give Kader a ticket and threatened to fight him?
What’s not true that you post about the P.C. and everyone else?
What’s not true that Quinn is blaming everything on the C.L.S.A.?
What’s not true that you and Moran did not conduct yet another unauthorized investigation against a DD Captain?
What’s not true that Vera did not lie to Koch?
What’s not true would that person still be alive if Vera did not lie to Koch?
What’s true is that we will hold you accountable if the City will not. Justice is coming for YOU and your band of union lying trustee’s.
What’s also true is your a stinking gray fat river rat union failure.
love it
everyone is a liar except that fat fuck keith ask him why is he sucking the mayors dick so hard to make Mueller a chief?
ask him why no other union president in the pba has hired a lobbyist?
ask him why Quinn get 200k a year from the members ?
don’t believe me? Ask him to open the books oHHH sorry soon the feds will be doing that for us…ROTFLMAO
Didn’t that article say the CLSA also hired that same lobbying firm?
yes it only cost them 6k a year at least Tommy negotiated a better deal lol
Maybe because they are one quarter the size? That may be tough math for you, but it means the PBA is a lot bigger, weirdo!
keith admit it you are a lying stealing union president that will do anything to save him self. You my fat furry gray rat will go down as the worst leader.You have answered nothing on this site all you do is spin and spin and spin now tell the members why you decided to spend their money on a lobbyist firm……………………
In this post you refer to the PBA money as “their” money but in the last post you refer to the PBA as “we.”
C’mon John, at least pay attention to your own stupid ramblings.
Fat, stupid and annoying is no way to go through life son.
keith is dirty why are we spending money on a lobbyist?PBA never did it before? why answer it give us a good reason you fucking rat? I will tell the members why you want to get your girl friend john Mueller in the third floor good luck asswipe.
Heard the DA office is hiring two retired Yonkers Cops as investigators for the integrity unit
hopefully they will connect the dots what goes on with the rat fuck face
Hopefully you’ll grow some balls.
keith who has bigger balls mike or john?
You should get off their dicks you weirdo.
keith why all of the sudden you paying a lobby firm 25 k a year cola,carozza ,armour never did that before?
notice keith has not commented…………………..
You should go to your next union meeting and ask.
Oh wait…
keith face it you are a dirty rat loser your legacy will be one that no one wants to know, soon you will be forgotten when you get thrown or forced to retire you big fat POS always was and always will be why are you paying for a lobby firm?you should of been paying money to a labor lawyer when mike spano shot his load in your mouth with that bull shit contract you swallowed all so you can have no one run against you ? you are junk from moquette row sad to say the new jacks don’t see it yet hopefully soon and this isn’t john neither you fucking gray rat.
Another thought provoking, well thought out, grammatically correct comment. If you had so much as one testicle you’d say it in some type of public forum so that all the world could see your class and talent.
you should of been checking the grammar on that 207c contract changes but I knew you were to busy jerking off mike so know one runs against you asswipe.
Sick, sick sick people!
keith save your self and come clean where is all the money you skimmed?
who drove the second car into greenburgh ?
why are you paying 25k a year for lobby work did you ask or tell all the members about this?
how much more is Quinn squeezing the pba account check book?
why do you continue to have a 1500 a month coffee service in the office no one visits your rat ass unless you have it for the feds…lol….
LoL. You fucking idiots are losing it.
Present FACTS, not the crap hezi the puppet puts out for you idiots and present it to the DA and let her decide where this will go.
Hezi, you have been played over and over again by these malcontents, showing your lack of understanding. Don’t you think if any of the alleged thievery were true the DA would have prosecuted it already? The bluetruthers have said she hates KO as it is so that should tell you something. Why don’t you put your sources on your show with KO as he has asked? I know why, because your sources are full of crap. Why don’t you do it and end this mess? If they have the facts you should encourage it, KO has already said he would do it. Are you afraid, Hezi?
asshole keith is going down feds take along time to indict that’s why most end up taking plea bargains keith is in deep shit no doubt about it DOJ is here and staying till some one pays up…………………
get off johns dick there is at least 100 members easily blogging about your sorry rat ass for your info he is down florida having a great time but please don’t issue him any tickets like you did last time he went down…ROTFLMAO
In Florida blogging? What a fucking loser.
