Charicature of a younger, better looking Publisher / Editor Hezi Aris.
A dark cloud of allegations of corruption has reared its ugly head after almost two years of internal strife and reports of wronging doing emanating from inside the walls of Yonkers PBA President Detective Keith Olson. The reports of abuse of authority and misconduct committed by the union leader, cohorts and cronies are well documented with City Hall and the Yonkers Police Department’s Internal Affairs Division. Those reports also included civilian complaints and charges of harassment.
It is now apparent that the Yonkers Police Department’s recent shake ups and transfers, and the eradication of the entire Housing Unit, which included three supervisors, are only in response to an ongoing criminal corruption case being investigated by the Westchester District Attorney’s Office. This all because of a search warrant that went terribly wrong causing false and erroneous facts to become evident and which in due course turned into a mini tornado that led to the unearthing of police misconduct. Those erroneous “facts” also brought about the death of a civilian. The legal debacle created allegedly provided the department with false and misleading information that would spread to other units to the virulence of a plague.
The Narcotics Unit was restructured with transfers stemming from a lack of pertinent supervision rather than any intentioned lies or deceptions. The catalyst for the aforementioned concerns may rest on the Yonkers Police Benevolent Association (PBA) for allegedly engaging in illegal and faulty conduct remains to be proven. For now, it has ignited a rash of transfers, insinuations, and innuendos .
At the center of this investigation is Yonkers PBA Union Trustee Neil Vera. Vera is one of the union trustees who carried a petition to expel Olson’s political rival Detective Raymond Montero from the union. Vera allegedly initiated a search warrant replete with supposed “facts” to Narcotic Detective Christian Koch. Vera is a close associate of Keith Olson and a personal friend of Olson’s family. Vera owes the union president (Olson) big time. Olson was instrumental in getting Vera reinstated after he was allegedly terminated for intentionally misleading / lying to the Internal Affairs Unit during a fact finding investigation early in Vera’s career.
Yonkers PBA President Olson has been under fire for quite some time for internal misconduct stemming from unauthorized internal investigations targeting members of the Captains Lieutenants Sergeants Association (C.L.S.A.), and his own PBA membership. The complaints are a conglomeration that include falsifying police reports, removing and tampering with official police files, tampering with evidence, and searching offices and closed compartments, including the personal desk(s) and draws within a governmental police facility without any authorized search warrants, and police incident numbers. These charges are the underlying bases of the corruption that currently permeates the Yonkers Police Department (YPD).
Had the City of Yonkers (CoY) and the YPD taken those mentioned internal complaints against Yonkers PBA President Olson, and others, such as Detective Sergeant Brian Moran, and 4th Precinct Captain John Mueller more seriously, the likely negative outcome fueling the present disarray among the ranks would have dissipated by constructive self introspection and the disciplinary conduct demanded and expected. Instead, attempts at manipulation and malignment of the law has cast a dark shadow on a department whose present days and recent history are being tarnished by the “terrorists” within the YPD who run roughshod over an entire department. Those reports will likely be reinvestigated by outside independent agencies; such as the Office of Westchester County District Attorney Janet DiFiore. In the two some-odd years of the Blue Truth series of articles, it would have been incumbent upon the YPD to bring complaints of misconduct to the District Attorney’s Office instead of believing she could be outwitted by the many lies her office would come to learn were lies and fabrications rather than facts.
In addition to those internal complaints, Yonkers PBA President Keith Olson personally and seemingly intentionally gave a local businessman parking summonse(s) in what can only be described as retaliatory and vindictive measure because Olson believed the businessman was friends with some outspoken members of the department. Such is the kind of lust to dominate and control, for his benefit, that Olson has engaged unchecked and “wink, wink” given permission to incorporate against the departent. Targeting civilians armed with summon books is “verboten”. Calling for the local precinct to repeatedly reinforce that type of illegal action is clearly an abuse of authority.
Because of Olson’s union protégés, like Vera, Pataky, among others, some decent upstanding professional C.L.S.A. members and some dedicated Housing Officers were uprooted and transferred for absolutely nothing but the legal games of subterfuge played by Keith Olson and a PBA attorney that have seemingly forgotten which client is more important. For now it appears that Andrew Quinn, Esq., is the apparent legal counsel for Neil Vera in this corruption case, while exposing other police personnel connected to this case left to hang out to dry in a legal conundrum. Quinn’s ethical standards seem conflicted; so does his legal strategy. Reports suggest Quinn is preparing to mount a legal strategy against the C.L.S.A.; Quinn is placing most of the blame on supervisors to thwart the underlying rot of police corruption.
Corruption is not an easy concept to understand. It can be broken down into two categories, internal and external. It appears that the Yonkers Police Department is currently faced with both.
The internal corruption involving PBA President Olson has not been taken seriously at all levels, because it seems YPD has yet to ascertain what Olson’s union responsibilities are vis-a-vis the PBA, and what abuse of authority means to the department’s personnel overall. Abuse of authority is a breeding ground for more misconduct, especially when it is overlooked.
Case in point, when Captain John Mueller and Olson intentionally refused Yonkers Police Commissioner (PC) Charles Gardner’s transfer order of Mueller, thwarting the PC’s directive by using uninformed and ignorant (meaning not knowledgeable) local political leaders to weigh in on a command decision that they were not equipped to comprehend by any stretch of their capacity to understand.
When there was an internal investigation into a night of drinking and partying at the 4th Precinct, which was also downplayed, letting the commander of the entire precinct off the hook, while disciplining two of his underlings was inappropriate to say the least. That kind of influence interrupts the duties and responsibilities of all within the department. When a police department appreciates and recognizes the standards and law they are meat to protect, then, and only then, can such a department begin to cleanse itself of the early stages of rot.
This rot has caused the Office of the Westchester County District Attorney’s Office to be forced to already drop over a half dozen cases with no end in sight. There are also reports of numerous Freedom of Information Law (F.O.I.L.) requests pouring into the Internal Affairs Division.
Experts insist that only 1 percent of any given department is corrupt. As for the Yonkers Police Department and its city leaders, they are obliged to maintain and nurture pride in the department membership for honest police work. This is for the benefit of every resident in CoY, bar none. City Hall must extricate itself from their political incursions and intrusions in micromanaging the YPD. Yonkers is a big, small city, and the YPD is failing in its mission to protect the city because City Hall knows nothing about managing a paramilitary organization yet they still bark out orders. If the department is serious about cleaning itself, they need to reign in the likes of Yonkers PBA President Keith Olson and his cronies, and PC Gardner must be permitted to take the steps to do just that without political intrusion and “protection” from political forces that can be named if demanded.
It appears that outside scrutiny has been going on and such investigations may be multiplying. City Hall’s political puppetmasters should have let PC Gardner deal with the Yonkers PBA President years ago, instead the stench of political interference for political endorsements and money reared its ugly head, letting PBA President Olson’s fleas to spread throughout the department. It appears that Yonkers is on track to push itself toward a Federal Monitor and rightfully so, to ensure that everyone’s civil liberties are safely guarded.
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Comments 484
Blue Truth=
Det Ray Montero
Lt. Bryant Pappas
PO Robert Santobello
John Khader
The union head has hit what addicts refer to as rock bottom. He uses coke heads and liars to do his bidding. Amongst others. You never know who you’re riding next to in the radio car.
True, when he goes back in the business he can haul all you pieces of garbage to the city dump. We will rent him one of silver stars limos to cart you bums off. Tell Brian Moran that they figured out he is the one bashing the Spano’s on the same sight he supposedly hates. Way to go you ingrate wimp.
Maaaaaaa, they are calling Brian Moran names. Maaaaaa, are you listening? I think I have to punch the wall again…
Nice going Robert “Mingy” Santobello. Thank your lucky stars that the sight of a camera brought you to your senses the other night. The sentiment won’t be forgotten you drunk prick. Keep hiding behind the Spanos for now. Wonder how pompous your ass is going to be when Fat Head One -Term Mike and Convict Brother Nicky are both run out of town. Maybe you’ll get a job back where you came from in the garbage business.
I can’t believe that Lt. Anthony Chiarella would have the balls to say the above comment about the mayor and his brother. Aren’t you the one bragging how Mueller is going to be the next PC? I would put my papers in immediately. It’s not to late to start your next career as a midget wrestler. Brian can use your help.
The only drunk prick was none other than Brian Moran himself. You are an embarrassment to yourself and the city. Keep talking shit about the Mayor and his brothers. You are a low class zero. I know you probably wanted silver star to send a car for you but just be glad Charlie came. Out with the trash. Lololololololololololololololololol
Me thinks not. Wasn’t mingy drunk the next day at the DA’s office? That’s what they said. And they certainly had no dog in that fight.
We always love they…….Who are they??????? Just say Keith said. He has no dogs in the fight.lol How’s Moran doing? Cowards and Rats!!!!!!
Speaking of they, where the hell are my keys?
Mayor mike has a fat head? Never noticed
Does anyone know why Quinn wasn’t dragged out of the brazen fox by his collar for talking shit about YPD?
Yes. Because you have no balls. Pussy…
Can anyone confirm if the CLSA fired Quinn? Will Tommy lodge a complaint about the way their unions lawyer handled this very first case, that they paid him dearly for?
Can anyone answer why Quinn is allowed to sit in on our PBA meetings?
I can honestly say I don’t know which union is worse. The PBA or the CLS? The bodies were still warm while the scavengers were jockeying for position. Another asshole just became a blip on the radar screen.
Louie I am back
You roll over now…
When my friend becomes chief you guys are in trouble. And I wasn’t hiding under the table, I was doing practice drills for the next drive by shooting.
Was there another officer on officer confrontation within the yonkers police dept??
Nah you?
that was a officer and rat confrontation…lol
Lmfao. The rats are getting big.
Yeah, they’re even talking now. Must be something in the sewer water they drinking.
Check with IAD. They say Montero made a complaint. Again. Lol
Go back in your bed bug infested room.
OCTOBER 4, 2014 AT 6:57 PM
You assholes wouldn’t know the truth if it grabbed you by the neck.
Good morning bitches. Had myself yet another good night. Was out with a fine little shorty I happened upon in church. This place is great and I know what you’re thinking! Yes she’s married and of course to a cop. The three amigos and one midget (you figure out who they are) stopped by in the middle of the night while you know, I was hitting it hard. They like we on a mission, we gotta go do this and set someone up. I’m like nah dudes I’m tapping this, you gots to go. They probably mad but I gots to get mine. Well we on the soup line now. Go take a walk by the scrimshaw and check out the view, awesome.
the most retirements came under KEITH OLSON point blank, when things started to change for the worse was under keiths leadership ………………
Amen. He steps down and a guarantee there will be block parties in the street for weeks. Good riddance lard ass. And take your retards with you. You can have that Captain you love so much pick you up with one of those short yellow buses. I’ll supply the helmets free of charge.
There will only be one Captain driving a bus.
Speaking of embarrassing the department, are you dicks for real? Between Keith and his band of Olsonette misfits and asshole Neil’s antics our great job is in the toilet. Nobody gives a rats ass for Neil. He’s the one that dragged down bosses and cops for stupidity. Stop blaming others for this mess you idiots created. Keith and Quinn handled this like the lowlifes they are, congrats.
The job sped towards the toilet when the blue truthers formed. You idiots have not, and will never accomplish what you set out to do. Other than do tremendous damage to the job.
Haha, comical. The only assholes that thoroughly ruined this job is Keith and his band of power hungry misfits. You’re just mad cause Hezi exposed all of your guys shameful behavior. We will be a thorn in Keith’s cankles until he either retires or steps down or something else, lol. Put that in your yellow teeth and chew on it for a while.
So far this Blue Truth garbage has gotten one idiot bounced from a great detective intel spot, it may cost another one a gold shield, another buried I’m Fleet to drive the YPD bus and finally, the biggest dope of all, kicked out of the Union in disgrace, left to blog and file meaningless complaints like a weasel.
Stick to checkers you idiots.
no keith you will lose in the end….actually you lost already…..
Lol we love checkers and played all the time, until Keith ate all the board pieces. Fat rat thought they were cookies.
OK, we’ll wait and see how well you morons played your game. Goodnight.
Speaking of tremendous! Has anybody seen Keith lately?
You assholes wouldn’t know the truth if it grabbed you by the neck.
Is it true Ray Montero went to IAD again? Wow, some tough guy.
just documenting the rogue pba leader highlights of his career so when we go to court we have our shit together……….
I heard Moran was in Keith’s office all week trying to plot how to steal another DVR. Leave this one alone boys. I saw it and its embarrassing.
There’s camera’s in here you better stop ….typical instigator……heard Chiarella hid under a table again……….
Lol. Fucking pussies.
It’s all true. Not lies like the rats spew.
Lol who’s out of control? Keith, you should worry about how Quinn is boasting that he is going to put the whole department on trial. That bum stole enough money from our unions. Thank god the CLS showed that fuck the door. I urge PBA members to speak up and get rid of Quinn, he is only making matters worse. Saying Keith is a good union leader is like saying Moran is a tough guy.
Is Officer Santobello really bragging about going to court drunk and telling the ADA to go fuck himself? Did he seriously call the ADA a dick? These guys are out of control.
Is Keith really going around sinking members in good standing while exhausting all resources on a pinhead like Neil. All these cops wouldn’t be in this predicament if it wasn’t for Neil the career wrecker.
The only place you clowns are in good standing is at the circus.
You assholes wouldn’t know the truth if it grabbed you by the neck.
I love the circus. Last time I went I saw a guy with a red nose and floppy shoes that resembled JM. Then I watched the midgets doing tricks, one resembled AC. Got some popcorn and checked out the elephants. One of them resembled KO. I was so nice, I bought a bag of peanuts and fed them to him. After that I watched the Lion tamer. He dangled meat in front of a lion and got mauled. He resembled BM. How’d you guys know we love the circus. Oh yeah, then there was the guy who guesses stuff. He seemed drunk and when I told him he was wrong about my wife’s age, he slapped her. He was wearing a wife beater. He really looked like JG.
Are you asking or stating? You actually don’t know shit cause you weren’t at the DA’s office. A lot of rats and parakeets in this department.
Do rats go to IAD?
Way to go Mingy!
Speaking of assclowns, lets see! I can tell you something for sure. And I hope the membership reads this post. Mingy would’ve never led his members to the slaughter house without a fight. Those two creepy DA’s up in white plains couldn’t find their assholes with a finger. Way to go Keith!
Let’s see. Mingy managed to embarrass himself and the YPD while jeopardizing the livelihoods of 2 co-workers and his own all because he didn’t know when to call it a night. Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go throught life son.
You Blue Truthers are firing on all cylinders! LMFAO
Yeah we know Chiarella, we know. You are a scumbag. Only reason why your pint sized ass left is because you had a rendezvous with another cops wife.
Speaking of embarrassing the department, are you dicks for real? Between Keith and his band of Olsonette misfits and asshole Neil’s antics our great job is in the toilet. Nobody gives a rats ass for Neil. He’s the one that dragged down bosses and cops for stupidity. Stop blaming others for this mess you idiots created. Keith and Quinn handled this like the lowlifes they are, congrats.
re-open this case
September 28, 2014 at 12:20 am
2 unmarked cars out of jurisdiction
keith we know you drove one car who drove the other
Eyewitness News
WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. – — A man claims he was viciously beaten by police in Yonkers, and now he is suing them.
“Something’s got to change, sooner or later,” said Rui Florim, who hopes a 20-million dollar civil rights lawsuit filed in White Plains will help spark that change inside the Yonkers police department.
On May 18th, 2006, the 23-year-old came to the Tyrone house on Main Street in Yonkers. According to the lawsuit, an early-morning fight involving several off-duty Yonkers police officers spilled out into the street. Florim was forced to defend himself.
Later that same day, Florim says two unmarked Yonkers police cars followed him after he completed his shift at Oporto restaurant in Hartsdale and forced him to stop.
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“They beat the crap out of him. Then they cuffed him to the rear, then they dragged him in front of the headlights, threw him in the back seat where the front seat cop put on black gloves and beat his face,” said attorney Jonathan Lovett.
“Why me basically was the only thing going through my head. I mean I was more shocked than anything. I really couldn’t understand what was going on,” said Florim.
Florim ended up at Saint Joseph’s Medical Center where doctors needed 70 stitches to close up his wounds. The emergency room report shows Florim’s request not to be discharged because he said, “They will kill me tonight.”
Ultimately, investigators charged him with assaulting a half-dozen police officers. He was taken to the Westchester County jail. Florim said corrections officers there know he was from Yonkers. When he asked how they knew, he said they told him, “Anyone who comes up here and looks like you comes from Yonkers.”
STORY BY: Joe Torres
who drove the second car………….
where is waynes money………..
where is the toughman money………..
where is jimmys money……………
why are we giving Quinn more money than any other union………..
why do you go to events and drink beer with a city car I saw you…………..
when mike spano shot his load did you swish it in your mouth like sushi or did you swallow….
when will you open the books to the members ……………
why are you the biggest rat ever to work in ypd………
keith retire and go down south and hang out with eddy with the boat he stole.
keith you should really ask him for some help cause you need it
hezi seems like the pba pres gets free car free gas free beer he was at a retirement party today and driving a city car can you ask the commish or the mayor if this is something new, the fat fuck gets 4ooo a month stipend which is suppose to cover his personal car and gas this is the second time in 2 weeks he has been seen drinking while in possession of a city vehicle…………..
Ask the mayor about his brother while your at it….
Seems he was drinking with a city car as well.
figures the rat will rat out the mayors brother…………….lol
Wrong. He took a limo from the best that Westchester has to offer.
If that’s true, grow some balls and sign your name to a complaint. You know it’s not, so you won’t. Nobody likes a liar. A lying coward is only worse.
complaint is filed already asswipe
fuck you keith
keith is done and he doesn’t even know it next stop is the Feds asshole hopefully the mayor can reign you in , but as ignorant you are too late cause that’s what happens when you live in trailer parks
Aren’t you internet toughguys cute? LoL
keith who drove the second unmarked car ………….
Was it a smelly limo?
get off johns dick,you have a lot of members pissed off at you your monthly attendance is proof of that.
RM=Air Car
KO called out the Blue Truthers again AND Montero was outed as a Blue Truther on November 18, 2013. Start listening at 113:50.
Any doubts now? These losers have been blogging and getting others to write stories for them for almost 2 years but not ONE of them has the courage to come forward. Go on the radio you cowards.
Any doubts who is responsible for this Blue Truth bullshit? Click on the link below and start listening around the 90:30 minute mark. Listen closely at 93:00 and 93:54. The recording is from Nov. 21, 2013.
you ran your mouth off on just about everything except
2 unmarked cars out of jurisdiction
keith we know you drove one car who drove the other
Eyewitness News
WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. – — A man claims he was viciously beaten by police in Yonkers, and now he is suing them.
“Something’s got to change, sooner or later,” said Rui Florim, who hopes a 20-million dollar civil rights lawsuit filed in White Plains will help spark that change inside the Yonkers police department.
