The Yonkers Tribune has learned that Yonkers Police Detective Ray Montero is seeking to restore his membership with the Police Association of the City of Yonkers, Inc., better known as the Yonkers Police Benevolent Association (PBA). Montero asserts he was wrongfully ousted from the PBA due to political differences with, among others, the Yonkers PBA President Keith Olson, and “Olson’s cronies”. The “cronies” are revealed herein. Notice of Petition was with the Chief Clerk Westchester Supreme and County Courts on August 13, 2014. In the Matter of the Application of Raymond Montero, Petitioner for a Judgment Pursuant to Article 78 of the Civil Practice Law and Rules –against – Police Association of the City of Yonkers, Inc., a/k/a Yonkers Police Benevolent Association, respondent.
Montero contends that “Olson and his cronies” conducted unauthorized investigations of him, trumped up charges of misconduct about him over incorrect characterizations of his overtime that are false, among other allegations. To which there is no proof.
The political assassination campaign against Montero, a 26-year veteran of the YPD and the Yonkers PBA, continued unabated and with earnest as Olson conjured up false charges against Montero that improperly would have Montero ousted from the PBA. Since its inception over 100 plus years ago, the PBA had never ousted a member from its ranks. For those PBA members who voted to oust Montero on falsehoods, knowingly or suspecting the bullying tactics against Montero were illegally conducted only besmirched themselves by submitting to the false, erroneous, and trumped up charges. Those alleged charges seem to have been used like a “beard” to legitimize unproven allegations in a character assassination intended to silence an adversary that maintained protocol and standards to which every officer is sworn to uphold.
Det. Montero is highly decorated. He has earned the prestigious Meritorious Service Award, three PBA Presidential Awards for Unit Citations, at minimum nine Commendations in Career, six Certificates of Excellent Police Work, and numerous letters of appreciation from Police Commissioners, and the Westchester County Journal News Award for investigative work.
The legal suit points out that despite having worked amicably with Det. Keith Olson, among others in the Yonkers Police Department Gang Unit as a detective, circumstances would come to sour by late 2009. Montero was determined to seek the position of President of the Yonkers PBA yet chose to run for the office of vice-president in deference to and respect for Olson. Yet that was not good enough for Olson, Olson wanted Michael Farina as his v-p. Montero’s campaign effort earned only the animosity of Olson’s admitted best friends: Sergeant Brian Moran and Lieutenant John Mueller, whose animosity grew as Montero openly criticized Olson for his pattern of kowtowing to then Yonkers Police Commissioner Edmund Hartnett. Montero expressed his concerns specifically when the PBA membership would be coerced to concede to Hartnett, especially when it would come to hurt the PBA membership. Montero won the position of Vice-President. Olson was offended by Montero’s desire to stand up for the PBA membership juxtaposed to Olson’s selfish efforts, which have proven to be for himself and his relatives gaining employment at Yonkers City Hall, and his friends exclusively.
When Montero criticized Hartnett for cutting several police units, including the domestic violence unit, burglary unit, and the community unit that served the public through the Yonkers Police Athletic League, Olson acquiesced and supported Harnett’s cuts without challenge.
Montero’s criticism earned greater hostility from the three “renegade amigos”, Olson, Moran, and Mueller. The pushback was so great, that Olson contrived to exclude Montero from meetings at Yonkers City Hall and in Albany, despite, as PBA Vice-President, having the right to attend. Olson further contrived to assert Montero was derelict to his duties as PBA Vice-President despite Montero complying with all regulations and protocols.
Olson had Mueller call Montero into Mueller’s Office in July 2012 where Mueller was admonished to cease criticizing Hartnett and threatened that if he did not, Montero would be transferred out of the Special Investigations Unit.
When Mueller and Moran learned that Montero was considering to seek the office of PBA President, Olson, Moran, and Mueller conducted an unauthorized investigation concerning overtime slips submitted by Montero. The contention by Olson, Moran, and Mueller that the overtime slip was a “recall” rather than an “extended tour” could have ben adjusted as the “three amigos” wanted except they were so lackadaisical about many of their responsibilities, they did not correct the paper work as protocol demands of them within 24 hours. Instead, the “three amigos” waited weeks for a “make believe issue that they would weeks later challenge by “writing up” Montero for an alleged “mistake”. The “three amigos” do not have the proof to make this assertion. That will come to light in the court case. Even if it could be imagined that Montero did something wrong, as alleged in this circumstance, protocol requires the “three amigos” present their allegations to the Internal Affairs Division (IAD). This was not done. It seems by this very circumstance that Olson, Moran, and Mueller are NOT in compliance. What else have they not complied with? Whose rights did they break within the Yonkers Police Department and within the community at large?
Montero would be reassigned to the Detective Unit under Detective Captain Robert Itzla. Commissioner Hartnett instructed Itzla to make sure Montero would not speak to PBA business. Hartnett also created a situation where Montero would never be afforded any future overtime.
In May of 2011 Olson admitted to Montero that he was written-up for incorrect overtime slips because Montero was critical of Hartnett, Mueller, Olson, and Moran’s conduct and for allegedly speaking to Journal News Reporter Will David about a specific story that Montero denies unequivocally.
Olson precluded Montero from attending PBA activities except for monthly PBA meetings.
The day after Montero refused to debate Olson in the campaign contest for PBA president, Montero found his office had been vandalized.
Montero was soon assigned cases typically accepted on a voluntary basis to police officers on desk duty. Montero was forced to take on these assignments as punishment for his “PBA activities”. It seems under Hartnett, Mueller, Moran, and Olson the right to freedom of expression guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution held no sway at the Yonkers Police Department during Hartnett’s years on the job.
Further attempts to conjure up allegations against Montero continued unabated. Such incidents could have diminished Montero but they have not.
Moran alleged lug nuts on his police vehicle had been loosened by Montero but no proof was ever presented. Mueller asserted a letter threatening him had been received at his home; Mueller insinuated it came from Montero. No such proof has come to light.
At the 2014 PBA meeting, when Montero attempted to depart the meeting to use the men’s room facility, he was prevented from leaving by Police Officer William Pataky who threatened Montero to not leave. Pataky used all sorts of vile epithets leading up to a pushing and shoving match instigated by Pataky against Montero. Pataki and PBA Legal Counsel Quinn assert Montero punched Pataky in the face. A tape of what happened, was allegedly illegally retrieved at the behest of Olson from the Dunwoodie Golf Club premises by a few officers advised to follow Olson’s instructions. Dunwoodie is under the jurisdiction of Westchester County Police and Olson had seemingly no compunction to have his members seize county evidence for his own purpose. Yonkers Tribune learned months ago that the tape shows many men pushing and shoving. Montero is not recognized in that film. The film was apprehended in Larchmont, NY, and is presently in the possession of Yonkers Internal Affairs Division. There is no evidence of Montero hitting Pataky and no report of such an incident filed with IAD.
Olson directed the unlawful seizure of the tape. Upon learning of Olson’s conduct, IAD recommended Olson be disciplined, but he has not been disciplined.
Olson would attempt to defend his conduct by alleging false charges against Montero.
Olson’s petition alleges that on numerous occasions Montero provided information to this publisher / editor, Hezi Aris, for the Blue Truth series of articles. Montero is known to Aris but Montero is known as a friend; Montero is not the source to the Blue Truth series of articles. Montero was approached years ago to corroborate “facts” to which Aris was not 100 percent certain, but be assured he was not the only person approached over many years. Olson has accused Aris of posting information on the Yonkers Tribune and The Westchester Guardian that Olson asserts came from Montero, as in the case of the Blue Truth series, the source was NOT Montero. It came from another person(s).
Further allegations assert that articles derogatory to Hartnett, Olson, Mueller, and Moran were given to Aris by Montero. Not even close. The history revealed in the Blue Truth series of articles were learned and coalesced into the Blue Truth series over many years of personal, on the scene attendance at events and circumstances where the facts were gathered by Aris for this series.
The circumstances that have allegedly played out as described herein reveal systemic issues of great concern with respect to freedoms disallowed though guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution with the Yonkers Police Department by the “three amigos” renegades and the former PC Hartnett that gave them a sense of power over fellow police officers and the disrespect of law by an internal group of “cronies” who dismiss internal directives by the present Yonkers Police Commissioner Charles Gardner. At issue now is who is protecting the “three amigos”? Why are they around? There are even rumors of Mueller intending to replace PC Gardner.
The travesty that has been permitted to endure under this administration for over 2 ½ years point to Yonkers City Hall having insinuated into this mess of their doing. Who is behind this this subterfuge, what is its purpose, why does it continue unabated, and who is pulling the strings that undermine the Yonkers Police Department from maintaining the discipline it needs to function best?
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coming soon………..
On July 05, 2013, Yonkers PBA President Keith Olson, assisted by Yonkers PBA lawyers, seemingly engaged The Quinn Law Firm, L.L.L.C., as if they were in his personal employ as legal counsel. They disseminated a letter admonishing readers of the Yonkers Tribune. The catalyst behind the “seemingly” legal warning stems from concerns over allegations suggesting Yonkers Police Benevolent President Keith Olson engaged in gross misconduct; specifically because he is tasked with the job of protecting the rights of all members regardless of personality conflicts. In his opening statement, Olson took the attitude of blaming everyone for the contentiousness of his conduct. He never directly addressed the seriousness of the allegations of gross misconduct by him and his two collaborators, Yonkers Police 4th Precinct Captain John Mueller, and Det. Sgt. Brian Moran of the Yonkers Police Detective Division, who have allegedly engaged in Olson’s “dirty laundry” for years.
Little time transpired before Mueller and Moran were in charge of the Intel Unit (Intelligence Unit) becoming responsible for all confidential police records and personnel files that had and have allegedly made their way to the copy machine. Sources advise that after the files were copied, the files were moved out from their previously uncompromised place of storage over many years, to the Internal Affairs Unit where they now are now reportedly stored since former Yonkers Police CommissionerEdmund Hartnett’s departure approximately two years ago. Insiders have reported that Moran transported most of the files in the rear seat of his police cruiser. One must wonder why. Olson’s open letter to the readers of the Yonkers Tribune demonstrably proclaimed his close bond to his only “two great” former Housing Department friends. The gist of Olson’s letter is that too much mud has been flung in his direction; his concern is that it cannot be power washed off.
The allegations that Yonkers PBA President Keith Olson vehemently denied or purposely avoided are as follows:
1) The alleged secret meetings with John Fleming, during which discussions took place targeting then Yonkers Police Commissioner Robert Taggart for the purpose of having one of their choosing succeed Commissioner Taggart. Det. Sgt. Brian Moran is purportedly a distant relative of John Fleming who eventually was appointed a Special Adie to then Mayor Phil Amicone.
2) The alleged meetings that took place at which then Yonkers police Commissioner Edmund Hartnett was made aware of the conduct of the “Three Amigos” where he agreed to have a blind eye and sign off on allegedly whatever unauthorized investigations were instigated by the threesome; and
3) Allegedly collecting, gathering, and tampering with official police personnel files and records thereafter to allegedly be used against potential critics and foes as a means of intimidation and retribution; and
4) Allegedly filing false complaints against his own members; and
5) Allegedly impeding internal investigations with frivolous cross complaints; and
6) Allegedly unscrupulous fundraising practices; and
7) Allegations of missing disbursement funds, not to mention an immodestly paid PBA counsel that cost the membership about $120,000 per annum, plus potential referral business; and
8) Additionally, a whopping stipend of $4,000 a month in favor of Yonkers PBA President Olson; and
9) Despite the list of concerns over his conduct and the perception it conjures in people’s minds, Olson dismisses the allegations by not referring to them. He maintains a wall of silence, denial, and lies. His conduct cries out for an investigation and demands assurance that the chain of command is honored without bias, the merits of abiding by the law, and the oath sworn to the Yonkers Police Department.
Their collective dismissiveness found them spinning the hair raising allegations, so out of whack with what is alleged to have transpired over many years, that Olson and Mueller find themselves in an uphill battle to maintain their credibility while allegedly attempting to impede a serious internal investigation into the conduct of the Fourth Precinct Captain. Allegedly the Captain, along with Olson’s union assistance may have intentionally misled investigators, prompting Internal Affairs staff to bear the brunt of the investigation. The jury is still out on that one.
There were also reports that at a recent PBA meeting, Olson’s board members and a handful of Kool-Aide swilling loyalists gave him a standing ovation after he told his membership that he would not step down; that was after he informed them not to expect a contract until 2015, which will mean that almost a decade will have passed before a new contract will be finalized, likely learning that Yonkers Police Department personnel will only gain zeros in contracts further into their future. One must wonder the rationale of greeting this “news” with a resounding standing ovation and handclap by the Kool-Aide swilling believers. Why else would anyone be clapping for a union leader that has not secured a contract for his members under his former friends Hartnett, and former Yonkers Mayor Phil Amicone, who is also presently embroiled under a cloud of controversy. This has taken place while Olson landed his sister a high paying job at Yonkers City Hall, and Yonkers PBA union members continued to rack up bills he initiated. The final straw to break this camel may be a looming federal lawsuit rumored to be scrutinizing Yonkers’ own Three Musketeers.
Keith Olson has shown himself to be arrogant, insular, and using his own words regarding his “two great” friends, believes they all allegedly stand above the protocol and procedures defined for them by the Yonkers Police Department, as well as the law. Olson and his friends stand accused of serious internal and unscrupulous conduct clearly supported by internal emails, memos, and internal letters of complaints needing and demanding oversight of the Yonkers PBA leader by an independent, outside investigative agency, and /or an independent commission. Sometimes only an erudite press / media can ask and reveal the tough issues. In Olson’s case he has not publicly addressed any concerns, except for his steadfast legal advice that is meant to deny and obfuscate everything. What is more evident to all but Olson himself is that he is a hot potato who walks about persona non grata. The reverberating echoes heard in the halls and offices of the Cacace Justice Center and various precincts in Yonkers is that no high ranking official wants to be soiled by Olson and his “two great” friends.
Among the many years of august and respected chapters of the Yonkers PBA, there has never been a more propitious time demanding for an independent prosecutor to take a look into the inner working of the Yonkers PBA, specifically under the aegis of Det. Keith Olson, and his rogue supervisor friends that allegedly premeditated and executed some of the allegations he continues to refuse to address. Despite Olson being offered to respond to the allegations divulged, Olson has chosen not to substantiate his conduct and those of his cohorts. Their collective silence diminishes and besmirches the integrity of the men and women in blue. That being the case, how can the administration continue to protect these protagonists knowing that the media is aware of the integrity of the allegations made and others that are still to be revealed?
It should be recognized that the “Blue Truth” series has afforded the Yonkers Police Department the time and opportunity to address the allegations divulged. Were the YPD left to its own internal devices, devoid of political intrusion from within and without Yonkers City Hall, these issues would have been mitigated by now. Instead, every day that passes without remedy tarnishes the YPD, the PBA, and CLSA. That is not right. These concerns must be mitigated and concluded with deference to the law, the oaths sworn by each member of the YPD, in order for function to eclipse the present internal dysfunction.
To this day they continue to do the same things mentioned above. Truly scum.
Another Yonkers drug case tossed, with cops still under scrutiny
Jonathan Bandler, 11:24 p.m. EDT August 5, 2014
Photo: Mark Vergari/The Journal News)
Westchester prosecutors dismissed charges against another defendant Monday in the wake of an investigation into an improper search that ended with the death of a suspected drug dealer.
Felony drug charges against Kino Smith were dismissed in Yonkers City Court, although what role two Yonkers officers who are under investigation played in Smith’s case has not been revealed.
“The D.A.s are being very upstanding here,” said Hugh Jasne, Smith’s lawyer, following the dismissal. “It’s obviously nothing they’ve done wrong. It’s a couple of cops who decided they were above the law.”
Detective Christian Koch and Officer Neil Vera were relieved of their shields and weapons last week and remain under investigation by the Yonkers police Internal Affairs Division and the Westchester County District Attorney’s Office.
The investigation began more than four months ago, after the March 21 death of Dario Tena. Tena, suspected of dealing drugs, fell to his death out a third-floor window at 141 School St. after police arrived to execute a search warrant.
Koch had submitted a sworn affidavit for the search warrant, and included information he got from Vera. Authorities soon determined that the affidavit contained “material false statements,” and cases Koch and Vera have been involved in have come under close scrutiny.
Smith became the seventh defendant unrelated to the Tena case to have his drug charges dismissed. Three of those defendants were arrested in the same case and had faced mandatory state prison time on a Class A felony before their charges were dropped.
One of those defendants, Joseph Yearwood, sued the department and Officer Alex Della Donna in federal court last year, alleging that the officer took $5,100 from him while fabricating claims that Yearwood possessed cocaine. Yearwood’s lawsuit was dismissed this year after he did not respond to several requests from the court.
Yearwood claimed that police went to get a search warrant only after entering his apartment illegally. Neither Koch nor Vera were named in the lawsuit and it was unclear what role they played that led to the charges being dismissed.
Last month, the lawyer for Wilfredo Ruiz and Elizabeth White reached a $20,000 settlement agreement with city lawyers in a federal lawsuit that named Della Donna, Koch, a sergeant and two other officers. They claimed that they were falsely arrested in September 2011 after police illegally searched Ruiz’s apartment and White’s car. The charges were dropped a week later. The lawsuit does not spell out Koch’s role and the lawyer could not be reached for comment.
Jasne, Smith’s lawyer, said dismissing the charges was the right thing to do from a credibility standpoint.
“The bottom line is, nobody is going to believe anything these guys say,” Jasne said.
Twitter: @jonbandler
hey rat face do you remember this…
Yonkers police face brutality lawsuit
Eyewitness News
A man claims he was viciously beaten by police in Yonkers, and now he is suing them. “Something’s got to change, sooner or later,” said Rui Florim, who hopes a 20-million dollar civil rights lawsuit filed in White Plains will help spark that change inside the Yonkers police department.
On May 18th, 2006, the 23-year-old came to the Tyrone house on Main Street in Yonkers. According to the lawsuit, an early-morning fight involving several off-duty Yonkers police officers spilled out into the street. Florim was forced to defend himself.
Later that same day, Florim says two unmarked Yonkers police cars followed him after he completed his shift at Oporto restaurant in Hartsdale and forced him to stop.
“They beat the crap out of him. Then they cuffed him to the rear, then they dragged him in front of the headlights, threw him in the back seat where the front seat cop put on black gloves and beat his face,” said attorney Jonathan Lovett.
“Why me basically was the only thing going through my head. I mean I was more shocked than anything. I really couldn’t understand what was going on,” said Florim.
Florim ended up at Saint Joseph’s Medical Center where doctors needed 70 stitches to close up his wounds. The emergency room report shows Florim’s request not to be discharged because he said, “They will kill me tonight.”
Ultimately, investigators charged him with assaulting a half-dozen police officers. He was taken to the Westchester County jail. Florim said corrections officers there know he was from Yonkers. When he asked how they knew, he said they told him, “Anyone who comes up here and looks like you comes from Yonkers.”
Ray, isn’t it true that you had almost a dozen excessive force complaints?
Remember the one from Napoli Pizza where you beat a handcuffed kid?
Remember you quit the YPD back in 1990 because the YPD was going to fire you?
Seems you’ve forgotten many things.
Keith , whatever you have about any wrongful acts, please bring all your postings and comments to the D.A. office or all the files you made copies off. Otherwise fast forward to here and now 2014 where you, Brian, Vera, Pataky and others have intentionally committed warrantless searches for quite some time. Like going through the D.A files in which you got caught, IAD files, Intel files ect. So please fat pussy bring it to 2014.
Naughty list:
Fats Olson
Fancy false Vera
Baby Olson Pataky
Snoop search Moran
False statements John the Joker Mueller
Eddie I got my boat
Betty I am sick of covering for fats. Enough
Martin V. I say Olson is not lying, but my fingers are crossed
Lou V. I cannot min business
Anthony the cheetah, can I call your wife
You jackasses started this Blue Truth crap almost 2 years ago. With all the lies and crap you tried to spread, here are the results.
You said there’d never be a contract. Both CLSA and PBA have them.
You tried to derail the PBA contract. 94% of the membership voted for it.
You thought you could unseat KO. He was re-elected with no opposition.
You thought hiding behind your keyboard on this stupid site blogging all day would help you. You became the only person in 100 years to get thrown out of the PBA and only got 7 people to vote to keep you in.
This Blue Truth stupidity has gotten one of you booted from a great Detective spot, one likely to be skipped on a promotional list, one written up and transferred, another kicked our of the union and another unceremoniously booted from the most prestigious supervisor spot on the job. You are all, unanimously, both by the CLSA and PBA alike, the most despised bunch of dicks on the job.
Well played assholes, well played.
heard the rat might give up his leadership since his cards of corruption is tumbling down on him maybe they can transfer him to SOD so he can write more tickets to top class….lol
p.s. he definitely wont be on a wheel though unless they make a custom seat for his fat
sick of a fuckin rat liar
September 13, 2014 at 4:24 pm
It was Vera that did not get a job report number ?
It was Vera that used a C.I. who was in prison during the phony buys
It was Vera that used his own money it any?
It was Vera that intentional went the narcotics office and lied like youself to Christian Koch.
It was Vera that you and Andrew Quinn had spill his guts against bosses whether they are 1,2,3 or 2,3,1 you fat smelly trash pale.
It was Vera did never submitted reports.
It was Vera that produce the second set of found drugs.
It was Vera that worked at the hospital with your wife.
It was Vera that was fired for intentionally lying to the Yonkers P.D.
It was you and your wife that give him to the Yonkers P.D. not Koch, not whoever you claim are blue truthers.
It was Vera who was investigated by Former Det. BARKSDALE for money and equipment missing from St. JOSEPH Hospital. Check the records yourself pally.
It was YOU, Quinn, J.Mueller, Brian Moran, Vera that give rise to cops speaking out.
It was you behind everything Keith, not the people you labeled blue truthers.
When the D.A. and others shut your Office down we will be here to watch squirm.
The D.A’ s Office is concerned about:
Missing files
Tampered and altered evidence
The recent break in into the narcotics office, and C.I. Files
Targeting a businessman with a sanctioned job action of issuing tickets.
Threatening bosses and cops and civilian with emails and physical veiled threats.
