Charicature of a younger, better looking Publisher / Editor Hezi Aris.

Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano
YONKERS, NY – December 11, 2014 – Communications Director Christina Gilmartin yesterday issued a press release in which the opening paragraph asserted, “Mayor Mike Spano hailed the federal government’s allocation of $9.6 million in new funds to restore full day pre-K in Yonkers, and vowed that the City will undertake every effort to get its program up and running in 2015 so that it can qualify for continuing funds going forward.” The integrity of that one sentence was today put into question by issues that were asserted and inferred through another source; the Yonkers Board of Education (YBoE) department. The first issue is whether the $9.6Mn sum is the correct figure? Secondly, what does Mayor Spano “need to accomplish to get the program up and running in 2015.”? Thirdly, can the City of Yonkers (CoY) manage to fulfill all the required components so as to qualify for funds going forward?
The Yonkers Board of Education today stipulated the grant is valued at $33Mn over a four year term. If so, that would amount to $8.25Mn every year. Is the sum $9.6Mn for one year or is it $33Mn for four years or $8.25Mn every year for four years? Is that sum over and above the necessary preparatory costs necessary in getting accommodation for the influx of new students?
Yonkers Board of Education Department Board of Trustee President Dr. Nader Sayegh, Esq. today said the following in a press release, “Full-day Pre-kindergarten is back for September 2015! Yonkers families received a fabulous holiday gift yesterday from the U.S. Department of Education, our Federal Legislators and Governor Cuomo…” Continuing, Dr. Sayegh, Esq. said, “Reinstating full-day prekindergarten has been a top priority for the Trustees, we are thrilled it will be a reality for September…”
Whereas Mayor Mike Spano gives no credit to anyone for the funding source, Dr. Sayegh, Esq. does, as does Governor Andrew Cuomo who in his press release stated, “New York State has been awarded approximately $25 million in funding (Year 1 of 4) … to support pre-k programs … in communities with high poverty rates, these districts serve high numbers of children who are Dual Language Learners.” The statement by Governor Cuomo rightly qualifies Yonkers by virtue of its receiving Federal funding through the facilities controlled by the State. Is the sum to be received from New York State $9.6Mn every year or $8.25Mn yearly? Why doesn’t CoY know?
“In a telephone call yesterday with the New York State Education Department, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Michael Yazurlo was informed Yonkers would receive approximately $33 million over the 4 years.”
Perhaps by Friday, someone will profess to have figured the funding amount to be more or that it is contingent on some other concern? In the meanwhile, Yonkersites are psyched about Christmas!
The telephone call that took place between Dr. Yazurlo and the New York State Education Department refers to funding in a nebulous fashion. To whom specifically did he speak? Are the funds hearsay or are they written and qualified? Where is the document to show proof? Why has it not been published and entered into the public domain? Are we so forgetful and dismissive of issues of “misunderstanding” a $55Mn shortfall in funding that was the catalyst by which Yonkers City Hall chose to acquire the independent Yonkers Board of Education and make it a department of the City? Within 24 hours, City Hall’s grasp of the numbers and those of its education department do not match. Why? Who is at the helm? What are the correct figures? Where is the proof of funding?
Mayor Spano’s press release statement was devoid of if or how the City of Yonkers, in deference to finding space for the Pre-K program, that is housing the Pre-K population is to be found or acquired. Can Yonkers City Hall acquire the buildings that will comply with State and Federal regulations for housing the Pre-K population? How large is the Pre-K student population? A full-day Pre-K program is known to attract a larger number of children than a half-day program? Does CoY have the capacity to acquire space in buildings available for lease or rental or purchase? What will this cost? Can the process be completed in time? Has Mayor Spano incorporated the correct figures with respect to the upcoming proposed FY2014-2015 Yonkers Budget? Does CoY have the funds to make Pre-K a go?
“We will qualify for funds going forward. That’s a promise,” said Mayor Spano.” Curious, isn’t it, that Mayor Spano should deem it necessary to make a promise that has already been made as if he will shepherd something already done. Why? “This is a tremendous opportunity for the young people of Yonkers and we will take full advantage of it,” emphasized Mayor Spano.
Before the Pre-K program becomes an opportunity for a population beginning the process of climbing the education ladder, the program must be put in place. Can Mayor Mike Spano deliver on more than rhetoric if his office is incapable of comprehending the figures?
At issue again is what is the correct sum? Is there valid proof of the sum mentioned? Which is the correct figure and what is the correct amount? Can Yonkers qualify with the amount of necessary classrooms to accommodate the influx of Pre-K students? Is the program funded for a year or for four-years? What is the funding plan for years five onward? What is the plan? What is the remedy? Where and what is the Capital Improvement Plan budgeted to revitalize the Yonkers Board of Education (YBoE) school infrastructure? Can CoY hire a sufficient number of teachers to accommodate the increased population of students/
Most of all, can we trust either Yonkers City Hall or the Yonkers Board of Education Department to verify the figures they mention or are neither competent to understand the grant? Perhaps the fault lies with Yonkers Finance Commissioner John Liszewski and his staff for not deciphering the “complexity” of the grant to the City of Yonkers.

Comments 8
Shame they don’t speak English anymore.
It is so good to hear that the children of Yonkers will again have a free full time pre-school education. Presently, every school has pre-school program with two half day sessions. There are qualified licenced teachers available. Also, there is an extensive list of families who are waiting for pre-k seats to become available. Our children deserve qualified masters level, licensed early childhood teachers to teach in our schools. Our children are deserving of the same full time quality preschool education as the other Rivertown schools.
Our city is a proud city rich in many cultures founded by immigrants who embrace all cultures. It’s is time to open your mind, our city welcomes speakers of all languages. Our population is growing. Your comment seems to indicate lack of humanity. The Spanish are proud people who are trying to do their best, many attend English classes at night after a hard day earning lower wages while raising their families. What were your true intentions with your comments regarding “speaking Spanish”…We all came here to have a better life for our children. Sometimes it takes a next generation before we can financially progress. Adapting to a new language takes time. Your comment is negative and is a pittyful measure of your integrity. Examine your soul for the sake of tomorrow’s children, regardless what language they speak….
Hezi, everything will work out as soon as they figure out how to skim their share. !
Thank you!
Ok, who thinks Liszewski is competent to handle anything besides a plow truck. Another ploy by an incompetent administration. Charter schools? That’s the way the teacher/student ratio will be kept manageable without SIGNIFICANT hiring of new teachers. What’s the answer COY???
Sounds like the city has high revenue projections over the next few year to afford this OR it may just be another scheme. Cuomo was in Yonkers this past week and the state has 6 Billion surplus, more political scams to come!
Maybe michael is trying to give a city tax refund check back to residents, like cuomo did earlier this year. It’s almost campaign time again folks.
what happen to the porn they found on his coy owned computer .and does he still dress in his wife`s clothes
Hezi you hit the nail right on the head.