Teamsters Local 456
Important Labor Rally
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Yonkers City Hall 4:30 p.m.
Bring your family that they are also affected by not having a cost of living increase in almost 6 years.
Please wear white shirts to show solidarity.
Fraternally your,
Robert Roberge
Updated: Friday, September 26, 2014 @ 8:45 p.m. upon getting copy of the purported flyer now found herein.

Charicature of a younger, better looking Publisher / Editor Hezi Aris.
YONKERS, NY — September 26, 2014 — Reliable sources advise the Yonkers Tribune that another rally to contest and rattle the walls of a recalcitrant Yonkers City Hall in demand of contracts to satisfy six years in which union members have been kept at bay is slated for Tuesday, September 30th, at the corrected time of 4:30 p.m., as per the poster, at the westerly facing garden at City Hall. The six unions represent approximately 1,500 members who have respected the need to deliver their best efforts to maintain the smooth functioning of the City of Yonkers. No matter how understanding or patient the membership remained, the union representatives were shunned and kept in the cold. The membership felt betrayed by an administration that promised to create an environment conducive to respectful negotiations. Instead, the men and women who have respected the predicament CoY finds itself in demand productive negotiations, as opposed to the perceived stalling that have exacerbated ever greater resentment and distrust. The well-known 35-foot “rat” will stand taller than everyone in attendance on Tuesday, September 30th. The “rat” will be the center of attention, ridicule, and derision. When the “rat” struts his stuff, he will be thought of similar to an effigy representing the adversary; in this case, Mayor Mike Spano. the “rat’s” presence is not subtle; this means “War”. The gauntlet will be set on Tuesday, September 30th. There are no places for Yonkers City Hall to hide the protagonists that have been proficient in waiting out the clock. Six years on, skirmishes will no longer suffice. War is war. No petty battles any more. Political blood may flow sooner than realized. There is little patience left.
There was a time when waiting out the clock may have seemed beneficial in containing the unions. No more! It is now 15 months to the end of Mayor Mike Spano’s first term in office. He will need to resuscitate his lagging political prospects for a second term. The prospects for him recoiling from a second term, expressed by some in the name of Mayor Mike Spano, are anathema to the Spano family “plan” for themselves and the people they hope will carry them to victory in the November 2015 mayoral contest. For every day that recedes into the history books bereft of a contractual agreement with the approximately 1,500 workers who maintain the function of the CoY will only lessen Mayor Mike Spano’s prospects for acceding to a second term in office.
It seems Yonkers City Hall is aware of the upcoming demonstrations. Truth be told, our sources were found at Yonkers City Hall! Yonkers Tribune never reveals its sources, but it seems over this issue, Yonkers City Hall, without naming names, was ahead of us. Reluctantly the Yonkers Tribune has to own up to Yonkers City Hall being ahead of the curve over us on this one. We corroborated the hushed assertions they expressed with one another among four sources. Yonkers City Hall was on the money on this one. A tip of the hat to the mayor’s office for being ahead of the curve on this issue. Now, if only they can plan to resolve the ever irritating strife that is ripping Yonkers fiscal and civil prospects asunder.
Procrastination gimmicks won’t work. It’s put up or shut-up time.
I believe the ball is in Mayor Mike Spano’s court. What do you think?
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Comments 224
Can someone tell me Jamie McGills start date with the IDA?
Can someone tell me her wedding anniversary ?
(To the mayors brother)
Can someone tell me when her baby was born?
(the mayors nephew)
I’m sure the mayor can answer all of the above, so maybe he can answer why he hired her when he was well aware she was family….
Oh I know, maybe he wasn’t invited to the wedding…
I say to he’ll with all of these career politicians that lie and steal and cheat and keep getting elected because they can t do anything else.
Lets create a movement to draft Barry to run for mayor. He’d crush them all including Mike Spano
Ok little hoser. Maybe that sounds good in the firehouse, in reality it’s a joke and a good laugh!! LOL
Keep thinking that way Spano. It’s that kind of attitude which will make Mike a 1 termer. Mike was only elected because of the help of the unions. He would have lost the primary and wouldn’t have gotten the extra lines without the unions. Now the unions hate Mike and they LOVE Barry. The big problem for Spano is that Barry can’t be bought off or compromised. Now we just need to convince him to run and win
Mayor Mike Spano promised to take care of the unions 456 but I truly think the man is a man of his word and in due time we will get what we deserve and that’s our raise but it sickens me to read these post that people put up about him and his family and slandering their names,and no I’m not one of his boys..!! let the man do his job and keep his family out of it and show some class people,and by the way Mike the manager of DPW happens to be one of the best managers in the city period..!!!! I’m not anyone’s boy I’m a G-man and a father and wouldn’t want to hear about people that have no understanding of things talking bad about my family lets show some class people…!!!!
fuck you dj lenny
fuck you dj lenny or fat steve
They must be spilling lentil soup all over their shirts wondering how the got themselves into this mess.
It’s called a Kwag Mire. (Quagmire for those of us who graduated from high school)
A true leader for the membership!
