The Blue Truth

Charicature of a younger, better looking Publisher / Editor Hezi Aris.
Societal divides have somehow stood the test of time for longer than we imagined. The words we chose to express our thoughts were mired in truth or falsehood, yet readers and listeners consumed them as if their meaning was one and the same. The transition from what was to what is has been a journey of recalcitrance by some and entrenchment by others. America has danced a dance of irreverence among its citizenry, fooling some in the process while others were in the know. The language was politically correct; the sentiment was not always so aligned. It seems unfathomable, if not outrageous, that fifty years after the signing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the distrust among the Nation residing from sea to shining sea is fraught with wariness of each other and prone to suspicion and stereotypical “understanding”, based on our collective and individual ignorance.
The ignorance infusing this Nation has maintained its grip on us while we maintain it cannot or will not poison us or pit us against one another. But it has! We claim and extoll our Constitutional guarantees of freedom of speech, assembly, and religion. The very concepts that cemented this land to one Nation engenders meaning too easily misunderstood, whether born within or without our borders.
The protest marches continue unabated opening scabs to rivulets of blood falling to the floor, at times with such intensity as to exhaust one’s ability to maintain life. Could the protests to which we are all witness bequeath our hearts and minds of what so many police departments have lacked; the urgent need for respite… allowing us to take a reflective step back in search of who we said we were, how we validated the words etched in parchment declaring our independence, freedom, and nationhood, and the path upon which this community may be defined despite the color of one’s skin, national origin, or religious affiliation beyond the politics of dominance and control.
The deep anger that churned in the cold blooded execution murder of two of New York’s Finest, NYPD Detectives Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu by Ismaaily Brinsley, one mentally deranged psychotic individual who piggy-backed his anger and assassination killings, onto the death of Eric Garner should inspire all of us to grasp this moment to engage our capacity in pursuit of coming together in positive purpose respectful of life and mindful of abiding by law.
Many law enforcement operations have stepped into the future of policing without realizing it. They have eclipsed the present, evolved into a reactionary force more adept at gearing up for war than contending with the community relations and social issues for which they were once seemingly better equipped to manage. Today, crimes are often overlooked: drugs, poverty, and years of little to no real effort to engage the urban community to participate in “real” and constructive ways to work hand and hand with police departments across the nation. State and city leaders have been shortchanging our police and fire departments for too long. Yonkers has experienced those very shortfalls with little to no training by which to engage in positive active, purposeful and measurable results worthy of community involvement and engagement.
Does any politician think that two-days-a-year of training will help our emergency workers with societal concerns? While in preparation against terrorist threats, we have lost sight of engaging our communities in meaningful discourse. Law enforcement work is hard enough, but without providing our men and woman the proper training and commensurate finances to work with and among neighborhood communities our collective failings have been revealed. Not every person living in a low socio-economic community is a criminal. How often in the past have union leaders been responsible in placing our emergency service workers in the cross hairs as they made sweet deals for themselves, letting the men and woman answer the calls for service, day in and day out?
Would there have been a different outcome in the Garner case if law enforcement employed different techniques or methods to take down a guy who was not a violent threat, but was instead a two-bit crook selling loose cigarettes? Those aware among us know that federal and state government agencies have been slashing money to police and fire departments for their respective operations since 2008. In retrospect, and upon reflection over the past six years, there is little to no real tangible effort brought about by any governmental agency to actively seek and recruit willing community leaders to work closely with police personnel so as to prevent misinformation from spreading to areas where there is distrust of police or questionable policing practices. Distrust of police has been brewing for quite some time in a cauldron fueled by political talk that embellishes distrust, but little of substance to lessen the fuel that keeps the pot boiling over.
We have been drifting toward a “Police State” for quite some time; the bitterness and strife between the police and the communities the police are supposed to protect and serve is real. We must all responsibly share the demands required of each of us so that community and police can accomplish goals in combating crime, and safeguarding the civil rights of all people, including your families, and mine. Together we can work through these social ills in a meaningful and, transparent way. Like it or not, it has to be done and before another storm blows us asunder.
Too many people from Washington, D.C. to the steps of Yonkers City Hall were quick to inject their personal opinions as riots, and protests were occurring across the nation. Even the Yonkers Police Benevolent Association leadership was quick to go tit-for-tat with their irresponsible rhetoric. Our nation’s history reveals Americans will protest when pushed too far; think of the Boston Tea Party. Clearly protests must be peaceful and constructive to bring about pertinent change. Violence accomplishes nothing but fomenting hate.