On May 18th, 2006, the 23-year-old came to the Tyrone house on Main Street in Yonkers. According to the lawsuit, an early-morning fight involving several off-duty Yonkers police officers spilled out into the street. Florim was forced to defend himself.
Later that same day, Florim says two unmarked Yonkers police cars followed him after he completed his shift at Oporto restaurant in Hartsdale and forced him to stop.
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“They beat the crap out of him. Then they cuffed him to the rear, then they dragged him in front of the headlights, threw him in the back seat where the front seat cop put on black gloves and beat his face,” said attorney Jonathan Lovett.
“Why me basically was the only thing going through my head. I mean I was more shocked than anything. I really couldn’t understand what was going on,” said Florim.
Florim ended up at Saint Joseph’s Medical Center where doctors needed 70 stitches to close up his wounds. The emergency room report shows Florim’s request not to be discharged because he said, “They will kill me tonight.”
Ultimately, investigators charged him with assaulting a half-dozen police officers. He was taken to the Westchester County jail. Florim said corrections officers there know he was from Yonkers. When he asked how they knew, he said they told him, “Anyone who comes up here and looks like you comes from Yonkers.”
STORY BY: Joe Torres
Does anyone want to go into the woods. The PC. D.A.’s, Bria. Walsh, IAD……….????????anyone? Maaaaaaaaaa, no one wants to go. What do I now?
I think he enjoys going into the woods. Where else do you think he and JM get to enjoy each other? Sometimes even BM joins in for some more fun.
Maaaaaaaa, how did I do? I threaten a couple cops and civilians and call Ray a pussy. Maaaaaaaa, are you listening? I think I my have to punch the wall again, because it don’t hit back. Maaaaaaaaa. Besides no one likes the woods.
I must say it was a great idea disbanding the Housing Unit. Whose idea was that anyway? Don’t worry guys, you’ll all be back before Christmas. Also heard Keith was having all the local community leaders sign a petition to save you, not. lol. How many homicides will have to happen before the Housing Unit is restored? Remember this, one is too many.
They handle one job a week the pct can take care of it
Yeah we know Keith. Save a scumbag and sink a whole unit. Your day is coming fatty. The only support you will have is Neil.
Pretty sure it was the PC’s decision. What do you want to say now you ass kisser?
What does Keith Olson and Paul Bunyan have in common? Other than the love of the woods, absolutely nothing. lolol
We will make Keith an offer that not even he can refuse. Invite Ray into the woods with you and I will make sure he debates you on the radio. You see him everyday and have had words with him in the past. Just ask Keith, I’m very sure he will oblige you. Then if you’re feeling up to it you can debate him on the radio. What do you say fatty?
Ray is a pussy and everyone knows it. He created this mess and he’s going to have to live with the results. It’s brought him nothing but shame and embarrassment so far and it can only get worse.
“What were you thinking”, I just want to correct you. Must’ve been a typo on your end. The first word in your post should’ve been Keith. Then I would have to agree with your post one hundred percent.
Quinn made a lot of cash last 5 years
keith ate free all u can eat sushi on pba credit card
keith and moran skimmed from tough man contest
Yes, that’s what RICO is. If only YOU knew how fucking stupid YOU are.
The only one stupid is the rat that trolls this site every minute of every day to respond to comments that expose Keith. How much is he paying your rat ass? Not enough, I’m certain of that. You want to invite me into the woods? I’ll make you “squeal” like a pig.
hey keith I got an idea john khader likes remy vsop buy him a case with the pba credit card and lets go to his office on ashburton ave you know the building you wrote him paper,and lets make peace.I hear every Thursday at 1pm he has a great lunch going on in there some great cheese no pun intended and the best Soppressata not too mention sausage on the grill serious great time good guys only think about I can arrange it.
If you want to go why don’t you tell us who you are?
just a mutual guy trying to fix things…
Because our limos don’t smell like piss and vomit.
that’s not nice silver star doesn’t even rank TOP CLASS BABY all the way 5 stars silver star zero like keith
That doesn’t sound like a a guy who hasn’t picked a side
trying to be mutual but TOP CLASS kicks ass silver star cant touch them the truth is the truth, so what do you say next Thursday 1pm lunch ?
Is it just for guys? Can I bring the wife of another cop?
sorry only guys
I will pass then. Thank you for the quick response.
Can we do it in the woods mama?
sorry that lunch is only for good guys keith does not meet that criteria..lol
any one seen the rat around heard he got some heart breaking news today…lol
What happened to ALL of the money that was collected for Wayne? All I hear is crickets
Strength in Thievery!
He ONLY received the money that was collected from the 4th Precint. The rest of the money ($30,000+) was never given to Wayne, never returned to the membership and was never disclosed to the membership.
Strength in Thievery!
funny how the rat picks and chooses what to answer…lol
hezi call IAD and ask about the 2 sgts that got written up about the 4th pct. beer fest that happened I was there!
Hezi can you call the commissioner and ask him is keith allowed a city car and is he allowed to drink beer at the last weeks picnic ?
this is keiths trustees
Thanks to a guy named hezi we all see what keith is about he runs the pba like his personal bank account keep the stories coming Hezi can you ask IAD for a list of complaints against keith thanks
Hey woodsman, don’t direct listeners to a specific recorded spot. Let them listen to it in its entirety. Specifically, what did Hezi say the former V.P. said. That’s because he don’t. You a desperate fat boy. What happened to you denying the beer festival? Your pathetic.
Yes, listen to the whole thing. He calls you out several times in the clip. Why not go on the radio? What are you afraid of? Nobody is going to respond to some punk hiding behind their keyboard.
will he talk about EVERYTHING…………………..
Will you? LOL
KO called out the Blue Truthers again AND Montero was outed as a Blue Truther on November 18, 2013. Start listening at 113:50.
Any doubts now? These losers have been blogging and getting others to write stories for them for almost 2 years but not ONE of them has the courage to come forward. Go on the radio you cowards.
Any doubts who is responsible for this Blue Truth bullshit? Click on the link below and start listening around the 90:30 minute mark. Listen closely at 93:00 and 93:54. The recording is from Nov. 21, 2013.
that tape proves nothing keith all you did is debate hezi on the sources you telling me the beerfest did not occur? than why did 2 sgts take a hit for it?
why have you not mentioned the labor lawyers name on the 207c when hezi was telling you it sucked for the members? a good pres. would of gave the lawyers name up but because you didn’t have one you couldn’t, than to boot 3 weeks later your sister works in the mayors office.what did hezi say specifically ray said? NOTHING except a line or 2 what I did hear hezi say was there was 20 sources corroborating the story.
keith why have you not opened up the books and showed us how much you collected from Wayne’s fundraise and how much you gave him?
how about jimmy’s money God rest his soul?
how about all the tough man fundraisers? your books are worse than a street vendor selling hotdogs. You are a set up specialist all ray did was try to help the members by calling Hartnett what you did was sell him out to better your self and your inner rat squad, a guy like vera should be thrown out what he committed was illegal yet you and him go up to the D.A. office and rat out other members and supervisors all while that greedy fuck Quinn looks on
Ray, why did you send Hartnett Christmas cookies?
I just can’t help myself. I am having sleepless nights because my best friend and union trustee, who is unbelievable in good standing and help me ousted Montero, will be going on vacation to the big house. Not only that but Quinn and I though it would be better for him to blame all his criminal activities on other cops and the CLSA.
So after deep, deep consolidation with my mama, I wanted you members to listen to just a little second of a tape, probably altered by my drunk friend and evidence collector Det. John Donaghy.
I will not tell you that its was me that called into the radio show and brought Montero’s name. I hope the Judge does not interpret that as a leading question. Do not listen to the interview to the end because the editor actually says he speaks to a lot of current and former union heads and because I got spanked by Hezi. Actually Hezi tells me that he knew all about me for quite sometime and the workings of the department. So what my mama always tough me is throw whatever dirt you can and blame others. Maaaaa, do you think I will win the civil case brought against the union. ” I don’t think so boo boo”. We can always attack someone’s family, cancer, take their money, steal their files, or keep attacking Ray who really does not fear your lies or you Keith. Keith, I really think you should not be asking people to fight, because I am getting tire of helping you put your big boy pants on.
Maaaaaaa, don’t say that. I may have to punch the walls again.
We keep hearing how Ray isn’t afraid yet he hasn’t poked his head out of his shell yet. Is that what you guys mean when you’re referring to the Housing turtle?
again listening to the radio all you talk about is bad information or its a lie, you do not talk about the name of the labor lawyer why not? That was the time to say his name but you never had a labor lawyer. Keith if the blue truth was all lies why are you not suing? if I was pres. I would be suing in federal court ………..
open up the books and show us tough man waynes and jimmys money went
p.s. you say the beer fest never happened on the radio than why was two bosses reprimanded for it?
Who said they aren’t suing?
please Quinn has his hands full already you got no case you crooked fuck wher is the tough man money where is simoes money
No, you’re right. Not Quinn.
Can you actually sue even though you’ve been stealing from fundraisers and setting up cops? Oh and walking around with others personnel files.
We shall see.
2 unmarked cars out of jurisdiction
keith we know you drove one car who drove the other
Eyewitness News
WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. – — A man claims he was viciously beaten by police in Yonkers, and now he is suing them.
“Something’s got to change, sooner or later,” said Rui Florim, who hopes a 20-million dollar civil rights lawsuit filed in White Plains will help spark that change inside the Yonkers police department.
On May 18th, 2006, the 23-year-old came to the Tyrone house on Main Street in Yonkers. According to the lawsuit, an early-morning fight involving several off-duty Yonkers police officers spilled out into the street. Florim was forced to defend himself.
Later that same day, Florim says two unmarked Yonkers police cars followed him after he completed his shift at Oporto restaurant in Hartsdale and forced him to stop.
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“They beat the crap out of him. Then they cuffed him to the rear, then they dragged him in front of the headlights, threw him in the back seat where the front seat cop put on black gloves and beat his face,” said attorney Jonathan Lovett.
“Why me basically was the only thing going through my head. I mean I was more shocked than anything. I really couldn’t understand what was going on,” said Florim.
Florim ended up at Saint Joseph’s Medical Center where doctors needed 70 stitches to close up his wounds. The emergency room report shows Florim’s request not to be discharged because he said, “They will kill me tonight.”
Ultimately, investigators charged him with assaulting a half-dozen police officers. He was taken to the Westchester County jail. Florim said corrections officers there know he was from Yonkers. When he asked how they knew, he said they told him, “Anyone who comes up here and looks like you comes from Yonkers.”
STORY BY: Joe Torres
just heard the recording sounds like keith didn’t talk about funds missing and never said what’s the labor lawyers name, all you did was talk about bloggers you are a liar fat boy where is waynes money who drove the second car when you guys beat the shit out of rui?a sentence or 2 does not mean anything any cop can make a comment on blue truth he never said ray is blue truth stop spinning rat,tell us where is waynes money
Now Keith please do not ask the D.A’s personnel to go into the woods with you. Ha, ha.
Whoever the tough guy is who thinks that other people are cowards can you please answer the questions below!
Come on! You don’t want to be Punked do you? Answers would be nice!
Who was responsible for ALL of the money that was collected for Wayne?
Where is ALL of the money that was collected for Wayne?
Why weren’t the membership ever advised that Wayne never received the money?
Give him some time to answer. He was up late posting and he had a tummy ache. He is really stressed over this. Please give him some time to respond.
might be still hungover from all that beer he drank or was it the slim fast?…lol
Any doubts who is responsible for this Blue Truth bullshit? Click on the link below and start listening around the 90:30 minute mark. Listen closely at 93:00 and 93:54.
Why won’t Montero come out of the shadows?
KO called out the Blue Truthers again AND Montero was outed as a Blue Truther on November 18, 2013. Start listening at 113:50.
Any doubts now? Why won’t he man up?
bye bye
You punks got called out over a year ago but still are in hiding. You’re desperate and pathetic. Take up his challenge or take a hike.
“Here is another suggestion. Have one, all or any combination of your
YPD sources and I on your radio show together to discuss these accusations or
any others they wish to discuss. This is how the readers and listeners will
learn the truth. It is likely these sources will refuse, for no other reason
that they are lying. It is also likely that some of these YPD sources are much
higher ranking than I am and if anyone should fear reprisal it is I. But I do
not. Let’s go on the radio, discuss the grievances and set the record straight
so that we can move forward and focus on doing what’s right for the men and
women of the Yonkers Police Department.”
to bad ray has a lawsuit open on your ass
Looks like he challenged all of you cowards more than a year ago and he signed his name to it.
Setting the Record Straight – The Real Blue Truth By Det. KEITH OLSON
Dear Readers,
Yonkers PBA
In recent weeks the Yonkers
Tribune posted a number of ridiculous articles under the title “BLUE
TRUTH.” These are “stories” of the alleged inner workings of the Yonkers Police
Department over the last several years. These articles are full of gross
inaccuracies and false allegations as it relates to me and my friends and co-workers,
Captain John Mueller and Det. Sgt. Brian Moran. Initially I resisted responding
to the articles, not wanting to give credence to such rubbish. However, now I
feel that not only my reputation, but that of my friends, of our fine police
department and that of the Yonkers PBA must be defended and that the readers of
the Yonkers Tribune must know the
real “blue” truth.
First and foremost, I denounce any and all allegations that
are made against me in these articles and the ensuing comments. I was
disappointed to read these articles and equally surprised, as the author, Mr.
Hezi Aris, made no attempt to contact me to verify the article’s contents. This
was especially surprising considering the fact that I have been a guest on the
author’s radio show several times, have personally penned numerous articles for
the Yonkers Tribune and have been
contacted on my cell phone by the author for comments many times in the past.
It is unfortunate and questionable that Mr. Aris has refused to meet with me to
discuss these absurd allegations.
In journalism there is supposed to be a code of ethics built
on truthfulness, accuracy, objectivity, impartiality
and fairness. In regard to the “BLUE TRUTH” articles, this code of ethics has
been seriously violated and I will explain why.
The theme of the first BLUE TRUTH story is that I somehow conspired
to oust then Commissioner Robert Taggart. This is preposterous. This decision
to change Commissioners was made solely by then Mayor Phil Amicone, assumably
based on the unprecedented rash of shootings and gang violence that Yonkers
faced in the summer of 2006. Even the author admits that the decision to
replace Comm. Taggart was made after this spate of violence. At that time I was
1st Vice President of the Yonkers PBA and a detective in the Gang
Unit and the decision to change the PC was made way above my pay grade.
Next, the notion that I somehow collaborated with John Fleming to
bring in Edmund Hartnett as Police Commissioner is equally ridiculous. At no
time did I, or then PBA President Eddie Armour, have any meetings regarding anything
with John Fleming. In addition, in a PBA general membership meeting that
was attended by Mayor Amicone and held prior to the naming of Hartnett, I stood
up in front of more than 100 PBA members and asked the Mayor not
to bring in an outsider to the YPD. In front of more than 100 people I told
Mayor Amicone that “the YPD needed a leader, not a numbers cruncher from NYPD.”
Once and for all, I had nothing to do with bringing Edmund Hartnett to the
Yonkers Police Department. This is the real blue truth.
The second article claims that I conspired with Police Commissioner
Hartnett to eliminate and “gut” specialized units. The author claims this all
went on “without a peep” or “without even a whispered
objection from the union leadership.” This is where the “BLUE TRUTH” author
completely abandons truthfulness and accuracy.
In the last few years, while leading the Yonkers PBA, I personally
authored no less than ten articles in which I was railing against the cuts made
to the YPD. All of these articles were published right here on the Yonkers
Tribune and a simple search of my name on the website’s search engine will show
links to them all. In addition, I spoke out against irresponsible spending at
all levels of Yonkers City Government in several forums which include the
aforementioned articles, challenging the Mayor and members of the City Council
while appearing live on News 12, multiple appearances on the Cablevision
program “Newsmakers”, in personally written editorials in local newspapers and in
articles in the New York Times and The Daily News. The Yonkers PBA even
paid for a full-page advertisement in The
Journal News speaking out against the cuts. I also helped organize a number
of community rallies, which were designed to fight cuts to the YPD, and I spoke
out against the gutting of our great police department in front of hundreds of
people at City Council, budget and community meetings.
Here is a great example of the inaccuracy of the “BLUE TRUTH.” In an
editorial titled “Misplaced Loyalty Now Part of the Spin”, written by Mr. Aris
and posted on the Yonkers Tribune on
June 21, 2012, Mr. Aris himself credits me with speaking out against cuts to
the YPD. Here is the excerpt:
“Det. Keith Olson, president of the Yonkers Police Benevolent
expressed a salient point, “There is nothing baffling about the rise in violent
crime in Yonkers. It is a direct by-product of the understaffing of the Yonkers
Police Department. With far less officers on the street, fewer detectives to
investigate crimes, no Domestic Violence Unit, far too few plainclothes
officers, no police presence in our schools and virtually no community outreach
programs within the YPD, it will only get worse before it gets better. The only
thing baffling is the City’s current plan to layoff even more police officers.”
To say that I sat idly by, or worse, participated in the
evisceration of the YPD is an outlandish lie. I even created a controversial
Facebook page, titled it “Yonkers Isn’t Safe” and posted on it daily, advising
the public on the drastic cuts to the YPD and how it affected the city. The
real truth is that I don’t think I could have possibly been more vocal. The
“BLUE TRUTH” author has been misled by a small handful of alleged “sources”
within the Yonkers Police Department, each with their own personal agenda.
These sources clearly have no integrity, no regard for the truth and no concern
for the reputation of our fine police department.
The real truth is that no one in the YPD went head to head with
Commissioner Hartnett more than I did, and I mean that with all due respect to
the former PC. I was extremely vocal in defending all PBA members, filed an
unprecedented number of official grievances and filed an improper practice
charge with PERB against Hartnett. Ironically, it is the likely sources for the
“BLUE TRUTH” stories that were the ones that were most complicit and
subservient to the former police commissioner.
The latest installment in the “BLUE TRUTH” series is barely worth
mentioning. The sole truth in the entire story is that John Mueller, Brian Moran
and I are great friends and that we have, in fact, conspired together. We’ve
conspired to find and fight for the perfect location for the Yonkers Police and
Fire Memorial, the very spot where it stands today. We conspired to have it
built and collaborated to raise the funds to pay for it. We conspired to create
the YPD vs. YFD Toughman Competition which to date has helped us raise almost a
half million dollars for great charities such as the Wounded Warrior Project
and Elizabeth Seton Pediatric Center. We’ve also conspired to conduct major
federal and local investigations resulting in the arrests of some of the worst
criminals Yonkers had to offer. I am honored to call them my friends and proud
of our accomplishments.
In addition to posting these fantastically inaccurate and slanderous
articles, the Yonkers Tribune has
provided a disgraceful forum for a small group of unscrupulous individuals who
have made countless nasty comments towards myself and other members of the
Yonkers Police Department. These comments are rife with bigotry, personal
insults, lies and innuendo. These mudslingers hide behind anonymity, hurling
racial insults and attacking family members of Yonkers Police Officers. There
should be no forum for such cowardly and despicable remarks and I urge all
members of the YPD not to participate, regardless of which side of the issues
you stand on.