Well the DPW Commissioner’s good friend failed the Fleet Manager Test what a shocker LOL LETS SEE WHERE THEY WILL HIDE HIM NEXT !! He will still be paid over $100,000 AND Probably in charge of getting coffee and cigarettes for The worst DPW Commissioner in the History of Yonkers .
Pack up and leave……lol
Well just as I predicted the DPW Commissioners friend failed the fleet Managers test so what did Tom the Horrible DPW Commissioner do He promotes him to Deputy Commissioner with a nice Raise LOL. You got to Love this people one Blunder after another In everyone’s Face LOL WHAT A SAD SAD SHOW OF LEADERSHIP FOR OUR CITY. YONKERS REALLY GOING SOUR !!
Barry will be the only on at this rally with his d!ck in his hand!! 100% the other union leaders just don’t have what it takes to stand up to the mayor.
456 is already backing off.
Savarese doesn’t have any balls and licks spanos ass.
I just wanna wish you luck, we are all counting on ya !
that nephew that sits parked on side of road every day sleeping or texting is the only teamster that gets to keep his job with a DWI and to be honest we are better off that he doesn’t drive around because he is the same nephew that took out a bunch of cops while being chased in a stolen car years ago!! but that’s ok!! and lets not forget stevies twin brother Frank they just stuffed at Municipal housing. another winner in the circle of idiots!! he got himself fired and then mayor mccheese forced them to take him back!!! keep up the good work Mr. mayor!!!
Hiding all these dirt bag rat ass nephews all over the city on the tax payers dime they get away with it because they are the mayors sisters kids with different last names. They are robbing and stealing big time. But as they say Karma ! THANK GOD THE FEDS ARE IN YONKERS MAKING A CASE AGAINST THEM ALL..
They are all here on the city because they wouldn’t even get hired at shoprite. Get your own jobs for crying out loud why Yonkers is that all you drop outs can get for work from uncle Mikey.. they would all be eating at a soup kitchen if it wasnt for mike and nick.
I believe they were all hired previously.
Dominic Pellegrino AKA Dolores Spano’s Son in law– hired after mike took Office
Frank Caragine — hired after mike took office
Stephan, Glen and DJ Lenny got pay hikes and do nothing jobs AFTER Mike took office
Lenny got promoted AFTER mike took office….. should I keep going?????
I can’t belive that you let people take up so much space in your head plus its easy to hide behind your computer and type shit without leaving your name. If you don’t have the balls to tell them to their face your just a little bitch i dont really know the nephews or care about them but seriously grow some balls pussy boy
The rally will be attended by many unions, not just the Teamsters. Just about every union in Yonkers with the exception of the police union. And other unions from outside Yonkers will also be joining in on the rat roast. Yum Yum
Why won’t the PBA be at rally? Are they not united with all of the other unions? Or are they only out for themselves? Is it because their family members keep getting jobs in City Hall and they don’t want to rock the boat?
Isn’t there more than one police union?
They will be there WORKING OT > LOL
Stick your rally up your ass. 100-1 odds it doesn’t happen. And mike will bring the unions to their knees.
If he did, what a smack in the face since he used all three unions, DPW, FIRE & POLICE to get elected. Couldnt do it himself the first time around.
Re-elect Mayor Mike! He has done a phenomenal job and deserves a 2nd term. 2015 Re-elect Mike!
Get a Life Lenny you got a litter picking deal out of the whole kiss ass election.. pull your sweatpants higher and get ready to start lifting when spano is out of office.
Stop hatin who says that’s Lenny anyways. Spano will be Mayor through the year 2019. Enjoy the wait nitwit.
I want the job that the spano who drives 314 on his phone all day parked on the side of the road the couple hours he works he leaves at 10:30 to go home anyone know if its the same one who had DWI last year or was that the other one he works with
Did they ever get to the Bottom of the missing 55 million dollars from the Board of Ed it just seems like that story vanished into thin air ?
The money was never missing the state owed the money to the City of Yonkers ,they put it in their budget nobody stole the money the state just didn’t come through
Its amazing how you can be paid $150,000 and get driven around all day and to and from work and you can watch him walk down the street to his girl friends truck at lunch its a joke
How about the 160,000 to 200,000 his drivers make.
One being a family member. But don’t forget- the city is in financial distress
Never seen so many haters and jealous people in this city. For one, just run for Mayor if this is the way you uneducated people feel. You would have no idea how to nor did anyone really want to run and clean up this city’s problems. Mike has a very high rating and will be reelected hands down. I know you Amiclown assholes want him back but he was the real crook. How did it work out for all you Amiclown ass kissers? All city workers contracts expired under that asshole who had a huge hand in mismanaging our tax dollars. Contract or not I will be there to support mike for mayor next time around. Unlike most of you idiots I actually live in this city and don’t pay my taxes in Putnam or Dutchess county. And FYI, all mayors get driven around. Amiclown was driven around by NASCAR Marty. Do you idiots remember that?
Didnt Mike tell you OFF Spring NEPHEWS to STOP DEFENDING HIM LOL What IDIOTS !!
every mayor gets caught holding the Bag when the old mayor cant run no more its politics stop crying he has been in politics a long time he should know how to deal with it. all the other mayors coasted right through without a problem. The real problem is he gave city Hall Huge RAises he knew how to do that ok now he has to serve his unions well . If his pen works on City Hall Raises why is it out of ink when it comes to Union Raises ????