Our Founding Fathers, for good reasons designed the parameters by which our ideals could thrive. They did so by incorporating certain civil rights into the U.S. Constitution for acts that were committed against early American citizens by the British forces. As Americans we hold all onto these principals to this day, and are protected by them. Police departments have the responsibility to be transparent to the community, and if the community leaders want to be part of this new era of addressing social ills, they too must get off the comfort of grant money and make a legitimate effort to work with police authorities; they can always save the window dressing for the holidays.
Yonkers Police Benevolent Association (PBA) President Keith Olson recently revealed his feelings with respect to the murder of New York’s Finest on News 12 Westchester saying, “that I began to cry when I heard the news”. Perhaps Olson should have refrained from making any comments on behalf of the men and woman of the Yonkers Police Department that answer the calls to serve the people on the streets of the city. Olson has been an integral part of tearing down and gutting the Yonkers Police Department since acceding to office of president of the PBA.
Olson has been embroiled in controversy that has focused attention on internal and external Yonkers Police Benevolent Association cover-ups. One must wonder if Olson and his crony friends “cried “when he conducted unauthorized investigations against the Captains, Lieutenants & Sergeants Association (C.L.S.A) and the PBA membership. Olson personally went out into the community to target a local businessman with parking summonses and left other police personnel to fight his personal vendetta that spread to the leaders of Yonkers 4th Police Precinct, who “dutifully” reinforced Olson’s personal vendetta in targeting the businessman. This is part of the police distrust that is created from within. The anger and assault faced by police today from various communities throughout the country is derived from the distrust of the legacy of lies and trumped up evidence allowed to be forgotten by an internal system that no longer controls evidence that must be brought to trial that allows it to languish until forgotten because that is the political demand that controls the police forces throughout the nation. The police are not in control; it is the politicians who control the police and the politicos are to blame. That must end now!
Olson has survived and thrived in office as PBA president by skirting departmental rules, protocol and procedures; the sort of conduct that fuels distrust of law enforcement across the nation. Add PBA membership money to lobbyists with influence in Yonkers City Hall has kept and permits Olson staying in office.
Olson personally staged the union’s first impeachment of a paying member by using union money to pay lawyers to go against that same police officer. Olson has used union dues to pay for a lobbyist at a cost of $48,000 and spent over $70,000 in legal fees to oust that one police officer that has and continues to be in good standing. Why? What has he done to disallow his being a PBA member? Even more money has been spent by the PBA to defend police officers that are known to have lied to Internal Affairs and whose evidence and testimony are fabricated and cannot be validated.
Olson was quick to defend his friends against the community when Yonkers Police Officers Neil Vera and William Pataky were featured in the news recently. P.O. Vera who allegedly lied to another Detective were both recently indicted by the Westchester County’s District Attorney’s Office for falsifying a search warrant in which a civilian lost his life on what has now surfaced as false and misleading and fabricated information. It is alleged, that no drugs were even bought from the address on the warrant. Is that what we should expect from police departments? As for Officer William Pataky, he was also featured with others in the Journal News as having numerous Federal Lawsuits involving alleged brutality and questionable arrests and procedures; they are still roaming the streets. These people are real, and where there is smoke there is fire. Olson and others have even tampered with potential evidence, official police personnel files, and even break-ins into police offices. The Yonkers Police Department has a duty to fully investigate all allegations of misconduct, even if it involves a union leader. Keeping investigations untitled and open hurts the community and affects morale. This type of internal corruption gives the police a black eye, and fuels growing police distrust. It also taints the images of thousands of honest, hard-working, and decent Police Officers that serve and protect across the nation.
Vera is known to have a checkered past. [Refer to: BREAKING NEWS: YPD Detective Christian Koch and Officer Neil Vera to be Arraigned Charges of Falsifying Search Warrant Affidavits – Wednesday Morning – October 7, 2014] He was fired years ago, in 2007. He had claimed to have been hurt on the job and told Yonkers Police Department of Internal Affairs that he sought medical attention at St. Joseph’s Hospital on a claim that he was hurt while on the job as a Police Officer. His telling was not believed. He was fired. St. Joe’s was where Vera was a security guard years prior. St. Joe’s was also the place where Olson’s wife was employed as a nurse. After then Police Commissioner Edmund Hartnett had Vera fired, Olson, and Olson’s wife pleaded for his being re-instated in 2008. Vera would in time become a PBA Union Trustee. The fabricated search warrants Vera used were lies permitted by Olson. They worked together. What other things have been covered up? How many search warrants are invalid? Has the YPD engaged in investigations to distill the truth on many incidents were kept “hushed”? If so, what are the results? When will they be divulged?
