Cluck, Cluck; Cluck, Cluck Cluck.
Yonkers Police Benevolent Association (PBA) President Keith Olson has been vacationing in sunny Puerto Rico this past week. The distance has however not removed him from being scrutinized with respect to many past allegations. It seems he remains the subject of yet another internal investigation that begs for outside, independent investigation. It’s not that Yonkers Internal Affairs Department (IAD) is incapable of such an investigating or of uncovering any allegations, should they be proven or not, it’s what’s done with those “findings” that is unnerving. IAD reports have been apprehended by some whose conduct reeks of political intrusion and interference.
There clearly seem to be two standards within the Yonkers Police Department (YPD). One standard is specific to the working street cop, who follows directives every day, and another for the likes of Olson and his patronage mill of known cronies. A litany of records and reports reflect that this was not the first investigation against the union leader. Does outside political interference trump and manipulate New York State and Federal laws and guidelines? Who has the wherewithal to interfere with a NYS Police Agency? That will be the issue that will eventually rest before Yonkersites and outside investigators to infer and deduce despite the political quagmire that has grown out of control in the City of Yonkers (CoY).
Sometime in December 2014, a memorandum was issued by Yonkers Police Commissioner (PC) Charles Gardner who recognized that Yonkers PBA President Keith Olson and his “buddies”, Fourth Police Precinct Captain John Mueller, and Detective Sergeant Brian Moran were allegedly behind several unauthorized investigations which if proven, clearly violate departmental rules and regulations, as well as New York State s regarding their targeting members of the Captain, Lieutenants, and Sergeants Association (CLSA), and certain Yonkers PBA members. The memorandum was quickly designated the “Keith Olson Rule”, because most of the rank and file attest Olson was behind the quietly conducted, though unauthorized investigations. The “Keith Olson Rule” memorandum was ordered to be read for twelve consecutive Roll Calls throughout the YPD. As the union leader, one may infer PBA President Olson was fully cognizant of the memorandum and its contents.
Since the “Keith Olson Rule” was issued, specifically at the January 2014th PBA meeting, the catalyst behind the most current IAD investigation into Keith Olson was initialized. As the Yonkers Tribune would come to learn, much became apparent during a cold January night. Sources report that during that January meeting, Olson and PBA Legal Counsel Andrew Quinn, Esq., were questioned by PBA members regarding one of the allegedly worst contracts in the state, specifically with respect to General Municipal Law 207-c, in which Olson sold his soul to Mayor Mike Spano so as to hold onto his seat as Yonkers PBA President for political influence and the hopes of patronage jobs, such as the one given to his sister Kelly Chiarella, within two-weeks after the contract was ratified. The contract placed the PBA membership at a legal disadvantage against CoY with regard to General Municipal Law 207-c. The contract was anything but fair to the members of the YPD membership. The contract also chopped away at members’ salaries, and their vacation time. Since the ratification of the PBA contract, I.A.F.F. Local 628, and CLSA have refused the city’s offer.
Sources note that Olson staged an incident and reportedly had his union “thug” trustees stand at the entrance door to the Dunwoodie Hall as members entered into the room. One of those trustees was Police Officer William Pataky of the Fourth Police Precinct, chatter reportedly defines Pataky to be Captain John Mueller’s go to guy to put down any precinct union issues. In return, Mueller allegedly feeds Pataky with overtime over other precinct members. As attending personnel sort answers, Olson did what any other “dirty politician” would do which was to either not answer the question directly or deflect it back as a question. When it was clear that Olson knew nothing of the newly passed 207-c, Andrew Quinn, the PBA attorney attempted to fill in the blanks. However, after all the rhetoric cleared, Quinn is said to have finally admitted that the union conceded to the Yonkers City Hall’s demands, and the burden of proof was no longer on CoY to prove if officers were entitled to the crucial benefits of the NYS General Municipal Law, but was switched and placed on the members’ shoulders. That crucial change would also add emotional and financial strain to the families of members if the department chose to stop the benefits to the injured or sick officer.
According to inside sources, Olson continued to play charades with the questions. As a member attempted to make his way out of the meeting, Yonkers PBA President Olson yelled out, “Don’t let that guy leave the room, this next issue pertains to him”. Words were thereafter exchanged between Olson and the member who continued to make his way out of the meeting. As the member reached the exit door, PBA Union Trustee William Pataky attempted to verbally, and physically impede the exiting member from leaving. This is the same William Pataky that was featured in the Erik Shilling article published in The Journal News on April7, 2014, entitled: “2 Yonkers Cops Named in 14 Misconduct Lawsuits.”
Pataky was clearly heard mouthing epithets, explicit profanity toward that member who reports say was is a Yonkers Police Detective. Pataky told that member he could not leave the room because Olson was not finished with him. Sources and witnesses report that Pataky was clearly motioning his hands towards that member’s face. Other union trustees who were with Pataky were heard yelling, “Hold him”. As any normal person would expect, mayhem broke out between union officials and attending members.
The melée came and went like a summer rainstorm, and that Detective was finally able to leave. It was then finally clear to all the members why Olson and his Union “thug” Trustee Pataky wanted him to stay. Yonkers PBA union leader Olson introduced, and read by-laws to begin the expulsion procedures against Detective Raymond Montero of the Yonkers Police Department’s Narcotics/Gang unit, a former Yonkers PBA Vice President, and a twenty-five-year, recognized and well-decorated Police Detective who reports indicate pulled two wounded New York State Troopers from a fire fight during an early morning raid in which the suspect was shot and killed in The Bronx.
Why would any union president want to expel any union member? If one member is expelled then that paves the way for others to be easily expelled, denying Police Officers their freedom of speech, not for what Olson falsely asserts are acts prejudicial to the interest of the association. Is giving notice and fighting against internal police misconduct committed by a handfull of “gangster” cops who targeted members of the CLSA, and PBA not worthy of being reported? Internal complaints letters, emails, as well as internal reports all indicate Olson and others have, to say the least, committed official police misconduct. Does holding the purse of the PBA ward off actions by city leaders? This is the dark side of the Yonkers PBA under the leadership of Olson. He throws his weight around with the cash of approximately 485 dues paying members.
Since the chilly January PBA meeting, Olson and some of his precinct trustees began writing up expulsion petition against that Detective, which is ironically devoid of noting the reason for the action. The Detective was struck by 4th Precinct Union Trustee William Pataky; how pathetic. The other charges were just as frivolous as those written by Olson. Sources further advise that Olson reportedly called Police Commissioner (PC) Gardner himself and claimed there was some display of emotions at the meeting. What he did not tell PC Gardner is that he personally commenced another unauthorized investigation against that member. Internal reports say that Keith Olson himself called the Dunwoodie Golf Course and identified himself as Detective Keith Olson of the Yonkers PBA, and told a female Dunwoodie employee that he wanted all video and audio for the night of the January PBA meeting. He then reportedly told the employee that he would be sending a Yonkers Police Detective from the Detective Division’s Technical Unit that also collects evidence for IAD, and crime scenes to retrieve potential evidence of the incident without notifying any Detective Supervisor, Internal Affairs personnel, or any other police personnel. Olson then sent his long time Housing Unit friend Detective John Donaghy to retrieve potential evidence, since his petition stated that a crime was committed against Pataky. Detective Donaghy then, following Olson’s alged instructions, identified himself as a Yonkers Police Detective from the Detective Division while off-duty and removed “potential” evidence from the Dunwoodie premises without any legal authorization. That “potential” evidence was then reportedly looked at and analyzed by both Olson and Donaghy while on duty and from a city- owned computer. According to other employees at the facility, they were witness to the removal of the equipment.
While this was going on PC Gardner decided to commence his own investigation into Olson’s claims. Surprisingly, the Internal Affairs Division uncovered the investigation being conducted from the Office of the PBA when they arrived to interview employees of Dunwoodie. The IAD discovered that Police Detective John Donaghy had already removed and tampered with “potential” evidence. According to information obtained after the incident, that property was found in Larchmont at the Detective’s home. The YPD has since then been investigating the entire incident, but has yet to file any official misconduct charges against Olson and others stemming from the January meeting. It was also reported that no one actually saw the mayhem but Olson and Pataky, who apparently have the same alibi (story) covering each other’s back against another union member. In fact, Olson represented Pataky during the IAD investigation, and Yonkers PBA Legal Counsel Quinn represented Olson. That conduct stinks of conflict; yet not a word from anyone.
As for the incident itself, it reeks of official gross misconduct sparked by a “gangster style” union leader and an “overpaid” union attorney that have lost their way by the smell of money. What’s the rationale for having a lawyer sit in on an official open union meeting? Why is Quinn permitted to answer for Olson? Why and how can he represent Olson or any PBA member if he was witness to the alleged stated incident, when he himself was present at the time of the incident, and he is himself a witness? Andrew Quinn has a duty to fairly represent all members of the association regardless of his personal views. Andrew Quinn has been silent as Yonkers PBA personal attorney, sidelined as Olson continues to tarnish the Office of President of the Yonkers PBA.
So while other members are being written up for not taking evidence to the lab on time, or overlooking to code a police report, others like Yonkers PBA President Olson have allegedly continued to breed contempt, and violated State and Federal laws by committing unauthorized investigations targeting certain police personnel. It’s a pretty dark side of the Office of the Yonkers PBA. Can the City of Yonkers clean up this alleged unethical police union boss? To whom do the good men and women of the Yonkers Police Department turn when Olson and others like Pataky target them? What Olson has created are union agents who want what they want. It’s “High Noon “and the PBA leader is no longer looking out for CoY. The City of Yonkers (CoY) has a union leader whose conduct show him to be allegedly corrupt, unethical as a union boss, encouraging union members to maintain their silence by means of intimidation, and harassment by filing false reports. Maybe The Journal News should have asked Olson for cops’ personnel files. Olson has a history of removing and copying personnel police files.
Yonkers Tribune suspects when Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano began reading the Blue Truth series of articles that began over 10 months ago, he may not have believed its telling. Two months ago IAD started an internal investigation; one on a cop that went to Dunwoodie and seized a video recorder illegally at the request of Yonkers PBA President Keith Olson, and another with regard to William Pataky for inciting a riot with another cop, again allegedly at the behest of PBA President Olson.
It does seem as though, cluck, cluck, the chickens have home to roost. Cockle doodle do!

Comments 1,688
When will the rat step down
A.when he gets indicted?
B.when he gets sued?
c.when Feds serve subpoenas?
D.when IRS looks at books?
E.all of the above?
keith step down you are not fit !
“You are not fit” that’s putting it mildly lol lol.
Hey Keith,
I saw your ice bucket challenge on the internet, very moving. I was so touched that I decided to donate over $50,000.00 of my own cash to the “Quinn for the Win” cause.
Just tell Quinn he could keep the over $50,000.00 that was collected for me that you and Quinn stole and never gave me! I feel much better now knowing it’s going to a good cause
how about the tough man and other fundraisers that he scammed????
Hey ray, What we are really hoping for is your “giant press conference” on the steps of city hall with all of your “supporters” how many will be there? 400? 500? How about your two blue truth co-conspirators, Det capt Bob Itzla and lt. Bryant pappas? With they stand with you?
Quinn for the win, lololololololololololololololololol Quinn is a bigger loser than any of the rat pack members. When they haul fat man off to the big house how many followers you think will support him. 40, maybe 50? Start stocking up on Newports. You assholes are going to need them.
Hezi, can you post a copy of the lawsuit, I think everyone would like to see what this is all about. Thanks again.
keith with all that’s going on you need to step down, you had numerous queen for a day meetings with Difiores office and ratted out other members and supervisors as Quinn watched. This is not what a leader does if Vera fucked up he has to take the hit I feel bad for Koch and others now that are under investigation because this useless bastard lied. There is a lot going on with other members let Dale Hugh take over even though he is spineless at least he is a lot cleaner than your filthy dirty rat ass ………..
keith you are now officially on the court docket in supreme the right thing to do is step down from your spot, 2 more suits are in the works double whammy for you step down or get thrown out…………..
“What time Wednesday, lol.” I’m glad you assholes think this is a joke but you really have many fires burning on many fronts. If or when it does go public you morons will soon be col. Now that’s something to laugh at. Quinn should think about joining the ranks of the great magicians like David Copperfield or Harry Houdini, it’s amazing how many places he can be at once.
Now that is a hilarious post abracadabra. I’m just wondering who’s going to represent the masses when Harry Quinn gets hauled off to the country club.
Good riddance Quinn!!!!!!!
When this gets filed, can it be posted here? It is a public record at that point. Thanks.
the mayor and commissioner can not afford to keep keith around, he is a huge embarrassment to the department and the feds have him on their radar I know because I spoke with them……….
Right, you spoke with them. And the lawsuit is going public on Wednesday we know. Lol. Not even entertaining anymore.
please call keith and ask how he is doing he was told by his lawyer yesterday afternoon.
keith has to step down the minute the lawsuits go public he will become toxic, Feds are already watching this I know I spoke with them already.
Olson and rogue trustee’s Pataky and Vera must judged.
I urge all members to ask your trustee for keith to step down, when you start ratting on other cops and supervisors to the D.A. office how can we trust him? Time to go rat………
keith was never a leader a bully yes!
So who did keith and Koch give up???
boy o boy just when you thought it was safe to get in the water,word has it that Quinn and fat rat will have to answer Rays lawyer in court about his illegal impeachment should be public by wednesday next week.
Thanks for the heads up Ray.
Its not just rays lawsuit cheese lover ……………..
new developments on rat squad coming out soon…..
Ko are you and you henchmen going to impeach Vera?
yes we found out today Quinn and rat face will be in court soon defend their illegal actions…lol
Keith really how many supervisors did you and Neil give up?
Only the Blue Truthers.
Anybody know how the yacht hat wearing bum has been? Was just hoping he was lost at sea. Hopefully he had a bunch of the rats aboard.
you know what’s coming down the pipe line when they take your gun away??????
dam you keith you how split us up 75 members at the picnic?
I heard PTF was serving food and drinks wearing his super tight spandex pants. They say he was serving you know whose favorite.
he had more members at rays impeachment, which by the way was illegal to say the last get ready bombs will be dropping shortly, run for cover…lol
so rat you think this is over ? not by a million years you sit at a meeting and throw out a member and than you go up to the DAs office and watch as vera rats out other members?you are the worst POS to ever lead!
Fuck all this I want to see the tape where the 600 pound gorilla writes a ticket, heard it was hilarious can you imagine keith going after john like that?
poor spano will be pissed off when he sees that the rat cant deliver ….?????
I wonder if Obama steals from his fundraisers?
Don’t be pressured by city hall to give Lt. Anthony Chiarella a commanding officer position. Remember the Greenburgh circus. Being the CO of any specialized unit requires integrity. Last time I looked adultery is not only breaking one of the Ten Commandments but it is also breaking the law.
Come on Pete. You’ve now fulfilled your life long dream of wearing a tight uniform with high boots and riding a Harley. Man up now and tell the Spano’s how you supported me and voted for me. They can’t do anything about it now.
so scumbag keith sits with investigators as vera rats out cops, supervisors all while Quinn watches???? isn’t Quinn supposed to protect entire membership???
just typical olson rules protect his inner circle and fuck the rest of the members!!!
The biggest change for me in my 20 years are broads shaving their bushes.. went over to Silvio’s like the girl scouts over there.
The ratpack have a lot in common with Obama these days. The only people that like them are children. Obama and Keith also have a lot in common. They will both be remembered as the worst presidents ever, lol.
Speaking of Low Class, can someone please tell the little person to stop running around with other cops wives.
Speaking of people getting stomped is the least of your worries queer. Where’s John’s 8k you fucking cross dressing Freak. You will pay up one day.
With interest homo.
You’ll be paying back the tax payers of NY all you’ve received from your fraudulent disability pension before that happens. Hahahahhahahahahhaha with interest diiiiiccccckkkkk. #120kfraud
The only thing fraudulent is you being born a man. Queeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrr…….
PTF is really infatuated with Marty’s pension. What would happen if he saw the size of Marty’s #@*%, lol
Not as infatuated as Marty is with PTF’s sexuality…
A guy works on two different PD jobs and gets stuck at ground zero for months fucking up his health later on and he’s labelled a scammer. A guy works a bar post and a homeless post and because he still currently puts on a uniform he’s a hero. Maybe it’s me? I guess I just don’t get the comparison? Anybody who spent any time at ground zero deserves more than a three quarter pension. Now someone who cross dresses…….
What does his time spent at ground zero have to do with a back injury that occurred in an RMP in Yonkers? Furthermore, does the fact that he spent time at ground zero give Geary the right to blog anonymously? Does it excuse his lies? His racist and homophobic comment? Stop using 9/11 as an excuse for any of that because it’s pretty disgusting. If he never started going after members like a coward no one would be questioning him or his fraudulent pension, but the more he blogs the more he’ll receive in return.
Oooooooh, the more he’ll receive in return. “Spin spin spin” is what your leader Keith does. Go suck cock in Macy’s window you fagot coward. You seem to know a lot about Marty. Stop stalking you small prick loser and worry about how you’re going to do “da job”. Who even says that other than a homo. You can act as politically correct as you’d like you retard. Me on the other hand, I say…………
And for the record Marty’s time down at ground zero means more than PTF’s time on the water front.
The smelly homeless can suck my dick too.
Marty going after Pete is like Rosie Odonnel going after Elizabeth Hassleback. Marty’s just a unintelligent fat ugly jealous asshole. Hahahahahahahaha!
Come on Quasimodo, is that the best you can do. We know you went to Iona and all. So when you went back to give your speech did you tell the students that all your aspirations were to ride a motorcycle. You’re certainly on the fast track, lol. If sucking cock was like a promotional test you would be a four star general. Too bad all it gets you it a nice warm protein shake.
I’m pretty sure it’s an unintelligent fat ugly jealous asshole. I thought queers were smart. You are about as grammatically correct as I am politically correct.
Did anyone notice how meaty petey references females instead of males? You’re gonna make a real man happy one day PTF!
Just for the record, Rosie O’Donnell is not a female. She is more manly than PTF.
Marty has turned in to a real 14B!
Yeah yeah, we know! Anyone that calls you bums out is a 14B. Not the guy running around in pantyhose. I say we elect Keith police commissioner and mayor. Him and his weirdo friends have the power to change the world. Well so did Obama folks. How did that turn out, lol.
Even John is distancing himself from Marty.
Did you come to that conclusion while you were running around your house naked tucking your junk in?
It’s hard not to be infatuated with the sexuality of PTF. The guy waxes his eye brows and shaves his legs not to mention he gives head to you know who.
Marty’s just mad because he looks like a cross between Frankenstien and Quasimodo.
Your just mad cause Marty has a nicer ass than you.
keith and cheetaaa 2 dirty fucks!!!
Don’t forget that two faced PTF.
Don’t be pressured by city hall to give Lt. Anthony Chiarella a commanding officer position. Remember the Greenburgh circus. Being the CO of any specialized unit requires integrity. Last time I looked adultery is not only breaking one of the Ten Commandments but it is also breaking the law.
The last time PTF dressed in drag I heard quarter pint was chasing him around. At least the cops wives were safe that day.
Lol, I would’ve loved to see quarter pint chasing PTF. Fuck three quarters, I will personally pay PTF full pay if he would just go away. Think about it dude, full pay to go running around in your skirt and stockings down in the east village.
PTF mother fucked the Spano’s constantly and outwardly said he voted for Murtagh. Then he uses the Spano’s to get the traffic unit. Speak about two faced cowards. He has no shame. Guess that’s why he and KO are such best friends. They have a lot in common.
just like muellers parents were in murtaghs commercial………
The muellers are good people!
don’t worry if that happens there will be another blue truth expose on that short scumbag !
Don’t be jealous. You can make 120k also. Oh wait, no you can’t. You actually have to do police work. We know cowards can’t do real police work. The second precinct really burnt you out. I heard you used to yell at guys like Buddy and other decent active cops and tell them to stop doing police work. They were making you look bad. Truth be told, making you look bad is really easy to do, lol. Go drive your Harley into a ditch you loser. Hope to see you at the gay pride parade next year.
I remember that. Then after all his fabulous police work in the second precinct he went to the forth precinct and was handed the homeless unit. I wonder how that happened? It’s not like he blew Keith and Mueller or anything, lmfao. Nobody from the fourth precinct wanted or deserved that position anyway, Right Pete! Stop worrying about who got three quarters, put on that tight uniform, shut the fuck up and do your job. I know, it’s hard putting on that uniform everyday hero. Stop buying girl sizes and it will get easier tool.
PTF, what a joke. We don’t want him.
Yes, you too can scam and have your partner “rear end” you in an RMP and go out three quarters. Glad to hear you’ll be attending the Pride parade next year, Marty. Hope you enjoy the festivities. It seems you have an odd obsession with homosexual activities. It’s cool man, no one is judging you. Glad you loaded up on OT and found a way out. All the time you spent “doin da job” must have really burnt you out. Especially the tens of arrest you made. That had to be tough. How many years did you do in Yonker before “burning out”? 6? maybe 7? Your illustrious career should be an example to all. Load up on OT, fake a pre-existing injury into a work related injury then go out… Then, as opposed to thanking your lucky stars and fading in to the sunset you can blog anonymously and make up lies, use homophobic and racist comments. Now thats genius… All that time spent in 28 Wells throwing buckets of water on uniformed cops while hiding 5 flights up is a real heroic act. Or stealing people’s phones and sending embarrassing photos out of someone who considered you a friend was a real class act. Acting like a tough guy at a bar and spouting off ’bout being a cop then getting stomped and not responding showed some real backbone. In other words, you are and always will be a dick. Those still actually doing the job are glad you’re gone. It’s like a cancer has been removed. Now go enjoy retirement. Just remember, you live in a glass house…
PTF loves getting rear ended.
Lol, you’re just mad cause Marty made tens of arrests and you made nones of arrests. PTF loves the big cock.
Speaking of faking pre existing injuries has that dangerous fan ever been removed from the detective division?
I was down in the east village the other night with another cops wife. Trying to stay off the radar and all. That’s when I saw Pete in the window of the Cock. Dude, you really need a new hobby. I can loan you some of my kiss albums!
keith you got our lawyer to watch vera hurt other members while he rats out????
Shut up and pay your tickets asshole.
asshole why do you think this is john? he is not a cop so why would he be commenting on stuff that does not concern him? But I really wish he can show us that video tape of you waddling up ashburton writing him
I’ll make sure John pays his tickets if you make sure kO doesn’t steal from our PBA office anymore. Never going to happen. It would be the same as if PTF would stop cross dressing.
john will pay tickets is like keith opening up the pba books never happening…lol
hey shorty Lt we cant write khader no more tickets, seems like he got the city to take down signs. Now we all look like assholes for listening to you and keith wonder what the mayor and brass think of us now??????
john please show us the video of the rat writing you a ticket, after all the friends and the good you do for us I cant believe he wrote you?????
guys leave keith alone he helped me a lot with breaking down the cls…………….lol
Hahahaha for sure. You better laugh because you know you’re a yellow coward. Marty put in many years of service and put a lot of time down at ground zero during his NYPD days you piece of shit. The least the system owes him is three quarters. And I’m certain that even though PTF sucked much cock to get the wheel that he’s not the one writing this crap about Marty. Shame on the asshole writing about a first responder that put many months down at ground zero. And for the record, the one writing this shit is allied with the schlep that sits in the office of the PBA. Congratulations for mocking a hero.
Didn’t Keith and PTF volunteer to help out at ground zero?
Eddie is a good guy!
Neil is a good guy!
Keith is a good guy!
PTF is a good guy!
Frankie is a good guy!
Dean P. is a good guy!
Chiarella is a good guy!
John M. is a good guy!
Brian M. is a good guy!
Andy is a good guy!
Babe is a good guy!
John V. is a good guy!
Yeah, but didn’t Marty get stomped down at the pier view? #120KSCAMMER
Lets see! Stomped at pier view or taking it in the ass? I’ll take my ass kicking. Pete, you can take the ass pounding.
Guys, how did you know I would rather the ass pounding?
Hahahahaahahahahahahaha!!! Yeah, PTF! Stop talkin smack about Marty the American Hero! He stormed the beaches of Normandy, Guarded the DMZ, spent 5 years in the Hanoi Hilton and was on Seal team six! He deserves to scam the system!!! Continue to post on here Marty, you’re a hero and have earned the right. Screw these cops who are out there putting the uniform on every day and earning an honest salary and building toward a 20 year pension. Real heroes, go out on bullshit 3/4’s injuries then sit behind a computer and undermine others with false accusations and homosexual innuendos. Keep up the good work!
you wish you are half the cop Marty was now that’s a fact!!!
The weasel is half the cop Marty was, literally. And the shorty Lt. is a quarter the cop Marty was, lol.
Yeah okay. PTF is a real cop and hero. He puts on a uniform everyday, lol. And it’s very tight and he loves it. Especially the high boots, he loves to parade around his old bosses Mueller and Chiarella and put on a show. Remember, just because you put on a uniform everyday Pete, doesn’t make you a real cop nor hero. Speaking of the pier view didn’t you parade around there like General Patton, only you got disrespected by everyone. Marty may have not done 20 but had the balls to at least do more fighting on your post than you did. The jokes about Normandy and seal team six, while entertaining, shows the lack of character on your part. Ground zero was the worst loss of lives on American soil due to a terrorist attack. And 1o’s of thousands of people, law enforcement and civilians alike, are suffering the consequences. Marty was down there. Were you? That aside I’m just wondering who you will be blowing this weekend you queer.
Don’t be jealous. You can make 120k also. Oh wait, no you can’t. You actually have to do police work. We know cowards can’t do real police work. The second precinct really burnt you out. I heard you used to yell at guys like Buddy and other decent active cops and tell them to stop doing police work. They were making you look bad. Truth be told, making you look bad is really easy to do, lol. Go drive your Harley into a ditch you loser. Hope to see you at the gay pride parade next year.
Good response “American hero”, you sound like a queer.
I just don’t get it keith and Quinn go up to watch neil sing his heart out and Quinn watches as he talks about other cops??? WTF!!!! Quinn you and keith should be ashamed of your selves if vera fucked up and was dirty why watch him bring others down???
Quinn is suppose to protect ALL members very fucked up move fat rat
No guys, you have it all wrong. PTF was queen for a day, not Neil.
one has to wonder when keith retires or gets indicted which ever comes first what will he be best known for?
whats the stat on that case we all know what happened …..
2nd floor is protecting the rat,DOJ knows what is going on in yonkers keith is not the only rat….
Proffer or “queen for a day” letters are written agreements between federal prosecutors and individuals under criminal investigation which permit these individuals to tell the government about their knowledge of crimes, with the supposed assurance that their words will not be used against them in any later … …
Queen For A Day: The Dangerous Game of Proffers, Proffer ……/Queen-For-A-Day-The-Dangerous-Game-of-Pr...
bRyAnT, 90% of the people at that meeting voted that mope out. 5 people voted to keep him. Because he sucks. Like you. Lol
Don’t forget,you can’t spell bRyAnT without RAT!
“We know its you”? Lol, you might as well just accuse the police commissioner. You dopes don’t know who the hell is posting and just keep mentioning Bryant the “GREAT” cause there must be a tit gig coming up. And you greedy bastards want it for yourselves. So aside from throwing people under the bus as you guys usually do lets talk about mopes and your 90 percent vote. We will do arithmetic for dopes. 80-19 board member “mopes” = 61. Minus one “proffered” board member “mope” = 60. Out of the remaining 60 we will say 35 are staunch Keith ass kissers. The remaining 25 members didn’t want Keith’s alter ego attacking them so they voted yes because they knew the boxes were being watched like a hawk by Keith’s board of “mopes”. I guess I can’t blame those 25 because I see the way they tried to crush Ray. So 35 legit votes against ray, 25 deathly afraid of retribution and 20 mope board members that had to show their king allegiance. 9 ballsy mother fuckers that voted “NO”, bless their hearts. And lets not forget the numerous other members at the meeting that also refused to vote out of fear of retribution. How is that 90 percent of your meeting? Come on Chiarella, your math is as dopey as you running around with other cops wives. Get a life already and knock it off. 89 cops out of 489 voted. The unions by laws are ancient to say the least. Who the fuck wants to show up to your bogus meeting to vote a member out anyway? Only your ass kissers!
dirty rat keith and dirty vera where singing like canaries ratting on other cops all while Quinn was there,way to keith !!!
neil did you really rat???and you got some nerve voting monty out!!!
that would be gutsy lf that video goes out it will show the real keith
John Khader
June 17, 2014 at 1:48 pm
This is an open comment to all members of the YPD.I have never said anything bad about any member in this department in any way of shape or form, I actually applaud ALL the members for doing a great job in this city as a life long resident I know the city very well and can see that the members of this department do a great job with the resources available to them, the reason for this comment is Keith Olson your PBA president has been harassing me and others for over 7 years writing tickets personally and attacking my character, and now his brother in law Lt .Chiarella has joined in by giving orders to his members to write summons, just yesterday I received a summons that was clear harassment there was no sign posted on the sidewalk saying “no parking anytime” yet the vehicle behind me was not issued any its all on video. I cant blame the member who is just following the order I blame you for ordering it shame on you.
Lt.Chiarella if you have a problem with me come and discuss it like good supervisors do instead of taking time to order your men to write me up, this is a very active precinct and I’m sure they are busy taking care of much more important quality of life issues that happen here every hour of the day.I do have many friends in your precinct that have actually told me this. You know me well and you know that I do not bad mouth any one on this job except KEITH OLSON and only Keith after he started attacking me and my friends, so stop attacking my character and spreading rumors about me that I hate the police or anything along those lines. We all know that keith has targeted many members and supervisors from his own department many of who are friends with me, your brother in law clearly has a problem with me I don’t know what it is???I have had many people approach to see what’s up his ass but he does not respond. Maybe because I’m friends with many of his enemies???If so that’s his problem tickets don’t scare or intimidate me, while I do have some options open to me about exposing what you and keith are doing I don’t want to hurt the city or the police department in the media because we all know what the public might think, and please don’t respond back by saying, “park legally” I have been here 17 years and always parked in front of my business and never got a ticket as you know there is a big construction project going up the street that has limited even more parking space available none of the residents complain about me the fact is common courtesy should of been extended to me as a life long resident and a business man for over 25 years that gives back to his community, and in no way am I asking for special treatment but the fact that I’m the only one that’s gets a ticket proves the on going harassment and abuse of authority by you and Keith. You do know that it is clearly illegal to target civilians for a personal agenda.
In closing if you would like to discuss this further you know where to find me have a great day and God bless ALL the members of the YPD except keith!
John Khader
keith picked a bad battle to fight….
john show us the video of the rat writing you a summons I heard he even took a picture of it…lol some bully he is.Cant remember when a pba pres ever wrote paper????please show it to us!
I heard it was really hard on his ankles to walk up Ashburton Ave. He suffered a stress fracture and decided he would have Mueller and Chiarella do his summons writing to save himself from future injury. Heard he was also gasping for air on his fifty foot walk. The air is really thin on Ashburton Ave.
can you imagine the rat going thru the 207c……lol
new story in the works just putting all the facts together…………..
heard the rat was with neil at the D.A. office singing like canaries about other members in housing including bosses!!!
Lol, PTF’s whole five year career has been a fraud. The fraud unit still can figure out his scam. Keep up the great work you tool. What the fuck was this department thinking giving you the wheel? Oh wait, never mind. We know exactly how you got it. Don’t forget to pick up your knee pads from Keith’s office.
Lol, PTF’s whole five year career has been a fraud. The fraud unit still can’t figure out his scam. Keep up the great work you tool. What the fuck was this department thinking giving you the wheel? Oh wait, never mind. We know exactly how you got it. Don’t forget to pick up your knee pads from Keith’s office.
Hahahaha! Atleast he made it 5 years. Marty is such u pussy he couldn’t even make it in Yonkers and had to retire…. Frrrrrraaaaauuuuuuuuuudddddddddd !!!
Hahahaha for sure. You better laugh because you know you’re a yellow coward. Marty put in many years of service and put a lot of time down at ground zero during his NYPD days you piece of shit. The least the system owes him is three quarters. And I’m certain that even though PTF sucked much cock to get the wheel that he’s not the one writing this crap about Marty. Shame on the asshole writing about a first responder that put many months down at ground zero. And for the record, the one writing this shit is allied with the schlep that sits in the office of the PBA. Congratulations for mocking a hero.
Hey Petey,next time you’re in lower Manhattan the Village Voice wants to talk with you.
Happy Independence Day! Will we ever be free of the rat? And if PTF happens to burn himself with a sparkler and cry we won’t tell anyone, lol. Now that’s a real man.
Hey Marty, next time you’re up the Journal News wants to talk with you.
PTF enjoy the sparklers!
PTF is scared of sparklers
I am not a coward!
Last year I held a lit sparkler in each of my hands at the same time.
Happy Independence Day! Will we ever be free of the rat? And if PTF happens to burn himself with a sparkler and cry we won’t tell anyone, lol. Now that’s a real man.
new blue truth in the works new info, selective enforcement abuse of power plus video,stay tuned
Dirty Cops!!!
June 28, 2014 at 11:42 am
That unit has been rendered “useless” since Treacy and Amodio left.
Hezi anyway can you look into a incident that occurred in greenburgh,it involves a short LT from the 4th precinct cheating on a members wife?? I know greenburgh cops got involved and a LT from the 1stpct,greenburgh p.d. has a complaint of disturbance on record of incident at a local restaurant….
for every ticket that john gets the more we comment on blue truth!we all know that john has friends in do you really think after he shows them video/pix of selective enforcement heis paying????more tickets more pain that’s the motto!
hopefully doj looks carefully at some members the way they have conducted investigations
1.bad search warrants
2.dirty cop sleeping with civilian
3.cops beating a suspect to death
4.misconduct to say the least with some members
5.short lt that likes to screw other cops wifes
if the 3rd floor is too scared with all the shit going in yonkers an outside agency will be happy to look at whats going……..DOJ 2 cops both lost night sticks suspect died………….
so now the lowlife wife stealer is still targeting 24 ashburton ave with all the bullshit going on in that precinct you would think they focus on more important issues cant wait till john puts his complaint in with DA office
Why are most cops good….and all the ESU guys are suck assholes and scumbags???? HURLEY
olson and the wife stealer are the real scumbags of this job
Let me start by saying BOO HOO HOO! WAAAAH a Yonkers firefighter got a parking ticket for being illegally parked on the sidewalk. Your comment just goes to prove what a sorry, impotent, mere shell of a man you really are. Instead of being man enough to say “I screwed up” and paying the fine, you decide to launch this attack. When having a YFD captain storm into the 2nd Pct. demanding that the summons be taken back did not work, you decided to try having police officers you know try to get the summons taken back. When that did not work, you went ahead and decided to get chiefs involved. All of this because you don’t want to pay a fine for a parking ticket. Your parents must be really proud of the spineless jellyfish that they raised. I personally expect nothing less from a person whose goal in life was to join an organization whose long storied history includes incidents like taking the pizza from a grandmother who was run over and killed on Yonkers Ave and stealing a camera from a Police Officers house after the fire was extinguished. I will say to those incidents that the YFD members involved were at least smart enough to return the items after criminal action was threatened against them. So “Jim” I would like to offer a few solutions to help you out in the future:
1) DO NOT PARK ILLEGALLY!!!!!!! If you don’t park on the sidewalk you won’t get a ticket.
2) Be a man and accept responsibility for your actions. About the only thing you didn’t do was have mommy call to try to help you.
3)Pay the fine and move on with your life.
4)One day grow up to be the man your parents hoped you would be instead of being a cry baby.
Jim, my man, why talk reckless online? If you want that beef, stop by Stew Leonards and I’ll serve you up a quick two piece and a biscuit. Bring ya whole house and I’ll lay that knockout game on all of youse. When you see that big money kat rolling on 22s you’ll know who I am.
when is cheeeetaaa going to focus on serious crimes like drug dealing ,whore houses,and gang shootings and much more serious crimes being committed instead of targeting a local buismen
no parking sign is down what’s the rat and shorty LT going to do now???
don’t worry those dirty rats will find other ways to fuck with john
I don’t know what those filthy Rats miss more? The rat clips or the sign in front of 24 Ashburton, lololololololololololololololololol crazy “cOrRuPt” coots, with the emphasis on “CoRrUpT”, lololololololololololololololololol
now lets see whats the next form of harassment from that gray rat and shorty lt….
now what will you two crooks do with harassing john drove by while on duty he got the no parking signs removed??? looks like john won this one…lol
any one seen shorty around heard he was on the prowl over the
Hey “old man ray”, zip it already and stuff your mouth with a bag of dicks. We are praying for our brother in blue but more importantly a friend. Neither of which you are so don’t use such aweful misfortune to try and gather support on this site. We know which side you’re on and that is your own douche bag. And we know who you are you fucking weasel.
The only one still posting nonsense on here is Kader. Cut the shit already, everyone knows you’re the one that’s been writing shit all along. And even after your cop friends stopped you kept it up to this very day. To Keith, don’t you have your hands full with all that’s going on in our job! Stop responding to this crap and do your fucking job already.
I think john signs his name on serious comments and im sure he makes crack pots here and there. But for the most part I believe keith dragged him into this.
GODSPEED To Richard Myers hope for a full recovery.
nope you are wrong all of rays boys are blogging I know we talk….lol
To all those who have posted on this blog , please stop for our cop who needs our prayers, regardless of your side. Pray for him.
sorry to hear who is the member?
keith has been attacking john since 2006 its all on the record,john must of not kissed keiths ass when he became VP,why else would the rat target and harass john?unless john has more respect from politicians than keith does this whole Blue truth expose has hurt keith tremendously everyone in the county knows about it and anyone that knows the rat knows blue truth is accurate on what keith has done to members on the job.
keith can you actually say one thing that john has done bad to any member ???? Not at all you have been attacking his character and lying about him to turn others against him,why? what has he done to the members??you are a public official did you know that John can sue you for what you are saying about him??? the minute that any member gets deposed on this matter you think they are going to lie for you???why dont you air out the problem do a debate maybe a talk show with hezi?anything im sure john will accept………..
Keith started with John many years ago and now John will shut down keith one way or another!
Read my last post
So now the shorty LT in the 4th is giving overtime shots to guys that write 24 ashburton ave????? very fucked up to say the least,lets see where khader takes this now illegal tickets given all on video, selective enforcement all on video, illegal confiscation of placard while car was locked and parked legally boy oh boy is his lawyer going to have a field day when they feed this to an outside agency clealy IAD did not question ALL the cops that are involved………
How abou you assholes stop this shit while one of our guys is in a bad spot?
One of our guys is fighting to stay a live and you assholes are worried this bullshit! Pray for our member he needs us to support him. Not fight over complete nonsense. Every member should go visit see our brother and show support for him and his family. Enough is enough!
When a good guy like Viviano gets himself involved in this horseshit it makes us all wonder. Viviano has been low key his whole career. Only thing that comes to mind is Viviano is building up to retire and this is the only way Mueller would give him hours, very sad. Why drag the CLS in the mess, it’s not our business. The plaque you took belonged to our own president you moron. This horseshit is between Ray and Keith, they forever changed the PBA for the worse. Let them drown themselves. Follow Tom’s lead and don’t get CLS involved. Mueller won’t let you build up then transfer.
I agree with “keep us out of it.” Viviano should know better, I guess everybody could be bought for a price. And I’m not saying the taxi driver is not full of shit, but why pay him any attention? Viv, really?
“Follow Toms lead?” Isn’t that an oxymoron? LMAO
The CLS is the Switzerland of YPD. When some lowlife thinks he’s above the law, that he can park wherever and when ever he wants, that he can attack CLS & PBA members and their families on the internet and that he can threaten a cop because he had the audacity to write a ticket then maybe it’s time to get off the fence and stand up for what’s right. Kudos to JV for writing some mope a ticket and for taking back property that belongs to the CLSA.
Please show a post that john attacked anyone except keith???? john is far from a lowlife go public I bet he is more respected than you and has much more clout than you, also when his car was ticketed it was parked LEGALLY! and the president of the clsa gave him that placard and Tommy never received a complaint on khader so go fuck off and stop attacking khader with out proof, show me one post that he attacked any member??? as far as I am concerned look at the blue truth expose it has nothing to do with john except that he is friends with ray, john did not start blue truth nor is he part of it this is between a rogue union leader that bully’s his way around to intimidate people but its not working with john he will go all the way to the end with Keith. I give john a lot of respect at least he signs his name and called out keith a few times why don’t you answer him keith instead of hiding behind a keyboard you POS. Yes im a member and very close to john Tuesday when Lt .Sawchuck comes in he will be filing another complaint on those involved in the latest illegal ticket scandal like to see the outcome of that IAD investigation than from there it will be DOJ and Difiores office which by the way knows what’s happening already on the job good work RAT squad so far !!!
Kadder just can’t keep his mouth shut. You know how many times he’s been heard saying he has judges and cops in his pocket? He’s always bragging about his friends who run the YPD and the times he gave them free limos and all the tickets he took care of. What about that time that Intervollo became chief and Kadder gave him a free bus and a limo? I bet the DOJ would like to hear about that!
Someone oughtta tell that fat hairy big mouth asshole to shut the hell up. There are a lot of retired guys that should be more than a little nervous that this jerk is kicking up this storm.
go tell him you know where he is…
Hey “graveyard”, I mean coward. Why don’t you tell him yourself. Wait a minute, that means that you have to confront him and that will never happen. So then, why don’t you just shut the fuck up!
hey rat he can do what ever he wants like the way you eat free at sushi joints and drink in bars …lol
your such an asshole how about the boat deal that eddie made….
Good morning, has Lt. Chiarella given his daily roll call on his strategy to target and harass the owner of 24 Ashburton Ave. with parking summonses today? I wonder whose wife is the target of his sexual aggression these days? Very interesting to say the least.
he will be very pissed when he and the dirty gray rat find out that khader had the no parking signs taken down, seems like that ‘nobody’ has some
If I remember didn’t john had 2 Lts. one from street crime the other from narco go into the fat rats office about 7 years and told the rat that john is not involved in anything illegal and if he was they would be first to know??? continue the the harassment and the illegal tickets and we will see where it goes you corrupt rat!
Hey John why don’t you stop going around and telling everyone how you gave the police commissioner a deep discount on limos for his daughters wedding? How his wife paid in full with a check but you kicked them back money? How you have him in your pocket?
your such a dick first you talk about his son and now this comment about the commish???show some respect its no wonder why you have no respect with in the department.
24 Ashburton. Kilo Express.
Hey khader the only friends you have left are Montero, pappas, and Mingy. Even the mayor hates you. Keep blogging and go to Difiore and the DOJ. You will wind up like Annabi and Jheris. Your time is over.
I think also Difiore likes him,if im not mistake doesn’t she hate keith for lying to her when they left city to beat RUI FLORES????
hey viviano you think broadcasting that job this afternoon at 24 ashburton ave gonna cover you ???fact is ticket you issued is illegal and you coerced owner to open a legally parked car and took his CLS card its against law how much overtime time did the cheeeetaaaaa give for that illegal action??DIFIORE AND DOJ will love this cant wait for john to file complaint!
Pay your tickets? Park legally? A union president, who probably never wrote a ticket his whole career, waddling out of his free car with free gas, writing a local business man a ticket. All because he’s friends with Ray Montero. That’s the type of shit that sells newspapers. I hope nobody is taping Chiarella when he orders his troops to target 24 Ashburton. I have to say I blame Eddie Armour for grooming a bum for the top spot, then I blame the bum, but the biggest blame I have to place on the ones that are writing the tickets. I don’t ever want to see anyone get into trouble but I must state that you get what you deserve. If you think you have written the tickets and its over you are morons. Why would anyone compromise themselves for the likes of a no good, down right dirty bum? Anyone? I would love to know why Sgt. Viviano injected himself into this business? I guess we should just check telestaff and see how many hours he’s getting. Being fed overtime is no excuse for harassing a local business man. Well at least all the cowards are being exposed. You guys make it sooooooo easy.
its all good john will get it back he was forced to open up a legally parked car if you think its over not!!!war just started watch what happens now…..
Why are you referring to yourself in the first person? You sign your name in one post then not the next. Maybe it’s time to seek professional help.
sounds like keith the rat your referring to….
Pretty soon you guys will be referring to yourselves in the third person. You will be referring to yourself as keith, former pba president. Lololololololololololololololololol crazy “CoRrUpT” coots, with the emphasis on “cOrRuPt”, lololololololololololololololololol
You’ve declared war like 10 times. And jihad one more. Nobody cares about a nobody.
keith you and your cheeting brother inlaw will soon get what’s coming sleep tight bitches………..and I mean DOJ
that’s cause viviano jerks off shorty lt… how does it feel …
For you small band of Blue Truthers, ask yourselves something. Am I better off now than I was before I joined Team Blue Truth? If your answer is yes you’re dumber than anyone thought possible.