Craig a lot of people see what’s going on there .
The guilty party’s yes you know them well there
even your Facebook friends there going to deny
All and have no knowledge of the crimes and
Your going to take the fall it’s to late to deny
Cameras and listing devices are in side too.
Whats a Listing Device ?
Craig is a straight shooter and would never let abything happen under his watch . That place will have a Bad Name for life there is nothing you can really say to defend the rumors you are saying. Just keep them coming and let them fade away . good try though .
Craig is a straight shooter and would never let anything happen under his watch . That place will have a Bad Name for life there is nothing you can really say to defend the rumors you are saying. Just keep them coming and let them fade away . good try though .
Ask him who is the Grey dodge pick with a lift gate and commercial plates?
One more this might be you gmc black short bed pickup.
Don’t want to put plate numbers out there it’s a surprise.
There’s also another long list you enjoy your day.
Another rumor GUY you guys come a dime a dozen I bet you might even be a former steward LOL
In time.
If the Yonkers Intel Unit is involved I dont think so the Guys get off and get back pay LOL LOL that unit couldnt convict a Flea for Bitting a DogLOL
Not yonkers
And please explain again why you would be on this site saying that LOL come on man we werent born yesterday stop your BS..
Who has been convicted so far just wondering just sandy annabi and Nick Spano any others ?? Just wondering.
Thats so made up its pathetic.. Craigs a smart man and would never jeopardize his job or integrity and let someone in there that dont belong . If anything Its a Commissioner or Mayoral Favor that will go back to them if shit hits the fan Craigs not dumb . You must be new on the city or a resident that dont know him from a hole in the wall..
Why would some make up a story maybe there trying to tell him something My guess is something went down and since he is in charge there the guilty with put it on him?
Why write it here if you want to warn him go warn him .. it don’t make sense saying it here . Thats why its BS
Mayor Mike please have a couple of pallets of brooms and shovels to give to Manzo to hand out to the garbage men
So after the 2 hours of work instead of running back upstate
They can sweep the streets and sidewalks for the next 6 hours.
lol your a Dope !!
Zero yes that’s what you get.
I bet No ONE GETS Zero’s You Zero Louie will suck off a deal I mean make a deal trust me LOL our raise is his kids raise
What’s the matter Spano wouldn’t hire your kids?
For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack.
Rudyard Kipling
Worked the P.R. parade overtime . Tomorrow the Rat Rally heard there some tuff guys.Going to bring in the special ops unit and the street crime too its all overtime thanks guys.
Yeah the PD got a raise that was long overdue, but on the backs of its members. Give up major changes to 207c and fucked All the new guys for their entire career. Olson will overdose on donuts before any PBA President gets to negotiate the next one. Ten years before all the retro will be paid. You other unions need to stand together.
Isn’t it 5 years for the retro and isn’t getting retro over 5 years better than not getting any because of zeros? And just out of curiosity, can you tell us what problems you have seen with the 207 changes? Also, when you say the new guys were fucked, how is that possible when the starting pay and top pay were raised significantly? We need to know.
And just out of curiosity, can you tell us what happened to all of the money that was collected for Wayne?
Yes Mr. Olson. We know its you Mr. “Curious”, lol. Who else would answer a question with a question? I would post the contract but don’t want to wind up like that Detective you harassed and expelled from the PBA. Oh fuck it, when I find a copy I will post it. Nobody is afraid of a rat. Even if it is a six hundred pound one.
We must give credit where credit is due. I know past administrations all use SIU as their “unit”.
But they have gone above and beyond for this administration, they have a human clone. That fat stubby cop in SIU looks just like the mayor.
Other than a few morons and Spanoettes Mike won’t be able to get any unions support or votes next year or ever again. Even the rank and file cops who have a contract don’t like Spano any more. What goes around come around Mike. I hope you get nothing from the unions ever again.
He won’t need 1% of them. He will win hands down. Not a name out there that could compete with him.
So if you garbage men aren’t as dumb as they say- do a poll.
His name is MUD he can get beat by a MOP now jerk . The Mayor seat is there for the Taking now ,way to screw up your political career Jackass !!
Go pick up my garbage. It’s placed nicely at the curb, jack ass.
first off there are more dept then garbage in DPW ass wipe and im not from sanitation so bite me loser ..get your facts straight lol
Next runner up will kick his ass.
Stupid dpw you know can’t vote only like 30 of you live in Yonkers.
What makes you think a new mayor is going to agree with all your demands. 456 talked about Mike like he was god before the election I bet you voted for him and he got you a job if not him then nick right?
He or any of his family had Zero to do with my job. But besides that The Spano Family has been backed by the Teamsters Union as long as I can remember , Its about Loyalty and who stood by his families side during there careers in politics.
No one is saying the next Mayor would be better . But we rather work with a new Mayor then one who Back stabbed everyone that helped him over the years.
Yes I voted for Mike But not next time around Im Disappointed in him to say the least.
And Yes I Voted And Yes Im Upstate.
The Yonkers residents CAN vote and they see what has been going on..