Upon Vera being fired by Police Commissioner Charles Gardner this week, Olson advised Commissioner Gardner’s determination would be appealed. “We have a collective bargaining process and we plan to utilize it. Neil Vera is innocent until proven guilty and like any officer he is afforded and deserves due process.”
It’s shocking and a slap in the face to all Yonkers residents when a union leader is openly permitted to lie internally, and is not being held accountable because City Hall’s political insinuation serves City Hall as it demoralizes and slowly destroys the department. Where is the justice for the civilian who lost his life on a bunch of lies? Where are those tears Detective Olson? How is the community supposed to perceive it? All life matters no matter where you stand on society’s ladder; no matter your origin, ethnicity, or religion. This unfortunate incident could easily be one in which your friend, or your relative were harmed. A human being is now dead or incarcerated on falsehoods! Imagine.
The nation has been and continues to be angered by cover-ups, lack of accountability, and political outcomes that are derived from false and fabricated evidence and testimony. These issues can be resolved by following protocol and the law. The protests are fueled on allegations that are thought to be or are known to be valid. Cover-up and waiting out the clock will not cause these concerns to be forgotten. The Yonkers Police Department must clean-up their own house. City Hall will want to be informed, as will the Public. No political pressure must be permitted entry to derail the house cleaning from disinfecting a department with a lot of heart and pride.
Legitimate civil protests bring out opportunistic criminals, who like that a deranged Baltimore thug piggybacked an excuse to wreak havoc on innocent people. It’s been brewing in the Office of the Yonkers PBA for quite some time, and across the nation. Lawmakers need to ensure that all people are protected equally under the law. Irresponsible rhetoric won’t help any facet of society.
The dawn of a new era in policing is at hand. The benefit of the doubt for some has been called into question because of its inequitably being used in communities police are supposed to serve and protect. Remember the Pledge of Allegiance, and “Justice for All”.

Comments 57
I am proud to be a retired MOS. Guys…and girls … There are pleanty of people that just plain hate Policer officers . There has to be a better way to resolve whatever is going on then in this forum and so publicly . Being out of the loop for a few years I can’t even began to have an informed opinion on any of it . We retirees also had internal problems but found ways to fix what we had to without airing our dirty laundry. . Civilians just don’t get what cops are all about . Keep working ( attend meetings , demand votes , ask to see contracts etc ) but do it with diginity and preserve the great reputation the Yonkers Police Dept has earned and continues to uphold . Stay safe and and stay smart don’t give anyone a reason to say ” see I told you so ” they are out of control. Work it out and God bless the FINE men and women of the YPD
Jan.31 2015 library central ave.
keith I hear you buying steak dinners for all the boys next week in Lauderdale is that true?
I don’t know about the rest of ya but if that isn’t illegal, a violation of civil rights, some sort of federal crime, a warrantless search warrant or just plain wrong, I don’t know what is!
I don’t know. You tell me.
that’s what I heard he is buying dinner for all on our PBA card.
This “Blue Truth” expose’ has gotten a little long in tooth, hasn’t it? Got anything else? Same crap over and over! Waste of bandwidth……
cmon rat whiskers who drove second car we knew you drove the first one
Eyewitness News
A man claims he was viciously beaten by police in Yonkers, and now he is suing them. “Something’s got to change, sooner or later,” said Rui Florim, who hopes a 20-million dollar civil rights lawsuit filed in White Plains will help spark that change inside the Yonkers police department.
On May 18th, 2006, the 23-year-old came to the Tyrone house on Main Street in Yonkers. According to the lawsuit, an early-morning fight involving several off-duty Yonkers police officers spilled out into the street. Florim was forced to defend himself.
Later that same day, Florim says two unmarked Yonkers police cars followed him after he completed his shift at Oporto restaurant in Hartsdale and forced him to stop.
“They beat the crap out of him. Then they cuffed him to the rear, then they dragged him in front of the headlights, threw him in the back seat where the front seat cop put on black gloves and beat his face,” said attorney Jonathan Lovett.
“Why me basically was the only thing going through my head. I mean I was more shocked than anything. I really couldn’t understand what was going on,” said Florim.
Florim ended up at Saint Joseph’s Medical Center where doctors needed 70 stitches to close up his wounds. The emergency room report shows Florim’s request not to be discharged because he said, “They will kill me tonight.”
Ultimately, investigators charged him with assaulting a half-dozen police officers. He was taken to the Westchester County jail. Florim said corrections officers there know he was from Yonkers. When he asked how they knew, he said they told him, “Anyone who comes up here and looks like you comes from Yonkers.”
