U.S Senator Kirsten E. Gillibrand

Chaya Zissel Braun at the Kotel (Western Wall) a few hours before being being murdered in Jerusalem, Israel.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – October 24, 2014 — U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand released the following statement today in response to the murder of three month old, Chaya Zissel Braun, whose family members reside in Monsey, New York. The infant was killed in Jerusalem by a man described as a convicted Palestinian terrorist:
“This cold-blooded murder of an infant child is an unspeakable tragedy that is truly heartbreaking. My thoughts and prayers are with the Braun family as they grieve the murder of their three-month-old daughter, Chaya Zissel Braun.
“We must all come together to condemn such brutal, senseless violence and to stand with the people of Israel in this difficult time. I call on President Abbas to renounce this cowardly act and all of those Fatah and Hamas members who applauded it.
“We must make clear that terrorism will never achieve peace and a Palestinian state.”