YONKERS, NY and WASHINGTON, D.C. – June 9, 2014 — Congressman Eliot Engel presented a Congressional Record to Al and Dee DelBello at the Hudson River Museum Gala, where the pair were recognized for their significant contributions to the Museum.
“Al is a distinguished public servant who represented our community with dignity and integrity during his tenure as Mayor of Yonkers, as Westchester County Executive, and then as Lieutenant Governor. His record of hard work and commitment to ensuring that government serves all is remarkable, and he’s a leader whom I have strived to emulate,” said Congressman Engel.
“Dee DelBello joins her husband in being an exemplary public servant, dedicating her life to lend a helping hand. She has served our state honorably during her 17-year tenure as the Commissioner of the New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct.”
“Al and Dee DelBello have both won numerous awards throughout the years for their immense work on behalf of all New Yorkers, and I want to continue recognizing them by expressing my gratitude and appreciation for all of the contributions they have made.”
A Congressional Record honors outstanding individuals or organizations for the contributions they have made to their respective community. Congressional Records are official documents that become a permanent part of the minutes and proceedings of Congress, and are thus held in perpetuity.
SOURCE: Deshundra Jefferson, Press Secretary to Congressman Eliot L. Engel .

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“my name is Jennifer Enea, i am Sharon Enea’s only child/daughter. I am writing so as to clear up some of the nonsense and untruths i have just read on not only this blog but other blogs and newspapers. First and most importantly, the corruption in NY politics is still in full force now as it was back in the 70′s. My mother was one of the only NY politicians in history who was trying to clean up NY politics. A fight she found harder and with more struggles than even she had thought. the filthy politicians of NY didnt like this one bit! They bullied and threatened her and when that didnt work, they found a way to shut her up. My mother always taught me to say what i feel, stand up for my beliefs and never let anyone bully me into staying quiet or hindering my education in life. She lived that mantra to its fullest and ultimately paid the ultimate sacrifice for it. I have no problem doing the same… it is of utmost importance that people learn that this murder was not about DelBello and how dispicable he was, that fact is fully known and out there. BUT lets get something perfectly clear, DelBello and my mother were never involved nor was she his “squeeze” as this blogger “anonymous” so ignorantly posted. My mother was writing a tell-all book before she was murdered that was exposing the corruption of not only DelBello but, all of the judges and politicians involved with the moral and legal wrongdoings by our so-called political and justice system in the state of New York. Delbello was at the top of the list of dirt-bags and it was so well known that Cuomo had to do something about it before it all came crumbling down on him. See- it was all about “every man for himself” back then. My mother was too smart and too outspoken for her own good. The people responsible for closing, reclosing and ignoring her murder case have many secrets and skeletons in their closets and judgement day awaits them. This case is not over; the people responsible for her death are very much alive and will get their day to tell their story and try to lie their way out of it again. I will now take over where my father and grandparents left off. My father may have died before seeing justice but, i will not.
February 2, 2011 at 12:54 PM
An old post from the Trib
James Fleming
JANUARY 30, 2009 AT 2:45 PM
Sharon Enea’s murder was the darkest day in Westchester County’s long history. It showed how corruption and organized crime had worked it’s way into the highest levels of county government and in particular tainted law enforcement with an unsolved murder that was politically motivated. Al DelBello was sent packing by Gov. Cuomo because of the Sharon Enea case and other matters that were brought to his attention by the State Police. Too bad it was not followed up by an investigation that would have sent some of the most highest ranking officials in Westchester County to prison for life. Sad thing is, it still goes on today.
_________ Mr. Engel, please look before you emulate, a good hard look. ______________________
DelBello is a lying, thieving, cheating, sleezy lawyer. He has destroyed the lives of many with his schemes. He sold out Yonkers and Westchester County. Does anyone remember his mistress who met an untimely demise long ago? He deserves no recognition by Congress. He enriched himself off of the abuse of power that he had while in office and by having politicians on the payroll.
This story has to be a joke, right?
Veritas, are you speaking about Ms. E? I wasn’t aware of her personal connection to him.
Veritas is absolutely right on target with his statements, including the SE story.
Some day that story will come out fully/
Don’t know her name. Just that she no longer is.