What a bad idea? Hum keith! YPD PBA members, ask yourselves this question? Is the PBA better off since the boat master passed the presidential duties to the tub of lard? If you say yes you are dumber than we thought. This PBA has been dysfunctional ever since Keith took over so go spread your lies on another forum you big dummy. Keith has and will always, only do for his band of ass kissers. People hate the truth. Know why? Cause it fucking hurts.
PS well written post from the limo driver. It’s a damn shame for certain that the only way you can pester a local business man is to harass him and his family. I wonder if the boat master condones this behavior.
Absolutely despicable.
When you cash your retro check you can thank the PBA.
We are getting retro?
So the word is write 24 ashburton ave to get some o.t. or your not my friend, just like the rat unfriended many members on face
both fucking losers !!!
cant wait till khaddar makes the complaint with DOJ…
Do you really think the DOJ gives a flying fuck about some asshole who refuses to park his limos legally? What a dummy.
limos are parked legally private building city has no rights issuing tickets sign was private and not code with regulations! John viviano will have to answer to a higher authority all on video love it! YOUR DONE SHORTY
they will love how IAD did not conduct proper thorough investigations than we will ask IRS investigation unit thru DOJ to look at your books and returns…..
I don’t know what all the fuss is. Why don’t you just use your placard big shot?
its all good you think its a game tomorrow morning he will be in IAD and after that complaint is filed,D.A. office is next along with PERRY CARBONES office (DOJ). VIVIANO wants to suck shortys dick for some over time???
you cant force a civilian to hand over a placard john viviano will be deposed he violated his constitution rights!!
never ever heard john say anything bad about cops, if anything he supports us. I had a friend who told me while amicone was still mayor that john one night at function told him off for not hiring enough cops and why was he getting rid of specialized units, he told the amicone find cutbacks elsewhere.John always was pro-cop and good to all members.
Why can’t you stop blogging John? Everyone who reads this knows it’s you no matter who you make believe you are.
You are dumber than I thought if you really think john is making anonymous comments. One thing for sure shorty wants to send a sgt to write up illegal tickets cant wait till he goes to an outside agency, takes more than a sgt to intimidate John !
Just shut your big fat mouth and pay your tickets. You’re helping to pay for the CLS raises, lol.
Hey get shorty why would you respond if you aren’t khader? And who else but the transporter would respond? Nice try loser.
you will see soon asshole you went after the wrong guy….
Smart cops know you are an asshole.
john is no way near what the rat looks like….lol
who is rui flores and tony castro???
rat squad is the last to talk about skeletons,keith how many left the city and beat rui flores while on duty im sure DOJ would be interested???
Can anyone tell me why a Limo Driver with a “Shady Past” is posting here??
People with Skeletons in their closet should keep the door closed before one pops out.
You are a Nobody.
go ask him he did call you out a few times…..must be he has the inside on you and the rat squad….
if I was keith I would stop blogging here the dude called you out you are a laughing the stock in yonkers!
rat squad is the last to talk about skeletons,keith how many left the city and beat rui flores while on duty im sure DOJ would be interested???
rather be a blue truther than keith “scumbag rat: olson anytime of the day now that’s fact cant wait till you go away…
The next Low Class BBQ has been moved to a phone booth. Even if “all” the blue Truthers show up there will be room to spare.
now we know why your harassing john your pissed you didn’t make invite list!!!
it all makes sense now……………
Will someone tell Henry Trabucco to stop crying about not getting traffic and bad mouthing the Mayor I don’t know who is worse him or Mueller.
Mueller by far!!!!!!!!!!!!
2nd the cheeeeeetaaaaaaaa
This is an open comment to all members of the YPD.I have never said anything bad about any member in this department in any way of shape or form, I actually applaud ALL the members for doing a great job in this city as a life long resident I know the city very well and can see that the members of this department do a great job with the resources available to them, the reason for this comment is Keith Olson your PBA president has been harassing me and others for over 7 years writing tickets personally and attacking my character, and now his brother in law Lt .Chiarella has joined in by giving orders to his members to write summons, just yesterday I received a summons that was clear harassment there was no sign posted on the sidewalk saying “no parking anytime” yet the vehicle behind me was not issued any its all on video. I cant blame the member who is just following the order I blame you for ordering it shame on you.
Lt.Chiarella if you have a problem with me come and discuss it like good supervisors do instead of taking time to order your men to write me up, this is a very active precinct and I’m sure they are busy taking care of much more important quality of life issues that happen here every hour of the day.I do have many friends in your precinct that have actually told me this. You know me well and you know that I do not bad mouth any one on this job except KEITH OLSON and only Keith after he started attacking me and my friends, so stop attacking my character and spreading rumors about me that I hate the police or anything along those lines. We all know that keith has targeted many members and supervisors from his own department many of who are friends with me, your brother in law clearly has a problem with me I don’t know what it is???I have had many people approach to see what’s up his ass but he does not respond. Maybe because I’m friends with many of his enemies???If so that’s his problem tickets don’t scare or intimidate me, while I do have some options open to me about exposing what you and keith are doing I don’t want to hurt the city or the police department in the media because we all know what the public might think, and please don’t respond back by saying, “park legally” I have been here 17 years and always parked in front of my business and never got a ticket as you know there is a big construction project going up the street that has limited even more parking space available none of the residents complain about me the fact is common courtesy should of been extended to me as a life long resident and a business man for over 25 years that gives back to his community, and in no way am I asking for special treatment but the fact that I’m the only one that’s gets a ticket proves the on going harassment and abuse of authority by you and Keith. You do know that it is clearly illegal to target civilians for a personal agenda.
In closing if you would like to discuss this further you know where to find me have a great day and God bless ALL the members of the YPD except keith!
John Khader
Park legally.
that goes for the rat squad also two can play this game.
I gotta give John credit first he calls keith out now his brother inlaw,everyone that knows john knows he is good to the job and always supported us in anyway. Insiders know the real deal this is all about him being close friends with Monty and others, I wish john the best !
Seriously John, change your user name all you want, we all know these are your comments. Why don’t you just cut it out?
really rat you think all the good comments come from john ???you must be a real asshole seems you have a short memory didn’t he support pba 110% when cola was pres. And before him Carroza ?Always supported golf outings, dinner dance, even cigar night the guy would buy a table even had a limo parked outside incase any one needed a ride home that might if he had too much. He has more support than you think with in the department you went after him for no reason find one member outside your tiny circle that says otherwise about him,didn’t Anthony your brother in-law hang out in his office upstairs back when he worked housing unit?don’t lie cause I worked some ot shots back then and used to see his car parked out in front. What your doing is wrong he is a local guy that will now go after you and anyone else that targets him.
18 years doesn’t give you enough time to know the truth about wonderful John
so challenge him to a debate the dude called you out a few times already, he is not scared about his past, but im sure you are he was super close to all the bosses you worked with and gave hard time
to. I wonder what he knows about?You keep bashing but wont confront him seems like a coward is our leader …………….
Why the hell would anyone debate that asshole? He’s nobody.
say it his face clearly you are a rat coward or a follower, as far as he is a nobody he gets more respect from politicians than your rat ass, and Difiore loves him and we all know she hates you!
“Old man ray”, don’t worry about freedom of speech. You guys have done your own negative posts also. I would be more worried about all the illegal acts you’ve committed and when they confiscate the books. That should be a very interesting moment. Hope someone has a camera handy when the day arrives. Should be more than priceless.
Lololololololololololololololololol crazy “CoRrUpT” coots, with the emphasis on “cOrRuPt”, lololololololololololololololololol
Why does Lt Ruyack still get a take home car he is no longer the CO of training.
He has a two hour commute thats a lot of free gas. Also why does he use it for personal business. Just wondering.
Eddie, Keith, Brian, John, Anthony and Andy are good guys.
Press conferences, selective enforcement and Mount Assmore are the least of the Rats problems. When the shit hits the fan the falcon is gonna swoop in and destroy all of those morons. Good luck silly rabbits! Lololololololololololololololololol silly “CoRrUpT” coots, with the emphasis on “cOrRuPt”, lololololololololololololololololol
we will continue the pain in any way you target cops friends and family with selective enforcement we will do the same!
What pain? Those stupid fucking cartoons? Lol
yes the ones we all like
You bluetruthers are just too smart for the rest of us mere mortals. Who else would have figured out that racist, childish and moronic posts on a cheesy website would impress a Federal judge and jury. Geniuses I say! You Crazy, Creepy Old Coot ! Lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol!
what will impress the DOJ is statements from members and civilian with evidence to back it up of abuse of power targeting members and family!
Yeah, along with the photos of you parked illegally. The DOJ might be interested in high ranking officers fixing tickets and getting free limo rides though.
selective is the magic word media loves that type of stuff
more to come………….
Yup, more to come…
another investigation swept under the rug
You dicks are pathetic. You really can’t do anything right.
I just have to say that is the funniest picture I have seen. I just spit out my food while eating when I saw it. One question though, was Moran really smiling or was the smile photoshopped?
that is actual pic
rat videos coming out tonight at 9pm
Knock yourself out. That’s worked great for you so far. Lol
keith your going down that’s a promise………….
Shut up and pay your tickets big mouth.
you know the tickets will get dismissed once he shows the video…lol
DOJ is going to love looking at a crooked union rat. Cant wait for the interview….
Will that be before or after Rays press conference? LMAO
after lawsuit is filed
New blue truth coming out and guess who is star actor????
clearly this asshole that writes over a cls and a city of yonkers placard has no clue of whats going on and is taking orders like the bitch he is ….someway to start a career………….
Can someone tell me what a CLS placard is?
its a courtesy card issued to a friend or family of a police supervisor, and when you get a cop that writes over it shows no respect to that union, a war will break out as it will this week be careful how you park rat squad.
All out war, are you that stupid?
Yes. Yes he is.
when that idiot release his videos of on going harassment and abuse of authority you guys are going to wish you never fucked with him !
No placard anywhere gives you immunity to getting a summons. That would be illegal. If you are abusing it, or attempting to, the association that issued it should revoke it.
guess half the PBA placards need to be looked????
start parking legit rats
There will be no war because most of the bosses have no balls they keep getting bitch slapped for years and never do shit about it
p.o. vecchiarello wrote over cls placard,you want to get involved in this???we will start writing paper in your precinct park your car legit asshole cause im writing starting Tuesday
Doesn’t that guy have like two days on the job? And already a dingleberry.
clear and evident of on going harassment cant till he shows DOJ video of selective enforcement and abuse of authority of this rogue cop we all know he is getting paper cause he is rays friend.
Oh yeah, DOJ would be very interested in some asshole who refuses to park legally.
im sure many others in yonkers do worse
they will be more interested in how that same cop looked the other way when he drove by other violations on his tour video and pix don’t lie……..
seems like we an overzealous cop that has taken orders from the rat squad and started writing tickets to a friend of ray, what will you do when he makes IAD complaint on you for abuse of authority and selective enforcement???you do know that he has video on you leaving other violations alone while you are on duty, pictures and video don’t lie…………………
isn’t he banging dirty betty?
every gets a turn….lol
everyone gets a turn
hard to keep up with that hoe…
james l heard you wrote over a cls placard you now entered the game be careful where you and your friends,family park ass kisser
Any ladies feeling lonely tonight? I’ll be at my spot in Greenburgh.
leave the poor bastard alone must suck living in basement on fathers day fucking loser!
It does suck but at least I have my kiss albums!!
The real losers are your children…
Oh shit! That dirtbag has kids?
I know I posted this before but I think I should post it again.
This quote of Teddy Roosevelt is one of my favorites. Sometimes I question myself as to whyI bother to get involved in certain things when it can subject you to public scrutiny. I have entered the “ring” and been beaten up but believe I have come out stronger on the other end. I know some people will never dare to do “great” things because they’d rather live peaceful lives butI wonder what sort of legacy they will leave behind? Too many people go along just to get along and never question because they are afraid of the repercussions or when they do so in an environment where they will not be called on it. I hate the term “haters” but those who would anonymously speak about others in the shadows rather then face them man to man fit that term rather well. Those who would like to smile and shake your hand one moment then kick you from behind the next will never truly know what it is to be a man. Funny thing is some of my alleged “friends” in this cyber world will do just that with this post.
NY Rangers got the papers and PTF is still a coward!
Stop using my quotes you useless coward! Hey PTF, you are a DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICK!
I prefer men out of uniform
He is a complete zilch!
would love to see cartoon of 400 car after the beerfest…lol…lol
hey chia now that you got thrown out you can screw around all you want just stay away from married wives not cool shorty…lol
Maybe its time to bring those great cartoon clips of the 4th pct….???
DOJ is in yonkers finally!!!!
Wow, sharp as a marble
can’t wait when the bricks fall on the rat
can any confirm the cheetaa is living in a basement apartment heard he got his lying cheeting ass thrown out!!!
boy o boy was keith and his crew a bunch of fuck ups,all they did was antagonize the bosses and get in trouble bunch of misfits
Yeah we’d hate to have a PBA President who gives those wonderful bosses a hard time. Maybe a guy who buys them cookies would have been better, LMFAO.
One thing is for sure and that is Keith can’t get shit done when it comes to the third floor. They hate his fat ass with a passion. When he finally fucks over his associates at city hall is when he will be finished for good. Until then, that is the only thing saving his sorry ass. Wonder why??
Yeah but this City Hall will outlast this 3rd floor.
Yeah but will Keith be able to not fuck over city hall.
Gotta say I love how keith is getting hammered, all I remember from keith was the REDANT days all he did was try to screw over his bosses and jam them up, glad to see that he is now being exposed for what junk he is.Going after your own member is unheard of let alone going after local business people that all they did was support the job, take some advice members listening to keith or any of his friends wont get you any where look at Mueller he will retire as C.O.of the 4th,Moran will for ever be in DD,and chia will be what ever he is.LOL
hey rat face when you ran John against Timmy why did he lose his ass??? bosses hate you and Mueller poor john now is ruined cause he drank your kool aid.Fact is since you impeached a member you lost even more credibility you are fucked in the worst way fat boy!
keith your losing it rays impeachment will be your downfall……..and going after a local business that’s supports us shows what scum you are.
Keith you suck big ones you going after a civilian shows what kind of coward you are especially after he called you out since when you make it personal? But than again everything is all about you and your inner circle.
This is a response to “crew of zero”. Get it right, the number was nine. Nine people actually with common sense. Now on the other hand I see that your dingleberry infestation is growing. Congrats, you now have 80 berries hanging from your fat ass. And I want to apologize to Dean Politopoulus. I really thought you were Keith’s largest dingleberry, lol. Then I found out it was Joe Ski. Can’t wait until he gets his next Oder protection. What a fucking hypocrite. That asshole should be tending bar, not carrying a gun.
“Begging for intervention”, I have to agree with you. But you have to realize this is a very slow process. Eventually they will drag the rat out of our office by his stinky sweater vest. Then when he’s done singing like a canary they will raid the tokens pad down in Florida. I’m glad you see it the same way I do. Lololololololololololololololololol silly “cOrRuPt” coots, with the emphasis on “CoRrUpT”, lololololololololololololololololol
Threats of targeting people with tickets? Racist and homophobic comments? What the hell is the YPD doing about all this? Isn’t the DOJ in town watching all of this?
To my friends please try to keep my name out as you know I called keith out and he has refused to address me why he continues the ongoing harassment and selective enforcement, those in the loop know I am not backing away from him or any of his friends that come after me.Every ticket I get helps me more and more especially when we video or witness the cop that issues me a ticket and the rest of his tour he looks the other way at blatant violations, so relax and lets watch what happens promise you one thing he or his friends wont get away what they are doing.
John Khader
These guys are mint!
dumb rat
June 10, 2014 at 11:03 pm
hahahahaha look TOP CLASS kicks ass! 4 and half stars
Like I miss that weird rash on my nutsack.
I really miss Eddie!
I know you do keith…lol
boy do I miss doc…lol
“The Internet is forever”, oh I’m so scared. The paper you are going to be written is forever too. No threats of misconduct whatsoever, just make sure your vehicle is parked legally. That is the utmost important thing in life, lololololololololololololololololol
Silly “CoRrUpT” coots, with the emphasis on “cOrRuPt”, lololololololololololololololololol P.S. ticket fixing is a crime so make sure your friends bring cash or food stamps to window 1. Dumb fucks keep walking the green mile.
Boys try to keep Johns name out he does have a lawyer and a IAD case on the rat don’t know where it goes but where ever it goes it wont be good for the office of the PBA. John is not letting the rat get away for the years of harassment against him, and members of the 4th pct don’t drink the kool aid fact is John has friends all over and rat will soon learn a lesson not to mess with certain people….
that goes for that cheetaaa too…
Listen, you can’t blame KO for the tickets John got. He had the balls to write one himself. Actually something that just like the impeachment of a member, hasn’t been done in the history of the PBA, lol. KO will be dealt with another way. Now, as for his scumbag lackeys, I hope their families and friends obey all v&t laws cause I am a stickler for v&t. Gonna open up a can of woop ass on you new jacks so make sure to not violate the rules of the road. You assholes know who you are and will now know why you shouldn’t stick your big fucking beaks where they don’t belong, silly “CORRUPT” coots, lololololololololololololololololol with the emphasis on “CORRUPT”, lololololololololololololololololol
Do you realize you have to sign your names to your summons’?
Soooooo what’s plan B?
no need for plan b leave john alone and that’s the end, we know john for over 15 years always supported the job took care of members and never bothered anyone just because he is close to ray does not give keith or his lackeys the right to go after him,john gets paper so will the rat squad friends….
We know it’s you John. You couldn’t be more obvious.
keith your a dick john has more friends on the job than you…lol
keith what will you do when ray and his crew start writing paper to your friends??? cant fix it they will keep the copy and make sure it goes the right way…lol
keith you cant fix tickets written by ray the law is the law he saw a violation like you and wrote it cant wait!!!
His crew? Are you kidding? That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard in weeks! Lololololololololololololololololololololol
He got what, 6 people to vote for him? Out of 600? What a crew! Lolololololololololololololololol
6 is good for me
So you’re saying that Ray is going to target someone, another cop, and write him and his friends tickets? Interesting admission.
doubt that Ray will ever do that but maybe friends and business in violation ????
doubt that Ray will ever write a member that but maybe friends and business in violation ???? keith went after rays friend why cant ray go after keiths friend???
Best around!
Does anyone know why kayo hates khader?
word has it keith asked john for a limo for a night and john said no problem but then john said I have nothing he can fit in…LOL LOL !!!
What the fuck is a khader?
A real man that called out keith a few times and the rat never responded so he has a few lackeys that comment against him that they wont respond neither.
khader will be rats newest nightmare
Sure. That all turned out great for Ray. Lol
by the time ray gets thru with you will wish you never knew him hang tight rat the bricks will soon come down on you.
hahahahaha look TOP CLASS kicks ass! 4 and half stars
hahahahaha look TOP CLASS kicks ass! 4 and half stars
wondering now that Ray is out of union can he start writing tickets in areas where keith and cheetah live, would love to see what the neighbors do???lol
I forgot or where they eat???
The best in the biz.
say it to his face coward!!!
I wonder what the reviews are on yelp?
ask the members in the 4th where they go….lol
Oh, wedding wire. Thanks.
hahahahaha look TOP CLASS kicks ass! 4.5 stars
seems like top class kicks ass!
“Say hello to my little frenn!” Lol
Keith you or that cheetaaa if you go after khader anymore we will start writing also we know where you eat and hang out and we know how to do it.
and boy does he know how to eat…lol
Maybe they will park legally.
why do your friends park legally??? NOT! or do you fix tickets for them…lol
Great comeback “old man ray”. Can’t wait till you assemble your dream team. I heard D’ellasandro is a great attorney, lololololololololololololololololol crazy “CORRUPT” coots, with the emphasis on “CORRUPT”, lololololololololololololololololol P.S. Quinn will roll over on you like my dog does on command.
Make sure you bring those by laws to court with you “old man ray”. You are a joke. Those 80 members are going to be really upset when the suit is settled. When they find out how you lied and plotted this whole scam. Can you say “bankruptcy”. Lololololololololololololololololol crazy “CORRUPT” coots, with the emphasis on “CORRUPT”, lololololololololololololololololol
Lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol you are really, really, really a Crazy Creepy Old Coot!
“Brilliant” Apparently the PBA is the only thing in life you have. Pretty pathetic when you think about it. Also a disgrace the way they went about kicking Ray out. It’s called civil rights violations. But then again I know you were never much of a cop so what would you know about the law. Your friend Pataky knows all about civil rights, lololololololololololololololololol crazy “CORRUPT” coots, with the emphasis on CORRUPT, lololololololololololololololololol
Ever heard of By-Laws? You Crazy Creepy Old Coot, lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol!
The guy wanted to be President of the union, now he’s not even a member. Well played Blue Truthers, well played.
Please fellas, say what you will about our fellow members but LEAVE A PERSONS RACE OUT OF IT!
There is no reason to inject Eddie’s race into your comments….it is really despicable and I am ashamed to think that one of you/us is doing this.
Say what you want about Eddie but even if the aforementioned gratuities are true, due you really think that previous PBA Presidents haven’t done the same thing. They all did and I would have myself. Think about what recent Pres have done for themselves and for family members that are still on the job. That’s just the way it is, like it or not, and we all would do the same.
Call a guy a zero, asshole, etc but leave race out of it.
You aren’t lying, that’s for sure. Looking out for number one was old Ed’s trademark. Problem is when someone tried to step up and do the right thing with the PBA, they turned on an old friend like rabid rats. Hey, I guess they had to protect their PBA piggy bank. One thing is certain and that is we work with 80 cowards and some others hiding in the shadows. To vote to throw another member out one would have to be squeaky clean and we know a good majority of the assholes that voted are not. It’s all trumped up charges that will work itself out in the wash anyway. It ain’t over till its over and when that happens a lot of guys will be whining like babies.
Only 9 people voted to keep that nut in the PBA. 9! So does that mean the rest of the union are cowards? If so count that 14B in too. He didn’t even have the balls to face the music or even to come and vote for himself. What a pussy.
Get over it? I’m sure you’re a really tough guy. You fucking pussy. Keep hiding behind your computer and calling other people nuts. You are a coward like your leader. The last time Ray showed up to a meeting he had to straighten out that retarded Pataky. Keep calling people 14B on this site but I know one thing for sure, Ray is not a hard man to find. Just go tell him how you feel. Oh wait, then you would have to face the music.
The last time that 14B came to the meeting he sounded like an idiot, got laughed at by guys with a year on the job, lost control of his temper and made a fool of himself.
The last time Ray showed up to the meeting was the last time Ray CAN show up at a meeting. LOL
I have a news flash for you. The PBA robs us of 46 dollars every two weeks, some of which goes to that bum Quinn. So who really gives a fuck about some bullshit meeting with stale hamburgers and a fat bastard that repeats the same shit every single meeting. Ray is 1100 bucks richer at the end of the year while the rest of us keep footing KO’s bar tab. Ray will be back at the meetings when the head Rat is carted away in cuffs, lololololololololololololololololol crazy “CORRUPT” coots, with the emphasis on corrupt, lololololololololololololololololol
Lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol, you’re really losing it you Crazy Creepy Old Coot!
Dumbo and Jumbo spencer said it..
MAY 26, 2014 AT 12:41 AM
hey rat face what do you plan on telling the members when cls votes no to the contract?????
Crazy Creepy Old Coot, lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol!
At least Chris Harold said at the meetings the 207c was bad, but you members have to make your decision.Tommy also said Im not happy with contract but its up to you members if you want it.Not like rat face who had no labor lawyer at any meetings and was telling the members we should take it its good for us all in a less than a week ???? at least cls took close to 6 months to come to a vote.Tommy did the right thing keith is still a sellout
You dicks have been putting Chris Harold’s name and number up on this site for months saying to call him to see how bad the PBA contract is. The reality is that Chris Harold advised the CLS members to vote for the contract which isn’t even as good as the PBA’s. Give it up already.
no he didn’t I was at the meeting he said,”207C CHANGES ARE NOT GOOD BUT ITS UP TO YOU GUYS!!!”
Well it’s a good thing you got that awesome labor attorney to give you that advice. “It’s up to you guys” LMFAO! No shit !
How much did you morons pay for that little nugget of wisdom?
“3 stooges” 2 of the 3 names you mentioned would mop the floors with you Dean Politopoulus. Cut it out, really.
Keith Olson is a good guy!
Eddie Lee is a good guy!
Ray Montero, Det capt Bob Itzla and lt. Bryant pappas said the CLS would never bring this contract to its members. Wrong. Never said it would pass, wrong again. You guys are such a cancer to this job and everyone knows it, go have one of your little secret meetings behind some building about your next move.nobody cares.
Ps – that greazy mop Montero has on his head is a wig. Crazy old coot lololololololololol
“Eddie Lee” stop posting Montero, Pappas, Itzla are writing about that has been or should I say, never was. They probably could care less what that tool is doing now. I am neither of the three mentioned nor do I give a fuck about blue truth. Call a spade a spade, no pun intended, your boy was a lousy leader. I also don’t know anything about shining shoes but if you’d like I could probably shine the shit out of old cue balls head. Now go stick your head in the mud somewhere you lousy dried up prune.
Sounds like the words of Jimmy Murphy to me. As classy and courageous as ever.
It isn’t jimmy Murphy either. You’re still cold dummy. But keep trying. I hope you’re not this terrible at police work.
What is with the infatuation with Jimmy Murphy anyway? Boy you guys really hate anyone that tells the truth. From what I’ve seen he speaks his mind freely and could give a fuck what a douche bag like you thinks. You union butt kissers really hate an independent thinker. Or you’re just too afraid to express your real feelings about certain people. Hypocrites and cowards run deep in the PBA.
It’s not infatuation. It’s disgust. We don’t have a problem with independent thinkers. It’s the racist pussies we don’t like. Wearing white supremacist tattoos doesn’t make you an independent thinker, it makes you an asshole. Go burn a koran Captain Courageous. You were a zero as a cop and you are less than zero in life.
So because a guy is proud of his race he’s a zero? I’ll tell you what, if you’re not a racist go move into School St. Or shut the fuck up you hypocrite. You cowards make me laugh. Keep sucking shit and leave real men alone.
He’s a zero because he did zero on the job. Zero. His legacy is getting bombed and then locked up for letting some rounds go. Oh I forgot, there was a vicious rabid skunk on the loose that had to be stopped. What a joke. The union saved your sorry ass and we are sorry we did it.
Your “anonymous” post sums up your whole sorry life. Yes you saved Jimmy’s job, the union is great, and you my good man can go suck a huge tootsie roll. You all suck and what’s worse is you’ve gotten away with it for a long time. That’s all good though cause soon, as my old friend Ricky would say, you gonna haf some splaining to do…… Lololololololololololololololololol
To Montero, pappas, Itzla and the rest of you blue truth bit players. None of you dirtbags could shine eddies shoes. He was always a professional compassionate man would put everyone else first. To slag a man of eddies stature is beyond disgusting. Ray Bryant and Bob you are a cancer to this job. Rotten lowlifes.
Hey Cryant Pappas. What are you gonna do now.? Deny deny deny. You and Itlza totally failed in your attempt to submarine the contract. You are pure slime.
I’ve been a cop a long time. I have to blame the incompetent, previous union leader for this mess we are all in. Ask me why? Well it’s simple. There was this half pint black man that used to sit in our office at 104 south broadway. Some may say he was a token. Others may say he was in the know crowd and grabbed the seat by default. But the short story is that EA as I will call him was a sellout. He was an angry, miserable old bird that only cared about himself. To this day he has a free boat and a beautiful condo down on the east coast of Florida. So when he decided he would step down so he could pad his pension, he passed the torch to a malcontent pos named Keith Olson. This is your legacy Mr. Angry black man. All the blame in this is placed on you. I hope your boat sinks and your condo burns down. You are and have always been a sellout. The only difference is you did it without causing the grief that the fat rat scumbag did. Congrats to your legacy. Forever known as the shit head that ruined our job forever. You knew Keith was white trash scum but you were done and had to get yours so why not sellout. I probably would’ve done the same, not. But what should we expect from a token. You are a dirtbag.
100% agreed couldn’t of said it better!
cheetaaaa needs to go see a therapist all I hear him talk about is I wanna do her I wanna do that …maybe the poor short bastard aint getting anything home….whats that saying again???? whats good for the goose is also good for the gander………………
maybe he is just a sicko that really believes Mueller will still be chief and that he can get a way with cheating on cops wifes.
As for that Dean Pussytopolus guy. He’s a rat, stage five clinger. He clings to Keith’s nuts like nobody’s business. What does it feel like Dean? To look in the mirror and see the face of a rodent. You really put the LOW in LIFE.
Now we will see just how bad the contract is since it passed the city has not enforced the sick/injured procedure because they know CLS is still up in the air, but now it passed now the real test stands lets see who gets called in first and how that works out……..
Guys is it true the shorty Lt goes after cops wifes?but than again have you seen what he has to go home to? lol
Good luck to all you silly hypocrites. I want to wish you and your families well. You judge another member for the sake of pleasing low life scum Keith Olson. You guys are going to need all the luck you can get. Karma is a Mother Fucker. What goes around comes around. In my eyes Ray Montero is a hero. When Pataky attempted to bully him at the January meeting he was dealt with swiftly. That’s what real cops do. Cowards tell lies and say they have proof that an email regarding contract info was forwarded to the media by Ray. I would love to see that proof. Of course, that proof must’ve been dropped off on Keith’s desk along with Itzlas file. But Keith can’t produce it cause he got hungry and ate it. You are a joke Keith, I hope I’m near your office when you collapse with your first heart attack. I won’t be calling empress, I will be the guy dancing over you in joyous glory. You can impeach all the members you want. You are still a filthy rat scumbag.
The membership voted Montero out. Not KO. Get over it. We had enough of Montero and the rest of you blue truth cocksuckers. There weren’t enough Ray voters to even field a baseball team. Some hero. He didn’t even have the stones to come to his last meeting to vote or defend himself. You’re all a goddamn disgrace.
I must say the members where scared shit I guess they thought keith would go after them if they did not support his actions…..?
I guess Ray was scared shit too because he didn’t bother to show up and defend himself. Instead he talks shit on the internet without signing his name. Brilliant.
his lawyer advised him against it
Did his lawyer tell him to blog for over a year like a pussy? Did he tell him to go to IAD several times like a rat? Did he tell him to punch Pataky? Did he tell him to send those anonymous letters? If his lawyers initials are RI then he probably did.
he didn’t punch pataky he used minimal amount of force to get out of a threating situation a push is not a punch, closed fist is a punch. The lawyers all will get the truth when they get IAD report about incident and when they start deposing those at that meeting..
Your all a god damn disgrace? Shut the fuck up weirdo and go slap Keith’s turkey tits around. Besides, your mother supports blue truth. Is she a cocksucker? Well according to you guys she is, lololololololololololololololololol silly “CORRUPT” coots, with the emphasis on “CORRUPT”, lololololololololololololololololol
You are so pathetic.
On Monday, for the first time in the 100 year history of the Yonkers PBA, a member was dismissed from the union. That’s right, Ray Montero was kicked out of the union. Over 90% of the members at the meeting voted to kick his ass out and only 8 people voted to keep him. 8 people. After all of yours and Mingys texts and phone calls only 8 people voted to keep you in the union. That’s what, like 1% of the union? For over a year you’ve been claiming that the YPD is full of your supporters and that they support the blue truth but only 8 people felt sorry enough for you to vote no. Who the fuck gets kicked out of the union? And they say you didn’t even have the balls to show up and vote for your self? That’s the saddest most pathetic thing I’ve heard in my life.
Then today the CLSA votes in a contract that you said they wouldn’t even bring to the membership and that you and your dick friends Bob and bRyAnT tried desperately to put the kibosh to. With all of Pappas’ lies and all of Bobs phone calls, you failed. Again. Holy shit you guys suck. Waive the white flag assholes and maybe they will have mercy on you.
Pappas has been bad mouthing the Mayor every day and has nothing good to say about the chiefs and PC. You wouldn’t believe the stuff he says.
weeks not over rat face, new Blue Truth story hitting Friday and more to follow……….
Right, and that will really make a differance. You morons have been blogging the same crap for over a year and where has it got you? Montero got his due. Keep it up you are really helping the job.
Im telling you Friday night new story hits and rays lawyer finished his complaint that he is filing with feds just had to wait a little longer to see how he conducted his illegal proceeding and watch Quinn get hit with charges….
When all the joy in your life is confined to a blue truth story on the Yonkers Tribune you’ve hit rock bottom. Nice job losers. You lost a long time ago. Keep in blogging. Nobody cares.
the joy will be when keith gets served along with the 80 or so members cant wait till depositions start going out …hope Quinn has a lot of time on his hands
Wha hoppen?
“A rat among us” lololololololololololololololololol That one was easy to figure out. Fucking Greek invalent would’ve been flung off a cliff back in Ancient Greece. The nerve to come on this site and speak about Pappas. He would’ve been the one to save you in the days of Sparta. Hang onto Keith’s nut sack real tight you rat prick.
What is an invalent?
One thing is blatantly obvious, Dean Politopulos was sucking Keith’s ass in the PBA office and now is Keith’s head Rat at CLS meetings. Watch out Phelan, Keith’s left nut “Aka” Politopolus is recording your meetings and reporting back to Keith. Then he bashes other CLS members on here.
Anybody know what Betty has been up to? Hope she keeps good records? Would really hate to see her jammed up, not. Lololololololololololololololololol silly “CORRUPT” coots, with the emphasis on “CORRUPT”, lololololololololololololololololol
“Dumb and dumber” lololololololololololololololololol we didn’t think anyone could be dumber than your mother. Rumor has it she sits on the TV and watches the couch. But actually you take the cheese, you pick KO’s dingleberries while your mother sits on the TV watching the couch. Go wash your mouth out with bleach after all the salads you’ve tossed you ham and egger.
I wanted to vote no but KO was hiding in the 1st Pct. parking lot and said if I didn’t vote yes he was going to set me up by forcing me to lie on OT slips. But I realized no one could make me submit phony overtime slips. And I also realized the contract he negotiated wasn’t that bad and I voted yes. But I am curious, can someone actually set you up that way? Only if you are an idiot.
Congrats to presidents phelan and Olson for bringing us a fair contract. To Det capt Bob Itzla and lt. Bryant pappas who worked so hard behind the scenes to kill the contract, go fuck yourselves. Have you two losers ever succeeded at anything ? Well other than getting the whole job to completely hate you.
I hate Itzla more than I hate Al Qaeda. And I hate Pappas more than I hate Itzla.
Congratulations on being universally despised. Shitbirds.
I heard John D’ellasandro, aka “Johnny Law” was at the meeting. If you practice law like I heard you did police work I feel really bad for your clients. You and Quinn are two useless pieces of shit. You have heard the saying what goes around comes around. You shouldn’t stick your big beaks out where they don’t belong. Can anyone say “DISBARMENT”, crazy old crummy lawyers, lololololololololololololololololol lololololololololololololololololol
Does anyone know how the cls voted on the contract?
The CLSA voted affirmatively to accept the PBA contract by 70%.
Hey Itzla why do you sit in your office and call people to vote the contract down and thN say nothing at the informational meeting. You and pAppas deserve each other backstabbing pricks.
wait till other unions find out the REAL DEAL
Pappas and Itzla are next? Certainly sounds like a threat. Now if the DA wants to retrieve your IP address it could be done legally. Not like Keith going around trying to do illegal IP address fishing. His expedition will end like the titanic and blue truth is his iceberg. Full speed ahead turkey tits.
So now that Ray is done and has zero respect or credibility left what happens to Lt Bryant Pappas and Capt Bob Itzla those other blue Truthers? Just wait and see…..lololololol
Lt Bryant Pappas calls the mayor Deblasio, chums up to Gerard then talks badly about him everywhere. Just like he does with everyone else. Called the commish, and all 3 Chiefs clueless and useless old fucks in front of a bunch of bosses at the contract meeting. Asshole
What about the vertically challenged loser Kiss Fan LT? He should be the one thrown out of the CLS. He chases after the wives of other members. Total scum!
I second that! Chia should be feeling the heat.
Who ever said Ray is done? Do you really think that Ray’s life is affected at all by what Keith just pulled? None whatsoever. Keith just dug himself deeper. Sit tight.
Yup, he’s a disgrace. He will be forever known as the only idiot to get kicked out of the PBA or any other union for that matter. He has himself and his blue truth dick friends to thank.
Oh and Pappas and Itzla, nice job with the contract you fucking turncoats.
That Crazy Creepy Old Coot is totally fixated on KO. Just look at this blog he is consumed. The Crazy Creepy Old Coot, lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol!
Who ever said Ray is done? Do you really think that Ray’s life is affected at all by what Keith just pulled? None whatsoever. Keith just dug himself deeper. Sit tight.
Pappas and Itzla are next? Certainly sounds like a threat. Now if the DA wants to retrieve your IP address it could be done legally. Not like Keith going around trying to do illegal IP address fishing. His expedition will end like the titanic and blue truth is his iceberg. Full speed ahead turkey tits.
Keith conveniently schedules this thing to take place while many cops were away on vacation. Smart move. From what we gather so far…
Betty Morales reads the charge of motion to impeach made by unnamed cop? Never mentioned the two cops who motioned to impeach, weren’t they Frank Fernandez and Joe Galinski? Heard that these two weasels didn’t even get up and explain for themselves why they felt it necessary to petition to impeach a 25 year veteran Detective. I’ll tell you why the two weasels didn’t get up, they have no answers. What are they going to say in Federal court? “We just followed Keith’s orders.” What a joke.
This so-called “Impeachment” has about as much chance of being legal as Keith has of collecting a pension one day. Zero
Who stole the money collected for Wayne?
If the person or persons responsible for stealing Wayne’s money are still on the job then they should be impeached. Just saying!
Sorry it’s steeling. Oh no I spelled a word wrong they might impeach me. Please don’t get my IP address! Oh no I am scared ROTFLMAO
Hey gray rat what are you going to do when those members get deposed by rays lawyer that voted for a impeachment based on YOUR lies?? I hope Quinn and Johnny law have a lot of time to spare each deposition will take about an 2 hours or so….lol!!
What’s the Crazy Old Creepy Coot going to say when asked about why he gotten written up the first time? How could anyone set you up in that case? You Crazy Old Creepy Coot, lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol!
CLICK HERE TO REPORT LAW ENFORCEMENT CORRUPTION (Provide as much information as possible: full names, descriptions, dates, times, activity, witnesses, etc.)
Telephone: 347-632-9775
ray you are the definition of a rat! A Crazy Creepy Old Coot RAT! Lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol!
That includes theft of overtime, both federal and otherwise.
look the rat is making headlines on other blog sites
More images for keith olson the rat
Just Google,”keith olson and automatically it comes up rat !!! for real no joke just type it and see for your self!
You old nut, you are done. The blue truth crew? They don’t want a lawsuit because there will be too many questions to answer. The members of the PBA have spoken, and like the contract, as one. Why don’t you just go away, you Crazy Creepy Old Coot, lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol!
And a +1 for Silver Star
really 80 members out almost 500???? really stand by rat the bomb will soon hit you and those that supported this illegal action!
I think the number you should be thinking about is 9. Fucking nine. You’re a joke. Stop embarrassing yourself.
Unfortunately the members are scared of the bully you can be, they see how you have harassed Ray and others, but when you get with the lawsuit hopefully they will see you are going down……….
I think that that is also the number of donators whose money was given to Wayne? So he was given $900 and someone stole the other $49,100.
9 out of 500 is also the amount of donators whose money was actually given to Wayne.
how can keith be cool with his brother-in-law that is constantly in heat and in search of some cops wife ???I know if my brother in law cheated on my sister numerous times I would give him a beat down a long time ago, unless cheetah and the rat have a secret…………….
These guys are the best!
100 car 10-2 to greenburgh P.D. on a 10-17 at café Liz, reports are coming in that the cheetaaa was running around with another cops wife. Make sure he parks his car right so he doesn’t get any
The sell out is getting a man of the year award this Friday, I told the organizers you sure you got the right guy??? lol
Special congratulations goes out to PBA member of the year, Joe Ski. Great work on your standing ovation last night for the impeachment of another member. I’m certain you partied it up last night and hope you didn’t slap any broads around. Hey you’ve kissed enough ass so I’m sure your turkey tits leader will have no problem alibiing for you.
Joe Ski is a good guy!
I agree Mr. Potvin, Joe Ski is a good guy when he’s not inebriated, knocking out women or impeaching 25 year veterans from the PBA. Well he has a few flaws but other than that he’s just fabulous. Lololololololololololololololololol
PTF tosses a mean salad
PTF is a coward!
Lets see what the rat does tomorrow night, no member in his right mind would support such a terrible move by the rat to oust a member!
Come and find out…
I will be in attendance !
How did that work out?
only made rays case better against you proves on going harassment
I am soo excited to be in a unit that I will finally be accepted. Normally when I wear tight pants and high boots I am ridiculed. Now everybody in my unit wears them
Now I can look at others who wear these brilliant outfits. Yum eye candy!
He’s now in the most prestigious, sought after gig on the job. The joke is on you dicks. LMFAO
Really? “Most prestigious, sought after gig on the job” LMFAO Good luck with that tool box!
Something is brewing folks it aint over till the fat rat sings…………….lol
Going to be a great week new Blue Truth coming out …..
hey rat face what do you plan on telling the members when cls votes no to the contract?????
How is it that neither Olson nor Quinn did not mention Coughlin & Gerhart, the law firm expert in challenging Firefighters and Police Officers in retaining their GML much needed benefits. The firm was specifically hired by CoY to change the rules of the GML 207-c. Rules that now would make it easier for the City of Yonkers to deny or terminate crucial 207-c benefits to Yonkers Police Officers, and other emergency workers like the Firefighters. These are just “some” of what was found to be “significant “changes from the old 207-c to the newly agreed upon changes of 207-c.
1.1) The time period to apply for GML benefits would be reduced from the current 30 calendar days of the date of injury to just 10 business days. Dramatically cutting the time period in order for a member to fill out the application that is now lengthier and more detailed in its denial.
2.2) The new procedure would result in the automatic denial of a claim of re-injury if not reported within 48 hours. (It should be noted that some members may not even realize they have been re-injured until days, or weeks later. For example, people who have been in car accidents often do not realize they have sustained an injury, or aggravated an old injury.
3.3) The new procedure requires FULL medical release, including medical records not related to the illness, or injury. (CoY could also release that information to its contractors. Members would have to closely censor the submission and transference of their medical records).
4.4) It creates a “return to duty form” to be filled out by a members’ treating physician within ten days of being notified that ones 207-c benefit are being terminated by the department, or ordering a member back to work in the capacity of light duty. Currently the Yonkers Police Department has no written policy of what would be considered “light duty” for a police officer. This is now an impending legal quagmire, which the PBA hierarchy should have considered. This agreement changes the legal footing underpinning challenge(s) to the termination of the GML, or the back to work order of light duty. In the existing GML 207-c all a member had to do would be to have his/her physician(s) challenge CoY’s hired medical experts. Now the newly designed “return to duty form” would increase the legal standard to an undefined standard of “genuine dispute”. None the less, there are a lot of other important changes that Olson sold to his members, while did not bothering to fully inform them of the distinctly dramatic differences. Other “significant changes “were discovered when fully examined, compared, and discussed as per those concerns and issues highlighted in Local 628’s opened letter to the Firefighters by Union President Barry McGoey. One of most important, and detrimental changes to the newly voted on 207-c changes is the shifting of the “burden of proof” from CoY to the members’ shoulders, wallet, and families.
5.5) The old existing procedure puts the “ burden of proof” on the claimant to obtain coverage , and puts the “ burden of proof’ on the City to terminate such coverage of 207-c. The new 207-c would now put the “ burden of proof on the Police Officer seeking arbitration”, NOT the City, because the City does not seek arbitration and will never have to “SHOULDER THE BURDEN OF PROOF”
So there you have it Yonkers Police Officers. You have been led to the slaughter house like sheep with the lure of a below the cost of living raise, and yet CoY gained a three point upgrade to Yonkers General Obligation bond rating to A+ from Standards and Poors. Yes indeed, the Yonkers Police Benevolent Association has been cheaply sold by Olson. The ratification of the contract was not a victory of any sort to the PBA membership, and specifically not to the newest members. Even CoY, as did Mayor Spano, but CoY and Mayor Spano will not recognize for at least 3 to 6 months. The reality is that at any given time in the line of emergency service to benefit CoY, one can be injured. It is at those episodes in the life and death struggle of a Police Officer or Firefighter that one will feel the impact of the porous construct of this contract adopted so far only by the PBA
So if the cls does not vote on the contract that means it really is a bad one, can we impeach keith??? I mean if he is going after ray for bullshit this contract really would hurts us the minute we have to go the new procedure. I heard thru sources that city has not went after anyone yet because it will make keith look bad and harder to sell to other unions, I still cant figure out why keith would not give us the name of the guy that said it was good…
any one see a fat gray rat last seen ashburton ave……
probably stalking to hit khader with a
I think that hostility towards Merlot peaked in the movie Sideways. Unfortunately, this has to do with the vinification techniques employed in California more than anything else. California does this to lots of different grapes, producing very “fruity” wines with negligible acid and lots of residual sugar. Before Merlot, it was Chardonnay, which to some degree still continues to bombard the low end market with “plonk,” what is known in wine parlance as wine not worth drinking. Interestingly the wine people had a term for it called “ABC” which stood for “anything but Chardonnay.” It didn’t mean that good chards were not being made, but rather that the low end of the spectrum was deplorable.