Oh yeah, he got the fat fuck that sold out his union and got his sister her first paying city job. All on the backs of his members. Unity boys, that’s what the fat man preaches.
Any more? Or anymore? Really you moron. Is a Spanoette like an Olsonette? Only better, lol.
Spano is calling the other union leaders and begging them not to go to the rally if the Teamsters bring the rat. I don’t think Mile. You ARE a RAT.
If the Teamsters show up with the RAT why dont Mike Fire all Picani and Manzos kids cousins nephews and neighbors LOL
Didnt he hire his ex-con brother?
You should be waving white flags and give up.
You are in a no win situation.
Who says garbage men are stupid? LOL
They should take off their white shirts at the rally and wave them like flags. Total waste of time. There will be such a low turnout and the ones who will show up are buffoons.
That would be some site with there shirts off LOL
But you are correct eventually we will take what Louie and Spano already agreed on They are just waring us down with these Bogus Rallies and talks of us at war with Spano . What an Old Script they are using they need new writers.
That piece of shit asshole manzo head of D.P.W teamsters does not even have a C.D.L license.His fu**ing title is Painter.I guess his daddy knew he was to dumb to do anything else
I think you meant to write “too” dumb.
I guess that means that he’s dumb TOO!
And they’ll be plenty of that covering the blacktop pretty soon. Lets see whose waiving white flags then. You Spano’s are all fucking morons.
And you will get no tips in December LOL
and you will get no pick up in January LOL
LOL That was a good one !
Are there any Spano girlfriends and lackies that don’t have a job working for Yonkers?
And while we’re at it why is it that every Spano seems to have a girlfriend on the city payroll?
Despicable Spano’s
They Really Screwed this City up Fast !! I guess its in the Feds Hands Now. Lets sit back and wait.
Don’t listen to them Mikey! Your doing a great job, how’s my raise looking? My new city car just like vinnies or maybe something a little more economical. 2 SUVs would be a bit much for the taxpayers to carry.
Several years ago Mike Spano announced he had been molested and abused as a child. Who was the perpetrator Mike? Why have you never disclosed a name?
If mike was molested as a child that ex planes why he is fu**ing every person in yonkers,because pudgey wants to get even
u sound like an asshold
Shut up Damato
Mike Spano is dead to me an my family. Persona non grata.
Fuck Mike Spano and ALL the Spano’s. They’re all the same lying shit heads. White trash from Park Hill and always will be. Nick will be back in jail soon but for a much longer time and moron Mike will be there too. The Feds don’t allow relatives to share cells but they can meet up every day in the yard. Fuck those assholes. They deserve everything they are going to get.
Did 456 stick up for Eddie M.? Or kick him when he was down.
He lasted way pass his time he should have been fired years ago. just go away Eddie no one likes you asshole.
roomer has it ed was told to load up the pick ups with salt but he never ratted on who told him to do it .
Eddie is a thief!!! Alsways has been. Nobody told him to do shit.
Pickup the garbage, plow all of the streets so they are safe and stop begging during Christmas. If you do those 3 things then you should be paid accordingly.
wow are you full of advice. lol
Can’t figure out why these little rats WORSHIP a big rat like me?
To my good friend Mike Starro,
Way to go, Mike. I am so glad you have never given up on fighting the good fight in this city. Not many sign their names to comments that go against the tide, so to speak, but you are one of the few who I know never shied away from standing up for what you think is a good cause. But, all looks good from the surface in this city – plenty of ribbon-cuttings for grand openings – I can only wonder how long these businesses last. I have never yet seen a photo op in Yonkers for a business failure. But, we can all rest easy, it looks like the city is set to ban Styrofoam. I will sleep easier tonight with that weight off my mind.
You other unions can thank that other 35 foot rat who runs around preaching strength in unity. In fact they even look a like.
Would that be the guy from the union that got a contract first and that we are all trying to get?
2.3 per cent per year is shit you fat rat. No retro pay for five years. Yeah great contract. Talked to my friend who is a county cop and he got $60,000 retro check. What did Yonkers cops get so far? $2,000 ? Fucking losers. You fucked us all. Now Mike Spamo will get fucked. He deserves it.
A couple promotions a few got also thats a nice boost along with the contract . good Job again Mike and guys from the Intel Unit You better kiss GS balls and the ground the corrupt family walks on !!
Put the rat outside of r&s waste, everyone there is a rat
The Feds are here in Yonkers already but they’re looking into Mike Spano and his corruption and deceit. They have offices in 20 S Broadway and can see and hear everything that goes on in City Hall. In fact, they have several city officials wearing wires and reporting back to them on a daily basis. They already have the evidence they need and are just getting additional proof for an iron clad case. The silver bracelets will be on display before you know it.
Boy I Hope Your Right ! I Wonder if Mary will Do the Story when they are all taken out in Cuffs..
The sad fact of the matter is that the corruption in this “City” is so widespread and rampant that the feds realized they would literally have to DISMANTLE every level of local government and start from scratch…I think they just threw up their hands and gave up. The moron Yonkers citizens deserve every bit of what they vote for-there IS NO HELP coming!!
Yes it’s taking time but there is a ongoing case.
Please investigate why Lou Picani has a No Show Job in The City of Yonkers and Recieves A Paycheck from Local 456 as a Business Agent as well.