On behalf of myself and the readers of the Yonkers Tribune, I have a simple request of the author. Please
adhere to the journalistic code of ethics and remember the principles of
truthfulness, accuracy, objectivity, impartiality
and fairness. As the famous saying goes, “Everyone is entitled to their own
opinion but they are not entitled to their own facts.” Both of these articles
and the ensuing comments can be easily debunked with simple facts and hard
evidence. Simply stated, your “sources” are lying to you. You owe it to the
reader to research your stories. As always, I make myself readily available to
the Yonkers Tribune as well as all
members of the media to discuss the issues in these articles and any other
issues that may arise.
Here is another suggestion. Have one, all or any combination of your
YPD sources and I on your radio show together to discuss these accusations or
any others they wish to discuss. This is how the readers and listeners will
learn the truth. It is likely these sources will refuse, for no other reason
that they are lying. It is also likely that some of these YPD sources are much
higher ranking than I am and if anyone should fear reprisal it is I. But I do
not. Let’s go on the radio, discuss the grievances and set the record straight
so that we can move forward and focus on doing what’s right for the men and
women of the Yonkers Police Department.
To my fellow members of the YPD I remind you that there are a number
of forums to air any and all grievances. Both unions have open door policies
and offer the opportunity for all members to speak at membership meetings. In
addition, there are internal departmental policies for making a complaint if it
is necessary. Most of all, if you feel strongly about your position, own
it. Anyone unwilling to own his or her comments is suspect. Hiding in
the shadows and taking pot shots at others is unprofessional, immoral and
definitely not the YPD way.
As for me, I, along with the rest of the PBA Board and Trustees will
continue to vigorously fight for the rights of the men and women of the Yonkers
PBA. Fighting
for a fair contract is our top priority. I will do everything I can to
ensure that we are treated fairly, not only within our own department, but also
as workers in the City of Yonkers, even if it ruffles some feathers in the
process. What I will not do is engage in
anonymous blogging, nor will I entertain anyone who posts comments or
allegations without putting their name to it. Unlike those who have chosen the cowardly
path of anonymity, my name will always be attached to anything I write. I will
continue to own all of my comments, actions and positions, just as I’ve always
This article
is signed, Fraternally, Det. Keith Olson, President, Yonkers PBA.
In addition to posting these fantastically inaccurate and slanderous
articles, the Yonkers Tribune has
provided a disgraceful forum for a small group of unscrupulous individuals who
have made countless nasty comments towards myself and other members of the
Yonkers Police Department. These comments are rife with bigotry, personal
insults, lies and innuendo. These mudslingers hide behind anonymity, hurling
racial insults and attacking family members of Yonkers Police Officers. There
should be no forum for such cowardly and despicable remarks and I urge all
members of the YPD not to participate, regardless of which side of the issues
you stand on.
On behalf of myself and the readers of the Yonkers Tribune, I have a simple request of the author. Please
adhere to the journalistic code of ethics and remember the principles of
truthfulness, accuracy, objectivity, impartiality
and fairness. As the famous saying goes, “Everyone is entitled to their own
opinion but they are not entitled to their own facts.” Both of these articles
and the ensuing comments can be easily debunked with simple facts and hard
evidence. Simply stated, your “sources” are lying to you. You owe it to the
reader to research your stories. As always, I make myself readily available to
the Yonkers Tribune as well as all
members of the media to discuss the issues in these articles and any other
issues that may arise.
Here is another suggestion. Have one, all or any combination of your
YPD sources and I on your radio show together to discuss these accusations or
any others they wish to discuss. This is how the readers and listeners will
learn the truth. It is likely these sources will refuse, for no other reason
that they are lying. It is also likely that some of these YPD sources are much
higher ranking than I am and if anyone should fear reprisal it is I. But I do
not. Let’s go on the radio, discuss the grievances and set the record straight
so that we can move forward and focus on doing what’s right for the men and
women of the Yonkers Police Department.
wheres waynes money
To all the citizens in Yonkers,
Many residents are happy about the Blue Truth expose however, many are upset that it brings out the negative aspects of the department. The problem started many years ago and both the past and current administration have failed to take action against what has been going on. As you know, the Blue Truth has been going on for the past 2 years and PBA President, Keith Olsen has not publically addressed or responded to any of the allegations made against him. This must mean that there could be some truth or accuracy to the Blue Truth. Don’t be upset at Yonkers Tribune or the Blue Truth, be upset at Keith Olsen. Both Olsen and his attorney have the resources necessary to investigate the story printed by the editor. Their silence indicates their guilt toward the subject. We as citizens of Yonkers have the right to know how our police department runs and how the PBS President acts, after all, these are our tax dollars being spent. As I follow this story and read more and more of the comments, it is disgusting to me how Keith can just sit back and not feel the need to respond to the allegations. As an official representative of the police department, he should be more concerned about his image, considering this article and it’s comments are public to the residents of Yonkers. I ask him to come out and respond to the Blue Truth and either clear his name or prove to Yonkers that the Blue Truth is the real truth!
sorry typo meant pba
From July, 2013. We are all still waiting.
“Here is another suggestion. Have one, all or any combination of your
YPD sources and I on your radio show together to discuss these accusations or
any others they wish to discuss. This is how the readers and listeners will
learn the truth. It is likely these sources will refuse, for no other reason
that they are lying. It is also likely that some of these YPD sources are much
higher ranking than I am and if anyone should fear reprisal it is I. But I do
not. Let’s go on the radio, discuss the grievances and set the record straight
so that we can move forward and focus on doing what’s right for the men and
women of the Yonkers Police Department.”
Any doubts who is responsible for this Blue Truth bullshit? Click on the link below and start listening around the 90:30 minute mark. Listen closely at 93:00 and 93:54. From November 21, 2013.
Why won’t Montero come out of the shadows?
To all the citizens in Yonkers,
Many residents are happy about the Blue Truth expose however, many are upset that it brings out the negative aspects of the department. The problem started many years ago and both the past and current administration have failed to take action against what has been going on. As you know, the Blue Truth has been going on for the past 2 years and PBA President, Keith Olsen has not publically addressed or responded to any of the allegations made against him. This must mean that there could be some truth or accuracy to the Blue Truth. Don’t be upset at Yonkers Tribune or the Blue Truth, be upset at Keith Olsen. Both Olsen and his attorney have the resources necessary to investigate the story printed by the editor. Their silence indicates some guilt toward the subject. We as citizens of Yonkers have the right to know how our police department runs and how the PBS President acts, after all, these are our tax dollars being spent. As I follow this story and read more and more of the comments, it is disgusting to me how Keith can just sit back and not feel tha
14 months later and still waiting.
“Here is another suggestion. Have one, all or any combination of your
YPD sources and I on your radio show together to discuss these accusations or
any others they wish to discuss. This is how the readers and listeners will
learn the truth. It is likely these sources will refuse, for no other reason
that they are lying. It is also likely that some of these YPD sources are much
higher ranking than I am and if anyone should fear reprisal it is I. But I do
not. Let’s go on the radio, discuss the grievances and set the record straight
so that we can move forward and focus on doing what’s right for the men and
women of the Yonkers Police Department.”
keith we know you drove one car who drove the other
Eyewitness News
WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. – — A man claims he was viciously beaten by police in Yonkers, and now he is suing them.
“Something’s got to change, sooner or later,” said Rui Florim, who hopes a 20-million dollar civil rights lawsuit filed in White Plains will help spark that change inside the Yonkers police department.
On May 18th, 2006, the 23-year-old came to the Tyrone house on Main Street in Yonkers. According to the lawsuit, an early-morning fight involving several off-duty Yonkers police officers spilled out into the street. Florim was forced to defend himself.
Later that same day, Florim says two unmarked Yonkers police cars followed him after he completed his shift at Oporto restaurant in Hartsdale and forced him to stop.
More: SEEN ON 7
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“They beat the crap out of him. Then they cuffed him to the rear, then they dragged him in front of the headlights, threw him in the back seat where the front seat cop put on black gloves and beat his face,” said attorney Jonathan Lovett.
“Why me basically was the only thing going through my head. I mean I was more shocked than anything. I really couldn’t understand what was going on,” said Florim.
Florim ended up at Saint Joseph’s Medical Center where doctors needed 70 stitches to close up his wounds. The emergency room report shows Florim’s request not to be discharged because he said, “They will kill me tonight.”
Ultimately, investigators charged him with assaulting a half-dozen police officers. He was taken to the Westchester County jail. Florim said corrections officers there know he was from Yonkers. When he asked how they knew, he said they told him, “Anyone who comes up here and looks like you comes from Yonkers.”
STORY BY: Joe Torres
Any doubts who is responsible for this Blue Truth bullshit? Click on the link below and start listening around the 90:30 minute mark. Listen closely at 93:00 and 93:54. From November 21, 2013.
Why won’t Montero come out of the shadows?
Addressing Police Misconduct Laws Enforced by the Department of Justice
The vast majority of the law enforcement officers in this country perform their very difficult jobs with respect for their communities and in compliance with the law. Even so, there are incidents in which this is not the case. This document outlines the laws enforced by the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) that address police misconduct and explains how you can file a complaint with DOJ if you believe that your rights have been violated.
Federal laws that address police misconduct include both criminal and civil statutes. These laws cover the actions of State, county, and local officers, including those who work in prisons and jails. In addition, several laws also apply to Federal law enforcement officers. The laws protect all persons in the United States (citizens and non-citizens).
Each law DOJ enforces is briefly discussed below. In DOJ investigations, whether criminal or civil, the person whose rights have been reportedly violated is referred to as a victim and often is an important witness. DOJ generally will inform the victim of the results of the investigation, but we do not act as the victim’s lawyer and cannot give legal advice as a private attorney could.
The various offices within DOJ that are responsible for enforcing the laws discussed in this document coordinate their investigation and enforcement efforts where appropriate. For example, a complaint received by one office may be referred to another if necessary to address the allegations. In addition, more than one office may investigate the same complaint if the allegations raise issues covered by more than one statute. What is the difference between criminal and civil cases? Criminal and civil laws are different. Criminal cases usually are investigated and handled separately from civil cases, even if they concern the same incident. In a criminal case, DOJ brings a case against the accused person; in a civil case, DOJ brings the case (either through litigation or an administrative investigation) against a governmental authority or law enforcement agency. In a criminal case, the evidence must establish proof “beyond a reasonable doubt,” while in civil cases the proof need only satisfy the lower standard of a “preponderance of the evidence.” Finally, in criminal cases, DOJ seeks to punish a wrongdoer for past misconduct through imprisonment or other sanction. In civil cases, DOJ seeks to correct a law enforcement agency’s policies and practices that fostered the misconduct and, where appropriate, may require individual relief for the victim(s).
Federal Criminal Enforcement
It is a crime for one or more persons acting under color of law willfully to deprive or conspire to deprive another person of any right protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States. (18 U.S.C. §§ 241, 242). “Color of law” simply means that the person doing the act is using power given to him or her by a governmental agency (local, State, or Federal). A law enforcement officer acts “under color of law” even if he or she is exceeding his or her rightful power. The types of law enforcement misconduct covered by these laws include excessive force, sexual assault, intentional false arrests, or the intentional fabrication of evidence resulting in a loss of liberty to another. Enforcement of these provisions does not require that any racial, religious, or other discriminatory motive existed. What remedies are available under these laws? Violations of these laws are punishable by fine and/or imprisonment. There is no private right of action under these statutes; in other words, these are not the legal provisions under which you would file a lawsuit on your own.
Federal Civil Enforcement
“Police Misconduct Provision”
This law makes it unlawful for State or local law enforcement officers to engage in a pattern or practice of conduct that deprives persons of rights protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States. (42 U.S.C. § 14141). The types of conduct covered by this law can include, among other things, excessive force, discriminatory harassment, false arrests, coercive sexual conduct, and unlawful stops, searches or arrests. In order to be covered by this law, the misconduct must constitute a “pattern or practice” — it may not simply be an isolated incident. The DOJ must be able to show in court that the agency has an unlawful policy or that the incidents constituted a pattern of unlawful conduct. However, unlike the other civil laws discussed below, DOJ does not have to show that discrimination has occurred in order to prove a pattern or practice of misconduct. What remedies are available under this law? The remedies available under this law do not provide for individual monetary relief for the victims of the misconduct. Rather, they provide for injunctive relief, such as orders to end the misconduct and changes in the agency’s policies and procedures that resulted in or allowed the misconduct. There is no private right of action under this law; only DOJ may file suit for violations of the Police Misconduct Provision.
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
and the “OJP Program Statute”
Together, these laws prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, and religion by State and local law enforcement agencies that receive financial assistance from the Department of Justice. (42 U.S.C. § 2000d, et seq. and 42 U.S.C. § 3789d(c)). Currently, most persons are served by a law enforcement agency that receives DOJ funds. These laws prohibit both individual instances and patterns or practices of discriminatory misconduct, i.e., treating a person differently because of race, color, national origin, sex, or religion. The misconduct covered by Title VI and the OJP (Office of Justice Programs) Program Statute includes, for example, harassment or use of racial slurs, unjustified arrests, discriminatory traffic stops, coercive sexual conduct, retaliation for filing a complaint with DOJ or participating in the investigation, use of excessive force, or refusal by the agency to respond to complaints alleging discriminatory treatment by its officers. What remedies are available under these laws? DOJ may seek changes in the policies and procedures of the agency to remedy violations of these laws and, if appropriate, also seek individual remedial relief for the victim(s). Individuals also have a private right of action under Title VI and under the OJP Program Statute; in other words, you may file a lawsuit yourself under these laws. However, you must first exhaust your administrative remedies by filing a complaint with DOJ if you wish to file in Federal Court under the OJP Program Statute.
Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 prohibit discrimination against individuals with disabilities on the basis of disability. (42 U.S.C. § 12131, et seq. and 29 U.S.C. § 794). These laws protect all people with disabilities in the United States. An individual is considered to have a “disability” if he or she has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, has a record of such an impairment, or is regarded as having such an impairment.
The ADA prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in all State and local government programs, services, and activities regardless of whether they receive DOJ financial assistance; it also protects people who are discriminated against because of their association with a person with a disability. Section 504 prohibits discrimination by State and local law enforcement agencies that receive financial assistance from DOJ. Section 504 also prohibits discrimination in programs and activities conducted by Federal agencies, including law enforcement agencies.
These laws prohibit discriminatory treatment, including misconduct, on the basis of disability in virtually all law enforcement services and activities. These activities include, among others, interrogating witnesses, providing emergency services, enforcing laws, addressing citizen complaints, and arresting, booking, and holding suspects. These laws also prohibit retaliation for filing a complaint with DOJ or participating in the investigation. What remedies are available under these laws? If appropriate, DOJ may seek individual relief for the victim(s), in addition to changes in the policies and procedures of the law enforcement agency. Individuals have a private right of action under both the ADA and Section 504; you may file a private lawsuit for violations of these statutes. There is no requirement that you exhaust your administrative remedies by filing a complaint with DOJ first.
How to File a Complaint with DOJ
Criminal Enforcement
If you would like to file a complaint alleging a violation of the criminal laws discussed above, you may contact the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), which is responsible for investigating allegations of criminal deprivations of civil rights. You may also contact the United States Attorney’s Office (USAO) in your district. The FBI and USAOs have offices in most major cities and have publicly-listed phone numbers. In addition, you may send a written complaint to:
Does the warrantless search at 2 VCPA count. It was just key job. You know the prisoners go one way and we go another. Oh shhhhhhhh Brian
Police Misconduct?
Any doubts who is responsible for this Blue Truth bullshit? Click on the link below and start listening around the 90:30 minute mark. Listen closely at 93:00 and 93:54. From November 21, 2013.
Why won’t Montero come out of the shadows?
Nobody cares dick. You guys are exposed for the dirtbags you’ve always been. Hezi already said in one of his last articles that Ray isn’t “Blue Truth”. Man you guys think us cops are dumb.
Attention to the 400 plus members that do not attend our meetings. Do not lose confidence in me. I am under immersed pressure lately. In the past four years I have been truly committed to violating some serious state and federal laws against civilians , PBA members and CLSA members. Lucky for me that I have spent your dues money like candy. I have not pay taxes on my stipend and have made political donations that have violated state law limits. I along with Brian Moran have been violating departmental policy and for while. I have personally kick out a member that I said struck another member and supposedly email a copy of a contract. Now , that is a member in bad standing.
My message to you is that we are fighting vigorously to defend union trustee Neil Vera who lied to get search warrant. This pattern has been going on for quite some time. I was doing this type of work since my Housing days with Brian Moran. Now, Neil’ action was just an over site. He maintains his innocence, just as I do. Remember I did a lot of dirty things, like spreading nonsensical rumors about cops, their families, their deceased family members, and of course even cancer stricken cops.
Our department is the focus of an ongoing criminal probe that is ALL LIES. My union trustees such as Vera, are members in GOOD standing with the union. We are spending a lot of money to fight a civil law suit by Montero. I told you that Ray will lose. Well that’s what Andrew Quinn said who is at times a witness and then a defense lawyer. Our members are facing indictments, but you know what I always say, ” its a lie”. The D.A.’s Office is lying. So let me get back to talking dirty about members of the CLSA and their families. Remember I am just your typical quite neighbor. Yeah the pathological liar and voyeur like Moran. So remember what I always say, strength in unity. If you don’t like my quote my mother will unleash dirt like me. No indictments coming. Its all a lie an its the Blue truthers fault. The whole department.
Fraternally yours, Det. KEITH the Moquette Gray River Rat.
Wanna know what kind of lowlife hides in anonymity making phony accusations and talks about peoples family members?
Click on the link below and start listening around the 90:30 minute mark. Listen closely at 93:00 and 93:54. From November 21, 2013. Draw your own conclusion.
Maaaaaa, I spoke about their familes and friends mama. No, maaaa, they do not want to go into the woods with me. I can’t keep making these lies up, or they will say John Mueller introduce his friend Brian Moran to his NYPD friend’s wife. Everyone knows that its true. Maaaa, they also know about Mueller’s old flame from the State. As for me mama, I haven’t seen my tool in quite some time. Maaaaa, are you listening.
You guys are some sick bastards, and doing all of this with gardner’s approval. That is why he is done.
Well we know all now know why Garbo kicked Keith’ ass in the 4th precinct. It was all about the wife beater. SEE HOW STELLAR HE IS. Just another wife slapper.
The guy just doesn’t know which cop’s friend or cops wife he wants. The guy spends hours outside in the Cacase lot talking to someone’s other. Great morals. A member in good standing in the Anthony Chiarella’s cheetah club.
Any doubts who is responsible for this Blue Truth bullshit? Click on the link below and start listening around the 90:30 minute mark. Listen closely at 93:00 and 93:54.
Here it is again!
KO called out the Blue Truthers again AND Montero was outed as a Blue Truther on November 18, 2013. Start listening at 113:50.
You fools can’t put a sentence together and now you think you know what a RICO case is?
First things first. Learn to spell. Then get back to us.
