YONKERS, NY -- October 31, 2013 --Speculation that over 100 Westchester County Republican Party members will be charged with the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO), election rigging, fraud and violations of Federal, State, and Westchester County laws, in an alleged lawsuit issaid to have been filed with the Federal Court by a credible Yonkers Tribune informant.
Continue reading "Federal Complaint Allegedly Accuses Westchester County Republican Party Members of RICO; Election Rigging By HEZI ARIS" »
New News Internet Radio with WHYT Radio on BlogTalkRadio
Join our guests this Friday, November 1, 2013 @ 10 a.m. on the "featured" BlogTalk Radio platform: "Westchester On the Level" for an interesting morning. We open the opening hour at 10 a.m. with Rising Media Editor Dan Murphy in discussion of all things Westcehster and specifically, the City of Yonkers. Politics, schools, people, it all part of Mr Murphy's expertise. At 11:00 a.m. Director Jorge Montalvo of the NYS Office for New Americans / Special Assistant to the New York Secretary of State joins the program to speak to the process of integration by the new Americans into society and the basis for his charge. At 11:30 a.m., Euthimios "Tim" Theotokatos, candidate for Yonkers 4th City Council District speaks about his campaign effort and how the process has evolved. Hezi Aris is your host today. Share your perspective by calling the show at 347-205-9201 during the "live" broadcast, or listen on demand by way of the following hyperlink: http://BlogTalkRadio.com/WestchesterOnTheLevel/
Continue reading "Dan Murphy, Jorge Montalvo, Tim Theotokatos on Westchester On the Level - Friday, November 1, 2013 @ 10 a.m." »

Check Out News Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with WHYT Radio on BlogTalkRadio
YONKERS, NY—The Yonkers Democratic City Committee is pleased to honor NYS Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins and the Westchester-Putnam Central Labor Body for the 2013 Road to Victory Dinner on Friday, November 1 at the Westchester Manor. Other honorees are Carol Daly, Co-Ward Leader, 11
th Ward and Victoria K. Harris, Democratic District Leader, 4
th Ward.
Continue reading "Yonkers Democrats Honor Sen. Andrea Stewart-Cousins and Westchester-Putnam Central Labor Body for 2013 Road to Victory Dinner" »
Proposed design structure for the new Tappan Zee Bridge
WASHINGTON, DC -- October 31, 2013 -- Department of Transportation (DoT) Secretary Anthony Foxx today approved a loan of up to $1.6 billion through its Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA) program with respect to construction of a new Tappan Zee Bridge.
Continue reading "DoT Secretary Foxx Approves $1.6 Billion Loan with Respect to New Tappan Zee Bridge" »
MOUNT VERNON, NY – October 31, 2013 -- Part-time New Rochelle mayor and county executive candidate Noam Bramson continues to claim that he does not know the identity of the men caught on video Monday night at the Fleetwood train station systematically destroying campaign signs of Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino and replacing them with signs for Mr. Bramson. More than 1,000 Astorino signs have now been stolen or vandalized on people's lawns and on Westchester street corners.
Continue reading "Bramson Still Refusing To Name Campaign Workers Caught On Video Destroying Property" »
YONKERS, NY – October 31, 2013 -- Yonkers unions endorsed Yonkers City Councilman Dennis Shepherd today on the steps of Yonkers City Hall.
Councilman Dennis Shepherd received the endorsements of the following unions:
Continue reading "Yonkers Unions Endorse Councilman Dennis Shepherd" »
Join guest Democratic Conference Leader Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins and host Hezi Aris as they engage in deciphering local issues on the "featured" BlogTalk Radio program, Westchester on The Level this Thursday, October 31, 2013, at the top of the 10 a.m. opening hour. Discussion continues thereafter through to 12 Noon. Share your perspective by calling the show at 347-205-9201 during the "live" broadcast, or listen on demand by way of the following hyperlink: http://BlogTalkRadio.com/WestchesterOnTheLevel/
Continue reading "Democratic Conference Leader Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins on Westchester On the Level - Thursday, October 31, 2013@ 10 a.m. " »
The assertion made by Professor Oren Levin-Waldman is succinct. He states, "It is foolhardy to believe that cutting programs as the Republicans suggest will simply reduce the deficit rather than be passed on to their cronies. But it is equally foolhardy to believe that raising taxes as the Democrats so often advocate will either be applied to reducing the deficit or to assisting the middle class. Taxing those at the top of the distribution does not reduce income inequality; rather boosting the incomes of those at the bottom does. This is because for income inequality to be reduced the percentage increase in wages at the bottom has to be higher than the percentage increase in wages at the top". The emotional topic is best distilled through conceptual logic. Join guest Prof. Oren-Waldman and host Hezi Aris as they engage in deciphering the issue on the "featured" BlogTalk Radio program, Westchester on The Level with Wednesday, October 20, 2013, from 10 - 11 a.m., thereafter, from 11 a.m. to 12 Noon, we focus on the Open Letter penned by Weschester County Concervative Party Chair High Fox, Jr., with respect to the upcoming Yonkers City Council President race. Also, the departure of Yonkers Deputy Mayor Sue Gerry, her replacement James Cavanaugh, and his questionale ties to the City of Yonkers as its consultant, Yonkers Parking Authority Board of Directors members, his recent marriage to Yonkers Planning Commissioner Wilson Kimball, and his disturbing conduct with Ms Kimball while Jim was President and CEO of the Battery Park City Authority in lower Manhattan, and Mr Cavanaugh's relationship as a "team member" of former NYS Senator Nick Spano's Empire Strategic Planning lobbying operation. At issue is whether the entire Yonkers waterfront development project once the exclusive domain of Struever Fidelco Cappelli over a 12-year period in which no new imprint took hold will be guided "without?" conflict of interest when these "cuplrits" have it all going on? Share your perspective by calling the show at 347-205-9201 during the "live" broadcast, or listen on demand by way of the following hyperlink: http://BlogTalkRadio.com/WestchesterOnTheLevel/
Continue reading "The Topic: Organized Labor and Expanding Democracy; The Prof.: Oren Levin-Waldman on Westchester On the Level - Wednesday, October 30, 2013 @ 10 a.m." »
On September 6, 2013, I wrote you a letter to inform you that the Conservative Party had endorsed Grace Borrani for City Council President and that we had been challenged with a write-in by Liam McLaughlin.
As I write to you today, we have been made aware that Grace has had the Conservative line hijacked by her opponent but for me nothing has changed. In November, there are three candidates running for City Council President and Grace Borrani is one of them. She has secured an independent line.
I know you received a mailing from Liam McLaughlin questioning our candidate’s credentials and her service to Yonkers.
Continue reading "Open Letter to All Conservatives By HUGH FOX,JR., Westchester County Conservative Chairman" »
On Monday, October 28, 2013, NYSED Commissioner John King, several New York State Regents, and several members of the NY State Legislature attended a public forum at Port Chester Middle School to hear public comment on recent NYSED mandates.
School superintendents, school administrators, school board members, teachers, and parents almost unanimously criticized NYSED’s process and the substance of the mandates recently imposed by the state education department.
Continue reading "Assemblyman Abinanti Criticizes NYSED for Acting Unilaterally" »
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