Doesn’t Anyone care anymore ?
why would a Mayor allow this to happen ?
why would The Teamster President allow this to take place ?
You know they see all the favors Lou Picani gets on the City in Hiring alone its insane. Anthony Manzo has all 3 of his kids on the City its in plain site why is no one checking on this corruption ? isn’t there a stack of City Applications from City residents sitting in City Hall That don’t even get looked at and thats Legal ?? Come on open your eyes and put these corrupt Bums where they Belong !! IN A CELL !!
Mike Spano is a scumbag. He’s broken every promise he ever made to the people if Yonkers. Not just the unions. He has forever tarnished what was a respectable name. You don’t turn your back on your “friends” which is what Mike Spano has done to almost every friend he had. Now all he has is his family, his patronage job holders and a few kiss assers like DJ Lenny, Squig, and the other Spano wannabees. When mike gets crushed there will be no more patronage jobs and no more wannabees. Just family. And they’ll despise him too for destroying the Spano name. Mike Spano is just a fat retarded SCUMBAG.
Oh take it easy on the insults. I was just giving my opinion . No need to hate me because I am politically astute.
Astute!?…lol..thank God for Google or else your idiocy DJ Lenny would be readily apparent. BTW, stick to hauling garbage – you really suck as a DJ.
Well said. Their all scumbags from Nick on down. They smile at you and lie to your face. Even all the way sown to Little Vinnie. They think everyone is as stupid as they are. No one believes a word the Spano’s say.
Not for nothing but Mayor Mike is a stand up guy and is doing his best to make our city better. He took over at a difficult time but is doing a phenomenal job.
When the time comes we need to re elect Mayor Mike!
Suck Mikes hemorrhoid while your at it . And for what so you can pick litter all day. WoW you got a sweet Deal lol NOT!!
Oh take it easy on the insults. I was just giving my opinion . No need to hate me because I am politically astute.
You are just jealous of the Spano family. They have done so much to help our city over the years. The hate you spew at them and their supporters is uncalled for.
Dont worry Lenny they are reading this so your litter picking will continue you have to do what you have to do. So get your Chapstick ready for the Next New Mayor and maybe he will let you keep picking litter to. They have done Zero for The Teamsters . I wonder why the cops got theres I think Spano said they are more important then The Teamster’s when it comes to what they do .
Unless ribbons are manufactured in Yonkers what has Mike Spano done in 3 years but cut ribbons? Fucked up the budget. No contracts. Taxes are up. City is a mess. Oh I forgot. DJ Lenny got a job and benefits. Dipshit.
Now That’s Funny he is a Dip Shit !!
Mike Thank you for turning your head and letting me dump 17 stories worth of dirt at my place, myself and joe spezio (were no partners tho) really appreciate it and would like to start over again as soon as the taxpayers clean it up
I cant wait to help get rid of Spano. As soon as someone comes out and announces they are running against him I am going to sign up as the most active and loud volunteer to carry petitions, make and distribute signs, hand out literature, raise money, whatever it takes to get rid of Spano.
The Clerks Office.. LOL
There are at least 2 and maybe 3 democrats who will be collecting signatures next year and will be opposing Spano for the Democratic line. Have fun Mike. We”ll see how many friends you have left. Not enough.
Mike Starro the only guy on the City of Yonkers who tells it like it is. You called all this Union Corruption years ago Mike and no one Listened.
Your the only guy I know who wants to do the right thing but these Teamster members have been programmed to think Wrong is Right !!
Pleasure to know you Mike Your a Stand Up Guy !!
Ok so your so called Union Leaders want a Rally HUH LOL what a Joke.
for starters the Rally was approved by Spano or it woudnt happen He controls Louie Picani and Anthony Manzo Think about it dopes both draw salaries from the City of Yonkers and Louie also gets paid by Local 456 Both of them have all there Boys (children) Working on the Yonkers Payroll even nephews and neighbor’s Hired . Do you think for one second they would have the Balls to have any type of Rally Without Mike Spano giving the ok ? So go up there and make fools of yourselves yelling you want a raise and to treat you fair meanwhile your own Union Leaders dont treat you fair and at the salaries there making you think they give two shits if your Bills are due and your kid cant play soccer ?
Don’t give them nothing these drunken drug attics lowlife theifs. Just drive up Lockwood Ave at 9 am 20 dpw trucks parked some sleeping in trucks most smoking and reading newspapers.It took 5 full days well they only worked one hour a day 4 trucks and a backhoe to change a fire hydron in front of my house and what a mess of garbage they left and did nothing but play on cell phones even the fat slop in the white shirt.
The garbage men in the blue trucks all want a tip well here it is stop acting like your a wise guy and pick up the bags my grandmother can lift in truck. Losers…….Great job Mayor Mike
Your an Asshole ! Another Jealous Resident out of work or couldnt get a there kid a city job..
Dpw worker that thinks a blow up doll will get him a raise.
Who thinks That ? Moron
Oh you thought they were using your Blow up Doll !