Can you spell adulterer? ROTFLMAO
RICO also means rich and boy oh boy did andy get rich since keith has taken over…lol
tell me this aint keith
if the books are opened keith goes to jail no question about it
You haven’t made a collar in years now you’re talking RICO? What a nut!
You do kind of look like Rico Suave though. Maybe that’s what you mean.
Look dicks, it’s your day!
When is national cheat on your wife with a cop’s wife day?
That’s any day for Ray, right papi?
you never bought anything you used our money
How much money was collected for Wayne?
Why did he only receive the money collected from the 4th Precint?
Why wasn’t the membership advised that Wayne never received the money?
What happened to all of the money that was collected?
What person or persons are responsible for the whereabouts of Wayne’s money?
Why wasn’t the money returned to the members?
There was a list of all of the PBA members and the required donation amount was $100 per member. That adds up to over $40,000 and that is not even including the money collected from CLS members. Members donated no matter how they felt or their financial situation.
Someone needs to be held accountable for this.
Ask Wayne and he will tell you himself. He only received money from the 4th Precint.
After the trial Yonkers paid his lawyer fees and Wayne advised the PBA that he didn’t need or want the money. So someone or a group took it upon themselves to keep the money and never tell the membership.
It disgusts me to think that someone would be so dishonest especially when the membership came up big time in support of Wayne. It was a strong case of Strength in Unity which turned into thievery.
almost like the boat deal……….
keith I keep hearing that you are skimming can you please show us all fundraiser last 5 years please?
that will never happen unless the the Feds do it and see how he is runnning a RICO company after all he is skimming money and taking dues from members and using is personally open the book you fat rat
Maaaaa, I already did that? I already compounded lies on top of lies. The name thing and the woods stroll just didn’t work. I think I have to punch the wall again mama.
As most people know the Yonkers PBA members under a dark cloud of corruption. Keith the traitor Olson was spotted with that conflicted two face lawyer walking with union trustee Neil Vera. According to Olson, Vera is in good standing and will NOT be impeached for illegal search warrants. What do the members think of Olson and Vera now? Ha, ha, ha
We have to be wondering what strategy Quinn was cbasing down when he made members of the PBA blame corruption on the CLSA. Time to show him the door Tommy.
As most people know the Yonkers PBA members under a dark cloud of corruption. Keith the traitor Olson was spotted with that conflicted two face lawyer walking with union trustee Neil Vera. According to Olson, Vera is in good standing and will NOT be impeached for illegal search warrants. What do the members think of Olson and Vera now? Ha, ha, ha
All the same, blue truth =
Det Capp bob Itlza
Lt Bryant Pappas
Det Ramon montero
Leddy intervallo
John Khadijah
…. All the same….
keith you really think your better than the names you just mentioned ??? you must still be hungover from all that coors lite you drank at the picnic last Saturday…lol
Let’s hear more about this Police Officer Montero. How can ANYONE get hired as a policeman with an extensive criminal history, especially when charged with resisting arrest and drugs? Who did he know?
And why did he quit? Should the YPD have allowed him back on the force with so many excessive force complaints? Is it true that he even shot someone? It sounds like he is a ticking time bomb!
hey keith ray is not under the microscope you are Blue truth accuses you of wrong doing,if you got anything on monty go to the mayors office as you have done in the past when you helped to oust taggart and set up others fuck face stop spinning and by the way where is WAYNES MONEY
I have worked with Ray when I first came on. Keith you were not even here yet, and you really are speaking from your ass. The things you say you know you should provide. He is a much better person and partner than you can ever be. I was honored to work with such a loyal person. So stop harping on things that you have no proof of and from the 70s. Although Keith, you did prove to me as an advent reader that you tampered with official records. Since you were only a computer investigator, you won’t understand what I am conveying to you. I would work anytime with Ray, because he is a great cop and loyal. By the way Keith, Ray never quit, he took a leave for personal matters. You want to know why I know? Because I was his partner and I sat next to him. Remember I did investigations too Keith, you can’t get hired with ANY convictions of serious crimes. My support watching this play out, will always be for the stand guy not a liar like yourself. Retired thank god.
Do you really think that anyone believes this was written by Rays partner? Lol. If you’re so proud of that nut then why not sign your name?
Ray quit. Plain and simple. Just like he quit the Navy and several marriages. After he quit he hired Mike Sussman and sued to get his job back claiming discrimination. He’s doing the same crap now.
You can’t change the past “partner.” LOL
Like to mention that my friend Brian has been banging his best friend’s wife.
The only ticking time bomb is that fat slob Pataky from the fourth pct. wouldn’t want to see him explode. lol
Hezi can you find out with the administration if Mr Olson is allowed a city car from what I know he is not, also he gets 4000 a month stipend which is to cover his expense for a car and lastly is he allowed to drink Coors light beer while in possession of the city car I see comments on line that said he was can you please get to the bottom of this thank you kindly.
a concerned tax payer.
I saw him drinking those weight loss shakes near by the woods next to his city car…lol
serious dudes what was he drinking coors lites or slim fast shakes..ROTFLMAO
keith I got news for you john is well like and don’t be surprised if any of your own friends are blogging in defense of him. Remember he does a lot of work in Yonkers you know how many weddings proms airports he does for members their families and friends? don’t kid your self my friend…
Yeah John, please stop sweating. It’s disgusting.
I am shocked and appalled by the allegations brought against Olson and others. I would hope that the District Attorney’s Office is looking into what appears to be internal corruption.
Someone told me at the Nepperhan Community meeting that they caught some corrupt cops. I know Pataky is involved. That creep is not right.
I could think of a lot more names that fit him besides creep. How about total scumbag. We’ll stick with that one for now but so many come to mind.
Ahh, ma it must be All of them. So I will not only spread lies about them, but yes, mention their names. So here it is again maaaaa.
It must be :
The PC
Barry M.
Tom P.
Hector C.
Rob. S.
Local 628
John k.
Female civilians
The entire housing unit except Vera
The housing turtle
Female cops
The wood’s idea didn’t work. Anymore lies??????? To tell
Remember Garbo?
Question Keith why do you continue to go after John? you know he supports the mayor and he is close to him, you know he is very politically active and has connections locally and on the county level do you really need another enemy? Do you realize that after the show you put on Saturday you only fucked your self? think smart and layoff people that have more juice than you remember he did get the parking signs taken down and sits on one of the mayors boards and his cousin is the president of the board of Ed.You really need to think before you take action its no wonder why people are starting to distance them selves from you.
p.s. what is your beef with him to begin with…….
Wow, can you be in love with yourself any more? Lol
Me, I prefer these guys. Why? Their limos don’t small like ass.
You spell like a 5 year old. “small”? Are you talking about the small cheetah? LOL You losers are pathetic dumbasses
Just want to let all our members know that I DID NOT threaten to fight another civilian in the woods. I told my mama that it did not work. Lucky for her that I was not home to punch the walls. I am running out of space.
Now no one wants to stroll in the woods with me. Don’t forget we are being probe by the District Attorney’s Office again, but it is all lies. See you at the October meeting. Strength in thuggery. Lol
What the matter? We can’t tamper with evidence and search without warrants?
what you did Saturday keith was low and all the old timers now know about, were you drunk how many beers you had when you confronted john to go to the woods?
John, nobody cares. Nobody really likes you, they tolerate you at best. Take Nader’s advice and stop with this stupid blogging. It only makes matters worse, especially when you take the anonymity out of it and brag all over town about it.
Hezi can you find out with the administration if Mr Olson is allowed a city car from what I know he is not also he gets 4000 a month stipend which covers his expense for a car and lastly is he allowed to drink Coors light beer while in possession of the city car I see comments on line that said he was can you please get to the bottom of this thank you kindly.
a concerned tax payer
keith did not have one beer at all he was there early and left late I swear not one beer but he did order a few double cheese burgers with extra cheese on the side….ROTFLMAO
another taxpayer here. while you rock stars are raping us, can one of you sc@mbags tell us why anyone has a 4k stipend?
Obviously Keith and the real law violators are squirming back to a job from the 80’s. What your are witnessing is an desperate attempt by Olson to spin all of his criminal activity which is much more than innuendos. The fact is Olson, Moran, Vera, and Pataky
The D.A. is right on target and need to locate more witnesses against these rogue real time cops. There is no need to elaborate about the actions of these individuals but they are guilty of every little charge. In fact, the DOJ just has to start with the reports sitting at IAD, the breaking into the Narcotics Office, the tampering of evidence. This is real Keith, not your spinning of the criminal probe onto Ray. Didn’t you, Mueller, Moran do enough. You guy should be arrest today. Didn’t you try the same to the DD Capt.
Maaaaaaa, any more lies I can say. I think I said them all. Maaaaaaa, can I punch the wall again. Its not working MA
keith why do you drive a city car? don’t you get a stipend from the city? and how many beers did you have at the old timers picnic before you drove away???
notice the job changed when Eddie Armour made the rat his VP??? than the job went to shit when the rat was made pres. the most retirements where under eddy and the rat more the rat though, so that’s why this job suck asshole like Keith we voted in hurt our livelihood. Now we have more retirements coming that are not scheduled but because the rats friends bought unnecessary attention to the department good guys are going against their will great fucking job keith you miserable fuck you and only you fucked this job up !!
p.s. if Mueller ever goes to the 3rd floor there will be a mass exodus!
What other dirt can I say ma? They don’t like going into the woods. Ahhhh, maybe I should leave. Good idea fat boy. Answer the article. You guys got caught. Hope the D.A don’t look into you and Quinn. NAH, Perry will do that.
Thanks for the warning fat man we will not go near the woods or Pataky or Verea your union trustees might put package in our pockets and search our rides. No woods for me.
Spinning the truth won’t help. So I will huff and puff until someone will go into the woods. You talking about my mama? The woods, the woods. Fool
Yonkers Police Officer Raymond Montero has an extensive criminal history which includes arrests for Resisting Arrest and drugs. He should have never been hired by the YPD in the first place.
He quit the YPD in the early 1990’s because he had piled up an unusual amount of excessive force complaints, at least one for beating a handcuffed teenager, and he wanted to avoid being disciplined. He then filed a lawsuit claiming he was racially discriminated against in an attempt to get his job back, the same job he voluntarily resigned from.
And now…….
Blue Truth is about you keith and your crimes which to date you still commit, when a story comes out on Det Montero I am sure he will deal with it now getting back to you where is Wayne’s money!!!
Keith, shame one you. We have always said if you have proof of these allegations of your desperate attempts to spin your own criminal conduct of warrantless searches, and tampering with evidence.
We urge you or anyone else to set forth any legal basis of your allegations and show unequivocal proof and real tangible evidence that shows your allegations. The only thing that you and Brian Moran are proving, is that the truth hurts and bring up a job that was not Ray’s from 1988 is sad and pathetic on your part. As we said this is about you and your conduct, not something from almost 30 years ago. So stop the spin and turn yourself in for ALL the warrantless searches you did with Brian Moran. That is substance and 2014. However, since you are so desperate to spin the real facts that you have yet to answer, please bring your files or proof to the Commissioner’s office today. If not cry baby mama, or you want to walk in the woods. Put up or see Ray personally if you have some kind of issue. He is always ready to give you a helping hand. Really see him. He is certainly is waiting for you to try to bully him.
Mr. Unity or should it be are you talking about my Mama? Do you want to go into the woods to fight? WTF you fat pussy. You have attack cancer victims, accused cops of using drugs, race, gender, age, and yes Death of family members. Wow I wonder if your fat rat ass will make it to the woods by the guys you label blue truthers. Maaaa, what should I say now. They got me. They are right. I have lied about everything. Maaaa, are you listening. Bully boy
Having an upset stomach because someone made fun of your moma is not covered under the sickness policy.
Our team of Customer Care Representatives – professionals who are based here in the U.S. – are always ready to help you with any needs you may have.
What about a lack of spine? Is that covered? How about mental illness? You better hope so.
What about not being able to look down and see your toes is that covered? ROTFLMAO
Does it make you feel like a man and not a rat when you attempt to lie about what you and others have done. Calling someone spineless is something a bully like yourself would say. We are wondering why you were a bully all your life. That’s probably why you became a boss haters and went into union affairs. Spineless is staring you right in the face when you wake up. Spineless is how you back stabbed all the other members by labeling them Blue Truthers a name of a series of articles printed and written by the owner of the Yonkers Tribune.
Well seeing what you did to other union leaders, families, other union members like 456, to have someone fired for pennies is spineless. Well spineless fat boy are we not going to fire the individuals that will be indicted because of rogue cops like yourself and Vera, Pataky the planter. Spineless is you bully boy for intentionally lying on EVERYONE. BY THE WAY, I very much agree with who you label B. Truthers. Thank god the Tribune investigated the stench of Olson. Go take a walk into the woods with your conscious, and attempt to beat it. It may hurt. Laughable
What’s laughable is you trying to put together a cognitive and cohesive sentence. Can you please have an adult or someone above a 3rd Grade reading level do your commenting for you? Thank you.
I wish you would of paid more attention to the new 207c changes cant wait till members have to go thru that shit…lol
Don’t you a Grand Jury to go Keith. You may even be there yourself.
sorry keiths grand jury will not be at 111 martin luther king blvd, it will be at 300 Quarropas ………..
Having an upset stomach because someone made fun of your mama is not covered under the sickness policy.
Our team of Customer Care Representatives – professionals who are based here in the U.S. – are always ready to help you with any needs you may have.
Thank you,
Combined Insurance
Oh yeah fat boy blame all your woes on another allegation of a Federal monitor. I guess if we get one we can attribute it to the way a few things that have nothing to do with silent majority. Could it be they will coming for these reasons:
Warrantless searches of cars and homes conducted by you and others that are in the Grand Jury now, that caused the death of a person and obstruction by all the lies you feed them to attempt to cover the incident.
Tampering and planting evidence against people
Conducting unauthorized investigation against CLSA and PBA members.
Fund raising practices and NOT distributing the cashed raised
Tampering with Official Police files.
Allegations of beer parties and refusing orders
Creating false Police identities.
Tampering and altering Official Police Files and removing them from a Police Facility.
Intentionally lying to I.A..D. to blame others
Supervisors such as Moran, Mueller and Chiarella filing false reports and lying to IAD
Intentionally targeting police personnel with personal discipline reports
Threatening civilians because they affiliate with certain police personnel.
A clear and present conflict of interest by Yonkers PBA Lawyer Andrew Quinn. He represents the interest of both unions pitting members of two different unions against each other.
Olson letting Quinn represent civilian and political friends on the PBA dime
Keith Olson has used Andrew Quinn and is currently using your dime in a civil law suit against another member that Olson conjured up lies against and expel him with no proof other than a show of hands in which Olson raised his hands first.
Taking cell phones and downloading its contents with a search warrant.
Intentionally inciting physical confrontations using thug union trustees to intentionally spread lies and misinformation into the precincts about certain personnel that are not true.
Breaking into Offices and searching to remove damaging evidence.
Olson getting caught going through D.A. files. What was ye lookiny for or looking to remove?
Conducting fund raisers for family members and employers.
So we encourage a full independent investigation into Keith Olson and others mentioned on this site. The investigators could fin there witnesses by looking into the complaints filed against Olson and others. Then it will be a slam dunk. No Quinn, no Olson
Tumbling down the rabbit hole, goes the leader of the Blue Truth zeroes…
have extra lawyers on stand by jackoff by the way Quinn has another day to answer rays lawsuit against you tell him no more extensions….lol
Having an upset stomach because someone talked bad about your mama is not covered under the sickness policy.
Our team of Customer Care Representatives – professionals who are based here in the U.S. – are always ready to help you with any needs you may have. But if you don’t have time for a call, or would rather e-mail us with concerns or questions you may have, you may email us using the firm in the link below.
Thank you,
Combined Insurance
so Mr. unity when do you plan on stepping down so we can unite again……
The YPD got it all wrong. They ban a guy like David Duke of combined life from coming onto city property for trying to help us but yet they allow a leech like Quinn to extort us for twenty bucks a month, from each member, from both unions. Do that math. Then he pits PBA against CLS. I don’t know about you guys but I have a serious problem with this.
If you have such a problem with it then speak up at your union meeting you pussy.
get 50 percent of the members and watch all hell break out your meetings are staged and versed the good guys are out numbered with your planters and flakers ………..
You really do want to be a queen for a day, maybe more, don’t you? Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Been there, done that. Quinn is a turd. Just saying…..
Lol, you rats never stop. Ray and Bob are now calling for a federal monitor? Let me guess?You guys have proof of this, right! I guess it’s the same kind of proof you used to throw Ray out of the union. You rats could make oodles and oodles of money writing fiction novels. Speak to Keith, Quinn and Neil about federal monitors you windbags.
Bob should be careful who he eats breakfast with.
Bobby Itzla, along with his lackey Montero are now calling for a federal monitor. Yeah Bob, your own “friends” are telling on you. They care about themselves only, nothing else.
Lol, you rats never stop. Ray and Bob are now calling for a federal monitor? Let me guess?You guys have proof of this, right! I guess it’s the same kind of proof you used to throw Ray out of the union. You rats could make oodles and oodles of money writing fiction novels. Speak to Keith, Quinn and Neil about federal monitors you windbags.
Blue truth hates Keith and his entourage. And for more than good reason. We could give a fuck either way about Rui. You rats claim to be smart. Why don’t you have the computer guru Donaghy figure out who really loves Rui? Oh, my bad, he only knows how to steal DVR’s.
too bad it doesn’t say how it started cop or no cop you should be respecting girls and not grabbing their asses,you grab my girls ass cop or no cop you will get fucked up, and that’s what happened here I know cause I was at the bar.
That Rui Florim and his punk friends attacked out brothers in blue make you case on something other then this he got what he deserved for resisting arrest and again attempting to injure the arresting officers and no I am a PBA boy
I agree. They were all dirtbags. Move on. I’m no Keith boy either.
click on video
In Rui lawsuit it said 2 Yonkers unmarked cars went into Greenburgh and beat the shit out of him we know keith was the driver of one car who drove the second?
Keith you sold the Housing Unit out under Hartnett your buddy. How come you did go to their office and refuse a transfer. Hey no good byes, no beer bash with that nit wit Mueller.
Give it a rest guys. Keith is feverishly working to stop all the housing transfers. Shit wait…… I’m just confused guys. He already accomplished stopping a transfer order. Too bad it was for the wrong union.
You are coming in late in the inning. Stay retired. If you really are following this, then you would know this more than that ridiculous mother cry baby complaint. Please do read and make better inferences as to what happened in the YPD. Over 400 cops refused to sign an impeachment petition carried by Vera and Pataky. Over 400 cops refused to vote in a kangaroo court run by a corrupt union president. Get the facts before you make assumptions as to who is behind anything. You took the wrong then pal.
ranting and raving for 2 years . I was on the other job this shit didn’t happen .I will credit myself with 8 wins one loss and when my head hit the terrazzo floor it hurt .I went on sick leave as some others in the group of 8 did I probably could have been fired an maybe should have been . with that being said ,,, how does it all end? you guys got it made and by the way you treated us like royalty always HATS OFF TO U .does it end with an indictment felony charges and jail ? we always though you had it knocked ,,, now ? if the blue truth is who I think he is he, had a guy up against a car cuffed an in custody in 15 seconds at leak and watts one night.i was impressed r m impressed the shit out of me that night . now your down to talking about mothers ? disgracefull! stay safe and enjoy your patrol
keith started atacking members family and civillians keep it clean you dirty rat
was it true olson drinking coors lite at the picnic and driving a city car?
yes he was and he looked like he had a load on and im not talking about his weight ,,,,
he must of had a load on if he wanted to start something at the picnic with khader….