Mike spano has double standards fuckover good friends and reward scumbags…………
PTF sucks big rooster!
He is a complete zilch
Meaty Petey is a COWARD!
Kayo why did you harass John Khader did he do anything to you or the police dept?As far as I know the guy did right the thing by everyone, always supported the job. I was appalled you wrote him paper personally a few weeks ago. You wrote him back in 2007 when Mikey D retired. I guess you must be a big part of why this job has sunk and morale is at an all time low, I cant remember when a PBA president wrote a summons and I m going back to Portanova days don’t you have better things to do???? Maybe you should be focusing on the membership from what I heard you talked them in to a garbage contract that not even Tommys union want to vote on it.What are you planning to tell the members when the first injured cop has to go thru the new 207c??? Instead of making your self to be a clown take care of the membership.Don’t think for a minute that you haven’t lost credibility when you go after a friend of the job,I heard that even Chucky doesn’t like you and most bosses despise you,wake up Keith is this what Eddie taught you ???
If you go back that far than you know what khader did back then and you might be answering your own question. “Did the right thing by everyone” and who are you referring to by everyone? His old clients?
Every one has a past even you Keith didn’t you try to jam up a few of our bosses???You did a lot of shit I was not too thrilled with, didn’t you and a few others go outside Yonkers after Rui Flores? don’t make me spill what I know about you we worked together a few times you are no Angel. As far as khader goes Im sure most members have had family or relatives get in trouble with the law, The difference is he matured and grew up and became successful and now is a well respected businessman in the county, why do you go after his past did he do anything to you???You keep talking about his past what did he do to you that you bring up the past???you need to look in the mirror and take self inventory…. you have friends that went to Saunders a few of them got in trouble and your still friendly with them right….worry about your membership and try to be a leader I am sure Cola would give you some advice if you ask him………..
oooooooooooooo that was a low blow to the rat tell me more about Rui Flores please
im not keith I don’t rat he knows ….REDANTS day…………….
what are red ants????
who is Rui Flores?
Nobody cares asshole. KO doesn’t have to do a thing. You just keep digging yourselves in a deeper hole.
Yes, of course, you’re an old timer in Housing. Fucking weirdo faker, lol.
if he was a faker he seemed he knew a lot about you..
if he was a faker he seemed he knew a lot about you..
I sure hope IAD takes care of business, but than again the mayor controls all police investigations otherwise the rat would of got hit by now.
Check your grammar, speaking of dumbo, that would be you.
you should of been checking out that 2o7c carefully instead of watching for typos,That whole pba contract was a typo. Does anyway one know when cls is voting???? NOT your done rat !
Don’t worry if the city protects him only makes it more interesting for the FEDS why they are protecting him………..
that’s for
Its far from over just standing by to see what happens ……………..
be nice otherwise I will drop Mont Rushmore and the beerfest at the 4thpct
Looks like you finally caught the “king rat” Keith Olson. Lol, now we got to catch a half dozen more and this department will be better off.
Silly “CORRUPT” coots, lololololololololololololololololol with the emphasis on corrupt, lololololololololololololololololol
The rats are awfully quiet, they must’ve gone underground. Lol,
Silly “CORRUPT” coots, lololololololololololololololololol with the emphasis on corrupt, lololololololololololololololololol
any one ready for the rat clips???? stand by
So clever. So, so clever.
Exactly what we’ve come to expect from you fools. Lol
John is waiting for you to go on hezi show ,what are you waiting for …………COWARD!
Let us know when Ray, Bob or bRyAnT is ready to go on. Then we have a show! Lol
john khader is ready and willing to go on anytime anywhere rat
called out the Rat 5 times!
May 17, 2014 at 6:54 pm
John Khader
May 13, 2014 at 11:58 pm
keith why would I get involved in police business I don’t care about you or your shitty contract. If you have a problem with me bring it on, you don’t scare me the most you can do to me is write me tickets and talk negatively lets have a debate can I come to your monthly bullshit meeting and talk openly about everything???cmon I challenge you don’t be afraid this is me not no one else have a lot to say about you.
P.S. and for the record RAY MONTERO is a very close friend of mine and Im proud to know him!
John Khader
May 14, 2014 at 12:29 am
I can blog where ever I want keith olson has been harassing me since 2007 for no reason and now he is mentioning my name on this blog so now im here what do you want to do keith
John Khader
May 14, 2014 at 12:03 am
keith must be obsessed with me do you want to go on the radio with hezi and talk freely ??? My name is JOHN KHADER ready and able to go to war with you or any one else you cant bully me around like you do others .
p.s go fuck your self!
John Khader
May 14, 2014 at 1:23 am
Have a good night folks I hope to hear from keith in the morning if he allows me to come to his monthly meeting or come on hezi radio show to talk about what ever is on his mind.
God Bless YPD
except keith
John Khader
May 14, 2014 at 11:58 am
Me asshole??? say it in my face coward. I never claimed to be a cop nor do I want to be one especially with this new contract now. The only reason why I asked to come to the meeting is because keith pops a lot of shit about me been harassing me for the longest, and as far as my friends on the job Im happy to see that you think they would sell their soul for a free ride hope fully they are reading your comment about that.By the way we all know what you sold for that shitty contract………………lol
p.s. I don’t want to get in a shouting match on line you want to go face to face Im ready any time and if this aint keith fuck you too come and see me I will set you straight any where anytime,who is the coward now???????
It’s been 2 1/2 years and Mueller is still crying about not being Chief or Commish !!!! Get over it man and enjoy your rank it’s a civil service job. Chiarella stop putting in for things you know you will not get, stop your crying as well and stop putting stupid things on facebook you look pathetic.
funny how the rats face book page went down all of a sudden
I think that wife thief guy is trying to bang an angry elf, lmao. You couldn’t make this shit up no matter how hard you tried.
Keith do you really want to mess with john? really the guy is a loose cannon, he is independent and doesn’t care about anyone including your savior the Mayor. I still cant understand why you went after him now he has a lawyer on standby just watching your moves of the on going harassment of sending in your friends to write him unwarranted tickets in front of his building while leaving other violations alone its all on clear video pally, maybe you got away with it years ago, but I was with him last night he has a lot in store for you man he is not going to let you get away with what you have done and said about him. I see that he has called you out already a few times you really picked a bad game to play with him….
He should stop blogging and start parking better.
Keith any word on that expert lawyer that said the contract is good??? You are going to have a lot of explaining to your members when our report comes out.
By the way CLS is not having it pretty much its dead…lol
Keith any word on that expert lawyer that said the contract is good??? You are going to have a lot of explaining to your members when our report comes out.
By the way CLS is not having it pretty much its dead…lol
Your report? Please, do us all a favor and hit the spell check button before you print it.
Can’t wait to see this gem from the “retarts”, LMFAO.
oh I promise you that !!! that will be the end of you when the members see not 1 but 2 independent opinions written by real experts you are done !
How about you take that report and stick it up that giant beak of yours. Then, take it and smack that mouth breather in the snout with it. Lol
“Dold us out.” WTF! When you learn how to spell we’ll give you a name but who’s gonna read it to you dummy?
it was reposted asswipe with the correction. You should of paid the same attention to the contract you mislead your members about, its so funny your quick to make fun of typos here but you didn’t do your homework when the mayor shot his load and you opened up wide.
p.s. are you going to give the name of the expert that said it was good or are you going to spin and keep on spinning when this question keep getting asked?
and you should start looking out better for all your members not just a few you selfish low life scum bucket
Yeah, he’s terrifying. One time he was talking near me and he almost sucked the glasses off my face with that disgusting mouth breathinG.
I heard of sleep apnea but that guy has awake apnea.
keith did you ever take a good look at your self ???
John K hates the Mayor? Good to know.
the only one that blew was you my gray fat rat How did it taste when the mayor shot his load did you swallow it or swish it around like sushi???
US attorney? state attorney general? West.D.A.?
told Hartnett what units to cut
stole personnel files
conducted several unauthorized investigations against CLSA and PBA members
filed false reports to spin the real facts
had Mueller and Moran write up your VP twice in nine months
text Moran to come down with IAD to start an unauthorized investigation on your VP
did not pay your taxes on your stipend, city is covering for you
did not give WAYNE S. his money, nor will you say how much you raised
did not give JIM M. all of his money, and it took six months to get a portion of it
told the PC you have IP addresses
search the area of other employees through social media and physically without court authorization or the department approval
tampered with potential evidence without departmental authorization- Dunwoodiegate
told the mayor that a DD Captain was stealing…lol
created false police identification by using social media
intentionally rallied and coordinated police officers to target a local Yonkers business
and more and more….
Oh so KO is a mastermind!
setting up and doing unauthorized investigations and threating members and civilians YES!!!
funny how the RAT took down his face book page all of a sudden, don’t worry rat have to get to my other computer and put those nice pix of the rats jumping off the
You like going to war? Join the army you fat fuck. John Candy did it in Stripes, why not you?
You could inhale the Taliban just trying to say a sentence. You can be a true fatriot.
its funny that he challenged you and you never answered back who is the coward?
johns overweight, keith is obese and ugly to boot….
Saying John is only overweight is like saying Ray is slightly nutty.
compared to that 600pound gorilla ???? At least his teeth are white not like the rat must be all that yellow cheese….lol
There they are folks, Team Blue Truth. At least the four mopes in the middle, and maybe two others.
Ok keith you want to do pix we can do that give me some time stay tuned……………
Hey cheddar lips didn’t Khader call you out a few times on the blog?? why don’t you go see him and say it to his face? he doesn’t mind meeting you out of town faggot. He knows greenburgh very well
as far as we are concerned you got dissed to the highest by a civilian who just got tired of your fat raggedy as harassing him and other members. I wish he can start blogging by his name but he was told to stay off by his attorney for now the rat hole just keeps getting bigger for you
How can he call someone out if he’s not blogging? That doesn’t make any sense.
John Khader
May 13, 2014 at 11:58 pm
keith why would I get involved in police business I don’t care about you or your shitty contract. If you have a problem with me bring it on, you don’t scare me the most you can do to me is write me tickets and talk negatively lets have a debate can I come to your monthly bullshit meeting and talk openly about everything???cmon I challenge you don’t be afraid this is me not no one else have a lot to say about you.
P.S. and for the record RAY MONTERO is a very close friend of mine and Im proud to know him!
John Khader
May 14, 2014 at 12:29 am
I can blog where ever I want keith olson has been harassing me since 2007 for no reason and now he is mentioning my name on this blog so now im here what do you want to do keith
John Khader
May 14, 2014 at 12:03 am
keith must be obsessed with me do you want to go on the radio with hezi and talk freely ??? My name is JOHN KHADER ready and able to go to war with you or any one else you cant bully me around like you do others .
p.s go fuck your self!
John Khader
May 14, 2014 at 1:23 am
Have a good night folks I hope to hear from keith in the morning if he allows me to come to his monthly meeting or come on hezi radio show to talk about what ever is on his mind.
God Bless YPD
except keith
John Khader
May 14, 2014 at 11:58 am
Me asshole??? say it in my face coward. I never claimed to be a cop nor do I want to be one especially with this new contract now. The only reason why I asked to come to the meeting is because keith pops a lot of shit about me been harassing me for the longest, and as far as my friends on the job Im happy to see that you think they would sell their soul for a free ride hope fully they are reading your comment about that.By the way we all know what you sold for that shitty contract………………lol
p.s. I don’t want to get in a shouting match on line you want to go face to face Im ready any time and if this aint keith fuck you too come and see me I will set you straight any where anytime,who is the coward now???????
And maybe two others, lmfao. That’s a bunch of cool mother fuckers if you ask me. I’m also sure the politicians and judges appreciate you putting their photos here because you’re angry with John. John, I have a great idea for you. You have to start using Keith’s signature move and start in friending people on Facebook.
Silly “CORRUPT” coots, lololololololololololololololololol with the emphasis on corrupt, lololololololololololololololololol
Cops beware, the wife thief is sniffing around again. You don’t want to be next.
Who, the janitor from School #16?
No, the clown from the fourth precinct. You know, the greenburgh guy, lmao.
Listen guys, cut this crap out you’re making us look really bad. Like really, really bad. If not we will unfriend you on Facebook. Lololololololololololololololololol
Silly “CORRUPT” coots, lololololololololololololololololol
With the emphasis on corrupt of course. Lololololololololololololololololol
keith olson is being save by Mayor Nick Spano and the only reason why ???? Fat keith olson walked his members to the slaughterhouse five months ago and gassed them with the worst contract ever. So now every time Mike or Nick jerks off keith opens his mouth and swallows like the whore he is.That is why the only reason IAD has not taken action!. Maybe if the spaNOs focus on taking care of city business and let the P.C. take care of police matters Blue Truth would not be here that’s your quid pro quo your honor!
keith is too worried proof reading everything we blog about some of those just happen to be typos others are we just to excited and not paying attention to what is being blogged.I mean lets face it,its not that serious . I just wish your rat ass would of paid better attention and looked over that shittee contract you rammed down the throats of the members.
who should we go to?
US attorney? state attorney general? West.D.A.?
told Hartnett what units to cut
stole personnel files
conducted several unauthorized investigations against CLSA and PBA members
filed false reports to spin the real facts
had Mueller and Moran write up your VP twice in nine months
text Moran to come down with IAD to start an unauthorized investigation on your VP
did not pay your taxes on your stipend, city is covering for you
did not give WAYNE S. his money, nor will you say how much you raised
did not give JIM M. all of his money, and it took six months to get a portion of it
told the PC you have IP addresses
search the area of other employees through social media and physically without court authorization or the department approval
tampered with potential evidence without departmental authorization- Dunwoodiegate
told the mayor that a DD Captain was stealing…lol
created false police identification by using social media
intentionally rallied and coordinated police officers to target a local Yonkers business
and more and more….
Soory but he is putting a case against raj sun deep Dave Mike and Jewish Paul from Rockland county
I doubt it if they talk to a few people that got the goods on keith game over
Janet already hates the rat with a passion,she might be the one to open him up…lol
keith what is the name of the lawyer that said this shitty contract was good for us??? are you sure he didn’t mean good for the city?
Arias’ words, not mine.
“Recognizing Dr. Sayegh was no longer a viable threat, Mr Mangone figured he could pay off Mr Khader $5,000, though it was said in those days to have been as much as $15,000. Nevertheless, Mr Mangone gave Mr Khader $5,000 in cash, and kept the balance for himself.
The $5,000 payment received by Mr Khader would unravel the supposedly close-knit political wannabees of the Westchester integrity Committee. Each individual, to some degree or another, were obsessed with accusing each other of theft of the money they expected to share equally. Mr Mangone got most of the cash and Mr Khader some of it…”
khader is not a public figure he is a private citizen he doesn’t give 2 shits what you post, but on the other hand I am sure the SPANO family is happy to see what you are doing bringing up Nicks past because that’s what that was all about Nick SPANO the MAYORS brother asswipe.Its too bad khader cant come out and blog I was told his attorney wants him to remain quiet till they figure out how they want to deal with you on the continued harassment, heard they got great video of you ………….lol…….
p.s. just to mess with you I was told he is spending money on a well known labor lawyer to get an opinion in writing fully detailed just how bad this contract is, personally he doesn’t give a sheet(lol)about the contract but he knows it will piss you off when it becomes available, you messed with the wrong guy keith.
Is he using that 5G he took in that bribe to pay for that attorney? Lol
Just ask Barry
Barry already got his opinion from his lawyer,and it basically says it sucks like keith does
Mere bag of shells for Khader to show how you sold us out!Keith I think you choose the wrong battle.
yes keith before you do my spell check I caught it before you jack off….lol
“Chose” not “choose” you fucking moron.
you talk about morons he called you out go in front of his business coward and call him that.He called you out on hezi show anywhere anytime…….
Why the fuck would a taxi driver get involved in the PBA and CLSA’s contract? Fuck that asshole.
keith started so I guess he will finish, by the way I think he can buy you and sell you
fucked around with the wrong dude.
ask keith why has he been harassing him for 8 years? your rat friend started the war now its too late
CLICK HERE TO REPORT LAW ENFORCEMENT CORRUPTION (Provide as much information as possible: full names, descriptions, dates, times, activity, witnesses, etc.)
Telephone: 347-632-9775
Does that include overtime fraud, falsifying records, grand larceny, criminal mischief, aggravated harassment, official misconduct, assault and/or being a total pussy?
CLICK HERE TO REPORT LAW ENFORCEMENT CORRUPTION (Provide as much information as possible: full names, descriptions, dates, times, activity, witnesses, etc.)
Telephone: 347-632-9775
Everyone knows mangone is a rat that’s why he still isn’t sentenced yet, so why would you be bringing up something that was unfounded? The Feds would of took action against those involved retart.I know John personally all he did was help NICK SPANO so why you putting up the senators name back in the spotlight? You do know he is still on probation. As far as Mr khadar goes apparently he did nothing wrong otherwise charges would of been filed against him asswipe!
Another thing Nader Sayegh is Mike Spanos man he just appointed him to another year as school board president keep making it hotter for the spanos asshole.
How stupid can YOU be? You spelled “retard” wrong!
Written by H. Airs not long ago. It must be true.
Annabi-Jereis Corruption Court Case: Mangone Reveals the Lack of Integrity in the Westchester Integrity Committee By HEZI ARIS
Cash Exchanged; Feathers Ruffled; A New Political Reality
NEW YORK, NY and YONKERS, NY — Anthony Mangone, the one-time attorney, disbarred since the Spring of 2011, took to the witness stand in Judge Colleen McMahon’s courtroom today as part of the government’s alleged charges of corruption and bribery against defendants Sandy Annabi, former Yonkers City Councilwoman, and Zehy Jereis, former Yonkers Republican Chairman. Of the many issues covered in the early interrogation of Mr Mangone by Anthony Siano, Mr Jereis’ legal counsel, was the episode in which in the year 2006, then Senator Nick Spano was running as the incumbent for New York State Senate against Andrea Stewart-Cousins.
Senator Nick Spano needed to gain the support of minor party lines in order to enhance his chances for winning in a New York State Senate District that was regarded to have an overwhelming roster of registered voters who saw themselves more closely affiliated with the Democratic Party line. The only way to reign in the imbalance of voters registered to the one party, was for then Senator Nick Spano to seek support from the other minority party lines. He sought out the Conservative Party, the Independence Party, the Working Families Party, the Right to Life party, and any other party lines that may have existed.
As the election campaign efforts from every facet of the political spectrum would heat up, it was recognized that forces involved in the Westchester County Independence Party were undergoing internal strife. An internal heierarchy of protagonists were plotting a coup d’état in order to wrestle the party chair, Dr. Giulio Cavallo, from continuing to maintain political control.
The “mutineers,” who considered themselves reformers to the alleged “corruption” of Dr Cavallo, coalesced around the well-known, and well-respected educator Nader Sayegh, in a reorganization effort that had the likes of John Khader, owner of Top Class Limousine, Joseph Spezio III, a Yonkers developer, Michael Gianatasio, one-time candidate challenging Suzie Oppenheimer in a NYS Senate race, Steven Sacripanti, an ally who had been Administrative Judge Francis Nicolai’s principal court reporter, Dyalma Vasquez, a political supporter and confidante, Irma Drace, secretary to State Supreme Court Justice Joseph Alessandro, Jeff Buss, Esq., of the Yonkers law firm of Smith, Buss & Jacobs LLP, Sam Zherka, publisher of The Westchester Guardian, and Delfim Heusler, publisher of the online Yonkers Insider.
The integrity expressed in words would soon dissipate due to a lack of deeds and vitriole and infighting among the “reformers.” Before the exchange of any money took place, Mssrs Zherka and Heusler excised themselves from further involvement with the Westchester Integrity Committee.
The unexpressed tenets of the Westchester Integrity Committee was to cause the collapse of Dr. Cavallo’s hold on the Westchester Independence Party so that those who maintained their political challenge and focus could wrestle control of the reigns of power from Dr Cavallo and deliver the party to Senator Nick Spano. But that was hush hush.
Mr Mangone admitted in court that he asked Milio Management through son Franco Milio, and with full knowledge of founder and father to Franco, Antonio Milio, that cash was required to satisfy the alleged desire of Sandy Annabi and Zehy Jereis to develop the Longfellow Junior High School, Walgreens, School 6 properties as “designated developers” for their behalf.
Mr Antonio Milio, who delivered four rubber band bundled stacks of $100 bills amounting to $10,000 per bundle, to Mr Mangone, then an attorney, instead used some of the money he garnered, that from the Milio’s, from gambling wins, from client payments made in cash and never reported, but divided among the law firm’s partners, and client escrow accounts, intended to thwart the Westchester County Independence Party from being overthrown by Dr Sayegh winning a challenge against Dr Cavallo. Before an intended $10,000 cash payment could be given to “bribe” and dissuade the Westchester integrity Committee to discontinue their challenge, Dr Sayegh dropped out of the race. Dr Sayegh was played by Nader Sayegh who was engaged in getting petitions for placing the Westchester integrity Committee in contention to challenge Dr Cavallo’s Westchester Independence Party. The petitions garnered where chanllenged and found to be fraudulent and were disallowed.
Recognizing Dr. Sayegh was no longer a viable threat, Mr Mangone figured he could pay off Mr Khader $5,000, though it was said in those days to have been as much as $15,000. Nevertheless, Mr Mangone gave Mr Khader $5,000 in cash, and kept the balance for himself.
The $5,000 payment received by Mr Khader would unravel the supposedly close-knit political wannabees of the Westchester integrity Committee. Each individual, to some degree or another, were obsessed with accusing each other of theft of the money they expected to share equally. Mr Mangone got most of the cash and Mr Khader some of it, and Senator Nick Spano lost the political challenge to Andrea Stewart-Cousins, the present incumbent senator of the district.
The “mutineers,” who considered themselves reformers to the alleged “corruption” of Dr Cavallo, coalesced around the well-known, and well-respected educator Nader Sayegh, in a reorganization effort that had the likes of John Khader, owner of Top Class Limousine…
Recognizing Dr. Sayegh was no longer a viable threat, Mr Mangone figured he could pay off Mr Khader $5,000, though it was said in those days to have been as much as $15,000. Nevertheless, Mr Mangone gave Mr Khader $5,000 in cash, and kept the balance for himself.
The $5,000 payment received by Mr Khader would unravel the supposedly close-knit political wannabees of the Westchester integrity Committee. Each individual, to some degree or another, were obsessed with accusing each other of theft of the money they expected to share equally. Mr Mangone got most of the cash and Mr Khader some of it…
IAD has an open investigation add that to the list
YES!!!! IAD will get to the bottom of DunwoodieGate! The Pink Power Ranger and the cooky Spano-groupie will solve the case in between lunches at LaGrotta! Oh, and I heard that they tapped MR as their interviewer. You know how good he is with people .
US attorney? state attorney general? West.D.A.?
told Hartnett what units to cut
stole personnel files
conducted several unauthorized investigations against CLSA and PBA members
filed false reports to spin the real facts
had Mueller and Moran write up your VP twice in nine months
text Moran to come down with IAD to start an unauthorized investigation on your VP
did not pay your taxes on your stipend, city is covering for you
did not give WAYNE S. his money, nor will you say how much you raised
did not give JIM M. all of his money, and it took six months to get a portion of it
told the PC you have IP addresses
search the area of other employees through social media and physically without court authorization or the department approval
tampered with potential evidence without departmental authorization- Dunwoodiegate
told the mayor that a DD Captain was stealing…lol
created false police identification by using social media
intentionally rallied and coordinated police officers to target a local Yonkers business
and more and more….
Remember bluetruthers you will have to answer many questions too. That will be the best part, you Crazy Creepy old Coot, lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol!
We haven’t committed crimes like you Keith, you are done just a matter of time. This is not going away till affirmative action is taken by the city .If the city sweeps it under the rug we have other avenues to go and boy oh boy will they have a field day when our witnesses start writing their statements and giving testimony cops and civilians so you are done my fat little gray rat.
Submitting fraudulent overtime slips isn’t a crime? How are you going to answer that, you Crazy Creepy Old Coot?
It is clear that RM subliminally uses the term “gray” because it combines the words gay and Ray.
Lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol, that’s right, the Crazy CREEPY Old Coot!
Hey Freud did you ever notice how close ray and rat are? With the t and y right next to each other? Coincidence? I think not, Crazy CREEPY Old Coot, lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol!
I would pay top dollar to see the faces on anyone from an outside agency when one of you dopes comes to them with these ridiculous, made up stories without one shred of evidence.
You are the equivalent of the crazy cat lady who calls the cops everyday because she thinks people are spying on her.
Stop with your idle threats and do what you’ve been crying about for over a year. Nobody is afraid of you.
Dean Politopoulus will you please stop posting about chiefs and others on this site. Didn’t they just promote you dopey?
Had a great conversation with Hezi yesterday discussing the on going harassment with a civilian that keith has been targeting since 2004.It will be a great story when it hits the papers.
Is everything that Hezi writes the truth? Really?
about keith olson YES!
Only about KO? Everything else he writes is false?
Why does that guy think he can park illegally whenever he wants? Is it cause he gives the Police Chief free limos? That doesn’t sound legal.
You banged on spano now the chief…lol good work asshole
Quid pro Quo
May 16, 2014 at 12:27 am
keith olson is being save by Mayor Nick Spano and the only reason why ???? Fat keith olson walked his members to the slaughterhouse five months ago and gassed them with the worst contract ever. So now every time Mike or Nick jerks off keith opens his mouth and swallows like the whore he is.That is why the only reason IAD has not taken action!. Maybe if the spaNOs focus on taking care of city business and let the P.C. take care of police matters Blue Truth would not be here that’s your quid pro quo your honor!
It’s OK
MAY 14, 2014 AT 10:37 AM
One thing thats become crystal clear is that the person that keeps talking about acorns and asses is without a doubt, a latent homosexual. That would explain all of his pent up anger, unusual frustration and constant and detailed references to homosexual sex. Not that theres anything wrong with that.
Just come out of the closet RM. Youll feel much better. When youre ready to gay marry your boyfriend Papppy we have a limo company you can use. Lol
keith any thing you want to say about Rui ?he is a friend of blue truth……..
cheetaaaa anything you want to say about Greenburgh? We know the sgt on duty that day….
But of course, another esteemed member of the Blue Truth. He would fit right in with you convicts. Your roster reads like the docket list posted outside of Part II. LMFAO
keith can you tell us who is the expert that said this contract was good?
you said at your info meetings that, “that you had an Albany expert look at it and said it was good for the members” shame on you for lying and misleading the membership,what else to expect from a Rat
He is not a blue truther or any friend of mine but he sure slapped the shit out of Frankie, lmao. Fucking cowards. Go get beat up by some more 12 year old Hoover girls.
Jerk off you haven’t answered any questions that the editor wrote? Why keith why do you spin? Maybe because you don’t have answers? I still want to know you fucking liar who was your so called Albany expert that said this contract was good???you cant answer because you are too busy jerking off the mayor.
This guy got it right:
It’s OK
MAY 14, 2014 AT 10:37 AM
One thing thats become crystal clear is that the person that keeps talking about acorns and asses is without a doubt, a latent homosexual. That would explain all of his pent up anger, unusual frustration and constant and detailed references to homosexual sex. Not that theres anything wrong with that.
Just come out of the closet RM. Youll feel much better. When youre ready to gay marry your boyfriend Papppy we have a limo company you can use. Lol
There once was a jerk named Jon Kader.
When he mouth breaths he sounds like Darth Vader.
When he speaks he sucks in air,
What he says, really nobody cares.
But if you ask him there is nobody greater.
What a douche. Lol
all I know is he called out KEITH OLSON a few times and fat boy has not answered him just like you. John went on the record to debate keith seems like keith is shit scared of him? What did john do exactly wrong that you are bad mouthing him with signing your name? I spoke with him today he is staying off till IAD concludes his complaint, if nothing happens than I guess it will get escalated to the next level if any one knows John that guy doesn’t give up and always ready to go to war he stands up for what is wrong and what is right.
p.s. this is going to get nasty I just hope the membership understands KEITH THE RAT OLSON started this.
Called him out how? On this stupid site? I’m sure he knows where KO works. If he really wants to call him out he can go find him. I’m guessing KO won’t mind at all. Lol
I know for a fact John Khader called him 2 times at the office and fat boy said I have nothing to say to you that’s being called out cheeselips
Well if you say it’s true Mr. Anonymous Asshole than it must be true. Lol
maybe if you stop drinking the PBA KOOLAIDE you would see it take your head out of keith olsons ass
by the way ko works???? where ??? he doesn’t do shit except eat at all you can eat sushi what the fuck has that tub of lard done except sell his soul for a job and to keep his seat???? NOTHING
dues went up so we can give Quinn more money 120K
look at the credit card restaurant bills went up because he is busy buying spanOs dinner
he gets a free car free gas keith is scum from the projects……
last I heard PBA pres. was not entitled to a city car unless something has changed?
Do you call hanging out in a bakery in Tuckahoe or sharing a bucket of popcorn in the movies while your working “work”?
hey keith I saw that video you writing khader boy o boy did you look stupid not writing the other 2 cars only proved the case of harassment and selective enforcement. His lawyer is still laughing every time we watch is making a movie of all the incidents on ashburton including the one from this morning when sector car 421 misses 3 other violations at 1035hours,than to boot some one followed him and he missed numerous other violations,please continue what your doing only making it a lot easier for us…lol
Yonkers Tribune (Hezi aris)
News 12 (Tara Rosenblum)
Journal news (Phil Reismann)
NY post (Erik Shilling)
Westchester Guardian (Nancy King)
Westchester news (Barbara Ricci)
and other members of the press
They will all be soon invited to a press release to get a first hand look of how ROGUE the PBA PRES. KEITH OLSON is stay tuned…
Wow, that’s a real heavyweight lineup, lol! You Crazy Creepy Old Coot, lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol!
hate to be around when that happens that reporter Erik Shilling already has a hard on for a great story against Rogue cops! I hope John doesn’t do it as crazy as he is …
Nobody cares dick.
keith olson is being save by Mayor Nick Spano and the only reason why ???? Fat keith olson walked his members to the slaughterhouse five months ago and gassed them with the worst contract ever. So now every time Mike or Nick jerks off keith opens his mouth and swallows like the whore he is.That is why the only reason IAD has not taken action!. Maybe if the spaNOs focus on taking care of city business and let the P.C. take care of police matters Blue Truth would not be here that’s your quid pro quo your honor!
Will you finally be there Ray? But you’ve told so many people you’re not a Blue Truther. Can’t wait! Should be a huge turnout, lol.
no 207a changes to fire,and an informal vote has been done cls says NO fuck NO to the contract!!! hey fat boy what you going to do now……
What informal vote?
you didn’t hear???
Obviously not.
contract sucks wont even go to a vote if nothing has changed why vote?
I know a lot about the rat
by the way are you going to confront kader ,he has been calling you out………
What do you mean when you say confront?
you know exactly rat what I am talking about, you been bad mouthing, harassing him to your inner circle since 2004 and now because he is close friends with the people that you hate you have taken it to a new level. I got news for you John does not give a shit about you or any one else for all that matters including the Spanos that are saving you from being disciplined. Unlike you he is not beholden to the mayor no one in his family needs a job…lol. He challenged you openly anywhere the guy must got the goods on you if you had balls you would answer him but you wont cause your balls are up Mueller’s ass!
Why does John Khader hate the Spano’s?
Maybe because they might be like you?
maybe because they are protecting a RAT lowlife thug leader that sold the membership the worst contrat ever ??? thank God cls is not even taking a vote on it.
p.s. keith when you jerk off mike do you swish it around like sushi or do you swallow like the bitch you are?
want to congratulate the CLSA for saying NO to the worst contract in the county.
does any out here know why keith wrote paper on kader??? I heard he has been harassing him for over 6 years?? something must of happened between the two of them…
“Get Lost” got to hand it to you RAT fink. You constantly post on this site anonymously and bash others for not posting there name. For over a year now only a few have posted their real names. You, not meaning just Keith (there are others involved) target a local, decent business man with a slew of tickets and then have the nerve to talk about his character. I know John and those are definitely his posts where he signed his name. Seems to me you are the cowards we always knew you were. You must feel very little right now that you, the PO PO, THE MAN, THE LAW, got called out by a limo driver, lol. Stay hidden behind your computer. From the sound of things you will be safer there you COWARD.
John you never answered the question – do you think because you gave free limoseine service to high rAnking members of the YPD that you don’t have to observe parking regulations?
he doesn’t need answer to you.Blue truth is not about him its about keith olson answer the story keith.
ray you and your crew have attacked countless people since you got your puppet hezi to start this and I guess you think you make the rules? No, you Crazy Creepy Old Coot, lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lo,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol!
keith no one has been attacked on this site except you and your inner rat squad that’s it
Question? When is the last time in the history of the YPD that a PBA president wrote someone a ticket?
Answer: A couple of weeks ago a parking summons was written by PBA president Keith Olson.
Why? Because Keith has always been a stickler for the LAW, lmao. Besides the fact he tried countless times to get hired as a meter maid.
Reason: personal beef over political reasons.
I thought writing tickets to people for personal reasons was a violation of ones civil rights. You know about civil rights don’t you Keith? Rights that people died for in this country. Shame on you, what a bunch of bullies you and your friends are.
Yeah, people died in this country for the right of a limo driver to park wherever the fuck he wants! That’s Constitution 101, no question about it! Read it and weep.
hey keith I saw that video you writing khader boy o boy did you look stupid not writing the other 2 cars only proved the case of harassment and selective enforcement. His lawyer is still laughing every time we watch is making a movie of all the incidents on ashburton including the one from this morning when sector car 421 misses 3 other violations at 1035hours,than to boot some one followed him and he missed numerous other violations,please continue what your doing only making it a lot easier for us…lol
First of all Mr. “Read it and weep” he is a business owner, employees drive limos for him. Secondly that business owner pays plenty of taxes and parks in front of his business. Your a real hero condoning the targeting and harassment of a well respected business man who actually works hard for his money, unlike you. Tell you what, I have a few hooks, if Keith wants to write parking tickets he can retire and we will get him a meter maid position. You guys are a big joke. The last time I was in that stinky PBA office it was just Keith and his three boss friends. Should just make it a new CLS office, no self respecting cop wants to be seen with the soiled Keith Olson. So put a sock in it about parking illegally. Don’t be a coward. Just come out and say hey, I’m the LAW and I can do whatever I want. The administration lets me get away with it so why not go out and pester one of Rays good friends. Nobody is going to do anything to me anyway.
I haven’t seen that pussy Montero post his name once. KO wrote a whole article and called out the whole pink truth crew and challenged them on the radio. He tried to meet Montero and Pappas and they went to IAD on him. Lol
You guys are just a bad joke.
Crazy Creepy Old,Very Old, Coot, lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lo,,lo,lol,lol,lol,lol!
but khader did and so did a few other guys …
Question? Who writes a ticket to another person because of a personal beef?
A) Keith Olson
B) His henchmen
C) Cowards
D) Rats
E) all of the above
All Khader has to do is give his tickets to Mike Demeo , he’ll know what to do with them, just like the good ole days..Right Johnny Boy..
such an asshole talking about one of his old retired members that took care of the entire PBA board,you wish you can be half the cop he was.
by the way are you going ever to give us the name of your expert that said the contract was good for the members or are you going to keep on spinning?
If you say so it must be true, NOT! You Crazy Creepy Old Coot, lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol! OLD COOT! Lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lo,,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol. With emphasis on OLD!
Those days are long gone. Thank god.
Khader doesn’t get tickets only when you or when you send some one to harass him, just admit the dude got more steam than you that’s why you hate
your a might dick…lol
A man like him I’m sure he knows people, the same people keith goes to take care of tickets for his friends and family right fatso…lol
Looks like keith is not going to challenge khaddar????
So you really think that the blue truth inner circle of Det. Capt Bob Itzla, lt. Bryant pappas and Det Raymond Montero are all”good guys” and what they’ve done to this job through this blue truth thing is good for the YPD and city?
Guess so, can you talk about Rui Flores? keith has been a terrible leader he only won last time because he stole the election everyone knows it, and this time around he begged the Mayor please please help me save my seat, so the Mayor shot a load in his mouth keith swallowed and now we have the shittiest contract in the county. Thank God CLS knows better and wont even be taking a vote on it………………
Olson seems to like Greenburg. What about that job?
Cheetaaa likes greenburgh…………..
please do tell….
John – we all know that u have lots of friends in the YPD including comm garnder. Why do you think that you can park illegally and the rest of the city has to follow the rules?
As usual Olson just threw the PC under again. Keith you only mustered up four tickets on an intentional PBA campaign to target a business in Yonkers.
How did he throw him under if khader is such a good guy? Seems like a Freudian slip. You Crazy Creepy Old Coot! Lol,lo,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol!
maybe because he has more steam than you…lol
What does that mean?
means he has more friends than you in higher places and definitely more respected than a scum bag union leader that sold out his membership…lol
told Hartnett what units to cut
stole personnel files
conducted several unauthorized investigations against CLSA and PBA members
filed false reports to spin the real facts
had Mueller and Moran write up your VP twice in nine months
text Moran to come down with IAD to start an unauthorized investigation on your VP
did not pay your taxes on your stipend, city is covering for you
did not give WAYNE S. his money, nor will you say how much you raised
did not give JIM M. all of his money, and it took six months to get a portion of it
told the PC you have IP addresses
search the area of other employees through social media and physically without court authorization or the department approval
tampered with potential evidence without departmental authorization- Dunwoodiegate
told the mayor that a DD Captain was stealing…lol
created false police identification by using social media
intentionally rallied and coordinated police officers to target a local Yonkers business
and more and more….
Lol, you Crazy Old Creepy Coot, lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,ol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol!
Yeah this blue truth is terrible, lmao. Terrible for the ratpack and all their dingleberries. Be careful who you fuck over in the future and you could avoid much heartache. Until then you’ve been branded.
Hey khader, how about the other two blue truth inner circle Lt Bryant pappas and Det capt. Robert Itzla? Are they good guys too?
Absolutely they treat me like a gentleman, and as far as from what I hear from other YPD members both seemed to be highly regarded. How about you invite me to your meetings as a guest so we can have a in depth discussion as to why you are targeting me for the last 10 years???
Hey asshole. First off, this isn’t KO. Next, you’re not a cop. You never were a cop, never will be. Most of your “friends” on the job, guys who would sell their soul for a free limo ride, are gone. And why in the fuck would you be invited to a police union meeting? Who gives a shit about you or anything you have to say? The answer…no one. Stick to driving limos and mind your business.
Me asshole??? say it in my face coward. I never claimed to be a cop nor do I want to be one especially with this new contract now. The only reason why I asked to come to the meeting is because keith pops a lot of shit about me been harassing me for the longest, and as far as my friends on the job Im happy to see that you think they would sell their soul for a free ride hope fully they are reading your comment about that.By the way we all know what you sold for that shitty contract………………lol
p.s. I don’t want to get in a shouting match on line you want to go face to face Im ready any time and if this aint keith fuck you too come and see me I will set you straight any where anytime,who is the coward now???????
How many weeks after the worst contract in the state did your sister get her new job, taking that voyeur Brian Moran’s mother’s job over?
Two bond rating increases in the last 6 months. Now bond rating highest since 1975. City had millions in cash reserves. Were we lied to by the City? Small raises w give backs and no retro up front and it turns out the city was doing just fine.
Keith you said at an open meeting, ” FUCK THE FIREFIGHTERS” AND ” FUCK BARRY” too. Why, because these are real men. Barry is a proven professional leader, who is well educated and has the full support of his association. Keith did ever wonder why Barry not only has the support of local 628, but the support of other unions members’ too.
In short, he has credibility Keith. You have nothing, everyone in the city knows that you and Moran carry recorders and that nothing is off the record. A rat is nothing without his cheese. In your case fat ass, you have no credibility. Those emails that you send to the membership wishing them a Happy Mother’s Day don’t amount to any unity as you fuck civilians and members.
Keith since you can’t won’t answer any questions, lets talk shop. Now we want to know, it don’t have to be too graphic now, but how did you lose your acorns in Mary John Mueller’s ass? Did he work you up with a butt brush first or did he make out with you first? We all know that he and that freak Brian Moran, another member of the ‘cheetah club’ are infatuated with you, no pun intended, with your overly fat cottage cheese rat ass. You must be the Butch right? Maybe we will make that your middle name. Just one more question since you have been lying for over a year now. What does those two cheetahs do when you are getting yours with that tadpole you haven’t seen in years? These are ground ball questions, not meant to move that tadpole.
All from the guy who said to “grow up” and who wants to notify the Public Integrity Office. And you wonder why people want you thrown out of your union. What a whacko.
Who Billy Pataky a guy that set up teenagers? Pataky the weed planter? Pataky who got slap around by his own people? A rogue cop who told another he could not leave a union meeting? How about Joe G., another guy that can’t keep his hands off woman. How about that little card shark Fernandez? Another guy who made the motion to throw another cop out of the union? Here is a guy that did not work for over a year on a fake injury. Now he is just your ass wipe because he was turned down for three quarters right Keith. Just like the pussy you have always been, letting other cops handle your jobs.
Your a sick joke and no one is laughing, but more importantly its not 90% of the job, its your planters, its your henchmen, its your seeing eye dogs, that are chattering.
You could not even get 60 members to sign your tantrum petition. So what let 20 board members rise their hands. That won’t change any of this. In fact, we will step up what we say. Your arrogance has bred rogue officers like Billy Pataky. Remember we have C.I. and witnesses too.
One thing thats become crystal clear is that the person that keeps talking about acorns and asses is without a doubt, a latent homosexual. That would explain all of his pent up anger, unusual frustration and constant and detailed references to homosexual sex. Not that theres anything wrong with that.
Just come out of the closet RM. Youll feel much better. When youre ready to gay marry your boyfriend Papppy we have a limo company you can use. Lol
Hey it’s ok, you nailed it, that Crazy Creepy Old Coot, lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol!
Come fat rat, answer the articles. Stop calling peoples names and defend your public office. Raaaaaat
“Stop calling people names” said the guy who can’t stop calling people names…anonymously. This stuff is too funny, LMFAO!
To the readers of the Yonkers Tribune. You have been following a Police Department Public Official, Mr. Keith Olson being accused of some serious state and federal violation, with numerous internal and external letters, emails, memos, and video tapes, as well as CLSA
What did your wife catch you blogging? LOL
Greenburg wants to know how to code out your brother in laws job. You know is name since you like to call out names. We know him as Anthony the ” Cheetah” Chiarella, a guy that dates other cops wives. Another pussy
You know the code Papi.
Pappas earned more respect that you fat boy. You could not carry his gym bag, because your a weakling. That’s ok what can you expect from a Butch like you
Dean Politopoulus stop writing shit about Pappas. You’re another one that spews bullshit on this site. When did you become a Redant?
Hey pussy lips why don’t you come and seek the guys names you call out? We know why, because we smell a coward. You talk a lot of guff but most people know your a BIG PUSSY GRAY RAT with no balls. Grow up 12th grader and answer the charges. You have been challenged but you do not accept because your a coward. We will continue to monitor your actions a public official. If you think you know this poster, then find them and bring your book. If nothing is done about you targeting a civilian then we will return the summons back. You can count on that.
“Grow up” said the guy who also said “BIG PUSSY GRAY RAT with no balls.” Wow.
Don’t forget the ever so mature line “pussy lips.”
Have a good night folks I hope to hear from keith in the morning if he allows me to come to his monthly meeting or come on hezi radio show to talk about what ever is on his mind.
God Bless YPD
except keith
What about Mueller?
I have no problem with captain of the 4th.maybe he has a problem with me but that I cant help .
That’s not what you wrote earlier.
can you please show me
Mr. Rat scumbag, you think that you can take your ticket book out and just target a civilian with summons and that is not news worthy. Oh no, this is worthy story that has to get out. You abused your authority a intentional targeted a civilian with summons. THAT MY FAT RAT FRIEND is clearly violating a persons civil rights. We would urge that Mr. Kader take this to the District Attorney’s Public Integrity Office for further investigation, and we urge him to file suit against the fat fuckin scumbag liar pussy. You hide behind your shield…..pussy
Go to the “Public Integrity Office” said the guy who also said “fat fuckin scumbag liar pussy” anonymously in the same sentence. What a fucking nut you are.
that’s keith
Thank you.My lawyer is the one that will make any decisions where this may go…………..
What a pussy you are fat boy. You had to actual get in your city car and go hit a business man who is friends with a lot of police officers and bosses. We will enforce the same rules as you scumbag. That is a fact you fat gutter rat. You chosen not to answer any of the questions because you can’t.
thank you for your support but please don’t be like him I can take care of problems very easy Im an expert at that. So keith you going to accept my challenge or are you on the phone looking for a sector car to see if any cars are parked out front???