But it is a Big Rat that is the Union Mascot.but outsourcing not the answer Leadership and Honesty is. Look who the DPW commissioner is its a Joke he knows nothing about operations in the city and them men dont respect him therefor they will never go above and beyond for him. The Deputy DPW Commissioner is a 3 foot tall cigar smoking failed politician who was suspended this year for giving his son a contract and hes still here He was dismissed as a DPW Commissioner years ago but still keeps re surfacing. HOW DO YOU DEFEND THIS MAYOR YOU TOTAL JACKASS
Make sure tuff guy you move all the trucks out of the way at your garage so Persico can park more of his company trucks there and Landis to let see you talk shit to them.
your talking shit you have no Idea about Fella !!
your out of your league and fishing for info. take a hike Loser .
Truth hurts. Good luck at your rally I’ll be watching from window.
All rats hide and peak out windows dont forget to nibble on your cheese.
Hmn…not sure I know what a drug ATTIC is. Do you mean a stash in the top floor of one’s home? Yeah, I’m going to take advice from YOU!
Next time have your Greasy Granny run out and throw it in the back of the Truck then . LOL Help is Always Welcome.
We’re was Manzo at your last rally?
Probably Home Why ? you act as if your telling something new. You think they care about our contract making the salaries they get of course not thats not Disputed here at all.
It’s way past time for the rats and the personal attack. Scumbag Spano has been playing hardball for 3 years and everyone but Barry and the FIremen has been playing softball. It’s time to throw some fastballs and curves and strike this fat Spano out. Duck him and the rest of the Spano’s. let this be the just the first of many many many in your face fuck you’s to Mike Spano.
I couldn’t afford to send my kids to soccer camp this summer because I haven’t had a raise in 6 years and my rent is up over 10 percents Andy wife is out of work. I think we should follow Spano around to soccer games and bring the rat with us for every event he goes to. IFC family has to go without then he should know about it and be shamed for his actions.
Boo Hoo Hoo!!!!
You guys must really be a bunch of losers if what you ultimately aspire to and make deals for is to get your sons’ jobs in DPW. What ever happened to making life better for your children? Uh, maybe pushing them towards college,med school, law school, etc.—- Dummies.
Who are you talking about? The Spano’s? I don’t think one of them finished two college never mind med school or law school. All they know about is getting patronage political jobs and civil service spots.
you taking shots at hard working people who do the best they can providing a service for the community? first and foremost go fuck yourself ! look up these highly aspiring highly paid politicos and their familys and their credentials . the vast majority of them have no formal background in anything they were hired for nor the education to perform their jobs . hey hezi do some research and ask for a freedom of information release on what these people in these highly desirable jobs put down on their applications as far as employment .. ill bet some even overstated and, their was no background check. if somebody wants to aspire to a profession great . if others want to work in the civil service so be it .GO FUCKYOURSELF YOU ELITIST SCUMBAG
I wouldnt want my kid working for the City of Yonkers at all. Dont anyone Parent there kids right and actually steer them in the right direction anymore ?
My Kid is in college to become an attny and Im proud of him.
wonderfull when he doesn’t become a fuking thieving lawyer just don’t ask for a job as a garbage man I smell garlick
I would never in a million years put my kid as a garbage man he don’t need his daddy to get him a job you loser perfect mentality from a Teamster who’s union sells him out but doesn’t use his big mouth to tell them off. Enjoy your failing union . And my kid will make twice as much as you in 6 months then you make in two years. So go up city hall with the Teamster Rat that is really your union mascot and should be put on all your 456 shirts !!
your sons probably a little cry baby like you.and I could give a mascots ass I mean a rats ass how much he could ever possibly make . I just hope the little bitch doesn’t turn out to be a crying political ball washer like you. now go get your shine box mike the big bosses need their shoes spiffed up.theres gonna be a lot of shit to walk through this week. hurry up bitch!
You Will always be Garbage like your work title you Loser !
Where did you grduate from Trash University .
Its ok to defend your little Trash Job now go get your shine Box and beg the Mayor for a RAISE LOL.
The deal is made already jerk but since your a stupid follower and believe all the Bullshit your union tells you your just another whipping BOY !!!
aint nothing done until its Ratified by the membership.if you know so much you must be on the inside. so start heading out to DON MIKEYS camp he needs some garlick peeled for sundays gravy bring your douchbag kid his lawn needs mowing and don’t forget the cannolis or the shine box. now run along sonny boy mikes in desperate need of some company
First off Im Sad to admit this but im a Teamster Jerk off And I would love to see the mayor out of office. you think that the union is really fighting with Spano your an Idiot or maybe you just started the Job or your Louie or Anthony or one of there kids. Because this little rally and blaming spano is all a SHAM that was put together by none other then Louie and Spano themselves . so believe what you want they Love ass kissing followers like yourself.