It was YOU Keith that had a 456 union member arrested and fired
It was you and Moran that started the trend of taking a suspect’s keys and searching his or her apartments and for what. YOU and Brian have been doing warrantless searches since your street crime days. You have passed on your illegal acts to guys like Vera and Pataky as well as other plainclothes cops. YOU have and continue to blame a reporter that has exposed a police department that went off track since you took over the PBA.
By the way Keith, we do not FEAR YOU or ANYONE YOU SEND. YOU SEEN WHAT HAPPENED TO THE LAST CORRUPT COP YOU SENT. So if you or anyone ever should wake up one morning with hair on your pussy, come and seek. We are MORE than certain to give another or any other member, or crook, or liar, wife fucker, or drug planter, A nice helping hand you fat smelly pussy. Bring Quinn, you will need him. Pussy lips with a gray fuckin tail. Trash pale sniffing fuckin rats.
Is that a lie too.
“WE DO NOT FEAR YOU” said the coward who only hides behind his keyboard. If you’re so brave then sign your name. I would say you should go talk this bullshit at your next union meeting but you can’t. They kicked you out.
By the way, whatever happened to your press conference on the steps of City Hall?
You are nothing more than a sad, desperate, pathetic and old 14b.
got to give it to khader he is the only one that signs his name and tells keith what time it is keith why do you keep fucking with john he is not afraid of you I would love to have him at the next meeting and see what you would say to him
John, do you have multiple personalities? One that signs his name and the others that don’t? We know it’s you dick. Go away. No one cares about you. Mind your business you mouth breathing dirtbag.
keith you are dirty and we all know it,John already shut you up a few times….lol careful john keith might start writing tickets again or send some one else…lol
The District Attorney’s Office needs to get rid of Olson and that conflicted cop fucker Andrew Quinn. Ask the bosses what they think of Quinn. OH, MAMA CAN POST FOR ME FROM FLORIDA? I have no support other than that dickey shaker Moran who is also posting for me from a bathroom at 1 Hudson street, where Anthony is banging a homeless mans crack girlfriend.
Starter list for corrupt YPD Team Blue:
Olson, an Moran the warrantless search masters, great with keys
John Donaghy the evidence cleaner and tamper
William Baby Olson Pataky, the handler for targeting and beating up defenseless teenagers. Also should be farmer. He sure knows how to plant. Also a Union trustee
Neil Vera , a personal close friend of the Olson family. Also a Union trustee, Next Keith Olson , one the best liars in the entire department.
Joe I am not shooting steroids Ski. One of Olson’s pocket voters. He is good with hi hands, especially on females. Known as the “wife beater”. Also a Union trustee.
Andrew Quinn, Keith Olson’s personal Attorney with the memberships money, close to $200,000 annually. Will be a witness or defense attorney for Olson. Has personally thrown the C.L.S.A. under the bus. Represents the highest bidder.
KO’ s mama, well what can one say about a man’s mama other than , she sure can work the key board coming in live from the sunshine state of Florida, for posting nonsensical repetitive counseling remarks.
Ah John the Joker Mueller, well he can sure falsify reports. Also can look IAD in the eye and lie like Olson. Also known to throw anyone under the bus, including friend’s wives.
Gonna be a creative and defense 2015.
Yonkers PBA Keith Olson is delusional beside a habitual liar. The facts are plain and clear. Here is what we suggest the DOJ start.
Fund raiser money raised and distributed starting from 2005 and for who. All financial transactions, contracts, lawyers, and who they represented.
All IAD investigations concerning Olson and others connected to him.
That will be more than enough to get P.C.
The facts are plain and clear all right. Who ever is running the Yonkers Police force has totally lost control.
SOOOOOO looking forward to cRAzY’s spin on his master Itzla’s being unceremoniously booted from the DD and being buried in the basement of the YPD. Lemme guess, it’s the “rats” fault.
If only cRAzY were sane enough to know how true that sentence really is. LMFAO
Laugh all you guys want. I would be very concerned who they will be putting in charge. No more stealing guys!
Ok Robbit. None for you either.
I heard that Keith is going to resign as PBA president to take over the DD.
I heard that Itzla is going to resign from the Blue Truth and sue Ray.
What happened to the money collected for Wayne? #40k@thief
Lets see how the transfers took place….Maybe it was the lawsuits and allegations of police corruption, maybe it was keith and vera ratting out members to the D.A. investigators, maybe it was pataky and delladonna his law suits? One common denominator they are all close with keith…lol
Maybe those bosses weren’t doing their jobs.
Is that at all possible?
problem is the bosses didn’t steal or have bad search warrants or beat up any body and more importantly where left out of the loop, bottom line you have rogue cops doing work with out supervisors knowledge! Not one mention in any news or media about a bad boss just the same old cops VERA PATAKY DELLADONNA all come back to the rats nest KEITH OLSON!
So Ray, what is the role of the supervisor?
roll of the supervisor is to hold your squad accountable for investigative work assigned to them ,but in your case when you have rogue cops that do shit with out authorization case example john donaghy how can the supervisor know when he does shit with out authorization …….
In unity there is strength
yes lets unite and strengthen our union like the Cola days oust the rat now look at what has happened to us/……………..
Guess who created the Olsonettes??
It was Charlie Cola himself.
You punks with no time on the job wouldn’t know that would you.
Charlie also got Ray his job back after he quit.
I bet he is relieved today. LMFAO
Another Yonkers drug case tossed, with cops still under scrutiny
Jonathan Bandler, 11:24 p.m. EDT August 5, 2014
(Photo: Mark Vergari/The Journal News)
Westchester prosecutors dismissed charges against another defendant Monday in the wake of an investigation into an improper search that ended with the death of a suspected drug dealer.
Felony drug charges against Kino Smith were dismissed in Yonkers City Court, although what role two Yonkers officers who are under investigation played in Smith’s case has not been revealed.
“The D.A.s are being very upstanding here,” said Hugh Jasne, Smith’s lawyer, following the dismissal. “It’s obviously nothing they’ve done wrong. It’s a couple of cops who decided they were above the law.”
Detective Christian Koch and Officer Neil Vera were relieved of their shields and weapons last week and remain under investigation by the Yonkers police Internal Affairs Division and the Westchester County District Attorney’s Office.
The investigation began more than four months ago, after the March 21 death of Dario Tena. Tena, suspected of dealing drugs, fell to his death out a third-floor window at 141 School St. after police arrived to execute a search warrant.
Koch had submitted a sworn affidavit for the search warrant, and included information he got from Vera. Authorities soon determined that the affidavit contained “material false statements,” and cases Koch and Vera have been involved in have come under close scrutiny.
Smith became the seventh defendant unrelated to the Tena case to have his drug charges dismissed. Three of those defendants were arrested in the same case and had faced mandatory state prison time on a Class A felony before their charges were dropped.
One of those defendants, Joseph Yearwood, sued the department and Officer Alex Della Donna in federal court last year, alleging that the officer took $5,100 from him while fabricating claims that Yearwood possessed cocaine. Yearwood’s lawsuit was dismissed this year after he did not respond to several requests from the court.
Yearwood claimed that police went to get a search warrant only after entering his apartment illegally. Neither Koch nor Vera were named in the lawsuit and it was unclear what role they played that led to the charges being dismissed.
Last month, the lawyer for Wilfredo Ruiz and Elizabeth White reached a $20,000 settlement agreement with city lawyers in a federal lawsuit that named Della Donna, Koch, a sergeant and two other officers. They claimed that they were falsely arrested in September 2011 after police illegally searched Ruiz’s apartment and White’s car. The charges were dropped a week later. The lawsuit does not spell out Koch’s role and the lawyer could not be reached for comment.
Jasne, Smith’s lawyer, said dismissing the charges was the right thing to do from a credibility standpoint.
“The bottom line is, nobody is going to believe anything these guys say,” Jasne said
Another Yonkers drug case tossed, with cops still under scrutiny
In WEAKNESS THERE IS DIVISION. That is the mantra of Keith Olson. Make no mistakes, this man knows nothing of STRENGTH and less of UNITY.
I must congratulate Quinn and Olson for what has happened over the last 24 hours and what will occur soon, was it really worth it to rat out others….a cop like vera your trustee was a bad apple as a union leader I would of still protected him but not at the expense of the membership, bottom line is if you have a bad cop he alone should take the hit as a union leader you get him a lawyer and hope for the best, but you my fat rat did opposite because he is your trustee and carries your cheese you don’t give a shit about any one else except your self I cant wait till the chickens come home to roost……..
I hope this isn’t true. I just read through all of the posts and this post stuck out from the other BS. A lot of the other posts I have no idea who they are talking about or they are articles that they copy and paste. Is this true? Please tell me you are taking care of one of your own who could have been killed when that wanted felon ran him over. If this is true it’s disgraceful.
Do unto others
SEPTEMBER 10, 2014 AT 11:28 AM
KO, have you called Tinker since he was discharged from the hospital? The answer is NO
Has anyone in your filthy crew checked how Tinker is doing, offered assistance in anyway to him or his family? The answer is NO
Strength in Unity! Only when it’s someone in your circle or someone whose ass you want to kiss. F&@kn snakes
Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.…
keith really step down the worst has happened while you are leading let Dale take over I cant believe you ratted other members and bosses maybe it is time you retire ……….
Nice work Keith and Andy, your legal strategy to cover up corrupt cops like Vera who has been violating people’s rights for quite some time will not work by the ousting of two good supervisors. The wheels are coming for you and your dirty cops. The problem of warrantless searches started with you and Brian Moran. Tommy Phelan you need to throw that fat rat scumbag out of your office.
Great job keith and neil 2 great bosses get transferred thanks to you 2 rats,so much for your strength and unity bullshit!
His new slogan is “weak and divided.”
keith you remember this ?
Yonkers police face brutality lawsuit
August 4, 2008 3:47:26 PM PDT
Eyewitness News
A man claims he was viciously beaten by police in Yonkers, and now he is suing them. “Something’s got to change, sooner or later,” said Rui Florim, who hopes a 20-million dollar civil rights lawsuit filed in White Plains will help spark that change inside the Yonkers police department.
On May 18th, 2006, the 23-year-old came to the Tyrone house on Main Street in Yonkers. According to the lawsuit, an early-morning fight involving several off-duty Yonkers police officers spilled out into the street. Florim was forced to defend himself.
Later that same day, Florim says two unmarked Yonkers police cars followed him after he completed his shift at Oporto restaurant in Hartsdale and forced him to stop.
“They beat the crap out of him. Then they cuffed him to the rear, then they dragged him in front of the headlights, threw him in the back seat where the front seat cop put on black gloves and beat his face,” said attorney Jonathan Lovett.
“Why me basically was the only thing going through my head. I mean I was more shocked than anything. I really couldn’t understand what was going on,” said Florim.
Florim ended up at Saint Joseph’s Medical Center where doctors needed 70 stitches to close up his wounds. The emergency room report shows Florim’s request not to be discharged because he said, “They will kill me tonight.”
Ultimately, investigators charged him with assaulting a half-dozen police officers. He was taken to the Westchester County jail. Florim said corrections officers there know he was from Yonkers. When he asked how they knew, he said they told him, “Anyone who comes up here and looks like you comes from Yonkers.”
so what do you say keith are you going to make a comment about the BLUE TRUTH expose and answer the allegations you are accused of, its not going away actually Hezi is working on another one about what happened in the Narco unit the other day. You owe the members and the city an explanation but if I know you better you would probably say, ‘its all lies don’t believe them’…lol
“Morning dose of pain?” Really? Do you really still think anyone cares about your cowardly blogging? You really are mentally ill, aren’t you?
Keep it up champ. It’s worked great for you so far.
We know who let you in the office. That will be duly noted in the reports. Speaking of mentally ill, when is the geezer St. Joe’s elopee leaving? Good riddance to that loser. Besides that spot is mine, we already brokered the deal.
answer the question did you steal money or skim from the tough man,wayne,jimmy and other fundraisers?
Everything is a spin for you , right Olson. You have not answer any questions because you either call someone crazy like your buddy Mueller or you blog misinformation. Time has come for you to be replaced or removed. You have posted against your own members, the sick, and the bosses.
You have lied repeatedly about others and and their families. Your depth of poison runs deep. When the truth is revealed about you and others you twist and turn in pain, because we know it hurts. You have called everyone in the city a liar, but yet you and others have beyond the burden of proof broke state and federal laws. So all your sucking of mama’s breast and misinformation is not going to make this go away. The list of who you called liars is too, too long to list. So here are some names.
Barry M.
Tom P.
R. Taggart
C. Cola
R. Itzla
M. Russo
R. Santebello
Housing unit
Ken Davis
Hector C.
I. Hernandez
C. Demateo
J. Racine,
It goes on and on. We will not stop until justice is served. Breaking internal procedures and laws should not be overlooked or set aside because of one’s political slush funds. Time is up for you and those corrupt union thugs. Good luck. You and your boys will need it.
I don’t know, looks pretty accurate. By the way how’s the dwarf IAD Sgt with the identity crisis doing these days? Heard he’s been on a tear.
Ahhhh just getting home. Had to menace the crowd blocking the entrance to my crib. Was out with yet again another cops girl. This one is from Jersey so I should be fine. Got to go now, just heard gunshots, I’ll sleep under the bed tonight. Not bad though, views of the Hudson are great.
Boy I am having a lot more fun than when I use go to the Kiss concerts with the rooster. Cops wives are fun. Especially when they are from out of state. Ha, Ha, right. Hope Keith doesn’t find out or he may try to bully me. Its really not his fault. He was molested by a bunch of wild moquette river rats when he lived off Orchard.
Yeah I just woke up after my Jersey house wives escapades. Good night, not too many shots fired and DSS got the bed bugs under control. I haven’t seen my ex brother in law in a minute. He is kinda of pissed off that the rooster and I are on the outs. I was tired of him any way. He was always bullying my short ass.
Hey I gotta go. Don’t want the wives club Matchmaker and festival coordinator to see I am late, because he and Keith are i love fest about rumors of Cave leaving. They are probably making out as usual. Funny shit
Oh, who that hottie that is standing by the soup line. Oooooo
I just saw radio car 401 racing to the Sharing Community on a report of a 10-17 on the soup line. Word is that the cheetah Chiarella is getting pummeled by a homeless guy for hitting on his hottie.
Just saw Keith Olson’s warrant master an trainer talking as usual in the middle of the DD parking lot. He does with al rats do and scurries along the fence. The guy must be on the phone with his Attorney. Maybe the DOJ is coming for you too.
We all know you hate keith many years ago you showed it when you saw thru the dirty rat, please don’t hesitate to call me if you need anything else. I don’t want to get jammed up like him. Please …please I will tell all ………….
Det.Sgt Moron aka snoop
Since Brian is cutting himself deal, you think I can get the same. I did tamper with evidence a few times. I only remember Locust Hill Avenue and The Dunwoodie fight club. Right ha, ha
I should not be making this statement, but Quinn is really busy with Vera a recent graduate of Moran’s School of Law. Moran is an expert in how to avoid getting a search warrant. Part of the curriculum is actually going to V.C.P.A. and actually performing a live warrantless search in the hood. I fell the need to cut myself a deal before the narcotics investigation goes public. I am an expert in flaking people.
The D.A.’s office should want to know why they are leaving a cool aid drinking Olsonett like the evidence tamper, Det. Donaghy in charge of collecting virgin evidence. The sleeze has tampered with evidence before. Let’s keep him there and then Keith can have his own collection of a pile of tampered evidence. Great job. Shhhbb don’t want the DOJ to hear.
pandoras box about to explode keith secure your pension and put your papers in, you know when the feds start questioning your boys they are going to fold like bitches at a laundry mat..;lol
I don’t know, has the “statue” of limitations run? You moron.
Oh, and not KO, Brian, or John. You moron.
answer the question asshole don’t worry about the grammar oh not monty or
I know its not john or Brian or that short fuck cheetaaa its ladies night they are probably looking for Orangeburg pd cop wife’s…lol
Keith you know what’s appalling the fact that the Blue Truth expose has been going on now for over a year accusing you of wrong doing, till this date you have not answered any of the allegations described in all the reports, what are you waiting for its not going away. You have a big mouth at your 40 or so monthly members meeting you got that limpless fuck Quinn who we are paying his kids tuition at almost 160k a year. You can even have Quinn answer for you but he wont dare cause he knows the Pandora’s box is full…lol. A prominent public figure like you would of at least by now addressed the allegations if they are true or false, you owe it to the citizens of Yonkers you owe it to the members of the job, why have you still been quiet on this any man with a back bone would of made a public comment on this and yet you lay low like the rat you are hoping it goes away and it wont so start preparing a statement and face the music you rat fuck!
2 Yonkers cops named in 14 misconduct lawsuits
Erik Shilling, 1:44 p.m. EDT April 7, 2014
(Photo: Mark Vergari/The Journal News)
james Jones had just left Nepperhan Community Center in Yonkers on Nov. 20, 2012, when he saw a city police officer he recognized: William Pataky.
Pataky apparently recognized Jones, too, a 38-year-old ex-convict who is no stranger to law enforcement and was out on parole after serving more than a year in custody following a violent confrontation with officers in May 2010.
But in this instance, Jones said, he was doing nothing wrong when Pataky screamed a vulgarity at him and then gave chase after Jones ran.
Jim Bostic, the executive director of the Nepperhan Community Center in Yonkers, talks about the behavior of the Yonkers Police Department, March 28, 2014. (Video by Mark Vergari/The Journal News) Video by Mark Vergari/The Journal News
When Jones stopped and put his hands in the air, Pataky kicked him in the face and called Jones a “black monkey” who “will not see Thanksgiving,” according to a civil lawsuit Jones filed. A gash on Jones’ head was later glued shut at the hospital; in October he won a $2,500 settlement, with Yonkers admitting no wrongdoing.
Jones’ suit may sound like an ordinary case of police brutality against an officer who may have simply made a mistake in a tough job that many street cops say is relentless and thankless.
But Jones’ case against Pataky is not an outlier. Many officers spend their entire careers without so much as a civilian complaint, but Pataky has been named in lawsuits in U.S. District Court at least six times in the past two years alone while another Yonkers police officer, Alex Della Donna, has been named at least eight times in the same period. Judgments or settlements in three additional suits against the officers prior to that totaled $227,000.
Lawsuit: Yonkers cop used PCP arrest to coerce sex
Cost: Yonkers pays nearly $3M in decade over police misconduct
Documents: Read the complaints against Yonkers police
Taken together, the lawsuits paint a grim picture of the officers’ behavior, suggesting that though the city’s police force has made strides since a 2009 federal report that faulted it for, among other things, not requiring officers to wear nametags, there remain a few officers who lawyers, residents and community advocates say continue to stray from procedure. Merely showing disrespect to one of these officers, they say, could get you arrested or, on a bad day, physically beaten.
“Even by Yonkers standards, Della Donna seems to shine,” said Rose M. Weber, a lawyer for one plaintiff. “It’s incomprehensible to me that an officer with this many lawsuits against him is still on the street.”
Another lawyer, Andrew Laufer, whose clients accuse Della Donna of illegally searching their home and arresting them, was just as critical.
“There doesn’t seem like there’s any real accountability for any of these officers’ antics … They’d rather seemingly cover up corruption,” Laufer said.
Yonkers police declined to say whether Della Donna, Pataky or any of its officers had been disciplined or fired for misconduct in the past 10 years. Della Donna has been the subject of Internal Affairs inquiries and numerous civilian complaints, and court papers reveal that one woman’s complaint was deemed to be substantiated, forcing him into the department’s Performance Monitoring Program.
Della Donna, 37, and Pataky, 36, have won awards for their police work, however, and police and union officials defend them. In each lawsuit, the officers and the city have denied the most serious claims against them, and even after settling often do not admit any wrongdoing, as in Jones’ case.
Keith Olson, president of the Yonkers Police Benevolent Association, said it was simply a paradox of police work that the officers who get most of the awards also attract the most complaints because they are the most active. He said Pataky and Della Donna were “excellent, excellent cops.”
“I can’t think of (any complaint) that’s ever been justified,” Olson said. The stream of lawsuits and complaints hurt morale, he said, because “you want your active cops out there and you want them to feel motivated and protected.”
“Even if you know the lawsuit is completely frivolous, it sets you back a bit,” he said.
Joseph Pollini, a lecturer at John Jay College of Criminal Justice who was an officer and detective with the New York Police Department for 33 years, said that being active on the beat was no excuse for generating complaints.
“It’s still up to the officer to conduct themselves in a proper fashion,” he said. “But a lot of times they go out and they get a John Wayne mentality.”
Pollini acknowledged that force sometimes was necessary if a suspect was less than cooperative, but “the rule is, use the least amount of force possible.”
For certain officers, he said, the equation might change for suspects who already have admitted to illegal acts or whom they have interacted with or arrested before. For those suspects, there’s less of a chance they ever report misconduct.
“If (an officer) roughs him up, the probability is he’s never going to tell anyone. He’s committing illegal acts, he’s out there, he doesn’t want to tell anyone,” he said. Officers “are not going to talk to someone with a business suit like that.”
Della Donna didn’t respond to requests for comment. A reporter who mistakenly went to Pataky’s mother’s house in search of the officer received a phone call from the officer minutes after leaving. Going to the homes of officers, Pataky said, “was not a good idea,” before adding that his department did not allow him to speak to reporters.
Yonkers Police Commissioner Charles Gardner deflected questions about Pataky and Della Donna specifically. The department also declined to provide basic biographical information about the men, including their current assignments and ranks.
The department spent nearly $3 million from 2000 through 2009 to pay legal settlements or judgments related to police misconduct, city records indicate.
Even so, Gardner said community outreach efforts were paying off in recent years.
“The department remains committed to providing professional police services to people in communities throughout the city,” he said in a statement.
Fewer complaints
The complaints against the officers come at a time the Police Department was acknowledged to have cleaned up misconduct after the U.S. Department of Justice issued a 2009 report.
With DOJ officials now looking over their shoulder, both community leaders and police officials have said that complaints have dropped, and have continued to drop. In 2011, there were 25 excessive-force complaints, compared with 16 last year, for a department of some 600 that responds to more than 120,000 service calls yearly and arrests around 6,000 people a year.
By comparison, the White Plains Police Department, about a third of the size of the Yonkers force, averages around a dozen complaints each year, officials said.
But the number of complaints may not tell the whole story, primarily because residents who have complaints may not tell the police at all, for fear of indifference or, worse, retaliation.