You two make a cute couple.
KO you still banging Mary John in the ass. I guess we can talk about that since you decided to go after civilians. Fat fuckin rat
all you been doing is banging on others online you haven’t answered anything about BLUE TRUTH?? your in the hot seat not me or monty or the other good cops you mention repeatedly.
Not sure who you are but why are you involved in this blue truth silliness. Thought it was only a couple of nutty cops.
only one nut and it keith now he is going after a civilian, did you know he wrote him paper 2 weeks ago since when does a PBA president do that????
Punctuation is your friend. Go introduce yourself.
sorry I had a few but are you gonna answer what is going on??
criminal misconduct is your game soon you will be getting a rectal exam
oh oh looks like keith got Johnny pissed go head keith the dudes challenging you doesn’t seem like a coward to me are you?
From the looks of the grammar this has to be a 3rd grader. Ain’t it past your bed time kid?
answer the questions and stop deflecting
If I have to tell you one more time…!
keith must be obsessed with me do you want to go on the radio with hezi and talk freely ??? My name is JOHN KHADER ready and able to go to war with you or any one else you cant bully me around like you do others .
p.s go fuck your self!
Who the hell is John Khader and why is he blogging here?
I can blog where ever I want keith olson has been harassing me since 2007 for no reason and now he is mentioning my name on this blog so now im here what do you want to do keith???
Ask the cheese hound who khader is? We know you’re one of the dingleberries hanging from Keith’s butt, but hey we don’t judge you. Lmao
just heard the majority of the members are voting NO … FUCK NO!!!!
Mind your business John. We know it’s you.
Go fuck off !
keith why would I get involved in police business I don’t care about you or your shitty contract. If you have a problem with me bring it on, you don’t scare me the most you can do to me is write me tickets and talk negatively lets have a debate can I come to your monthly bullshit meeting and talk openly about everything???cmon I challenge you don’t be afraid this is me not no one else have a lot to say about you.
P.S. and for the record RAY MONTERO is a very close friend of mine and Im proud to know him!
Well that figures.
answer the challenge and stop dodging questions
keith cooked himself for no reason
Arbitrators Orders Removal Of Manning Clause From Firefighter Contract
On Apr 30, 2014 10:37 am
MANSFIELD, OH – The long-standing clause in the city of Mansfield firefighters’ contract that mandates a minimum level of daily staffing has been eliminated, after a conciliator decided in the favor of the city.
Conciliator Margaret Nancy Johnson issued binding rulings Friday on several disputed areas in which the city and the International Association of Fire Fighters Local 266 had reached impasse.
Her decisions — against the union on both minimum manning and the union’s proposed $1 per hour increase for firefighters assigned to rescue squad work, but in favor of the IAFF to retain current paid leaves of absence, longevity and paid holiday benefits — go into effect immediately.
Johnson cited fiscal pressures on the city, which has been under state-declared fiscal emergency since August 2010, as a major consideration in her decision.
Minimum manning had been part of the fire contract since 1979. It remained an issue in recent contract negotiations, despite concessions by the IAFF, which agreed in 2011 to voluntarily reduce the minimum manning level from 21 firefighters per day to 18.
Both sides reached impasse in 2013 after the city sought to eliminate minimum staffing requirements altogether, while the IAFF sought to save the requirement.
The union argued that manning constitutes a safety issue. The IAFF also contended passage of the PRIDE levy last November, a 0.25 percent income tax increase with half of all collections earmarked for safety, would ensure the city would have funds to maintain minimum manning.
But city officials told the conciliator minimum manning has caused the city to rack up significant overtime. They argued that national firefighting safety standards provide guidelines that call for at least four firefighters to be present to fight a fire, but don’t mandate that a particular number be assigned to particular stations, or that all four come from the same station or unit.
“The decision by the conciliator to eliminate the long-standing staffing protections is disappointing,” IAFF President Dan Crow said. “The city has offered a troubling plan that jeopardizes the safety of the citizens and the firefighters who will be responding to their calls for service. The contingency plans offered by the city are inadequate by all applicable standards and aren’t necessary considering the city’s finances.”
During a hearing, the city, when pressed to give details on a plan for running the department without minimum staffing provisions, told the conciliator they would maintain a minimum of 12 firefighters per day, Crow said. “Those kinds of cuts would mean closing at least two fire stations. It’s unthinkable that the mayor would present such a drastic plan months after passing an additional levy in which he promised to increase safety staffing,” he said.
In her decision, Johnson said overtime in the fire department helped contribute to past city deficits. While that overtime has been reduced through a federal $1 million SAFER grant that allowed for hiring additional firefighters, the SAFER grant ends in 2015 — after which the city “must have the flexibility to determine and control staffing requirements,” she wrote.
Johnson pointed to firefighter contract agreements in Lima, Euclid, Warren and Elyria as providing for safety concerns “without imposing costly mandates on the city.”
Ruling on a separate but closely related issue, Johnson kept in place contract language that would prohibit the city from counting probationary firefighters toward any minimum manning counts.
Even if elimination of minimum manning is gone, manning counts could come up as a matter of city policy, the ruling said. Since she agreed that only experienced firefighters should satisfy administrative and regulatory standards for fire suppression, “some of the safety concerns of the union have been addressed,” Johnson said. “Additional safety concerns may be raised in subsequent collective bargaining.”
The conciliator said she was not bound by an earlier fact-finding report which has been rejected by the union, but noted that the fact-finder also had proposed eliminating minimum manning.
Crow expressed the union’s disappointment in a statement issued Sunday evening.
“The new contract as a whole is concessionary,” the union president said.
“The firefighters agreed to pay 50 percent of all future increases in health insurance, new promotions take place at a reduced salary and rank structure, concessions on holiday leave, longevity and sick leave will continue. The wage increase of 1 percent comes after five years of pay freezes,” he said.
Crow noted that the conciliation report pointed out that the the city initially projected that the PRIDE tax would generate $25.8 million in 2014 — while the union projects $27.7 million, based on actual collections so far. “The city administration has consistently misled the citizens and the employees alike on the financial state of the city,” the union president said.
Mayor Tim Theaker could not immediately be reached for comment.
Written by who?
Annabi-Jereis Corruption Court Case: Mangone Reveals the Lack of Integrity in the Westchester Integrity Committee By HEZI ARIS
Cash Exchanged; Feathers Ruffled; A New Political Reality
NEW YORK, NY and YONKERS, NY — Anthony Mangone, the one-time attorney, disbarred since the Spring of 2011, took to the witness stand in Judge Colleen McMahon’s courtroom today as part of the government’s alleged charges of corruption and bribery against defendants Sandy Annabi, former Yonkers City Councilwoman, and Zehy Jereis, former Yonkers Republican Chairman. Of the many issues covered in the early interrogation of Mr Mangone by Anthony Siano, Mr Jereis’ legal counsel, was the episode in which in the year 2006, then Senator Nick Spano was running as the incumbent for New York State Senate against Andrea Stewart-Cousins.
Senator Nick Spano needed to gain the support of minor party lines in order to enhance his chances for winning in a New York State Senate District that was regarded to have an overwhelming roster of registered voters who saw themselves more closely affiliated with the Democratic Party line. The only way to reign in the imbalance of voters registered to the one party, was for then Senator Nick Spano to seek support from the other minority party lines. He sought out the Conservative Party, the Independence Party, the Working Families Party, the Right to Life party, and any other party lines that may have existed.
As the election campaign efforts from every facet of the political spectrum would heat up, it was recognized that forces involved in the Westchester County Independence Party were undergoing internal strife. An internal heierarchy of protagonists were plotting a coup d’état in order to wrestle the party chair, Dr. Giulio Cavallo, from continuing to maintain political control.
The “mutineers,” who considered themselves reformers to the alleged “corruption” of Dr Cavallo, coalesced around the well-known, and well-respected educator Nader Sayegh, in a reorganization effort that had the likes of John Khader, owner of Top Class Limousine, Joseph Spezio III, a Yonkers developer, Michael Gianatasio, one-time candidate challenging Suzie Oppenheimer in a NYS Senate race, Steven Sacripanti, an ally who had been Administrative Judge Francis Nicolai’s principal court reporter, Dyalma Vasquez, a political supporter and confidante, Irma Drace, secretary to State Supreme Court Justice Joseph Alessandro, Jeff Buss, Esq., of the Yonkers law firm of Smith, Buss & Jacobs LLP, Sam Zherka, publisher of The Westchester Guardian, and Delfim Heusler, publisher of the online Yonkers Insider.
The integrity expressed in words would soon dissipate due to a lack of deeds and vitriole and infighting among the “reformers.” Before the exchange of any money took place, Mssrs Zherka and Heusler excised themselves from further involvement with the Westchester Integrity Committee.
The unexpressed tenets of the Westchester Integrity Committee was to cause the collapse of Dr. Cavallo’s hold on the Westchester Independence Party so that those who maintained their political challenge and focus could wrestle control of the reigns of power from Dr Cavallo and deliver the party to Senator Nick Spano. But that was hush hush.
Mr Mangone admitted in court that he asked Milio Management through son Franco Milio, and with full knowledge of founder and father to Franco, Antonio Milio, that cash was required to satisfy the alleged desire of Sandy Annabi and Zehy Jereis to develop the Longfellow Junior High School, Walgreens, School 6 properties as “designated developers” for their behalf.
Mr Antonio Milio, who delivered four rubber band bundled stacks of $100 bills amounting to $10,000 per bundle, to Mr Mangone, then an attorney, instead used some of the money he garnered, that from the Milio’s, from gambling wins, from client payments made in cash and never reported, but divided among the law firm’s partners, and client escrow accounts, intended to thwart the Westchester County Independence Party from being overthrown by Dr Sayegh winning a challenge against Dr Cavallo. Before an intended $10,000 cash payment could be given to “bribe” and dissuade the Westchester integrity Committee to discontinue their challenge, Dr Sayegh dropped out of the race. Dr Sayegh was played by Nader Sayegh who was engaged in getting petitions for placing the Westchester integrity Committee in contention to challenge Dr Cavallo’s Westchester Independence Party. The petitions garnered where chanllenged and found to be fraudulent and were disallowed.
Recognizing Dr. Sayegh was no longer a viable threat, Mr Mangone figured he could pay off Mr Khader $5,000, though it was said in those days to have been as much as $15,000. Nevertheless, Mr Mangone gave Mr Khader $5,000 in cash, and kept the balance for himself.
The $5,000 payment received by Mr Khader would unravel the supposedly close-knit political wannabees of the Westchester integrity Committee. Each individual, to some degree or another, were obsessed with accusing each other of theft of the money they expected to share equally. Mr Mangone got most of the cash and Mr Khader some of it, and Senator Nick Spano lost the political challenge to Andrea Stewart-Cousins, the present incumbent senator of the district.
Don’t forget the new players OK management and the IG and Moreland report from FBI….
wondering so than mangone is a rat and khadar protected nick????
look around we all know spano lost in 04 also that mysterious bag of 18 ballots, wonder who found them keith great detective work
Do the math moron.
Mansfield is a dying city with a population of about 45,000 mostly white, middle class citizens with a median income of about $35,000. It is in the middle of the rust belt and has nowhere to go but down. With a population of 45,000 they had a staffing clause of 21 firemen per day. That’s a ratio of about 1 fireman per 2,100 people.
Yonkers has a population of over 200,000 and a staffing clause of 57 firemen per day. Yonkers is touting itself as the “new Brooklyn” and has unlimited economic potential and growth prospects. If Yonkers used the same ratio of 2,100 citizens to 1 fireman we would have staffing of about 95 firemen per day. We have 57 firemen per day in Yonkers. Amazingly, even if Yonkers followed the reduced Mansfield ratio of 3,750 citizens per fireman, the result would be 53 firemen per day in Yonkers, just under the 57 firemen Yonkers presently staffs. So it appears that even under a reduced Mansfield type staffing ratio Yonkers is right around where we should be – according to Mansfield, OHIO standards.
And in case you’re interested, the Mansfield Police Department operates at similar ratios under what the Yonkers Police Department operates with.
Keep dreaming. Yonkers is no Mansfield, but Mike Spano might want to move there in January 2016 when he’s looking for another job.
Great intelligent comeback…FUCK YOU KEITH AND MIKE~!!!
You don’t have to be an actuary to know that arbitration is a bad idea. You do know that you don’t work for Beverly Hills, don’t you?
read this careful for all those who drank the Kool Aid
Mayor Mike Spano undoubtedly knew that Local 628 had historically led the way in contract negotiations with past mayors and almost every other union in CoY had historically lined up after the Firefighters and agreed to almost identical terms to those the Firefighters negotiated. Mayor Mike Spano’s plan did not work; indeed it backfired on him. I.A.F.F-Local 628 President Barry McGoey refused to submit under the onslaught made against him and the Yonkers Firefighters who he represented. Instead, McGoey fought back, winning countless battles in court, in arbitrations and probably more importantly in the court of public opinion.
What Olson, Barry was lying too, just like Ray M. The proof just got delivered. Now YPD members, why would anyone start a petition against Montero. He was proven right.
Call Barry and see if he will go on the radio with you Olson. Also invite him to your 30 person meetings. Those are the guys that lick the fat off your ass. Although, we must say the biggest rogue in the room next to you of course is the weed planter Billy Pataky. Lets vote him in again as our union trustee and he will guarantee you a civil suit.
Keith, could you tell us what you meant when you printed that article about Nick Spano and Kader? What was that about? Who were you throwing under the bus Nick Spano or Kader or Jeris?
I’ll tell you what that article means. Nothing. We have an arbitration date too. But why risk going to arbitration, especially under the new binding arbitration rules, when we have a good deal in front of us? If we go to arbitration we will lose something, probably our chart. If FD goes to arbitration, they will lose minimum manning.
sure keith keep bullshitting
Ray Montero was right all along the guy stands up for us all he did was look out for us, and keith only looked out for himself and sister,fuck Mueller if this is what Mueller likes than I will get him some cheese for
I say we get together and recall the Rat,now I see what they are talking about,its been 6 months and cls is not even talking about the contract…why keith …why????
we are all starting to see we got sold for a cheap price???? just so keith can retain his seat???and his sister get a job
Yo boyz, Gardo is my boo. His shit in my barrel. he’d make me Commish….
Billy the boys in the hood want to know if you slip a bag of weed into KO’s Pants when you are sitting on his lap?
You can plant corn and you will get corn, if you plant tomatoes, you will get tomatoes. So are a rat, you will always be a rat.
Hey rat face, you posted an article about Nick Spano and Jeris. I am sorry, why did you do that? What did you mean? Why did you stop talking about it?
Cant wait till kader goes public……
Oh fat boy, didn’t you say fuck Barry that he is lying too.
They couldn’t buy you off. Now they will have to pay you up front, and they won’t get any changes to your207a. Hit those blood clots hard. Call Olson and let him go to school to learn how to be a union leader.
The Firefighters are going to win this. One thing is for certain, they will NOT be forced to swallow everything like the rat Olson. Members of the CLSA will be in good hands once Tommy rethinks this talk of a vote. The CLSA have given back already and there is no more to give. Give them their money up front and let them keep the 207c as it stands. CLSA members should not be listening to some guy lecturing them on arbitration when 1) he is not a labor lawyer, 2) he never went to arbitration. Stand together, not like Olson, who stood with himself and his sister.
Barry, we were wondering if you go around with your code enforcement book and look to hammer businesses when you are not fighting for a fair contract?
Barry is a true union leader. Olson and the city thought Barry would fold when Keith sold a ten year shit contract in a ten minute presentation. Then he had Quinn rope everyone in, saying the changes to 207c were actually better for us and would speed up the process. Then after the vote they introduced the 15 page medical packet and agreed to talk about evaluations. Mean while the city were already pushing the injured police officers to arbitration.
barry is the man READ FELLAS !!!!
Sources close to McGoey state he is extremely pleased with the arbitrator selected as the “neutral” panel member for Interest Arbitration and that McGoey believes the arbitrator will recognize the dangerous work that Yonkers Firefighters perform and will not make the monumental changes to GML 207a that Mayor Mike Spano has attempted to impose as a condition of settling the contract.
Keith you finally made it
Hey fat rat, you been telling on bosses since you came. You have not answered the questions yet in the article you big pussy. No one has threaten anyone. Since you won’t and cannot answers. Here is one or two. Did you not go to the Mayor on DD C
Hey fatty mouth, your the guy that has not answered one question. Your the rogue cop. You claim that a member was punched but have no proof. You have attacked everyone from the PC and his family to cops friends but say there is no proof. You talked shit about Barry, but say there is no proof. You told on many past and present bosses but say there is no proof. You say your sister didn’t get her job because of your shit contract, but say there is no proof. Your brother in law gets caught in Greenburg with another cops wife but say there is no proof. You blog about IAD but say there is no proof. You selectedly targeted a business but say there is no proof. It goes on and on. Is your name rat Olson…..
Can someone, anyone explain how ray got set up?
corporation council knows ask them we cant disclose cases on line but official misconduct at least for starters
Great answer, means you don’t have one.
Ok we shall see soon…………..
“Ray the real rat”, “YPD cop” and several other alias’ being used by the same fool. I love the post where you threaten to bang someone with more tickets and then repost that’s not what you meant. That is exactly what rats do. They flip and they flop when they eat poision. Man up and just say you are on a crusade to crush one business man on Ashburton because who is friends are and not because he may have had a for sale sign displayed in a vehicle. It’s funny how one can dig his your own grave without a shovel. Keep up the harassment, you are doing a great job. And please stop acting like you are educated because your computer spell checks everything. You’re a cop/boss and that doesn’t qualify you as a grammar expert. All it qualifies you is as a person who exercised poor judgement with the targeting of a political rival. Congratulations.
Thanks for your support he is friends with 98% of the job
Wow lots of new developments now Keith Olson is going after Nick Spanos friend too????
just read that story again looks like Kader was helping Nick in his campaign,by getting one of his opponents out????? looks like keith has gone of his
CLS=Smart cops!
2nd opinion needed
call these professionals they will tell you just how bad the 207c is!~!
Chris Harold
81 Main St, Suite 200
White Plains New York, 10601 914-683-2500
Warren J. Roth, Esq., of counsel
Bartlett, McDonough & Monahagan, LLP
81 Main Street, Suite 400
White Plains, NY 10601
Phone: (914) 448-0200
Fax: (914) 448-0215
Time for the fat man to step down or be charged
Charged with what?
official misconduct to start with
“Oh the humanity”, really? If Keith really wanted to write tickets he can waddle on in to Schroeder St. Plenty of illegally parked cars and hardened criminals there. Of course he won’t, he just wants to abuse his authority as usual. We are waiting for your intervention Mr. Commissioner. This can all stop if you step up and discipline this derelict.
he only bullys who he feels like,but all he did is open up a pandoras box…………
Keith it is true im reading the blogs are you for real ???everyone in politics knows Khader jereis mangone are good friends with Nicky why in the world would you bring that up???you really should read what you post smart guy
hopefully mike and nick will see he is a liability
Olson can’t get help. That is why he and John Mueller have been riding around Ashburton Avenue for the past to weeks. How pathetic you guys look, riding around looking to intentionally target civilians with parking summons. Are you not committing misconduct? I would also venture to say you cops may be in violation of civil rights laws, which are federal violations. The city and the department must take actions against these rogue cops. How embarrassing to the community that the Captain John Mueller selected a guy like Pataky to represent the Yonkers Police Department at the Intel meeting in White Plains. The D.A. should be very selective as to who attends those meetings. Certainly not a guy who has some serious allegations and has issues with other police officers. May want to rethink it.
The most embarrassing part of this whole mess is that the YPD allows it to continue. Active and retired members would all agree that no one has ever seen anything like this ever in their careers. Stop this now!
Yes, stop this writing of tickets to illegally parked cars now! Lol
asswipe you cant write tickets when you feel like it and leave other cars alone immediately in front of you, and we all know what this stems from but go ahead and fuck with him he is ready to unleash holy hell on you!
Be careful for what wish for …………..
We never had a RAT sold us out !
“YPD cop”, lol. Tighten up your lies. First you post and say and I quote, “stop this now.” Then in another post you threaten to write and target a local businessman with more tickets by stating be careful what you wish for. You RATS are a bunch of grimy mother fuckers. You should join that gang in the bolms called GMF. Oh wait, even those gangsters got more honor that you cheese nibblers. Grow up or don’t, either way nobody, and I mean nobody believes the likes of mueller, Moran, chiarella and Olson. You should know how much you guys are hated. You would be surprised. Guys just don’t want to wind up getting set up if they disagree with you dicks.
i told my guys stay away he takes good care of us
Write in English, using proper grammar so educated people will be able to understand what you write.
i wouldn’t worry too much on typos, start planning your statement…lol
p.s. did you understand that???
Man you dopes just don’t get it. I wasn’t threatening to write anyone it’s about ray and his bogus lawsuit that he will never file because if he did he and and crew would be deposed and have to answer real questions. So go ahead and file.
hey dope proof read what you write…and and…lol
The RAT story
this is what keith the RAT did
1.sold out Taggart and bought in Hartnette with the help of John Flemming
2.Once hartnette got in keith gave them ways to save the city money, got rid of all specialized units, reduced ot in many ways.
3.went to the mayors office after illegally searching a and RATTED him out on overtime(captain was cleared)
4.set up his own VP after he called for a vote of no confidence on hartnette( I think we all agree hartnette sucked)
5.we all know that keith stole the election 2 years ago,and now recently sold out the entire department on this terrible contract so he can retain leadership(still today no other union acccepted this shitty contract)
here is what RAY did
1.challenged keiths guy farina for vp and beat him 3-1
2.called for a vote of no confidence on hartnette
3.questioned keith when ever he saw something that wasn’t good for the members
4.Got transferred after only trying to protect the members set up by his own pres.,got written up for not being a rubber stamp for keith
Ladies and gentlemen that is the truth KEITH IS A RAT SELLOUT!!!!
Can someone explain how ray got set up?
keith this will be an exciting week Erik Shilling will be doing an interview wait till you see what we tell him…………
Nobody cares dick.
The Media cares a lot don’t try to play it off great stories are being put together as we blog jerk off…………….
I just googled keith olson wowwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Keith you really are attacking civilians and families of guys on the job????
Wow boys the fat rat is writing relatives and friends of police officers. We have to get that out to the entire county. We will start tomorrow. Any of you cops that listen to that dysfunctional Mueller or Chiarella will be held accountable by the department. Do not get yourself involved. They are rats and will leave you out there own your own. Go ask the two Sergeants that were discipline after Mueller did not man up after the beer fest. Let them get their ticket books out. As for your precinct trustees, tell them liars to go blast Mueller in the ass if they love him so much. The command structure is in need of restructuring. Olson is breeding rogue cops. The union is failing to led in a professional manner, be careful and document everything. Stand down and stay out of it.
that was a great party I heard one of the members has a few pix of the festivities…lol
See guys keith just keeps making our case better, Keith did you feel good you was at the spanos home yesterday???they laugh behind your back even gman says your a dick but has to deal with you cause you helped fuck over the members with this garbage contract that even the cls is not entertaining .keep blogging you sink lower and lower each time…………
Keith did you ask the Mayor to stop the write ups? The next time you have your free lunch gathering did you tell the members about you and JD? Your an out right f–kin liar and the sooner the members know it the better off they will be. Next time you come out with your ticket book you better remember we have them too. Is it okay for you to write selective summons, and we can’t. I think not. We will stand vigil.
Also you big fat pussy, next time you send any of your fat union trustees after any of our friends, or relatives we will collared them. Actually we may even find weed on your other fat pussy friend Billy Pataky. This time he won’t have a chance to plant it on some 14 year old kid. Pussies, now go get your mothers, they forgot to teach you manners.
Keith do you know Jereis and khader are cousins asshole all they did was protect the spano family???? Z is doing time because of that now your bringing in mangone and khader your such a dick !
keith really everyone knows mangone is Nick spanos guy you really are smart,every one knows Khader only protected nick way to go keith keep the comments coming too bad John cant go public and defend himself his lawyer advised him against it while he has a IAD complaint against you, but he will be coming out public very soon…………
look keith
look keith
look keith
you are a disgrace!!!
your brother inlaw is real asshole fight with the cops now he targets civilians and the wrong one too boot what a real dick cant wait till it goes public!
Can you dicks spell ANYTHING right?
i can spell corrupt rat
Nice punctuation dummy.
Lol, that guy can’t spell. Any cops wives lonely this Mother’s Day? I’ll be at my favorite spot in Greenburgh. More than one would be great, I’m exceptionally horney tonight. That little blue pill I found in my wife’s purse is making me feel real aggressive. Can’t figure out what it is.
you keep worrying about typos when you should be worrying about your statement …lo
keith tell me you didn’t write civillian tickets???? you are so fucking stupid don’t you know the man knows people,The guy threw spano many fundraisers he is a popular man why did you mess with him??? he only gives credibility to what they have been saying about you…
The “mutineers,” who considered themselves reformers to the alleged “corruption” of Dr Cavallo, coalesced around the well-known, and well-respected educator Nader Sayegh, in a reorganization effort that had the likes of John Khader, owner of Top Class Limousine…
Recognizing Dr. Sayegh was no longer a viable threat, Mr Mangone figured he could pay off Mr Khader $5,000, though it was said in those days to have been as much as $15,000. Nevertheless, Mr Mangone gave Mr Khader $5,000 in cash, and kept the balance for himself.
The $5,000 payment received by Mr Khader would unravel the supposedly close-knit political wannabees of the Westchester integrity Committee. Each individual, to some degree or another, were obsessed with accusing each other of theft of the money they expected to share equally. Mr Mangone got most of the cash and Mr Khader some of it…..
Now you are talking about spanos and khader nicky knows that was a donation when khaders lawyer told the feds that’s all that was , now mangone trying to save his ass said it was a bribe,but it was otherwise you can ask Nick spano about that one keith he knows all about it good story keith keep fucking your self. keith why do you keep killing your self,im calling khader now.
A civilian got a ticket? That’s crazy. Lol
so what???? since when does a pba pres target a civilian??? and leaves other cars alone i cant say too much when the press gets the video mike spano will feel the heat……………………
by a pba president that has a past with him??? yes this is gonna get crazy
keith look at past legacies of Portanova,Carozza,Cola,Doyle…..etc even Barry he will be the new living legend.You on the other hand will be the scum of school st……………….
I am not KO and you jerks know it. All of the blue truthers know KO isn’t writing on here. We are just cops that can’t stand to see what you have been allowed to do by the department and the damage you have caused. Once again if any of the crap you espouse was true some agency would have taken it. You are despicable little people.
Screw you that your not Ko. Do you realize that he is a scumbag rat that broke the golden rule, set up other cops. So don’t start crying now my dear fat friend. We are in this for the long haul and this will play out legally. You pretend to be someone your not as you continue to back stab our families and friends. Our message to any union leader is don’t screw your membership. Now answer the articles. Oh, I know, you can’t. Get lost fat boy
fact is every week the rat gets caught in a scandal and big brother is watching keith is just making it a lot better so go wipe Mueller’s ass jack off, promise you this will get better and as far as authorities go they know affidavits have been signed, pain will only get worse we want to see how much ASSHOLE ADMINISTRATION will protect him USA OFFICE is on the job!
ko is the first one blogging take your head out of his rat ass
2nd opinion needed
call these professionals they will tell you just how bad the 207c is!~!
Chris Harold
81 Main St, Suite 200
White Plains New York, 10601 914-683-2500
Warren J. Roth, Esq., of counsel
Bartlett, McDonough & Monahagan, LLP
81 Main Street, Suite 400
White Plains, NY 10601
Phone: (914) 448-0200
Fax: (914) 448-0215
Janet standing by
May 8, 2014 at 10:03 pm
Everyone knows just how much Difiore hates the RAT.
investigations division 914-995-3420
public integrity bureau 914-995-3562
Proving it once again
Happy Mothers Day to all…..!!!!! Have a healthy, memorable day & as always —–stay thirsty my friends
I hope you have new razors because you will be shaving that nasty beard real soon. Lol stay thirsty my friend
Happy Mother’s Day to all of the moms especially PTF!
Don’t go crying to your Mama’s.
Keith the rat, its all lies, I tell you……right Andy
Billy the planter
Moran the rat
Mueller the pussy cat rat with acorns
Anthony the cheetah……..go write those tickets men
The rat Mother’s Day squad. Sons that only a mother could love. You rats are mother’s day cowards.
Your mothers must be very proud of all the anonymous name calling, creepy sex talk and racial and homophobic comments you Blue Truthers are responsible for. Nice job gentlemen.
and congrats to keith for selling us out that even the CLS is not taking the contract!! keith the rat started this Blue truth exposed him!!!
whats the name of the lawyer that said the contract was good for us…………………….
That was directed at the tool box posting his cowardly opinion on Mothers Day
Yup, momma must be real proud.
Happy Mother’s Day
MAY 11, 2014 AT 10:42 AM
Your mothers must be very proud of all the anonymous name calling, creepy sex talk and racial and homophobic comments you Blue Truthers are responsible for. Nice job gentlemen.
Come on Prez why did you send John Donaghy to go remove potential evidence since you accused RM of punching another member Unprovoked. Did you have a IAD case number? Did you tell your Commanding Officer? Did you or Pataky ever notify anyone in the department of the assault?
We know you defended Pataky, but who defended you ?Just one.
What’s not true in the article Mr. Prez? No one is going to lie for you. They are done with you antics.
Please fellow members its all a lie. Every one is lying except the fAT RAT.
Congratulations Michael Sam on getting drafted by the Saint Louis Rams!
Wow — if you watch that video of Michael Sam getting the call from the Rams without getting chills, you’re a tougher man than I am.
The Moquette river rat is out. The sun must be down. Please ko can you answer any of the allegations. Ask Andy if you can. They seemed to be with you lately. Raaaaaaaat
Hey ray why don’t you set the tone about answering questions and tell everyone why you quit when things get tough?
Come on Ko this is about you breaking the golden rule and going after the members of the CLSA and PBA. Now you raised the stakes and are targeting their friends and families. Your the public official that has clearly tampered with official personnel files and police records. Your the guy that has done unauthorized investigations against your own members. Please answer the questions Yonkers PBA Fat Gray Rat
If You have any questions about any member of the YPD you have two options. One you can ask the PC, or two you can go get your acorns out of your friend Mueller’s ass and go find the courage to track the member down if you like. Up to you my fat friend. We are always ready to give anyone of your small group of thugs a helping hand.
So please stop talking about one guy, guys, or bosses, or their friends and family.
I am not KO and you jerks know it. All of the blue truthers know KO isn’t writing on here. We are just cops that can’t stand to see what you have been allowed to do by the department and the damage you have caused. Once again if any of the crap you espouse was true some agency would have taken it. You are despicable little people.
ray is a Crazy CREEPY Old Quitter Coot lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol!
was out tonight with a few guys had some drinks supposedly keith wrote some paper on a local businessman that’s close with Montero and other members shits going to get nasty he told IAD if they don’t take care of him he will go outside and call people in higher places. One thing for sure he doesn’t care about any one and knows people in high places keith you look like you fucked up going after him heard he has some incredible video ..
p.s. I don’t know the guy personally but only heard good things about him he takes care of all the members why would keith go after a guy that does right thing by us??
Maybe because he’s an asshole? Lol
Maybe keith is just jealous of him since he really has no reason to be after him nor did the guy ever do anything to you, Keith you should only be half the guy he is well respected in the city of Yonkers and I bet he has more steam than you with politicians and Judges. I heard he confronted you a few times in the past when you harassed him back many years ago face to face and by phone and you clammed up and said, “I have nothing to say to you” Sounds like your the asshole just like blue truth says you are a BULLY!!!!
Ask him how he got started
Keith you really must be afraid of him you keep bringing up his past????did you do an illegal investigation on him too???? do you know something you shouldn’t???? Didn’t a retired Det.LT in Narco go in your office and say, “The guy is legit and not involved in any criminal activity” and you still popped shit about him after he left your office. On another occasion didn’t another boss in street crime go in your office and say, “if he was a bad guy we know about it before you” the fact is he has more juice than you will ever have. I know all this because he told me everything about how you targeted him, And we all know he made a complaint on you with IAD.He gave them 2 weeks to act other wise his lawyers are taking it outside Yonkers to other agency’s good job keith ,maybe he will be the one to publicly expose you on all you have done, and remember the REDANT days he was close with all those bosses I’m sure he has some interesting stories on you, just keep digging a bigger a hole…..
I want to dedicate my favorite song to all of the mothers especially the ones who are married to Yonkers cops.
“I Was Made For Lovin’ You”
Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do
Do, do, do, do, do, do, do
Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do
Do, do, do, do, do, do, do
Tonight I wanna give it all to you
In the darkness
There’s so much I wanna do
And tonight I wanna lay it at your feet
‘Cause girl, I was made for you
And girl, you were made for me
I was made for lovin’ you baby
You were made for lovin’ me
And I can’t get enough of you baby
Can you get enough of me
Tonight I wanna see it in your eyes
Feel the magic
There’s something that drives me wild
And tonight we’re gonna make it all come true
‘Cause girl, you were made for me
And girl I was made for you
I was made for lovin’ you baby
You were made for lovin’ me
And I can’t get enough of you baby
Can you get enough of me
I was made for lovin’ you baby
You were made for lovin’ me
And I can give it all to you baby
Can you give it all to me
Oh, can’t get enough, oh, oh
I can’t get enough, oh, oh
I can’t get enough
Yeah, ha
Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do
Do, do, do, do, do, do, do
Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do
Do, do, do, do, do, do, do
I was made for lovin’ you baby
You were made for lovin’ me
And I can’t get enough of you baby
Can you get enough of me
Oh, I was made, you were made
I can’t get enough
No, I can’t get enough
I was made for lovin’ you baby
You were made for lovin’ me
And I can’t get enough of you baby
Can you get enough of me
I was made for lovin’ you baby
You were made for lovin’ me
And I can give it all to you baby
Hi I am the fat rats brother in law. This week I have been telling new cops to take a ride through Ashburton to look and issue summons to you know who. However, tomorrow is a special day and I have to make my rounds. Don’t tell the fat scumbag. Kiss forever
Bad move the guys connected I heard and gots lots of friends all over …
keith just tell us who is the lawyer or so called expert that said this bull shit raggety ass contract was good for us?????
you sure he didnt mean it was good for the city?????
Please Ko did you do another unauthorized investigation at Dunwoodiegate? Why did you tamper with potential evidence? Why did you use JD? You know he showed his shield off duty right fat rat. Loser
What’s not true Keith?
You told on a DD Captain?
You and Moran did not enter the DD and do an unauthorized investigation against the Captain?
You didn’t send Moran to write up Montero?
You did go out and waddle your fat rat ass up Ashburton?
You didn’t spray paint or vandalize City property?
You did not set up Dunwoodie gate?
JD that fool listen to you and did another unauthorized investigation?
You did not view the Dunwoodie tape?
You did not harass a female city employee?
You didn’t write the op ed to defend a rogue cop like Pataky but you want to throw another member out and then talk about 1989?
Where are your copies of the personnel files?
You didn’t misled the membership to save your own ass before elections?
The rat tail list goes on and on. Olson your connections are done in this city. We will inform everyone on just who you are and that is a Moquette gray river rat.
You are getting sicker every day, as has been said dozens of times here, get help. The job certainly doesn’t care but you are going lose it when you are exposed as the fraud you are. As will the rest of your demented crew.
Yeah, I heard he’s a horny little dwarf, lmao.
Two shit bird trustees, one is a beater of women and the other of teenagers and he also is a good planter too.
Hmmm for you members that are reading this, these are union trustees that have motion to throw a member out of the association. The leadership is weak and corrupt, just like the fourth precinct trustees.
The ring master is this short shit dwarf that likes kiss and cops wives.
Will that hair bag midget be making house calls to any cops wives to personally wish them a happy Mother’s Day tomorrow? I would put in for the day off if you don’t want to find him at your house. Heard he has been practicing singing his favorite kiss classics. Lol, now that’s creepy!
Maybe he’s banging your wife. Or is he the wrong persuasion?
He is definitely the wrong persuasion. He’s a midget for crying out loud. When you say wrong persuasion are you referring to the boat masters skin color. You fucking racist pig.
Nice tats Jim.
Olson sold his soul and his membership out, and he tried to screw the other unions but Barry is no rat. Do you think by calling cops and there families names will stop this. NO, way you fat rat scumbag. You should try throwing out more members. You have not answered the article KO. Tell us did you not tell the Mayor on the Captain you are calling names. Did you not set up your own members?Your a sinking every day. We are the people that have all the letters, emails, and write ups. Do you really think the bosses are going to lie for you? Your laughable fat rat, talk about something from this year, or last year, not something that you think you know about from 1989. Like we have repeatedly stated, if you have files, or something that you want to get off of that fat disgusting body of yours then bring it to the PC’s office on Monday.
The only thing you have is your yellow teeth and your bags of lies.
This city needs to wake up to the fact that Mueller and your brother in law the ” cheetah” are detrimental to the businesses’ and people in their district. Mr. Jones needs to get a whiff of your stench. By you going after relatives and friends of Police Officer is a low, even for you. Hence, we say bring on. Legally we will expose you and your dirty 2-3 cops, like the weed planter Pataky. YOU and your union thugs are pure grade A cowards. I know guys like the ones you talk smack about, and they are not rats, or cowards. So Fat man, go get your set up game, or your drug planting teenager smacking Pataky and do what you do, and that is back stab and tell on bosses. Our message for today fat boy rat, is get a life, because we are not going anywhere, and we will crusade against you, or any other corrupt low life union thug that steps in the way. Please stick with the articles. Calling and telling on good descent people, or targeting their friends or families have made us more determine to expose your dirty dealing each and every day. Now go change Mueller’s and Pataky’s diapers before they get a rash. Don’t forget to ask John if you can look in his ass for your acorns, you fat pussy. Its hard being born in the gutter, huh?
Still more weird sexual innuendos. What a bunch of creeps.
These guys are right, not only are you a Crazy Old Coot, but a quitter and creepy bizarre individual, you Crazy Creepy Old Quitter Coot lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol!
Why is Itzla calling people all day long while he’s working and telling them not to vote for the contract?
Because he’s smart enough to know a sellout contract when he sees one.
But not smart enough to fill out an OT slip properly. Not smart enough to not involve himself in this Blue Truth stupidity. Not smart enough to stand up at a CLSA meeting and have real dialogue about the contract. Not smart enough to speak at CompStat. Not smart enough to not align himself with a group of 14B misfits.
Real genius
A great job by major case Detective Frankie Fernandez,single handedly solving the Greyston Bakery homicide. Frank you were a great street cop and a better Detective. A great asset to YPD and all citizens of Yonkers. You did us all proud. I am writing a gratitude letter to the PC .
Cause the contract sucks like Mueller on keiths tits
keith this is about you and you only what is the name of the expert that said this contract was good for us????
How did your sister get a 80k job with the mayors office????
didn’t GPD have to respond to a incident in greenburgh about your brother in-law aka( THE CHEEETA)involving a cops wife????
you have not addressed any one of the incidents BLUE TRUTH is about prove us wrong more to come, now you are targeting members families and friends…………………
This is about you being an obsessed asshole who lacks the courage and conviction to voice his opinion publicly. Give it a rest or keep embarrassing yourself and your family. Everyone knows what you’re doing and it hasn’t helped you or anyone around you.
answer for him asshole
Why did you quit ray?
Keith you need to answer the departmental questions first. Your spinning of the Tribune’s article as well as your corrupt misconduct won’t help. Why don’t you tell the PC about yourself, about what you have been doing to member’s of the CLSA and PBA. Why did you conduct several unauthorized investigations? Where is W.S. money? Why did you not give Jimmy all his money? Why did it take over 5 months for him to get only a portion? You see Keith you are the real rat, and the real twister of facts. You have repeatedly said that every one is lying. We have the pile of evidence against your fat balless ass. Remember we will legally push cowardly bullies like you and that other fat weed planter Billy Pataky out of your rat nests. Again, don’t bring nonsense or in your case Pataky, weed to a gun fight. Explain your actions to the PC scumbags. My advice to you two rats is stop targeting cops and civilians.
Blabbidy blabbidy blah. You’re like a retarded parrot, saying the same stupid shit over and over and over. You’re a joke, plain and simple.
Wow, it truly is amazing to see you squirm and see what a moquette gray river rat your are. Name calling against descent cops, their families and targeting civilians can’t wash the dirty cheese off your tongue. You and that very small group of cowards should really take a shower before you blog nonsense. Please answer just one question about the article. What part is not true? What part of this week, or last week is not true?
We really are getting tired of giving you and your rogue cops advice. Stop harassing cops families and friends. Tell that little wife stealing brother in law that spreading rumors about other cops, or their friends won’t help him either. Remember the pendulum swings both ways. Oh , by the way, change the diaper on your weed planting union trustee, he may get another rash.
Why’d you quit?
Why did you quit ray? Your followers would like to know.
rumor was he heard he was going to be working with you…lol
The same reason he quit the Navy.
you wish!
Why don’t you just tell everybody why you always quit when things might be getting a little tough for you? If not for the the internet i guarantee he would have quit this after he got the crap kicked out of him in that election. Ray the quitter or ray the real rat, pick a name, history shows they both fit.
everyone knows you stole the election!!!
Lol to the fraidy cat poster. I thought you rats didn’t want Ray at your union gatherings if that’s who you were making reference. I say gatherings cause a meeting accomplishes something, your gatherings just attract your fellow rats and decent cops looking to get a free meal for their 1,196 they waste every year as you sell us down the river. I thought you threw him out of the union anyway. Oh wait, that wasn’t your idea. Well how did that work out anyway? Not even your close friends would sign your pathetic petition. Get a life already and grow up. Tell your brother in law to stop posting. “Paranoia may destroy ya”, who else but the wife thief would write that. Lmao, go take a long walk off a short pier.
Anyone seen the rat around ???? he was last seen yesterday around 0400 hours he didn’t look to good wonder what happened……………….
Why’d you quit?
he found out he was going to be your partner…lol
That’s what punks do, they quit
Hopefully IAD takes care of your ass other wise others agencys will!
Keith really why cant you throw out the name of the Albany expert that said this contract was good???? your ass must be sore with all the pain you been taking the last year………….
montero you keep talking about going to the media again about YPD members and now the DAs office, what does that make you by your own definition?
only you keith if IAD does not discipline you we never go after the members only YOU
You forgot the anonymous letters against the 4th Pct that got 2 people written up.
And helping write the article in LOHUD against other cops.
And now?
If you weren’t such a pussy you could go to a PBA meeting, ANY PBA meeting, and ask him. It’s gotta suck being such a coward.
Go ahead, blog away tough guy, lol.
why so you can set us up …………..
Paranoid dick, LMFAO!
only Mueller gets paranoid………….
Hey genius at least Pataky hasn’t had to quit for beating up kids
ohhh yeahhh ok we will see expect a call soon
Why’d you quit ray? Was it Napoli Pizza? How old was that kid?
Everyone knows just how much Janet hates the RAT.
investigations division 914-995-3420
public integrity bureau 914-995-3562
Hey genius at least Pataky hasn’t had to quit for beating up kids
might be an option for him soon……
Hey Bill the flaker. If you want so playing time, get some real facts. Look what sucking KO’s ass has got you . Sloppy rogue fat boy. Do your homework pal. Don’t bring weed Billy, to a gun fight.
Why’d you quit ray? Was it Napoli Pizza? How old was that kid?
I was really that the city would of gave us a little more something like retro up front maybe bigger percentages, I cant blame Tommy we all know the mayor is putting the squeeze on him and other board members. I say worst comes to worse I rather gamble with the arbitrator seems like Barry always wins when an arbitrator gets involved lets stick together and really think this thru not like what keith did to his members Roth and Harold told me they think its no good only benefits the city, lets take a stand and support Tommy!
Usually there is no one in the PBA office other than the usual suspects. Although today there seem to be some scurrying? Hmm.
You should put some more furniture in there , because its always empty. One has to wonder why. Lol
what happened?
Heard IAD paid him a visit!!!
You owe it to your self….
CLSA members call now!
Donald P Henry,
99 Church Street
White Plains, NY 10601
Phone: (914) 946-7403
Chris Harold
81 Main St, Suite 205
White Plains New York, 10601
Warren J. Roth, Esq., of counsel
Bartlett, McDonough & Monahagan, LLP
81 Main Street, Suite 400
White Plains, NY 10601
Phone: (914) 448-0200
Fax: (914) 448-0215
Heard something about a civilian filing a complaint against keith olson with IAD supposedly he told them if they did not take action he was going over to white plains and talk with a few contacts he has stay tuned folks this is going to get ugly!
The fat lump can’t even muster up any members, they truly know that he is a lameduck prez.