Be careful near the intercoastal. You may be mistaken for a manatee.
keith will get in trouble keith is going down keith has been a scammer always was always will be don’t worry thisn is bigger than difiores office and yes she does hate him……ROTFLMAO
I thought that’s what you dicks would say.
the dick is you waterboy for keith what will he do when they start tearing his ass apart and look at his inner
Hey John, got grammar?
keith you got another lawyer Quinn soon will be a witness…
Yea You?
Yeah, are you afraid Hezi, lol. I will be at my favorite steak house tonight while you mull this over Hezi. Of course my meal will be at the expense of the membership. But don’t be worried, I’m not stealing. It’s business after all. Who else is going to make this moron best friend of mine mueller chief.
I got punched out three times, but i sure can plant drugs on teenagers and slap them around. That makes me a good union trustee. Keith said its okay as long as I don’t take the tapes. Coming to Warburton soon.
members since you came in union dues went up expense went up keiths weight went up and quinns bank account went up show this rat the door now he has a lobbyist at 25 k a year for what to lobby and get Mueller in the third floor ,the new thing now is pay more and get fucked harder new guys…………………..
No, i did not say hundreds and hundreds of awards. I am busy trying to buy Johnny smiles his seat. Vera did not lie to Koch. I did it with Quinn.
Is the CLSA money also for mueller?
Ask the men and woman in these units how great Olson is? Vera and Olson told on all the supervisors, then the men and woman. Great legal strategy. Vera caused the death of another, and we impeach a guy for smacking around a drug planter.Hmmm
Did Pataky stop your kid Keith?
If anyone’s kid was stopped it was Monteros. In fact…
Great story . The Department clearly know Olson is responsible for bragging at union meeting about violating departmental policy, telling members he has personnel files and almost always tampers with internal police files. Ask the DD Captain. 25,000 for Mueller. What a fkin loser.
Hey, this is all lies. Does anyone want to go into the woods with me?
Attention all local businesses, be on the look out for an overweight blow up rat. He is issuing parking summons.
Roy Pilot is issuing summons’?
Cannot believe that Quinn and KO blamed the entire problems of the P.B.A. on the C.L.S.A. show the bums the door. Neil Vera didn’t lie to Koch either, right Keith? No one lost their life either. It’s all lies. You own it mr. Prez. Tell your lies to D.O.J.
Please Mr. Commissioner its not true. I give you my cheese.
the facts are the facts, everyone knows in the department its ALL true. Even the thugs in the streets sing the same tune about the same guys. Did you mean the real Joker, the house cleaner with the pasted permanent smile, A.K.A. John the ” Joker” Mueller.
that guy calls himself a union leader? no wonder the D.O.J. is here. where is the out cry from the community leaders.
Hezi you forgot the Holocaust and 9/11. Wasn’t Olson responsible for those too?
you forgot Wayne’s and Jimmy’s money too!
I don’t know…you?
The City of Yonkers needs to show this dirty bag the door. What a bullshit pathetic liar. He writes checks in the sum of $ 25,000, for what? To buy that insecure Mueller a Chief spot? Olson and Mueller is a poison drink. The entire department will be in a tail spin with even more cover ups and lies. Just a warning to the City and the Community. Roll the dice. Yes, snake eyes.
Another great piece of reporting by the Tribune. Every word and sentence is right on target. Keith Olson is bad for the city, its residents and the department.
What does Michael think or what does Nick tell him to think?
Feds don’t come looking for files etc., on a rumor….more to come. Lacking proper procedures starts with the top guy and Olson will get squashed along with all those TAKERS!
If this scrupulous behavior is true, then it should not be tolerated.
Hezi. Stop giving Chuckie a pass. He is the Commisioner of this job and he is the highest ranking police official in the COY. He is being paid by the taxpayers of YO to protect and serve which he Is doing neither He knows everything KO is doing yet he stands ideally by as this job goes further and further down the sewer. I used to respect you chuckie but now your just a political hack like the rest. You drank the cool aid and your just worried about yourself and not the Woman and men of this once fine dept. great legacy to leave behind