Take the case of Danny Squicciarini, a college student who said in court papers that in April 2011 he was driving at a parking lot at Cross County Shopping Center when Della Donna and another officer stopped him and ordered him and his friend to step out of their vehicle. A patdown and unauthorized search of Squicciarini’s car followed, he said, but he was not arrested.
Squicciarini and his friend immediately tried to lodge a complaint at a precinct house, he said, but a desk sergeant refused to file one without names or badge numbers. Five months later, he ran into Della Donna and the other officer again; another car search turned up an unlit marijuana cigarette.
Squicciarini was arrested after one officer made oblique reference to his attempt to complain, the lawsuit alleges. At the Alexander Street jail, he was forced to go nude in front of several other prisoners while officers performed a strip search, according to court papers.
‘Rogue officers’
Jim Bostic, executive director of Nepperhan Community Center, credited Gardner with improving the department’s relationship with the community. But, without naming names, Bostic also acknowledged in an interview last year that “rogue officers” pose a continuing threat to the department’s credibility, making it harder for all cops to do their jobs.
“People are less willing to cooperate. People are less apt to volunteer information,” Bostic said. “It makes (officers’) jobs very difficult.”
Bostic also criticized the complaint process, saying it fed the impression that “the situation is being whitewashed.” Meanwhile, he advises residents to try to “de-escalate” confrontations with the police, which can be difficult.
Alexander Spillman’s confrontation with police began in June 2006 when he refused to pick up a lollipop stick he had thrown to the ground. In his lawsuit, Spillman said it ended with him being given a broken nose after he fought with several officers, including Pataky. He won $190,000 from the city, though the jury found Pataky’s actions were justified.
Lisa Williams of Yonkers talks about a violent encounter she had with a member of the Yonkers Police Department which she claims resulted in a injury. ( Video by Ricky Flores / The Journal News ) Video by Ricky Flores / The Journal News
Lisa Williams, 33, said she had a run-in with officers in July, when they roughed her up after she began questioning them for putting her son in handcuffs. She said most police were good officers just trying to do a hard job. But bad officers can undermine the system.
“At the end of the day, psychologically, it does mess people up, and it does make them want to come out and retaliate,” Williams said. “It’s not right, but that’s just the way it goes when you’re not getting justice served.”
James Jones, who won $2,500 from the city in a settlement of a lawsuit against Pataky, said he was surprised he got any money, even though he tried to keep the faith.
“I didn’t expect it, but I knew justice was going to prevail,” Jones said, “because they can’t keep doing this.”
Bostic said flatly that they can, but must also accept the consequences.
“You can do it that way if you want,” he said. “You’re the law. Just don’t expect your job to be easy. Don’t expect that when you come back, you’re going to get people’s trust, or confidence, or cooperation. What you will experience is resistance. You will experience hatred. And you have to come back tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after.”
Staff writer Colin Gustafson contributed to this story.
Twitter: @erikshilling
Alex Della Donna, age 37
• From July 1, 2012, to June 30, 2013, earned $179,500; $81,112 in base pay. Earned $177,500 in total compensation in 2013.
• Was an officer in Mount Vernon and Ossining before joining Yonkers police in 2007.
• Received meritorious police duty bar and an excellent police duty bar in 2004 while with Mount Vernon. In 2005, received a first-place award for exceptional merit after he and another officer shot dead a knife-wielding man who had attacked them.
A sampling of Della Donna’s work over the years:
• 2007: Arrested man who smashed a window at a BP gas station after he got upset over the price of coffee.
• 2008: He and another officer arrested man who later admitted to shooting a 15-year-old boy.
• 2009: Arrested man who was accused of gang-related drive-by shooting.
William “Billy” Pataky, age 36
• From July 1, 2012, to June 2013, earned $158,138 in gross pay; $85,639 in base pay. Earned $161,735 in total compensation in 2013.
• Sworn in as an officer in 1998.
• Received award in 2008 for taking loaded gun from suspect. In 2009, was given meritorious service award by Police Emerald Society of Westchester.
A sampling of Pataky’s work over the years:
• 2001: Arrested Earl Simmons, better known as rapper DMX, whom Pataky and another officer took into custody after traffic stop.
• 2006: He and another officer arrested car-thief suspect who smashed window of unmarked police car.
• 2008: While in plainclothes, arrested teenager who tried to mug him. That same year, found half-pound of marijuana on suspect who had been pulled over in routine traffic stop.
Source: The Journal News archives, city records
Federal lawsuits
Some of the plaintiffs who name William Pataky and Alex Della Donna, among other police officers, in federal lawsuits. The claims below are as stated by plaintiffs in civil complaints and other court papers.
• Kadeem Smith’s August 2012 lawsuit claims he was mauled by a police dog after he was pursued by a group of officers, including Pataky. Smith fled from officers who tried to arrest him on suspicion of trespassing at Gorton High School on Oct. 22, 2009. After chasing him into nearby woods, police struck him in the head with a gun and let a canine repeatedly bite him until one officer finally shouted, “Stop, you’re killing him.” The case is pending.
• Alexander Spillman sued in March 2007, saying he was driving on Ashburton Avenue in Yonkers on June 5, 2006, when he threw a lollipop stick out of his car window, starting a confrontation with Officer Robert Wilt, who ordered Spillman to pick up the stick or receive a summons. Spillman told Wilt to back off, using a vulgarity. Spillman was ordered to pull his car over, which he did. Moments later, Pataky and several other officers arrived and beat Spillman, resulting in a broken nose, heavy bruising and other injuries. He was awarded $190,000 after a jury in U.S. District Court in Manhattan found in 2011 for Spillman and against Wilt, though the jury also said Pataky’s actions were justified.
• Joaquin Thatcher’s February 2013 lawsuit states that Pataky and other officers beat him until his eyes were closed shut after a traffic stop. He suffered a broken nose, fractured cheek bone and fractured rib. Pataky had first accused Thatcher of ramming his car into a police cruiser and selling cocaine. The lawsuit is pending.
• Richie Nadal sued in January 2013, saying he was beaten by Pataky for no reason in October 2012 after he was a passenger in a car that was involved in a minor accident and he couldn’t furnish any identification. Nadal suffered bruising to his head, a concussion and lacerations. The lawsuit is pending.
• Reginald Driver’s April 2012 lawsuit alleges he was beaten by a group of officers including Pataky after a traffic stop in March 2012 and later had multiple stitches put in his head at St. Joseph’s Medical Center in Yonkers as a result of the beating. The case settled in October 2013.
• Christian Colon sued in June 2013, after he says he was severely beaten by a group of officers including Pataky when he tried to videotape officers arresting his girlfriend. Colon later spent two weeks in St. Joseph’s Medical Center to recover, cuffed to a bed. The lawsuit is pending.
• Tisha Solomon sued in March 2011 after she was stopped in June 2009 when she and another person stole a 1998 Dodge. After officers surrounded her car and ordered her out, she was beaten by five officers including Della Donna, breaking her nose, several teeth and knocking out another tooth. The case was settled in Solomon’s favor for $33,000 on Jan. 8, without Yonkers admitting to any wrongdoing.
• John Rivera, a 34-year-old serving 4 1/2 years in state prison for drug possession, sued in March 2013. Rivera said he was arrested and beaten by Yonkers police officers in December 2012. Della Donna then took a bag of Rivera’s, which Rivera said contained valuables including $800, two gold chains, gold bracelets, a Citizen Eco-Drive watch and a Samsung cellphone. A search of Rivera’s vehicle later turned up 57 grams of cocaine and 89 grams of heroin, but Rivera said in the suit that was untrue: He actually had 84 grams of cocaine. Also discovered in the car was $4,000, Rivera said, but never reported. He never saw any of the items again. The case is pending.
• Wilfredo Ruiz and Elizabeth White sued the city in December 2012, saying they were outside his apartment in September 2011 when Della Donna and two other officers approached, questioned the two, searched Ruiz’s genitalia and then made an unauthorized search of his apartment. Charges against the two were later dismissed; the lawsuit remains pending.
• Brian Pettiford’s February 2013 lawsuit alleges Della Donna forcibly searched his anal cavity after he and another officer already had taken $350 and crack cocaine from Pettiford. Pettiford was never charged, he said. Pettiford asked to withdraw the suit in December, saying he planned to refile later.
• Ivan Evans sued in October 2012, saying Della Donna falsely arrested him a month earlier on a made-up charge of heroin possession. The case was dismissed in October 2013 after Evans stopped responding to court requests.
• Joseph Yearwood’s April 2013 lawsuit accuses Della Donna of illegally searching his home after an arrest and taking $5,100 from him while also fabricating claims that he possessed cocaine. The case was dismissed in January after Yearwood stopped responding to court requests.
• Rodney Crenshaw claimed he was repeatedly harassed by Mount Vernon police officers including Della Donna over a period of years. He sued in April 2006 and won a $5,000 settlement in November 2010.
• Branden Brown sued in April 2013, accusing Della Donna and another officer of fabricating drug charges against him. The suit is pending.
• Sonia L. Gomez’s March 2013 lawsuit states that she was arrested by Della Donna on drug charges before being released and having the drugs returned to her — all part of an apparent seduction that led to her sleeping with the arresting officer, in return for drugs and other favors. The case is pending.
• Danny Squicciarini claims he was stopped twice by Della Donna and another officer, the second time in retaliation for Squicciarini’s attempt to complain about the first stop. The lawsuit, filed suit in June 2012, is pending.
• James Jones’ February 2013 lawsuit claimed Pataky approached him on the street, called him “black monkey,” kicked him in the face and beat him a few months earlier. The city was ordered to pay $2,500 to Jones in October 2013 without admitting wrongdoing.
Compiling the data
Information from Yonkers concerning settlements and judgments related to misconduct by police officers during the years 2010-2013 was provided too late to be included in this report.
The Journal News sought data for the past 13 years in Freedom of Information Law requests submitted to the city during the first week of July. Yonkers responded in January by providing figures for 2000 to 2009. The city said it would supply data for 2010 to 2013 within a few weeks. Follow-up calls for this information were not returned.
The city’s next response was April 2, stating it would seek to provide figures for the remaining years. Information for 2010 through 2012 was provided by Friday and the city said numbers for 2013 would be sent by early this week. This data will be used for a future report.
The Journal News was not charged for the data from 2000 to 2009; the city said it would charge the newspaper an amount not exceeding $459.54 for the remaining years.
Civil Rights attorney Randolph McLaughlin on his client encounter with the Yonkers Police Department, ( Video by RIcky Flores / The Journal News ) Video by Ricky Flores / The Journal News
September 10, 2014 at 2:19 pm
Keith blue truth is about you not ray what ever happened to ray is another story, so please stop spinning and answer the questions where is waynes and jimmys money? did you not rat out on Capt.Itzla? did you not go to Greenburg on duty with 2 unmarked cars and beat the shit out of rui in front of his girlfriend? here is the story incase you forgot and remember no statue of limitations on federal rights violations…………..
Eyewitness News
WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. – — A man claims he was viciously beaten by police in Yonkers, and now he is suing them.
“Something’s got to change, sooner or later,” said Rui Florim, who hopes a 20-million dollar civil rights lawsuit filed in White Plains will help spark that change inside the Yonkers police department.
On May 18th, 2006, the 23-year-old came to the Tyrone house on Main Street in Yonkers. According to the lawsuit, an early-morning fight involving several off-duty Yonkers police officers spilled out into the street. Florim was forced to defend himself.
Later that same day, Florim says two unmarked Yonkers police cars followed him after he completed his shift at Oporto restaurant in Hartsdale and forced him to stop.
“They beat the crap out of him. Then they cuffed him to the rear, then they dragged him in front of the headlights, threw him in the back seat where the front seat cop put on black gloves and beat his face,” said attorney Jonathan Lovett.
“Why me basically was the only thing going through my head. I mean I was more shocked than anything. I really couldn’t understand what was going on,” said Florim.
Florim ended up at Saint Joseph’s Medical Center where doctors needed 70 stitches to close up his wounds. The emergency room report shows Florim’s request not to be discharged because he said, “They will kill me tonight.”
Ultimately, investigators charged him with assaulting a half-dozen police officers. He was taken to the Westchester County jail. Florim said corrections officers there know he was from Yonkers. When he asked how they knew, he said they told him, “Anyone who comes up here and looks like you comes from Yonkers.”
Keith your a fucked up guy. You need help. Too many inconsistencies.
You want to talk about your housing days Keith? You are what they say a fat liar. Ha, Ha
Hey genius what is a “Statue” of limitations? Maybe he doesn’t answer because you make no sense, you 14-B!
KO its very obvious that you are intimidated by Monte. I worked with you in Housing Keith, and you live in glass house. I will not stoop to your level, but you are a liar. I saw and witness what you and Brian did in housing and I rather no say. Your own housing supervisors know that you and Brian were outright crooks. Get your facts right Keith.
Ray why don’t you tell us why you quit the Navy? Was that the Navy’s fault?
Maybe if you stayed in the service you wouldn’t have gotten arrested so many times?
Why did you quit the YPD? Was it because they were going to fire you because you beat up a handcuffed kid in front of witnesses?
Did you really hire Mike Sussman and sue the YPD for racial discrimination after YOU quit?
And now this nonsense. If you are one thing it is consistent.
Where is the money that was collected for Wayne?
Keith you really should put forth your proof. Making erroneous allegations will do you no good my corrupt friend. Recalling jobs that were not even initiated by Monte are a fruitless and attempt to spin facts dating back to almost 30 years ago. Although the spot light is on internal police corruption and you and others have been at the forefront and center of corruption that is taking place as we speak. We have always maintain that you or Brian Moran bring back the many personnel files that you and Brian have spent hours coping and removing from the Intel Unit. If you were looking to cover up or deny that you have department personnel files, the point is moot. So go back to stealing files, go back to doing searching without warrants, breaking into the narcotics office, and misinformation.
Now if anyone is seeking the truth about this fruitless accusations, one ha to go to internal affairs. Your a desperate person looking the truth in the eye. Plain nonsense. Please return everyone file Keith before we send Brian Moran to break into the narcotics office looking g to remove the C.I. files to help who? Your a fool.
Keith blue truth is about you not ray what ever happened to ray is another story, so please stop spinning and answer the questions where is waynes and jimmys money? did you not rat out on Capt.Itzla? did you not go to Greenburg on duty with 2 unmarked cars and beat the shit out of rui in front of his girlfriend? here is the story incase you forgot and remember no statue of limitations on federal rights violations…………..
Eyewitness News
WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. – — A man claims he was viciously beaten by police in Yonkers, and now he is suing them.
“Something’s got to change, sooner or later,” said Rui Florim, who hopes a 20-million dollar civil rights lawsuit filed in White Plains will help spark that change inside the Yonkers police department.
On May 18th, 2006, the 23-year-old came to the Tyrone house on Main Street in Yonkers. According to the lawsuit, an early-morning fight involving several off-duty Yonkers police officers spilled out into the street. Florim was forced to defend himself.
Later that same day, Florim says two unmarked Yonkers police cars followed him after he completed his shift at Oporto restaurant in Hartsdale and forced him to stop.
“They beat the crap out of him. Then they cuffed him to the rear, then they dragged him in front of the headlights, threw him in the back seat where the front seat cop put on black gloves and beat his face,” said attorney Jonathan Lovett.
“Why me basically was the only thing going through my head. I mean I was more shocked than anything. I really couldn’t understand what was going on,” said Florim.
Florim ended up at Saint Joseph’s Medical Center where doctors needed 70 stitches to close up his wounds. The emergency room report shows Florim’s request not to be discharged because he said, “They will kill me tonight.”
Ultimately, investigators charged him with assaulting a half-dozen police officers. He was taken to the Westchester County jail. Florim said corrections officers there know he was from Yonkers. When he asked how they knew, he said they told him, “Anyone who comes up here and looks like you comes from Yonkers.”
STORY BY: Joe Torres
Kind of like the kid at Napoli Pizza? How much has the city paid off on your capers?
don’t know nothing on file maybe you and moron stole them…lol
Nightmare on Elm Street?
Posted on Apr 8, 2014 10:00am PDT
Congratulations to our colleagues — Prof. Randolph McLaughlin and Debra Cohen — for their mention in this LOHUD.COM piece.
Yonkers pays nearly $3M in decade over police misconduct
Erik Shilling and Colin Gustafson 10:02 p.m. EDT April 5, 2014
Yonkers paid nearly $3 million to litigants in police misconduct cases from 2000 to 2009, according to figures provided to The Journal News following a Freedom of Information Law request.
That amounts to about $500 per officer per year on legal matters related to misconduct cases, though police officials have said that amount is low, and the figures appear to bear that out.
The New York Police Department, for example, averaged more than double that, or about $1,130 per year per officer on misconduct cases during the same time, according to data obtained by The Associated Press in 2010.
The NYPD comprises about 34,500 officers.
In Yonkers, police Commissioner Charles Gardner said litigation had continued to decline since 2010.
“It should be noted that citizen complaints against members of our department have steadily decreased over the past three years,” he said. “During the same time frame, we have also experienced a corresponding decrease in certain police-related litigation.”
Attorney Randolph McLaughlin said police hardly facilitated the complaint process, at least for his client, Danny Squicciarini, who tried to file one in 2011 after an encounter with two officers, including Alex Della Donna.
“They refused to let him file a complaint. They said, ‘Oh, we don’t have any cops like that. We don’t know what you’re talking about … Nah, get out of here,’ ” McLaughlin said.
Later, during a second encounter with the same officers a few months later, the officers brought up the attempted complaint, according to a suit filed by McLaughlin and his partner, Debra S. Cohen.
“They said, ‘We remember you. You’re the one who tried to file a complaint against us,’ ” McLaughlin said.
Yonkers police paid $2,995,523 to settle 48 cases of police misconduct and brutality from 2000 through 2009, and they paid an additional $2,077,990 to settle 52 other cases against the department that did not involve misconduct, incidents like police cruiser crashes or station accidents.
Those 100 cases the department settled or lost in court are a little less than a fifth of the 515 cases filed against the city in that time, meaning that 415 cases were dismissed or otherwise won by the city in court.
The data provided to The Journal News was a portion what the newspaper originally asked for in FOIL requests submitted in July.
The city declined requests to turn over personnel records for officers Alex Della Donna and William Pataky or civilian complaints against the officers, or to say whether the two had ever been disciplined because of a complaint.
The city also declined requests to turn over how much each of the officers had cost Yonkers in settlements or judgments.
The city did turn over dozens of pages of minutes from the department’s Professional Standards Review Committee, a committee composed of police and residents that meets monthly and analyzes civilian complaints.
But those minutes did not include details of the complaints or say which officers were involved in the complaints, only that a given complaint had been discussed and that action had been taken. The minutes typically do not specify what type of action.
Twitter: @erikshilling
The Yonkers Police Department has been plagued with internal investigations for the past several years under Yonkers PBA Union leader Keith Olson. His demeanor and untouchable attitude has clearly set the tone for what is to come by the Westchester County D.A.’s Office. They have only began to scratch the surface of what Olson and others have been accused of for quite some time now by other officers. For the past several years the department and the City of Yonkers have turned a blind eye to falsifying police reports, evidence tampering, creating false police identifications, threats made to the supervisors, and PBA members, up to and including what the Yonkers Tribune has reported on.
Keith Olson has surrounded himself with rogue police officers that have violated their oath to serve and protect all citizens. Olson as well as his close associates and close friends have clearly took a foot hold on the entire department creating the atmosphere of anything goes. The department have clearly and intentionally have ignored state and federal violations of the law concerning Keith Olson and others. Reports of drinking parties, fist fights in the precincts, and out right refusals to have police officers cooperate with the District Attorney’s Office has been internally overlooked for fear of legality by Olson’s soon to be booted Andrew Quinn who can’t figure out if he is a witness or an attorney. Either way the department is plagued with internal corruption which the department does not want to see. Time has come to throw out the trash, instead of any officer who speaks out.
Let’s tell Erik about the real Raymond Montero.
Lets tell the tribune about the real Keith Olson. Ohh wait, someone seems to have already done that, lololololololololololololololololol silly “CORRUP” coots, with the emphasis on”CoRrUpT”, lololololololololololololololololol
Right and if any of the crap you accuse KO of were true don’t you think some agency would take action? All BS ray.
hey fuck face rat retire secure your pension before its too late………….
the legacy of the rat
Keith the dirty fat cheese rat has been breaking and entering within the Yonkers Police Department for years. Its all on file. The investigators have not even scratched the surface into searching without warrants, evidence tampering, breaking and entering , as well as intentionally setting up other departmental members. All they have to do is ask.
first of all of all bills son in law was never convicted of any crime related to that day. second of all why was a drunk off duty yonkers police officer putting his hands on anyone a woman never less. No one ever talks about what started that whole fight! So if u wanna call people POS call the guy who started the whole fight and put other cops in danger POS. GET UR STORY STRAIGHT!!!! but let me guess because they were yonkers cops iTS OK RIGHT? SMH U GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!!!!
Hey ray remember the teenager from the pizza joint on South Broadway by Lawrence? Right that’s why you quit. Give a rest you b
First of all I thought he was fired Brian or KO, you personally told everyone one that you possessed Ray’s file and he was fired? Get your facts right fired/ quit. Hmmmm sounds fishy boys. Lol
I don’t have any file but as I remember he quit before he was fired. Not Brian or Keith by the way.
Prove it Brian or Ko yoo claim to have a file. Rats
Yeah we know its you John “that DVR accidentally made its way into my trunk” Donaghy. You post like a mad scientist.
the legacy of the ypd rat…lol
Btw your right, lots of names didn’t make the list . Mallon for one . Could he be posting everyone’s name but his own to distance himself from the rest of you filth. Pappas is probably mad he didn’t think of it first… F&@kn snake.
KO, have you called Tinker since he was discharged from the hospital? The answer is NO
Has anyone in your filthy crew checked how Tinker is doing, offered assistance in anyway to him or his family? The answer is NO
Strength in Unity! Only when it’s someone in your circle or someone whose ass you want to kiss. F&@kn snakes
hey guys lets no forget what keith did to our 30 year veteran bill maher who is such a good guy and was a great cop and well liked. he fucked his son in law from getting on YFD and basically told bill go fuck himself and as long as he was a cop his son in law isn’t gonna get no city job.
that scum has no respect for no one. growing up that guy was such a fat pussy its so funny what a gun and badge and 400lbs does to a guys ego.