He has not address any of the Tribune’s articles. The above article was the talk of the department, but yet he says it is a lie. So we have to assume that Olson is at the point of no return, and has to continually lie is way through. Can he, and others remember them all? One has to wonder how he delivers his snack bag of lies to the Mayor’s office. We also assume they cannot possibly believe them. We assume he is tolerated because he holds the members check book, and boy, oh boy, does that need to be looked at. While the Firefighters and other unions have over the years built up a political war chess, we are stuck in a time warp having around the same funds from the early 90’s, when one of the finest PBA Presidents Yonkers has ever had was in office. Now we spend most of our funds on keeping around a guy who should have walked the rat a little more. As for facts, hard core facts, Mr. Olson, go down to IAD and release your file so the city and the department can make their own conclusion. Facts, that have been piling up in your nest for the past several years. undisputed no doubt
Thanks so much Keith. I blamed the whole unauthorized investigation at Dunwoodie on you. Just like you told me.
Hey John, no one’s supposed to know that end of it.
Hey ray why don’t you tell everyone why you quit? If you do I won’t have to, and like all the other posts this isn’t Mr. Olson.
This guy Olson has been running rogue since he came on. He started out as boss hater and will forever been know as a ” red ant” and a rat. He been telling on dam good men and woman for years. Some how he was intentionally overlooked and ignored as he set up good cops. That was a mistake for such a fine department. As a result of this rat , he infested other blinded rats like Pataky, using their union positions as screens to shield them from repercussions. So these acts of misconduct had to be handled by the YPD members.
Now it is up to us to see this through and weed out the self serving Olson and others. The job is a dirty one , but we always get the job done. We never walk away from hard jobs. Olson poked the wrong nest. The union will heal when you working cops step forward and get rid of Olson . Then his scared board, will try to fill in, but it will be too late for them too. To all City workers let this be a learning experience and make sure this never happens to your union. Now back to the hard work of exposure and extermination.
Nobody believes you Ray. You’re nuts.
Once again you see Keith Olson calling everyone a liar. Remember
Barry, Tom , the administration, CLSA, IAD, the Dunwoodie people, city workers, civilians, their all lying and Olson is the only guy in the state that is telling the truth. Get help you pathological liar. You losing ground everyday …….no credibility. ….tisk tisk
First of all, not KO. Second of all, only calling you a liar. Learn to read moron.
What is going on with this guy? When will the city take a stand, and call the proper authorities if they can not handle it or won’t. This guy is accused of missing fund raiser money, unpaid stipend taxes, several unauthorized investigations where the Yonkers Police Department was left in the dark, threats to members of the CLSA, and PBA, tampering with official police personnel files, false personation of police officials, illegally obtaining potential evidence because Olson himself accused another member of assaulting Billy Pataky another dirty cop, who currently is informing personnel in the fourth precinct to go out and target friends and families of m.o.s. It won’t work Billy, we are not concern about you or Olson, or Mueller. Olson and Mueller can drive around all they want, but it will not deter us from reporting your Official Misconduct. It will not deter us from associating with other police personnel, nor friends too. Your plan to intimate anyone is one we are legally monitoring. We have everything, you have to remember all your lies.
The City needs to demand that Olson steps down, and the PC needs to bury that mindless fool, I am the Commissioner John Mueller. Justice needs to be served on a platter to the fat man, because he is hungry. Please put some extra cheese on it.
Just got into Yonkers, and we are concerned about this Billy Pataky guy, A.K.A. the flaker.
pataky intel???? it just doesn’t go guy has more complaints on him than anyone else on the job,funny thing is his rogue union leader says he is very active ???? so is a lot of othe cops that don’t have half his complaints,this guy is bad for us.
I will personally be calling the D.A. Jim Bostic,Gail Baxter,Rev.Daryl George,Sen.Stewart Cousins and others advising the commissioner this guy is not the one …………..
p.s.not too mention Erik Shilling he will have a field day with this one…………
You rogue cops can’t beat the truth and the long paper trail of facts.
we just don’t know what that quack Mueller sees in the fat cat. It must have been real good, because if you really take notice, you will see Mueller walking like a duck after he is with the fat rat. lol lol lol lol lol
Especially after a nice slimy swish in your mouth sushi lunch together.
hey Keith I guess you like being slammed on line this month will make your one year anniversary on Blue Truth so in the good spirit we decided we will not hammer you anymore on the condition you release the name of the so called Albany expert that said the contract was good for the members, that’s a no brainer just say the lawyers name and we give you our word no more pain……………
Yeah fats where is the written opinion about the worst Police Contract in the State. Please Mr. Mayor I need anything before elections. I take that 207c…yeah you heard right I take it…
Watch the other unions will follow.
I know before the vote we have over 75 members that personally told me or my fellow members VOTE NO contract will not pass unless lots of changes are made ..
Nobody cares. You’re only digging yourselves deeper. You are nothing but a joke.
the only thing getting deeper here is the hole your digging in muellers ass….lol
You are so obsessed with Mueller’s ass it is disgusting.
Just another day in this City and the descent men and woman of the YPD have to stay vigil against Fat Rat Olson and his henchmen. Its unfortunate but we will stay vigil. Olson and his acorn loser John Mueller and others have decided to continue their dirty dancing on family and friends of this department. What he and those morons don’t understand is that the pendulum swings both ways.
So we will continue to look out for our friends and families and report all intentional acts of misconduct as well as premeditated targeting of the aforementioned.
We anticipate additional harassment from the following rats and corrupt cops who have lied or misled IAD.
Keith Olson
John Mueller
Brian Moran
Billy Patak who continues to follow the illegal orders of broken union leader. Our message to the general membership is stand down and stay out of it. Olson has lost all credibility and is rogue going against friends and families. We will use all legal means to stop them.
beyond rogue……………..
My name is Jose jesterday a big fat dude ask me for estra chez on his hamgerusa I say no problemo main than he come again and say give more more estra chez I say take it eazy we have more peoples coming he say no today the peoples are mad with me,i say wha happeneing mon he say they no happy witd me because I give them bad contract I say I no blame those people he say I don’t care the major give my sista a yob in shitty haul and I still el presidente so I say wad the problem is he say they calling me a fat rat I say you mean raton el gordo he say yes so I say ohhhhh now I undastand why you like estra chez bro… lol
Grill mon, lolololololololololol
CLSA members call now!
Donald P Henry,
99 Church Street
White Plains, NY 10601
Phone: (914) 946-7403
Chris Harold
81 Main St, Suite 205
White Plains New York, 10601
Warren J. Roth, Esq., of counsel
Bartlett, McDonough & Monahagan, LLP
81 Main Street, Suite 400
White Plains, NY 10601
Phone: (914) 448-0200
Fax: (914) 448-0215
I am on a roll. Here is another quote by Jared Kintz. He has an entire collection of quotes describing me
“Only cowards never tire of cowering. I try to milk the cower for all it’s worth. ”
Jarod Kintz
At least you can admit that you are a coward. That actually takes balls to admit a major flaw.
Did someone say cows? Will Meaty Petey the chickens came home to roost. That’s what happened to the three amigos, waddle rat ass Olson, the voyeur Moran, and please do not look at how I walk Mueller, because my ass has the fat man’s acorns.
lol funny you say that he does have some what of a funny walk I guess the rat may be pounding too hard….lol
I still say he grills a mean cheeseburger ……….
at least he keeps the beer on ice for when we get in
he is pissed at us because we all refused to sign the petition to throw another member out of our own union????
Here is another great quote by Jarod Kintz. I feel like I am looking in a mirror when I read them.
“The code of the coward is to run away. I know, because I wrote the manual. ”
Jarod Kintz
Don’t worry members if the city is gonna take a back seat on disciplining a Rogue cop with numerous IAD complaints, and his henchman for unauthorized investigation(DUNWOODIEGATE) we know people that would love to take it on .Take action now or suffer the consequences later!!
Brilliant ray, keep threatening the mayor, you Crazy Old Coot lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol!
If the mayor is protecting you so let it be…its not personal its business………..
The mayor should really take a deep breath and just look at what has happened since he has taken over ?????? Runaway command and now a Runaway union thug good job mayor we will remember when you start looking for our donations, clean up shop before some one else does it for you.
not too mention (DUNWOODIEGATE) lots of other stuff will be very bad when it all goes public
Every time one of the geniuses mentions “Dunwoodiegate” they fail to mention what crime was committed other than when the Crazy Old Coot committed an assault.
ray defended him self after you ordered numerous lawsuit pataky to get him,the crime committed is when you called over and said im sending over a detective to look at video with out your supervisor knowledge than to boot your friend from the REDANT days as stupid as he is takes the machine and takes it out of jurisdiction for what???ahhhh I hope the write you up otherwise I know a few people in 300 Quarropas that would love to get some details we all know you done fucked up this time
Go for it dick! Lol
keith only dick here is you and JD and you know you are busted what was the video recorder doing in his car outside of yonkers????? your done and you don’t even know it!!
no threats to any one just sound advice to keep your house clean we all know lawyers are involved we all know media outlets are watching this and we definitely know big brother is involved so with that in mind when we say I hope the mayor is going to do the right thing it means just that not a threat to him or any one else.
Hey you fat rat why cant you release the name of the so called Albany expert that said this contract was good???? you are a pathological liar that sold us for a job and to retain your seat. Time after time you have been asked nicely even we said we will not hit you any more and you still cant respond you know why cause you never even spoke to a lawyer you pos!!!! Hopefully the members in the cls see what a disaster that contract is and vote NO!!!!
I think now is a perfect time to post this again even though I know it will get negative responses from certain individuals.
This quote of Teddy Roosevelt is one of my favorites. Sometimes I question myself as to whyI bother to get involved in certain things when it can subject you to public scrutiny. I have entered the “ring” and been beaten up but believe I have come out stronger on the other end. I know some people will never dare to do “great” things because they’d rather live peaceful lives butI wonder what sort of legacy they will leave behind? Too many people go along just to get along and never question because they are afraid of the repercussions or when they do so in an environment where they will not be called on it. I hate the term “haters” but those who would anonymously speak about others in the shadows rather then face them man to man fit that term rather well. Those who would like to smile and shake your hand one moment then kick you from behind the next will never truly know what it is to be a man. Funny thing is some of my alleged “friends” in this cyber world will do just that with this post.
“Some people say—not to my face, mind you—that I’m a cowardly son of a bitch. And that is simply not true. My mom is not a bitch. ”
Jarod Kintz
PTF is a zilch
Hey I love the crazy old coot midget pictures of Chiarella. Keep them coming. I’m always in for a good laugh.
My lawyer had a great conversation today in white plains advising an outside agency about all the shenanigans going on all under the watch of guess who???
Blah blah blah…
ok you see pally if this city cant fix a rogue out of control union leader others will!
your wrong the FEDS care they will get a close up look soon just watching how the city deals with it……………
Keith Olson everything is a lie , they are all lying. I am not guilty.
Brian Moran, I did not give Keith Olson that file on the DD Captain, and Fat boy and I never read everyone’s personnel file and never made copies of them. I also never transported them in my car.
John Mueller, I did not have a beer fest in my precinct, when Olson packed my ass with his tadpole and left his rat balls there. Don’t worry, I am use to them and KO don’t never needed them because he is a out right coward. That why he is a bully.
Ahhh, Billy Pataky the guy that was featured in the Journal News. Well, what can we say. Everything is true. He even had three incidents with cops. He is the best flaker the department has according to Olson. He also likes teenagers boys. Just another coward.
It would be better if Olson and others get charged with Official Misconduct which is a crime so we can move on and then get back to the real world. Until then, no Justice no peace my corrupt union leader.
You have twenty followers at best. Your pathetic action union action yielded only four including yours. Some following. Lol, lol
The rest of the real cops in the precinct are staying far away from you and that angry wanna be PC. Lol . Only four…….lol Stop by when real cops are around, we will cook you your favorite. A nice fat juicy extra cheesy rat burger. Bring a radio car like last time. You just threw them into the fire with your rat moves.
Hey I love the crazy old coot midget pictures of Chiarella. Keep them coming. I’m always in for a good laugh.
keith one simple name who was the Albany expert that said this shitty contract was good for the members,cmon one simple answer and I can make this go all away………….
I think his name was go fuck yourself, lol. Keep blogging you fucking loser. While everyone else on the planet is living their life, you’re consumed with this stupid, meaningless blog. All of us normal people laugh at the joke that this blue truth shit is.
I’ll check in on you losers in a few days. Now excuse me while I go back to the real world.
don’t be upset that the cls is not taking this bullshit contract you sold off to your members so you can take care of the cheetas wife aka your sister
Lol, someone posted a picture of a crazy old coot. That’s the best picture yet sent out by the ratpack. It looks just like a guy that was being chased around a table in a greenburgh restaurant not too long ago. I love it. Keep them coming numskulls.
don’t worry the reporter is on it…………..
We would try to help but we want no part of that bald headed wanna be PC. Hey river rat, how long have you been stringing Mueller along. Its about a decade now that you have been promising him the PC. spot. Right fat tits.
Well never mind. How long have they bee in Mueller’s ass?
Can you get any creepier?
First thing, get spell check, next………..
There it is folks KO makes his hit list. So we decided to unveil the rat and rogue list.
Well the head backstabbing rat that is in denial that his name is Keith Olson is Keith Olson the failed pathetic union leader.
The rats and I can’t mind my business list:
John M. I am the next PC and match maker of my friends wives
Brian M. I can write up anyone’s friend, and ask for 25 days
Frankie I can’t work F. Also head parrot at the meetings
Billy I will flake you Pataky. A hero maker and kid slapper
Joe the woman beater G. Also known to vote with Keith’s wishes
Louie V. I can’t mine my business, so let me see yours
Dean the pussy coward P. Has not been layed so handle with care.
Anthony the Cheetah Chiarella. You can count on him to comfort a cops wife.
Betty banging hard on the computer, its not me and I just wipe the cheese off of Ko’ fat stinking ass or he may set me up. I am sorry guys.
Steve D. Likes to jump on cops and likes to throw words from behind the desk. Hold me back I am Irish
John light fingers Donaghy. This guy is known to procees crime scenes and can tamper, erase, edit and even taint solid evidence. The best technical thief the DD has ever seen. In fact, this guy runs on a silent dog whistle. Olson can blow that whistle and this tech guy can pull is badge and take any potential evidence on or off duty. He is so good, he is still the tech man at the DD. This guy is running a close second to Billy the weed planter Pataky. Pataky like to work alone so there are not witnesses.
These are Keith Olson’s rat and I can’t mind my business group.
You left a couple of names off rat buster.
Your right about one thing you corrupt union thug, the whole department knows the whole truth about you. You are the worst lowlife PBA prez this job has ever seen. You fucked the members of this department with the worst contract in the State. Now you are telling the Mayor not to make changes for the other unions. Rat
I love it!
Since when did LT Paul Rice become an expert on arbitration??? Did we miss the PACE law school graduation??? Paul’s a nice guy but everyone one knows he is be Holden to Keith.
call these professionals they will tell you just how bad the 207c is!~!
Donald P Henry,
99 Church Street
White Plains, NY 10601
Phone: (914) 946-7403
Chris Harold
81 Main St, Suite 205
White Plains New York, 10601
Warren J. Roth, Esq., of counsel
Bartlett, McDonough & Monahagan, LLP
81 Main Street, Suite 400
White Plains, NY 10601
Phone: (914) 448-0200
Fax: (914) 448-0215
If you say so ray, you Crazy Old Coot, lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol!
Here ya go ray, it’s you!
Do you dopes really not realize that Chris Harold is the CLS attorney and is FOR the contract?
no he is not!!!
Do you dopes really not realize that Chris Harold is the CLSA attorney and is FOR the contract?
yeah right you meant Quinn so he can hold on our 150K a year
After careful consideration and much thought it was determined that Meaty Petey is the biggest coward on the Yonkers Police Department.
Really ray? Now u dt capt bob Itzla lt. Bryant pappas and capt. Matt Russo are attacking the spanos? We all see your frustration and the entire job thinks you need a net thrown over you. As for your ceasefire offer – please continue what your doing it only exposes lowlife dirtbags like u three blue truth “masterminds” and LoHud articles contributors feeding lies to the press. Det capt Bob Itzla, lt. Bryant pappas Det. Ray Montero will be forever linked to this disgusting failure. Own it assholes, we will never forget.
We will never forget? Really? The only people that will never forget blue truth are the rats that continually fuck over members within their own department. I guess it works both ways. We will never forget either. Put that on your mouse trap and eat it. Laughable to say the least. As Ricky Ricardo used to say, “You got a lot of explaining to do.” We wish you luck, well not really. Lmao
well if the spanos are protecting you because you sold us a shitty contract let the chips fall where they may!
looks like keith pissed off more than just the union members…………….lol
We will be monitoring any and all activities regarding the targeting of any one. So far we all know that you have lied to IAD personally, and both you and Johnny D. have conducted an unauthorized investigation against your own members. We also know that the both of you removed and tampered with the video. We also know that the civilians were deceived into turning over the equipment by the flashing of an off duty shield by JD. Now are you still sticking that everything is a lie. Can you answer this? Did you tell your members that they are all on tape in uniform, and did you tell them that the tape was being viewed and tampered with by you good old boys? Hmm, we don’t believe a word that comes out of that dirty rat trap.
looks like some one woke up on the wrong side of the bed????
Ah, Keith you just got a pile of lies in your pocket and your trustee Billy Pataky is a crooked thug looking for 14 year olds.
Mr.IG what do 1post 7 10 11 coyle 14 15 2124 28 38 Caryl 35st casimir 159 Radford 85 st Andrew 300 Palisades 115 117 McLean have in common to many people know now 6 months now there going to use you beware its time to come clean save yourself now its your time others are talking look at the two Arabs no one saved them .
This is a ongoing investigation and its ready to go down with multiple CoY employees and city Haller’s. Outside agency’s are in charge.
CLICK HERE TO REPORT LAW ENFORCEMENT CORRUPTION (Provide as much information as possible: full names, descriptions, dates, times, activity, witnesses, etc.)
Telephone: 347-632-9775
feel sorry for you guys that would never happen down town finding out more and more on this keith dude.
you guys gotta be kidding me they would of threw him out along time ago
Right and because it’s on that site it gains credibility? That’s what we expect from you, you Crazy Old Coot, lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lo,,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,
keith we give you our word that we will cease fire on one condition, that you give us the experts name that told you this contract is good for your members.
Sounds like a fair deal give up the name of the lawyer that told you this contract was fair and this will all stop ??? that’s a no brainer unless you never had an expert look at it and in that case you get what you deserve…………
who is Erik Shilling???
Ask the gray river rat who he is? Read Olson’s OP Ed. that did a piss poor job of attempting to defend a rogue cop like Pataky. Keith where did you get those stats? Out of all those arrest, how man of them were teenagers? Wait Olson forgot to mention that all the Blue truthers are criminals except the flaker Pataky.
Just another member of the media that the Blue Truthers are ratting and lying to. One of many. Nothing new.
Keith just which part of the Blue Truthers is not accurate???
Hey fat boy you been telling mama ever since you were hired. The only guy you ignore is yourself, you rat sucking coward.
Heard Erik Shilling going to pay GPD about a cheetah incident…OHHHHHH BOYYYYYY!
Who gives a shit?
Your sister will….lol
Erik Shilling is the reporter that bought to light the” PUNCHING BAG ” pataky numerous lawsuits and mucho complaintos!!! he used to write for Journal news now he works for NY POST
Hey can some one refresh the RATS memory on exactly what happened in Greenburgh again…………………lol
You’re a dick.
Donald P Henry,
99 Church Street
White Plains, NY 10601
Phone: (914) 946-7403
Chris Harold
81 Main St, Suite 205
White Plains New York, 10601
Warren J. Roth, Esq., of counsel
Bartlett, McDonough & Monahagan, LLP
81 Main Street, Suite 400
White Plains, NY 10601
Phone: (914) 448-0200
Fax: (914) 448-0215
Hey ray, mind your own business, you Crazy Old Coot lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol!
Olson which brother did you swallow. Do they pinch your tits. Thanks for selling out your membership. Please tell us you did it all for your sister’s promotion. Did you let the Cheetahs watch? You know Chiarella and Moran.
Wow can’t believe that the DD tech man John Donaghy was misled by the fat disgusting rat. Well at least we know that you were ID. Next time when your off duty, don’t show your shield. Did Olson have your file too? Or was he going to get Pataky to flake you?
Either way my Johnny boy, you have to take a for tampering with evidence.
JD has to take a much more serious charge and the moron that sent him in their also has to take a hit!!!
Exactly what crime was committed? If I were to walk into someone’s business and say “Mr. business man may I see you DVR?” And he says sure, what crime is committed? It’s not like the job was going to do anything to the Crazy Old Coot for doing their bidding. But I wouldn’t expect you to get it. You Crazy Old Coot lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol!
nice try rat and what would be the reason you wanted to see the dvr????? and why would you take it ?????? and more importantly why was not a supervisor told ????? we all know what you hoped you would find but you didn’t and now you want to spin it off too late……….
Thank God the NYCPBA is not trying to ram it down the members throats as this RAT did to his on members !!! and to boot you see how much in advance they know about what diblasio is trying to offer them??? the rat came out of his nest over night and said our Albany expert said it was a good contract??? Keith you are the worst PBA leader ever you POS!!!!
its take a RAT at least 3 weeks to give birth this rat got us a shitty contract in less time…lol
THE LATEST PBA CONTRACT NEWS! (Deblasio offers something new)
Lead [-]
Alright boys and girls as you have heard already Deblasio has convinced PERB to request the PBA to return to the negotiation table due in part to a soon to be announced offer that will most likely negate the need for the PBA to go the route of an arbitrator.
What is this wondrous offer that DeBlasio believes will solve its current contractual woes with the NYPD UNION?
Some ranters have already heard the whisperings from the rumor mill and I am here to lend credence to a rumor that is most likely rooted upon fact. I came by this information from one of our former delegates that is now withing the upper echelon of Patty’s PBA Dynasty. What my good friend told me is that the city is is going to make an offer to the PBA regarding raises in the form of some sort of upfront time buy back offer. The way I understood it is the current administration intends to defer the financial strain of retro checks by offering cops career time instead. WHATTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bare with me on this for i have to give you guys an analogy.
Come August of 2014 we shall be at 4 years without a contract. If the current offer is accepted by the PBA and the rank and file, by August 2014 a typical cop with 9 years on the J-O-B will technically have 13 years on the J-O-B. Same applies for a guy who has 20 years on the J-O-B. Officially on the books he will have 24 years on the J-O-B and thusly be entitled to all the just rewards allocated to him as a senior officer with 24 years time paid into the pension. Yes the offer is not perfect and as explained to me, guys with 30+ years on will be rewarded with actual retro monies instead due in part that addition time added to a 30+ career man is worthless hence actual retroactive compensation is warranted. A small price to pay by the city especially when there are few officers on the JOB with more than 30 years on. No mention in regards to non finalized retirees but my guess is that it is logical that your pensions will be re-calculated. It only makes sense but then again we are dealing with a Mayor who takes from the middle class and gives to the scammers.
The plan is a bold one rooted in liberal dogma. The Mayor intends to save the city billions currently in hopes of paying the past due contracts via deferred time allocations. It is pitched by the city as a win/win scenario for all but who in their right mind expects to trust the liberal mayor? With this working plan comes some unsavory demands as well. We are expected to pay into our health care and the mayor is expecting the PBA to raise top salary incremental time. Yes the number being bandied about for future hires as top salary is 7 years to top salary. OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!
I want you to understand that what I am passing on to you is a working plan that will inevitably be rehashed and fine tuned. Quite possibly, we will see a sort of hybrid with time up front being offered with a tepid retro pay package. Either way the guys at the PBA are abuzz with excitement and they will eventually pass on this deal to us the rank and file.
I personally am excited with this possible city offer. Although I prefer cold hard cash, as a cop with 17 years on the J-O-B the notion to suddenly be considered an MOS with 21 years on and entitled to all its benefits really excites me. I could retire early if need be or work just 4 more years and leave with a 25 year pension. The city gains on the flip side by getting the bulk of its tier 2 cops to leave earlier and thus opening the flood gates to a police force that mostly comprises of tier 3 and beyond.
No matter how you slice it 2014 will be very interesting in contract news for the PBA and other unions. Supposedly we are the test bed and if it works with our union Deblasio will try it with the rest of the city unions.
In regards to the Variable Supplement, it will be handled just like the military buy back guys. I was told that just because a cop poll vaults from 19 yrs on to 23 years on via this planned contract does not mean he/she suddenly has a windfall of thousands of dollars through banked variable. Wishful thinking on our behalf but just like our veterans who buy back military time we will not be entitled to banked variable.
That is all I have for now…….STAY SAFE AND GOD SPEED!
this is coming here too.. so it must be from Albany. yo cops and fire will see this soon .I got it from a whisper but in yo it means its coming from Albany . I heard 2 years TO CUT SOME DEAD WOOD.. either way enjoy florida
maybe with a rat like keith selling it to his members, in new York never while lynch is in charge!
Just for anyone’s information, the CLSA members will have to decide for themselves as what’s good for their association. We can only hope that something has changed for you.
This is not about the CLSA like Olson would want you to believe. This has always been about the misconduct of Olson and others. This is about Keith Olson being a rogue cop that step outside the rules and regulations of the department, as well as violating State and Federal laws. His denial and the shadow of interference from the City will only widen the investigation. Justice will be served for those CLSA and PBA members that were intentionally targeted. Anyone caught assisting the rogue orders of the PBA board, like that dirty cop Pataky will be pointed out and held accountable. These acts of corruption will not go unanswered.
If the CLSA want the medical packets, and wait ten years for crap money so be it. Barry is going to win this. Who in the CLSA has ever been to arbitration. Answer, no one. The City hopes you suckers take it. The Firefighters will win this.
Do you two guys realize that the only two people writing comments on here everyday are just you two! That’s right Keith Olson and Ray Montero, you guys are the only two guys on here everyday. Sure there’s the occasional closet swipe against Keith from guys like Mallon and the occasional shot at Ray from guys like Politopoulos, but otherwise it’s just you two guys doing all your laundry on here. Give it a break already. At first everyone was shocked by what was on here, but nobody cares to read this shit anymore. Give it a break, you guys are embarrassing yourselves.
Its a lot more than ray keith needs to be shown the door and the mayor cant keep protecting him !!! NO JUSTICE NO PEACE!
Promise you this will not go away till the right thing has been done by shitty haul!!!!
There is a lot more people on this site than you know. Maybe Keith and his friends can come by your office and set you up or give you your package, and then tamper with you files and evidence. You call Olson and tell him your next skinhead. We can tell your a real smart one. Besides you fool, do you believe everything you read. I bet you read in the shower too, before you opened your Olson rat trap.
No Keith Olson your the threat to the bosses and the entire job. You have been snooping around and targeting bosses since you were hired. Your just a dirty filthy rat that runs across the roads at night. Now your dragging other new cops in your bowl of shit. You come on the site, and have attacked everyone from the Mayor, to the officers on patrol. You op- ed, in defense of a dirty rogue cop like Pataky, and in the same breathe call what you alone have labeled other officers ” Blue Truthers” and criminals. So Mr. Prez. planting evidence and picking on teenagers is okay, but setting up bosses and officers is not misconduct. Reading and copying official police files is okay too right Keith?
No, no one is sending empty or frivolous threats, these are facts that are on file. Did you not harass a female employee? Did you not tell a certain supervisor to tell someone to watch his or her step? Did you and your girlfriend John Mueller not try to stop certain cops from getting overtime in housing? Did you not offer up the Housing Unit, the Burglary Unit, the Domestic Violence Unit, the Aids in the precincts that were assigned to injured police personnel. Did you not conduct the unauthorized investigation of a DD Captain in which you alone accused him of stealing. I guess you forgot the vending machines in the Fourth? Did you and John Donaghy not conduct and unauthorized investigation against your own members, when your set up dirty cop Bill Pataky got shocked collared at the January meeting. Did you not seek potential evidence without a warrant? Did you not take that evidence and view it before anyone else?
No, no threats just facts. Since we are talking about facts or threats, it is you that are spreading lies and innuendo’s about cops, their familes and friends. It is you that are targeting them. It is us that will legally defend them all. So get your fat ass out of that stinking PBA chair, you infected that office long enough with your rogue and drunken cop POODLES.
Your words have no meaning anymore, because you have no credibility. Go find someone that will let you bully them in another State, this one is ours you COWARD BULLY. We smell the fear on you. That’s who you claim is Blue Truthers.
No one thought it was possible, but you just keep proving you are getting crazier by the minute! You Crazy Old Coot lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol!
we all know this contract sucks we all know why,Tommy is clearly getting pressure from the city to take it to a vote. We stand behind Tommy because at least he said it sucked back in December so when we get to take the vote we VOTE NO!!!
p.s. Tommy we know your hands are tied up in this one.
If and when the CLSA brings a contract to our members, which will be pretty soon, it is because we feel it is a good contract. No one can make us do it and no one can make us vote for it. If we don’t like it, we can vote it down. It’s that simple. One thing is for sure. No one should listen to these blue truth nuts. Do your homework and vote with your head.
Asshole why is Tommy taking it to the members than?? clearly the mayor is putting pressure nothing has changed??? VOTE NO!!! VOTE FUCK NO!!!!
Keith Im trying to help you please tell them who was the expert that said the contract is good for us. Come on dude help me so I can help you, What part of the contract is good for us………………..
its the part where we have to wait 5 years for our retro to be paid so at the end it will be almost 10 years to be fully paid…….way to go!!!
nahh the part of the contract is the 207c changes from 30days to 10 days to complete paperwork thank God I got hook ups with doctors and my cousin is a lawyer, if I didn’t have that I be
Another great quote by Jarod Kintz
“I am quite possibly the world’s bravest coward. I have never backed down from backing down from a fight.”
Guys stop with this bull shit already we all know others are watching what is said on this site. Keith for heavens sake please tell us what part of this contract is good for us and what expert reviewed it ????
No the cleansing of a corruption is a dirty job. Sometimes we have to spray the rats with truth serum. It helps to bring them under control. If you do not clean then others get infected like Olson is attempting to do in the fourth precinct area.
The Captain is a piss poor example of a leader. He is a wounded bird that is sucking KO’ sagging tits. He has and will continue to infect the precinct. Its time to also pull the plug on Mueller. This is City halls fault for leaving and covering for a poor leader. We have a question for the Mayor, ” who is the real Captain of the Fourth Precinct”? Is it the fat criminal rat or the two timer, I am the smartest pussy in the world”?
One lies, the other swears to it. Making people a target and attesting to it is cancer, and we plan to eradicate it. All of it. No matter how long it takes.
Maybe Mueller should start up his grill and make his seasoned rat poison burger and give it to his fat friend while he is targeting more people in his precinct. The community leaders need to know what Mueller’s little pussy squad is up to. So far we are monitoring everything and all involved.
Yeah, from behind your keyboard. You’re a real hero. What a bunch of dicks, lol.
You need help, all these empty threats that you know have no validity and yet you keep keep threatening to do something, you have nothing therefore you can do nothing. Get help.
The bosses will not vote on something that has not changed. If you like to fill out the medical packets and lose your legal advantage as it stands regarding 207c and get in line with the PBA guys that are currently going through arbitration, then sign on the dotted line.
If your smart you will hold out as elections draw near and come out on top with the Firefighters. Don’t abandoned the other unions. Hold the line and you will do better by the arbitrators. Retro up front, with 2 and no change to 207c. Then you start again. Make your union powerful again. Don’t be whore and let a rat like Olson go up your skirt a lick the cheesy patch.
Cant wait till see what the city does about the RAT??? protect him and I will personally call the USA to look into this matter and give them some real evidence I know people….
Come on Keith are you going to speak about you and Pataky breaking the law in uniform and to date? We now know your answer for the personnel files. Keep it up spin master, you may get a new rookie to believe your sales pitch. Just like your ten minute contract presentation for a ten year contract and then the voting boxes placed right in front of each union representative. Hmmmm honest ko
is it true or not a few years ago you guys covered up for the Rat on some IRS issues involving money he never claimed???
Hey guys make sure we know how to get in contact with eddie the boat thief incase the Tax man comes heard he is in florida doing fishing trips with that boat…lol
wonder what Louieeeeeeeeee v is going to say about the contract to his fellow members???
This contract wont fly beg kiss the mayors ass all you want CLSA is a lot smarter, Keith when the mayor shots a load do you or pataky swallow it or do you both share ????
We all know that KO pushed one of the worst contracts in New York State, in just four sneaky days. He and and Andy quietly went behind the backs of the other union leaders and cut a deal for KO to have a new contract before elections, and for his sister Kelly, taking over Brian Moran’s mother’s old post as Director of the aging. Now we are so proud of his pathetic emails that are stamped with strength in unity. Now that you fucked them, you hoping they vote for the same bill of goods you peddled to your membership. Now your hoping the bosses will get the same 15 page packet you agreed too. Not to mention the evaluations, and the fact that the City have already increased the volume of arbitration hearings by 100 percent compared to what Quinn said which is ONE in twenty years.
keith you fat POS tub of lard show the members the Albany expert that said this contract is good for us??? The only thing good about this contract was that the cheeeetahs wife got a job out of it!!!!
It seems to me that Keith Olson just locked himself in as to the claim that he and others were tampering with official personnel files. Right now the two suspects seem to be Olson and Moran. The department should look into his last post to see if he is in possession of any other personnel files. One can reasonably conclude what the answer of that would be. The readers of this site can truly see how frustrated he and others are. It sure is amazing to see a guy like Olson who is the PBA President talk about bosses and current police personnel and their families.It was not to long ago Mr. Olson, that your Op- Ed piece defended active cops from law suits and claims of brutality. Now because it is Ray a political foe, you make these allegations against him and others that come from left field. In fact, while Ray was doing the job, you were not on the job. So which is smart one Pataky is just doing his job, but Ray was not. You sure are under intense pressure to even suggest that some cops are criminals and Pataky, Moran and yourself are not. What a hypocrite. Maybe you should go to the Board of Ed. on Monday and find out were these Blue Truthers went to school, and what class they may or may have skipped or what there grades were, or what was their mother’s maiden name.
You see Mr. Spin Master rat, save yourself the trouble of looking over anyone’s file and muster up the courage to seek the truth. Rats like you can’t handle the truth, it most be a power thing. The point here is, why don’t you address the real truth about what is in Internal Affairs File about you that is very current and not lay claim to Ray’s arrest record and actions from the early 90’s.
hey keith is it true or not that you are going after a civilian now,some one you always targeted boy oh boy do you keep digging a deeper hole.since when does a PBA pres.write tickets????? Guess you are just proving what this is all about a rogue cop gone crazy that continues his abuse of authority thanks a lot for making our case even better ….lol
If there is any rogue cop out there it’s that idiot leader of the Blue Truth RM. Before he got hired by the YPD he had a criminal history that included numerous felony arrests. Then he had so many brutality complaints and got in so much trouble he was set to be fired but he quit instead. After suing the YPD it was the PBA that made the mistake of getting his job back (you guys did it to yourselves, lol.) He’s been written up more times than all of cops he calls “rogues” combined, claims he was “set up” but has never and will never explain any of it. He got crushed in a PBA election, can’t get over it and then he got bamboozled by that zero Itzla to start this Blue Truth bullshit. He could have run again but was afraid of losing even worse than the first time so instead he assaulted a cop at his union meeting. Yet he continues this stupid campaign which only exists on this website. He’s also trying desperately to get other media on board but any professional can see right through him and recognize he’s insane. Now he’s following that dope Itzla’s orders and trying to kill our contract. That’s the real deal.
Anyone wanna debate that?
Once again Keith the rat Olson is again spreading misinformation that can be easily disputed by facts. Now if you would like Keith show your evidence. We already know you have personnel files. Now if you find a past law suit that has been unanswered then lets go to the file. We will tell you that claims of brutality or handling a suspect is much different than planting of evidence or searching premises and cell phones without warrants. Now if you or any other can come forward with this pipe dream of being or about to be fired show your proof of any documents that indicates any of this wild and outlandish allegations. If fact, we urge you or Mueller, Moran, Pataky or any other of your set up cops to bring those accusations to the PC office or any media outlet on Monday. Make sure you bring everything. However, you low life thug, you dam well know you and your little small circle have a proven paper trail. So the question is Mr. RAT what have you been up too. Now once again since you accused all BLUE Truthers of having questionable backgrounds, show your proof on Monday. You see Olson or any of you rogue cops that have definitely done what is posted, put up or shut up. I would like to thank you KO, because you already made reference to one of the allegations that you and Moran tampered with official police files. Laughable to say the least.
When you refer to a past lawsuit that has been unanswered that would imply that you have information about said lawsuit and that it was in fact not answered so you would have had to be the one to file, no?
PTF is a coward!
Pataky your a low life flaker. You and Olson are two rats that have damaged the image of the department. Both have similar traits. You are both liars and carry no credibility. Now you have both chosen to take it up a notch and so will we this week. However, unlike two corrupt low life rogue cops , we will use the system to our advantage. You guys have always chosen to skirt the system, but now have decided to use your street flaking ways of searching without warrants and searching people’s cell phones without warrants on Yonkers cops.
Now you are spreading rumors in the runaway fourth precinct about other departmental personnel and ordinary citizens. To the readers and the participants that are watching this corruption being reported against bosses and cops, we strongly recommend and encourage you to stay out of it. Should you chose to ignore this warning then you alone will be thrown to the wolves from rats and dirt bag criminals like Olson and Pataky. These two bullshit liars will be brought down by their own illegal actions.
Its never over until the fat man sings. In this case we have two low life corrupt cops. Now if any of you cowards think that we will stand for ANY UNION , and I mean Any Uniform personnel intentionally targeting our friends and our family we will react swiftly and legally to defend them. Now Keith or Billy or any of you union struggling actors, if you think you know who we are, or who this is, well do what you think is right. We are always waiting to offer advice. Good advice too. Remember a new week is on the arisen.
I have some advice for you. Stop threatening other cops with your veiled innuendo. Nobody is afraid of you. You got something to say? Say it. In person. And stay out of the CLS contract conversation.
I have some advice for you. Stop with the veiled threats against cops. Nobody is afraid of you. You got something to say? Say it. In person. And stay out of the CLSA contract conversation.
Nothing has changed for the CLSA and the Firefighters so why would anyone give in to what that rat Olson did to you other union leaders secretly behind your backs.
Ultimately you unions should decide what is right for its members and the members should do what is right for them and their families. However, beware as the city and Olson look to isolate you other union leaders. So far Barry has won every step with the arbitrators. The city does not want that. If nothing has changed why vote now? Why settle for peanuts like Olson. Remember the shovel ready projects are on your back as you respond to calls. Do not let them strip you of money and important benefits. Ask the YPD members what they are now going through with 207c. Look at the packet the members fill out. What do you fill out now?
You mean you guys actually have to fill out a couple of forms to get full salary and benefits while you’re sitting home? That’s awful.
You need to stay away from the members fund. You look like your about to burst from all that cheese. You deny everything, but show no proof. You and Pataky are the kind of thugs only a mother can love. By the way we already know you copy and looked into the bosses personal files.
Liaten to Barry’s interview on Hezi’s show yesterday. He is a labor leader for his men and all the employees of the City b
take the fire test and get it over with ya creep
Keith a real union leader would of by now shown the members your due diligence by releasing the report that says the raggedy ass contract is good, you have done nothing to show us your so called Albany expert…???? bunch of lies show us you did your homework !!!!
keith when are you going to stop licking mickys balls about forcing the CLSA board to make its members take a vote????? stop begging nothing has changed in this shitty contract Tommy is doing a great job holding out he knows his members don’t want, Tommy is not a liar unlike your RAT ass sell out is!!!
Mind your business John.
If your referring to Khader he has no vested interest in our contract or police matters, Just because he is friends with many of your enemies too bad, but don’t worry he will soon be getting involved in the police matter part….lol
not a “friend” any cop should associate with
From what I know and have heard and seen from other members including the bosses, he was always friendly and had a good relation ship with past PBA pres. Carozza ,Cola,It all changed when Keith came on board.
He always donated to the PBA golf outing, annual PBA picnic he even used to give out balloons and bring an old convertible so some of the members kids can go in it,even cigar night he would buy a table..etc.. In my book Khader is a good person. Keith you happen to mess with a business man for no reason and he is very active in politics not going to look good for you when he starts telling his friends and politicos just how fucked up you are.
Ask him how he started in the “business” he’s in now, and who used to drive for him and how his career ended
Donating to any charity doesn’t buy you good guy status
Fellow members we really should think about what are we doing here, we all know this contract deep down is no good. There is nothing in it that’s good???? we are already midyear lets wait it out the mayor has to start campaigning very soon. The way the city wants to pay us in drips and draps is pathetic I want a retro up front, and that 207c we all know it stinks, so if our president is getting some pressure from the administration lets stand behind him take the vote and vote with our hearts, my heart says NO!!!
You tried this once before and it didn’t work. It’s not gonna work this time either and nobody believes your in the CLSA. Give it a rest already loser.
how do you know keith who I am??? you don’t know shit except how to stroke your members and pound Mueller in the ass.
That’s a pretty creepy thing to say. What kind of weirdo even thinks of things like that? What a freak!
April 30, 2014 at 12:13 am
County police. New Rochelle PD.Rye PD all had good contracts with retro up front!!! this 207c the city got over on the PBA we the CLSA must really be careful and say do we need the few bucks per paycheck and wait years for retro??? Not me.I rather be working under the same contract much safer if I get hurt remember Quinn did say “the burden of proof has shifted over to the member” that’s very scary, sooner or later we will get our raises I rather get it in one shot because the way the city wants to give it doesn’t work with me I don’t need 100 bucks extra a paycheck I want it the way other unions got it UPFRONT!!!
p.s. remember members the mayor has to start campaigning again…………………………
I am going to post this again even though I know it will get negative responses from certain individuals.
This quote of Teddy Roosevelt is one of my favorites. Sometimes I question myself as to whyI bother to get involved in certain things when it can subject you to public scrutiny. I have entered the “ring” and been beaten up but believe I have come out stronger on the other end. I know some people will never dare to do “great” things because they’d rather live peaceful lives butI wonder what sort of legacy they will leave behind? Too many people go along just to get along and never question because they are afraid of the repercussions or when they do so in an environment where they will not be called on it. I hate the term “haters” but those who would anonymously speak about others in the shadows rather then face them man to man fit that term rather well. Those who would like to smile and shake your hand one moment then kick you from behind the next will never truly know what it is to be a man. Funny thing is some of my alleged “friends” in this cyber world will do just that with this post.
After what you have been doing this week the pain will continue you union rat thug. Olson sold the YPD members out. Now he is still playing games, but he should know that the mirror reflects light.
you have been challenged a few times RAT face answer the post he seems like he knows a lot about you rat face
At the PBA meeting Quinn finally admitted “the burden of proof has shifted towards the members “and as far as retro goes I want it up front like the other unions got, why should I have to wait years ????
I gots a hoobity,doobity,doobity, doo boat thanks fitz
It must really suck not having the courage to speak your mind and to say what you feel about someone face to face. To have to hide behind a keyboard and take shots at someone, no matter who it is, without having the balls to say those same things in the open is just pathetic.
My question to all of you pussies is does it make you feel like a man? When you hit the “submit” button after typing shit you’re to afraid to voice does it give you a charge? My guess is probably so. That’s beyond sad. Then when you’re confronted and you deny it, how does that feel? It must suck to be you. What a fucking joke.
Don’t you realize that everyone knows who you are anyway? You’re all ratting each other out left and right. You’re all nothing but a bunch of lowlife, back stabbing, gutless jellyfish. And yeah, the chickens will come home to roost.
Cluck, cluck, cluck go fuck yourselves.
keith has been called out a few times apparently by some one that knows him very well seems like keith has not responded back…………
Wasn’t it Keith who last year was on the hezi show, and he said who he was, that called out anyone who wanted to go on the show and they didn’t?
Called out by who?
Since you are such a tough guy and everyone else hides behind a keyboard why don’t you tell us who you are!
Not the one calling people names like a 3rd Grader. Just telling it like it is.
a retired member jerk off!
CLSA members stand up and vote no to the contract city is trying to put pressure on board members, I love Tommy but we cant make the same disastrous mistake our brothers and sisters made in the PBA.
OK charlie
I can’t wait for May 9th.
One week away from being in theaters.
Here is an old school Wizard of Oz picture enjoy!
Hey ray after you file your lawsuit, which most seriously doubt you will, how are you going to answer questions about when you were “set up” meaning when you submitted false claims for OT?
You just can’t help it. Keith tell us who gives you advice? You look horrible. Maybe if you step down you will reflect and begin to cleanse all your intentional acts of misconduct against members. Do yourself a favor stay behind the desk, its just not working out for you big bud. Stay inside that lonely office and stroke Pataky because he needs help too. Two losers
Are you and Moran still sneaking around the DD searching other cops work stations?
Did you notify anyone Keith? Who is the YPD rat? Give it up buddy.
this is my favorite
keith can you tell us what part of this contract is good???
