BRONXVILLE, NY — On Friday, October 31, 2014, Halloween night at 5:00pm, Dr. Sandor Szabo, Minister of Music/Organist at the Reformed Church of Bronxville, will perform a short organ concert featuring a spooky selection of well known organ music such as Toccata and Fugue by Bach, Dance Macabre by Saint-Seans, Ride of Valkyre, by Wagner, and Toccata by Boellman. A special treat will feature the ballet students of Anna Dimas, from Bronxville Ballet with a few selections from Peer Gynt Suite by Greg and Coppelia by Delibes, all played on the church’s magnificent four-manual organ with over 4,000 pipes!
This event is free and open to all ages! Come in costume and enjoy this festive music before or after trick-or-treating! Reception to follow.
The Reformed Church of Bronxville, 180 Pondfield Rd, Bronxville NY
Free admission; For more information please call 914-337-6776 or e-mail