You would never take a walk into the woods with Garbo.
keith was pissed at john showing up cause he realized that john had more friends than him at the picnic…LOL
seriously speaking that might be true
Strength in Unity!
extra cheese please..lol
just make sure you dont eat all the cheese sick and tired of burgers with out cheese………..lol
I’m not sure how people should handle someone making fun of their mother. But it is pretty heartless for people to say bad things about your mother–I’m assuming she did nothing to them.
When I was in the 9th grade, my mom (mum, if you will) took a job at my school as a lunch lady–a job’s a job.
One day, I was sitting in math class, and I heard one of the guys–a sophomore, who was slightly bigger than me, make an unflattering comment about my mother. I immediately turned around and stared the guy down, while another guy whispered something to him–he then he just sat there silent.
But I kept staring at him for a moment longer, and finally I asked him if he had anything more to say on the matter. He said, uh, no. I was ready to rock, and he knew it. I also added that I would have never thought of saying anything bad about HIS mother, or anyone in his family.
Not that I was normally violent when I was in high school–but when a son hears somebody badmouthing his mother…
Coo coo coo coo coo coo!
Yeah the guy talking about mother’s was none other than Mr. Keith the bully Olson, who needs motherly love or a spanking. Get help Mr. UNITY
If the city wants to save money get rid of IAD , the 1st pct , and traffic no one will even notice the most useless units and pct in the city
I guess keith wants more cuts after all he did plot to shut down burglary, domestic, dare units now he wants more …..
Maybe the Gang Unit should go.
That would be a rats answer. Get rid of the gang unit? Seems like they are doing things right. What’s your next suggestion? Make Neil a detective and fill the cut spots with him. You assholes are a joke. Anytime you want to see things done right just go up there.
Close the office of the PBA. No real cop sits in there anyway. That office has not been pack since Charlie Cola left. Even Eddie had more visitors. Loser
Ahh, what a bangin weekend. I kinda like this ” Cheetah club” in which they dubbed me, Anthony the Cheetah Chiarella”. I glad a got props first, because that closet freak Moran belongs to the club, and told me that the fat man said he does not have to pay dues. Dudes WTF, I need it to avoid standing in long lines at the soup kitchen. I also need it for protection down here in the ghetto. I bang a lot of ass coming out of the free clinic. Man I had a great weekend. No shots fired, no domestics, no freaks, and no Olsons. Just a plethora of ghetto roses with smooth smokin sweet ass cheeks. Chilling dudes. See ya at roll call.
Hey, I might be a few minutes late because I am ueing the washing machines at the 1st Pct. Shhhh
hey hudson st you make my day!
Keith after yesterday you made his case against you better all you did was embarrass your self, You think those guys like after that incident you really are trash how the fuck did the members vote you in, but than again that’s why this job changed so much the last 7-8 years …………..
p.s. and that’s funny because you have been vp than the pres of the pba when the job went south….
This guy calls himself a union later? The guy was born in the gutter. He has back stabbed just about every supervisor on the job except his two door mat friends, John I am the smartest man alive and Brian Moran I can search any where and any time without a warrant. In fact, we can tamper with evidence and lie on others just with our stripes. The fact is, these bunch of miscreants needed to be step on by the department bosses long ago. They took your kindness for weakness. So now its every man and woman for themselves within the Yonkers Police Department. The department against the trash pale full of rodents.
Take a real hard look of what the requirements are for a PBA trustee.
Pataky the civil rights offender and teenager slapper and also a great evidence planter.
Joe Ski, walking around with a steroid syringe hanging out of his ass. Not to mention another fuckin liar and wife beater.
Neil Diamond Vera, one of the dirtiest union trustee’s to actually get caught with the truth net. This mess would have never happened, if Olson’s wasn’t a family friend who brought him back after he was fired for lying. Besides stealing from St. Joseph’s Hospital, we really can’t blame him too much, because these guys have been doing dirty for a while. This is probably one of the most corrupt police investigations in the State. Not only causing the death of a person or two, but one of the most corrupt union leaders this State has ever seen. The Yonkers PBA has been very corrupt since Olson became Vice President and President. Do the math yourself. Why would any decent professional police officer want to get involved with these dirty cops.
sorry two years ago the ballots where rigged that’s how he got in, and last time he begged the mayor for a contract so he can have no opposition. If the election was held with out a contract keith be walking South Broadway looking for handouts POS.
Olson the woods man had a great time drinking like the slob he is. Too bad we didn’t see him. It would have been DWI with a City vehicle. Four thousand a month, plus pay and the union leader can’t lease a car!
I saw him ……….
Hey Mr. Daniel Olson, have John Donaghy bring the Dunwoodie DVD. We heard it was recovered in Larchmont at JD’s house. Yeah the one that your buddy said he was punched in the face after he told a man he could not leave. Make sure you get the right one. Not the job from Locust hill.
john don’t be afraid of the rat file a complaint but this time don’t go to IAD go to an outside agency where they will conduct a complete investigation, bring your tickets and video with you.
Bring some punctuation with you too. A capital letter wouldn’t kill ya either.
Maaaa, the punctuation didn’t work. Can I punch the wall again? Huh, huh
Why? Why would any normal union leader ask a grown man to go into the woods. Why would any union president personally issue a summons to a local businessman in the 4th Pct. What was Mueller and Chiarella’s role in the ticket scandal? Hmmm we ard wondering
In all fairness, that dude could easily be mistaken for a big, fat, smelly, hairy woodchuck. I would’ve wanted to throw him back in the woods too.
keith I hope you don’t think your better looking than John…please man that guy holds him self a lot better than you and at least he has hair. When was the last time you looked at your self?
Haha, not speaking for KO but seriously dude, if you had walked into those woods one of them old timers might’ve blasted you thinking you were a Yeti. Then again I guess the 1980’s wardrobe, the obnoxious gold chains and the 2 gallons of Drakkar Noir would probably pass you off as almost human.
stop hating keith you wish you are liked like john must piss you off that he has a lot of friends in the YPD probably more than you…ROTFLMAO
PETA, WTF, wood chuck? Olson is the walking dead Yeti. The fuckin guy pockets are stuffed with rotten cheese. The guy is a moving cadaver and just don’t know it. As for for fashion, the fat rancid cadaver wears the old set of Irish clothes dating back to the Potato Famine days of Ireland. Although, it could be his grandfather’s attic set. The fK in guy is a walking memorial wall. On another note his credibility is as good as a crack whore.
keith you comparing your looks with john pleeeeeeeeeese you remember the south broadway bum BILLY QUILINN? tell me you don’t look like him but 500 pounds fatter ..lol
too boot you are both the same bums..lol
Can’t understand why a grown man who weights over 4o0 pounds would want to go into the woods with another grown man. Keith you never asked the two IAD supervisors for a field trip. Dont forget about tomorrow. We will be meeting in front. Please no talk of taking our lawyers into the woods. If you do not see us in front. It won’t be because of the woods nonsense, it will be because of time scheduling. You can always wait for us to leave and see if your Daniel Boone story really works on real men.
rats nightmare
here you go all the info you need
KO why don’t you and Brian Moran bring up your warrantless searches files. The returns are late. Also meet us in front, we will be there with our lawyers so please try not to ask them to go into the woods with you. Come join us. I sure the D.A. investigators will believe your story alright. Make sure you wash up, your criminal stench reeks. Don’t forget the files. We have ours. We can view the DVD of you training others on how to issue selective summons to a local businessman. Then we can see how it looks on the news.
You and your boys have been doing warrantless searches for a while now. It had to cost a life for it to surface, or it would be business as usual. Something like when Olson and Moran searched the DD Captains office and files without any search warrant or police authorization. The union office under Keith Olson is legally out of control.
That shows what you know. There is no DD Captain. Duh!
I’m going up there with a nice hunk of extra sharp cheddar. All the rats will be reeled right in.
Make sure you street hoods bring your rap sheets when you go talk to the DA and the Feds. I’m sure they’ll welcome you with open arms.
In the middle of a criminal investigation, Yonkers PBA leader Keith Olson just could not help himself again. So far he his motor mouth is working overtime and to date he has threaten everyone from IAD supervisors to Brian Walsh to two or three civilians. No bad for I guy that is grossly over weight with sugar running on high temps. Its only a matter of time until he self implodes.
His latest fiasco, threatening to take the Mayor’s friend into the woods was quite sad for a so called union boss, or is it union thug. Anyway, John told the street thug to shove off and would not stoop to the level of a street rat. Good for you John.
This fat mutt is out of control and all while the District Attorney’s is looking into corruption of Vera and others. Well the D.A will have more work tomorrow. To allow a mutt like Olson to continue to abuse his authority by instigating a police enforce ticket blitz, and now threatening the same person with veiled physical threats will not longer be tolerated. Time to take this out of the hands of Yonkers. We will also request a review by a federal monitor.
who was there I don’t believe Keith would verbally threaten john keith knows he is friendly with a lot of people especially in white plains what was john doing there anyway….
Does say retired police officers can’t invite their friends who pay their way. Its not only a PBA sponsored picnic but funded by the CLSA too. Olson had NO F, in right to approach anyone. Push off rat face.
john always came to the picnic he knows most of the guys and always supported the cls and the pba till keith became president, till this day I don’t know why keith hates john,and keith as a union leader what you did yesterday was despicable your lucky I didn’t want to spoil the event enough said shame on you to go after a guy that all he does is good for us .
Your one funny fat man. Why don’t you meet us there in front. Let us know what time and we can walk it together. I must remind you to leave your ticket books behind and I don’t think the front of the building has any wooded area. So you might have to expose some of that rat fat. Bring some of your set up cops too like Pataky and Vera. I am sure the investigators would like to meet all of you rats. Pussy boy
Bring this professional, well written and dignified blog with you too. Your integrity, vocabulary and grammar are commensurate with your criminal history.
None of this would have happened if the third floor served KO like any other person on the job. There are piles of complaints on file with more to come. Letting Keith Olson and others off the hook for conducting unauthorized investigations and threats is the bosses fault. He should have been spanked long ago. Now we will do it outside Yonkers control.
FU and Quinn. Great strategy on the PBA’s part to blame supervision. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you. More over, you boy Vera and others have been lying like Keith for a while. Don’t know if transfer will solve anything when you have a rogue leader and trustees like Vera , Pataky, and Joe Ski the wife beater. All sacks of shit.
It’s really the bosses fault they get bitched slapped all over the place and don’t do shit….. The department is run like shit cops do whatever they want and the bosses backstab each other. Phelan is an embarrassment, Hodges walks around in daze and Monaco was a self serving jackass
You re right. Bosses did get bitchslapped. So how bout this: bosses start acting like it. 5 min late? F you….write up. Hair too long? F you….bang. Too long to get to job? Ahhhh….F you….bang. Need last minute comp? Uhh….F you and NO! Get the idea?
Very impressive union leader, who starts off a conversation with, ” are you talking about my mama”. Do you want to go in the woods to fight? Great leadership skills.
you want to look good at Compstat….F you
you want one boss to stay home while working… F you
you want tickets written…. F you and NO! Get the idea?
And when you do that you get written up and if it continues you get suspended ,,,,,,,so how is that for a FU…..
Lol. Stupid rookie. Just remember one thing: Compstat can always wait- your “emergency comp” can’t. Now get to work. Oh, and BTW stand on that corner and don’t move, kiddo.
PS – That’s why they re bosses and you re not
Have fun.
The coward only threatens when he is safe.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
You mean like when you’re hiding behind your keyboard? Lol
guys can you stop dropping my name here and there, I appreciate your friendship and support but what happened yesterday only proved the continued harassment from Keith, I also do not approve or condone talking about anyone’s family or member no matter what. Keith thank you for the show you put on yesterday I will make sure my lawyer adds this to my complaint.
Thank you John for all that you do for our community and the Yonkers Department.
Thank you John for all that you do for our community and the Yonkers Police Department.
John you have always been a good friend of the YPD. You are being targeted because you support your friends in blue. Olson you need help. Loser
Don’t call it a comeback
I been here for years
Rockin my peers and puttin suckas in fear
Makin the tears rain down like a MON-soon
Listen to the bass go BOOM
Explosion, overpowerin
Over the competition, I’m towerin
Wreckin shop, when I drop these lyrics that’ll make you call the cops
Don’t you dare stare, you betta move
Don’t ever compare
Me to the rest that’ll all get sliced and diced
Competition’s payin the price
I’m gonna knock you (HUUUH!!!)
Mama said knock you out (HUUUH!!!)
I’m gonna knock you out (HUUUH!!!)
Mama said knock you out (HUUUH!!!)
I’m gonna knock you out (HUUUH!!!)
Mama said knock you out (HUUUH!!!)
Don’t u call this a regular jam
I’m gonna rock this land
I’m gonna take this itty bitty world by storm
And I’m just gettin warm
Just like Muhummad Ali they called him Cassius
Watch me bash this beat like a skull
Cuz u know I had beef wit
Why do u riff with me, the maniac psycho
And when I pull out my jammy get ready cuz it might go
BLAAAAW, how ya like me now?
The river will not allow
U to get with, Mr. Smith, dont riff
Listen to my gear shift
I’m blastin, outlastin
Kinda like Shaft, so u could say I’m shaftin
Old English filled my mind
And I came up with a funky rhyme
I’m gonna knock you (HUUUH!!!)
Mama said knock you out (HUUUH!!!)
I’m gonna knock you out (HUUUH!!!)
Mama said knock you out (HUUUH!!!)
I’m gonna knock you out (HUUUH!!!)
Mama said knock you out (HUUUH!!!)
Shadow boxin when I heard you on the radio (HUUUH!!!)
I just don’t know
What made you forget that I was raw?
But now I got a new tour
I’m goin insane, startin the hurricane, releasin pain
Lettin you know that you can’t gain, I maintain
Unless ya say my name
Rippin, killin
Diggin and drillin a hole
Pass the Ol’ Gold
I’m gonna knock you (HUUUH!!!)
Mama said knock you out (HUUUH!!!)
I’m gonna knock you out (HUUUH!!!)
Mama said knock you out (HUUUH!!!)
I’m gonna knock you out (HUUUH!!!)
Mama said knock you out (HUUUH!!!)
Shotgun blasts are heard
When I rip and kill, at WILL
The man of the hour, tower of power, I’ll devour
I’m gonna tie you up and let you understand
that I’m not your average man
when I got a jammy in my hand
DAAAAAM!!!!! Oooooohh!!
Listen to the way I slaaaaay, your crew
Damage (UHH) damage (UHH) damage (UHH) damage
Destruction, terror, and mayhem
Pass me a sissy so suckas I’ll slay him
Farmers (What!!!) Farmers (What!!!)
I’m ready (we’re ready!!!)
I think I’m gonna bomb a town (get down!!)
Don’t u neva, eva, pull my lever
Cuz I explode
And my nine is easy to load
I gotta thank God
Cuz he gave me the strength to rock
HARD!! knock you out, mama said knock you out
I’m gonna knock you (HUUUH!!!)
Mama said knock you out (HUUUH!!!)
I’m gonna knock you out (HUUUH!!!)
Mama said knock you out (HUUUH!!!)
I’m gonna knock you out (HUUUH!!!)
Mama said knock you out (HUUUH!!!)
No comment from the rats this morning? Sleeping in late. Must’ve been a great night out for the rats, all on our dime of course. Rumor has it Keith was out at the local pub boasting about what he didn’t do to John, lol. He started shadow boxing and had a massive heart attack. Funeral services to be held at the local dump.
He’s such a fucking shit head. They should slap his mother for having his fat ass.
No John doesn’t want to go in the woods with you Keith. Do you think this is deliverance?Besides, John Donaghy wasn’t there to play the banjo. lmao
So much for straightening out the mouth breather. Keith stared at him like he was in love. John will still discount your limo ride Keith. Matter of fact, fuck it. When they haul you off to the big house the limo will be free.
Keith, what is wrong with you?
who the fuck is Keith to go up to John and confront him about anything? not right what you did keith only shows your true colors John is a stand up guy he wont blog about families mothers or sisters the guy is not like that.is he blogging on you yes but not families I know how he is, You really are losing it to challenge him to a fight at the picnic yesterday I suggest you see a doctor maybe he can help………
The loser showed is true colors again. It was one of the most despicable behavior any normal union leader could have displayed in front of a wide arrange of men. Keith you must step down. The Police Commissioner must take action against you and send you to a shrink. Olson has been verbally threatening CLSA and PBA for the past several years. He has been targeting John who is a friend of any police officer, except Olson. What union leader in the entire City personally issues any type of violations or summons? That is what the Tribune article so eloquently points out. By NOT taking action or intentionally down playing the actions of Keith Olson and others is a travesty.
On Monday Mr. Kader and others will take the appropriate legal steps against the PBA, the department for allowing these threats and complaints to pile up with just verbal or paper warnings. We have come to the realization that perhaps all these prior complaints cannot be handled properly because the Internal Affairs findings are altered. That kind of interference only fuels more internal corruption by Olson.
As a result, we will be directly dealing with the District Attorney’s Office as well as other judicial agencies asking for a full inquiry into the actions of Keith Olson and others. Time for Olson to go.
guys do what ever you like but lets try to keep the families out of the comments, this is a nasty topic to begin with stick to story and leave the home life where it belongs thank you.
Threats, fights, tampering, missing money, break in, missing files, falsify reports all true. Now I also threaten civilians
Oops Keith did it again…….
Commissioner, Olson did it again. He threaten and ask Kader to fight because he taught someone was talking about his mama. Well if your mama raised you properly, you would not have turned into a bully. So we see that something very troubling had occurred on moquette row. Because you are irrational and a very anger union rat.
This time Yonkers will not be handling this complaint. They have enough on their plate with Vera and Pataky. The commissioner has had even complaints about your behavior Keith. Time to pay for your behavior.
Commissioner, Olson did it again. He threaten and ask Kader to fight because he taught someone was talking about his mama. Well if your mama raised you properly, you would not have turned into a bully. So we see that something very troubling had occurred on moquette row. Because you are irrational and a very anger union rat.
This time Yonkers will not be handling this complaint. They have enough on their plate with Vera and Pataky. The commissioner has had even complaints about your behavior Keith. Time to pay for your behavior.
Threats, fights, tampering, missing money, break in, missing files, falsify reports, warrantless searches. What else KO? Throwing more members out of the union.
Strength in Garbo!