Ray can you tell us why you quit this job? Who set you up back then? Couldn’t be your own doing, you’re such a brilliant great cop.
at least ray doesn’t sell out!!!!
Ask him about it
keith can you at least give the name of the expert that said this shitty contract was good?????
Really, Olson the fat man has been back stabbing his members for a while. He just gave them the worst contact in the State. That officially makes Olson the fattest gray rat in the State. All the other union leaders already kicked you out. Loser …. By the way it didn’t work. Go do what you and guys like Pataky do, and that is target and set people up…. rogue all the way
The head Blue Truther RM really is the Donald Sterling of the YPD. He’s a crazy, creepy, racist who sounds like a nut and is getting kicked out of his association!
keith where is the written opinion on the contract that you said your albany expert says it was a good contract for the members???
keith really did look lonely at last nights town hall meeting holding up one of walls all by himself…lol
Obsess much?
You’re right. The way Old Man ray, the Crazy Old Coot obsesses about Keith reminds me of Fatal Attraction. I never really put it together until just now. All of the homosexual comments, the total fixation, ray is in love with Keith but was obviously rejected and he just can’t take it. Creepy and very scary.
Keith some body some one out here challenged you a few times to debate what’s been going on why have you not commented about that??? are you afraid he knows something….???
Ko you are entitle to your opinion, just as we are. You are officially the most corrupt union leader this department and city has ever seen. You are ban from the membership. They have grown tired of you, Moran, and Mueller. Now guys like you and that want to be tough teenager fighter Pataky are the laughing stock of the County.
In the end you will be standing alone like you were last night at the town hall as other union leaders continue a tough fight after you and the City thought they would fold. They waved the finger at you and the city, but they wouldn’t leave out to long or your girl Mueller might think its your tadpole. Ban huh. You and Pataky are as rogue as any judge could say. Laughable that no other union leader will be seen with you because your a rat. Your right about the members of the YPD, they now know you broke the golden rule and ate your own as well as CLSA members.
Also, we suggest you go it alone, just as Montero has done thus far Mr. Rat.
Holy crap, my head almost exploded trying to read that! Which ever one f you pinheads wrote that , next time get a proof reader. And ray you one Crazy Old Coot, lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol!
Go to your next meeting. Debate there.
RM is the Donald Sterling of the YPD.
And Meaty Petey is the Richard Simmons of the YPD
you was warned………………..
Intervention is needed alright and her initials are E A P !
SO mayor you want to take a back seat fine I will take a front seat and bury your boy !!!
so micky you gone standby by and watch this??? this will be forwarded to proper authorities ………………
please show them the contract is good …show the dummys how our lawyer says its good …cmon you fucking rat show what part is good!!!!
So your coworkers are all dummy’s? It’s no wonder they want to kick you out of their union.
Olson you can’t answer because your a lying rat. I don’t know what your not getting. You can come out of the closet now, because every one knows. Every one knows that its all true. Your split personality even knows. So you Moquette gray river rat, stop lying to yourself and leave the keys on the desk. Your done fat boy. Look at yourself before you talk about others. Go get that hamburger flipper with the permanent smile to wash away the rat shit that spews from your mouth. Pathetic to say the least.
KO its okay if you need time out. We really do understand that it must be so difficult to tell all those lies each and every day. How can one remember them all.
We decided to get you set up for Police week. Oh , did I say ” set up”? Sorry Keith that’s yours and Pataky’s jobs.
Crazy Old Coot, lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol!
Keith Olson just can’t answer one question. He has sold the union out and have lied to entire membership about everything. He has disgraced himself and the board. Every member and civilian has the god given constitutional right to say what they need say. It is rogue cops like you and Pataky that infringe on those rights.
Why would anyone answer allegations from a bunch of disgruntled miscreants and one Crazy Old Coot, lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lo,lol!
How does it feel to see the other city workers fighting for what you gave away? How does is feel that you pissed away in one contract what other union presidents have fought so hard to get? The retire guys have your number you fat smell of rotten cheese. Not only did you get the worst contract in the State, but you even f–ked the other union leaders. No one word to them as you were selling the other union leaders out. Oh, we remember what you said, ” f–k the firefighters and f–k Barry. Stop it pal, your done. No one believes a word that flushes out of those yellow rat teeth. You really should stop trying to chew through the metal doors.
Really, rat face. Your a disgrace in this city.
I am going to post this again even though I know it will get negative responses from certain individuals.
This quote of Teddy Roosevelt is one of my favorites. Sometimes I question myself as to whyI bother to get involved in certain things when it can subject you to public scrutiny. I have entered the “ring” and been beaten up but believe I have come out stronger on the other end. I know some people will never dare to do “great” things because they’d rather live peaceful lives butI wonder what sort of legacy they will leave behind? Too many people go along just to get along and never question because they are afraid of the repercussions or when they do so in an environment where they will not be called on it. I hate the term “haters” but those who would anonymously speak about others in the shadows rather then face them man to man fit that term rather well. Those who would like to smile and shake your hand one moment then kick you from behind the next will never truly know what it is to be a man. Funny thing is some of my alleged “friends” in this cyber world will do just that with this post.
Nobody hates Phelan except you keith remember you screwed him over and went over the bridge and cut your own deal with out Tommy arround!!!! POS!!!
Ray, you are such an insignificant meaningless little worm. Now you Itzla pappas Russo are trying to derail the contract by spreading lies that the mayor is trying to force us to sign? That’s not how it works ya moron. We member will cast our votes and you don’t get one. Have you ever succeeded at anything in your life? Do us a favor and keep ypur sick obsession with Olson to yourself And stay out of clsa business you asshole.
Okay Keith, and now you really want us to believe that this is not you commenting! You really are a sick sick man. Get some help.
It’s not Keith and you know it you Crazy Old Coot, lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol!
keith can you give us the written opinion of your so called Albany expert that said this contract was good for the members ???? stop dodging the questions and answer them RAT!
Hey fat boy olson, maybe your eating to much cheese. Your the only guy that has been back stabbing him. You use to tell Hartnett that he was a babbling fool, just like what you are now saying about some of your own members.
No fat man olson, you have always been the rat, liar, and fool. Now you have earned the title of Mr. Misconduct. No, fat boy we support Tommy, not your rat ass. Go find your girl Mueller.
Hey keith do you have the written opinion on the new contract in writing that it says its good for us???Can you give me the name of your expert in Albany that said it was good for us???why are we paying Quinn more money than ever before????how did your sister get a job in the mayors office??,last but not least why has not the clsa accepted this great contract?????
p.s. now the city is forcing them to take a vote on it, cant wait for them to vote NO!
Forcing to take a vote? Forcing? Seriously? Explain dipshit. Yeah, that’s right, I called you a dipshit because you won’t be able to explain your last statement. Ain’t that right dipshit?
The members of the CLSA are in good hands. We assume there will be no vote if nothing has change with 207c. Anyway why would the CLSA come all this way to accept the same or similar troubling contract that Olson ramrodded down his members throat with misrepresentation and with holding the real changes to 207c and no mention of evaluations. Could you really imagine guys like Mueller, Olson, Moran, Pataky putting in their two lies. Hmmm. The CLSA must stand with the other unions as Spano heads for the campaign season. There is money. The shovel ready projects are hidden from our civil service employees, like those aforementioned dirty bag rats.
asswipe for keith you know and I know im a member they are forcing us to take it to the members enough said now go wipes keith ass thanks to your rat leader we have to deal with this bull shit!
if phelan is such a great union leader and he didn’t like the contract he would just say “no I’m not bringing this back to my members for a vote”. Let’s see what happens.
County police. New Rochelle PD.Rye PD all had good contracts with retro up front!!! this 207c the city got over on the PBA we the CLSA must really be careful and say do we need the few bucks per paycheck and wait years for retro??? Not me.I rather be working under the same contract much safer if I get hurt remember Quinn did say “the burden of proof has shifted over to the member” that’s very scary, sooner or later we will get our raises I rather get it in one shot because the way the city wants to give it doesn’t work with me I don’t need 100 bucks extra a paycheck I want it the way other unions got it UPFRONT!!!
p.s. remember members the mayor has to start campaigning again…………………………
call these professionals they will tell you just how bad the 207c is!~!
Chris Harold
81 Main St, Suite 200
White Plains New York, 10601 914-683-2500
Warren J. Roth, Esq., of counsel
Bartlett, McDonough & Monahagan, LLP
81 Main Street, Suite 400
White Plains, NY 10601
Phone: (914) 448-0200
Fax: (914) 448-0215
Just look at all those unions that got retro up front this contract sucks don’t get pressured ask a lawyer just how bad it is!Heard WCPD is already having talks with Astorino on new contract retro up front again
I would hold out like fire unions are sooner or later the mayor will need us he has to start campaigning very soon, this contract sucks I rather be working with the current one the new one is dangerous, and as far as the pennies go with the way he set up retro it sucks. I want my money up front like the other unions!!!! VOTE NO !!!!!
Now a days all you will find in the PBA office is Billy Pataky praying along with the fat man that the NAACP bus don’t stop in front of the building. Billy you should have left the teenagers alone. Can you and KO teach us how to set up people or members. I heard you guys have it down to a science. You even have your own sick supervisors that make up excuses and memos. Low life cowards… can I be a cop like you…..?????
Hey guys can you tell us what area you will working next, so we can keep our families out of there……
Hey Mr. Prez. you can’t talk about any of this allegations because they are all true. You have backed stabbed your own members as well as the CLSA members. You have sold out other union leaders because you wanted to maintain your position as PBA Prez. You are not worthy of that office or title. Did you and the City really believe that other union leaders were really out for themselves?
Our support goes out to the CLSA membership that need their 207c benefits. They do not want the burden of proof changed from the City unto the shoulders of city employees.
I hope the C.L.S.A. does not go for the contract, we have our second one starting college this year if they plan on paying my husband a few dollars per check and he has to worry about doctors and time periods what good is it and possibly hiring a lawyer???……………
Do you, for one second, think that ANYONE believes who you claim to be? You are fucking crazier than we thought. Holy crap. Just go away!
not as crazy as you say this contract is good for us!!!
Just look at all those unions that got retro up front this contract sucks don’t get pressured ask a lawyer just how bad it is!Heard WCPD is already having talks with Astorino on new contract retro up front again
I would hold out like fire unions are sooner or later the mayor will need us he has to start campaigning very soon, this contract sucks I rather be working with the current one the new one is dangerous, and as far as the pennies go with the way he set up retro it sucks. I want my money up front like the other unions!!!! VOTE NO !!!!!
I am wearing my crossfit warmup leotard inside out to protest the Los Angeles Clippers owner
Just look retro up front and I hear they already are talking about the new contract astorino needs them
retro up front
read this one carefully the
screw the 207c changes and I want my retro up front no other department waited for their money why should we!!!
Rumor has the mayor is trying to force The CLSA board to take the contract to a vote, please don’t fall for is a terrible contract just remember what Barry’s lawyer said about it.We should get an opinion from our lawyer at the very minimum and let him tell us just how bad it is. I rather work with the current contract because I feel much safer, and as far as the pennies we get for retro sooner or later the city has to pay us they cant continue on forever, Its like money in the bank we will get full retro upfront like all other county departments did.Remember the mayor has a campaign to start very soon lets hold out a little longer we will get a better contract …………….
sorry to say we really don’t need an opinion the fact that the burden of proof has shifted to the member is good enough for me .VOTE NO! VOTE FUCK NO!!!
Ok ray, whatever you say, you Crazy Old Coot, lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol!
Here is another great quote by Jarod Kintz.
“Some guys are the type of people who bring brass knuckles to a fight. I’ve always thought it prudent to bring some running shoes.”
We saw you fat boy, you barely could walk. You should have not given up 207c. Its a lot more paper work. The rest of you union leaders in the City stand tall together. Take it all the way. Do not accept what that fat rogue union leader did to his members. Look all around the State, the numbers are better, and with no or minimal give backs with no changes to their 207c. Do not be duped into shedding that valuable benefit. Ask some of the guys that are spending their money fighting to get keep it. Flip the fat man the bird, but do not leave it out there to long or J. Mueller might think its Keith’s tadpole and bite it. Stand with Barry, he is the future. Hold out elections are coming and the Mayor needs your vote. Be smart.
call these professionals they will tell you just how bad the 207c is!~!
Chris Harold
81 Main St, Suite 200
White Plains New York, 10601 914-683-2500
Warren J. Roth, Esq., of counsel
Bartlett, McDonough & Monahagan, LLP
81 Main Street, Suite 400
White Plains, NY 10601
Phone: (914) 448-0200
Fax: (914) 448-0215
Wow Keith the rat, did you ever notice that every time you open your trap either a fly comes out or you tell a good old Moquette river rat lie. Really fat man Firefighters are getting the pink slips? Well you sucking Mike’s ass didn’t help this unity word that is sprawled all over your phony emails. You f–ked every other union leader in the city, and now some are thinking about bringing your shit 207c to their members. The Firefighter are running all the way with the ball, they are not sucking balls like you fat man.
Any union leader that attempts to pretend that 207c is not bad should step down. You union leaders left with any dignity or integrity will not sell your members the same dream Olson sold to his young and inexperience police officers. We do not blame the membership for what they though their leader said was great and would not hurt them. We blame that lying rat deceiving chuck of rat shit Olson. So, if anyone is thinking about caving in, think again and do your own research, and do not let Olson or Quinn sell you a dream.
Yes, please, call them both. How fucking dumb are you guys?
Keith you should try and take some lessons from a true union leader, who has no problem going head to head with the mayor, Barry knows what he is doing he knows the mayor will soon have to start campaigning soon……………..
How’s that working out for him? Layoffs, no contract, constant litigation. Damn that guys good!
we save money by not overpaying our lawyer or spending money on dinners and bars,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
you call the new contract a contract???? that’s a death sentence waiting years for retro 30 days to now 10 to get my papers together from doctors ???burden of prove shifted to the members???? rather work with no new contract rather than this one …..
Hey blue truth geniuses take a look at the mayors budget. They didn’t do that good.
better than what we got
can we the name of the labor expert so he can show our lawyer just how good the new changes are on the new contract???? cant wait till we get a written opinion on this…………
where the money you skimmed from all the fundraisers ???you piece of shit!!!
Dunwoodie gate???
Cheetah scandal Greenburg PD???
Pataky threating a member at PBA meeting???
Spray paint city gas pumps-precinct walls???
verbal threats against members???
Sure ray……………….you Crazy Old Coot lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lo,lol,lol,lol,lol!
Yeah keith I heard a lot about that you really skimmed from those fundraisers??? Makes sense now why at the game 2 weeks ago with YFD they did not let you touch donations. Funny thing less cops attended and they still collected the same money like last year when you handled donations…just saying………..
that’s right keith had no board members not even his useless vps came cheap fucks, yes we actually made a few bucks more even though keith had a low turn out on his end,possibly because we handled the money…LOL
where is Jimmy and waynes money???
A classic!
Holy shit, that is classic! It looks just like Pappas after he got his ass kicked.
this is cooler type in KEITH OLSON into Google and see that even google recognizes him as a rat
KO your so full of shit that your about to explode. Do you really believe that any of the bosses are going to lie for you with the exception of Moran and Mueller. Your done and we are about to take your years of lies out to some fresh inspection. ” Please Mayor it’s Montero’s fault and all his boss friends”. I will just continue not to answer any of the allegations. Keith just like you did not say, ” fuck the firefighters and Barry at your opened meeting”. You could not even get 10 cops to show up. Hint, Hint. No Fat man, its the whole job. Loser rat
just type in “KEITH OLSON” and automatically Google recognizes him as a RAT !!! I shit you not just try it …….
Nice try Mr. PREZ, or Mr. Red Ant you just can’t help but lie and screw members. Time to exit . You can’t be the movement. The whole job knows what you did to them and their families.
heard 404 car will have some explaining to do on or about 1215hours 4-25-14 hope Quinn goes with you…………………..
Explain what?
Hey keith do you have the written opinion on the new contract in writing that it says its good for us???Can you give me the name of your expert in Albany that said it was good for us???why are we paying Quinn more money than ever before????how did your sister get a job in the mayors office??,last but not least why has not the clsa accepted this great contract?????
Your contract was signed 5 months ago you moron. You losers had the chance to run against half of your board including the guy you hate and you punked out. You’ve been talking about your own expert who says the contract sucks but you got nothing. More than likely we will be signing the same contract you guys did soon enough. Why don’t you just give it up already. All this shit is bad for the job.
You wish CLSA would sign than you morons will feel a little better fact is they are not!!!!how can you get members to run against a bully that stole the last election????
Tommy Phelan is no sell out!
you guys just love it when keith jerks off and you guys just open up and swallow wake up CLSA is not taking that dreadful contract and that’s why the mayor protects the Rat ,but sooner or later the chickens are coming home to roost and I hate to be around when that happens.
only thing bad about this job is KEiTH OLSON and the new PBA contract dont know which is worse???
Retired Detective Luigi N. was in HQ today. He was telling stories from “The Old Days” about him and Frankie C. fucking around and having a good time….he had us pissing in our pants!!! Do I miss him!
What happened to his job?? What a shame that all of the characters are gone. Luigi, Frankie, Le Cock, Woody Brown, Amodeo, Frezza, Chomicki, Capuano, Rince, Trabucco, Fornabaio, Gary Jessamy, Galasso, etc.
Just a few off the top of my head.
Stand up guys tell you to your face what they thought love them or hate them what you saw is what you got!!!! You new jacks will never even compare to these guys.
those guys mentioned below are definitely good men how ever when you have a RAT that becomes a leader of a union its a matter of time before the job loses the pride it once had under Portanova,Carozza,Cola.even the boat guy wasn’t that bad till he played the RAT game keith you ruined a good thing go back under your rock you are the worst ever to lead…………
I meant above!
THe boat guy sucked, inept,incompetent, clueless,soul less, down right ignorant and unapproachable, a total waste..But lets face it, he was the correct shade and people were afraid of that..
+ 1 Totally agree, thats when the job was GREAT!!!!
what do these reporters have in common????
Yonkers Tribune (Hezi aris)
News 12 (Tara Rosenblum)
Journal news (Phil Reismann)
NY post (Erik Shilling)
Westchester Guardian (Nancy King)
Westchester news (Barbara Ricci)
and other members of the press
They will all be soon invited to a press release to get a first hand look of how ROGUE the PBA PRES. KEITH OLSON is stay tuned folks just waiting for attorneys ok….
Heard that keith over stepped his boundaries I hope its not true what they got on him…………
As if you had anything on him you wouldn’t blab about it here. What a bunch of idiots. Lol
ahhhh if only you knew certain things just have to stay low for awhile but when this comes out,definately will not help Keith or the city hang tight water boy…………
You’ve been saying that for a year asshole. LMFAO
yes I agree but in the last year keith has fucked up too many times it just gives us more credibility to what he stands accused of so relax buddy the FEDS will love this when we spoon feed them all the accusations ,that’s if not some one else has not been already doing that…LOL
No. That’s not my name right Andy?
Did you spray paint the city gas pumps and precinct bathroom walls? No, right Andy
Did you go to the Mayor and tell him that a DD Captain was stealing after he told Moran that he was personally targeting the Vice President of the PBA? No, right Andy
Did you say that you had IP addresses to the PC? No right Andy
Did you harass a city female employee who’s brother was a 22 year member of this department? Oh, by the way he would have kicked your little tadpole from your office to Moquette row. No, right Andy
Did you not say at an open PBA meeting that you had Montero’s personnel file? No, right Andy
Did you not go to the CLSA President and ask him to support Brian Moran over your own PBA member? No right Andy
Did you not send Brian Moran your good friend to write up a member of your association? Did that member not go to IAD to get a former Lieutenant to help him do an unauthorized investigation? No, right Andy.
Much much more right Keith Olson, or Moquette river rat, or gray rat, or fat boy, or liar, or shit head, or con artist of funds, or what ever the ” Truth” is. One thing we know your a liar and you probably can’t help it because of the way you grew up. Its sad and unfortunate but it is better for the association if you step aside.
Last lyrics my fat friend, Did you and Quinn not tell us that the bullshit contract you haphazardly slap together before elections was great and that the changes to 207c would be better for us?
No of course not, and at this point on the advice of my personal and privileged attorney Mr.Quinn, I can no longer answer questions.
By the way , Olson did you not recently send John Donaghy to Dunwoodie to tamper and remove potential evidence on your orders?
You are self destructing day by day
On a serious note, who made RM’s hairpiece? It looks almost real.
why don’t you ask Ray can I touch your hair and see how it feels to have a head full of hair because everyday I see you, you look like a good year blimp and your hair is falling off may be you should go see Mr carmine and get some advice???? Or can it be you are stressed out selling you own members out???
Good idea. I’ll ask him if I can take it home with me. LMFAO!
I know keith is just jealous that his lover Mueller is losing his hair…lol
“First they laugh at you, then you start to leave, then you get frustrated and punch someone, then you make up a crazy story about how you were attacked, then you blog about it as if no one knows it’s you.”- Crazy Old Coot
keith is a good fat boy lol
he never had anything to do with Taggarts ouster, he never had anything to do with disbanding shutting down specialized units, He never went on city property and spray painted gas pumps,he never had anything to do with Mueller and moran writing up montero twice in nine months when Mueller and moran never wrote up anyone else the whole time on the job,he never went to the mayors office and ratted out on a det.Capt about stealing OT which proved to be false,he never said back when amicone was being challenged by spano that “fuck the spanos we are supporting amicone and to prove it the PBA check book was maxed out pre-primary,he never had anything to do with payaky threatening his own member at a pba meeting,he never had anything to do with sending a detective and seizing video equipment (dunwoodiegate)he never lied about the new PBA contract that it was very good for us, keith never did wrong to anyone guys believe me you guys are all wrong and he is right……..
You forgot one more thing. His name is not even Keith Olson. Get some help you corrupt union moquette row river rat. You never were even born right chubby? Ha, Ha, Ha
Someone needs help all right, lol.
When you say Dunwoodiegate are you talking about when Montero punched Pataky for nothing? Is that what Dunwoodiegate is?
no you dope that’s when you sent Det.Donahy in and confiscated the DVR and did it all with out proper procedure but then again you never followed proper procedure. Even after illegal and against department procedure misconduct was committed by Donahy why would the evidence be in his personal car??? You say pataky was punched???? well after you yelled out, “stop him we are not done with him yet”I would of taken that as a threat and knocked the shit out of pataky when he put his hands up in Rays face and telling me ,”sit down we are not thru with you” pataky got what was coming to him, Ray took affirmative action when he saw a clear threat of him being attacked by your Rogue Trustee. Funny how Erik Shilling did a story on him many great cops have double patakys arrest and they where not brought up only pataky???? he is a low life scumbag like you Keith lay down with dogs you wake up with fleas. Now you fuck face rat looking like rodent swallow this like the whore you are, any union leader saying this new contract is good for the membership is a prostitute I guess coming from moquette row rat doesnt help???
And PTF is still a Coward!
Keith Olson you have to be delusional. You and your few band beaters have the nerve to dispute the truth about your misconduct. Well lets examine your teenager beater Billy Pataky. Did he not curse at Montero ? did he not say that Montero punched him, with you sitting next to him in IAD? Does your petition not specifically state that Pataky was PUNCHED for NO REASON? Did you not investigate a DD Captain or say he was stealing? Is there not IAD documentation. Gray rat your just that, besides a fucking pathological liar. This time it wont help. You are laughable about talking about hurting members. You can’t get out of this you low life rat.
A word of advice fat boy. Do not drag in any more new cops into your lying schemes. Go it alone fat boy, because in the end you will be going it alone. No boss in the entire police department supports your illegal conduct. You only have two dicks sucking on each cheek and thats those other two face rats, J Mueller and B. Moran. Fools
don’t get caught in a rat trap if it has anything to do with the RODENT not worth it and he definitely will not give you Quinn when you need him………….
To the readers of the Yonkers Tribune who have been following the unethical and illegal actions conducted by Yonkers PBA President Keith Olson, we want to ensure the readers that this is constricted to Keith Olson, and his union henchmen like William Pataky.
He has disgrace himself and the Office of the PBA by going after his own members. He has committed out right and outrageous official misconduct intentionally smearing members reputations, and setting up CLSA and PBA members with false and misleading write ups, petitions, and unauthorized investigations, including tampering with potential evidence.
He has been coming apart at the seems and may need psychological counseling at this point. One thing is for sure, his actions warrant immediate intervention on the part of the County and Yonkers Police Department. The city must also reign in this union bully that has crossed over into violating laws. As crusaders for the protection of all members, and for fighting against internal union corruption, we will not falter or blink. We will exhaust all avenues of legal options to do so. We will protect our members, our friends, our community, and our families against becoming victims of this form of police corruption. We will have our day in court. As to the membership, you should hold this bully PBA board fully accountable for their actions in NOT reigning in Olson or reporting Moran, Mueller, or Pataky. Pataky as a union trustee has intentionally attempted to smear the reputation of another member so as to remove him for first amendment rights. Pataky should be removed from representing the Yonkers Police Department at the County level due to his questionable police conduct. Captain John Mueller could not find a more respectable more honest police officer other that Pataky? Or was it pay back for squashing union complaints?
So members of the PBA stand down and do not be mislead by Olson. He has been spending your money like water, while we look to supplement our incomes. He has removed police officers from receiving union news because they affiliate with certain union members. Just outrageous an incomprehensible, and unpredictable behavior from a union boss or criminal? You decide. More honest information will be forthcoming. Our resolve is unbreakable. We will have our day ….
Not one time have you phonies listed any details of anything these guys have done. You say you were targeted, explain how. Someone was “set up?” Give us the details. False write ups? Sounds juicy, do tell! You can do it anonymously right here.
But that won’t happen will it? That’s because it’s all a big crock of shit. You fools have done nothing but ruin your reputations and with every post you dig yourselves that much deeper into the hole you’ve created. Keep it coming morons. You’re only hurting yourselves.
everyone knows what keith did to his own VP ray if you want to know ask the city law department they have been given notice what keith olson did and if the city does not take affirmative action against this DICK we know other agencys that will !
Because the Crazy Old Coot says it, doesn’t make it so. Crazy Old Coot lol,ol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol!
Is it true the CLS signed a contract same as the PBA?
But PTF is a coward!
Tommy will never do to his union what this RAT bastard did!!! I say never!!!!
We all know PTF is a coward. It was sealed in stone a long time ago. Please no more repeating the obvious.
keith every move you make you seem to sink deeper, if IAD does not do anything about your boy conducting an unauthorized investigation at your behest I will personally go to an outside agency and explain line by line what occurred, and I will show memo from PC about conducting unauthorized investigations. You will have some explaining to do
Listen you crazy asshole. Nobody is afraid of you. You wanna go to the Feds? We will fucking drive you there. I would kill to see the looks on their faces when you tell them the story of how cops tried to pull video of YOU punching someone for no reason. You have really lost your fucking mind.
we don’t need a ride its just a matter of time my furry little gray RAT,seems like everyweek you keep doing something that helps our case so we stand by and use it to prove our case even further what a bully does and the ABUSE of power just helps even more…….
First of all you fat disgusting rat , you tell the members what happen. You know you can’t. Its much more than this incident you created. Your done fat boy. Just like your brother in law trying to hump another cops wife, and just like Pataky slapping around teenagers. Yeah pal we will see.
keith just invited the media to get a more in depth view of just what a bully he can be, cant wait for this to pop!!!
p.s. you think that piece Erik Shilling did 2 weeks ago was bad wait till you see video evidence of him being what he has been accused of all along from a civilian!
Empty threats from an empty skull.
ok butt these are not threat at all only the truth about a bully being substantiated
Yes Quinn your complaint is being perfected so when it is bought to the attention of the grievance committee you will wish you never lied to the members about just how bad this contract is, the best part of this is that our brothers and sisters in the CLSA will prove that for us by them not even taking a vote on it !!!!
p.s. yes it has been said before this will happen the fact is keith keeps helping our case with his illegal actions like dunwoodiegate and now just recently going after a civilian .just love it !
Keith Olson is self destructing and is completely out of control. He has blamed a lot of CLSA and PBA members for his own woes. He has so many fires going that he personally decided to ignite another one. These unethical actions will not go unanswered. You will be held personally responsible and liable. You fell into quick sand and I suggest you get help. You will be taking others down and that is unfortunate, but legally necessary.
You have been rogue for quite a while and think there will be no consequences for guys like you and that teenage slapper William Pataky, who is John Mueller ass wipe paper. You make statements on assumptions, but we have the proof. You truly are a bully who really demonstrated your cowardly actions. You have repeatedly violated the laws. You and Billy Pataky are the laughing stock of the department. The two of you are definitely rogue cops too.
What did he do?
In due time
members will be soon presented a written opinion on just how bad the 207c changes are. I will personally pay to get written opinions from not one but two labor lawyers and it will be clear that we got sold by keith olson just so he can run unopposed and get a job from the mayor for his sister hang tight members it takes a little time to get a written opinion from a well know lawyer…..
Sounds like you’re trying to submarine the CLS contract now. Won’t work. We are too smart to listen to someone so dumb.
Tommy unlike the Rat sellout will not even discuss this rag contract. The Mayor will have to deal with ,628,456 TEACHERS AND CLSA otherwise he is cooked Barry and others have plenty in store for him.
Hey dumb ass, we’ve reached an agreement.
You’re gonna personally pay? How will you sign the check, “John Doe”?
I will sign it Eddie lee…lol
What’s a “tresurer?”
a guy that helps the union president out with hanky panky
keith done fucked up now we have a civilian filing a lawsuit against him for defamatory and list of other charges officers beware you will get deposed if you eat the RAT cheese..
Keith you are a very corrupt individual that certainly appears to be hiding behind a small position. You are driving the association into ditch abusing your authority as a union official, but more importantly as a Police Officer. Your targeting of any individual will not be tolerated at any level. You are an individual that has a handful of pathetic followers. We have always said that this is not going away. It is time to legally call you on what you and guys like your girlfriend Billy Pataky have been doing.
You see Keith, you still are in denial of what you and John Donaghy did at Dunwoodie Gate. You say we have no proof, but everyone else in department knows your a liar. So kick out your name calling because in the end you will not win this. On another note, I would like to tell you or anyone that eats cheese with you that you smell. The smell you carry after your name calling, smells just like a ” fat sinking coward that hides behind authority. You throw a lot of name calling, but have not addressed the article. You talk like a typical bully and bullies are synonymous for cowards. We do not know how you were raised or what you saw as a little fat boy but it has taken a toll on your personality. So if YOU , or any of your dirty cops have something stuck in your throats, its best you get help. We all know that fat boys have traditionally been bullies. So Keith stop hiding behind the seat of the PBA. This is not going away. So answer the article and stop name calling you coward, or go get your man pants and seek these individuals you attempt to incite. We will always be ready to give you or any of your dirty cops like Pataky a helping hand.
new BLUE TRUTH story in the works on PBA pres. stay tuned !!!
Nobody cares dick.
ohhh yes they will just wait and see the media is going to love it!
you all know by now who Erik Shilling is, incase you don’t he is the one that put the spotlight on Pataky 2 weeks ago, now he is working for a bigger paper he is going to put the PBA office in the spotlight along with city for allowing the office of the PBA to continue to break laws and violations especially the Dunwwodie mess stay tuned just waiting for the ok from attorneys………..
You helped Shilling with the last anti-cop article and you’re helping him again. More cowardice from the cop hating Blue Truthers. Why don’t you write a letter and sign your name to it like the PC and union Prez did?
is that why the PC had his opinion taken down cause it was next to yours????
Shilliing is gonna have a field day with this civilian you fucked with you dumb bastard !!!
Ray Montero you are such a pathetic loser. Keep thinking you getting somewhere because you are totally alone. The whole job thinks u are an insane asshole who needs to be dealt with by iAd when anyone other than pappas Itzla Russo Mingy or Cartagena talks to you just know they just want you to go away and just want to make sure you don’t turn your obsessions on them. NOTHING YOU HAVE PROMISED OR PREDICTED HAS COME TRUE. NOTHING! Just do the whole city afavor and go away. We are sick and tired of you you old paranoid senile wig wearing smelly old man
really nothing has come true that’s why corporation council has been talking to Rays lawyer last week and this week in hopes of not going to court………..just ask Shanon Brady
PTF is still a coward!
rat face you didn’t set up your own VP???you didn’t send in a detective to go to dunwoodie and take electronic equipment unauthorized????you didn’t tell pataky to stop him at the PBA meeting when ray tried to leave the room when Quinn finally admitted the burden of prove has shifted to the member???? if that’s not a rat I don’t know what is………………….
I got boat thanks fitz i on boat u no not have boat that i do got u no not on boat sue on boat in bikini u no not on boat u want to boat but no have no boat but i got boat and u no not heard him on boat that he that he on no boat
Could someone please translate from ebonics to english on what Eddie is trying to say?All I got out of this gibberish was that he has a boat, thank you Fitz, and Sue is wearing a bikini,YIKES..
Hey sell out can someone please explain how RM got set up, just saying it doesn’t prove anything. Just a little info so we can make an informed decision. Thanks.
keith you didn’t sell out the members???? why have not the CLSA accepted????
PTF is still a coward!
If you are hiding behind your keyboard and talking shit about someone without putting your name to it you are much, much worse than a coward.
Hey rat face a few times comments where mentioned about challenging you to a debate but you my rat friend pussy was so scared you dared not even to comment back. Must be someone that really knows the scoop on you FATSO!!!
I know and that would be,being PTF. LMFAO
Olson and guys like Pataky will not be permitted to hide behind Quinn any longer. The men and woman of this department have the right to report and fight against official misconduct. How is that Mr. PINS Mueller allowed to send a dirty bag cop like Pataky to the Intel meetings. Where is the accountability? Where is the community out cry for a guy who slaps around young teenagers, then intentionally commits perjury. Hmmmm
On the way to work so I had to make a quick comment, what is the Mayor going do about all this ???keep a thug in the Intel unit???stay friendly with a PBA pres.that has a notice of claim pending???Mike a lot of people are losing faith in you,you don’t need a high school diploma to figure it Einstein……………
Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water, police officers spot two dirty rogue rats attempting to conspire against cops and their families by any illegal means. Olson and Pataky were bullies in school who should have been dealt with then. Now we will unleash the legal soap to cleanse the department of these corrupt cops.
Stay tuned members there might be another great story on you know who stand by….
Move on fat boy. The truth is unbreakable. The evidence is clear and present. The crimes are obvious to all.
Keith Olson and Billy Pataky are just two cops that you may want to stay away from. We don’t know what made these two turn rogue, but one thing is for sure they are and we Yonkers cops don’t want them either. When you have individuals such as these cops that do not play by the rules either intentional or not not, they create a very hostile work environment which is not conducive to the community.
A full investigation should be conducted against these rogue cops. It will not surprise the department, but will shock and appall the community. These two lie so much, they do not know the truth anymore.
I will call my contacts in white plains and give them an earful of pataky and that he reports to the the rat that should kill it cause we all know Janet hates keith…………..
This is not going away. Keith Olson has committed everything from harassment of female city employees, which by the way was reported, to illegally conducting unauthorized investigations, to conspiring with other police officers to target his own members, to tampering with evidence , copying, and removing official police records.
Theses actions will no go unanswered and we are demanding a closer inspection of the activities of public officials like Olson and his henchman Bill Pataky, the hand picked Intel Officer who like Olson are both rogue cops.
For the readers of this site, we assure you that this article is credible. To the other agencies reading site, we advise you to investigate the contents of the allegations in its entirety. We invite you to seek records of complaints, interoffice memos, letters, emails and reports written by supervisors. These police officers are not better than the common street criminal and must be dealt with in accordance with State and Federal Laws. Until then as protected under the law we will continue to analyzed and legally protect all YPD members from being set up and becoming a target of unauthorized investigations. Our resolve is unbreakable, and we are united against internal corruption by union thugs. Olson where ever you go you leave a carbon footprint that traces back to you andyour cronies.
keith its gonna be a pleasure when the hammer drops on your fat stinking ass and I will make sure im there keep doing what your doing its helping our case piece by piece
job sucks cause you got assholes like rabid rat keith olson selling us out and the city is standing by watching him do it,but not for long the ship will right itself very soon lots of surprises soon…
I agree with the commenter “This job sucks”
All those guys you mentioned are missed. There is no denying that our union was much stronger then. It was unheard of that the PBA president would blatantly set fellow cops up the way out current president does. Yes gone are the days when cops like the ones you mentioned wouldn’t stand for an out of control self indulging president. Now we have 400 plus cops that are afraid to stand up. Only a handful of real men (and women) left that tell Keith to go fuck himself.
Nuff said
Not one time have you explained how you got set up. Anyone know why? Cause it’s all bullshit. Even in anonymity you can’t explain how you were set up you fucking liar.
Don’t like the job anymore? Beat it!
The capital letters make you feel better pussy? Try coming out from behind your keyboard maybe that will make you feel like a man.
proud to be a 628 MEMBER as long as the rodent is around we are all in danger….
If the job sucks so much then leave asshole.
fuck you keith we will leave when you are thrown out !!!
Retired Detective Luigi N. was in HQ today. He was telling stories from “The Old Days” about him and Frankie C. fucking around and having a good time….he had us pissing in our pants!!! Do I miss him!
What happened to his job?? What a shame that all of the characters are gone. Luigi, Frankie, Le Cock, Woody Brown, Amodeo, Crazy Frezza, Chomicki, Capuano, Rince, Trabucco, Fornabaio, Gary Jessamy, Galasso, etc.
Just a few off the top of my head.
betcha no of the stories had the rat in it???
All those guys you mentioned were stand up guys like them or hate them they always told you to your “FACE” what they were thinking and if you did not like it it was just a plain old go fuck yourself………You new jacks will never be able to shine their shoes….
Wow PBA office was quiet yesterday. Is it always like that now?
So, so predictable and so transparent.
Wee wee how the big over weight union prez must feel. The truth is out and its only told one way, which is the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help us god. Get use to that Boys.
Classic! Lol
Meaty P
APRIL 22, 2014 AT 10:21 AM
This is one of my all time favorite quotes by Jarod Kintz. It sums up what I am all about.
“Fight or flight? If I had wings, there’d be no choice. But since I don’t have wings, I have to rely on my cape, and a long running start.”
I wanted to congratulate you on the fine job you are doing with the police department. Rogue cops with numerous open lawsuits, complaints filed against them and you authorize them to represent YPD in the county Intel.???? You seem to be naïve or is it true you are dumb??? keith olson has pending notice of claim with the city and you still let him getaway with the illegal seizure of video equipment (DUNWOODIE GATE) one of his henchman went there without authorization from a supervisor and confiscated electronic equipment what do you plan on doing??? I know what the FEDS will do….
Tonight keith olson AKA THE RAT THIEF will be at your birthday bash are you that desperate to have a RAT fuck face like that on your host committee???Everyone in law enforcement county wide knows he is a RAT and a sell out. I guess its all about how much he will write out the check for….
Mike I thought you were a breath of fresh air thats what you said on inauguration day, seems more like a fart out of nicks ass…………………
Its unfortunate and very disturbing, but when police Officers like Keith Olson and others like William Pataky, who have intentionally have violated state and federal laws and are overlooked because they are union officials you breed an attitude and a demeanor that is very detrimental to the department as a whole. Sort of like when you repeatedly kick a dog. The dog eventually bites and fights for survival. This is what is occurring within the Yonkers Police Department. This small band of union officials and others have clearly committed what you are reading. That conduct must be dealt with swift and appropriately. No one is exempt from criminal actions. This read is a result of a few rogue cops that though they could play the role of the administrators. The administration should have fixed or stop their intentionally criminal conduct several years back to the Hartnett reign. Now a prudent person can reasonably that these individuals have done just that of what they are accused.
For the other 99 percent of the police officers that have heard and watched this unfold, this waving of the red flag was necessary to protect the rights of all uniform personnel as employees of the department.
Ray you are a completely irrational Crazy Old Coot, lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol!
wonder how much the Rat will donate tonight at the Mayors fundraiser at Empire casino?? It doesn’t matter it wont be the first time he gives away our hard earned dues. When the forensic audit gets demanded from courts that will be keiths down fall cause I know that’s a Pandora’s box the minute the books get opened and than the membership will see what a true thief he is!!!
You better come up with something better than high school chants . That’s not permissible in Federal court. They only want statements and whats in the police files.
Lets see. What idiot decided to give the job of representing Yonkers Police Department to a guy that was just featured in the Journal news for excessive law suits within a two year period. The allegations of setting up young men and beating them is a serious allegation. This guy should have never been selected for field intelligence gathering. What boss decided to send this frustrated police officer to the jail everyday to interview prisoners. It is quite obvious that he cannot communicate at all with the general public.
The Yonkers PBA union leader Keith Olson needs to be investigated for numerous internal acts of misconduct and violations of State and Federal civil rights Laws. He along with other high ranking members of the Yonkers Police Department have committed criminal acts from creating false police identifications to tampering with evidence and targeting CLSA and PBA members with secretive unauthorized investigations. The department has numerous emails, letters and complaints on file supporting the allegations of misconduct as the article indicates. Olson and others need to be investigated now. This is just the first step in dealing with internal corruption. The members and the community deserve better than what Olson and others have done.
That idiot, as you call him, is the Police Commissioner. He defended Pataky in an article in the paper and has final say on all personnel moves. After all he’s done for you I can’t believe you’d call him an idiot. That is just wrong.
its not the PC fault I blame this situation for getting out of hand on one person and that’s MIKE SPANO!!!!!
I wonder what the mayor has to say about this. It seems rogue cops get away with everything than to boot get rewarded Really Mike ?????????????
We had made many complaints about that Pataky. The complaints went unanswered and now after reading the Journal News piece about him, and the Yonkers Tribune we will be addressing this issue at the next NAACP meeting with Ms. Brown. She has received everything.
Naacp is not too happy with pataky I heard they are they are talking to some of the victims harassed by pataky ,also they will be contacting the D.A. office for an investigation……..
If the we can’t Justice, how can the ordinary citizen get Justice. Step down you over weight river rat. You set up cops and then tamper with evidence, or steal other cops personnel files and Pataky has his nose up your fat cottage cheese smelly ass. You know how that smell is Keith. Hence, when Pataky is not planting evidence or slapping little kids he is usually watching you do unauthorized investigations against other cops. Nice rogue cops with badges. Troop K is a kids camp compare to the crimes Olson and Pataky committed. Our message has not been disputed right KO, because you have not address any of the articles you liar. Besides real cops know that deep down that hollow evil fat tunnel your just a coward that is stuck in 12 th grade. You have called a lot of cops names, that are just that. We will continue to expose illegally actions. We are not walking away from this. So go relax and get a chunk of Pataky’s ass. Low life
Gotta tell you some one made a comment about Billy Quinlinn the other day, and for the new jacks on the job Billy was a nasty old drunk 24-7 his haunts was south broadway diner parkside diner and sometimes Ghetto Square this guy was always loaded unshaven climbing into dumpsters looking for food and constantly get locked up, and the more I think about him the more he reminds of keith lol…………
Heard a rumor that one of the local reporter is going to call GPD and ask about the cheating LT and how was it handled OOOOOOOoooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooo 100car 10-2 GPD lol
man o man gotta tell you Troop K is on the radar along with certain members of YPD thanks Mr mayor for not dealing with your own housekeeping told ya time a long this shit aint going away…………
check this out for real just type in “Keith Olson” and automatically Google recognizes him as a RAT no joke
Ray, you look like million bucks kid!!! You should be a poster boy for HGH!! Except for those man boobs you have and of course, the old man smell.
Ps that greazy mop on his head is a wig!,,
Ray you is one cRAYzy old jackass
CRAYzy old coot!!!!!! Lollollollollolollo
Montero has a snout like Toucan Sam what a fruit loop!!!
Not for nothin’ but you have to admit that the Keith Crowd as a whole is not the most handsome bunch, and it is pretty safe to say that GQ Magazine wont be calling for a photo shoot.
Ray might be 60 years old but he is in excellent shape for a man his age and he still has a great head of hair.
Can we stick to the article? Keith did you and JD really tamper with the Dunwoodie tape? How can you view a tape with your own members on it. If you wanted to personally see Montero put Pataky in line you should have let the department do the investigation. Now that you have accused your member of assaulting a guy like Pataky, your case just went out the window Sherlock. He should have started bullying new members first.
Your fat ass has been in the chair to long or too tight cutting the circulation off to that rodent brain of yours.
I guess Pataky took a page out of the Olson’s handbook of official misconduct. So its okay if your a young teenager that gets flaked and punched around by Pataky. Then, if you keep that up for a while they send you to represent the YPD at the County wide Intel meetings. By the way he showed up like a farm hand.
Come on man? Please tell me it aint true, did Patacky really show up at a county wide Intel meeting with a chip on his shoulder dressed like that. Billy, you make us all look like thugs, and you make Keith look bad too. Keith stuck his neck out for you and you’re making him look bad. You are confirming what these guys are saying here. Leave that attitude home and put on a suit when you represent the department. We have enough spot lights on us, at least look professional. Would it kill you to get cleaned up at least for the meeting? I’m trying to stay on your side, you’re making it difficult.
