GDC Rentals, a new luxury apartment building launched by Ginsburg Development is locating River Tides at Greytone at 1133 Warburton Avenee, in Yonkers, NY.
YONKERS, NY – October 20, 2014 — Ginsburg Development and Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano to celebrate the groundbreaking for River Tides at Greystone, 1133 Warburton Avenue, one the largest residential developments to be built in Yonkers in recent years at 11:30 a.m., Tuesday, October 21st. Located just a short walk from the Greystone Metro-North station, the 330-unit building will feature a mix of studio, 1-bedroom and 2-bedroom units, many with direct views of the Hudson River and the Palisades.

Yonkers officials joined with Ginsburg Development Companies (GDC) on October 21 to celebrate the groundbreaking for River Tides at Greystone, a 330-unit luxury rental complex overlooking the Hudson River in Yonkers, NY. Pictured from left, Minority Leader Michael Sabatino, Councilman Dennis Shepherd, Council President Liam McLaughlin, Mayor Mike Spano, GDC Principal Martin Ginsburg, Assemblymember Shelley Mayer, Councilman Christopher Robinson, Council Majority Leader John Larkin and Councilman Mike Breen.
The debut of River Tides at Greystone marks the launch of the Ginsburg’s new GDC Rentals brand of luxury rental apartment buildings.

Comments 19
Cuomo is the PIMP of YO, what other city has a loan from NYS to fund school, while NYS has a $6 Billion surplus thanks to bank fines????????????NO CITY LEADERSHIP….taxpayers lose again. NYC got $400 million additional money instantly with no loans?
Hope they have armed security shootings and stabbings in Yonkers are a everyday thing .
It’s only going to get worse.
Speaking of development …What ever happened to the three million dollar firehouse that was suppossed to built somewhere on Tuckahoe by the developer of Ridge Hill…some say that this money is in escrow..some say that they dont know if it is being held in escrow indefinitely or the developer will get it back in time..another building that was promised the taxpayer…I know with the mayor fighting with the F.D. a new company would not be added ant time soon…but why not hold the developers feet to the fire and have the building built…im sure the F.D. could find a use for this vacant building…storage of spare rigs,equipment etc…What happens when ridge hill becomes more developed /populated (Target etc..)..and about 8 years from now it is realized that fire protection is needed ? What happens when that firehouse might then cost 5.1 million? Who will foot the bill for the other 2.1mil? Remember Yonkers Taxpayers, this is something that was promised and owed to YOU!!!, under the Amicone administration… HEZI ,can you look into this?
No need for anymore fire-fighters we have too many of them. They are badly managed and need to work a 5 day 8 hour days and not the 2 day system we have at the moment. If you see the amount that turn up at a single car accident, you know we don’t need any more. Either you work for COY or you don’t. If you want to work another job then give up the FD job.
nice comment spano…
by the way “cuts please!!!!” this is not a fireman who made the firehouse comment…im just tired of myself and other taxpaying residents being screwed out of what we were promised because of backroom sweetheart deals…like I said, this was under the amicone administration…
Nice comment fireman
So your not a yonkers taxpayer, because if you were you would want them to control out of control payroll, which is the biggest part of your taxes. Pull the other one.
the Rooney family thanks the spanos for the gracious screwing of Yonkers taxpayers, as ALL those gamers tax dollars head upstate, while uncle nick acted like santa saving YO every year….PATHETIC, that’s why YO is left with MEXICANA school system.
With the city be paying out $4,500.00 a day to the 2 guys sifting through the mud like on the daylighting dig in ghetto’s
Square and how many months have they been there and what did the find besides crack bottles
Needles and rusty weapons.
They found Jimmy Hoffa.
What became of that house that was vacated years back due to the possibility of it sliding into the pit dug out by a different developer???Remember reading that the lady homeowner was taking both Yonkers and the developer to court.
This new project will not likely include Section 8’s…
the geniususeseses at city hall gave the developer a permit . the developer dug a nice big hole and destabilized the foundation. the city condemned her home.as per un stabile then the fire dept got a call of a slide and the city put the hole or whole thing on hole d .. this lovely African American retired school teacher I believe just ignored the citys orders and moved back in one day .I hope she got a lawyer and sued the deepest pocket. now you have a hole or a whole lot of mess .it was gossip the greystone was suing too. ps I would bet dollars to donughts the developer went bust.
Why can’t developments like this one ever get built down town in the Getty Square area.Oh,yes,now I remember.Anyhow, good to get a shovel in the ground and put some guys to work.
How much are we giving away to this 1% er?
How much has been given in campaign contributions to all Yonkers politicians?
What will the net cost be to the taxpayer?
How much subsidies is the “project” receiving?
Who’s paying for the infrastructure?
How much of the people government time will be spent on this “project”?
Has the YIDA given it’s usual bag of goodies to this development yet?
Is it going to get taxbreaks for 10 or 20 years, you know the usual yonkers bend over?
What ever happened to the development at Boyce Thompson?
Was the $50,000 ever paid in the first place?
Loads of questions but never any answers in this crooked town.
Will it pay taxes?
this one will get done . Ginsburg has a record there he built up that whole area..or what he could get his hands on . many many failed. giant holes in the side of the BANKS ON THE HUDSON. but this guy will get it done and make millions for sure. if interested take a walk by the other Ginsburg projects if inclined ask the tenants/owners what they think of the design and investment.i wont make judgements just walk by and ask them.i prefer just to walk by and not stop .hey spano you reading this why is the PMOMENADE ON THE HUSON funded through bonds so overgrown south of this site. paid for with superfund bond money now looking like a jungle . ps mr mayor I think you you you adopted that piece of scenic highway ….send somebody out to maintain it you got it for free from the state.ahh forget it just too complicated to get a few trees cut .the next mayor will get it done because you cant. however, you name is on it shame
Will they take section 8 and pit bullz.
so f…in true!