STORY BY: Joe Torres
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No answer for the second car KO? Did Frankie Fernandez really hide in the bathroom, while other police officers were fighting? Hey, ishe not the guy that you winked at to start the impeachment of another police officer? Some team. Lol Olsonette losers
I never lie. Can you rephrase that question.
Maaaaa, can I threatened another civilian? I a cheese loving guy with a bunch of lies in my lunch box. Maaaaaaaa
Listen YPD members we are going to use thousands and thousands of your money to defend a guy that lie to everyone including the investigators. One can only assume that ex-officers like Vera are the best of what Yonkers has to offer with hundreds and hundreds of awards. Do you believe that? Laughable coming from a union leader that invited a civilian into the woods to be assaulted.
The events that were initiated by Olson and others within the department are shocking and real. He should be ashamed of his conduct. He is not respected by any other union members in the city and certainly not anywhere in the County. That was clearly evident by the very small showing at the Holiday party, which was an opened party. Time for him to step aside and be investigated.
It is very unfortunate that I have disappointed the men and woman by conducting unauthorized investigations against other members as well as tampering with police files, tampering of evidence and the illegal searches of offices, computers, as well as using city computers to illicit information of police personnel. I have not acted alone and by now you know who are the other stage hands. There are rumors and water cooler talk that I will go down as the worst P.B.A. leader in the history of the entire association. That my handful of blinded cronies is inevitable. In recent weeks I have come out with public statements regarding P.O. Vera. I don’t care how much money of the association I spend, because as you men and woman answer the calls for service, I strongly believe Vera types are go for my personal vendettas as evidence in impeaching outspoken members and spreading the gospel of lies. All and all I look forward to lying to you at our next meeting and I will always have my legal chorus there to tighten my belt. So I want to see all of you there as I lead our office to the steps of Justice turmoil. Welcome to Olson and cronies 2015 dog and pony show where civil rights are laughed at. Of course I never said that. Lol… Is the taping and audio off?
listen to me guys its all lies nothing is true c,mon don’t you believe me…..
keith has no backbone in the law enforcement community what he has done to the job shows it
Olson Vera and Pataky are pure dirt bags that have ruined the PBA and Yonkers PD standing. No for them to be outed.
Time for the Yonkers citizens and other union members to call for a full internal and external criminal investigation.
Did you or John Donaghy cry when you removed private property from Dunwoodie to be used against other cops Keith? What about when you and Moran conducted the investigation against Itzla. I am all broken up. Garbage eating rat.
Keep it up, you guys are doing great! Lolololololololololololololololololololololololololololololol! Maybe the KGB will be interested.
Prez Olson, did you give Wayne and Jimmy all their fundraiser money?
A- Ahh, Andy
Q- just answer yes or no Mr. Olson
A- Can you rephrase the question?
Q- you may step down Mr. Olson, no further questions for now. Remember you are still under oath so don’t go anywhere.
A- can I explain?
Keith how much have Quinn charged to members since you took over? How much to your friends? How much to represent you? Okay how much did Wayne actually get? Not $40,000, that’s for sure.
where is the naacp guess they got bought off.lol
That’s right I gave them Wayne’s money. You got a problem with that? Want to go in the woods? Huh
Imagine if the C.L.S.A. President stood before his members and bragged about leaving the City of Yonkers and beating another thug in front of his girlfriend in another jurisdiction? What kind of tone does that set for brand new recruits? How about bragging about having official personnel files of police officers? How about threats of intimidation of another cop associated with another officer that can’t be intimidated? Can’t imagine it right? Well no other city union leader is as rogue and corrupt as Keith Olson. Time for the City and the community leaders to demand his removal. Spending thousands of dollars in defending dirty cops and spending thousands of dollars to impeach a former Vice President of a union sounds dirty and troubling for the city. If the city can’t remove him, then maybe the community leaders can do it with the Department of Justice. Keith Olson is not good for the people of Yonkers.
where is waynes money
Mr. Olson did you forget the verbal attacks you made on your own members, the bosses , people’s sickness and their families? All the lies you made up about them.Not one respectful hard working cop will ever support your handling of the P.B.A. Office. You have clearly broken State and Federal laws against your own. Time to step down and run freely along the curb.
Not all police officers are like Olson, Vera and Pataky. As for you KO, YOUR THE BIGGEST DIRT BAG LIAR OF them ALL. You should be the last person to comment on the death of any cop. YOU have been investigating Yonkers Police Personnel for a while. Stealing files, compiling files and tampering with evidence is no friend of a cop. Do us a favor fat boy, keep your bullshit lies to your traveling carne friends. Got any tampered videos lately Keith. By the way, rats don’t cry.