Enough is enough so they send this jerk off to represent intel WTF???? how many lawsuits is he involved how many complaints lodged against him wasn’t he just questioned BY IAD in his involvement at a PBA meeting threating one of our own????? Let me make my calls now to the journal news and others this may be interesting a rogue cop gets a promotion to a special assignment!
What does the mayors brother have to do with this…..
You don’t think the Mayor’s brother knows. Give me a break. Someone should tell that dick Mueller to forget the PINS pipe dream and find a cop that does not flake citizens. .
a lot he is the one that cuts orders
What an embarrassment to Yonkers! You guys really sent a guy like Patacky to our Intel meeting today representing the Yonkers Police Department?? What is going on in the great YPD?? We know Tillson and Carteginea have been wanting to get out of the detail for quite some time but couldn’t YPD find someone else to take it over? I’m not giving any credibility to what we see in the papers about people suing YPD over Patacky, that’s not for a fellow cop to comment on. Won’t even comment on what we all read on this site except to say that other departments read it for entertainment value.
But Det. Patacky shows up at our meeting looking like a dirty slob with an attitude. Wearing dirty jeans, muddy boots and a wrinkled, soiled t-shirt, really? The rest of us cops at the meeting were a little embarrassed for YPD. Then he sits there with an attitude and doesn’t say anything? I didn’t get the name of the other detective you guys sent up today, he seems very timid and new but at least he was friendly with us and dressed respectfully.
What the hell is going on in Yonkers?
The department is plagued with corruption stemming from the office of the PBA specifically Keith Olson. I also don’t like to give an opinion about police complaints, but we have first hand knowledge that he flakes young teenagers. He is bad for any department.
this is crazy I typed in “Keith Olson” on Google and automatically it recognized his name as a rat fucking real just do it and see for your self.
Keith how many of your board members-rat squad came to the game last week???? That speaks no one wants to be seen with you……………
p.s. I heard it was less attended than last year yet they made the same money could it be is because the firemen handled the donations this time around???
How many Blue Truth pussies were at the game?
no one would be seen anywhere near the KING RODENT!
Keith the rat Olson
Brian the file collector Moran, also know to target members as soon as KO fondles him.
John Mueller I can’t believe I am not Police Commissioner because I personally go around and offer personalized serves. I will even write PINS petitions for family court. So parents bring your out of control kids to the fourth precinct.
Lastly Wild Billy Pataky, I rack up lawsuits because I slapped around teenagers, then flake them if the talk back. One should really look and examine his arrest reports and you will find what type of an investigator he really is. Hmmmm Sherlock laughable. .You can’t even slap around your own members…what are you 0 and 3.
These guys make Troop K look like Camp Goodness. ROGUE is these guys middle names.
“Basehead” or “punching bag” or “Pataky”. One thing I can tell you is hector doesn’t pick on little kids. He actually goes head to head with whoever you throw at him. He is not a coward that arrests grown men and then chastises them like they are little children. He is also not an individual that is being sued multiple times for stupidity. Stick to what you know best and keep the coffee hot for your crackhead captain. I know he sucks the glass dick with his missing teeth. Is the third floor alive. They are too busy cutting overtime and fucking real cops while you go out and give us all a bad name. I’ll see you at the take out window of the south broadway McDonald’s you coward. It’s only a matter of time before karma catches your fat ass.
Hum, lets see. Sherlock Holmes? See your back on the glass dick Mr. “WARC” poster. Who the fuck in the community is going to speak to the “punching bag”? There will be a riot at the city jail if that jackass shows his face. Hey Mr. Commissioner, if you want burning mattresses and unruly prisoners in your jail, you’re sure to get that if you send the fat dummy up here to do interviews. Speaking of the glass dick, what the hell is the fourth pct. CO thinking. You guys could really fuck up a wet dream. Keep Pataky where he belongs, in the back office with Joe Ski, counting paperclips. Instead of putting a great street cop like Phil on the desk because of politics, somebody from the third floor should demand Phil be the intel officer. Besides, common sense says Phil is already on the DD list. Who the fuck is at the helm here? And they say I’m a crackhead! You white folks is crazy.
How much success did your boyfriend Hector have while holding the FIO spot? Name one thing he did. One? Talk about the glass dick.
James Murphy
Get a life dick.
keith some one challenged you to debate on hezis talk show why have you not accepted he said you can have Quinn come along. The guy seems like he has a lot of shit on you??????????????
Who challenged KO? Montero? LMFAO
what difference does it make jerk off??? clearly he is a retired cop that had run ins with your RAT friend and seems like he got the goods on him now ask your rat friend why has he not accepted………………..
It matters cuz you don’t have the balls to challenge anyone publicly you anonymous pussy.
Well i got an idea let keith accept his challenge and then we will all know who it is.He did say you will recognize his voice…….
Clearly you’re a pussy.
not me I don’t care if I was keith and had nothing to be afraid of I would call him out,I guess keith is scared not me I don’t give 2 shits about you or the RAT
you are what you eat…lol, so that makes you a dick head
There is a rumor circulating around the 4th precinct that the smartest Captain in the world J. Mueller has tapped a thug like Pataky to take over the precinct Intel spot. Imagine that if the rumor proves to be accurate. The smartest Captain in the world could not find not one other police officer in the entire precinct other than a guy who has garnered a stack of civil suits and complaints in two years. Is this good judgment on the part of the Captain? Is this payback for his support in the precinct?
The duties of Intel person is usually performed by a Detective. Those responsibilities are to respond to the city jail and interview inmates. Well that will be a tough job for Pataky because his reputation as a rogue cop will not yield any useful information to a guy who can’t communicate other than using aggression.
The department should really think this move through. The District Attorney’s Office should also be informed about this dirt bag.
If Pataky goes to the Intel meetings with Montero and company present he’ll look like Sherlock Holmes.
Having Montero at an “Intel” meeting is like having Mingy at an “Intel” meeting. Lol
you kidding pataky to the Intel unit??? Journal news would love that one not too mention the Yonkers tribune Hezi will definitely have a field day with that one…go ahead mike make that happen and watch the circus come in town. The message will be if you get sued have a lot of complaints against you and violate citizens rights and we will reward you????
I thought he would be a camp counselor for a sleep away camp. This way he could search their bed area every night and if they say anything he can always slap them around because they don’t see their parents until the weekend. That’s kinda what I had in mine. Lol
Its time for these two union representative’s to step down. They both need to move on. I can see it now. Olson will be standing outside of Walmart dress in a Santa outfit ringing his bell with his tin cup, and Pataky will be the short order cook on Route 80 somewhere …..Well its better than a 5×7
I would love for meaty petey to go on the Hezi show. He could talk about cross fit versus cross
He can talk about how he is an empty suit
He can also talk about how he is the only PBA member ever to lose 4 elections.
He can also talk about how he is the only PBA member ever to lose 4 elections.
So what’s Meaty Petey’s mantra? Look up in the sky, it’s a bird, it’s a plane. No it’s the caped coward, lol. I think he just flew over my house.
This is one of my all time favorite quotes by Jarod Kintz. It sums up what I am all about.
“Fight or flight? If I had wings, there’d be no choice. But since I don’t have wings, I have to rely on my cape, and a long running start.”
Meaty P., now there’s a guy that’s not a kiss ass and will stand up for what he believes. Lmfao. Flight is right for that coward punk.
Well it looks like the KEITH OLSON is not responding to a comment posted last night about coming on Hezi radio show. Now that would of been great to see how keith would of been squirming in his rat nest, I just can imagine the questions that would of came out must be one of his former supervisors from the way he sounded. Keith you should take the challengeprove to us your not a rat he even said bring Quinn along for the ride……………………….
Here are the names that Keith Olson’s and others have also labeled liars or red handed
Local 628 B.M.
The P.C and his family (shame on you)
All the Chief’s
CLSA President T.P.
ALL the Captains with exception of John Mueller
All of IAD
Lt. B.P.
Entire Housing Unit
Half of the Narcotics Unit and Gang Unit
Then their is newly added names of additional Detectives and new Police Officers
The Training Unit
Folks if you get caught talking to any of these well respected individuals Keith Olson will cut you off his propaganda email site.
By now the media and the entire city sees how desperately he is attempting to hang on. According to Olson the above list are just plain liars. Now, you the readers of this site can make your conclusion. Its just not possible that all these individuals are red handed or plain liars like Olson.
Keith put up or shut up. Since your challenging the validity of the incident, why don’t you track them down and see what tell you. You would have put your foot in your mouth again, or should we say cheese. No, no one would challenge such an incident like that by a news video you moron. You or any lowlife that has any doubt about the actions taken by Montero should start with the District Attorney’s Office Narcotics unit. So Olson once again put up the personell files of the members you called criminals and call someone from W.DA.N.I.
No my fat lying rat leader. You put up or shut up or we will. Oh, its like Pataky’s report the news comes after the incident. You babbling idiot. At 9am, go see the PC, and put up or shut your rat trap. We can if you don’t. Shame on you to exploit such an incident.
Looks like the crazy, really old coot got you rats over a barrel. Got a question for you guys. How did that happen? Can you rats explain that one?
If you think this has a happy ending, you haven’t been paying attention.
I don’t even have to work at this. I’m just a lowly Snow in real life too. I am truly a bastard in every sense of the word. Just reading some of the comments on here brings a smile to my face. How hated you must be by the very people you see on a daily basis like me. It almost makes me sad. Almost. But then I’m always happy to see a Fat Rat run. Nothing makes for better entertainment than a rat wobbling down the streets of Yonkers!
Get a grip Joffrey.
Look here – we have a winner! My Fatty Rat has scurried back into the light. He wasn’t content to stay in the woods hiding from me.
But you already told me everything, remember? Your fellow officers were mean to you. Internal Affairs didn’t appreciate you. You failed, but I’m a better hunter than you. Now, how about your little finger? You don’t need that for much do you? No? Good! Let’s start with that. You’ve been wondering why you’re hunted, who I am, why I’m doing this to you. So, guess! If you’re right, I’ll tell you, by the old gods and the new, I swear it. You win the game if you figure out who I am and why I’m torturing you, and I win the game if you beg me to cut off your finger.
Am I one of your numerous illegal arrests? Or am I perhaps a not-so-fellow officer? Or maybe I’m just enamored of the HBO show and happened to read about a prime f*ckup like you? Too bad you can’t ask me any questions. Or can you? I think you might be missing the point just like you might be missing more than a finger soon.
Meaty P. put a sock in it, you are a cross dressing coward. “Never Happened” actually who are you? Get to know your YPD history before you come on this site and post yet more lies. Ask a couple of your friends that may have been there that day. Read the clippings and as Meaty P. says, stop “hating”. I know we are all half the men Keith is but that’s only cause he weighs twice what we do.
We read the clippings and you’re not in them. Instead of posting the same old videos why don’t you post some of those clippings Mr. Hero?
What a dirty liar.
Googled your name but can’t find the clipping. Found this though but no mention of you. Help us out. Where’s the “clipping?” Tell us more about the YPD history.
Read it and laugh!
The coward no comment club with a tint of gray in just don’t get it. If Anthony Chiarella, Brian Moran and John Mueller are not out there hitting on another cops wife they just go buck wild with lies and more lies. So Mueller and Olson used that mule face tough guy who flakes teenagers to bully the new guys in the fourth. For you young new guys in the 4th be careful he don’t flake you for Olson and Mueller. You could be next. We don’t think that convict Pataky will be raising his hand to any for a while, until Keith Olson gives him good face. Tadpoles like to hang with tadpoles. While he giving face, Moran and Chiarella usually hide in the closet and watch, while Mueller puts on his panties and waits to get spanked by Olson’s belly.………
The YPD gives this guy a gun? God help us all.
There’s a video you’ll appreciate.
“Detective Raymond Montero of the Yonkers Police Department’s Narcotics/Gang unit, a former Yonkers PBA Vice President, and a twenty-five-year, recognized and well-decorated Police Detective who reports indicate pulled two wounded New York State Troopers from a fire fight during an early morning raid in which the suspect was shot and killed in The Bronx.”
Show us the movie on that one you crazy bastard. Only you would make that shit up.
Maybe you need to track k the troopers down and ask them you fuckin rat. You will probably find out another lie you posted. Hairbag.
Turn up your speakers this is EPIC right keith
I am going to post this again because it speaks volumes.
This quote of Teddy Roosevelt is one of my favorites. Sometimes I question myself as to whyI bother to get involved in certain things when it can subject you to public scrutiny. I have entered the “ring” and been beaten up but believe I have come out stronger on the other end. I know some people will never dare to do “great” things because they’d rather live peaceful lives butI wonder what sort of legacy they will leave behind? Too many people go along just to get along and never question because they are afraid of the repercussions or when they do so in an environment where they will not be called on it. I hate the term “haters” but those who would anonymously speak about others in the shadows rather then face them man to man fit that term rather well. Those who would like to smile and shake your hand one moment then kick you from behind the next will never truly know what it is to be a man. Funny thing is some of my alleged “friends” in this cyber world will do just that with this post.
I beg to differ Mr. “14B” or should I say “Cheatah”. Over a dozen good cops were dragged into IAD over your brother in laws shenanigans at that meeting. Only the “punching bag” said Ray punched him which we all know is an outright lie. Where are the other 188 members that witnessed what you say? Go peddle your propaganda somewhere else. Greenburgh is still waiting for a code. What should we tell them?
Bat shit crazy.
Did ever notice that the fat slab of cheese has refused to answer any questions regarding anything? Did you noticed that we the membership are becoming more powerful every day. The PBA prez is truly a 12th grader. Every time he hurls an insult against his membership, he himself adds a name to the ranks of Blue Truthers. He was told to his face that we the men and woman of the YPD are all Blue Truthers and for every negative post that the most despicable PBA President posts we garner more support. To you civilians that are reading this, this is about a group of rogue cops that tried to hijack the department for their own ideology to have complete control whereas John Mueller would play the role of the PC, and Keith Olson would be dressing Mueller every day for role call. This started when Mueller, Moran, and Olson decided to premeditate and intentionally target any opposition member’s and CLSA members.
While they were intentionally targeting our members the department and city sat silent only enabling him more. Imagine instead of your union protecting your rights they placed you in their cross hairs. However, this revolt occurred because Olson and the people mentioned clearly violated state and federal laws to intentionally violated the constitutional rights of CLSA and PBA members. So what you have is rogue corrupt police department within a department. Lastly my civilian readers this is who Keith Olson is, and that is why he has lost the confidence of the CLSA and PBA members. This is about reporting police corruption against our own membership. If they can target one, then we are all next. So for the Olsonettes we suggest you get out before the feds take you out. Keith every time you add a name to what you call Blue Truthers the membership now knows the real true about you and your board.
Bat shit crazy I tell ya.
You should probably go to the next union meeting and say all this in person.
over half your meetings end up in fights or worse !
Ummm, I don’t go to all of them but I think it was just one. The one you were at. Where you punched a guy because you were made to look like a fool. All the other meetings are civilized.
DBLOCK is more civilized on 90 degree night than one of your meetings
“Did ever notice” or should I say “did you noticed” that you are fucking illiterate?
keith did you really think you can get away with all the illegal criminal action committed by you???I got news for your rat ass if the city does not take corrective action in all the illegal matters you are involved in, and we know there is many including the latest Dunwoodiegate we will personally go to the FEDS and spoon feed it to them ,that’s if they already are not on the case…………….
Ray you and your insane clown posse would be laughed out of any law enforcement office you jerks walked into. You guys are MORONS! If you had any credibility and told the truth action would have been taken, and what about your lawsuit?
well after Dunwoodie gate it only helps ray so why rush,the RAT will seal his own fate.
first the illegal petition, then Pataki telling ray you cant leave keith is not finished with you, and now the unauthorized seizure of video equipment keep it up keith your helping our case …………….
Do you NOT realize there were almost 200 people there that saw you punch Pataky for no good reason? You are seriously fucking nuts! Bat shit crazy I tell ya, bat shit crazy, lol.
that’s not what IAD believed after all witnesses gave statements, Pataki put his hands up ready to become combative and than threatned ray at keiths order telling him you cant leave we are not thru with you ,if that was me I would of punched him straight in his face and than stomped him like the trash he is.ray demonstrated minimal amount of force to leave the room after tensions escalated when he got Quinn to admit,”YES THE BURDEN OF PROOF HAS SHIFTED OVER TO THE MEMBER TO PROVE THEIR CASE”so go fuck off
“Cockroaches” is no other than Pete Mullin the coward. Lol, I just want to blame Pete because he’s a dick but Dean, you couldn’t be so wrong. Don’t assume because someone uses the “LRG” tag that automatically it’s Tissier. And you should stop talking to the same guys you accuse of posting cause that makes you a coward. Does Itzla know that Dean Politopoulus thinks he’s a cockroach? Not a nice thing to say about your CO Dean.
Now meaty petey would make a great detective. After all he was burnt out from all the hard work he did in the fourth pct. that he had to transfer to the second. I heard he was so loved and such a great second pct cop that they were extremely upset when Mueller recruited him to the rat squad. I actually heard they were so happy you left that they bought you your newest Easter bonnet.
For anyone out there wondering who it is thats responsible for all this cowardly commenting look no further than Montero, Pappas, Heekin, Santobello, Cartagena, Khader, Mallon, Tissier and Itzla. Probably a few retired guys with no life also. Not one of them has the balls to say any of this shit in public. Not one. Not a huge fan of KO but this crap has gone on way too long.
you missed a lot more name,dont kid your self RAT your own friends are posting against you………………………..
He’s right. You forgot Geery.
It’s spelled Geary you moron!
Thank you,
Marty Geary
Plus the biggest under cover Blue truther GGGGG mannnnnn!!!!
Leave Gerard out we all know he plays both sides….
Keith Olson you are a dirt bag always was and still today you haven’t changed one bit. I challenge you to a radio show with hezi anytime any where and we will talk about YOU and how you have screwed this job over you will know who I am once you hear my voice. I was the guy you tried to screw over but it didn’t work, but you did fuck over 2 members over back in the days. I believe you are a rat you proved it way back……Lets talk about everything from the Housing days till today no holds barred I got some questions for you and you can have Andy listen in. I have a few questions for him also you really fucked over a lot of good descent members on this job. Its a shame I would of thought Eddy would of taught you better.
Give us a break? Don’t think so. As they say dirtbag, it will all work out in the wash. You will continue to be dirty though. Now Keith Olson, well he’s a great dick, lol.
I wonder if Keith still thinks it was a wise decision to set up his fellow PBA member? Bet you’re thinking NO right about now but to bad it’s too late for you. You are a horrible union leader but most important a horrible human being. Well then again you have whiskers so I guess you’re a horrible rodent. How’s meaty petey doing?
Can the highly decorated experienced detective please tell us how someone like Keith Olson could set him up if he is such a great detective?
the city attorney will soon find out…lol
Hey meaty P, you should’ve questioned your leader Keith but we know you were definetely afraid of the repercussions. You are a true coward that has really taken a stand and done some great things. One of your most memorable was when you threw tinker out of your NCAA pool and sold it to a member of his old unit, telling him you had spare boxes when you didn’t. I guess we can call you a liar just like Keith. That’s why you pluck his dingleberries whenever you can. Or when Marty texted you to pay for his box, I’m sure you would’ve gotten back to him if you could’ve but you were doing all your research for your big operation. How about the time you were called upon to transport a PBA election box, Roosevelt would surely be proud of that one. You are a coward and a cheat that will do and say anything to wear a pair or high boots and tight pants. You really are just like Keith, both of you idiots love using quotes from famous people. Hey, thank god for the Internet cause without it you wouldn’t have the slightest idea what Roosevelt wrote you moron. I also hate the term “haters” so stop being one and give tinker his 8K you great great coward.
This quote of Teddy Roosevelt is one of my favorites. Sometimes I question myself as to whyI bother to get involved in certain things when it can subject you to public scrutiny. I have entered the “ring” and been beaten up but believe I have come out stronger on the other end. I know some people will never dare to do “great” things because they’d rather live peaceful lives butI wonder what sort of legacy they will leave behind? Too many people go along just to get along and never question because they are afraid of the repercussions or when they do so in an environment where they will not be called on it. I hate the term “haters” but those who would anonymously speak about others in the shadows rather then face them man to man fit that term rather well. Those who would like to smile and shake your hand one moment then kick you from behind the next will never truly know what it is to be a man. Funny thing is some of my alleged “friends” in this cyber world will do just that with this post.
Great weekend! I wore my favorite pink and yellow Easter bonnet. I had one close call though when it almost blew off my head while I was driving my jeep. That was corrected when I bobby pinned the bonnet to my hair.
I always enjoy Easter Sunday when everyone is wearing such beautiful colors and I get to compare bonnets. I have to say my bonnet was in the top 3
When the DPW hit the Cacace building today tell to be careful of gray rat union sellout and set up criminal. Also tell them to look out for that other fat boy Pataky. He usually hangs around KO’S neck looking for young teenagers to pull out of their cars and slap around. Real Hero rats. Cowards
Just wrong? What meaty petey did was what snakes do. Now he has to live with the consequences. Fucking snake in the grass.
There must be some type of physical attraction to Olson. Maybe Meaty likes the sweat on his nose when he is sniffing Olson’s ass. Maybe he likes the smell of cheese. Maybe he likes to be lied too and then felt up by Pataky’s fat short fingers. Maybe he likes it when the Cheetah brothers Moran and Chiarella are watching while Olson’s spanking Mueller’s tight ass. Maybe we are right Mr. Meaty
Hey dude, how come you don’t defend yourself. The streets tell me your a fat pussy, and that you like to rat on others if they are not going along with the PBA program.
Hey slow your roll tubby, you may bring the feds to Yonkers. Tell that half wit Pataky to leave those defenseless teenagers alone. Its only V & T, your ruining my operation of stealing government cheese from Moquette row.
Oh, one other thing stop setting up your own membership. I got a job to do. Man, you started a riot. Dam fool, who have you been talking to Mueller? He crazy as a bed bug.
Don’t forget you no balls rat, tomorrow is Monday. Go up and see the PC so you can tell him about all the members you say are criminals. Please bring their personnel files with you so it will make the process easier.
While your fat rat ass is there, maybe you can cop a plead and throw John Donaghy under the bus for removing the video and equipment without an official investigation. I think they call that tampering with evidence in the Penal Law. Especially when your petition states that rogue Pataky got punched unprovoked.
Well if he was slapped, pushed or punched its a crime. That means an official investigation must be conducted in align with due process, not by conducting an independent unauthorized investigation from the empty PBA office. Anyway, drop to the floor and scurry to the corner if it makes you feel more comfortable. Just don’t eat the cheese, the PC don’t like river rats either.
When you get served for your actions against out members, do the honorable thing and step the f–k down you criminal with a badge.
Take your bobble head teenager pushing, punching, Pataky with you. The job will get back to normal then,you fat slab of gray rat.
I don’t care which group you “side” with whether it be the “Crazy old Coot crew” or the “Rat squad” either way its wrong to put peoples actual names or pictures up. I’m assuming this was done by another “Police Officer” and it’s pretty low. This is a public site and by posting people names and or pictures you put them at risk. I know the responses will attempt to justify doing just that but ask yourself “What are you trying to accomplish?” Do you really want to put someone at risk because they are part of this group or that? If your response is they did something even worse then ask yourself are you any better?
The most sensible post on this rag!
no where to run
The biggest fucking RAT =keith
Keith is definitely the worst president! loser thief con artist and lastly RAT!
Step down already you lying rat. You have broke the golden rule and set up your own membership and CLSA members by conducting unauthorized investigations, stealing personnel files, filing false reports, making false statements, filing false complaints, tampering with evidence, conducting illegal searches of employees work stations and offices. Making false police identities to elicited information, perjury, criminal mischief, threatening members, and staging incidents forcing physical confrontations.
Yes your a real scumbag gray rat. No go cry to the Mayor you fat f–kin pussy.
Since the Moquette river won’t answer questions because he is the fattest pussy another rat can only dream of. We will talk about his yearly trip to Thailand where is a rat eating Champion. In fact, he and team YPD rats B.Moran , John I have two balls in my ass Mueller, Lou I can’t mine my business Venturino, and I like to punch young teenagers because it makes me a hero Pataky.
This year the YPD Rat team Olsonettes will be looking to hold on to their titles as the worlds best rodent eaters. Folks according to reports coming in from Yonkers, New York these guys are the best rats ever. Sources say they work very hard at staying ahead. Their daily diets of government cheese is what keeps the Olsonettes as a great rat pack. We want to wish the Captain of the rat team, Keith Olson good luck, and may you enjoy the sweet taste of grilled Thailand river rats.
Come join us in honoring meaty Petey this year for winning the excellence award for butt kissing. Best butt kisser I’ve ever known. It will be held in Providence RI, call me for reservations.
Meaty Petey only rides a seatless bicycle.
Well it’s official, the “Old Man Ray” poster was on a Easter dingleberry hunt at Keith’s place. Were the berries edible?
I am not a criminal and neither is my union thug trustee Pataky. So what he has a hard job at the precinct and at the union meetings. He is the official PBA pit bull that got bit. Remember we are not criminals. Fat carni
I sorry I give you the worst contract in the State. I had to elections were coming.
I know I am a media whore and again a made another babbling statement. One the one had I praise the work of the men and woman of the department and at the same time I post that members of CLSA and PBA are criminals. Please Mr. Mayor I am not a rat.
Hibbidy bibbidy bop. I has a boat and you not. Keith good. Pete good. No not bad say they good. Difrent Pete like dress kros but bad no good. Like Keith he like boat I take boat and put dres on Pete on boat. We good no bad like blew trooth said we is not. I tak boat now and fish on boat free for boat I take fo best bpa prez
I recently had a fun raiser , and I am a little upset. Do you believe the guys won’t let my count or hold the money. That’s the best part of any of fundraising. Lol lol who said I am a low life river rat… must be those guys a call criminals. …go figure.
Someone put a lid over those two rotten eggs, Olson and Pataky. My babbling op ed to defend my existence as a corrupt union leader and defending a cop that set up teenagers, then smacks them around. Your heroes alright. in your own mine you sloppy piece of rat slab.
What does the “Old Man Ray” Poster and PTF have in common?
A) Both Homo’s
B) Both Tranny’s
C) Both Cowards
D) Both Pikers
E) All of the above
You just keep proving it, not that there’s anything wrong with who you are, I think you guys are just afraid to admit it. Give it time and you will be able to accept who you are and stop attacking others. Good luck, you Crazy Really Old Coot, lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol!
I want to wish Pete mullin all the best with his sex change surgery tomorrow. Is eight grand going to be enough? If not you can always ask Tinker for a loan.
The fixation by the blue truth crew on alternative lifestyles is rather telling, don’t ya think? Not that there’s anything wrong with that. You Crazy Really Old coot! Lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol!
No it’s just that KO’s kiss asses include an adultering lieutenant who chases after the wives of other cops and a cross dressing coward.
I heard that Keith was upset he couldn’t run the PBA Fire hockey game. Wayne and Jimmy’s funds are running low, lol. Thieves, cowards and ho….mo’s.
Speaking of sneaky people, didn’t PTF stuff one of the PBA ballot boxes in favor of baldy and the fat man. Rumor has it Rays crew found out who printed up the second set of ballots. So I guess the sneaky homo is dressed in his favorite yellow dress this lovely afternoon. Don’t worry Keith, PTF won’t Rat u out, lol.
I heard Tinker won PTF’s half time NCAA tourney and still hasn’t gotten paid. He must be saving up for the operation.
He is a backstabbing, kiss ass coward who NOBODY respects
Easter Sunday is one of PTF’s favorite days because he gets to dress up in one of his favorite pink and yellow outfits.
I heard he won zilch ‘cuz Karma don’t like sneaky people.
It was because PTF threw him out of the pool because Tinker is not part of PTF’s circle jerk crew. PTF is a spineless coward!
Speaking of sneaky people, didn’t PTF stuff one of the PBA ballot boxes in favor of baldy and the fat man. Rumor has it Rays crew found out who printed up the second set of ballots. So I guess the sneaky homo is dressed in his favorite yellow dress this lovely afternoon. Don’t worry Keith, PTF won’t Rat u out, lol.
Happy Easter to all, any one remember Billy quinlinn the south broadway drunk???? doesn’t keith remind you of him but in the fat version????
Keith you are a dirty slim ball.
I just love this one
this is cool also
Today’s WOD was difficult. I should have consumed more protein.
9-7-5 reps:
Thruster (115/75)
C2B Pullups
rest 3 minutes
9-7-5 reps:
Thruster (95/65)
It was tough but I remained calm and stayed focused on the task at hand. I will always be able to overcome anything I put my mind to.
First of all Mr keith, you didn’t bash anyone your life? You and others did not fight others in bars as young bar patrons. You have no right to call anyone a criminal. If you do Keith bring that proof to your next meeting or on Monday bring that proof to the PC. You come on this site and talk a lot of smack, but your the real criminal. What makes you and Pataky the real criminals is that you hide behind that badge when things get shaky. You abused your position as a police officer to do illegal searches of people’s files and work stations, and worse of all, have your rogue supervisor friends write up other cops. You have conducted several unauthorized investigations against CLSA and PBA members and stole police information and tampered with evidence. You have in your own words claimed to have collected IP addresses on what authority. No Fat Boy before you claim who is a criminal, show you facts to the PC on Monday, or get on the news and point out all the alleged criminals. So ass wipe, put up or shout up. While you keep talking smack you gray river rat about your own members, you can’t have it both ways. Calling yourself and Pataky hero cops while calling several other members of your association criminals. No Keith, Justice is coming for a rogue hair bag who uses his badge to commit crime and then claims he was acting as a union boss. That’s pure rat shit like whats on your ass fat man. We can put up, you can’t. You and Pataky are the worst kind because you guys are committing crimes with badges, not what you claim that several members did before they were sworn to the constitution. You do know what that is don’t you? Then again from what is on record with IAD, you would not know it. So don’t paint yourselves as holy rollers and hero’s when everyone in the department knows your rogue. By the way Mr. CLEAN, the streets talk and they say your dirty just like your protégé Pataky who has had three physical altercation with other cops. Wow my hero. Lets defend criminal conduct right kangaroo lips. Now put up your proof about your members , or shut your face.
The point you are missing is that Billy’s son in law was not a cop when he smashed one in the face with a bottle and now he wants to be one…..that dosent bother you??
You don’t think he’s a skell??
I am NOT Keith and I am usually in the Ray’s corner
The retired guys don’t want a rat in Florida. Thanks for screwing Billy M. family. Stay home, you don’t need any more cheese.
Are you talking about that mope that bashed a cop in the face with a bottle? Really Ray? You think that guy should be on the job? No surprise I guess considering your criminal history. Fucking skells.
Very true, you Crazy Really Old Coot, lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol!
Totally Agree!! Who cares if he married Billy M’s daughter?? This skell assaulted a cop and you defend him….what A DISGRACE!!
And it wasn’t Keith who put the kibosh on him…it was Eddie Lee as the skell’s SIU Investigator and Billy had it out with Eddie….too fucking bad Billy:(
Eddie you did what you are supposed to do.
How you got the love boat is a separate issue….
keith did you screw over Ruperto?????
While Keith Olson is out spreading more lies, he has left the office of the PBA exposed. He will go down in the History of the Yonkers PBA as the most corrupt and incompetent union representative this job has ever seen. So go tell your mama the true. You are guilty as charged.
Hey Moquette river rat, you should review your files again. You and that ball hanger Brian Moran have your facts off regarding cops personal information. Now if you hurry up, you can catch up to your other “carni ” white trash friends you cheese popping gray river rat.
Can’t keep up with all your lies. Lol lol lol,
The PBa has been rogue the entire time under the fat man. He is the head conspirator among others. If his illegal activities go unanswered then the end results could be devastating for the taxpayers. If the department can’t remove Olson because of outside political interfere then the atmosphere is ripe for an outside commission on internal corruption conducted under union activities by a rogue union leader that seems to use the members funds to ward of any interference. Systemic corruption is running rampant out of Olson’s office. Olson gone wild with the members funds.
Keith Olson has been out of control for years. The PBA leader has set the tone for guys like Pataky. What you have is a PBA leader that has tampered with official police files, conducted searches of people’s work station without legal authorization, made up false police names and identifications, entered into the work place of employees and vandalize the area, filed false reports, instructed his supervisor friends to target his own membership, conducted several unauthorized investigations, vandalize city property, and most recently as the article clearly indicates tampered with evidence.
The guy is rogue and if this department don’t come to grips with it the end results, breed more rogue cops like the Olson and Pataky.
The PBA has a serious problem and that is its leadership. The guy is an compulsive liar and well as Pataky. Its funny how these two cops have been dogging their own membership and now they say they have a tough job and things like what Pataky is experiencing is just part of the course of being a cop. No its not. Olson and Pataky have some serious credibility problems within the job. If the city really wants to stop corruption, then they need to get rid of the Olsonettes. Clean up Olson’s misconduct first, or an outside agency will. Get the disinfectant, we have rats in the house.
Keith, why don’t you and Moran get the personnel files ready, the DOJ is going to need them.
Stop encouraging Keith to come to Florida. It’s just going to be another PBA expenditure and excuse to drink our funds away. And then if he’s there with the bald guy that loves yact hats, they will be wining and dining on our dime. No way. Stay home Keith. We can’t afford for you to go to Florida.
Please come to Florida Keith, we wanna talk.
How many collars does Keith have. I know he has many chins but collars? Only the ones under his stained sweater vest. Lol. We are all half the man he is.
Montero got collared more times than he has collared in the last few years.
C’mon guys, the punching bag is the best cop ever. Just ask him and he’ll tell you. He has over sixty awards and two thousand collars. It must be the truth, after all KO said it.
There is a rumor floating around that the smartest man in the world John I am the Commissioner Mueller, has tapped that punching bag Pataky to be the Intel guy. What a joke. He cannot communicate with ordinary citizens, and collars teenagers. Real tough guy.. Does the District Attorney know that Pataky name has surfaced. Hmmm, puting a guy like that at the Intel center. Who is he going to pat down up there. There are no teenagers there Billy. Just real cops.
Just saw the NAACP charter bus from Rhone Island. They want to know if Pataky is still employed with the department.
Where’s Rhone Island? Learn to spell you Crazy Old Coot, lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol!
Lol. I hear when Montero, Davis and Hector show up at the Intel meetings they get steered upstairs to the WARC meeting.
Shouldn’t their names and Intelligence be mutually exclusive?
When the fat smelly f–kin rat is not sucking on the toes of the Mayor, he is usually out with that loose cannon J. Mueller of the 4th pct. Its a shame that they let that half wit stay there in command of 99.9 professional police officers, with the exception of that kid stalker rogue Pataky. The department should make him the official candy dish filler for all the CO’s.
Did anybody see that 97′ Iona alumni American hero? Heard he takes it up the ole Hersey highway. Rumor has it he fucked over several unsavory characters and is held up down in the east village.
Hoobity doobity doobity doo says Dr. Love. TRanslated from ebonics it says I got boat u know have no boat that i that got and u dont not heard him on boat that i do got but you no not have and that not heard him
guys just look at the pba office anytime of the week … one is in it…Sinatras funeral home has more traffic that the RAT gets,the members are slowly but surely realizing how they got sold out,I heard even the nmayor doesnt want him arround him anymore unless he has a check to give him…lol
p.s. and keith a couple of the bosses would love to welcome you to florida come on down……..
Keith the DOJ is going to need the personnel files. You think you and Moran can give the copies back you crooked thug?
This is the kind of story that should be in the Journal News. . A true American hero.
Iona Prep Alum Peter Mullen ’97 Returned as Guest Speaker
Iona Prep alumnus Peter Mullen ’97 returned to the Prep as a guest speaker for Frank Conroy’s AP Government class.
Iona Prep alum Peter Mullen ’97 returned to the Prep as a guest speaker for Frank Conroy’s AP Government class. Peter is a Yonkers native and currently a Yonkers Police Officer. He shared his vision about establishing goals in life. He believed that it was in his blood to be a police officer. Peter and his brother Thomas Mullen ’90 followed his then father’s footsteps by joining the police force. Peter made the message loud and clear to the students about how Iona Prep prepared him for his future in law enforcement. He explained the importance of time management and preparation leading up to the police exam.
Peter goes on to say,” the Academy is much like his freshman year at Iona Prep. As with any new job or task at hand nerves always kick in, but you have to remain calm and stay focused on the task at hand and you will be able to overcome anything you put your mind to”. He explained that sometimes you do not know what you want to do in life, but if you do not take chances you will always have the “what if” question in the back of your head.
Peter also encouraged the students to always keep your options open. There are many opportunities within the Police Department and the students should never close the door on any opportunity.
keith is not going to florida those guys want no part of him,Eddie lee was not well recieved and got dissed by a few of the retired members and rightfully so!!!
This ought to be a fun picnic in Florida, I hope Keith does come down. I’m hearing Mike DeMeo has a few questions for Keith. And Billy Maher wants to personally shake Keith’s hand for fucking over his son. Oh please come down Keith.
Even Simoes is now thinking of going down, he wants to know if Keith is bring Quinn with him. He has 47 thousand ways to thank the two clowns for stealing his money.
Who gives a flying fuck what Mike DeMeo has to say??? He is a fat old has-been that made allot of money off of Dominican Cab Drivers. Him and his great softball team buddies that would never give you the time of day when they were on the job.
Billy Mahar’s son in law….you mean the skell who assaulted cops in the T-House?? Great Guy!
Yes we can’t wait for Keith to come down, we have a few questions of our own. Many of us were close with Jimmy, the big question we want answered is why did you have to bust his chops during his final months and not give him the money we initially raised for Jimmy during cigar night with the CLS. We have many other questions too, but that’s the one that gripes all out collective asses. See you soon.
I can’t wait for the Old Timers picnic so I can ask Ray why he went to IAD on another cop because he claimed he was scared. That stuff never happened in my day.
That’s obvious Keith, you and Ray are at war. We don’t care about that, we want to know why you keep fucking over the entire union.
You know what else never happened in our day Keith? The PBA president would never have set up a PBA member and then ratted him out twice, the PBA president would never have went to the Mayors office in our day and ratted out a captain saying you have proof, who does that?
That’s not true. Keith does have a weekly bath, .. I saw him at D-Block Carwash on Nepperhan and Ashburton. Franky Fernandez has a side job there washing hubcaps. Once a week Donnell Little shuts the wash down for a couple hours so they could run the Fat guy through. Fernandez lathers Keith’s hairy ass up, Dutchie Mullin pops out of Keith’s poop shoot grabbing loose dingleberries on his way down, while Politopoulos throws buckets of gray water to rinse him off. Then all three blind mice take turns giving the king rodent a happy ending.
love it i was wondering why they shut down the carwash every now and than,heard a rumor that payaki gets off on patting down young kids any one heard anything about that???
Hey Dutchie, someone told me that the dingleberries you pluck from Keith’s ass are the size of golf balls. Is this true?
Speaking of mental status and hygiene lets see. As your posts about Ray even made me laugh I was wondering if Keith will ever stop smelling like ass. Last time I went into the PBA office I thought I had entered into a petting zoo. You should stop by Rays assisted living facility, lather yourself up with some old spice and shove all the moth balls you can find from his room up your smelly, unwiped ass you dirtbag. Lets face it, you are so fat it would defy common sense that there is no probable way that you can wipe your ass after taking a shit. And take that damn soiled sweater vest to a dry cleaner you cheap fuck. I know the PBA pays for your dry cleaning anyways. We also have a decent dental plan, fix the wooden teeth. Your hair also looked very healthy in that 2010 photo. You look and act like an old 700 lb. silver back gorilla. Fumigate that office before you lock up today. The court officers have been complaining about the stench.
lol that made my day!!!!
Ray you is one cRAYzy old jackass
CRAYzy old coot!!!!!! Lollollollollolollolololololol
Can some please return mr cRAYzy Montero back to his assisted living compound? He’s been escaping lately and he is more and more confused cRAYzy ole coot LOLLOLLOLLOLOLOO
Ps that greazy mop on his head is a wig
I like Old Spice
Well lets see Mr. Gray rat of the YPD, you haven’t answered one question because you can’t. Please stop having your family post for you. This is just a typical of what a rat does. A rat stays in his nest and watches other’s until he can come out and chew the block of cheese. Now when you told John Donaghy to go to Dunwoodie, did you know you were tampering with potential evidence since you accused another member of a crime? You probably overlooked it, because your pal Hartnett is no longer here to protect the cottage cheese hanging between your fat ass. By the way, how long did you and John work on the Dunwoodie tape? Did you tell the other members that you placed them in a precarious position, possibly making them witnesses. Check yourself in to a cow slaughter house to trim the waist and jaw area, this way you may make better decisions for the membership you 12th grader bully boy.
Ray, you look like million bucks kid!!! You should be a poster boy for HGH!! Except for those man boobs you have and of course, the old man smell.
Ps that greazy mop on his head is a wig
The precincts bathrooms say it all. Olson is a rat union leader sellout. Soon we will see you doing security a the door of Walmart and your brother in law and Moran will be running a brothel in Boston. As for J. Mueller he will be running a preschool summer camp with Olsonettes pictures for memories. Pataky will be cleaning dog shit at a shelter, where there are no kids allowed with weed.
You would think that after this article they would shrink wrap that punching bag, and put him in the corner somewhere. If it wasn’t enough that he is just as rogue as Olson, word is that the smartest Captain who ever lived wants him to represent Yonkers at the Intel meetings. Imagine that, Pataky a guy who slaps around 14 year olds to interview real prisoners. Wear a diaper Billy you fool
The PBA office smells like rotten cheese, rat piss and dirty ass. Wonder why?
heard after the journal news article last week DOJ is looking at pataky real hard …….
One has to wonder what is said behind the closed doors of the PBA office. It probably goes something like this. Olson tells Pataky to just stick with the story, we have Quinn. Quinn knows I never tell the truth and he just repeats whatever I said. I will represent you, and you represent me, and Quinn will represent us. Lol….Its fool proof…..I do it all the time…
You think you can tell us how much CASH you raised and held for Wayne? You think you can tell us who counted the money at all those cash cow toughman contests?
What YPD member in their right mind would ever give you another nickel for Jimmy McCabe. It took almost five long miserable months for you to come with $1,200 measly dollars. Keith do you remember all those excuses you came up with why Jimmy had to wait 5 months for his money. Now you want to do another. Hope no one really gives you cash, because you still owe him money. If only McCabe was here, he would have told you himself. You really are a traveling carne. The Firefighters will have more members than you4 rat ass. You were so full of sh–, that channel 12 cut you off in mid sentence. Loser
the rat needs money to give to the mayors re-election bid as far as I know police department wont be supporting mikey………………
Hey Keith have you no shame? I just saw you on News12 saying the YPD vs YFD hockey game is going to be in honor of Jimmy McCabe. Do you think this will somehow vindicate you for what you did to McCabe? Are you using his name as a political ploy? You fucking Evil Monster! You shunned Jimmy when he was alive, you stole the money we raised for him, but now you want to keep using his name to hide the fact that you are a slimmy slug! You have no soul, no conscience and a blackened heart. Shame on you, let Jimmy rest in peace already.
It is quite obvious that your mental limitations have reached a block wall. You have reached an all time low by having your family write demented nonsensical snip bits for a guy that has verbally attacked CLSA and PBA members.
Since you have brought smell and looks. Do you really look at yourself. You really need to see a veterinarian for those seriously yellowish chicklets. Now as we move down from that horrible pothole face, the fat and stench grab the attention of any innocent by stander. When was the last time you saw your tadpole Keith. We know you have no balls because that was part of the deal Mueller cut with you, when you did the carne March to save him.
Now after you get past of that sod of falling facade or falling rock area, you are left with just plain old fat and fat ass smell. Sorry for the facts again. You really should leave your family out of this. Oh, 12th grader fatboy, if you are going to go after the topic of young, old, sick, odor, fat, strong, or whatever fills your rat trap, please in retrospect stop and look at that crack mirror in your rent control apartment my moquette river rat. Talk about how corrupt you are, dirty face carne.
Putting the whole Keith/Hartnett issue aside, you have to admit that Taggart was a bumbling idiot. I wasn’t sorry to see him go.
He also had a horrible fashion sense with his brown jacket, sky-blue pants, and Teddy Roosevelt haircut.
But at least he didn’t hurt anyone, or the job. He never cut positions or units.
Yes Keith, divert all attention to Ray. This is all about Ray. This has nothing to do with you stealing from us members, nothing to do with the money we raised for McCabe and Simoes which you stole. Nothing to do with you selling us out for favors for yourself and your family. Nothing to do with you setting up cops and ratting them out. Nothing to do with you setting up a Captain and ratting him out to city hall and demanding they bring him up on charges. Nothing to do with you cutting deals for yourself and turning a blind eye in return while they dismantled our department. Nothing to do with you trying to silence Montero by planting puppets at a union meeting to motion to impeach Montero. Nothing to do with that lob-sided 207c contract you shoved down our throat (which no other union accepted).