Sad to say my son will be defending Losers like you one day . Talk about thieving Attny’s they are the first ones you cry babies run to when you get in trouble at work or abroad. save your money loser you will need an educated successful Lawyer one day sad part you know you will but will continue to act a fool and write your childish comments.
you have an uneducated Trash Collector bitching at you because your son is in Law School LOL thats Hystericle Dude wake up your Knee deep in Baby Diapers filled with Shit Daily you go home smelling like cat piss everyday and your upset this persons son is in Law School HAHAHa Get a Life !!
im pretty sure I know who this guy is and if he is so be it.wether its him or not don’t really matter . good luck on your rally good luck to your kid in school .I too work for this city and have seen first hand what nepotism cronyism and just out right thieving have an effect on morale.i once worked hard and was conscientious. now I don’t really care .the shitty crooks in this city and they are numerous systematically weakend every fibre of the fabric of what was once a vibrant society. simply corruption just beats you down.whatever raise you get you deserve and then some . hit em hard spruce st
No but Spano and all his fat relatives like cookies try giving them to him lol
An order has been placed for a 20 foot long and 10 foot high pink pig which will have a collar tag with guess whose name?
It’s fat. It’s pink. And it stinks.
Happy Spano Roast
The bottom line is the majority of the Yonkers teamsters are ignorant and that is why you are in this position today. You had a chance to stand and make a difference and didn’t have the courage to do it.You allowed your teamster leaders to insult your intelligence,lie and rob you.No raise in almost 6 years,give backs and your so called leaders got their sons hired.They allowed mayor mike to take care of his family with upgrades in teamster jobs who never earned it or deserved it.Your Union leaders and the polical powers who run our city have been using you for their own selfish needs and you still allow it to happen.It is sad that this system is still allowed to operate in America today.You even voted no to have your chief shop steward elected, aright you have as soon as your born in this country. I Have worked in this system for 30 plus years and fought to make a change for the better but came up short.I do congratulate my teamster Union leaders and the polical powers in their ability to control grown up men, lead them down a path that sells them out and at the same time take care of family and friends.To my teamster brother I leave you with the following saying that was text to me by a friend “Staying silent is like a slow growing cancer to the soul and a trait of a true coward.There is nothing intelligent about not standing up for yourself.You may not win every battle.However,everyone will at least know what you stood for YOU”.
Well Said Mike . Spoken like The Leader we should have, in this Disgraceful Union.
Weren’t you Celli’s lapdog??
wrong guy Loser Try Again ! X
How many different posts will fanboy john Khader place on here?
your such an asshole I have no business on this topic good luck to all those involved, now sign your name coward.jk
You are so fucking stupid.
and you my rat are a coward sign your name fagot.jk
Always sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong.
fuck you JK
Louie is doing a great job for Louie. I don’t mind if he takes care of his kids but not at our expense. We could have had a contract by now….then he brings a rat to city hall…..maybe he should take a pic next to it for his office.
Couldnt agree more and he has Mike and Joe taking care of people like Joe Desiena a crack head who stole from his members but then again Mike takes his orders from Louie does the administration know this Mike?
456 was trying to work with spaNO for a long time but spaNO is reaponsible for bringing in outside contractors. 456 didn’t want to let a few small jobs interfere with getting out contract and raises. Some of you “union” members are just ignorant and have drank the spaNO Kool Aid. Do you think 456 wants ANY outside contractors in YO ? Sometimes you have to work with a mayor and bend a little. spaNO went too far and now 456 is going to show him what really happens when you stab Teamsters in the back.
Do You Believe all that stuff you wrote seriously !!
You should know better then that Thats part of the union sellout so they can get there political favors are you that naeve ?
Its your Teamster Leaders who are stabbing Teamster workers in the back not the Mayor im not defending the Mayor at all because I want him out of office to hes Horrible But it makes his job a lot easier to feed our corrupt Union Leaders Jobs and High paying salaries to get Outsourcing Done and Delay contracts trust me the Teamster so called leaders are well aware of us not getting a contract in 6 yrs and dont care. They will throw there fake rallies approved by spano and look like there fighting with him but its all staged my friend A True Union like back in the old days would be Marching infront of his house The Union won’t do that to there Golden Egg Trust Me, Maybe when Mike and Mary are out of town they wouldso we can look like idiots yelling at an empty house, Yes They make us out to be Idiots. If Spano was so mad at the Teamsters why does he continue to do Louie and Anthony Favors ?? Don’t Fall for this Bullshit Hype Louie is feeding you Guys wake up and smell the coffee…
You guy’s need to bring that rat to Elmsford look at the outsourcing . Stuff like this Never happens in my city .
And if it was to happen there trucks would burn.
What is Picani title and was he or not part of the mayor`s transition team. IF so why the hell is he representing the Teamsters.And where is his office is it in elmsford or city hall???????????
456 Thanks for letting us into your RECYCLING CENTER and taking your scrap runs .
I thought R&B was going into the recycling center,because his brother is a yonkers cop
Spano have no love for Roger even to put a case on him but he beat it of course they couldn’t even shine his shoes.
R&B Hard working guys who got screwed by the spanos because they are Jealous of there wealth. What Babies !! KARMA KARMA KARMA
Ask Spano about his kid brother that worked with roger.
Until the well dried up- then ask the guys at the dump what happened.
Think again maybe other way around. Roger has more collars in a month then that guy will have in a life time .Can wait to see who happy he is next election.
The story goes something like this someone with the Initials GS was stealing so much copper until his Brother took office and he stopped. he launched an investigation on the very yard he stold from and had two DPW workers arrested for dumping a personal pick up truck there. I believe after all the mayhem was over they walked away with a ticket and there jobs restored with back pay. great investigation guys but you nailed the wrong guy’s the guy you wanted was working amongst you.