Step down now. Your are a disgrace to the Office of the PBA, and have clearly tarnished your position as union president. We agree with the last poster. You have clearly lied against members of the CLSA and against your own membership and their families such as a great cop like Billy Maher Sr. How could you go after retired officers and their families. We now know why you are known as a RAT within the department.
what did you guys really expect from the moquette row rat? this is not the first time he went after cops and their families Billy gave up a lot of his time for the pba more than the rat and never ever skimmed and you fuck him over like that keith …………..
step up members and grow balls and throw the rat out and let the job go back to what it was under Cola leadership
What you conveniently left out is the fact that Billy’s son in law assaulted one of our own….a Yonkers Police Officer!! Doesn’t that mean anything anymore?? Do you really want a guy like him on our job?? Don’t we have enough misfits, cops loser kids, and Zero’s on the job already?
baby pataky aka baby olson
Keith the union sellout impeached Ray for what? Because he slapped around a rogue cop, who picks on homeless men and try that same tone with other cops. Baby Olson you only got a small sampler of the serving. Your law suits say it all billy the Baby Olson Pataky also know in the hood as the planter.
looks like that horn dog midget brother in law of yours finally got some common sense and shacked up with somebody besides that turkey necked rinkled up skank bag sister of yours…..he’s been spotted in Bronxville with some hotty that’s a foot taller than him all lovey dovey. I hope some cop doesn’t try to steal her from him. Hahahahahahahaha
Yeah, I a short scumbag that hits on cops wives just like my best friend Brian Moran, who hits his best friend’s John Mueller’ best friends wives. That’s the way the Olsonetts roll. Keith can find his, like he can’t answer all his dirty lies. Lol
I don’t understand why my fat ass can’t get a that aboy reference. Well maybe I can have John Donaghy forge Phelan’s signature. Ah, he is the Yonkers Police Departments evidence collector. He gathers all videos and audio at all crime scenes. If something goes wrong, he just says the DVD was no good, after he and Olson view it together with a block of cheese. A real film festival.
Yonkers police face brutality lawsuit
August 4, 2008 3:47:26 PM PDT
Eyewitness News
A man claims he was viciously beaten by police in Yonkers, and now he is suing them. “Something’s got to change, sooner or later,” said Rui Florim, who hopes a 20-million dollar civil rights lawsuit filed in White Plains will help spark that change inside the Yonkers police department.
On May 18th, 2006, the 23-year-old came to the Tyrone house on Main Street in Yonkers. According to the lawsuit, an early-morning fight involving several off-duty Yonkers police officers spilled out into the street. Florim was forced to defend himself.
Later that same day, Florim says two unmarked Yonkers police cars followed him after he completed his shift at Oporto restaurant in Hartsdale and forced him to stop.
“They beat the crap out of him. Then they cuffed him to the rear, then they dragged him in front of the headlights, threw him in the back seat where the front seat cop put on black gloves and beat his face,” said attorney Jonathan Lovett.
“Why me basically was the only thing going through my head. I mean I was more shocked than anything. I really couldn’t understand what was going on,” said Florim.
Florim ended up at Saint Joseph’s Medical Center where doctors needed 70 stitches to close up his wounds. The emergency room report shows Florim’s request not to be discharged because he said, “They will kill me tonight.”
Ultimately, investigators charged him with assaulting a half-dozen police officers. He was taken to the Westchester County jail. Florim said corrections officers there know he was from Yonkers. When he asked how they knew, he said they told him, “Anyone who comes up here and looks like you comes from Yonkers.”
Keith do you remember this. You bragged about kicking his ass at an open PBA meeting in front the entire board around the same time you were selling Quinn to the membership. Or was it for them. We remember and made notes too. Thug
Guess its okay to lie too. Guess its okay to search without warrants, and what your saying its okay to leave your jurisdiction and beat up a criminal before the system catches up to him. Guess its okay to search his home without a warrant too or lawyers, judges, or anyone too. All because some rogue police officers say its okay. Now that justice right Olson. Try it on someone who will fight back pussy or any other thug cop that thinks he is brave enough.
Oh bring help too. Bring three unmarked cars instead of two, your going to need it. We promise. Stay in the shadows , your better off.
Tom Phelan:
This is the guy that back stabbed you so many times when Hartnett was here, not to mention the contract. I would hope that you can forget this unitl I put the next knife in your back a few months from now, like pushing that queer John Mueller to be Chief.
Anyway I need references really bad, or statements from the guys I f–ked.
Please let me or Brian Moran know. I can send John Donaghy to doctor up the reference.
Sincerly, the moquette river rat Keith Sperm Olson.
Didn’t sleep to much last night. There a lot of noise in Getty Square. I almost got up late. I have to hurry to make sure I promise the men overtime if they go to 20 Ashburton a target a local businessman because my brother in law Keith told me too. I don’t want to do it because I use to hang around there. Oh well, let me start walking up riverdale. Oh my god, I just saw a female cop driving a radio car, you would think she would pick me up?
ray, why did you quit?
which is it quit or some times you say fired. Neither is correct. Go to the video tape mutated gene.
Why did ray quit over twenty years ago?
Rui got what a wanna be gangsta thug deserves. When you beat and rob off duty cops, knowing they are cops, well you get what you damn well deserve. Even if the weasel Frank was involved. And if I remember correctly he didn’t get but a few bucks off the city anyway. Fuck that Hoover asswipe anyways.
Rui is a punk. It sucks to be on the receiving end of an ass whooping.
I guess you real brave cops will let anyone grab your girls or wives ass without consequences. Remember what Olson said as Joe Mahoney got his ass slapped around by Joe Nan. ” Boys will be Boys” where Florim cross the line is he did not stop. Still we are not vigilantes. Cop or not you don’t put your hands on a woman that is with someone. Bottom line.
What do Rui and Keith have in common? They are both scum bags.
way to go keith
its funny we have had more lawsuits under the rats leader ship than any other leader congrats keith this will be your legacy
I must have inherited this inferiority complex from a mutate gene. Maybe that’s why I talk about people’s families. If they only knew. Maybe just maybe that’s why I feel like I am a woman. Maybe that gene is spreading around my entire family. Cannot be because everyone in my family wants to be a man or be called butch. Ah, I feel so gay thinking about it. Anyway, let me get back to strength in unity where I can actually feel like I am screwing men and woman at the same time. Shhhhhhhhh
whadda ya say rat face
hey rat are you going to impeach them?
Yonkers just has not been the same since the criminal union leader took over. That’s right KO you started the “Yonkers Ain’t Safe” site. Lol karma my fat disgusting rat union leader.
Florim would agree.
Make sure your husband’s are working their tours. Brian and I will be on the second floor with KO.
I and Brian Moran are looking for some cop friends wife to go out tonight. Look us up at 1 hudson street near Shop Rite.
No thanks. I only date janitors and criminals.
Who did I screw to get that job. We all know she had teachers in her school cheat on the state tests to make her look good!
“This goes higher than you may think wink wink”. Your list keeps changing. It may change more than your guys lies. Ray is not the Blue Truth creator. Please read above as you accuse others of being illiterate you should at least attempt to read it. I know all the guys you mentioned except one. Who is mark bono? Is he related to the guy from U2. I also don’t believe there is a Det. Santobello either. I know a po by that name. So now the chiefs wife is Blue Truth, lol. Fucking talk about mental patients. As far as Heekin and Geary go, they tried the union angle and witnessed the corruption first hand. They want nothing to do with you rats and will tell you to your faces. All the names you mentioned are nothing more then friends of Ray that don’t hide the fact. You are missing many more names from your list. Your just most angry at the ones you mentioned because you can’t control them nor do they fear you punks. Get a life already with your silly lists. Nobody cares what you rats have to say.
keith are you going to impeach these crooks
hey keith why haven’t you or your fagot brother in law directed or ordered any more tickets to 24 ashburton? you know the more tickets you give him the better it looks for him keep up the great work scumbag!
Said it before, will say it again: blue truth is:
Active ypd member
Capt. Bob itzla
Lt. Bryant pappas
Sgt mcgovern
Det. Ray montero
Det rob Santobello
YPD retirees
PO Chris heekin
PO Martin Geary
PO mark bono
John khader
Leddy intervallo
Yeah ray, you sure have “an army” behind you. What ever happened to your big press conference? Hahahahaha,
Stupid old greasy wig wearing mental patient…
your missing a lot more names fuck face
“This goes higher than you may think wink wink”. Your list keeps changing. It may change more than your guys lies. Ray is not the Blue Truth creator. Please read above as you accuse others of being illiterate you should at least attempt to read it. I know all the guys you mentioned except one. Who is mark bono? Is he related to the guy from U2. I also don’t believe there is a Det. Santobello either. I know a po by that name. So now the chiefs wife is Blue Truth, lol. Fucking talk about mental patients. As far as Heekin and Geary go, they tried the union angle and witnessed the corruption first hand. They want nothing to do with you rats and will tell you to your faces. All the names you mentioned are nothing more then friends of Ray that don’t hide the fact. You are missing many more names from your list. Your just most angry at the ones you mentioned because you can’t control them nor do they fear you punks. Get a life already with your silly lists. Nobody cares what you rats have to say.
in due time my little fat rat…lol
Someone spotted that horny little dwarf Chiarella at Maria’ check cashing. Moran was outside waiting for him.
YPD is the greatest we just have to recall the rat and his accomplices .
Seems like the fat man is desperately seeking a reference or statements from CLSA members. Remember when you use to back stab the CLSA members, and talk shit about Tommy, like the recent contract. The only references you will get are from your accomplices.
Its all catching up. Call a Firefighter to help manage your many fires. Lol
Yes we KNOW! You are the millionaire who can’t spell. Lol
“We” should go back to minding his own business.
you started with john by harassing him targeting him abusing your authority now you want him to mind his own business ………….
You have some valid points about Olson and the others you make reference too. Where you go offline is by painting the whole department with a broad brush. The articles seems to indicate some of the corruption that has been plaguing the department. Just want to make clear that 99% off the police personnel are dedicated and professionals, that are not involved in this web of corruption caused by the PBA President Olson and others. Sounds like the District Attorney’s Office is already involved by reading some of the comments made.
To Karma is Jealous! u sound like a real jerk off cop that got picked on and slapped around in school! ur probably a olsonet urself trust me no one wants to be a part of a job where the president of the PBA lies and steals from his own members. O and by the way jerk off i make in a month what u make in a year with OT. fuck off! I donate $$$ to the PBA every year u just don’t see it because ur fat president is pocketing it
SEPTEMBER 7, 2014 AT 8:12 PM
It’s “KNOW”
Wow you make all that money and you are illiterate.
you want more pain you fat rat I will give it to you in the worst way don’t fuck with me cause I will eat you and spit you out!
Another computer tough guy! You are courageous!
baby pataky aka baby olson
Don’t hate because you couldn’t get on the job. You are a jealous loser!
who the fuck would want to get on this job when you have a president piece of shit that everyone hates? these last new rookies didn’t know any better retire keith so the job can heal
Not every Cop Mr. Karma. It’s like saying every citizen in the hood is a scumbag. We all know a few bad apples in the community ruin it for everyone. Same thing in the Y.P.D.
not all cops are bad 98% are great just a handful of the rats circle are bad hopefully the Feds will take action on them and maybe the department can move in.
Can move on not can move “in”. Please proofread Mr $$$$
seems like the rat does not answer questions about khader why is that ? what does khader have on him? More importantly why did he write him to begin with why does keith bad mouth him and harass him…..?
Don’t hate because you couldn’t get on the job. Loser!
“Haha” you might want to ask Keith why he will have to quit soon. Stop worrying about Ray and tell Keith to get his passport and other documents together and seek a country without extradition and become spiritual, now thats something to lol about, lololololololololololololololololol silly “CORRUPT” coots, with the emphasis on “CORRUPT”
keith why did you harass a local business for 8 years?
since when does a pba pres write paper?
why do you call him a lot of negative things and try to hurt his reputation?
why did you and shorty lt force/directed other members to write him?
do you really think john will let you and shorty get away with it?
why did a Sgt write a bad ticket knowingly and than to boot ordered him to open up a legally parked unoccupied car and confiscate his cls card that was given to him by the president personally,as far as I know he was always a staunch supporter of both unions and always helped where ever he can.
those summons got dismissed last week after video was shown demonstrating the harassment and selective enforcement now his lawyer will have a field day with this depending which way they go great work Mr President just what you need another lawsuit or even at the bare minimum bad publicity for you, but than again you must used to it by now ……….
now you are big time you big rat
way to go keith
Maybe we can have a real open October meeting with the County Police there to stop Olson’s want to be tough guys from getting spanked. What about it KO maybe you can invite CLSA bosses, all civilians, community leaders, council representatives, retired members from both unions, other unions, former Police Commissioners, your buddy Eddie I got my boat Armour. Lastly we will want to strongly invite the 400 plus members who did not sign your disgraceful petition and who also didn’t come out to vote either you math major.
You know what will happen Mr. Rat Leader. Your lies will start dropping off you like elephant shit. Maybe when that elephant shits hits the ground it can wipe out your blinded board too. Maybe Red Face Quinn will slip on it and like you blame other COP BOSSES. You two are short lived.
Barry will be the guess speaker, following him will be Robert Targart an honorable intelligent leader, who you and that John Alexander Haig , Mueller f–ked while Moran watched.
Our members will see you gone. Then we will pass you like a pile of rat shit from moquette row.
You’re not a PBA member anymore dick. Get over it. Stop saying “we.” There’s “you” and there’s “us.” There’s no more “we” for you. If you have so much support, start your own association. Call it the Blue Truth Association.
By the way, Taggart wanted to fire you for all of your excessive force complaints. Your memory is as bad as your honesty.
“Beat it”, I mean Chiarella, stay off this site. It’s for adults only you little man child. Don’t get mugged in the square.
if Taggart wanted to fire Monty than I got news for you, your boys that carry your water would of been first to go and you know what Im talking about,don’t make me mention names you wont like it you fucking rat.
I know of a local business man that would love to come and square of with keith and show him just what a fucked up leader he has been, he even knows all of keiths past supervisors so he has first hand info what a real rat he is…lol
Best in the business! Use no other!
tell john khader to his face he called you out many times
keith you might bully me and others around but john khader all you can do is write tickets cant wait till he files suit against YOU for harassment and a list of other civil right violaltions far from over big guy.. I meant fat
First of all you stinking over weight PBA Unity Rat. Wrong on Taggart Keith. Taggart, Cola and Montero were all friends. The allegations of excessive force or anything you spew from your mouth is erroneous and just a spin from you. You talk like every comment made is by either a blue truther or Ray. Your wrong. This is not Montero, but I have been reading through and wanted to tell you that I have worked with Ray back 25 plus years ago, and then in the third precinct, who wasn’t accused of excessive force or false arrest? Really 25 plus years when you were peeping through a hole into the boys bathroom. Wow. No wonder you are toxic
Ask ray why he quit all those years ago.
Oh Keith, you first said he was fired at your last meeting. SCUM FATS HA HA HA
Ask him why he had to quit
Brian Moran I kicked Forim ass with 8 others in Greenburgh. KEITH DID THE MOST AND LIVE TO BRAG ABOUT AT AN OPEN UNION MEETING
Ahh, just woke up. The view of the Hudson is awesome. Was out with some hottie last night, I’m pretty sure she’s married to a cop. What an azzzz! I’ll walk around the square a little while they exterminate for bed bugs. Locked up all my kiss albums, can’t trust anyone here. Later dudes, this chick is calling me right now.
Where there is unity there is always victory.
Publilius Syrus
Where there is a fundraiser there is always thievery
Yeah the next one is for Rich. They’re putting the glue on their fingertips already. Lol
Wondering if their going to get those corrupt union trustees. One wife beater and a syringe shooting steroid head, the other a package planter, and I want to slap a teenager Pataky. The union leader just can tell the truth.
yes unity you set up your own members, yes unity we shut down specialized units and get rid of our own commissioner, unity like when Wayne and jimmy needed every dollar and you scammed them, you talk about strength like when you threatened P.O. Walsh, like when you went out of jurisdiction and beat the shit out of Rui Florem,like when you threatened bosses and members to meet you out of the city. Yes keith you are unity and strength your a scumbag for life .
you speak of unity? you rat fink don’t know what unity means
is that what you talked about with vera when you drove up to white plains and proffered withDIFIORES office you gave up your own brothers all while Quinn looked on…..shame….
Next week we will be holding a tape meeting at the Dunwoodie fight club in an attempt to raise money to buy Olson a character reference. We are going to need as much money as Quinn gets from the PBA. Blood suckers
What time Moe?
What time moe? What the fuck does that mean? The posts are getting real weird. You guys have gone off the reservation.
keith did you go to the DA. office on at least 2 occasions with vera and rat out other cops and supervisors all while that cockeyed limp fuck watched on ?
You have sealed your own faith as well as Andy Quinn’s. Mr. Quinn will eventually be phase out of the PBA. Just a matter of time. When you made your Blue Truth list we notice that we pick up more and more names. Does that mean more impeachments for more members. How will you impeach retired stand up cops you loser. We also notice that you forgot to count the over 400 police officers that refused to sign your sealed faith petition, as well as vote against what you call Blue Truthers. Well then, we are all Blue Truthers current and retired, and we will see you gone. According to your own comments we are the majority. Time is ticking. You can’t go back now you egotistical moquette river rat.
Yes. If 7 ( the amount of votes you got to keep you in your union) is the majority then yes, you are the majority.
You sure are one crazy bastard.
of course we got math the money you gave to wayne and jimmy does not add up scammer.
Yep, you sealed your own “faith.”
You should “patten” that one too.
Please Ms. Let KO fend for himself. Ko why did it take so many months for Jimmy to get only a portion of his fund raiser money? What about Wayne’ s money? He never got it. Is that your math lesson. Olson where are the 400 plus signatures.
Lastly Mrs. Or Mama your are why he acts like a bully. He never parted from the pumped milk.
We are also waiting for you to carry out your threat against Hector. If I were you elastic waist, I would let a sleeping dog lay. Fat pussy rat
Special needs indeed. Your son is very special. He is a special rat union leader that threw two memberships under the bus so his unemployed sister could get a job on our dime. Then his fat ass secures a city crown Victoria because his fat ass can’t fit in any other car. The list goes on and I am certain that you can add some things. Yes he is definitely special needs and a special rat too.
heard cls showed Quinn the door this week ….. BRAVO TOMMY AND TIM
Whats the matter you back stabbing rat. Ko sent you up to steal the narcotics file without a search warrant. Make sure you tell the D.A. about the breach because we will. If next week they will get the reports. What were you and Keith hoping for? To get rid of th C.I. files for Neil? Pussies so you guys took a non issued shield. The reported lost. The same weekend the narcotics office was broke into.Hmmm.
keith start packing heard narco has to hand in some info next week………..
With all of the problems with the Yonkers PD these days, who is running that show? Sounds like a real mess.
john Mueller will be the new chief soon and he will be able to fix things……………….lol
He’ll fix your ass. Lol
Yeah he’ll fuck my ass. I mean fix my ass, lol.
Someone smoked Chiarella out of his rat hole lol. It’s obvious he is posting. Probably from the Rec room at his place of residence.
Any wife of a Yonkers cop want to stop by my love shack?
“I Was Made For Lovin’ You”
Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do
Do, do, do, do, do, do, do
Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do
Do, do, do, do, do, do, do
Tonight I wanna give it all to you
In the darkness
There’s so much I wanna do
And tonight I wanna lay it at your feet
‘Cause girl, I was made for you
And girl, you were made for me
I was made for lovin’ you baby
You were made for lovin’ me
And I can’t get enough of you baby
Can you get enough of me
Tonight I wanna see it in your eyes
Feel the magic
There’s something that drives me wild
And tonight we’re gonna make it all come true
‘Cause girl, you were made for me
And girl I was made for you
I was made for lovin’ you baby
You were made for lovin’ me
And I can’t get enough of you baby
Can you get enough of me
I was made for lovin’ you baby
You were made for lovin’ me
And I can give it all to you baby
Can you give it all to me
Oh, can’t get enough, oh, oh
I can’t get enough, oh, oh
I can’t get enough
Yeah, ha
Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do
Do, do, do, do, do, do, do
Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do
Do, do, do, do, do, do, do
I was made for lovin’ you baby
You were made for lovin’ me
And I can’t get enough of you baby
Can you get enough of me
Oh, I was made, you were made
I can’t get enough
No, I can’t get enough
I was made for lovin’ you baby
You were made for lovin’ me
And I can’t get enough of you baby
Can you get enough of me
I was made for lovin’ you baby
You were made for lovin’ me
And I can give it all to you baby
It’s been confirmed. Someone saw Chiarella moving a mattress into the sharing community about midnight this morning. Someone should have his ex brother in law run him a fund raiser. At least that would ensure him to be totally homeless.
keith should do a fundraiser but even the cheetaaaa knows he wont get all the money…lololol
I beg to differ my hairy Rat. I will give you a list of the members that will WILL SELL THE MAYOR out in a heartbeat if it were to benefit them.
Keith Olson
Brian Moran
John Mueller(he’s already been anti Spano)
Mike Mueller
Anthony Chiarella
Lou Venturino
John Donaghy
Dean Politopoulus
Frank Fernandez
Neil Vera (now there’s one you guys could be proud of)
Joe Galinski (head house mouse)
Bill “I’m larger than Keith” Pataky (I know you guys are proud of him)
Pete Mullin (the guys in the fourth love him)
Steve “hold me back” Donahue
Ron “I had my first heart attack at the PBA rumble” Romano
I can do this all day. There are many people I left off this list because they are starting to see the light but fuck up and we wil expose you.
Mr. Mayor, if you are to encounter these people please walk the other way. They are armed with LIES and very DANGEROUS.
All you Blue Truthers are just pathetic losers. You cant keep hiding, we know who you are. More will be exposed.
Capt. Itzla
Capt. Russo
Lt. Pappas
Ray Montero
Rob “Mingy” Santabello
John “Tinker” Mallon
Hector Cartegeni
Roy Pilot
Kenny Davis
Stacy Orourk
Linda Russo
Vinny Didio
Neil Crommwel
And the biggest fucking loser of all G SPANO! Yes G we know you are part of this fucking nonsense too along with your best friends Mingy and Tinker! Then you act like you know nothing about it. You are a fucking two faced coward! How do you feel letting your fucking buddies throw your own brother under the bus! You are the most pathetic Blue Truther of all.