We could write an encyclopedia sized book full of all the dirty low down rotten deeds you have perpetrated on our members. Yet you continue to insult us saying this is all about Montero. Sorry Keith, we know better.
Ray, you are definitely physically fit we all know that, it’s you’re mental fitness that has us worried. Your delusional paranoid dumb confused Senile and of course, you have that old man smell. But physically fit ya got us there buddy. Crazy old coot lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol
Ps that greazy mop on his head is a wig
Keith I knew all along it was you and Armour that back stabbed a 35 year member of this department. You did me, but all for an outsider. Then you cut a deal for Mueller, and cut our units out. Wow what a leader you make.
So many, many fires,need help? Yeah will give you help, just like you helped your membership on their contact.
Wow, Ray is sixty? Hope when I hit that age I can look as good and be as fit also. Keith is twice the man Ray is anyway. I mean that is what he was overheard saying the last time he stepped on a scale, lol. Keep up the good work Keith. Your doing a fantastic job killing our union. You are a waste. Give the punching bag our best. Tell him that we know its not his fault. He has to be one of your dingleberries cause everyone else hates him. What a fucking jerk off.
Just like you fat rat, you have no facts, and can’t answer any questions because your a rogue cop. You have done everything from copying and taking official police files to tampering with evidence. You need to get some of your facts right as PBA members personal information, since you said at an opened meeting that you have Montero’s file. We know that your a rat criminal that fucked over CLSA and PBA members. Enjoy your last year because the membership does not support you any longer. Your done fat ass. We will look to remove your name as PBA President. Just a low life gray fat stinking criminal Moquette rat.
this is keith when he doesn’t know what to do or say
If anyone is concerned about a certain odor when around Ray it’s just his old man smell. I mean the guy is over sixty.
better than being over 450pounds looking like south broadway bum Billy quinlinn lol
this is what keith the RAT did
1.sold out Taggart and bought in Hartnette with the help of John Flemming
2.Once hartnette got in keith gave them ways to save the city money, got rid of all specialized units, reduced ot in many ways.
3.went to the mayors office after illegally searching a and RATTED him out on overtime(captain was cleared)
4.set up his own VP after he called for a vote of no confidence on hartnette( I think we all agree hartnette sucked)
5.we all know that keith stole the election 2 years ago,and now recently sold out the entire department on this terrible contract so he can retain leadership(still today no other union acccepted this shitty contract)
here is what RAY did
1.challenged keiths guy farina for vp and beat him 3-1
2.called for a vote of no confidence on hartnette
3.questioned keith when ever he saw something that wasn’t good for the members
4.Got transferred after only trying to protect the members set up by his own pres.,got written up for not being a rubber stamp for keith
Ladies and gentlemen that is the truth KEITH IS A RAT SELLOUT!!!!
I may be a new jack but I support all that Old Man Gay, I mean ray has done for us. Keep fighting sir, you Crazy Old Coot, lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol!
This is real just type in” keith olson ” even google picks up his name as a RAT!!!! Keith you sold us out all to be a president for another term was it really worth it?? It just points out what a real sellout you are
first taggart,second the specialized units,and now this bullshit 207c contract that our brothers and sisters will not even discuss you real are a fucking SKELL!!!!!!!
Whoa, what happened Hezi? This site was down all day yesterday. I was getting a little worried, I thought maybe the corrupt Fat Guy broke in and swallowed the whole world wide web! lol lol
Its pathetic how the fat man can’t get anyone to support his lies. These articles that is put out by the Yonkers Tribune are facts. Anyone interested in uncovering the facts can ask any CLSA or PBA member within the department. We are use to your nonsensical comments that are childish in nature, but hey, we are dealing with a guy with no education. You can’t hide all the emails and memos from the media Keith. Step down and hopefully the PBA members can repair all the misconduct you and your pathetic friends have committed. Our resolve will never be broken. So answer the questions loser. Whats not true? Just one. Painful right?
Montero has a snout like Tocan Sam what a fruit loop!!!
What a coincidence Pete Mullen is a Buffalo Bills fan. His beloved Bills lost 4 straight Super Bowls and he lost in all 4 of his PBA elections. An overall complete zilch and Shem!
Yeah but Pete Mullen is a winner in Keith’s eyes. He carries Keith’s sack and picks out any loose dingleberries Dennis Mullin misses from Keith’s hairy ass. They work well together.
Thanks for playing!
PTF is the epitome of a douche bag!
Thanks for playing!
Yes Keith, divert all attention to Ray. This is all about Ray. This has nothing to do with you stealing from us members, nothing to do with the money we raised for McCabe and Simoes which you stole. Nothing to do with you selling us out for favors for yourself and your family. Nothing to do with you setting up cops and ratting them out. Nothing to do with you setting up a Captain and ratting him out to city hall and demanding they bring him up on charges. Nothing to do with you cutting deals for yourself and turning a blind eye in return while they dismantled our department. Nothing to do with you trying to silence Montero by planting puppets at a union meeting to motion to impeach Montero. Nothing to do with that lob-sided 207c contract you shoved down our throat (which no other union accepted).
We could write an encyclopedia sized book full of all the dirty low down rotten deeds you have perpetrated on our members. Yet you continue to insult us saying this is all about Montero. Sorry Keith, we know better.
Ray Montero is a crazy old goofball. No matter what he posts over and over and over, there aren’t any cops on this job who respect him. He can’t put two words together, he’s suing everyone in sight, and his tough guy image is over. He is nothing but a pussy behind a computer. Must be all the HGH over the years.
Ray Montero is a crazy old goofball. No matter what he posts over and over and over, there aren’t any cops on this job who respect him. He can’t put two words together, he’s suing everyone in sight, and his tough guy image is over. He is nothing but a pussy behind a computer. Must be all the HGH over the years.
Ray Montero is a bumbling stumbling old moron. He lost one election was afraid to run again, knowing he would get destroyed. Tried to rally against a contract and everyone ignored this dope. What a pitiful pathetic excuse of a man
Its a shame what keith has done to this job, since ousting taggart with the help of Mueller moran ,and amiclowne aid Flemming this job went down hill,hartnette really dismantled YPD specialized units as keith looked on and actually advised to do the same,keith actually went to amiclowne and told him I can save you lots of money by ridding those units.
what does the rat get in return???Mueller makes captain and gets SIU position he got a couple of his redants in some nice spots all at the expense of the membership,wake up members and throw this bum out if you still want to save of whats left of this job…………..
Ray Montero is a bumbling stumbling old moron. He lost one election was afraid to run again, knowing he would get destroyed. Tried to rally against a contract and everyone ignored this dope. What a pitiful pathetic excuse of a man
Someone posted a comment a few days ago about “empty seats” that was so true. Why bother having a PBA Board if they are going to be an automatic YES for whatever the president wants no matter what?
Think about it, the board consists of the president and 18 members from around the city. The board are supposed to be the checks and balances of the union, they are supposed to come in with their own ideas on moving the membership forward. They are supposed to vote on issues that they themselves propose based on feedback from their respective precincts. The president would be the a tie breaking vote if he is needed.
Instead, we have a president that makes he own proposals and hand feeds it to a board member to propose. Then at the “side show” meeting Keith chants “all in favor” and remarkably the entire board is always in favor like a well orchestrated puppet show. Since Keith became president not once did any board member vote no for anything Keith wanted. I have spoken to a handful of board members myself who said they didn’t agree with impeaching Ray out of the union, yet every board member voted yes to please Keith. Very shameful and regretful. These men and women have no spines or conscience.
Keith has recently been giving away checks for thousands of dollars (our money) to politicians who have done favors for him and no one questions it. It’s gotten to the point where he doesn’t even call for a vote anymore, the entire board doesn’t exist.
We blame Keith for being a tyrant, but it would never have gotten this far if the board would do their jobs!
Amen!! Well said.
Besides all the nitty gritty name calling, and attacking by none other then Keith Olson himself, he would do the entire department and the city if he steps down. This insurrection of the members of the CLSA ,and PBA was the direct result of Hartnett purposely turning a blind eye as the people under him like Olson skillfully used their friends to set up good descent cops because of their right to speak freely. That right caused people like Olson and others to commit official misconduct.
Everyday our men and woman go out and do the job. They service the community in all types of weather and have many roles. They are counselors, priests, and cops. They all deserved a better contract, and deserved to keep what others have fought for.
Since Keith Olson became PBA President, he has violated the oath of office by attacking his own members, as well as members of the CLSA. I say to the entire membership that you dump Olson and the board. The newer guys do not know better, but guys like the VP should have put a stop to Keith’s misconduct. Step down so we can begin to heal. We will continue to fight against corruption as the article points out.
we should impeach keith after all he has done to keep him in would be detrimental to our work place and our lives………….
>>> still waiting for answers….
To Andy Quinn
My buddy Wayne wants to know if you ever plan to give him the several tens of thousands of dollars that the generous men and women of the YPD donated to his cause? All along Mr. Olson was saying he was giving the money we collected to you to pay for Wayne’s legal defense. Then when Wayne was cleared and the city indemnified him they (city of Yonkers) paid you directly for all your legal fees. So Wayne waited patiently for several months for you to give him back the money that was collected for him; after all you can’t get paid twice? right?
So where is the money Andy? Either Keith Olson stole the money himself and you are covering for him, or Keith did give you the money and you are too greedy to give back the money that is rightfully Wayne’s.
Which is it Andy? Any comments?
don’t worry those will be questions to be asked in front of the FEDS!!
>> worth reposting…
In response to the Simoes money issue. We can’t blame Quinn for stealing the money without all the facts. It’s a little suspicious that he hasn’t come out and responded to this issue in all these months, but he might be between a rock and a hard place. Maybe Keith didn’t give him the money and if Quinn comes out and says that then he’s exposing Keith. What we do know as fact is that Trustees collected $100 from every cop in every precinct and Units. We used the Precinct Roster sheet to check off and tally every cop that paid. In the 4th we collected $8,400 which included the bosses donations. Citywide over $45,000.00 was collected and given to Keith. Wayne Simoes never got that money; anyone can ask Wayne for yourself and he’ll tell you.
So those are the undisputed proven facts we know. What we don’t know is what did Keith do with the money? Did he give it to Andy Quinn like he “hinted” he was going to do? If so, does Andy have the money or is he silently covering for Keith?
The New Hampshire NAACP bus is riding around the square looking for the misdemeanor king William Pataky. What should we tell them, that your on another teenager car stop? Maybe we will tell them your training for your next PBA meeting or precinct fight.
Yesterday, there were sighting of two rats running around Headquarters. They were both well fed, though one was taller. They also had plenty of room to talk, because no descent officer would be seen hanging out with the backstabbing rat. Gone are the days when that office was packed with good descent men and woman. Nowadays, cops are a bit nervous entering the recording studio. What type of leader would wire his office? Maybe he monitoring himself? Oh, B.Pataky, how did that conversation go. Did it go like this, ” I will deny all of it Keith, and you tell Quinn to help me against another cop”. go figure….Yonkers PBA…what have you become….
The entire department is waiting for Keith Olson and others to be investigated for unauthorized investigations, perjury, official misconduct, and tampering with evidence. Everyday our members are discipline for minor infractions of the Policy and Procedure while Olson is being protected by City Officials because of his political contributions. The money is not yours Olson, its not Quinns, its the members. Time for an outside agency to disinfect the fatman.
The truth is that ever since you ” carnes ” took control of the PBA, its been down hill with the members money and image. By the way cheese neck, does John Donaghy still have the Dunwoodie video equipment ? Tampering with evidence is a serious crime mr D. Did you ever tamper with evidence before? Did you ever make up false police personnel? ahh your a slippery one. Serves you right. You want to be an ass follower, so be it. Loser. Maybe you and Pataky can be partners, you tamper with evidence, and he beats up teenagers.
Keith I told Internal Affairs what you wanted me to say. I blamed you for everything. Please send me Quinn he like to eat up other members for Keith and the $ 120,000 PLUS RETAINER FEE. Suck the membership dry.
Its amazing how the only guy that is in denial is you Keith Olson. You paint this a Ray thing and suspect that the entire membership will believe you. Everyday you climb out of the sewer and put your smelly sweater vest on, you lose another member. The members know the truth now. They know that you have been lying all along. They know that you sold them out and that the other unions still will not accept for their members, what you accepted. They know that you have many fires burning on all fronts. The truth is, you have not address not one question. You have no credibility. All you do is verbal attack members and their families. No pal, we are seeing this through. So go get a bar of government cheese and share it with your few friends. Billy probably don’t like cheese because he is an usual rat. A rare rat that this department don’t need. He likes to choose his cheese.
one of the guys that worked at the carwash says that pataky seems to get off everytime he pats down one of the brothers,seems like pataky likes to get punched now he gets off patting down young boys…lol
Hey mr. president can you open up the books to all the members at the next meeting, would be nice to see the details of your expenditures show us now or get an audit later……….
I’m sure those guys down in Sarasota cant wait to see the RAT himself, those are real good cops not like you keith that sold us out to 207c.Your only friend that will be there is eddie …………….
Hey Keith , we did not know this was about numbers, gays, woman, young, or old. This is about YOU targeting members of the CLSA, and the PBA. The real message you should know is that the retired guys do not want anything to do with you or Eddie. So chubby face, or any of your coward friends, are you sending out a veiled threat by saying come to Florida? Well I am very sure if you look hard enough you cowards, you can probably find a Captain, a Lieutenant, or a Sergeant, or a Detective or a P.O. that is always available to give you a helping hand. So don’t put yourself out, and go buy a bag of carrots to help you see. The guys you are referring to are not hard men to find. So save your save the whale speech, and start moving. Why wait for that helping hand you desperately seek. Oh, tell Pataky to stop flaking teenagers, after all we all were teenagers. Numbers huh??? ask Billy about numbers.
Last time Ray spoke the truth at a circus meeting KO had Pataky try to assault him. How did that work out for the punching bag? Keith, your shenanigans had at least a dozen good cops sitting in IAD. Then to add insult you had two terrible, useless cops raise their hands to impeach him. I’m wondering if they did that on their own or did you attach strings to their hands. Ray has more credibility than you ever had and that burns your bunions. Lets face it, that’s why you sunk him as Vice President and continue to attempt to sink him today. Give it up already. Talk on the street is your a sellout and remember the show, Everybody loves Raymond. Never seen him shunned once on the street. The street, somewhere you haven’t been for years.
We did not know this was about gay, old, fat, rat, wives. This is about corrupt cops like you and your cronies, the latest being Pataky. Go down to IAD, and find the truth. Don’t feel bad that the truth pains you, it pains our members when they are set up like Pataky set up teenagers.
ray if you just admit it you’ll feel better, holding it in is what’s causing these angry outbursts and your crew is starting to realize it and that is why even they are distancing themselves from you. The post count is way down. Let it go man, you’ll feel better and be able to live with yourself, I think. Lol, you Crazy Old Coot, lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol!
I wish I could go to Florida to witness Montero humiliate himself in front of the old timers, just like every other time he shows up in public with KO and other cops there to speak the truth. It will be priceless. Let me check JetBlue now.
Good morning everyone.
Fuck you Keith.
I know this because he told me.
^^^^^^ DIIIIIIIICK ^^^^^^
Old man Ray is…….
Hey ray you’re fixating on the gay stuff, it’s a sign. Lol, you Crazy Old Coot, lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lo,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol!
What is wrong with fixating on the gay stuff?
What kind of man calls someone a crazy old coot? Very disturbing to say the least. Talk about demented. Sounds like something a gay man would say during an orgy with a dozen old men. Get the cocks out of your ears and get a life. If you call guys like Pataky, Fernandez, Donahue, Donaghy, Politopoulus and the rest of the misfits you hang out with winners then I’d rather be a loser. Speaking about sick, you fucks definitely make me sick. Crazy old coot, who the fuck says that…….
Thanks ray, you keep proving my point, you Crazy Old Coot, lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lo,lol,lo,lo,lo,lo,lol lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,!
Hey Bill are you around, there are people here from Connecticut looking for you. That asked us to stay with them. We are wondering why. Did you do another car stop of a kid.
Hey Keith, that was so true. I heard you talk about violating people’s rights. Sort like when you and Moran bragged about the Flores case. You guys like Greenburgh.
This is not about winning you useless piece of rat slab. This is about stopping corruption from your office. Its about all the laws you broke in targeting CLSA and PBA members. We are a lot more than you think. 99.9 percent of the bosses know your a slab of rat meat and after your bullshit lying show about Pataky being punch for nothing, shows your out of touch my fat friend. You see you screwed the entire membership because it was all about you and never them. Now we left your fat stinking cheese craving ass in that chair to prove what a real sellout you are. Yes, we the membership can and will prevail to establish and regain the prestige that that office held under Charles Cola. The only mistake Cola made was letting you ” Carnes” in. Since then guys like you and Pataky have broken some serious laws and violated people’s rights. Rights of your own membership from the bullshit contract to conducting unauthorized investigations. Yes, you better pow wow with that other fat rogue cop Pataky. You both should become better acquainted since your both liars and rogue. This thing you call winning, we street cops call Justice. No laughing matter my gray rat friend. Its not going away. Justice is coming for the men and woman of this department.
You can’t win this thing ray. Your few sick friends are like you, demented. You will continue as the sick little man you have become with your loser crew, kind of sad but, you Crazy Old Coot, lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lo,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol!
You members need to wake up and dump Olson. He has brought nothing but controversy. His only hall pass to city hall is the membership check book. Boy has he written some checks since selling the membership out on the contract. I get it. The membership passes the contract and we give more money to the politicians. The 207C was the tip.
The only balls Pataky has is bullying new rookie cops and showing them how he bullies young teenagers in vehicle stops. As for KO, he and his few rat friends like to sneak around the department and steal personnel files and steal evidence. We bet your favorite song is ” what a man”… fat pussies….
First since you mentioned balls Keith, we all know your is still packed in Mueller’s ass, or is one nut in Moran’s ass. Either way Mr. Naple if you find yours, bring them to Yonkers and rolled them in your hands,and pray for duces. If duces hit then give them to the wife stealer Chiarella.
Having read the embarrassing shit on this blog for so long I’m looking forward to KO coming down here to Florida. If Montero has any balls we can get to the bottom of this.
You have some pair Naples. KO is the one without the balls. He forgot them in JM’s ass. Go on Eddies boat and with any luck it will sink. You and your friends are rat finks.
Does being a president give you the authority to say everything is union business when you get caught violating rules and regulations? When Keith Olson and others conducted an unauthorized investigation into a high ranking CLSA member and told everyone in the department he was stealing, is that not slander Mr. Quinn? When Olson and others posted petitions all around city property, accusing another PBA member of a crime, is that not slander Mr. Quinn? When Olson and others purposely and intentionally get other supervisors to target members of his own association, is that not violation state and federal laws Mr. Quinn? When you knowingly represent Olson after being a party to the incident, is that not conflicting?No readers to the Tribune this is just the tip of the iceberg.
I didn’t post any petition’s on city property. That was Betty. Frankie and Joe came to me with this impeachment business but I didn’t agree with it, ask Quinn. If anyone wants to debate me, I will be at my favorite steak house Wolfgangs in midtown location. I swear I won’t use the PBA credit card, unless someone at dinner brings up union business. Wink wink. I’ll be with my bodyguard Pataky. He has a tough neck and can take a good shot. Guess that’s why they call him the punching bag. Oh and my brother in law wants to know if any cops wives would like to come down?
While most members of the YPD were sleeping well, union thugs like Olson and Pataky have to stay awake thinking about what lie they will tell to the Feds. Don’t worry guys, Quinn won’t be representing you either. Talk about cross fit or cross conflicts. Fools
That was a very plagiarized quote posted by Meaty P. Hope it’s not his last one after what he did to Tinker. Pay your debt to Tinker you fucking homo!
keith did you really fuck over a members family trying to get on the job????? heard he will buy you drinks if you go down to that picnic after he embarrasses your RAT ASS! you are not wanted down there……..
Heard KO wants to go to the old timers picnic down in Sarasota boy that will be fun most of those guys hate his ass would like to see how bad he gets dissed, I know armour got the cold shoulder from lots of those guys last year……………
soon very soon there will be a new sheriff riding in town if he is not already here, and when it happens the only one that will be caught in the middle of the gunfight will be ????????
So when will disciplinary come down on det.donahy???? after all IAD has confirmed he has broken department procedure at the request of KING RAT OLSON.he was found with video equipment in his personal car taken illegally and unauthorized by his supervisor???
p.s. if that was a latino cop or black cop he would of been transferred asap pending the outcome of the investigation only in YPD………………….
pataky is a sorry excuse for a cop he spends time chasing young kids around locking them up for bull shit stuff, word is that my homies at 354 nep say he likes patting down young minorities??? say it aint so you fucking pervert…………..
After reading your laughable quote we understood what you really tried to convey. Real men set up CLSA and PBA members that exercise their constitutional rights. Real men copy and steal personnel files, file false reports, make up false police identities, search without warrants, do unauthorized investigations against its members, and tamper with evidence against members. Wow Keith you guys are real men alright. Bunch of half starved rodents.
Do real men set up others with false accusations. Is Pataky a real man because he threatens and flakes teenagers from all races. Is he a real great man when he punches and pushes them around while they are cooperating too. No you are not real men, you are just rogue cops with a badge.
This quote of Teddy Roosevelt is one of my favorites. Sometimes I question myself as to whyI bother to get involved in certain things when it can subject you to public scrutiny. I have entered the “ring” and been beaten up but believe I have come out stronger on the other end. I know some people will never dare to do “great” things because they’d rather live peaceful lives butI wonder what sort of legacy they will leave behind? Too many people go along just to get along and never question because they are afraid of the repercussions or when they do so in an environment where they will not be called on it. I hate the term “haters” but those who would anonymously speak about others in the shadows rather then face them man to man fit that term rather well. Those who would like to smile and shake your hand one moment then kick you from behind the next will never truly know what it is to be a man. Funny thing is some of my alleged “friends” in this cyber world will do just that with this post.
Do you thing you can stick that quote between Mueller’s skinny little ass Keith? Your the backstabbing rat coward who has been screwing others since you got hired. That why you carry the term rat. As for men, well go seek and you will fine plenty of able men willing to give you a helping hand. Stick your quote where Wayne’s money is.
We need to know why William Pataky is still working in the fourth precinct with all these corrupt allegations stemming from the community and his own department. The DOJ needs to investigate Olson and Pataky. No justice, no peace.
what makes you think DOJ is not investigating???Feds do their homework very well they watch get statements they watch get more statements,and than some one lies to them they hit him with a perjury charge and before you know it he becomes a CI…. that’s why over 90% of federal cases plea out………………
These articles about Pataky and Olson are very accurate and true. Olson has instilled in members like Pataky and B. Moran that it is okay to violate people’s rights, search areas without probable cause, and most troubling, lie on your Intended targets/ victims. Some of them really believe that Quinn can get them out of any misconduct charges. Olson needs to be held accountable.
Let us not forget what Keith Olson and his mariachi fools said about many members of this department. He himself has personally disgraced his position by attacking other members and their families. Specifically verbally attacking illnesses. What a disgrace.
Keith I stand ready to fall on the donkey sword.
If true, Olson and Donkey, i mean Donaghy should be a collar. There are two things why this wont happen one , Hezi , i disagree with you IAD is incompetent,inept, clueless and unwilling to make a collar. Two KO and Mayor Mikey frolic in bed together and he will hamper the investigation like always. This to will be swept under the rug like everything else.
We are heading to Pataky’s house for a peaceful protest. Please have the misdemeanor con artist make Mueller a chocolate milk. Keep him off the streets.
Interesting comment about funneling money. There is no oversight into where our money goes. The entire PBA board are a useless bunch of empty seats. Keith has free reign to spend our money as he pleases. It’s gotten to the point where he doesn’t even call for a vote anymore, why bother.
What we need is for an audit of the financial affairs of the PBA funds. Some how we seem to be funneling more money than State Laws allow. It smells as bad as Pataky’s teenager reports.
not for long………………..
If keith Olson thinks that he can elude justice and the things he said and done to CLSA and PBA members, he is very much mistaken. The department needs to stop taken orders for city hall and need to charge Olson and Donaghy like any member of this department. Conducting unauthorized investigation and breaking laws to do it, is clearly Official Misconduct. Yeah, we are while aware that Olson is funneling PBA money like mad for the next election, but a crime is a crime no matter who’s behind it.
These types of stories will not end until Olson steps down or is charged. We stand ready to protect the rights of All members and not rogue cops like Pataky who clearly lied to IAD. If these rogue cops are permitted to lie, then how can the District Attorneys office believe their testimony.
Now one has to know why and how is it possible that Olson and Pataky can represent anyone for what Olson calls a crime. Our membership is being misguided and short change. You working men and woman should ask to be represented by a lawyer. This nonsense of a three year trustee or a corrupt cop who lies against other cops like bird dog Pataky is disheartening. Why should K. Olson only be entitled to that money man Quinn. He gets enough of the memberships money, so he should be there 24-7.
And furthermore…. Go fuck yourself Keith!!
Since the Cheetah is the fastest animal on earth, can you tell me how long does it take for a Cheetah to run from Greenburg back Yonkers??
good one
A little change of scenery from the usual Ray vs. Keith nonsense….I just heard from a “good source” that the FBI is looking into an old Narcotics Investigation which was led by a Retired Narco Lt. and three of his underlings…..lets just call them “Butch,” “Buckwheat,” and “Spanky.”
Start digging up those coffee cans in the yard to pay for your lawyer…
It’s so incredibly interesting how KO blames everyone else. He has yet to admit to anything or except responsibility as to him targeting CLSA and PBA members. If you can’t speak because Quinn won’t let you, here is what you should say. I plead quilty to all these allegations because they are all true. I have failed miserably as a representative. I can’t call myself a president because I have broke the golden rule and set up other members to the extent of Official Misconduct. Please do not blame my friends Mueller, Moran, Pataky and others, they do what I ask. Please give me another chance……I am ready for my official departmental charges.
As much as I despise what Keith had done to this job, I would actually accept an apology like the one above if he’s sincere about it.
To “The Real Men and Women in Blue”
You’re right, most of us already knew about all or most of what you wrote. I’m interested to know what will happen if Montero sues the balls out of Olson for all this workplace harassment. We all know one of Olson’s responses is going to be… “I didn’t try to impeach Ray from the union so that he is unprotected… That was Fernandez and Galinski.” So what’s Galinski and Fernandez gonna say??
Didnt think it all the way through huh.
Well Joe G. was probably drunk and Frankie probably took a payoff. They thought it through for sure. Just hope it was worth the beer and cheese.
Olson used them and like always will deny it was him. That’s why he is know as the gray moquette river rat.
one thing for sure everything that Olson and Pataky stand accused of is unquestionably true. time for the department to judge them under their police status, not as rogue bully leaders.
Can you guess who is moran Mueller and olson???
Hey man get a fucking hobby already.
That is my hobby exposing you crooks!!!
This is coming from the majority of the men and women who wear a uniform across all ranks from patrolman to Captain… We have one question for Keith Olson:
Where do you get the nerve to try to impeach a 25 year veteran cop from the police union?
This veteran spent 25 years of his life working side by side many of us busting his ass for this city at great risk to his own safety. You and Brian Moran know better than most of us, you guys were tight with Montero for years and busted your humps along side him. Hell, Brian Moran was even his partner. I’m not going on here to call you childish names, I’ll admit you and Ray and Brian kicked butt and took names. What’s been happening to this job for the past two or three years since you took over as union president is regretful to say the least.
You have let your ego ruin this job and split your union. All because Montero started speaking up against Hartnett for systematically dismantling the force and bringing morale down. Most of us did not believe that you were connected to Hartnett until you started setting Montero up. Don’t kid yourself, the entire department especially the CLS know you and Moran set Montero up for Hartnett. You even had Babe in on the set up. You got your wish, Montero was confined to a desk job for almost a year. Then you set him up again because he was running against you on the PBA. This department doesn’t have the best reputation with the public, but we have never turned on our own the way you have. And no one has ever abused the head union position the way you have for your own personal gain.
The thousands of dollars that was raised for McCabe and Simoes is something you have never addressed, not even at a union meeting. That money is definitely missing, both intended recipients have said they never received it. So where is it? Not too many guys will call you on the floor about these things but Montero has. And so now in an effort to silence him you try to have him impeached or thrown out. But you didn’t start the impeachment proceeding yourself, not you. You have guys like Frank Fernandez and Joseph Galinski make the motion and start the lynching rituals. These guys who have their own skeletons had no clue what you were leading them to do. They will go down in history as the only two cops in YPD history to leave a fellow cop behind and turn their backs.
Thank God the department did not fall for your scheme, you couldn’t even get 10 % of the members to sign your petition. You will also go down in history as the only PBA president that tried to kick a YPD cop out of the union. So the question is where do you get your nerve?
Tell me this rat doesent look like KO
I don’t know who you are, but grow up. If you have a comment then say it. We don’t need videos.
Aww come on guys, stop ganging up on Dutchie. He really was traumatized by Pappas years ago, not only did he take his lunch money, he use to give him wedgies!
I have my own gripes with Pappas, he use to write things about me on the wall and kick me when I was down. Waaaagh!
Hey, I was wondering if the American hero from Iona Prep class of 97′ told the students how he bilked Tinker out of 8K. They must’ve been impressed when they heard he is the fourth precinct captains gopher.
What a joke! Do you REALLY think that that dummy could bilk the Tinker out of $8,000??
Only Tinker can out scam Tinker. He didn’t get his name for nothing.
Tinker is the most cunning and cleverly diabolical cop the YPD has ever known. He is a master of the set up and the eventual execution of the scam. He is 10 steps ahead of whoever he targets….you could sometimes smell the sulfur and catch a glimpse of his cloven feet if you see him changing his boots. Tinker finds his greatest joy in fucking with people….you can never outwit him at his game….just ask “The Blade.” He once talked Mother Theresa into giving him a Blow Job and while she was going at it he rifled through her pocketbook and stole the money she had collected for poor orphans that were also dying of AIDS.
Fuck Tinker out of money?? Yea Sure.
Heads up to the punching bag. That church van is still prowling around Yonkers. You may want to stay inside with Joe Ski today.
You’re right. There is strength in unity. Unfortunately we will never have that on Keith’s watch. He shouldn’t have bashed and sold out all the people he did. So the next time we’re at a meeting just shout out your famous battle cry and then run into the big breasts of your hair bag leader.
Now this is Epic
dont you guys miss this….
Dutchie is right! It’s time to stop attacking each other on here. Let bygones be bygones! Stop all of the bashing of each other on a public forum.
Strength in Unity!
Go fuck yourself Steve “Hold me back” Donahue. Mingy will let you know when by gones will be by gones. You’re another coward that feels warm and protected on the Koolaid line. As soon as Mingy called you out you stuck your tail between your yellow ass.
Dutchie Dennis Mullin the Chameleon
Dutchie please stop embarrassing yourself on here. Sucking keith’s ass praising him for the wonderful contract he got you is laughable. The raise was nothing to write home about, but I would’ve foregone any raise and not lose what we already had you fucking dunce. You can’t be serious, take your head out of Keith’s fat ass and wipe the cottage cheese off your lips. You really are as Dopey as you look. Thank God we don’t discriminate against the handicap, you would’ve never made it.
We see you’re back to your old tricks, posting a somewhat cleaned up comment praising your Koolaid provider and signing off as Dutchie. Then you sign back in under an anonymous name (aka Character Counts) and try to bash Pappas. We have your number, more importantly Pappas has your number you clown. Are you really that traumatized that Pappas use to take your lunch money in the precinct locker room years ago? I actually remember those times and kinda felt sorry for you when Pappas took your lunch and sent you crying back to the short bus waiting outside. Let it go already, you have grown into a fine pimple on Keith’s ass. His cheeks will protect you from the evil prankster. lol lol.
He humiliated and degraded good guys. Okay! For starters, who? Exactly, cricket cricket. The guys you will have the balls to say he humiliated are rat scumbags. Go do what you do best Dutchie. Get on your knees and blow KO. Then ride home in your little “yellow” bus. You and your friends are legends in your own minds. Sad, very sad. I almost feel sorry for you losers.
Ray Montero is a schizophrenic old moron. No one on the job will give him the time of day. This is all about him, that he got crushed in the election and was then afraid to run again.
Pappas is hideously ugly on the inside – where it matters. And he is really ugly on the outside.
Yes, yes, we know – the Spartan is an amazing physical specimen, we all quake in our boots when he approaches yadda yadda yadda. Still: Lt Bryant pappas has made a career out of humiliating and degrading good guys when they were going through a hard time in their personal lives. This lowlife writes on bathroom walls and other sneaky slimy every depraved way to hurt good people. He has always taken a sick joy in kicking people when they were at their lowest. Always of course behind the scenes and then he will smile to you face and swear he is you friend. He did it in the third pct continued in housing and now he’s a full blown blue truther and lo HUD collaborated. Amazing how many people have been humiliated by him once you start comparing notes. Lowlife scumbag.
You guys have nothing to complain about anymore. You complained forever about not having a contract. Then we get a new FAIR 10 year contract and you still want to complain.
The contract, including the minimal changes to 207c were fair considering the economic struggles of Yonkers and our country.
A lot of people are out of work and have families to support but can’t get a job. You just want to bash everyone and complain about the job.
Our PBA president and the board are doing a phenomenal job.
It’s time that you let all the nonsense go and unite with everyone else in the job.
Remember like the PBA shirts say “Strength in Unity”
Yes we have nothing to complain about Dennis, great contract “wink.”
How about the $45,000.00 we raised for Simoes that Keith stole?
How about the $10,000.00 we raised for McCabe that Keith and Eddie stole?
How about the ongoing fleecing of our PBA funds, ever wondered how the balance is always the same ever since Keith took over even though we contribute over half a million dollars of our dues into it every year?
How about Keith setting up our own PBA members to be brought up on made up department charges?
How about Keith selling us out for political favors for his family?
The list goes on and on…..
But we got nothing to complain about Dutchie? You fucking Miscreant, go crawl back in the hole you dropped out of.
The contract was so good that the CLSA wont even discuss it????? please the shittiest ever in the county!
Leave Dutchie alone too. Don’t you guys have any common decency? The guy rides in a short bus to work every day. If it wasn’t for ADA poor guy would have to stay at home all day and drool on himself.
Thanks for playing!
Hey Koolaid, leave little Frankie alone. Napoleon is a great Dick that suffered a severe injury while working the squad. We’re just glad the fan was plastic. Guys like him are why we lost crucial 207C benefits. Keep tooting your own horn dirtball. Go back to Lawrence St. where you belong you lowlife.
Thanks for playing!
Dutchie Dingleberry, lmao.The asshole who wrote that owes me a free dry cleaning. I laughed so hard I spit out my coffee and stained my brand new shirt and jeans. Almost had to buy new underwear too when I nearly pissed my pants. What a pathetic bunch that Olson guy handles. Real fucking misfits.
Thanks for playing!
LOL LOL LOL, loved that last Dingleberry comment, so true. But you forgot to mention wimpy Franky Fernandez AKA “Let’s impeach a 25 year veteran who’s career and character I could never match.” The same Franky Fernandez who fakes a work injury for two years and gets denied 3/4’s then has the audacity to bost that the new 207c policy is aimed at malingerers (guess he knows from experience).
Add Franky to the below Koolaid gang…..
Dutchie Dingleberry
April 11, 2014 at 11:47 am
No “Thanks for Playing”Dopey Dennis Mullin.
Funny how dopey, wimpy guys like Dennis Mullin and Dean Pilitopoulos would never have dreamed of stepping out of line or speaking out of turn throughout their entire pathetic lives. Suddenly they start eating the dingleberries hanging from Keith Olson’s crusty ass and they feel warm and protected. It’s laughable yet sickening at the same time. These wimps shake in their shoes at the sight of men like Pappas and Montero. Yet surrounded by fellow dingleberry munching, koolaid drinkers they thrive if only for the moment. How sad they must feel when the dust settles and they have to resort to being the wimps they were born to be.
Thanks for playing!
Keep comparing notes you weakling and keep hiding behind your computer in your fallout shelter. The very sight of the GREAT SPARTAN will make even Keith Olson soil his XXXXXXXL boxer briefs. Compare all the notes you want, talk about how awful it was when you were ridiculed on the third pct. walls. How you were kicked when you were down (bitches) and then when you see the GREAT SPARTAN, all spiffy in his uniform, you will stop and salute him you cowards amongst men.
Lt Bryant pappas has made a career out of humiliating and degrading good guys when they were going through a hard time in their personal lives. This lowlife writes on bathroom walls and other sneaky slimy every depraved way to hurt good people. He has always taken a sick joy in kicking people when they were at their lowest. Always of course behind the scenes and then he will smile to you face and swear he is you friend. He did it in the third pct continued in housing and now he’s a full blown blue truther and lo HUD collaborated. Amazing how many people have been humiliated by him once you start comparing notes. Lowlife scumbag.
No “Thanks for Playing”Dopey Dennis Mullin.
Funny how dopey, wimpy guys like Dennis Mullin and Dean Pilitopoulos would never have dreamed of stepping out of line or speaking out of turn throughout their entire pathetic lives. Suddenly they start eating the dingleberries hanging from Keith Olson’s crusty ass and they feel warm and protected. It’s laughable yet sickening at the same time. These wimps shake in their shoes at the sight of men like Pappas and Montero. Yet surrounded by fellow dingleberry munching, koolaid drinkers they thrive if only for the moment. How sad they must feel when the dust settles and they have to resort to being the wimps they were born to be.
You have been backstabbing bosses and setting people up for years. Now we the working cops, will see your exposure through. No longer will union bully thugs like Pataky be tolerated. Keith you are a rotten apple to the core. Your leadership has jeopardized our membership and has convinced cops like Pataky that Quinn can get them out of violating people’s civil rights. Wrong way to run an association .
Thanks for playing!
Cant wait till Quinn gets called in…………………
Thanks for playing!
Case closed my ass. Nobody trusts you. If you were a tough guy you would’ve cornered Pappas and said or did what you needed to. Instead you send unwanted texts to a stand up boss about meeting off duty and out of the city and just think you will be able to get away with it. Pack your bags and leave town. Don’t you have a plague to spread somewhere else you shit stain. We won’t even talk about Ray. Lets see. A fat disaster that calls the other old and senile. Make no mistakes, you are and have always been jealous of Ray cause you could never shine his shoes. Simple as that and deep down you know it.
Thanks for playing!
There you have it, after three unauthorized investigations into bosses and officers, Keith Olson stands up at his monthly meetings and wants you new cops to believe the shit that streams out of his mouth. The only thing you cops in the precincts should be thinking about is that you can be next if you speak out. Time to stand together, and root out corruption from within.
Thanks for playing!
did someone say weed. besides filing fake reports, where I placed bullets on my lawn and then carried them into the precinct to make a report, I also suck the fat from my brother in laws belly once and a while, when I am not trying to bang another ” cops” wife. According to my brother in law I am still a guy with an unblemished life. He says stay close to that weirdo John Mueller the smartest man in the world. In fact, he is so smart that he will write any PINS petition for any parent in the entire State of New York. He will even go to family court for you.
Thanks for playing!
looks like johnny d. is a dirty cop too. one has to wonder how many other unauthorized and evidence tampering cases he and the gray rat did. its funny how the over stuffed rat is running around city hall with the members’ check book. that won’t save you when the feds land. you f–ked enough clsa and pba members. now it time for you to step down while you can.
Thanks for playing!
To the skeletons poster: you must be sniffing a little coke yourself, probably off the rear end of another cops wife’s ass you dirtbag. The problem is that everyone wants to blame others for their misfortunes. Keith, Brian, John and several others have been fucking over members of both unions since I’ve been on the job and earlier, for their own personal agenda. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but it is your entourage that is hated by most. I’ve seen Ray out in the street and only a couple of Keith’s water boys don’t speak to him and if you ask Ray, he preferres it that way. Also stop dragging other cops names through the mud with allegations of drug use and lawsuits but then again that’s what your pack of Rats do. As Hezi stated, “cockle doodle do.” You fuckers are going to find out the hard way that certain people will not roll over, nor let you fuck them. The best part of any ratpack follower was left on their parents bed sheets. All of you assholes days are numbered so do what you all do best and attempt to cover up the dirt you’ve dished out. Problem is you guys are so dirty that leftovers will be found. Bleach and the US Marine Corp can’t help you scum bags.
Thanks for playing!
Hey Andrew Quinn, friends of Simoes asked “where’s Simoes money.”
A standup ethical lawyer with nothing to hide would come right out and clear his name…. Unless he’s dirty.
Thanks for playing!
Now here is a true cop and american hero. Proud of the great man he has become!
Yeah kid! You tell them Pete Mullen! Let them know how Iona Prep prepared you for carrying Keith’s hairy ball sack and getting Muellers coffee and paper every morning.
You dumb fucking Ham!
very interesting comment, why has not Anthony mangone not be sentenced yet????????????
asshole the feds are smart they know mangone is holding out nuff said…………………
could it be……………..
mikey needs to clean up shop soon, the feds are watching this weather you believe or not, we all know how bad the FEDS want Spano…………………………..
p.s. here is the proof why is not mangone not sentenced yet???? sleep tight nick……………..
Quinn will be getting a phone call from the grievance committee very shortly, the problem why the hammer has not dropped is that Quinn and olson continue to break laws and violate members rights, so in essence they are making the case for lawyers and federal prosecutors a lot more easier all under the watch of mayor spano????? keep up the good work mikey…………..
To Andy Quinn
My buddy Wayne wants to know if you ever plan to give him the several tens of thousands of dollars that the generous men and women of the YPD donated to his cause? All along Mr. Olson was saying he was giving the money we collected to you to pay for Wayne’s legal defense. Then when Wayne was cleared and the city indemnified him they (city of Yonkers) paid you directly for all your legal fees. So Wayne waited patiently for several months for you to give him back the money that was collected for him; after all you can’t get paid twice? right?
So where is the money Andy? Either Keith Olson stole the money himself and you are covering for him, or Keith did give you the money and you are too greedy to give back the money that is rightfully Wayne’s.
Which is it Andy? Any comments?
In response to the Simoes money issue. We can’t blame Quinn for stealing the money without all the facts. It’s a little suspicious that he hasn’t come out and responded to this issue in all these months, but he might be between a rock and a hard place. Maybe Keith didn’t give him the money and if Quinn comes out and says that then he’s exposing Keith. What we do know as fact is that Trustees collected $100 from every cop in every precinct and Units. We used the Precinct Roster sheet to check off and tally every cop that paid. In the 4th we collected $8,400 which included the bosses donations. Citywide over $45,000.00 was collected and given to Keith. Wayne Simoes never got that money; anyone can ask Wayne for yourself and he’ll tell you.
So those are the undisputed proven facts we know. What we don’t know is what did Keith do with the money? Did he give it to Andy Quinn like he “hinted” he was going to do? If so, does Andy have the money or is he silently covering for Keith?
Hey Keith,
I just wanted to thank you for getting my wife Kelly (your sister) that $100,000 a year job even though she has absolutely no qualifications at all for the position and had never worked in that field of the Office for the Aging. I am very sorry I cheated on her with a Sergeants wife, my Bad. Landers, I’m sorry I almost got you arrested in Greenburgh when you caught me red handed and chased me around. Thank God Greenburgh PD showed up and drove us both to Yonkers and turned us both over to the duty Captain that night. To John Mueller I’m sorry for banging a couple rookie female cops in your command and denying it when it got back to you. I learned my lesson. There is a couple of cops wives that want me though.
You simply can’t make this shit up! It really happened folks!
Good thing IAB has those two crack investigators on the case! One will singlehandedly solve the case while feasting on the lunch special with MR at LaGrotta. The other can get to the bottom of the shenanigans from his tree stand!! LMAO!!! Sometimes truth IS stranger than fiction!
This is Business as usual in Yonkers. Nothing shocking here. It seems like the more dirt that gets exposed only makes the usual culprits even more deviant. But this is the norm in Yonkers. Don’t expect anything to change over night or ever. Chuck Gardner has his hands tied now, the Mayor won’t let him swing the ax. That lob-sided contract Olson shoved down the throats of the police officers was a H-U-G-E favor for the Mayor. Olson could pretty much spit in the commissioners face now, the Mayor owes him, lets not kid ourselves.
Hey Hezi, Ray Montero was fired from the YPD years ago for illegal activity. He has been sued over a dozen times and the city has shelled out tons of money because of this. He has left behind broken families and been sued personally for not “manning up” with them. He illegally put in overtime slips while working with the FBI. How about an expose on that you half witted moron? He’s a batty old man who has zero credibility and not one single cop respects him. Except a few losers like that broken down coke sniffing Cartagena. And Santobello who is constantly being sued. Get your facts straight you fucking sell out to Sam Zherka. Nice job Bob Itzla, Bryant Pappas and you other fucking dirtbag creeps.
You crazy old coot, lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol! Just getting crazier, keep it up, lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol!