YONKERS, NY — March 30, 2014 — Shereen Noon, Director, Elemental Films®, will be discussing her ground-breaking exposé documentary “UNLEADED” on the effects of Chelation Therapy on heart disease, especially diabetic heart disease, on the “featured” BlogTalk Radio program http://BlogTalkRadio.com/WestchesterOnTheLevel/ this Monday, March 31, 2014 at 10 a.m. EST, the first hour of our program day. Hezi Aris is your host. The call-in number is (347) 205-9201.
The National Institutes of Health has just statistically proven with T.A.C.T., their 10-year $31 million double-blind, definitive study; a 26% improvement in heart disease, a 39% improvement in diabetic heart disease, and a 23% improvement in heart attacks and strokes. The loss to hospitals would be in the trillions of dollars and the loss to BigPharma would be in the billions, were people to receive Chelation Therapy instead of heart surgery and drugs.
A coordinated effort by mainstream media and the American Heart Association has succeeded in keeping the astonishing statistical results from the public, until now.
View the 6 min. trailer at: www.unleadedmovie.com
Rachel McCain joins us from 11 a.m. to 12 Noon. Ms McCain attends Sarah Lawrence College, holds a BA in English, has written for The Source Magazine, Ploughshares Literary Blog, among other publications. She has served as deputy editor with Home Town Media Group writing most specifically about the area known as the Sound Shore. She is the creator of the Westchester Noir photography project and is presently working on a nonfiction book manuscript. Learn more at rachelmccain.net
Call the show at (347) 205-9201; if you use Skype: contact “eHezi18″ during the “live” broadcast, or listen on demand at: http://BlogTalkRadio.com/WestchesterOnTheLevel/.