I beg to differ my hairy Rat. I will give you a list of the members that will WILL SELL THE MAYOR out in a heartbeat if it were to benefit them.
Keith Olson
Brian Moran
John Mueller(he’s already been anti Spano)
Mike Mueller
Anthony Chiarella
Lou Venturino
John Donaghy
Dean Politopoulus
Frank Fernandez
Neil Vera (now there’s one you guys could be proud of)
Joe Galinski (head house mouse)
Bill “I’m larger than Keith” Pataky (I know you guys are proud of him)
Pete Mullin (the guys in the fourth love him)
Steve “hold me back” Donahue
Ron “I had my first heart attack at the PBA rumble” Romano
I can do this all day. There are many people I left off this list because they are starting to see the light but fuck up and we wil expose you.
Mr. Mayor, if you are to encounter these people please walk the other way. They are armed with LIES and very DANGEROUS.
I will start with a response that most normal people don’t like to do. Although now I know way Ray has exposed a corrupt union rat. Well if G won’t say it, I will, I am a friend, not for his name, but because he is my friend. So no Keith Olson f–k you and all your rat friends, f–k you for stealing Wayne’s and Jimmy’ fund raiser money, f–k you for setting up cops and selling out the other unions and members. Friends remain friends forever. You people crawled out of the gutter and we will see You gone. All of you. Oh fatso, f–k you and always remember where it came from. Remember there is no end.
I was on a job at the sharing community the other day and saw Chiarella come out of one of the rooms. Is he really living there?
Lol. I heard of living close to work but that is over the top, even for that dirtbag.
Oh Jimmy, you’re back? Run out of korans to burn?
The next time we meet…
Yeah the next time we meet. Be careful what you wish for asshole.
Turkey tits you f–cked a lot of people on this job with your acts of misconduct and all your lying ass can do is feed off someone else’s quote. Your credibility has expired. You are a lame duck rat that can’t can anything done but get bosses in trouble like McGovern. You were spawn in the gutter my friend on a rainy day. Please deny something. Answer at least one question about you and J.D. tampering with evidence and do your own unauthorized investigation into Dunwoodie. No where to run from the wheels of Justice.
There you have. Olson is trying to garner support for his response. The word in the department is no one will lie from the fat man. Game over.
In Unity there is strength; We can move mountains when we’re united and enjoy life –Without unity we are victims. Stay united!
Bill Bailey
“And in Keith’s shirt is a pair of turkey tits”. I’m going to patten this quote.
Yeah, you should “patten” that.
Fucking moron.
Yet another Olson unity call. Is that like when your eating sushi with the Joker? Is he, I mean your skin man. The guy like to get pounded by Olson’s sushi tool.
yes unity like when you froze out tommy and the rest of the cls members when cutting a deal to get your sister a job at the expense of the members….yes unity…………. you are a fucking skel
Wow, just read this article. Ray actually has more awards then Keith has chins. Didn’t know that was possible, lol. So lets have Neil walk around with a petition to impeach a highly decorated Detective from the union. Based on Neil’s involvement alone Ray should be reinstated. Pataky, he’s another story.
You ain’t winning the Father of the Year award anytime soon.
Yeah and you and your white trash clan belong on Jerry Springer. Fucking misfits.
Keith, you really amaze us. You have Andy Quinn working over time on a internal corruption case involving a union trustee Neil Vera who voted to ousted Ray. Then on the other hand you have Quinn representing you and others against the bosses. Lets be real Keith, guys like Pataky and Vera have been doing this kind of shit for a long time. You do the same within the department. The D.A. is on to you and your cronies. The DOJ is here too. Really, what union president leads a charge of targeting a local businessman by intentionally hiding behind your summons book. Nice display of unity. Your call to arms just pulled 8 tickets including yours my rat loser. No civil rights violations. Right Andy. Andy you keep blaming the other bosses for Vera’s criminal action. What you really should be asking Neil is what was he really looking for? How many times. Come on Quinn focus. Your going to lose this one. Too much corruption from Keith and Vera as well as Pataky. The smell of money right.
Come on fellows, we can’t impeach rogue cops, but I had to impeach Ray for hitting baby Olson Pataky who weighs 275 and acts like a bully. Not to mention his 16 or so lawsuits. That’s my Baby Olson! That’s why I made him a union trustee. Hope Quinn can handle everything.
If the PBA impeached the members who’d been arrested that big nosed idiot would have been impeached 25 years ago!
There are no more bridges left for you to return too. You can’t get one reference or statement can you. You may not like what they will say. Its a matter of time. Maybe Vera can swear out a statement for you.
There’s a proverb
‘United we stand divided we fall’
Ten’s sticks together unbreakable
Can be broken easily if given to all.
Wind easily blows the dust
But cannot move the rock;
Birds trapped in net, united,
Along with net, flew the flock.
As well, If people are united
For valid and right cause,
There can’t be any reason
Their efforts will pause.
S.D. Tiwari
Please YPD members, I am desperately seeking companion and attention. I know I intentionally set up some members, but I had too. It was a matter of survival. Look at me, I have lost all credibility because I sold you members out on the contract. So give me break. I can’t answer any of the articles, because yes I was corrupt with funds to outing Montero. I even went after his friends by booting them off the PBA site I say is mine, but I use th city police logo.
Anyway, all have left to leach on is quotes that I personally do not follow, but they sound nice. So please let me quote on while me and my rogue cops continuing to commit crime. I tried to silence it.
You have lost all hope. You screwed everyone and now your pathetic quotes won’t wash the dirt off your rat ass. The only lies you can collect will from your co conspirators, not fro the bosses you tried to set up. No bridges to return to you rat.
Lets put this to rest why I need to be Chief
1. I can spread more racially charged messages against other Captains looking to take my spot.
2. I will give my best greatest tight ass buddy everything he wants, permitting him to set up more bosses and PBA members.
3. We can immediately start undermining and setting up the next P.C. for failure.
4. We can have more ” Refusal to transfer BEER parties and then I can lie to IAD again. We gain regain the keys to the Internal Affairs Office again and tamper with investigations so Olson will know all the names and statements.
5. I can transfer some of my main personnel, like my break into the DD Captains and Narcotics Office, and warrantless search lecturer Brian pussy Moran. A.K.A. a member of the wife stealer club.
6. I can also bring Baby Olson set up and dirty Cop Billy the package planter and teenager slapper Pataky.
7. Then I can set up meetings with everyone or agency in the State hoping that they forgot that I am also known as Alexander Haig Mueller. I am in charge. This time I will not try to gave them that many orders. Ha, ha. Oh this time I promise to tell the P.C and Olson about my sense of worth meetings.
8. Then finally I can tell the P.C. and the Mayor to try it my way with my big boyish smile that I can’t relax. That’s why I a known as the joker.
10. If they don’t, I will unleash my ass packer an cheese eating fat friend and union sellout Keith the Moquette River Rat.
Although nowadays, he spends a lot more time with lawyers because his close trustees like Pataky and Vera have violated people’s rights.
11. I can really set up Montero and his friend’s again, since I will be the head Cheese, oh I meant chief. Please Mr. MAYOR I will not tell you NO. At not for the first three months. I do promise to F–k your brother as soon as you leave office. Ha. Ha
I know a dirty janitor that is a member of your wife stealer club. How’s it feel following that guy?
Yes Anthony, it must have the janitor from the old P.S. 27 days right. Lol . You reap what you sow. Keep it away from your own members will you.
Nope. Hawthorne. Remember that Ms. Assistant Superintendent?
hey joker are you having a beer fest this year
Yes but sorry, PBA members only. Beat it. They kicked you out.
Can past CLS or PBA members who worked at the 4th attend? I know who won’t show up if Garbo is there. ROTFLMAO
I know who won’t show up anywhere. The Blue Truthers. They are are the lepers of the YPD.
Well played dicks. Well played.
You all know where to find any of Rays supporters at any time. Stop shitting in your pants every time you come across us and man the fuck up. Put up or shut up tough guys. Nuff said, keep sticking to what you assholes do best. Back stabbing fuck faces, the whole lot of ya.
So you think it’s funny that Keith is going to put our association into bankruptcy because of his hunger for power amongst other things. Stay the fuck off this site Rat.
Yeah, stay off this site where we get to pretend that Ray is right and everyone else is a rat. Where we get to call people names and encourage cops to call the Feds and then say everyone else is a rat or a joker. Where we feel like men cuz in the real world nobody likes us to the point where one of us got kicked out of the union, first time ever! This is our pretend world dammit! Stay out of our fantasy world where my family is perfect. LMFAO
Lol. Fuckin’ losers.
just got back from vacation and saw top class johnny boy had the city take down the no parking signs guess he had to flex and show that rat what time it is seems he got the steam, so I wonder why did they fuck with a spano guy to begin with? maybe the bosses and keith have no respect for the mayor after all ………………………..
p.s. yes im a cop and I hate keith and his crew
is it really true our pba lawyer sat down along with fat ass rat keith and watched how members ratted on others including cls members? And keith keeps talking about unity and strength ?keith did you really watch vera rat on other cops if so you are not fit to lead………………………..
looks like this will be the best time to put in that formal complaint with the grievance committee… Quinn has pissed off everyone thanks to keith….every lawyers nightmare right fuck face Quinn?
What don’t you get Keith? Do you really believe that ANY boss is going to help you with the exception on Moran and Mueller who are not credible at all. My best and greatest friends ever. Please Keith take my statement. Now is Quinn going to make your two lovers Queens for the day. Ha, Ha, Does Quinn and you think anyone but your two lovers are going to give you a statement. Your a joke. You burnt a lot of bridges with all the bosses. Every one knows your a curb side gray rat. Good luck on your cheese hunt.
And the bosses ain’t gonna do shit about it …….CLSA is weak and to busy back stabbing each other…. These bosses don’t care about PBA matters…..say what you want about Keith he has balls …….and who cares if Mueller becomes Chief he will do fine…….
and than you woke up ………………
keith had balls….. but now he lost them up muellers ass…….lol
See Andy what happens when Olson controls the members cash, you get rat fleas from the worst union leader in the City.
really keith only 40 members out of 480?WTF guess every one by now knows your toxic and ready to blow…………..
It was the same old usual meeting where Keith Olson and his small band of criminals spoke about how they were going to continue to lie about their pending investigation. The crowd was small with uniform patrol just looking for dinner and trying not to listen to a liar so desperately trying to reshape his despicable image. Quinn was there just as always because when Keith gets stuck in his constant misleading lies, Quinn jumps to his feet and as a typical lawyer, white washes everything.
What Olson and some of the board members try not to think about, is that the small following of members lost confidence in Olson’s ability to led in a respectable and professional manner. Olson and others are soon to be a bad dream and will forevermore go down as the worst criminal union leaders this department has ever seen. So all and all with exception of Olson’s closing remarks the meeting was a bleak and dismal, with no importance other than telling young cops not cooperate with the system. Very inspirational to say the least. In closing the rat ceremony, the 700 pound head rat asked if anyone had any questions. There was dead silence. Not one question for the cheese loving rat. Then as if some sick demon was inside his disgusting stomach, he brought up Montero’s name. He just couldn’t help his fat genes. He is so intimidated by a man who refused to be silent, or bullied.
Suddenly in a sick sense of humor, Olson blurred out , ” Montero’s law suit is going nowhere”. There were blank looks on some and others appeared to be disgusted with Olson. Then the meeting was over. Another uninformative hostile meeting.
We are very impressed that Olson has made the decision for the NYS Supreme Court Judge hearing the case. We were under the impression that you only had a high school education. Well make sure you give the Judge your lies, I mean opinion.
sounds like keith
strength in unity till the feds start sending out subpoenas…………
save you self before its too late…..
The Hound: You’re a talker. Listening to talkers makes me thirsty. And hungry. Think I’ll take two chickens before your rat *ss eats them all.
Keith: You don’t seem to understand the situation. I control the PBA and every KFC in Yonkers.
The Hound: I understand that if any more words come pouring out your c*nt mouth, I’m gonna have to eat every f*cking chicken in this room before you do.
Keith: You lived your life for YPD. You gonna die for some chickens?
The Hound: Someone’s career is.
Laugh while you can Rat. I’m going to f*ck you silly fat man. I don’t discriminate as I love both women and men. I know you like men too. I don’t normally like to play with men of your size but I’ll make an exception in your case since you deserve to be *ss-raped by a Prince of Dorne. Afterwards, we’ll take you outside to make a sand sculpture but I don’t think all the sand in Dorne is enough to build one of your rat *ss!
Do you know why all the world hates a Rat? You think your gold and your PBA position makes you better than everyone. May I tell you a secret? You’re not a golden Rat. You’re just a pink fat man who is far too slow on the draw.
its confirmed the rat has lost it……lol
Once upon a time on a large tree lived a wise crow happily with lots of other birds. They all lived in harmony.
One day the wise crow saw a hunter throw his net below the tree and spread grains on it. He knew that it was meant to catch the birds in that area. He immediately flew around warning all his friends to stay away.
However he did not see a flock of white doves descending happily from the skies above straight on top of the trap laid by the hunter.
The hungry doves ate the grains but when they wanted to fly away, they found that they had been trapped. When they couldn’t free themselves, they started fluttering about in panic.
Hearing the noise, the hunter rushed towards the net gleefully, hopefully to net a big catch. Seeing the hunter in the distance, the doves were desperate.
Seeing their plight, the wise crow flew towards them and said, “Listen to me and I can save you. If you all flap your wings at the same time, then you will be able to fly with the net.”
The doves flapped their wings hard in unison and before long they were able to fly up into the sky with the net. The hunter watched in dismay as the doves made good their escape.
Moral: There is Strength in Unity!
moral is you are in deep shit only a matter of time,by the way that was a nice story is that what you told neil vera on the way up to white plains when he ratted on other cops all while Quinn watched on….lol
Something you will never know lard ass. Go stick your obese head in a public toilet. It may make you smell better.
United we stand, divided we fall. This adage has been with us since generations. As boundaries diffuse in this union , unity becomes even more necessary. Only when we unite in spirit, can we truly cope with the challenges we face.
keith your D.O.A…LOL rays federal rights lawsuit is in the pipe line lawyer is waiting for the judge to reinstate him than you will be hit by a federal suit GAME OVER YOU LOSE….
p.s. and stop talking about unity and strength its sickening because you don’t know what the words mean your low turn out monthly meetings show exactly what the members think of you…lol
The Yonkers Police department have been hijacked by a corrupt union leader that appears no Chiefs have the balls to confront. That’s fine if you want to have selective enforcement and not punish a fat scumbag common street rat. So brace yourselves because this quest to stop internal corruption will go on for as long as the D.A.’s office does not hold our department heads accountable. The department has a skewed view of what these rogue cops like Olson and close associates have done. The fact that unknown persons can break into the Narcotics Office and there is no Official Internal Affairs Investigation is chilling, being that you have cops like Vera that has intentionally and skillfully deceived others and even you. We will continue to watch, listen and use all legal reporting and means to any outside agency, to give them our perspective and facts of the misconduct within a government agency. As for Olson himself he will self destruct when the D.O.J. see the same conspiracy that has been blatantly committed by rogue police officers like himself, and others such as Moran, Vera, Pataky and others. We will continue to remain vigil for the quest of Justice and legally protect all others that Olson continues to target. Our resolve is strong, throwing a police officer out of any POLICE association is an example of internal corruption and a strong message for others to be intimidated. You are dead wrong Olson.
Well it’s official folks. If I wasn’t there cooking the cheese burgers for the “FAT ONE” I wouldn’t believe it. The PBA is crumbling around the rat and he has the nerve to say that Rays case against the union is frivolous. Ten cheese burgers in he asks if anyone has anything to add to his useless meeting and when nobody takes the bait, not even his pot planters, he has to once again stick his fat cankles in his own mouth. Worry about all the people Jammed up and stop trying to justify yourself to members that know better. Garbo wants to come to the next meeting to beat down the class bully. I would have Dale run the October meeting.
why did you and your brother in-law short scumbag cheeta go after john khader? you gave o/t to those that took the bait, all he does is support the members in any way now I cant wait till he files suit you messed with a civilian because he happens to be friends with your enemy………….
than the cheetahhh gives more o/t and tell sgt viviano aka robo cop go after him and issues a bad ticket knowingly than calls for a c-r# for what? a legally parked car unoccupied than orders owner to hand over clsa placard …clear harassment as broad day light.I hear civil rights violations all over this.
The only man who never makes a mistake is the man who never does anything.
Theodore Roosevelt
keith is loosing it the man got hit finally with a lawsuit and hopefully another one filed by a civilian
keith your an asshole
keith please tell us as pba president what are your great accomplishments? and please don’t bring up fundraisers as soon as the tax man goes thru that Ponzi scheme it will be another charge or charges added. You are a master rat at skimming funds you stole from wayne you stole from jimmy god rest his soul you stole from the tough man contest I was there and I counted the money you were short when you told members what was collected. you are no different than a skel from Warburton ave you pick and choose which members get the tit gigs lord knows the last 12 months its all guys that carried your water that are in good spots,but that’s cool we know how the game is played every now and than do something for a member that doesn’t carry your water or kiss your fat ass I cant wait till you get those silver bracelets …………….
that’s cause frippy is spinless and does what he is told half of keiths guys don’t have the experience or the right to be there but the mayor is final word and frippy makes the transfer knowingly they are not qualified…….
keith you are garbage always was the fact that you grabbed vera by the hand and had him rat out other bosses and members prove to us that you are a rat along with that handicapped fuck face Quinn that should be getting a letter anyday now from the grievance committee (maybe the feds had some one pull it back to see just how a corrupt lawyer is?)
keith why are you helping vera more than Koch?
Koch is a a good guy that got caught up with one of your rogue cops, if I was Koch I would go see aronwald and file suit against you and coy for not doing due diligence chris call ray he can help!
I would call Al Sharpton before I would call Ray.
both will be your ultimate nightmare…lol
You can hide in your school supply sale office with the double doors all you want Keith! It won’t stop you from getting punished as is permissible by the laws of the North. I won’t call you Reek which rhymes with Meek as you already have a good nickname my nasty little pet. Rat it rhymes with Fat. You will be the b*tch of Yonkers soon enough with plenty manual labor assignments as befits a man of Rat it rhymes with Fat. All you are is meat. A big pile of meat. I can’t wait until your fat *ss has to run from the hounds while they hunt you down for the crimes you have committed! But we both know you won’t get far Rat!
No doubt that the hounds of Justice will hunt Olson and others down. The silent majority is much larger than a slab of rat meat. The men and woman of the YPD now realize what the slab of rat meat did.
Olson you and your cohorts are the only cowards and rats. You have clearly broken state and federal laws. What gives you the right to knowingly lie and file false reports?
What gives you the right to remove and tamper with official police records and personnel files?
What gave you and others to commence unauthorized investigations against CLSA and PBA members?
Why would you Chiarella, Moran, Pataky, Mueller file false police reports and not cooperate with your own investigations?
Why did remove evidence from private property? Did you and JD tamper with evidence before?
Why did lie to the members about Montero?
We now know that you despise Ray because he exposed a rat like you who FK other members. We are very very confident that we will continue to expose your illegal actions.
It looks like the D.A.’s office will be closing in on rogue set up cop Neil Vera. What were you looking for Neil that you needed to lie? You should have took another class with Brian Moran who led the investigation against a DD Captain. Since the D.A. and D.O.J. is here they should look into who broke into the narcotics office and for what reason. Maybe someone was looking to get rid of information right Moran. Tampering with evidence you know the word Keith
All your lies are catching up to you my furry slab of meat. Trying to call people in and question them won’t help you. As you are well aware and most importantly, most people tell you what you want to hear, then do the exact opposite. Lol
Strength in Garbo
September 3, 2014 at 9:35 am
Can Garbo be a guest at the September meeting/BBQ? LOL
movie night
September 3, 2014 at 9:55 am
how about khader too? he can bring those videos where in the history a pba president never wrote a parker …lol
September 3, 2014 at 8:47 am
Reasons why any Mayor cannot promote John the “Joker” Mueller;
Aside from being great, great friends, Mueller cannot Think for him for himself.
When asked by the Mayor, Olson wrote down Mueller’s name five times and spread misleading and inaccurate information on the other candidates.
Mueller and Olson have been at this for almost 10 years, and were responsible for destabilizing and ousting Former Commissioner Taggart.
Mueller who received an order to be transferred by the P.C. was out right refused, and went on a media and community bliz to combat it. They even spread intentional erroneously rumors of bigotry about the incoming professional Captain.
Mueller and others also conspired to set up other union members
Mueller’s self proclaimed ideals are no match for any other supervisor.
Every agency from the State Police to the D.A.’s and including most smaller agencies have walked away from Mueller’s ” I am in charge attitude”
Olson in essence would be controlling Mueller and that would be detrimental for the Community because both have no credibility and are proven liars.
Bottom line, how can anyone make Mueller anything given the fact the he and Olson refused an order of transfer. Would any Mayor want to be told ” No ” by him..
Honestly, how can any Mayor or Police Commissioner want him
Yeah! Super Excited! I can’t wait to march!
New York’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade will finally end its ban on on gay groups marching in its annual Irish celebration, organizers said Wednesday.
OUT@NBCUniversal– a lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender affinity group at 30 Rock — will be flying its banner and marching up Fifth Avenue on March 17, officials said.
That’ll be the only gay group marching in the 2015 version of the world’s largest St. Patrick’s Day Parade but other LBGT groups can apply in future years, spokesman Bill O’Reilly said.
The organizing committee said this move was made in order to “change of tone and expanded inclusiveness is a gesture of goodwill to the LGBT community in our continuing effort to keep the parade above politics.”
Organizers insisted they are “remaining loyal to church teachings,” and O’Reilly said Timothy Cardinal Dolan — grand marshal of the 2015 parade — was “very supportive” of including gay groups in event.
“I know that there are thousands and thousands of gay people marching in this parade,” Dolan has previously said. “And I’m glad they are.”
Over the years, the parade’s ban on openly gay groups has grown problematic.
Mayor de Blasio refused to march in this past year’s parade, and Guinness beer withdrew as a sponsor.
The Guinness loss was a huge factor in forcing parade organizers to change its long-standing policy, a former grand marshal told
Guinness officials also played a role in brokering the deal that brought OUT@NBCUniversal into the 2015 parade, according to
“Once an iconic company like Guinness showed it was standing up, pretty much everyone else had to follow,” the one-time grand marshal said.
