YONKERS, NY — September 30, 2014 — The “featured” BlogTalkRadio program “Westchester On the Level with Narog and Aris” opens the Wednesday, October 1, 2014th broadcast day at 10:00 a.m. EDT with Wednesday Co-hosts and respective editors Dan Murphy and Hezi Aris in discussion over the “TO GET IT DONE” union rally protesting the lack of a contract six unions do not have with Yonkers City Hall for the last 5 to 6 years.
After our talk with Dan Murphy, we will speak to Barry McGoey, Esq., president of the International Association of Fire Fighters (I.A.F.F.) Local 628 about the “TO GET IT DONE” union rally and demonstration.
Upon Mr McGoey’s departure, time permitting, we will delve onto the international arena for an introspection onto issues that impact our locality and explore how and why it does.
Engage us in conversation by calling (347) 205-9201 to share your perspective – you are only asked to please stay on topic. Listen live or on demand: http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/WestchesterOnTheLevel/

Comments 10
Can someone tell me Jamie McGills start date with the IDA?
Can someone tell me her wedding anniversary ?
(To the mayors brother)
Can someone tell me when her baby was born?
(the mayors nephew)
I’m sure the mayor can answer all of the above, so maybe he can answer why he hired her when he was well aware she was family….
Oh I know, maybe he wasn’t invited to the wedding…
Stay tuned.
I think carrot top is running, he has a better smile to screw people. That’s what spencer people say. Why doesn’t anyone mention UFOA board members to run, because they are good at running away from its membership.
If Barry were to run the men would back him even if Picani and Manzo sell out to Spano which they probably done all ready. Barry is the only true union leader in Yonkers. The rest are full of shut and in Mike s pocket. Where was the rat?
We all know the mayor talks to the camera one way, then answers the phone another. The mayor was told by CUOMO to break the unions. He has scrutinized the YFD-10% of city budget, yet overlooked a monster school deficit, $50+mill, more than entire YFD budget. But, that was staged to remove acting supt. of the year recipient.
So mayor, go F-yourself with your double talk!
Ask him on the radio if he is interested in running against Mike.
Enormous numbers of union members would support and help fund and elect Barry. And he could get multiple party lines including Working Family and Conservative. And I can only imagine the amount of union dollars that could be raised. Plus half of Yonkers doesn’t like Mike and are just tired of the Spano’s.
Wow. Now that’s the best idea I’ve heard in a long time. And he could win too. I’ve seen him speak at a couple of different events and on the radio and he knows his stuff. Can’t even imagine Mike Spano trying to debate Barry. That would be like watching a pig slaughter. Do it Barry, you would win easily.
Draft Batry to run for mayor. He would kick Mike Spano’s ass and bring some honesty and integrity back to Yonkers. How do we draft a candidate?