Those same initials GS now steal overtime, city gas, personal use of city vehicles, city vacations…. Are they dumb or just ignorant ? The tax payer that is.
I cant believe what im reading as a Tax payer and former Spano Supporter I will be sure to let all the senior citizens know whats going on and Vote using better judgement next time . Shame on The Spano Family. Signed an Ex Supporter
Brookfield might be losing money running that box of Junk to Pascap.. shitty contract I wonder why they want it ?
If the guys at the recycling yard were smart and a real union they shouldn’t let any other trucks in yard but there not SAD.
Thanks for the special cameras and gun shot detection units.
Installed and maintenance service by us ONLY .
456 Thanks for the 2 year job on Wendover and all the advice.
But a big thanks to Tommy for signing off on the backwards
Installed main.
Big thanks for outsourcing the installation and maintenance of those money making cameras.
We would like to thank Mike again for choosing Verde electrical for the outsourcing of all the street lights to l.e.d. in yonkers
And a shout out to 456. Looking forward to the next of many of outsourcing projects.
Verde’s deal and deing w Nick (the Felon) Spano is one of the items the Feds are currently investigating. Vamos Amigos.
Wait till CITY CARTING gets the garbage pickup already in the works don’t tell nobody .
freedo freedo freedo freedo freedo freedo freedo freedo freedo freedo freedo freedo freedo freedo freedo freedo freedo freedo freedo freedo
Let me Answer that one for Mike Spano…… NO !
ha ha ha the only outsourcing in yonkers will be the spano’s. the city clerk will be the first casualty and then the mayor. the two of them together don’t have a high school diploma or any work experience other than in government and family companys. outsource this
To stupid to pass C.D.L. no oil truck for mikey.
Outsourcing coming your way 456 lol thanks union leaders.
Love the flyer and picture of Spano. He doesn’t have very good skin and his eyes look a little bloodshot but its sure him.
Word in the gutter is that Joe Spano has been conducting negotiations with each of the unions. It’s no wonder why things are so messed up. If Joe is the Brains of the Spano team then Mike sure is a dope. Joe Spano couldn’t negotiate his way down a hallway never mind union contracts. The last contract he negotiated was at the county jail and he got booted out of office right after he sold his members out. Then he got a sweet gig as Deputie warden and retired in disgrace. Mike is going to take the same train to retirement station.
The only zeros in Yonkers will be the number of union members who vote for Mike Spano. In the meantime the real numbers will be 4 5 5 5 and 5 for the number of inches the plow blades will be up off the pavement during this winters snowshoes. Better hope its a warm winter Mike.
Doesn’t Mikey live upper Westchester or just sleep there?
Whatever you dumb garbage men are easily replaceable
Well why don’t they replace them ?
There union is weak . All the residents should chip in make an envelope of cash for Louie and Anthony and they will sell out there men and you will have new Garbage Men. Just Saying.
Stupid Freedo Mile ran out the clock. All he’s done is pissed off everyone outside of his family who ever aupported him. Now they will follow him around town wherever his fat dumpy ass shows up. Playtime is over Mikey.
0-0-0-0-0-0, Here’s your raise you should be happy you all have exorbitant high paying jobs with pensions and bennies. 0-0-0-0-0-0 Will balance that all out and control costs which are an overdue concept in hilly city.
I hope they get nothing. I bet it will take place on city time.
It will be there hardest workday blowing up rat. Where are there union leaders ? Up on park hill what a joke.
How many Spano’s are working for the City? How many contracts have been handed out to Spano’s and Spano relatives? How corrupt can the Spano’s be? How many “deals” has the felon Nick Spano brokered for his clients, friends, family? The Feds are looking into this as we speak. They have the documents and are connecting the dots.
Noticed some white guys at different locations in city asking for video tapes and lots of questions.
Any other business owners notice?
Lets see one fat spano Steve drives welfare workers around and sits in the truck all day eating getting fatter and ratting all day.
And the other Glen parks all over yonkers in the City Dump Truck Texting and ratting all day wait I have to be fair sometimes hes parked at his house and inside texting.
Joe Spano couldn’t beat a golf ball in a spelling contest is on litter baskets skipping pails they over flow everywhere.
But no one dares do anything about any of them we have political and Union Nepotism running wild through the City.
But that Big Fat chimney smoking commissioner they hired in DPW will go after other workers like they are part of ISIS. Cant wait to see him pack up his desk and hit the road with Mayor Spano
Why have the union leaders not kept us up to date on what city hall has offered so far. I’m hearing as high as 21 percent yet lou is telling us 18. Is it true the mayor offered us 21percent but told the union there would have to be layoffs. I believe it’s true and the leaders don’t want the members knowing because they would agree to that and Louie’s kids would all be let go.
By George I think you got it .
Attend a union meeting and ask!!!
Hey hezi maybe u should look into all the favors Picani got hes a joke who can take him serious couple years ago there was layoffs he had union give back in dec of same year his son was hired fast foward another son hired and given a tit job he now works with his cousin making more money his other son now a fire fighter the list goes on manzo now has all his sons on as well great job 456