Obviously, gay individuals have always marched in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade — but they’ve never before been allowed to participate under a banner identifying themselves as gay.
There are about 320 groups marching in the 2015 parade, the committee said.
“Organizers have diligently worked to keep politics — of any kind — out of the parade in order to preserve it as a single and unified cultural event,” organizers said. “Paradoxically, that ended up politicizing the parade.”
Politicians, city workers in uniform, marching bands, bagpipers and Irish dancers have all been stalwarts of the parade, which began in 1762.
Can Garbo be a guest at the September meeting/BBQ? LOL
how about khader too? he can bring those videos where in the history a pba president never wrote a parker …lol
Reasons why any Mayor cannot promote John the “Joker” Mueller;
Aside from being great, great friends, Mueller cannot Think for him for himself.
When asked by the Mayor, Olson wrote down Mueller’s name five times and spread misleading and inaccurate information on the other candidates.
Mueller and Olson have been at this for almost 10 years, and were responsible for destabilizing and ousting Former Commissioner Taggart.
Mueller who received an order to be transferred by the P.C. was out right refused, and went on a media and community bliz to combat it. They even spread intentional erroneously rumors of bigotry about the incoming professional Captain.
Mueller and others also conspired to set up other union members
Mueller’s self proclaimed ideals are no match for any other supervisor.
Every agency from the State Police to the D.A.’s and including most smaller agencies have walked away from Mueller’s ” I am in charge attitude”
Olson in essence would be controlling Mueller and that would be detrimental for the Community because both have no credibility and are proven liars.
Bottom line, how can anyone make Mueller anything given the fact the he and Olson refused an order of transfer. Would any Mayor want to be told ” No ” by him..
Honestly, how can any Mayor or Police Commissioner want him
Your blogs make it crystal clear that you are so desperate and so afraid of the inevitable. If any of what you say is true and would help you accomplish your goal, come out of the darkness and own your comments. Don’t be afraid. It must be awful to be so afraid of the future yet not have the courage to make a real attempt to alter it.
PBA President you and your handful of rogue cops lurked in the dark to set up others, plant evidence, intentionally tamper with records and files, and mostly LIE to get into peoples homes and cars. All in the shadows and behind a thick wall of fear. Anyone that unveils the true you attempt to stoke fear, or reprisals.
Well you rat snake, do we smell a veiled threat with your ordor? Your threats are laughable. Remember fats we do not fear you or Vera, Pataky or any other rogue cop. I think you know that. No shower my smelly boy, you reek of fear.
don’t forget the jokers parents openly campaigned against mike even appeared in commercials with big head murtagh,spanos will not forget, besides doesn’t he want to stay in the 4th I mean he had every politician ,clergyman,buisness call the mayors office and beg to keep him there if the mayor moves him he will piss a lot of people in the 4th right john…..
my lawyer saw a few familiar faces from YPD the last couple of weeks in various offices in white plains seems like some one is getting pinched soon…………….
Preet start with the PBA financials then investigate what he has been doing within the department. You will find a paper trail. The most recent is the break in of the narcotics office. We hope Quinn informed the D.A. of the incident which is documented. If that report turns up missing we will prepare another one. We have the details.
keith you are in deep shit if they look at your books……………
We are still trying to figure out why Quinn the witness or attorney is not specifically defending Koch and is defending a guy that was fired lying to IAD. Now rogue union leaders like Keith Olson is fighting to defend a proven liar like himself. A pathetic leader that just screwed other Detectives that were intentionally lied too.
Olson other trustee William Pataky who has a plate full of pattern style law suits, was the guy that was told by Olson to stop Montero from leaving a union meeting. It was also reported that Pataky was slapped around by other precinct cops before the meeting.
any one with info now is the time to call
sounds like the keith
sounds like the keith
We know you have been very busy on your Q&A. Sometimes its tough to remember everything you did to other union members. Right turkey tits. Sometimes, people say one thing and do another. Lol
Garbo did what the department should have done a long time ago. Confront the problem head on before it spreads. Good job Joe.
He was so nasty for a good reason….he has a little whittle we-we! That was confirmed long ago in the locker room and joe was very defensive over his little deficiency. Eddie Tighe was blowing too much coke to care. But it is true, Joe “The Great Garbo” Garbowski has the cock of an eight year old boy and he dosent like it.
keith now now don’t talk shit about garbo I heard you still get flash backs from when he pounced on you….lol
Only KO and Moran would know about a man’s private part. They are both C suckers.
Not only did Garbo pound the fat man, but he bitch slapped Moran the wife stealer, while Anthony Chirarella was crying.
keith will be meeting him soon…
Keith when Garbo kicked your ass around the precinct, Cola did not throw you out right rat face? JD go use the Police Department computer and find who is posting. This time we do not need the evidence.HA Ha
Garbo was a fat, nasty, asshole, and a bully who only picked on guys that were afraid of him.
He was often assisted by the white-trash loser Eddie Tighe who should have never been hired in the first place.
Yes he was a bully who bullied KO. That was not nice of him.
Don’t be upset KO, he gave you what you had coming. No bull just the facts pussy.
At the behest of Olson’s request Quinn is defending Vera not Koch. Is KOCh getting fked by Olson. No doubt. Save the cop that lied. Hmm? Great job by the cheese licker.
Quinn make sure you lie to the Judge. Olson is starting to rub off on you. Either way pie face Quinn, make sure you pay for the guys that do not want or trust you and that ass sniffer Johnny chasing my cases Law.
Don’t blame Keith for Fucking Kotch…he fucked himself.
Maybe it was the Roids?
Keith Olson it looks like you tore your ACLU and your never coming back from what you done to your membership. Tisk, tisk
Sometimes what is asked before hand as what is perceived as a casual Q&A, turns out very different when you are before the court. Funny how people will react.
Ko stop worrying about the Q&A and prepare your lies for the meeting. You know how it. People alway tell you one thing and almost always recall something very different.
keith who is rui flores and can you tell us exactly why his name comes up here every so often….
that was when a bunch of cops went into greenburgh and did………………………go ahead keith you can fill in the
Not sure who that is but I heard of Rui Florim
keith went out of jurisdiction and beat rui while his girl friend watched feds should open up that case and reinvestigate it…………..
heard rumors over the week end that john the joker.. aka grill man was making a desperate plea to be the next chief, does he really think he is better than Timmy Hodges? At least tummy is trusted by his own union and a much better cop the only thing the joker does great is hold bbqs and 3 tour beer fests…
keith can you please explain to the members at the next meeting just exactly what you and vera proffered with difiores office…………………
keith please explain how your sister got a job in city hall less than 30 days after the contract vote?
seems a little coincidental …………………
Don’t forget to come to the September PBA meeting guys. I love watching Keith lie and break all of Dunwoodie’s chairs. Somebody please bring a reinforced steel chair cause I’m tired of cleaning the mess.
I normally don’t make it a habit of fighting other people’s battles but I feel I need to respond to “I have a few questions.” Det. Montero can handle himself just fine but I feel the need to respond. “Being an avid reader”as you claim and not “a huge” Keith fan, wink wink, I feel I need to send you to school. I’m sorry you never got a proper education. I believe Ray feels the same as at least 400 other cops, “the silent majority.” He does not despise the PBA, he is in strong disagreement with the current president for ruining our great union and blames an empty suit board for not reeling this idiot in. Ray did have the chance to run again but Keith had already sealed the unions fate on a 10 year deal that most of us feel he should see through. Well at least for one more term we want to see him squirm a little and then we will snatch the chair from under him. As hard a task that may seem, after all he’s not getting any lighter. Second, of course Olson was reelected without opposition. As I stated, Keith should deal with the shit storm he created. A year from now he will be a distant bad memory. Third, once again I state, Ray does not hate the union. He is in strong disagreement with its leadership and had his rights as a union member violated and all for what? Because he was out spoken about the gross misdirection Keith is taking our union. You can’t just throw a union member out on trumped up charges for political gain. There are laws which prevent exactly that. Fourth, nobody and I mean nobody ever signs their real names to these posts so lets kill that noise right now. And last but not least Ray has more credibility on this job than most, especially more than the greatest set up man the PBA has ever had. The only one screwing the “pooch”, which I correlate as “us members”, is none other than the Rat himself that sits in our office. So go sail away on the SS PBA with the rest of the union hacks and stop talking shit on this site under anonymity.
Oh yeah, he can “handle himself just fine.” He handled himself into being the only person in 100 years to get kicked out of his union, probably with help from people like you. He handled himself into getting only 5 or 6 people out of 500 to vote to keep him in the union. The list goes on and on. You’re some help. With friends like you, who needs enemies?
??? You don’t understand anything Joe Trustee, so go rub one out on KO’s chin, or stick to beating woman. Why don’t you and Pataky ride together along Warburton Avenue and look for teenagers driving their parents car. Then follow Pataky’s lead and slap around teenagers and plant weed. FU and the Moquette River Rat. Fools
Oh look, the former PBA member is back! LOL
I will say this, if anyone believes that KO actually started the impeachment process against Ray for double slapping Pataky or sending an email to the media, I got some shares I’d like to sell you in the Brooklyn bridge. Only two dopes such as Joe Juice and the ass grabber would wind up being Patsy’s in this scheme of Keith’s to rid himself of the competition by any means necessary. Go peddle your bullshit elsewhere douche bag. And to boot the editor of the tribune vindicates Ray of everything in the article above. Just another kEIth oLson.
he got kicked out illegally as you will find out the hard way when the judge bitch slaps quinn……………
And when that doesn’t happen, then what? So far you’ve been wrong in your predictions 100% of the time.
I just read the HBO special movie post, lmao. Only thing is I remember the picture of the banjo player and I swear it was a splitting image of John “I didn’t have that DVR in my car” Donaghy.
Well I guess we know unequivocally who will be playing Ned Beatty.
Please let the bully handle his own rogue mess. Maybe you didn’t know what f in rat he is. Read the article you moron. Let the criminals stand. We will handle this. We are in it for the long haul, not the packages that Vera and Pataky place.
Why would you lie to get a warrant
Why would do warranless searches
Why you investigate DD Captains, CLSA and PBA members
Why would anyone plant evidence
Why would anyone tamper with evidence
Why would any union leader set up his on member
Why would anyone make up false police Identifications
Why would anyone remove personnel records
Why would any union leader use the association Lawyers against his own members
Why would anyone file false police reports
Lastly, why would anyone want to intentionally expel ANY dues paying members
Read it read it shit face. Show your 40 pussy followers
Ms. Stay the f off the site. Let that lying gray rat squeak for himself.
Did you hear that HBO is doing a mini-series about Wascisko and the Yonkers Segregation fiasco??
I heard that they want to do another one about Ray and Keith starring Tony Orlando as Ray, Luca Brasi as Keith, Michael J Fox as Chiarella, and the guy who played the banjo on Deliverance as Mingy
Joe ski could play the redneck rapist. Juiced out of his mind.
Joe you can main line those steroids every day and it will change that you are a pussy wife beater. So stand up and clap for your movie script.
Det. Montero,
As an avid reader of Hezi’s site I have a couple of questions for you. If you despise the union and it’s leaders so much, why didn’t you run for President when you had the chance? Wasn’t Olson re-elected without opposition not too long ago? Next, if you hate the PBA so much why are you suing to get back in? Last, if you are such the decorated hero, why don’t you ever sign your name to these posts? It seems to me, and probably most people that pay attention here, that you have no credibility. I mean for someone to get thrown out of their union, you must have really screwed the pooch.
Its simple your gray hairy relative is a Rat
Olson’s strength in unity call!
Planted questions
Intentional shout down and noise makers
Criminal trustees that attempt to prevent you from leaving and when you come into contact with Vera and Pataky please check your pockets for planted packages
Smile, your on audio and video and that video may end up in Larchmont or viewed on the city computer while you are working
Attorneys that smell money and FU on 207c, and FU on who gets that lying Quinn. Ask Koch, Vera is a better criminal!
Olson makes union members pay for their own attorneys that will PROTECT their interest and not the lies Quinn and Olson will come up with
Fabricated stories about one or more members from both the CLSA and PBA
Pleas of unity after fist fights, cursing, yelling, lies, and drinking
If you look real hard you will see that fat F in moquette gray rat shift his eyes to set off the UNITY KICK OFF SEASON.
Special guess speakers will be Brian Moran the guy that will steal your wife or girlfriend. His specialty is warrantless searches and seizures. No paper needed
Special guess I will be I was promised Chief Mueller for the 10 year contract, or Anything because Olson gave up 207c and his sister got her first paying job two weeks after you guys voted on a 10 year contract Fking the new people.
If you look real hard, you will see rogue cops that broke the law standing near the fat lying rat.
Olson has 20 followers or blind men on his board, who lie and don’t shit until they look for the fat mans acorns that rumor has it are packed tightly in Mueller’s black box
The Keith Olson Unity call. Just ask CLSA and Local 628 Presidents for what they think of that lying fkin RAT. Lol, lol
The fabulous Anthony the “Cheetah” Chiarella. The guy that promised to give out city overtime if any cop would issue summons to Montero’s friends and family. Unity Mr. RAT FACE
I hope everyone had a great weekend and are enjoying Labor Day! The meeting next Monday will get everyone up to date on all union business.
Strength in Unity!
Union business? Or criminal business? The members are truly tired of your compulsive lying. Just step down and take that knob gobbling Quinn with you. I know he will be at the meeting. He’s like the unwanted house guest that nobody on the board had the balls to evict. We are tired of him sitting in on our union business. Never mind, might as well bring him. We ain’t talking serious union business. Only nonsense anyway.
the rat has to step down !
I have been retired for a while now, and up until now I have waited to hear all the facts before arriving at my own assessment of what has happened to the PBA. I have spoken to many insider’s that overwhelmingly confirm what has been written about Keith Olson and a few of his friend as true. My question to him is, what made you turn on your own union members? In the past, I have seen many disagreements, but not to the extent of setting them up. Maybe you had enough? In any event Keith, you passed the reset button.
Once a rat always a rat. Makers Mark housing guy.
Obviously you are at the end of the and you are clinging onto inspirational quotes from real educated people that made their mark in life. But, you Keith will undoubtedly are the worst corrupt union president the city has ever seen. Your what we all know is an insecure COWARD that broke state and federal laws. You are rogue as the police officers that are in GOOD STANDING like Vera, Pataky and others in your small circle. You are who you are and not any researched quote is going to stop our resolve in the pursuit for Justice for all our members. We are real men and woman that will use all legal means to flush you out of your rat hole. We know that deep down inside of you, you reek of fear. Fear from the truth in all that has been reported. So ask your mama for more quotes bully boy, because no real police officers fear what you have done. Here is a quote for you mama, ” We see and smell the fear, and we will use the mist of Justice to eradicate it”
Time for the D.A. to clean up. So quote on you dirt bag rat. Your quotes can’t rinse the actions you have taken within the department.
this is the real ko
All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Happy Labor “rat leader” Day…….
keith please you haven’t had a meeting with more than 35%,Unlike you Charlie Cola had standing room only keep talking about strength in unity?
1.didnt you and Hartnett shut down specialized units?
2.didnt you and amiclown discuss how to get rid of taggart??
3.didnt you freeze out phelan when discussing the pba shitty contract?
YPD members here is what you can look forward to at September the September meeting.
Unauthorized investigations into CLSA and PBA members
Lying lectures
Searches without warrants
If you get in trouble they will tamper with the evidence
Tamper with witnesses
Remove personnel files
Attorneys that will cheer on intentional misleading information
Olson will brag about his out of jurisdiction Greenburgh arrest
Then a couple of rogue union trustees will stand at the back and look to block members from leaving.
Then Vera, and Pataky along with the fat man will move to impeach you. Great time for all .
Expect a very low turn out. Only the cops the rogue cops will be there. Very impressive time. Lol
Happy Labor Day!
Same to you. Now only if we can get you to choke on a chicken bone.
So sad that you can only grasp onto a quote that someone else has written . You have no idea what unity or leaderships is. So we will keep it simple for you Keith. Your a coward, that has done cowardly things to your membership. No matter how many times you use someone else’s quote, that will never wipe clean the misconduct you and others have committed. So, if it makes you feel like you and others are free and clear’ well continue this foolish insure act.It sure won’t change public opinion of YOU. You lost the membership a while ago. Look union prez, the sooner you accept your dirty deeds the better you will sleep. Right now, your ratings in the city are in the gutter where rats like you are born. We have exposed you Keith and your Two dirty cops that did everything they are accused of and more. They did what you have been doing since you walked into office and that my furry fat friend is setting up police officers and citizens. So quote on if you need too, but this time article speaks out of what you done. You set up another union member.
THE people of Westchester and the members of all the other unions in the city need no more information on your reputation. You and your low life friends are even known to the Homeless people. As helpless as they are, they are sharp enough to know a Rat when they recognize one.
Titus 3:10-11
As for a person who stirs up division, after warning him once and then twice, have nothing more to do with him, knowing that such a person is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned.
Go ahead mama, it won’t help. He is exposed. Strength is in the hands of the persecuted. Plain and simple. Justice is coming.
Man Keith, whoever posted Titus has your fat ass condemned. You’ve created more division on this job then a mathematician.
now this epic listen to the church bells at end of video
Keith your on your own like you back stabbed Barry. FU PAL. LOL
Olson it seems that you are down right on your own. No support you dirt bag. Wow, Vera and Pataky getting defended by Quinn I want my $ 200,000 a year you fools. By the way members does anybody have a copy of that hand shake deal. The DOJ wants to know Mr. Cheese licker, if you ever loaned him to anyone on the members dime. Huh?
I know of at least 7 incidents of fighting on city property involving on-duty cops and keith never ousted a member for that…….
Enjoy the delicious BBQ? Really you peckerwood? It’s more like a hockey game at those meetings. Beer, burgers that resemble hockey pucks and brawls. No thanks fuck face. I’ll wait for the NHL season to start. I’ll leave the September PBA meeting for your plants and liars. Good luck. Let me know how your UNITY TOUR works out you fat jerk!
Its very sad to say that you are desperately attempting to get 40 members to attend a meeting voted on by Vera and you to expel a 26 year veteran. May I suggest that you invite your mother since she keeps interjecting on your behalf. Well at least you have her making these pathetic crazy comments. It will also help you get your numbers. Why don’t you get Juan from the back after he makes you that fat fat cheesy rat burger. Dick liar
For those that may not be around anymore, we can remember when retired Joe Garbo and KO were fighting. It was a one sided fight and Joe finished it quick. But I do not remember anyone being thrown out of the union. What about that Keith Olson?
Garbo beat the cheese out of
Come to the meeting! Get updated on all PBA news and enjoy a delicious BBQ with fellow members.
Strength in Unity!
will you be giving updates on lawsuit against you, will you update us when you went into proffer with DiFiores office with Vera all while that fuck face Quinn watched as you and Neil gave up other members? will you give us updates on how you plan on defending your self?
Speaking of embarrassing! Who the heck would be on vacation with their family and make an asinine video. I really hope your wife wasn’t the one recording that idiocy? You proved in that video what we knew all along, that you are an “ASSHOLE”. I know you thought you looked like a gangster but we thought you resembled…………………….
With every repetitive, redundant comment, every nonsensical rant, the people you hate and obsess over enjoy watching you unravel. Just sayin…
Unravel? All the people you’ve fucked over the years are going to take great pleasure in watching you go down. So with every self serving wise ass comment just realize not one of you rats are liked or respected. Just saying…….
Really here is your Strength in Unity :
You rallied up 60 voters to vote out a Officer who did not commit a crime
You rally around rogue cops like yourself, Mueller, Moran, Pataky, and Vera. We actually forgot a few.
You unitized Barry and Tom P.
YOU and the boys unitized the DD Captain, back stabbed the Chiefs, the P.C.
Conducted unauthorized investigations
Tampered with evidence on County Property
Always and at every PBA meeting you stand their with your criminal union trustees and lie to your own 60 plants.
You have lost over 400 members with your pathetic unity call. You have led the association down a DEAD END street. You better pray the D.A. Office don’t investigate your inner workings within the department Mr. Unity. No doubt that the D.A. will find members from both union to cooperate and give them play by play details on YOU and your Unity thugs. You really need help Olson.
Really here is your Strength in Unity :
You rallied up 60 voters to vote out a Officer who did not commit a crime
You rally around rogue cops like yourself, Mueller, Moran, Pataky, and Vera. We actually forgot a few.
You unitized Barry and Tom P.
YOU and the boys unitized the DD Captain, back stabbed the Chiefs, the P.C.
Conducted unauthorized investigations
Tampered with evidence on County Property
Always and at every PBA meeting you stand their with your criminal union trustees and lie to your own 60 plants.
You have lost over 400 members with your pathetic unity call. You have led the association down a DEAD END street. You better pray the D.A. Office don’t investigate your inner workings within the department Mr. Unity. No doubt that the D.A. will find members from both union to cooperate and give them play by play details on YOU and your Unity thugs. You really need help Olson.
Really here is your Strength in Unity :
You rallied up 60 voters to vote out a Officer who did not commit a crime
You rally around rogue cops like yourself, Mueller, Moran, Pataky, and Vera. We actually forgot a few.
You unitized Barry and Tom P.
YOU and the boys unitized the DD Captain, back stabbed the Chiefs, the P.C.
Conducted unauthorized investigations
Tampered with evidence on County Property
Always and at every PBA meeting you stand their with your criminal union trustees and lie to your own 60 plants.
You have lost over 400 members with your pathetic unity call. You have led the association down a DEAD END street. You better pray the D.A. Office don’t investigate your inner workings within the department Mr. Unity. No doubt that the D.A. will find members from both union to cooperate and give them play by play details on YOU and your Unity thugs. You really need help Olson.
Really here is your Strength in Unity :
You rallied up 60 voters to vote out a Officer who did not commit a crime
You rally around rogue cops like yourself, Mueller, Moran, Pataky, and Vera. We actually forgot a few.
You unitized Barry and Tom P.
YOU and the boys unitized the DD Captain, back stabbed the Chiefs, the P.C.
Conducted unauthorized investigations
Tampered with evidence on County Property
Always and at every PBA meeting you stand their with your criminal union trustees and lie to your own 60 plants.
You have lost over 400 members with your pathetic unity call. You have led the association down a DEAD END street. You better pray the D.A. Office don’t investigate your inner workings within the department Mr. Unity. No doubt that the D.A. will find members from both union to cooperate and give them play by play details on YOU and your Unity thugs. You really need help Olson.
