Politocchio: Guy Parisi, Esq.
An Update
YONKERS, NY – August 21, 2014 — Yonkers Tribune reported ten days ago about the misconduct of Westchester County Board of Elections (WCBoE) Commissioner Doug A. Colety with respect to his permitting use of his office to Westchester Republican County Committee Law Chairman Guy Parisi, Esq. Mr Parisi’s use of the office is a conflict interest, as vile and as abusive as those of Mr Colety’s conflict for holding the position of Westchester County Board Election Commissioner and Westchester County Republican Chairman Doug A. Colety.
The issue with respect to Mr Parisi is that he is operating his business out of the Commissioner’s office and he has no authority to use the premises toward any regard other than to make inquiry of the WCBoE. He has no other rights.
While he does not get paid, taxpayers pay for the offices of the WCBoE. Mr Parisi needs to clear himself out of the premises. It seems Mr. Parisi has heard us though his expression was laced with derisive commentary said under his breath as to the integrity of our virtual newspaper. Despite Mr. parisi’ commentary, Yonkers Tribune has learned Mr. Parisi with be exiting the premises albeit for shorter timeline than we had hoped. He will very shortly be departure to Paris, France and beyond. We can only hope he will be cajoled to consider exiting his comfortable WCBoE premises for a home/office if he cannot afford to open a legitimate office in White Plains, NY.
Bon Voyage!