John was a complete gentleman. Olson was the low life that threaten to fight him. I don’t blame John if he files a complaint. Who are you Keith to tell him he not welcome. He has done more for cops than your set up ass. He turned down the bullies offer to fight. Way to go John. We have your back. He can’t do that to the guys he calls Blue Truthers. He see them all the time. You accuse him of talking about cops. That is really funny moquette gray rat. Way to defuse John. Verbal Judo works John. Especially on big rats.
if john had balls he should of knocked the fucker out the minute he approached him and started with him,just saying
Did you ever thing that most people don’t knock each other out. Olson is a public figure. He should NOT be threatening civilians. Not about tiny balls like Olson. Time for another complaint against the rat with a crowd. See if you can find someone else to pick on. Who will you try Monday? The D.A. ? They are laughing at you. The readers see what your about. Trash pale
gotta say john was a gentleman the way he stood up to Keith, funny thing was what did Keith think… he knows john is liked by most of the old timers if not all of them..
Liked? Hardly. Tolerated for a free limo ride? Maybe.
I guess Garbo wasn’t at the picnic otherwise someone wouldn’t have been flexing the flab.
Keith you have been talking about the death of Montero’s family member. How about that you low life? Go ask him what he thinks about that. Kader handled you like a gentleman. You are a real bully. Get help before its to late. Dick
Garbo is a fat dick and a bully.
He isn’t beating anybody up.
Keith why did he kick your ass? We know but we want to hear it from you.
Keith the fat rat struck again. He attempted to bully a guy he thought was talking about bis mother on the Tribune. What a hypocrite. You have talked about members family, sicknesses, age , race and every other low down thing to people’s High School Days. Well pal, you better accuse a lot more people than just John about what is occurring. I will say this that you were not wanted at the d Timers picnic after that thuggish display of challenging a civilian because You think he talking about your mama. Well pal you went there and we will finish like champs, nor will we be bullied. So if you muster up the nerve, that a guess you criminal. You fight with 7 order cops right. Your a pussy union leader and you are embarrassing to the City of Yonkers. Take your corrupt pussy cops with you, or come and ask us what we think . Please do pussy boy. Ma come help me.
Yeah as the department is being investigated by the D.A. office Keith the low life rat challenged a civilian to a fight. Just proves to everyone that the stories and actions of Olson and others are all true.
The Yonkers PBA leader Keith Olson is completely responsible for his own demise. He along with Brian Moran, as well as John Mueller set off a internal riot. Under the former police commissioner these jerks were allowed to discreetly violate state and federal law. They use their positions of ranks and authority to target certain bosses and members who did not follow their lead.
Olson created the Pataky’s and Vera’s of the department with his bragging of not following internal procedures which crossed into violating state and federal laws. The actions of Olson and these rogue officers went unchecked for quite a while. The department was unprepared for Olson. They took for face value any discipline or informational gathering about an employee. This cancer just took off from Olson’s desk.
Where there is Garbo there is victory!
4th Precint
its all lies right keith
Good evening members, I cant say it enough, how difficult it is to keep defending what is factually true. It is very very difficult to spin all of these facts. I know it looks bad, but let me assure you professional members that I will never tell another lie or set up any union members. I have come to the realization that I may have to step down for all these acts of misconduct that I along with others have truly committed. Those acts have shame me, my few friends, my family, the department, the city and all the other professional union leaders. I just did not want anyone to stop my plan to make John the Joker Mueller the next anything. He currently is the only Captain in the city that I am friends with. I will also like to say to the entire board that I have led them down a dead end road and exposed the entire union because of my personal insecurities. I will be stepping down immediately for the good of the entire department.
Thank you and I know what most people would say unequivocally, and that is, ” hit the road you lying piece of SLAB.
Keith did you get your copy of the Journal News. Your proffer buddy Vera was feature. The great Housing mover and shaker, or flaker. Its all lies. Right
Yup, we got it.
“The department also reassigned Detective Captain Robert Itzla, commander of the Detective Division, to Administrative Services.”
We are too fat ass. He is laughing all the way with his DD statuts pay. Besides Hodges is in and he knows who All of you are and how you guys are still trying to back stabb him for that useless order refused John the Joker Mueller. Lick that off your mother’s suction cups pally.
Hodges replaced Itzla? Wow, some friend. He didn’t just jump in his grave he helped dig it too. You don’t think he played a part in Itzla’s transfer? Isn’t he the PC’s right hand man? Open your eyes Bobby, you got played.
Keith go get yourself a copy of the Journal News, your personal friend’s story is there. Oh yes, its not true either. You really taught him well. What great union trustees you have. All good standing members. Lol
What another skin grabbing , butt slapping night in the hood. Ah, I actually got a nice hot meal at the Homeless Shelter. The line was a little long, but I got behind a nice ghetto rose, who ended up on my floor mattress. Cool dudes. Right. The best part of the night is when I got home and did not find that pale face freak Moran hiding in my closet. You know him and the fat man are great at gaining entries without search warrants. I actually got to play dress up with my sliced ass. Can’t remember the last time I played dress up with the rooster. For some reason, she always wanted me to pretend I was a queen. You know dudes, like Vera recently played. Anyway, then the rooster would play to rough because my back door use to hurt during my tour. Although, now that I am reminiscing, it use to hurt like that after an all night drinking party with Keith too. Ah, I have to change the subject for now because he is probably watching and listening. Got to go dudes, my ghetto rose is waking up and I have to go get her kids a box of cereal and milk. Oooo, my phone is ringing, I wonder what tour its going to be. You know I am known as the Hudson St. Wife tamer.
keith we all know what you did to the job can you please tell us exactly what john khader did?
Maaaaaaa, I ran out of lies. Now what mama? Blame anyone Keith. Do not punch the wall again. They are already destroyed. Stop it ma.
Keith can you comment on who broke into the narcotics office?
What about the criminal probe into your union trustees Vera or Pataky? Either one? You pick it trash pale rat.
Why would someone break into the narcotics office?
Hey dick, you figure it out. Ass hole. There is paper on it. Go find it. How about this. Why is there a criminal probe into the narcotics office? Dick
“Your” the smart guy.
Really Keith, bring your proof to the Commissioners office on Monday. Put up or shout up. What are you afraid of? You already set him up three times, got him transfer, and lied to the entire membership to get him expelled. Did he hump your mother too? I know , your afraid the way he speaks to you. Go back to searching police files you rat. This is about criminal activity in the year 2014. Not some teenage fight. DICK
“Put up or shout up?” Lol
Birds of a feather stick together.
john is always welcomed over there with open arms.
No you’re not.
pass by and see for your self
come by keith I ordered extra cheese for your burger tomorrow
He should show his face at the Old Timers to see how many friends he has.
Fat boy, this is about you and your dirty dealings. Do you really believe your credible? Ask the other union leaders how credible you are. You and Moran have been doing warrantless searches for years against your own members. You Keith not Monte did all the crime in the department. You stole Wayne’s and Jimmy’s money. You tampered with Police Files and evidence. You set up Captains and others. You sold the members out on the contract. You threaten two IAD supervisors. You buddy Vera was the lying cop that caused someone’s death. You buddy Vera caused other personnel to be investigated. You are lobbying for Mueller? What a fuckin joke. That asshole along with you refused an order of transfer, then had a drinking party to celebrate. Real Chief material. The office is a disgrace. Don’t let me tell you about your downloads of phone records. Criminal???????? Wow you rat face pussy. Did you find your balls yet? I mean small small peas. Throw out another lie. Go ask your mother where you went wrong fat boy. The answer is in front of her.
Don’t you have a memorial to attend?
He’s not wanted here!
Thank god he didn’t show up. Nobody wanted him there.
Montero was arrested numerous times for resisting arrest before his father in law made the mistake of helping him get on the job. Ain’t that right Ramon? He hated cops then and he hates cops now.
And Keith’s mother is queer. What the fuck is your point dip shit. Tell your story packing. That PBA office and it’s counterparts are all rats. Ask the bosses that they threw under the fucking bus. Did I mention that Quinn is a piece of elephant shit. He should’ve been dealt with at Rogers party when he was talking ill of our department.
There are a lot of people in this world that despise you Raymond and for good reason. And no, this is not Olsen. Only someone like you would talk poorly about somebody’s mother but it’s no surprise here. Shame on you now and forever.
It ain’t Ray fuck mouth. Mamma wants to post so that’s how it goes. All you rats stay close cause everybody hates your asses.
Next week the PBA will be holding training classes for anyone interested in how to search offices, safes, vehicles, close compartments, houses, apartments, cell phones, and personal computers all with out a ” Search Warrants “.
The courses will be taught by none other than the Yonkers PBA Union leader Keith ” I never Lie” Olson. Special guest speaker and coordinator will be none other than Det. Sgt. Moran. Unfortunately Pataky and Vera are unable to attend this months training.
Next week Moran will demonstrate on how to remove personal belongings from suspects and illegal use that as evidence.
Please register early the PBA office has limited seats, especially when Olson is in.
It’s pretty sad that the biggest sinners always have to use bible quotes. “Strength in Unity”
Yeah, what analogy is this asshole going to use when his fat ass gets caught in a rat trap. The other rats will just consume him.
Can somebody tell me the date of the next PBA meeting. I haven’t heard a good lie since the last meeting lol
You’re not allowed anymore, beat it you filthy skel.
Talking about filthy skells.
Maaaaaaa, I did what you said. I know I can’t answer the truth because it overwhelming. Maaaa, I am have been calling those cops blue truthers. Maaaa, can I punch the wall again.
NO Keith stop hitting something that don’t hit back. Call them names again what else can I tell you. Please check your sugar level honey. If its off we can blame someone. Now go put that cheese away. Make sure you don’t answer questions, especially while this corruption Grand Jury is going on. That’s my boy.
I certainly support these followers of Blue Truth. Power to them Keith Olson. You fucked one of us too.
Blue truth:
Dt captain bob Itzla
Lt Bryant pappas
Det ray Montero
PO Santobello
I keep hearing these names. It’s pretty weird though that whenever I ask about these guys, I am told nothing but great things about them. On the other hand whenever I ask about my PBA president and his friends, I get a sour face and frown along with some choice words for the way they conduct business.
I am sorry Yonkers residents, members of the CLSA, members of the YPD. By now you are well aware that I will never answer a question concerning my criminal actions. Never ever. Please ignore all the internal reports, letters, suits, warrantless searches, warrantless computer investigations, as well as the recent break in into the narcotics office looking to get rid of files, and the D.A. Grand Jury.
Do not believe this at all. Do not, and cannot emphasize this enough to the many, many readers of the Tribune. So I will continue to protect my union trustees that are only accused of serious civil rights violations targeting civilians. Please do not watch training day, it will give you a bad light of Officers like Pataky, Vera, Moran, and yes myself too. You have to understand that this criminal inquiry into the criminal acts of my personal good friend Neil Vera, and guys like William Pataky who without questions have committed what they stand accuse of. Do not listen to the everyday citizen, the business owner who I personally started a ticket blitz against with my 7 followers.
You know I though this guy would get more summons since I personally started it off. Do not believe the tape of me waddling up to the vehicle and placing a ticket on it. Do not believe that I along with Pataky set up one of my own members and blocked him from leaving a union meeting. I really though Billy and my other union thugs like Vera would have been able to physically stop just one man. It just didn’t work. The cop even embarrassed Pataky by just slapping him around. Don’t worry we will try it again, but I have a felling he is waiting for round two. That’s how he is. Maybe I will have Billy plant something on him. You Billy Pataky is one of the best brutal cops and planters on the job. Vera just lies and likes to pile on people after he is sure there is enough help for him. Me I have sugar, and I am grossly overweight. I am better fit in the back of the line. Although, I do remember the article that keeps popping up when a bunch of us plainclothes cops jumped into two unmarked police vehicles and went to Greenburgh looking to beat up one criminal in front of his then girlfriend. Those were the days when I could see my balls. Those days are here and gone.
Anyway readers please ignore all of these allegations coming from all different members including civilians. This is the fault of one man. All because I said he didn’t donate to anything. I am not sure because I keep no records. I only know recently he did not donate to anything. That makes him the whole PBA and my problem.
I thought if I could throw one political rival member out this would end. Now it appears that his as well as others constitutional rights are still protected. I thought that setting other members up I could keep this in house, but I was dead wrong. Now all I can do is completely lie. Shit I can’t even keep up with it. So let me get back to the blame one man for all the PBA’s woes. I will get back to attacking the P.C, citizens, the D.A.’s Office and oh yes one man. If I keep laying down a smoke screen, maybe I can hide my fat low life rodent self behind it.
On another note, I will be having more fund raisers, in which like always will be handling the money. Wayne and Jimmy did get a portion. A 456 member took the rest.
Fraternally Yours
Keith the lying moquette river rat Olson. Yonkers PBA
Alert, alert…….I heard through the grapevine that Keith is getting the Housing Unit reinstated and the old budget increased. Word is he also found Wayne’s money in his closet and he’s meeting up tomorrow to finally pay him. Behind the money in his closet he also found numerous personnel files of past and current officers. He will be returning them to IAD tomorrow and will suggest that Moran write him up for his misdeeds. He is also going to adopt the housing turtle.
Which is Quinn? Are you a witness or a defense attorney? The CLSA is wondering which side you are on. They assume your are sitting on the fat man’s lap with a G string and he is stuffing the PBA dollar bills in your G string. Just watch out that he doesn’t start licking your string area with his cat tongue. It’s scratchy.
Yo dudes, I had a sleepless night. Around 2a.m. I was cracking some ass which I can’t talk about right now. I was hitting it hard, when suddenly I heard something in my closet. I am use to noise. You know a roach here a roach there. A rat here, a rat there, especially when I see my brother in law KO. Anyway dude, I thought I would check the closet anyway.
As I approached it, I heard someone whispering. I said, what the hell! Then I saw a pale face with a cheap haircut and recognized it was that freak Moran. That dude is weird. Everyone knows l am spanking ass, but that mother freaker is doing more than that. I looked at the dude and he was wearing rubber gloves. What a freak. I said, Yo you gotta go man, this is my ghetto rose. Just another night on Hudson. I told that freak to get out and find another cops you know what. I told him this ass was mine. Freaky friday.
shaved balls?
September 18, 2014 at 9:10 pm
Keith did you say balls? Will we know you can’t find yours because you packed the two small rocks, small pebbles, small raisins, small tiny tiny ball bearings into Mueller’s black box. As for shaving balls I have a male dog with a big set waiting for you to lick them with your cat tongue.
A lot of us will shave our balls right over your big plate of cheese you lying trash rat. Enjoy the lick.
I just want everyone to know that its all a misunderstanding and everything is a lie. Right Barry?Tommy??? P.C.??
“For give me father for I have sin”.
Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth,? Yes, okay did you give Wayne all his money? No
Did you and Moran conduct an unauthorized investigation against the DD Captain? Yes
Did you and John Donaghy not remove evidence from County property at yet another unreported investigation? Yes
Did you not back stab Taggart, like you are doing now to P.C. Gardener? Yes
Did you not spray paint city walls attempting to cover passages of KO is a rat? Yes
Did you not threaten to fight two IAD supervisors? Yes
Did you not lie and refuse a transfer order with jack me off Mueller? Yes
Did you not conduct warrantless searches like Moran? Oh he was with you most of the time. Yes
Did you not brag openly at a PBA meeting about beating up a criminal in Greenburgh? Yes
Did you and Quinn not fuck the CLSA members recently? Yes
Did you not fuck the other unions who are still fighting for their membership? Yes
Did your friend Vera not intentionally lie to obtain a warrant? Yes
Did you not keep part of Jimmy’s money? Yes
Wayne’s money? Yes
Thank you Mr. Olson you may step down. Yes sir, can I say something? NO
Wow, if that Q&A didn’t hit the mark then nothing will. lolol
Can someone please help Keith Olson find his balls His what? The gravel rocks, the pebbles, I mean prunes, no I mean fuckin black raisins, no small small metal ball bearings. Will some one look in Mueller’s black box. Oh, we will shave our balls, right over your plate of sushi. Then you can lick it with your cat tongue. Sorry we meant RAT tongue. Call us Brian , you can watch.
Alert, alert…….I heard through the grapevine that Keith is getting the Housing Unit reinstated and the old budget increased. Word is he also found Wayne’s money in his closet and he’s meeting up tomorrow to finally pay him. Behind the money in his closet he also found numerous personnel files of past and current officers. He will be returning them to IAD tomorrow and will suggest that Moran write him up for his misdeeds. He is also going to adopt the housing turtle.
Spending your birthday commenting on this site. I can’t think of anything more pathetic. Especially at your age. Don’t worry, 60 isn’t so bad. Social security is right around the corner.
Glad you remembered Rays birthday. Obsess much?
Who said it was Ray’s birthday? Damn ya’ll dumb.
Go back to bed. I know the urine smell is bad but you’ll get over it. Besides, think of all those hotties that will be on the soup line tomorrow.
Shhhh, I do not want to say to much in my new building because the walls are thin. I think my brother in law the fat man wants to lick Ray’s balls. I have to say dude Ray has a mother fuckin set, because my brother in law is obsessed with them. Dudes, I wondering if he is crossing over. Anyway I have to go, the building lights are starting to dim, and I never know what gettto rose is going to knock on my cribs door. Who knows dude, it could be that fat cross dresser Olson looking to lick Ray’s manly balls.
One can only imagine what outsiders like the DA’s office think when they read this sick shit, especially when they realize that it may be supervisors writing it. The fact that the YPD has done nothing to curb it has to be even more alarming. But keep it up guys, it’s worked wonders for you so far.
“Because of that garbage contract I received a pretty decent retro check a week or so ago.” I guess you don’t know how that works. If it was a garbage contract your retro wouldn’t be decent, would it have been genius? We’re glad you’re retired dumbass. Enjoy Florida.
you guys are in for a real ride I will retire soon from the 4th I hope you guys band together and elect a real leader some one like Cola. Keith was ok in the beginning but I guess greed got the best of him my stomach turns when I think he and Andy went to the DA and gave up other members, Keith that is not the way it is done you cant risk the rest of the members because on one bad apple …………..
Ah the sweet smell of urine. Boy I am so glad the rooster threw me out. I stay horned up. I already got use to me sign in sheets at the building. Oh my god, I just saw another getto rose. First I have to see if the fat man is following my rat ass. Later dudes.
As a retired member , I want to personally Thank Keith from the bottom of my heart for that shitty contract.. Because of that garbage contract I received a pretty decent retro check a week or so ago.And now I hear the pension system will add half of that amount to my already rather large pension.. Thanks Keith next rounds on me..
So you received a decent retro check from that garbage contract? I guess you don’t know how that works. It’s good that your gone you moron. Enjoy Florida.
Yeah thanks KO for all of Wayne’s and Jimmy’s money. At least they got a small retro cash.
The Yonkers Police Department’s corruption Grand Jury started today. You have put all the PBA’s money and lawyers behind a lying thug like yourself. You appeased Koch by paying for his new lawyer, but only after he was smart enough to get rid of Quinn’s sent me to lawyer. You have made mistake after mistake as well as violated law after law. Your a disgraced to the Office you hold. Your a disgrace to other union leaders and the City.