Even the weak become strong when they are united.
Is that why all you weakling rats banned together? So weak that you had to rise and become somebody by ratting and setting up other cops? You assholes are despicable.
Mueller! Most all the bosses hate the ” order refuser” like they hate his butch rat boyfriend that member stabber fat ass. Mike that would start another series for a good read by Hezi, besides a hearty laugh.
tay on task, this is about a lying rat that has been sitting up members from the CLSA and PBA. This is also about rogue union trustees that intentionally have been lying to make arrest. Most good cops don’t have to violate people’s rights to get into their vehicles or homes. Olson is supporting his union trustees and again go 60 new hires and plants to insult more than 400 police officers refuse to participate. So you rat face dump the rogue cops that you say are in good standing. Talk about a leadership? Good cops don’t have to go after other cops and don’t lie to get others in trouble to get numerous search warrants. The most recent where someone lost his life. Does the D.A. want these guys around? Do you think they will change?
You are losing your mind more and more by the second. Anyone with a shred of sanity who reads your lunacy filled rants sees it. Except you.
Okay KrOdent. Whatever you say. We’re all nuts and you are sane. Takes a real sane individual to be PBA president and write tickets to exact revenge. That’s the shit that will come back to bite some of that blubber off your read end. Wonder what they will find when they open up that head of yours. It’s got to be empty.
“Tay on task?” Who are you? Buckwheat?
No, buckwheat used to run the union. And used to “TAY” I has a boat. Bald ass buckwheat was a crook. Not shocked though.
I am not a member of the YPD and I’m not a rocket scientist, but I have come to conclude that whoever this Keith fellow is not well liked, the result of his alleged illegal behavior.
You are correct. You are no rocket scientist. LMFAO
lets take vote, john Mueller or Timmy Hodges for chiefs spot?
11 votes for john
114 for Timmy
those numbers sound familiar right…lol
we all know Timmy is the right man for the job and well respected, the only thing joker has over him is that he knows how to grill a mean cheese burger and throw a precinct 3tour beer bash…………lol
wonder how much o/t shorty gave viviano when he wrote a bad ticket and forced a business man to open up a legally parked car and confiscate cls card issued by phelan himself?……..
I have had my falling out with Mueller but he will make a fine Chief at least he was a true Yonkers resident when he got on the job unlike some high ranking members of the YPD.
Who should be promoted to Chief?
Mueller, Mueller and Mueller
absolutely and it was his parents that openly worked against mike spano and even appeared in a commercial against mike spano yes reward him to chiefs spot and watch the resignations of half the bosses …
Sounds like some people are getting nervous. Lol
I guess they do after all he does bbq for them always a cold brewski in the cooler and to boot he even mops up after them……lol
Mueller is a fucking dirtbag clown. You think we want a guy with bad hygiene and flip flops up in our office. No thanks, the spot is already taken.
You come on this site shooting your mouth off, and calling other cops names again without ANY sort of proof. We do notice as well as most Yonkers readers know that you have answered ONE question nor will you ever.
So far fat boy here are all the people you say are liars. Well we will name just a few, rat face.
The PC
The Chiefs
Barry M.
Tom .
DD Captain
LT. Pappas
Capt. Russo
And now the D.A.’ s Office right Keith the fat rat. They are all lying
Go get help you pathetic fool.
Hoobidy doobidy doooooooo!!!!!!!
You sure lied to the 60 blind cops. Its in black and white for the court to see. The Supreme Court Judge will see right through these fabrications. Save the association and step aside and go buy yourself a block of cheese to chew on. You are just a failure
Yes Ray, we know. Blabbity Blabbity blah. What a fucking nut!
He sure does put the O in rOdent doesn’t he guys.
Are you gonna bark all your life little doggy or are you gonna bite? Lol. What a pussy.
Only pussy is you. Your the RAT that back stabbed members from the CLSA and your association. Your the FAT pussy that lied to expel and Decorated 26 year veteran, with no proof of a anything, but pushing around a union trustee that slaps and plants drugs on them. We are always ready to help any of your band of package setting members at anytime. In fact, we stand Ready and Willing to help any of you pussies. Please answer Mr. Lie did you and JD not conduct an unauthorized investigation into one your members on County property without a search warrant? What about it? Is that how taught Vera, and Pataky. Please DO NOT send veiled threats to our members. Only fat little bullies do that kind of thing. You make us laugh Mr. LIAR
You sound and write like a 3 year old. Yeah you MR. BLOGGYPANTS. LOL. Get away from your momma’s computer and go play with your crayons. Go draw some more rat pictures.
Are you going to squeak all your life or finally scurry back to your sewer.
What happen KO? Did you really need to go after one of the most honest Captains on the job? Did you think other CLSA bosses would rally behind you besides those two “great friends” of yours. Did you and that wife stealer / girlfriend stealer need to search the Captain’s office when he left. Wow talk about barking “Rats” lmfao
Not only does the D.A. have to clean up your dirt bag union trustees for taking a page out of your corrupt lesson plan, but the D.A. should refer your actions to the D.O.J. They can start with why you targeted a civilian, and other cops with you handful of dirty friends. Time to call in the cleaners.
It just gets better with that lying fat short hair gray rat. The rat is good at describing his crook friend with is insecure words of crazy and dumb. Well crazy coincidentally is your way of trying to point your finger at someone, like a fat little bully would do. Dumb is exactly how reckless you have been since you took over the PBA. We do understand how frustrated you must feel because you can’t do anything more to suppress the illegal acts that you personally have ignited within the Yonkers P.D. Then if that were not enough Mr. PREZ you cut loose your dirty cops friends to target PBA and CLSA members. Bottom line You Fat Boy have broken the law with a handful of pussy dirt bags. I guess KO you must be one. Lying insecure dirt bags. Unity huh…..LMFAO
I respectfully ask that my name be not mentioned I appreciate the support from many members including my friends in the 4th for all the harassment I have received from you know who, I cant even mention his name on the advice of my attorney as you know its far from over, stay strong and God Bless the YPD except you know who.JK
John the members of the YPD just want to say that it was unfortunate and despicable that Keith Olson personally went out of his way to target a Yonkers business man to for fill his vindictive appetite. We will stand vigil to ensure you are not targeted again by this rogue union leader. We appreciate your generosity over the years to the YPD family.
There’s a LIE hidden in that Bowery hoe bums name. You just got to look backwards. Kind of like the clowns he hangs with, spineless freaks. Anybody see Pataky lately? He could sit behind the desk in the PBA office and nobody would know the difference. Lmao.
k th o son
Can’t say it what finding a.L I E.
JD go get that video of me issuing a selective summons to a business man. Keith, do I need to notify anyone? Do I need a Report number? Olson said, ” of course not”. We do what we want.
Actually that’s “LIKE O.” Man are you guys dumb…
you mean like a ZERO O…………lol
u wish u can be half of ray I mean that by weight also crook
Yes Keith, something like that.
He sure does put the O in rOdent doesn’t he guys.
No one supports you any more. The members know your finish. You are Lame Rat. No juice no steam. Just more lies and denials. Leave your keys in the door on the way out.
Yup, I’ve sure seen him lately. Last time he was on his hands and knees in the captains office. It looks like they placed his head on Keith’s body.
Can we bring khader to the september meeting he called out keith a few times ……
You mean that fat rat union failure actuality issued a summons? To who?
Please do.
Hey you union garbage leader, you still have not answered any questions. Simply because you can’t. Yes my short hair moquette rat; its ALL TRUE. Clean the cheese of your neck it stinks.
Well the fat lying rat came out to hurl some make believe facts. Well here are some real facts that can be confirmed. We promise, just a few.
Olson and Moran conducted an unauthorized investigation into a DD Captain
Olson and JD conducted another unauthorized investigation on County property removing potential evidence that was recovered by IAD
Pataky and Vera are like you Ko just full of rat lies. Pataky even look like you.
Soon fat boy we see the facts. You and that scumbag rat Moran nowhow to gather facts without facts. Refresh Vera will you
heard this week john khader went to PVB showed them video and got tickets dismissed they couldnt believe their eyes when they saw keith actually write a summons the whole office went wild
p.s. I hope john is follwing up on his lawsuit with those involved …………
Keith Olson its time to pack up all your lies, and vacant the PBA office. Don’t forget your house plants. Pataky and Vera. Search them on the way out and don’t forget to leave the keys you sack of moquette turd.
You wouldn’t know a fact if it smacked you in that giant nose of yours and knocked off your wig you stupid old 14B. LMFAO!
Ole turkey tits is getting slammed on this site worse than a two Dollar hooker. Pack your bags blubber butt and take the PBA desk chair you broke and take that knob gobbler Quinn with you.
Hit the turkey tits, and take those other two nuts Mueller and Moran. You have no support from the PBA and the CLSA. The PBA will flourish again when you are gone.
OLSON , MUELLER , MORAN, we are in charge if anything happens.
Famous quote by Alexander Haig Mueller.
Do you have anymore tapes from Dunwoodie? You dope. Why did you listen to that crook? You got yourself a bad boy letter. What did the rat get?
Another job with no Criminal Report number. Hmmmm
Hey grill master, can you get my car? I want to meet that person’s wife you are giving away. Lol
KO make sure you have Quinn tell the D.A. that someone broke into the Narcotics Office and tampered with the C.I. files. Is that not true too?
strength in unity? is that why you left out phelan and had private meetings with the mayor when discussing the contract. You are garbage always was and always will be,but than again what do we expect from a moquette row rat……………..
You forgot how he back stabbed Barry. Olson you creeper
Not only do you f–k over your own members, but you tried to f–k other unions. Your on your own. Remember the video you put out about the 456 member. Getting him fired was not enough, uh. Dick
fat boy how many cops over the years have thrown punches at each other on duty in precincts did you throw any of them out? go back in your rats nest and eat some cheese! you hate ray always did too bad your not have the cop he is
Most cops remember the days when you were honored to enter into the PBA office. Former PBA President had following. His office was always packed with police officers from many different units. Police Commissioners frequently would be there as well as Police Chiefs. In fact, there were at times many differences of opinions, but Cola Never went after his own. He was a very respected leader whether you liked him or not. Olson your office has been empty since you walked in, and has remained that way to date. All you have now is Attorneys visiting. The cops just walk by and even stop waving. Hint
Nobody wants to go in that office. Not even Keith himself, lol. The fat prick is always out doing more important things. Like writing tickets.
Your a pathetic soul. Its too too late to clench unto quotes that express real achievements and triumphs. Those quotes were written because of injustices committed by rodents like you. Remember Keith it was you and your handful of rogue police officers that went after CLSA and PBA members. The best thing for you is to step down and reflect on All your actions against our men and woman. Remember Mr. Corrupt Union Leader you lost both unions for a while now. Over 400 men and women refused to sign your petition insulting another police officer. Over 400 plus did not vote to expel another police officer. However your acquired arrogance and ignorance has came back to haunt you. Yes my friend please continue to use quotes of unity, because those 400 plus police officers rally around a cop that would help anyone. Please do more research on the meanings of your intended quotes. You have hid behind quotes for most of your unrestricted career, because you were never a street cop. Yes Mr. PREZ your a very scared bully, and that’s sad and pathetic. Save yourself and step down because Justice is coming.
The men and women of the PBA uphold a sworn and solemn oath. We have chosen this profession to stand in the gap, to put themselves in harm’s way. We must remain strong in our commitment to each other We must lead by example and always remember that there is strength in unity.
is that what you and vera said on the way up to the D.A.s and than when you got there ratted on other cops and bosses………….sure in unity there is strength hopefully the members throw you soon!
Yeah Keith you sure know much about “Streghth in Unity”, wink wink!
I be like yo the joker wanna be out the precinct and diss us like you know da crime gonna skyrocket and da hoes and crax heads be roaming da hood please misda don’t leave us we need you man yo you told us call the mayar and don’t let me get transferrd man you got ova on us I see why now they call you joker ………………….lol
how many friends of yours have had run ins with the law????i know a few ……………..
Your all alone on this Keith. Your hand shake agreement with Quinn has him chasing his tail with all the complaints and pending investigations. What’s he get about 200,000 a year with no return. Unbelievable
Step down while you can.
Your all alone fat man. Time for you to step down from all your felony acts of crime. Tampering with Official Police records, coaching Vera to continue to lie to authorities, removing records from the narcotics office is not felonious. The great rat monk. Your dripping all over yourself. Have that other break in artist Moran towel dry your belly.
Keith did you a Brian teach Vera and Pataky? They need a refresher course. Pataky has been searching vehicles without search warrants for years and he likes planting too. Vera, well its just so much starting with the stolen equipment from St. Joseph’ s Hospital. You know KO , your family member worked with him. That’s why you personally brought him back after he was fired. Now he flipped his bag of shit on other cops. Hmmmm
Mean while, your curb running rat friend Moran searched the DD Captain’s office. Just unheard of. All available at an I.A.D. stand near you.
The YPD should never hire people with criminal histories, especially extensive criminal histories. What do you think Ray?
We have always maintain if you have any proof of your outlandish accusations bring the proof to the Commissioner’s office tomorrow. Just like you could not provide him with your warrantless IP addresses. Once a rat always a rat. Hey did ask Phelan for those references yet? Lol
Sure Keith. You have committed so many civil rights violations you should be doing a life bid. Not to mention your criminal acts. They are going to throw the key away once you’re caught in the rat trap.
yes strength in unity….lets unite and throw keith out!!!!
Start with Olson and the feds will take of the rest. Ha.ha.ha.
Start with Olson and the feds will take of the rest. Ha.ha.ha.
You have not answered anything Keith. You sad pathetic cheese driven rat liar. The lies are oozing out of your ears.
Yonkers PBA Keith Olson understanding of unity:
WS money missing
JM money, had to beg for it. took months to get part
Mueller and Moran write up PBA members twice in 9 months
Unauthorized investigations into DD Captain, and PBA members
Missing personnel files
Targeting civilians with selective enforcement with summons
sending JD to tamper with evidence at Dunwoodie, and taking that evidence home, probably not the first time right JD?
Threatening supervisors to a fist fight from IAD
Tampering with witnesses involving cop incidents
lying to members
kicking members off the PBA web site because they talk to a specific cop
threatening civilian woman who filed a hand written complaint with the P.C.
Attempting to have certain supervisors write up specific PBA members
breaking into the narcotics office, what were you looking for Mr. strength in unity or was it that wife stealer Moran looking to do a warrantless search?
removing official police files to be used against people
setting up fake police officers identity to elicit information
using your bullshit trustee to start fist fights
filing false complaints
Olson the list goes on, but its all lies right. At this point you are in desperate mode and soon to be removed by the membership for all your unity calls. Keith you fat overweight slop of rat shit, what would happen to this department if you did not cry wolf of “UNITY”?
Now Mr. UNITY, are going to impeach yourself, Pataky, Vera who misled other personnel, or Saponara, or Medina? Just wondering about your hypocritical cry of unity. You do not have what it takes to be a leader, nor will you ever be one. You did manage to form a very small group of rogue police officers. No worries though we check our desks and lockers daily, you piece of rat slab.
Just in case you do not understand fats, that’s what this is about.
Dunwoodie wants to know when they are going to get their audio and video equipment back Olson? or JD?
White the sushi from your fat mouth. Maybe Mueller can lick off after lunch.
“Your dumb”?
Where there is unity there is always victory!
you mean when you have corruption???
That’s a lot nonsense. That was then, this now. Olson and his dirt bag cronies broke rules and laws that did not personally involve you. What he has done to that office and to certain members cannot be white washed. This will go until he is gone. He set the tone for what has occurred.
Come back to the job so guys like Pataky and Vera can set you and your family up. Funny stuff right Keith?
We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.
J.K. Rowling
you are as strong till your rat ass gets indicted…..U.S. attorneys office……
Keith, you are a fucking loser.
Why does anyone care about any of this it does not make a difference who is where on this job you still make the great money and have a great secure job. In an organization as large as the PD everyone is not going to get along. The stares, the back stabbing, and the character assassinations, make no difference worry about your family and go to work and the leave this job behind. When you leave you will not have anything to do with anyone again, beyond the job we are all powerless.
Good thought “funny stuff”. There’s only one problem. Certain people, and they know who they are, crossed the line and committed criminal and civil violation acts against other members.
September is around the corner and we can expect nothing but more lies and controversy. The department is rocked with criminal investigations thanks to the people Olson has brought backed. Cops that the department proves are liars, should have been fired. This is your fault Mr. PRESIDENT. Now tell the membership what was criminal to get expel from the association? Justice is coming for you.
Yes, we can read you disgraceful union leader. You have abused your authority holding the seat of a union president many times over breaking departmental rules as well as state and federal laws. You are Prez only on paper, not in the minds of the association. You and your criminal friends also known as PBA union trustees will be held accountable. It is not possible to commit these criminal acts against other union members, and citizens without being held accountable. You must have been one of those fat bullies, but you messed with the wrong people.
Enjoy the Labor Day weekend with your family and friends!
Yes, gonna enjoy Labor Day, thanks. I hope you enjoy as well and have a cheese feast fit for a fat rat.
Keith the whole entire city knows that you and your greatest best friends lost their credibility long ago when you started setting up other union members from both unions. Your pathetic cry for good decent police officers to attend any union meeting, is to little to late. 90% OF 80, IS NOT the entire force. 400 plus never signed your failed petition, and 400 plus never voted. Get your rat friend from the ” cheetah ” club to do the stats. Also, ask him to give our members back their personnel files too. Step down, your a ” Lame Duck “.
Maybe your invited guess speakers can take five minutes from teaching their warrantless search class, and look for the files. If you need any HELP call I.A.D.
If the “whole entire city” knows this and your “whole department” knows that, why could you only get 7 people to vote to keep you in your union?
You are a joke sir and your actions and anonymous comments are only ruining your reputation more and more.
For your sake and the sake of your police department you should really just fade away.
“Casual observer” my butt. Take you sir and shove it up your ass. We know who you are smegma nuts.
all time classic keith is going down…………..
this is keith caught and doesnt know it yet!
What kind of lies are you going to tell the D.A.’ Office
A) it was all Monte’s fault
B) its all a misunderstanding that we tampered with evidence.
C) so what Billy Pataky does it all the time.
D) we will tell the DOJ the same story.
E) Koch heard wrong……hmmmmmm thanks Neil
Do not tell the D.A. they have the wrong package
Good luck members in good standing.
Ko did you and J.D. not remove property from Dunwoodie? Please answer these other posts are getting in the way.
iad gives jd a slap on the wrist warning?????
Keith, we see that you really pick outstanding, or members in good standing to be UNION TRUSTEES. I have personally watch Pataky get his ass kicked in the back of the precinct. Other cops hate going to his jobs. Is that because he flakes citizens like you flake members?
When you work together, you are stronger!
When you set up citizens, and cops you have to be with the following experts; Mueller, Moran, Pataky and Vera. Please don’t tell. Its all a lie right, Olson…..
pba president writes a summons to a local buisness man that all he does is support us …go figure………
We have to assume that you Mr PBA Prez did not read the story about the state of your office. Your fighting to many fires there fats and you are finally running out of Quinn’s and lies. The DOJ is going to have a lot of fun with your fundraising methods and the spending of the memberships money. By the looks of you, it must taste good. Please tell us about the DD Captain investigation. Remember Hector had some questions for you at the 1st precinct. Oh we can add the 1st.pct. to your do nothing list. Is that not what you said ?
The only one that thinks it ridiculous is you.The department has so much paper on you that it really is ridiculous. I quess when I.A.D. shows up with the evidence they found in JD car, that will be ridiculous too. What about the file you and that wife swap Moran put together against the Captain. That’s ridiculous too. Ridiculously righteous?
I guess the video tape of YOU waddling up on Ashburton Ave. Targeting a civilian businessman is ridiculous too. Your a messs chubby. Go brush your teeth before court you lying sc—-g. Oh, leave that flea invested smelly sweat vest home, its hot. YPD members are done with you. They are not stupid.
Let your moquette row little big boy do his own bidding. He on his own. Quinn has been working over time since little big tits got in. Lol
Everyone reading these ridiculous comments written by a mad man should come to the hearing when this lawsuit is heard. Come witness the unravelling of a former PBA member.
Stay tuned for the time and place.
Ah finally the fat scumbag lying rat comes out of his hole. Well we hope they do as well as the bosses of the Yonkers Internal Affairs to see how ridiculous they think you are. Your losing control my fat friend. The men and woman of the YPD have grown tired of your outrageous lies and finally realize that you and a handful of rogue union members need to be replaced. Your a funny fat rodent.
I think your tinfoil hat is a little too tight.
Even if Mueller becomes commish or chief he still looks pathetic after crying about it for 3 years…….walking around the 4th wanting sympathy from everyone.
never gonna happen he had every tom dick and harry call the mayors office and beg to keep him their, now you cant leave….lol
Keith Olson has some invite guess coming to the September meeting to talk specifically about how to get warrants without probable cause, and how to do warrantless searches without comprising who did it. His main instructors are Brian Moran, and Neil Vera who is an expert in deceiving and lying. Their backgrounds are very impressive to Minnesota Fats who has used both of them extensively to either go after their own cops or civilians in the community. He will have other union representatives there also if anyone decides to get out of hand.
William Pataky, A.K.A. Baby Olson, is always on deck ready to curse out and threaten new hires, and also does work on young teenagers, which is his specialty. He is well know known to the locals as losing a lot of packages. Monte is lucky that after he put a stop to Baby Olson, that he did not find a package on him. Hey, that’s just what the street say.
We already know that the other 400 plus hardworking police officers will stay away from such rogue trash and Keith Olson.
However, for the new people, I would recommend asking a few more credible senior cops as to what they think of these dirt bags. Also stop by the CLSA office and see if Tom Phelan will give Olson a raving reference or any other Chief on the third floor. Ask Tom if Olson and Moran did not do an unauthorized investigation on a DD Captain. If you really want to know, then ask the DD Captain yourself. You see, Olson is in desperate mode, and soon the law will be breathing down his neck for the actions he and others have committed to other members of this department, and civilians. Yes YPD members show that entire board that you have lost confident in a guy who sold you out on a 10 year contract and brought changes to 207c, not to mention the aforementioned introduction of what you can expect at the Olson break the law meetings.
Now, if you happen to make it to desert, Keith Olson and Brian Moran might tell you their war stories, and how they frame police officers, and get personnel files.