Good for Vera getting fired. Koch needs to be fired too. And his lying crocked partner Dennis Molina. They are all liars and corupt cops. Vera didnt lie to Koch he asked for his help and Koch had his back like they all do. Just lie and cover for each other cause they can get away with it. NOT THIS TIME! My husband is in jail fighting for his freedom because of those disgraceful pigs. We always believe what is done in the dark will come to the light thats why they are going through hell right now GOOD FOR THEM!
The men and women of the C.L.S.A and P.B.A will not forget how Keith Olson and his dirty cops went after them too. No more bridges for you to cross Mr. Olson and the City of Yonkers residents know who you are. You politicians should be very careful what you say to Olson and always keep him at a distance. He certainly has NO credibility within the Yonkers Police Department. Justice will prevail. Can’t cover this up anymore.
What do you think this is about? We got a lawless rogue union leader doing exactly what your saying to police officers. Then he throws the members money to the politicians hoping they won’t get involved. Too late. Keith Olson is dirty and he and others have clearly violated the law. When the DOJ comes not one cop will give him a reference. Although the DOJ won’t have a hard time finding those reports concerning what been going on under the fat man.
keith how much has Quinn made so far
How much of the members legal funds are you going to spend on a cop who was fired for lying and caused another Detective to be arrested? Vera is innocent? Really? Tell the family of the civilian that. Where is your tears? Not your money right Ko. Yout the biggest rat in the P.D.. Just ask anyone who is not from Moquette row.
so who has the courage to step up and run for anyone of the seats open?
Maaaaaa, can I threaten another civilian? Huh, huh? Maaaaaa you listening!
If this stuff is true, then how can any ordinary citizen be sure their rights are protected. If Olson can do this to police officers, who is next? Very disturbing.
Does any one know why Mahoney and K9 Devitt attacked another cop on duty?
Listen up community leaders. Olson states Vera is the best of what Yonkers has to offer and he is going to spend thousands of union money to defend him. Ha literally?
When he returns, Vera will be coming to a house near you and Olson will say YOU are lying? Pathetic
Keith do you still have the personnel files? Where are they? In your house? Low life rat.
Keith where are the police files you stole? Where is the file you said suddenly appeared on your desk concerning the DD Captain? You know the one you and Brian Moran complied against another member. Did you guys cry while you were complying them???
When any union leader thrives in this type of behavior, the outcome is Vera prototypes. Do you think it’s a healthy environment for the new police officers and the community, when a union leader stands up at union meetings and boosts about leaving the City and physically attacking another criminal thug? Hard to tell who is a bigger thug. Olson is bad breath for the Yonkers Police Department and certainly the P.B.A. The City has a duty to remove him or refer him to the appropriate authority, like the DOJ. Does the community really believe that this was an isolated incident? Hmmm
Dudes, I am so glad this story broke because I can finally get some fresh ass. Keith has been asking people for video on the Y. Shhhh, he and Moran are parked out in his city car. I think the choke chain is making notes while chewing on KO’s warts. Hope those boys leave soon. I need to get on the soup line dudes.
What are you trying to say Keith? That Vera should return and do what? Prey on another community person? That’s right, Quinn can’t represent him ? Tell the members why? The real truth there chubby?
Please explain which is not true Keith. The indictments or you and ” choke chain moran” conducting unauthorized investigations. Okay, what about YOU helping your girlfriend John Mueller fight off a transfer order? Some Chief! He cried too. Then he had his beerfest to celebrate his refusal to be transferred.
All the former Housing members and specialized units want to personally thank Keith Olson for bringing back his wife’s former co-worker from St. Joseph’s after he was fired from the Police Department. Keep on lying for him KO, all the other members who do the job really appreciate your rat ethics. Cheers
Time to clean up the Olsonetts. Justice is coming.
PBA prez did you and Johnny Tech. not remove evidence from Dunwoodie on one of your unauthorized police investigation? Blue what?
Dick Olson, the facts are clear and convincing. Did you not say Vera was the best that Yonkers has to offer? Does that come with the innocent life he took on lies too? I bet you Vera won’t be carrying impeachment petitions anymore. Maybe you need to talk with Quinn again. That was no Federal suit that got tossed fats.
Hezi you are an absolute idiot. Again you are getting your information from people that have an agenda and you write what they tell you as gospel. Didn’t you learn anything from montero’ suit that got tossed without a trial? As many have said here they are playing you like a fiddle.
just when you thought it was over…lol
Right on the money. The PBA needs a new spokesman. Lol
Did you cry when you investigated the CLSA member KO?
Did Neil Vera not cause the death of a civilian based on lies?
why are the feds in YO? gardner is spano puppet, be careful who you’re FRIENDS with……..