Why don’t you get your ticket book and go out and target more businessman. Trash pale rat
You’re (not your) a disgrace to the English language. Clearly the YPD does not include grammar on their entry exam. What a dope! How do you expect anyone to take you seriously if you can’t put a proper sentence together?
Koch lawyer has not been paid yet stand by …………
Keith you cannot make a statement like that, because you again you can prove it. The more important issues you can’t answer either. Today we have our men and woman going to the Grand Jury. Can you tell us why you give Quinn to Vera? Didn’t Vera a good standing member carry a petition for YOU? Didn’t Vera outright lie to get a search warrant? Didn’t you illegal send JD to go to Dunwoodie a remove evidence from County Property? Didn’t your man Vera proffer for 7 hours? Didn’t you threaten to fight two IDA supervisors? Didn’t Garbo kick your fat rat ass? Didn’t you Mueller friend throw a beer bash at the precinct? How many times did YOU and Moran conduct warrantless search warrants? With or without keys? Did you not say to IAD that Ray punched Pataky in the face?
Look my fat lying pathetic moquette rat, don’t spin the facts on Ray this acts of civil rights violations have been committed by You and a handful of dirt bags like Vera, Pataky.
One can assume that Pataky and Vera always donate, right? Well with who’s money? Pataky has almost 16 lawsuits, is this not a pattern of behavior? Is it not systemic?
Now shout the FK up and go tell Quinn to lie for you. The smell of rat sickens me.
By the way, Jimmy knows you shorted him, because he told us. May God protect him and we know he would have told you this! F–K YOU and Your a liar. So go run to Vera and Quinn and jerk them off not us fat ass.
Did you give $100 like everyone else did for Wayne? I know Ray donated. Are you a donator or one of the thieves?
How do you know you, I mean he, donated? LMFAO
Ah what another great night. K.O stop ringing my phone, so I was able to crack the ass of yet another coworker’s ” boo”. It was so good last night that I even cracked the ass of another getto rose.
Dude, whats not to like down here. If I get hungry, I get on the soup line. When I get horned up, well I get the roster list, or I stroll down to the waterfront with candy in my pocket trolling for young hotties. Stay tune dudes, I got to go, I just saw my friend’s wife.
MABY I`m wrong but was there another 456 leader who got caught banging another members wife.A.M. Maby i`m wrong
As a reader, I cannot fathom how this so called union leader was allowed to go unchecked. How is it possible that anyone in the police department or city hall is not paying attention to these criminal acts, or intentionally misleading prosecutors , judges, and our citizens. How can anyone think that the department should not be investigated.
Let me tell you what a good guy he is mama.
He and others have conducted unauthorized investigations against C.L.S.A members, PBA members.
Tampered with Official Police files
Tampered with evidence
Gathered Official Police files with another Det. Sgt. And did not tell anyone until he sat down with the Mayor. Then he provided false and misleading information against a CLSA member.
He has held many fund raisers and had to be chase down for months to give up only a portion of the cash.
He alone had went around the City and spray painted city gas pumps, city wall, and bathrooms because he saw graffiti writing, calling indicating that he was rat.
He personally had his only two supervisor friends Moran and Mueller purposely and intentionally target Montero or anyone who spoke to him.
He and his cronies filed false police reports with IAD as a legal strategy, but then failed to cooperate and provide the evidence they said they had.
He has harassed a female city employee for speaking to Montero and others.
He alone told the Police Commissioner, that he wanted to stop citizens from posting comments and suggested it was police officers. He then told the P.C. that he had obtained IP addresses. What was the probable cause Good Guy? First Amendment
He has raised money in the tune of thousands of dollars for another member, and again only gave him a portion of it. Estimates say a least 35, 000 is missing.
He has removed his own members from the PBA web site becaused they affiliated with Montero.
He and Moran have conducted unauthorized warrantless searches of people’s desk areas , desk draws, and personal property. That also included opening and removing police personal files at all levels.
He has verbally threatened Internal Affairs Police Officers because of intervening to break up an ongoing fist fight. Did someone say fist fighting?
Olson and Moran have been caught on tape fighting in a bar. He himself started a fight in the 4th pct. And got spanked
He purposely intended to target his political rival, Det. Montero. He intentionally sent another rogue union trustee to verbally and physically keep Montero from leaving a PBA meeting. He got spanked too.
He then lied and charged Montero for assaulting another member and had him impeached. Over 400 plus professional police officers refused to sign the petition and refused to vote.
Montero was wrongful and deceitfully impeached by Olson misguiding new personnel who could not even identify Montero if they saw him
He and his friend John Mueller personally refused a transfer order for Mueller.
He personally interfered with an IAD investigation into a all night beer party in which Mueller provided alcoholic beverages. He and other trustees told there members to lie. The Sgt . that told the true was labelled a rat and transferred.
He did not pay taxes on his $4,000 a month stipend.
He has Quinn represent him at IAD even though Quinn is a witness.
He is the only guy that posts comments about former cancer officers.
He personally went around asking supervisors to initiate false charges against Montero.
He has tampered with material witnesses to get them to tone down their statements against another cop who was fired. Threatening their business operation.
The guy is a common street rat. He can’t get a reference from any respectable boss.
Good rat, yes. Good Guy, Hardly!!!
What about all of the money he raised for St Baldricks?
And what about all the money he raises for charities from the Toughman? If you can walk a day in his shoes you would know how hard it is leading a union and looking out for the best interests of the members. Leave him alone already! He is a good man.
Yeah, he’s a good guy. Just like the picture in his office. Instead of having the baldricks kids in the photo it’s just a picture of his fat ass holding a check others donated. Hope he doesn’t dip into that fund.
Did you shave your head? Lord knows Ray never did.
Not this year dick. But I will shave my nuts for you if you need a wig for your thinning hair.
I’m not sure what charity promotes the shaving of one’s nuts but we will stick to helping to cure childhood cancer. Thanks anyway.
Hey dude this the Chia, you know or maybe you don’t, because I usually show up when your gone. Whats all this shit about my brother in law raising money. Who cares? The guy is a fat freak. He don’t chase hotties, he chases fund raiser money. After all, look at him, the guy even looks like a rat. Don’t tell him or he will take my phone and download all my contacts and I can’t have that dude. Holy rat shit, I gotta go, I just saw another hottie and its no rooster.
Keith did you say balls? Will we know you can’t find yours because you packed the two small rocks, small pebbles, small raisins, small tiny tiny ball bearings into Mueller’s black box. As for shaving balls I have a male dog with a big set waiting for you to lick them with your cat tongue.
A lot of us will shave our balls right over your big plate of cheese you lying trash rat. Enjoy the lick.
Nice way to spend your birthday you big nosed, wig wearing freak! Did anyone even remember? Probably not.
KO is a good guy who does many good things for his members.
Read the complaints against Yonkers police
Westchester 11:25 a.m. EDT April 24, 2014
Yonkers police dept
(Photo: Mark Vergari/The Journal News)
Two Yonkers police officers have been named in 14 federal cases alleging brutality or misconduct. Read the original complaints, which we have redacted to omit the most offensive language and to remove the identifiable addresses and phone numbers of complainants.
Christian Colon complaint
Christian Colon sued in June 2013, after he says he was severely beaten by a group of Yonkers police officers including William Pataky when he tried to videotape officers arresting his girlfriend. Colon later spent two weeks in St…
Danny Squicciarini complaint
Danny Squicciarini claims he was stopped twice by Yonkers police officer Alex Delladonna and another officer, the second time in retaliation for Squicciarini’s attempt to complain about the first stop. The lawsuit, filed suit in…
Joaquin Thatcher complaint
Joaquin Thatcher’s February 2013 lawsuit states that Yonkers police officer William Pataky and other officers beat him until his eyes were closed shut after a traffic stop. He suffered a brokennose, fractured cheek bone and…
John Rivera complaint
John Rivera, a 34-year-old serving 4 1/2 years in state prison for drug possession, sued in March 2013. Rivera said he was arrested and beaten by Yonkers police officers in December 2012. Officer Alex Della Donna then took a bag of…
Joseph Yearwood complaint
Joseph Yearwood’s April 2013 lawsuit accuses Yonkers police officer Alex Della Donna of illegally searching his home after an arrest and taking $5,100 from him while also fabricating claims that he possessed cocaine. The case was…
Kadeem Smith complaint
Kadeem Smith’s August 2012 lawsuit claims he was mauled by a police dog after he was pursued by a group of officers, including Yonkers police officer William Pataky. Smith fled from officers who tried to arrest him on suspicion of..
Reginald Driver complaint
Reginald Driver’s April 2012 lawsuit alleges he was beaten by a group of Yonkers police officers including William Pataky after a traffic stop in March 2012 and later had multiple stitches put in his head at St. Joseph’s Medical…
Richie Nadal complaint
Richie Nadal sued in January 2013, saying he was beaten by Yonkers police officer William Pataky for no reason in October 2012 after he was a passenger in a car that was involved in a minor accident and he couldn’t furnish any…
Sonia L. Gomez complaint
Sonia L. Gomez’s March 2013 lawsuit states that she was arrested by Yonkers police officer Alex Delladonna on drug charges before being released and having the drugs returned to her — all part of an apparent seduction that led to…
Tisha Solomon complaint
Tisha Solomon sued in March 2011 after she was stopped in June 2009 when she and another person stole a 1998 Dodge. After officers surrounded her car and ordered her out, she was beaten by five Yonkers police officers including Alex…
Wilfredo Ruiz and Elizabeth White complaint
Wilfredo Ruiz and Elizabeth White sued the city of Yonkers in December 2012, saying they were outside his apartment in September 2011 when Yonkers police officer Alex Della Donna and two other officers approached, questioned the two…
12 documents
lawsuits are real explain them fuck face
Thanks a lot Keith your man Quinn and Vera did a nice job during your 7 hour proffer. You blamed that on Ray too? Dick
Hey fat boy you not be worry about Hezi’s reporting, because it all true and stored at IAD. What you should be worried about is for calling that scumbag Mueller and targeting a businessman with parking summons. You should be worried about you corrupt trustee and friend. Oh we get it fat boy its all a dream right. You taught Vera well on how to lie. HE GETS AN A .
I heard even the housing turtle was transferred.
Hezi these clowns have been playing you like a fiddle. When this is all done you will owe huge apologies to all the people you have hurt. If you were any kind of “investigative reporter” you could very easily have found what a bunch of disgruntled assholes your sources are. If this goes anywhere in court, which I doubt, it will be some show seeing your blue truth buddies testify, can’t wait.
Apologies? Lmao. You rats are finished. Start playing taps.
You’ve been saying that almost as long as you been talking about your press conference on the city hall steps, right.
in due time asshole
I just want to put it on the record that there is no indictments or investigations. Its all a lie, but do not call the D.A’s office.
explain it you fat fucking rat
So let me get this right you asshole. The whole housing unit get disbanded , numerous other transfers of high ranking officers , 2 officers brought up on criminal charges by DA office , missing money from dying officers benefits , illegal investigation in county owned propery , tampering w evidence, fist fights at union meeting , cops ratting out other cops at DA office , etc etc etc and you say Hezi has it all wrong. What the fuck are u smoking.
Good reporting.
Mikey Spano this will be banging around the court house for atleast the next year all while you are trying to get reelected. Ha ha. Ha
I know for a fact that Wayne only received money from the 4th Precint. He never received the rest of the money ($30,000 or more). Where did all of that money end up? It’s disgraceful that a person or a group of people kept that money.
I heard it was $3 million!
Quinn has it. After all he deserves it. It’s not like he collected 500,000 or so from us over the past several years!
I heard it was $500,000 million!
I heard it was $500,000,000.
2 Yonkers cops named in 14 misconduct lawsuits
Erik Shilling, 1:44 p.m. EDT April 7, 2014
(Photo: Mark Vergari/The Journal News)
James Jones had just left Nepperhan Community Center in Yonkers on Nov. 20, 2012, when he saw a city police officer he recognized: William Pataky.
Pataky apparently recognized Jones, too, a 38-year-old ex-convict who is no stranger to law enforcement and was out on parole after serving more than a year in custody following a violent confrontation with officers in May 2010.
But in this instance, Jones said, he was doing nothing wrong when Pataky screamed a vulgarity at him and then gave chase after Jones ran.
Jim Bostic, the executive director of the Nepperhan Community Center in Yonkers, talks about the behavior of the Yonkers Police Department, March 28, 2014. (Video by Mark Vergari/The Journal News) Video by Mark Vergari/The Journal News
When Jones stopped and put his hands in the air, Pataky kicked him in the face and called Jones a “black monkey” who “will not see Thanksgiving,” according to a civil lawsuit Jones filed. A gash on Jones’ head was later glued shut at the hospital; in October he won a $2,500 settlement, with Yonkers admitting no wrongdoing.
Jones’ suit may sound like an ordinary case of police brutality against an officer who may have simply made a mistake in a tough job that many street cops say is relentless and thankless.
But Jones’ case against Pataky is not an outlier. Many officers spend their entire careers without so much as a civilian complaint, but Pataky has been named in lawsuits in U.S. District Court at least six times in the past two years alone while another Yonkers police officer, Alex Della Donna, has been named at least eight times in the same period. Judgments or settlements in three additional suits against the officers prior to that totaled $227,000.
Lawsuit: Yonkers cop used PCP arrest to coerce sex
Cost: Yonkers pays nearly $3M in decade over police misconduct
Documents: Read the complaints against Yonkers police
Taken together, the lawsuits paint a grim picture of the officers’ behavior, suggesting that though the city’s police force has made strides since a 2009 federal report that faulted it for, among other things, not requiring officers to wear nametags, there remain a few officers who lawyers, residents and community advocates say continue to stray from procedure. Merely showing disrespect to one of these officers, they say, could get you arrested or, on a bad day, physically beaten.
“Even by Yonkers standards, Della Donna seems to shine,” said Rose M. Weber, a lawyer for one plaintiff. “It’s incomprehensible to me that an officer with this many lawsuits against him is still on the street.”
Another lawyer, Andrew Laufer, whose clients accuse Della Donna of illegally searching their home and arresting them, was just as critical.
“There doesn’t seem like there’s any real accountability for any of these officers’ antics … They’d rather seemingly cover up corruption,” Laufer said.
Yonkers police declined to say whether Della Donna, Pataky or any of its officers had been disciplined or fired for misconduct in the past 10 years. Della Donna has been the subject of Internal Affairs inquiries and numerous civilian complaints, and court papers reveal that one woman’s complaint was deemed to be substantiated, forcing him into the department’s Performance Monitoring Program.
Photo of Yonkers police badge and uniform hat at a police promotion ceremony at Yonkers City Hall, Jan. 31, 2013.(Photo: Mark Vergari/The Journal News)
‘Excellent cops’
Della Donna, 37, and Pataky, 36, have won awards for their police work, however, and police and union officials defend them. In each lawsuit, the officers and the city have denied the most serious claims against them, and even after settling often do not admit any wrongdoing, as in Jones’ case.
Keith Olson, president of the Yonkers Police Benevolent Association, said it was simply a paradox of police work that the officers who get most of the awards also attract the most complaints because they are the most active. He said Pataky and Della Donna were “excellent, excellent cops.”
“I can’t think of (any complaint) that’s ever been justified,” Olson said. The stream of lawsuits and complaints hurt morale, he said, because “you want your active cops out there and you want them to feel motivated and protected.”
“Even if you know the lawsuit is completely frivolous, it sets you back a bit,” he said.
Joseph Pollini, a lecturer at John Jay College of Criminal Justice who was an officer and detective with the New York Police Department for 33 years, said that being active on the beat was no excuse for generating complaints.
“It’s still up to the officer to conduct themselves in a proper fashion,” he said. “But a lot of times they go out and they get a John Wayne mentality.”
Pollini acknowledged that force sometimes was necessary if a suspect was less than cooperative, but “the rule is, use the least amount of force possible.”
For certain officers, he said, the equation might change for suspects who already have admitted to illegal acts or whom they have interacted with or arrested before. For those suspects, there’s less of a chance they ever report misconduct.
“If (an officer) roughs him up, the probability is he’s never going to tell anyone. He’s committing illegal acts, he’s out there, he doesn’t want to tell anyone,” he said. Officers “are not going to talk to someone with a business suit like that.”
Della Donna didn’t respond to requests for comment. A reporter who mistakenly went to Pataky’s mother’s house in search of the officer received a phone call from the officer minutes after leaving. Going to the homes of officers, Pataky said, “was not a good idea,” before adding that his department did not allow him to speak to reporters.
TJN 0406 YONKERS Commisioner Gardner
Yonkers Police Commissioner Charles Gardner was photographed in his office in Yonkers on March 5.(Photo: Carucha L. Meuse/The Journal News)
Yonkers Police Commissioner Charles Gardner deflected questions about Pataky and Della Donna specifically. The department also declined to provide basic biographical information about the men, including their current assignments and ranks.
The department spent nearly $3 million from 2000 through 2009 to pay legal settlements or judgments related to police misconduct, city records indicate.
Even so, Gardner said community outreach efforts were paying off in recent years.
“The department remains committed to providing professional police services to people in communities throughout the city,” he said in a statement.
Fewer complaints
The complaints against the officers come at a time the Police Department was acknowledged to have cleaned up misconduct after the U.S. Department of Justice issued a 2009 report.
With DOJ officials now looking over their shoulder, both community leaders and police officials have said that complaints have dropped, and have continued to drop. In 2011, there were 25 excessive-force complaints, compared with 16 last year, for a department of some 600 that responds to more than 120,000 service calls yearly and arrests around 6,000 people a year.
By comparison, the White Plains Police Department, about a third of the size of the Yonkers force, averages around a dozen complaints each year, officials said.
But the number of complaints may not tell the whole story, primarily because residents who have complaints may not tell the police at all, for fear of indifference or, worse, retaliation.
Take the case of Danny Squicciarini, a college student who said in court papers that in April 2011 he was driving at a parking lot at Cross County Shopping Center when Della Donna and another officer stopped him and ordered him and his friend to step out of their vehicle. A patdown and unauthorized search of Squicciarini’s car followed, he said, but he was not arrested.
Squicciarini and his friend immediately tried to lodge a complaint at a precinct house, he said, but a desk sergeant refused to file one without names or badge numbers. Five months later, he ran into Della Donna and the other officer again; another car search turned up an unlit marijuana cigarette.
Squicciarini was arrested after one officer made oblique reference to his attempt to complain, the lawsuit alleges. At the Alexander Street jail, he was forced to go nude in front of several other prisoners while officers performed a strip search, according to court papers.
‘Rogue officers’
Jim Bostic, executive director of Nepperhan Community Center, credited Gardner with improving the department’s relationship with the community. But, without naming names, Bostic also acknowledged in an interview last year that “rogue officers” pose a continuing threat to the department’s credibility, making it harder for all cops to do their jobs.
“People are less willing to cooperate. People are less apt to volunteer information,” Bostic said. “It makes (officers’) jobs very difficult.”
Bostic also criticized the complaint process, saying it fed the impression that “the situation is being whitewashed.” Meanwhile, he advises residents to try to “de-escalate” confrontations with the police, which can be difficult.