Come to the meeting and you can voice your concerns with the membership.
I can’t go. I got kicked out.
keith your an asshole soon to be ex cop….
same thing is happening to us!!!!
sounds like some one we know…lol
keith embezzled more than that
I’m sure Perry Carbone and others are on to what keith has been doing
1.skimming from All PBA fundraisers
2.not paying back taxes on his monthly stipend
3.that boat that was donated and somehow eddie lee has it now???
4.official misconduct/abuse of authority
5.public corruption ………….
I know you are on the FED radar and yes DOJ is looking at corrupt cops like VERA and others!
What other union throws out any members and quickly moves to defend rogue cops like Pataky and Vera. Vera was fired for a reason. The DA should go to St. Joseph’s Hospital and see what they have on file. Impeach who…yeah your lucky if you hit 4o members at your stage and misinformation crime infested meeting.
Mr. Union man did you teach Moran how to do those warrantless searches. Vera and Pataky need a refresher course. What was that you threw Montero out for again ? Your a funny rat…..
i will come just as long as the rat puts cheese on our burgers last time he scammed all the cheese the same way he looted waynes and jimmys money!!!!
I was sent by Olson to pick up all audio and computers. What? Search warrant? Oh Neil is working on the particulars to set up other cops. Yeah, Olson said it was good.
There on their way.
Yeah some of your attendees are union crooks. 90% of 80, is that what you told Mike. Lol
Tell the Mayor how someone lost his life on a bunch of lies and now those lies are affecting the whole department. Laugh now cry later scumbag.
“Lets meet crooks and liars”. Put a sock in it and stop selling dope or whatever it is you do by breaking the law you “dope”. There are a handful of foul balls that will soon be knocked out of the park. The department is cleaning up and won’t stand for this. One thing is certain, 480 plus cops and only a handful of problems is not the travesty you portray. Y.P.D. PROUD but I will never say strenghth in unity cause I can’t stand the PBA leader who tries to cover all his short comings with that slogan. To him I say, GET LOST!!!!!!!
Let’s have a big turnout for the September meeting. Enjoy the rest of the summer!
havent had a turnout since charlie cola days go ask him for a few lessons on leadership……too late for your rat ass……………………………..
Hey Olson, now that you and your 40 plants threw out another member without providing any proof, who needs to attend anothet bullshit meeting. Your a moquette river rat and always be one. No season veterans are coming dirt bags. Just a hand few of criminal set up cops like Vera and Pataky. Your done fat boy.
Strength in Unity! See you all at the September meeting.
hey cheese lips are you going to tell us who you ratted on when you proffered with the DA???? how can you even talk about unity when you had vera give up cops?you stole money from wayne? you stole from jimmy?you skimmed from the tough man contest? look up the word unity and you will see keith olson has done the exact opposite!!!!
No ones coming Keith.
mueller gets made chief i will be the first to go to journal news and show pictures of the 3 tour beerfest!!!YES YES WE DO HAVE PICTURES!!!!
It would be smarter, if you have the photos to get them out NOW. I would love to get them, but I seek he truth as I know it and would welcome made aware of their being available online and in print.
It is the wisest move. After the fact is a waste of time.
There are no pictures because there was no “beerfest.” If there were, these losers would have circulated them long ago. I defy anyone to produce these pics because they don’t exist. The one Blue Truther involved in that whole made up scandal assaulted another cop in the 2nd Pct a few weeks ago. That’s some crew those BT’ers. All five of ‘em.
Fat rat keith olson is pushing to make john the joker the next chief REALLY????? wasnt this clown the one that had every tom dick and harry call the mayors office and stop his transfer??? john stay where the residents need you all the clergy asked for the mayor to keep you here,you are ot wanted in the 3rd floor besides Timmy Hodges is a much better cop and didnt have his family campaugn against spanos …you remember when both your parents hel murtagh signs in his commercial against mike??? the only thing you got over Timmy is that you are a great grill man and know how to throw a beerfest….lol
Fat cheesy burgers
Blocks of cheese
A podium for the fat man to hurl lies and distorted facts
A chair for Quinn to answer when KO can’t or won’t
And criminal trustees like Vera and Pataky
A bunch of blinded new officers
No mote than 40 in attendance and that includes Olson’s 20 hand held pocket votes.
And lord knows he will start off with a big juicy lie telling you that everything that is going on involving him is not true.
Although the DOJ and the DA know better. Good luck to the forty or so that go hear a rat that screwed is own. You can be next.
Is that it you ragtime of leader? Do you think you have the confidence of the men and woman of the department? These people are not stupid. You lost them when you started setting up your own. your really on an island and need to get more. The handful of officers that come to the meeting are there for a meal, and the others are your plants. YOU have not moral compass. Your done. After the lies and all your violations of the law against your own members say your done. Soon the D.O.J. will say your done, just like those dirty set up cops, Pataky and Vera. Tell your story walking. The 400 plus men and woman of this job never participated with your dirty plans. LOL
Come to the meeting! You will get updated on all of the latest union news, enjoy a BBQ with fellow PBA members, voice your opinions and ask questions. See you there!
How long does the Yonkers PBA President Olson and his cowardly corrupt handful of cops think they can get away with lying to city officials, the Police Commissioner, I.A.D. and setting up other police officers. Do you think he and others are not lying to the D.A.?
Does this behavior not carry over to the community?
i have never heard of any pba president sit down with the DA and rat out other cops NEVER!!!!!
keith you always was a piece of shit anyone that sits down with the DA and watch while vera talks about his own members?to boot quinn the fuckface condoned it doest he have to safeguard all the members???
Hey when you have your September meeting ask Mueller’s brother , if he can help you find your balls. Your balls seem to have when missing ever since your friend John the Joker Mueller refused a transfer order. Ah what the hell fat boy, you can’t see on you anyway, nor can you find them. Lol
Just want to inform you guys that Moran and Olson are the best break in guys in the business. So if you have a place to search or a home to search, hire these two guys and you won’t have to write a search warrant. THEY BEEN SEARCHING FOR YEARS.
If anything happens to the Police Commissioner, I am in charge.
God help us all.
Don’t want to waste our time on your useless pathetic Google search quote. Your right about one thing. Your an animal yes, but more lime a rat that comes out at night. Your no wolf except when comparing brains. The wolf never eats his own. So you can only dream of bedding with wolves, because they won’t have you either. Lol, lol, lol
For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack.
Keith its sad that you have to legitimize yourself through a quote. Very sad indeed. Your a desperate rat yes, that is about to be eaten by your on members. In your sick and demented mine you envision a following. The only following you have are freaks and criminals like Pataky and Vera. One flakes and the other lies like you. Then you all sing each other praises. The only resemblance or pipe dream of being a wolf is your brain and appetite of cheese. So from a real cop to a want to be leader of a pack…well …….off WolfMan
I have to agree for once “with strenghth in unity”. Blue truth is undoubtably a wolf pack. Now a guy like Keith that eats his own I would call a canibal.
The article is clear and convincing Mr. Prez. You managed to get 60 new police officers to believe your Moquette Row snake oil pitch. Your war cry of strength in unity is pathetic and pitiful. You fucked another member and the evidence is there for all to read. The strength is the 400 plus members that knew it was wrong, and know your no longer the guy that can do the job. The board you sit on is weak and powerless. They are all sheep.
No one in the city believes you any more Keith. You have done enough damage to the association. Take that lying lawyer Quinn WITH YOU.
Strength in Unity! Welcome back from summer BBQ
Hey at least Galinski and little Frankie will be there.
The whole department is sick of Olson. He has more fires burning, that Barry won’t even help. Then again, Olson back stabbed the firefighters too. The D.A. and the community also have your number. Step down so we can begin to heal. As long as you and your fist full of corrupt union cops exist, we the plus 40o police officers will stay far away from a union leader that sets up others. Olson you and guys like Vera, Pataky have no respect for yourself as well as the community. As a result of your illegal acts we are very confident that you have lost the confidence of the membership and they will not be coming out to hear more of your bull shit.
Do you really believe that the District Attorney’s office trust a guy that screws his own members. They would be better represented without a fat liar.
I can’t wait! It should be a doozy!
The stage will be set for planted questions and more lies spewed by the the largest rodent in the city.
We agree that Olson is a sellout rat and he fucks his members. In fact we agree and his cohorts may have flake people, but your dead wrong when you say 99%. We only agree that his 99% is out of 80 cops. No one is crying, we are just pointing out the scumbag rats.
4th pct beerfest
August 24, 2014 at 6:43 pm
I sure hope the joker doesn’t leave us after all he cried like a bitch to stay put where he is,after all Timmy Hodges is a much better cop than Mueller,the only thing the joker does better is serve beer and grill burgers…….
mr mayor in a few months you will start campaigning for your next run keith is going to be your albatross, soon the media will be hot on this especially when rays federal suit gets filed you must clean house or face the music……..
I call for a vote if no confidence keith must step down
Why are you dirt bags not paying for Mingy’s lawyer. Did all of the membership get lip service as to who is entitled to Quinn. So if you don’t like one of Quinn’s cronies, the PBA won’t pay. Good to know as we are headed to elections. We do know that Quinn was there at the night of the alleged altercation between members and then he defended the fat man. Now, how can you be a witness and defend another slime blob. Tisk, tisk. The Journal of Lawyers is next. Wait until the feds start looking at your hand shake agreements and your lack of providing a real tangible hand held contract agreement. Leave now you thugs. DOJ is listening and watching the PBA. They have not seen this type of corruption since the Phil Caruso days of N.Y.P.D.
Olson you call yourself a union leader. Laughable. Your the most distrusted occupier of a union seat. Every year police officers are involved in incidents on and off duty, and some in cases violating the law. What happens in these cases? If a cop pleads guilty to a lesser charge, do you convene your board and suggest impeaching him or her. NO a real union leader protects all regardless of his or her right to speak out. No, your a thug clothed in a cheap, gray suit with no morals and vision for the association. In short, you have lied to the department, the courts, and your entire membership. You alone should be booted.
The fat rat will go down the feds have him and others on their radar just a matter of time, I know because I spoke to them already…………
There it is Mr. PBA, laid out so eloquently by the writer, your a liar like your two members in good standing trustees, Pataky and Vera. I bet they do all your bulling of the new personnel. How could any of you YPD members believe anything that comes out of your boards mouth. They held a open lynching without any material proof. Now where does the PBA go from here. Does the Olson continue to abuse his dirty seat as representing the YPD membership. No its time, to clean house for all of the laws Olson and others broke.
Hey Ray, if you were so innocent and “set up” why didn’t you just answer your charges? Or go to a meeting to defend yourself. Or even vote for yourself. The only place you “defend” yourself is here on this blog and you won’t sign your name to it.
At least he was driving for his friends like any other normal person would do. Although, its better to drive than rat out your own members and break all kinds of laws to do it. Just look at yourself,-, you post a comment about a guy that would help anyone, but stay mum on Olson and his trustees who have been flaking people for years. Then Olson’s feeble brain storm decided to set up cops too. Wow, give me the key’s to Mingy’s car, I will be honored to drive him you rogue cop. Clean your mouth you curb running rat. Now you short shit bell hop, go get a stinking garbage truck and pick up that large rodent that’s been plaguing the Police Department.
What did you do with the file you and that DD rat Moran put together against the DD Captain? Oh we know its with the rest of your personnel file collection. To bad you got caught looking through the DA’s file Keith. What were you looking for? Were you looking to tamper with the file? You should have been served then you cheese eating want a be leader. We know its all lies like Vera’s buys.
Yes Detective Mingy, you will be gifted a shield you never earned. It’s the least the mayor could do after all that chauffeuring you performed. That’s all it takes for a shield nowadays, be a designated hack. Nice job Mike.
What do Pataky , Vera and Olson have in common?
The answer is none of them need report numbers.
Ko we are impressed that you tried to derail Mingy. We applaud your backstabbing efforts, but we do not need your involvement, nor does Mingy want it. Why don’t you stay focus on Vera and baby olson Pataky, they really need the help. Soon the DOJ will have it.
Hey KO were you confused when you lied to the membership about the email you said was sent? Read the article, its the truth, you lowlife moquette river rat. Now make sure you tell your rogue cops to stick to their perjury trail.
You guys were not confused when you broke into the Captains office, took personnel files, tampered with and removed potential evidence. Your were not confused when the Cheetah Chiarella and Moran as well as Mueller are hitting on someone’s girlfriend or wife or setting up CLSA and PBA members. So if your confused get some ginseng, it might clear your memory.
Its time to impeach Vera, Olson, and Pataky . We don’t know who is the better when it comes to lying. Your lies have screwed other descent cops. Pack your bags, the Feds are here.
Montero’s wife was just promoted to Assistant Supt. at the BOE.
Any mayor that would even consider this peanut butter comb of Olson and Mueller running anything in the police department will be asking for real trouble and chaos. Time to enforce the same rules and procedures that All personnel follow.
Neil Vera is Olson’s creation. After he was fired for lying, Mr. River rat worked very hard on bring him back. Nice work, now he has ruin other cops. Hey KO did you forget that he was a suspect at St. JOSEPH Hospital when some things went missing. I guess he was in good standing when you had him vote against Montero.
Hey dd rat Moran do you have anything to say now that the DA is here? Maybe you and that rolling blob can give back the personnel files you stole. Maybe they will charge you two for investigating a DD Captain and not telling anyone. Real river rats. Maybe you can draw a report number like Vera did. Six weeks after he lied. Maybe at the next meeting you can have Pataky flake some cops. Oooo
Pack your shit.
so keith you finally realized this is not game, wait till federal case gets filed.step down while you can…….
Nice Mr. Fats you almost got away with the lies and innuendos of a highly decorated street cop who would help anyone. You and that double talking Quinn though that you could get rid of the competition. Now over 4oo plus cops realized what you dirt bags did. Your no different than those dirt bags Pataky and Vero that sit in your office every day. Its about time that the outside agencies are here.
Mike u like this sh*t ……………
If the mayor were smart, he would distance himself from Keith and his clowns. When they go down, they will take the mayor with him. As the chief executive officer for the city, he is ultimately responsible for whatever happens under him, especially if he has knowledge of it and condones it. Leave Comm. Gardner alone, and let him run the department as he sees fit. I am sure that without the mayors intervention that the comm. will step on a few D*cks and order some transfers to put certain people in line, and stop all this crap.
Olson’s paperwork was no difference than that of Neil Vera, the famous Housing union TRUSTEE. That’s what happens when you sit on Santa’s lap. You get fleas.
We are impressed that Vera gets Quinn the 207c sellout and Montero got voted out by Olson’s small bunch of rogue good standing cops. Did you vote fat boy? We know how Vera carried your petition around for months, just like when he lied to other cops. We also know that Pataky flaked, oh voted too.
C’mon guys. Keith is very serious about his fund raising. Without it he would not be able to afford all those steak dinners.
couldn’t come at a worse time for keith… The Westchester D.A. office is in an all out war w yonkers police because of the bull shit search warrants Keiths unit had them fill out and now a guy died…… They do not have an open door policy anymore for yonkers PD they have spent the last 6 weeks throwing out most od yonkers cases….heah keith your a fucking dick…way to use the Ice Bucket Challenge for your own personel benefit . I hope the use that as exhibit 1……
The whole job is run like shit…. the bosses have no balls, the cops do whatever they want, the bosses don’t back each other, the 1st pct cops are a joke, if they closed down the 1st Pct no one would even notice, that has to be the worst bunch of screw ball complaining sack of shit cops on the job bunch except for maybe about 5 guys.
I’m falling and I can’t get up!
After the beer festival in the famous John the Joker’s precinct, what chances does he have of becoming a chief after he and KO refused the Commissioner’s transfer order. Hey joker, what will you do when an ordinary street cop refuses your transfer order? Huh, and you want to be chief. … you should be grilling hamburgers at a fast food stand. No police personnel or bosses respect you and your fat friend.
Hey Neil what C.I. did you and KO use to get Montero on the ballot for impeachment. You dirt bags dragged in others with your lies. You still didn’t prove the email. Step down and take Vera with you. 90% of 80 voters is not 90% of a five hundred men and women job.
What other union leader in the city does this;
A) alienated members by denying them or removing them from the association web site
B) launch unauthorized investigations into their own members and CLSA members
C) tampered with records and evidence
D) abused their authority by going after civilians, using selective enforcement and issuing summons to businesses. Wow
The Yonkers Police Department or another agency need to launch an investigation into the actions of the Yonker PBA leader and others. Removing and tampering with potential evidence of another police officer is a crime.
dont worry im sure the Feds are on top of it
Now it is up to you members to get rid of Olson. You watch these despicable dirty bags set up there own. What do you think they will do to the ordinary citizen? Shameful. Certainly a need for an outside independent investigation into these handful of rogue police officers representing union members.
Not only did the fat man set up members of his own union, but he set up CLSA members too. Now when he walks into a courtroom to defend his members, how well is his presence perceived. Personally after reading this article, I would request for him to stay away.
After the article about Pataky, and his constant same style set up of young teenagers driving their parents car, and threatening them with bodily harm or arrest was and is outrageous. We as well as the NAACP will be watching.
I was just speaking to an old friend and reminiscing about the old days. We were wondering if the little horn dog was still harassing local businessmen? We remember a time when that little scumbag would spend time on a black leather couch watching football on Ashburton Ave.
Did you think Montero would run?……lol, lol, lol
Keith you and your criminal friends should have thought twice before you turned on Montero. He was no Greenburgh. That’s for sure.
The Yonkers PBA leader should step down immediately. If these cowardly and vindictive acts were cooked up by Olson and others they must be removed from office.
Put the moquette river rat out of office and the others will slither away. That’s right, did some one say Mueller and Moran……
Keith how could you? You presented yourself as a working Detective, telling that female manager that you were sending another Yonkers Police Detective to illegally remove potential evidence against another member. Is that not the truth? Boy, the D.A’s office will need to hire more investigators just to keep an eye on you and those corrupt trustees. Lol
wow love it new blue truth is out …keith did I ever tell you that you suck!
Hey Keith get on the first dirty bus out of town and take those corrupt dirty trustees with you. You set up your own member.
By now the entire association knows they must change the people responsible for this shameful and wrongful impeachment. Over 400 members refused to sign and participate with Olson’s political nonsense. The members of the YPD MUST have the courage and resolve to push Olson and other cooperating board members out. How could an sitting board member participate in Olson’s personal vendetta against another member.
Step down you lame duck. These investigations are for real.
Step down you lame duck. These investigations are for real.
Listen up guys……..At least Olson doesn’t have other people dig his grave for him. Now only if he would just fall in once and for all, lmao. Fucking banana. And take that dick Quinn with him…….
mike could of asked us years ago we could of told him keith was garbage…
really, 456? How many of Manzo’s and Picani’s kids have 456 jobs??????
You went on the record to defend the likes of Pataky, for allegations of police misconduct, but had to work extra hard to set up one of your own members. Is that how Vera and Bill do it?
don’t you know by now rats protect each other
I bet by year end keith is indicted for a various of charges and it wont be funny when fredo has to campaign thru this scandal when they link city hall for protecting him after all didn’t his sister get a job 30days later after contract passed? Quid pro quo………………
Where is the Dunwoodie equipment that you and JD took off Westchester property. If you were investigating a crime against your own member, then why did you not call the County P.D.?
based on videos I seen at 24 ashburton ave john has a federal case. IAD did not question officers involved on that job im not saying anything else………
What a Shame! Look at all this mess in Yonkers, cops losing their jobs, cops rubber gunned, DOJ here, ADA over there, over-scrutiny everywhere. And what does the PBA President do? Keeps fucking with cops!!! Keith get a life already, all this shit started the day you and your HUGE EGO took over the union. Just go away, you’ve done irreparable damage to the job, to say nothing about what you did to the union for your own greed.
After all fatty has done, he’s going to top it all off by costing the members lots of $$ defending this lawsuit!! You guys are all idiots and deserve every bit of what’s coming to you for electing this whale. Oh wait, what does he care anyway? He’s down at his favorite Italian place on Houston St. on your dime! Why don’t you morons ask to see a credit card statement instead? Better yet, check his cholesterol and you’ll have all the proof you need!! LMFAO!!!
don’t worry pally IRS is on him from years ago 4000 monthy stipend? Skimming from fundraisers? Feds will soon be looking at his books im sure they are looking at tax returns as I type……………
anyone with a pulse knows gardner would love to clean house and take necessary action against olson and others,but shitty haul is protecting keith wonder why……….
heard there is another lawsuit in motion with john khader illegal tickets,harassment,selective enforcement, a supervisor made him open up a legally parked car and confiscated a cls card given to him by the president.I hope john goes thru with it .
Was this case filed pro se? If an attorney filed it then he/she should know that an Artucle 78 is brought against a “governmental” official, board, body, etc. The last I heard the PBA was a “private” organization and not a “governmental” body. Seems like a motion to dismiss is in order. Just say’n.
not when the ouster was done illegally for one ray was not given proper notice or due process
WHAT?? The legal definition of an Article 78 Proceeding follows below. Where did you get the idea that it is limited to “government” officials only???
What is an Article 78 Proceeding?
An Article 78 proceeding is a special proceeding initiated in New York State Supreme Court under Article 78 of the Civil Practice Law and Rules to overturn the determinations of administrative agencies, bodies, or officers. These special proceedings are the formal mechanisms for challenging the determinations of any court, tribunal, municipal board, public corporation, or officer, including the Department of Motor Vehicles, the Police Commissioner, and all other licensing authorities, state agencies and town boards.
Can’t you read plain English? An Article 78 is brought against a “governmental” body or official to challenge a ruling or decision or to compel them to take some official “governental” action. The PBA is not the “police commissioner” or any other type of “governmental” body or commission. The PBA is a “private” organization and is not subject to a Court’s jurisdiction under Artucle 78 of the CPLR. Don’t tale my word for it, but be ready to pay attorney fees for bringing this in the form of an Article 78.
Some states include sworn law enforcement or peace officers” to their definition of public officials. Do you know if this is the case in New York? Moreover, the word “government” is not included in my previous posting of the definition of an Article 78 proceeding, yet you continue to introduce it. I will stand corrected if I am wrong.
Get a life Johnny ” LAW”, you sucked as a cop and your worst as a lawyer.
I sure hope the joker doesn’t leave us after all he cried like a bitch to stay put where he is,after all Timmy Hodges is a much better cop than Mueller,the only thing the joker does better is serve beer and grill burgers…….