Office of the Yonkers City Council.

Office of the Yonkers City Council President.
YONKERS, NY — October 19, 2014 — A Special City Council Meeting is slated for Tuesday, October 21, 2014 at 12:30 p.m. The Committee of the Whole is slated to be held at 12 Noon, a half-hour prior to the Special City Council meeting.
The Committee of the Whole and the Special City Council Meeting will take place at the City of Yonkers’ City Hall, 40 South Broadway, Room 107, Yonkers, NY 10701. Office telephone # 914-377-6020
YCC_10-21-2014 Special Council Meeting
lease be advised that a Budget Committee Meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, October 21st at 4:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber.
Agenda Items:
1) Discussion of the proposed AFSCME Contract
2) Any additional items that may properly come before this Committee
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Please be advised that a Real Estate Committee Meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, October 21, 2014 at 5:30 pm, in the Council Chambers, Yonkers City Hall, 4th Floor.
Agenda Items:
- Continued discussion re: Site Plan Review and Special Use Permit, for the operation of a convenience store in conjunction with an automobile service station at Block 5245, Lot 15 on the Tax Assessment Map of the City of Yonkers, on the property known as 838 Kimball Avenue,
2 . Any additional items that may properly come before this committee.
Submitted by Connie Braun, Chief of Staff, on behalf of Real Estate Committee Chair and John J. Larkin (6th District)
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Please be advised that a Legislation and Codes Committee Meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, October 21, 2014 at 6:00 pm, in the Council Chambers, Yonkers City Hall, 4th Floor.
Agenda Items
- A General Ordinance adding a new chapter 84 to the Code of the City of Yonkers entitled “Video Camera Systems” regarding video camera surveillance systems at certain businesses.
- A General Ordinance amending chapter 78 of the Code of the City of Yonkers entitled “Emergency Reporting” regarding false alarm penalties.
- A local law relating to the newly emumerated article VI-a of the Charter of the City of Yonkers entitled “Bureau of Administration Adjudication” by removing or replacing any provisions of its former chapter 19 enumeration.
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Please be advised that a joint Education and Municipal Operations and Public Safety Committee Meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, October 21, 2014 at 7:00 pm, in the Council Chambers, Yonkers City Hall, 4th Floor.
Agenda Items:
- Review of emergency procedures for school emergencies and evacuations.
- Any additional items that may properly come before this committee.
Municipal Operations and Public Safety Committee Chairperson Councilmember CorazónPineda (District 2nd District)
Education Committee Chair and Minority Leader Michael Sabatino (3rd District)
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Every committee hearing chairperson has requested that their respective meeting be televised.

Comments 11
Hezi, no article on 628’s commercial on Spanos hypocrisy?
That property on SMRR is state property and was given to COY. No cost to tax payers
Wrong the property was county property, offered to COY but sold at 2cents on the dollar for about $15k. Ask Burrows, he knows. Also more importantly did a check ever change hands?
what ever to the story about brandon nador( excuse the spelling) on the saw mill pky but was he racing on the pky or is this another spano bullshit cover up.pls let us know or are you covering up.pls for once tell the the truth. thank you
The property just north of coy printing shop saw mill river rd
Under county trail bridge who is paying rent to city for storage of machines and trailers ? Is it
Another friend of the family?
Hezi go take some pictures and do story I bet its cleaned out next day.
Africa is infested with ebola.Yonkers is infested with SPANOS.I think i would rather have ebola at least there is a cure for ebola
Agreed! COY is scamming with these 10yr contracts. Time will definitely be the judge of how worthwhile 2% raises are while health costs etc. eat away it.
To sign and slam through the worst contract in the history of Yonkers Collective Bargaining!
ALL Union heads yet to get to final step in negotiations, need to stand fast and reign in averages higher than 3.5 % at the table per annum if the COY wants the givebacks they’re asking for to even be thought about!
This pattern bargaining \ 10 year CBA’s are exactly what the machine needs to garner massive taxpayer support come election time! Screw that!! 4-4-4 then hit the door! The backbones of this city are the unions and its YONKERS RESIDENT MEMBERS that are still without contract!
Every union member that lives here is an average of 15 votes in the eyes of a politician! (COY Employees x 15 = SEE YA!!) That’s bc when a Yonkers employee is barely getting by, while all top level admin are coasting in this crisis, our families are influenced negatively towards the incumbent, our neighbors, our friends…. And when we properly convey THAT at the bargaining table, show them the votes in OUR CONTROL, we can finally stop this power mongering, lying, thieving, political machine that has been Yonkers Politics for far too long.
why do i have this sense every time Yonkers calls a special meeting I’m being robbed?
Because they don’t want the public to see what their up to. Liam is responsible for the lack of transparency, as well as all those on the council who are silent every day.
Why are they having a special meeting at noon when the public will be at work and not paying attention?