Alexander Spillman’s confrontation with police began in June 2006 when he refused to pick up a lollipop stick he had thrown to the ground. In his lawsuit, Spillman said it ended with him being given a broken nose after he fought with several officers, including Pataky. He won $190,000 from the city, though the jury found Pataky’s actions were justified.
Lisa Williams of Yonkers talks about a violent encounter she had with a member of the Yonkers Police Department which she claims resulted in a injury. ( Video by Ricky Flores / The Journal News ) Video by Ricky Flores / The Journal News
Lisa Williams, 33, said she had a run-in with officers in July, when they roughed her up after she began questioning them for putting her son in handcuffs. She said most police were good officers just trying to do a hard job. But bad officers can undermine the system.
“At the end of the day, psychologically, it does mess people up, and it does make them want to come out and retaliate,” Williams said. “It’s not right, but that’s just the way it goes when you’re not getting justice served.”
James Jones, who won $2,500 from the city in a settlement of a lawsuit against Pataky, said he was surprised he got any money, even though he tried to keep the faith.
“I didn’t expect it, but I knew justice was going to prevail,” Jones said, “because they can’t keep doing this.”
Bostic said flatly that they can, but must also accept the consequences.
“You can do it that way if you want,” he said. “You’re the law. Just don’t expect your job to be easy. Don’t expect that when you come back, you’re going to get people’s trust, or confidence, or cooperation. What you will experience is resistance. You will experience hatred. And you have to come back tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after.”
Staff writer Colin Gustafson contributed to this story.
Twitter: @erikshilling
Alex Della Donna, age 37
• From July 1, 2012, to June 30, 2013, earned $179,500; $81,112 in base pay. Earned $177,500 in total compensation in 2013.
• Was an officer in Mount Vernon and Ossining before joining Yonkers police in 2007.
• Received meritorious police duty bar and an excellent police duty bar in 2004 while with Mount Vernon. In 2005, received a first-place award for exceptional merit after he and another officer shot dead a knife-wielding man who had attacked them.
A sampling of Della Donna’s work over the years:
• 2007: Arrested man who smashed a window at a BP gas station after he got upset over the price of coffee.
• 2008: He and another officer arrested man who later admitted to shooting a 15-year-old boy.
• 2009: Arrested man who was accused of gang-related drive-by shooting.
William “Billy” Pataky, age 36
• From July 1, 2012, to June 2013, earned $158,138 in gross pay; $85,639 in base pay. Earned $161,735 in total compensation in 2013.
• Sworn in as an officer in 1998.
• Received award in 2008 for taking loaded gun from suspect. In 2009, was given meritorious service award by Police Emerald Society of Westchester.
A sampling of Pataky’s work over the years:
• 2001: Arrested Earl Simmons, better known as rapper DMX, whom Pataky and another officer took into custody after traffic stop.
• 2006: He and another officer arrested car-thief suspect who smashed window of unmarked police car.
• 2008: While in plainclothes, arrested teenager who tried to mug him. That same year, found half-pound of marijuana on suspect who had been pulled over in routine traffic stop.
Source: The Journal News archives, city records
Federal lawsuits
Some of the plaintiffs who name William Pataky and Alex Della Donna, among other police officers, in federal lawsuits. The claims below are as stated by plaintiffs in civil complaints and other court papers.
• Kadeem Smith’s August 2012 lawsuit claims he was mauled by a police dog after he was pursued by a group of officers, including Pataky. Smith fled from officers who tried to arrest him on suspicion of trespassing at Gorton High School on Oct. 22, 2009. After chasing him into nearby woods, police struck him in the head with a gun and let a canine repeatedly bite him until one officer finally shouted, “Stop, you’re killing him.” The case is pending.
• Alexander Spillman sued in March 2007, saying he was driving on Ashburton Avenue in Yonkers on June 5, 2006, when he threw a lollipop stick out of his car window, starting a confrontation with Officer Robert Wilt, who ordered Spillman to pick up the stick or receive a summons. Spillman told Wilt to back off, using a vulgarity. Spillman was ordered to pull his car over, which he did. Moments later, Pataky and several other officers arrived and beat Spillman, resulting in a broken nose, heavy bruising and other injuries. He was awarded $190,000 after a jury in U.S. District Court in Manhattan found in 2011 for Spillman and against Wilt, though the jury also said Pataky’s actions were justified.
• Joaquin Thatcher’s February 2013 lawsuit states that Pataky and other officers beat him until his eyes were closed shut after a traffic stop. He suffered a broken nose, fractured cheek bone and fractured rib. Pataky had first accused Thatcher of ramming his car into a police cruiser and selling cocaine. The lawsuit is pending.
• Richie Nadal sued in January 2013, saying he was beaten by Pataky for no reason in October 2012 after he was a passenger in a car that was involved in a minor accident and he couldn’t furnish any identification. Nadal suffered bruising to his head, a concussion and lacerations. The lawsuit is pending.
• Reginald Driver’s April 2012 lawsuit alleges he was beaten by a group of officers including Pataky after a traffic stop in March 2012 and later had multiple stitches put in his head at St. Joseph’s Medical Center in Yonkers as a result of the beating. The case settled in October 2013.
• Christian Colon sued in June 2013, after he says he was severely beaten by a group of officers including Pataky when he tried to videotape officers arresting his girlfriend. Colon later spent two weeks in St. Joseph’s Medical Center to recover, cuffed to a bed. The lawsuit is pending.
• Tisha Solomon sued in March 2011 after she was stopped in June 2009 when she and another person stole a 1998 Dodge. After officers surrounded her car and ordered her out, she was beaten by five officers including Della Donna, breaking her nose, several teeth and knocking out another tooth. The case was settled in Solomon’s favor for $33,000 on Jan. 8, without Yonkers admitting to any wrongdoing.
• John Rivera, a 34-year-old serving 4 1/2 years in state prison for drug possession, sued in March 2013. Rivera said he was arrested and beaten by Yonkers police officers in December 2012. Della Donna then took a bag of Rivera’s, which Rivera said contained valuables including $800, two gold chains, gold bracelets, a Citizen Eco-Drive watch and a Samsung cellphone. A search of Rivera’s vehicle later turned up 57 grams of cocaine and 89 grams of heroin, but Rivera said in the suit that was untrue: He actually had 84 grams of cocaine. Also discovered in the car was $4,000, Rivera said, but never reported. He never saw any of the items again. The case is pending.
• Wilfredo Ruiz and Elizabeth White sued the city in December 2012, saying they were outside his apartment in September 2011 when Della Donna and two other officers approached, questioned the two, searched Ruiz’s genitalia and then made an unauthorized search of his apartment. Charges against the two were later dismissed; the lawsuit remains pending.
• Brian Pettiford’s February 2013 lawsuit alleges Della Donna forcibly searched his anal cavity after he and another officer already had taken $350 and crack cocaine from Pettiford. Pettiford was never charged, he said. Pettiford asked to withdraw the suit in December, saying he planned to refile later.
• Ivan Evans sued in October 2012, saying Della Donna falsely arrested him a month earlier on a made-up charge of heroin possession. The case was dismissed in October 2013 after Evans stopped responding to court requests.
• Joseph Yearwood’s April 2013 lawsuit accuses Della Donna of illegally searching his home after an arrest and taking $5,100 from him while also fabricating claims that he possessed cocaine. The case was dismissed in January after Yearwood stopped responding to court requests.
• Rodney Crenshaw claimed he was repeatedly harassed by Mount Vernon police officers including Della Donna over a period of years. He sued in April 2006 and won a $5,000 settlement in November 2010.
• Branden Brown sued in April 2013, accusing Della Donna and another officer of fabricating drug charges against him. The suit is pending.
• Sonia L. Gomez’s March 2013 lawsuit states that she was arrested by Della Donna on drug charges before being released and having the drugs returned to her — all part of an apparent seduction that led to her sleeping with the arresting officer, in return for drugs and other favors. The case is pending.
• Danny Squicciarini claims he was stopped twice by Della Donna and another officer, the second time in retaliation for Squicciarini’s attempt to complain about the first stop. The lawsuit, filed suit in June 2012, is pending.
• James Jones’ February 2013 lawsuit claimed Pataky approached him on the street, called him “black monkey,” kicked him in the face and beat him a few months earlier. The city was ordered to pay $2,500 to Jones in October 2013 without admitting wrongdoing.
Compiling the data
Information from Yonkers concerning settlements and judgments related to misconduct by police officers during the years 2010-2013 was provided too late to be included in this report.
The Journal News sought data for the past 13 years in Freedom of Information Law requests submitted to the city during the first week of July. Yonkers responded in January by providing figures for 2000 to 2009. The city said it would supply data for 2010 to 2013 within a few weeks. Follow-up calls for this information were not returned.
The city’s next response was April 2, stating it would seek to provide figures for the remaining years. Information for 2010 through 2012 was provided by Friday and the city said numbers for 2013 would be sent by early this week. This data will be used for a future report.
The Journal News was not charged for the data from 2000 to 2009; the city said it would charge the newspaper an amount not exceeding $459.54 for the remaining years.
Civil Rights attorney Randolph McLaughlin on his client encounter with the Yonkers Police Department, ( Video by RIcky Flores / The Journal News ) Video by Ricky Flores / The Journal News
i know your fat ass must be swollen taking all these shots has sure taken on a toll on have you looked at your self lately..lol
We need an exterminator for the office of the PBA, not a federal monitor. A handful of problems in a city of this size does not constitute a federal monitor. I live in this city and don’t want it to turn out like Newark.
the only guy called out was keith and only keith!show me a post where he called out others ???
You got to be drinking the shit that’s coming out of Olson’s fat cottage cheese ass. John Mueller is the smartest man alive, that every outside agency can’t stand the nut. As for Freddie, you sound like Keith, blaming everyone. You guys were the racist. You told everyone who would listen that Freddie was a racist. What an outright and outrageous bold face lie. You must be the rat’s girlfriend. Move on dick. We are shaking. Pappas will be Chief before Mueller. Lol
This is a total disgrace!!!
How did the job get to the point that we air our dirty laundry in public like this and even call for The DA’s Office and Fed’s to investigate??
You should all be ashamed of yourselves!! Imagine the shit stand-up guys like Louie DeLango saw and said nothing??
You even have former drug-dealing Limo Drivers boldly calling out MOS’s
I’m glad you retired too. Shut the fuck up and enjoy retirement. KO must go. That’s our new slogan.
Leadership starts at the top! Is it the Mayor or the PC? Why is the PBA president awarded the rank of detective? Why is the PBA union office in police HQ?
CLSA has no balls !!!!!!! All back stabbing pieces of shit…….and when…. not “IF” Capt Mueller becomes commissioner the ones who hate him will be kissing his ass the most ….you got that Freddy…….
We’ll kick him in the ass is more like it Freddy. Got that you turkey neck prick.
Dirty dirty boys. You union boys have been playing with fire for a while with water. Looks like you guys got caught.
Keith I worked with you in housing and you did dirty shit then to supervisors, just like what you are doing now. Your and your trustees are dirty cops.
Once upon a time a daughter complained to her father that her life was miserable and that she didn’t know how she was going to make it. She was tired of fighting and struggling all the time. It seemed just as one problem was solved, another one soon followed.
Her father, a chef, took her to the kitchen. He filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire. Once the three pots began to boil, he placed potatoes in one pot, eggs in the second pot and ground coffee beans in the third pot. He then let them sit and boil, without saying a word to his daughter. The daughter, moaned and impatiently waited, wondering what he was doing. After twenty minutes he turned off the burners. He took the potatoes out of the pot and placed them in a bowl. He pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl. He then ladled the coffee out and placed it in a cup.
Turning to her, he asked. “Daughter, what do you see?” “Potatoes, eggs and coffee,” she hastily replied.
“Look closer”, he said, “and touch the potatoes.” She did and noted that they were soft.
He then asked her to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the shell, she observed the hard-boiled egg.
Finally, he asked her to sip the coffee. Its rich aroma brought a smile to her face.
“Father, what does this mean?” she asked.
He then explained that the potatoes, the eggs and coffee beans had each faced the same adversity-the boiling water. However, each one reacted differently. The potato went in strong, hard and unrelenting, but in boiling water, it became soft and weak. The egg was fragile, with the thin outer shell protecting its liquid interior until it was put in the boiling water. Then the inside of the egg became hard. However, the ground coffee beans were unique. After they were exposed to the boiling water, they changed the water and created something new.
“Which one are you?” he asked his daughter. “When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a potato, an egg, or a coffee bean?”
In life, things happen around us and things happen to us, but the only thing that truly matters is how you choose to react to it and what you make out of it. Life is all about leaning, adopting and converting all the struggles that we experience into something positive.
Life is all about “learning”, I know how you rats love correcting people. And yes, Keith is definitely going to learn the hard way that he’s a fucking potato in boiling water.
so keith it what did you learn besides skimming money from fundraisers?
You are desperately trying to hang on, but what you and others did give rise to internal corruption. Your lack of respect to yourself, the department and its members fueled internal corruption. Your demeanor and snickering about how you skirt laws at a union meeting is sickening. So Mr. Olson, keep posting about strength in unity, something you have not idea about. There is no difference between lying to obtain a search warrant, or conducting unauthorized investigations against police officers on city property, or claiming to illegal obtained IP addresses.
As for the department, they have to come up with uniform code of conduct that is not selectively enforced. Punishing some members with no political influence and overlooking the likes of Olson and his cronies will no longer be allowed. The code of conduct are for All police personnel, including Olson.
now I know why Keith went after john its true just cause he is friends with Monty, I always thought maybe john never gave him a free limo ride…
Another Yonkers drug case tossed, with cops still under scrutiny
Jonathan Bandler, 11:24 p.m. EDT August 5, 2014
(Photo: Mark Vergari/The Journal News)
Westchester prosecutors dismissed charges against another defendant Monday in the wake of an investigation into an improper search that ended with the death of a suspected drug dealer.
Felony drug charges against Kino Smith were dismissed in Yonkers City Court, although what role two Yonkers officers who are under investigation played in Smith’s case has not been revealed.
“The D.A.s are being very upstanding here,” said Hugh Jasne, Smith’s lawyer, following the dismissal. “It’s obviously nothing they’ve done wrong. It’s a couple of cops who decided they were above the law.”
Detective Christian Koch and Officer Neil Vera were relieved of their shields and weapons last week and remain under investigation by the Yonkers police Internal Affairs Division and the Westchester County District Attorney’s Office.
The investigation began more than four months ago, after the March 21 death of Dario Tena. Tena, suspected of dealing drugs, fell to his death out a third-floor window at 141 School St. after police arrived to execute a search warrant.
Koch had submitted a sworn affidavit for the search warrant, and included information he got from Vera. Authorities soon determined that the affidavit contained “material false statements,” and cases Koch and Vera have been involved in have come under close scrutiny.
Smith became the seventh defendant unrelated to the Tena case to have his drug charges dismissed. Three of those defendants were arrested in the same case and had faced mandatory state prison time on a Class A felony before their charges were dropped.
One of those defendants, Joseph Yearwood, sued the department and Officer Alex Della Donna in federal court last year, alleging that the officer took $5,100 from him while fabricating claims that Yearwood possessed cocaine. Yearwood’s lawsuit was dismissed this year after he did not respond to several requests from the court.
Yearwood claimed that police went to get a search warrant only after entering his apartment illegally. Neither Koch nor Vera were named in the lawsuit and it was unclear what role they played that led to the charges being dismissed.
Last month, the lawyer for Wilfredo Ruiz and Elizabeth White reached a $20,000 settlement agreement with city lawyers in a federal lawsuit that named Della Donna, Koch, a sergeant and two other officers. They claimed that they were falsely arrested in September 2011 after police illegally searched Ruiz’s apartment and White’s car. The charges were dropped a week later. The lawsuit does not spell out Koch’s role and the lawyer could not be reached for comment.
Jasne, Smith’s lawyer, said dismissing the charges was the right thing to do from a credibility standpoint.
“The bottom line is, nobody is going to believe anything these guys say,” Jasne said.
Twitter: @jonbandler
The D.A. really needs to look at the internal working of the Yonkers PBA leader. They should start with its finances and look into complaints against the leader.
what makes you think they aren’t……………..
My job is hard enough, now I have to worry about who I talk to too.
I believe the Mayor is doing a good job, its just that asshole Olson and his crew giving the department and city a black eye.
Keith you and others conjured up false allegations against Ray for speaking out on behalf of other members. You and others used union rules and rogue supervisors to silence his First Amendment right to question the actions of others. Step aside
Once upon a time, there was a flock of doves that flew in search of food led by their king. One day, they had flown a long distance and were very tired. The dove king encouraged them to fly a little further. The smallest dove picked up speed and found some rice scattered beneath a banyan tree. So all the doves landed and began to eat.
Suddenly a net fell over them and they were all trapped. They saw a hunter approaching carrying a huge club. The doves desperately fluttered their wings trying to get out, but to no avail. The king had an idea. He advised all the doves to fly up together carrying the net with them. He said that there was strength in unity.
Each dove picked up a portion of the net and together they flew off carrying the net with them. The hunter looked up in astonishment. He tried to follow them, but they were flying high over hills and valleys. They flew to a hill near a city of temples where there lived a mouse who could help them. He was a faithful friend of the dove king.
When the mouse heard the loud noise of their approach, he went into hiding. The dove king gently called out to him and then the mouse was happy to see him. The dove king explained that they had been caught in a trap and needed the mouse’s help to gnaw at the net with his teeth and set them free.
The mouse agreed saying that he would set the king free first. The king insisted that he first free his subjects and the king last. The mouse understood the king’s feelings and complied with his wishes. He began to cut the net and one by one all the doves were freed including the dove king.
They all thanked the mouse and flew away together, united in their strength.
is that what you said in the car when you and vera were on the way up to white plains to cut a deal rat out other cops and supervisors ruin other lives so you can save neil who is dirty?
I understand the eastern philosophy parables, but from the view of the taxpayer, this is just another example of an out of control city government. Where the hell are the checks and balances that should have spotted and addressed this kind of wrongdoing. Take the monkeys; doves; ants; bees; and any other species blow them…(well you know where). What we want is to prosecute those responsible and remove them from the department and lets start over with a police agency that is focused on law enforcement.
If we can only insulate them form the corruptive influence of a city government that is rife with the same kind of issues.
Great story but Keith is not the mouse. A rat yes, but not a mouse.
If these allegations are true, and during the course of investigation it is found that the mayor is tying the police commissioners hands by protecting the union leader, whether for friendship, or for political donations, then should not the mayor be held accountable also?
Of course the mayor is tying his hands, just as he ties the hands of everyone he appointed. They usually are appointed for that reason. They willing let their hands be tied. If they don’t want their hands to be tied, do something about it!
It seems that the departments problems grew out of the PBA Office. It appears that the union leader and others were allowed to break laws under the disguise of union business, and the officials seem to have turned their heads. Now it appears that this problem was allowed to fester.
This is shocking to say the least. If the allegations against this union leader are remotely true, then a federal monitor is very much needed.