Hon. Fernando Fuents
Since the 1980’s The Hispanic Leadership in Yonkers has advocated for Hispanics to sit at the table where all the political and economic fruits are doled out.
Some Yonkers Hispanic Pioneers were: Carmen Gonzalez, Fr. Anthony Sagrista, S.J., Jose De Jesus, Rolando Muhlig, Margarita Solano, Jenny Vargas, Feliz Garcia, Orquidea Sanso, Wilda Mejias, Pedro Maymi, Fred Hernandez, and Maria Garci.
In the 1980 Census, Yonkers had a population of 195,351 and 16,942 persons of Hispanic descent or 8.67% of the total population.
In the 1990 Census, Yonkers had a population of 188,082 and 31,476 persons of Hispanic descent or 16.7% of the total population.
In the 2000 Census, Yonkers had a population of 187,416 and 50,852 persons of Hispanic descent or 26% of the total population.
In the 2010 Census, Yonkers had a population of 195,976 and 67,927 persons of Hispanic descent or 35% of the total population.
In 2014 approximately 53% of the Yonkers Public Schools population is of Hispanic descent.
Recently the Mayor of Yonkers (Mike Spano) replaced an Hispanic Trustee, Ms. Nydia Perez with Mr. James Cavanaugh, former Chairman of the Westchester Republican Party, Former Chairman of the Battery Park City Authority, (resigned 2014), and former Republican Eastchester Supervisor, who moved to Yonkers in 2011.
The Hispanic Community cannot move backwards, we must constantly move forward. If an Hispanic resigns from the Board of Education or other board, we must convince the mayor to replace that trustee with a Hispanic who is prepared to serve on such a prestigious board.
The Hispanic Community will reach approximately 40% of the total Yonkers population by 2015..That means that there will be approximately 78,000 Hispanics residing in Yonkers out of a total population of 195,000.
Let’s ask the following questions of Mayor Spano:
- How many Hispanics are on Yonkers Boards?
- How many cabinet and managerial positions are held by Hispanics?
- How many Police Officers and Supervisors are Hispanic?
- How many Fire Officers are Hispanic?
- How many SEIU workers are Hispanic?
- How many DPW workers are Hispanic?
- Haw many Hispanic Contracts were voted on at the Board of Contract and Supply?
- How many Hispanic Not for Profit Corporation are funded through the City of Yonkers?
These are just a few of the questions that need to be asked of the Mayor of Yonkers. Mayor Spano says that he represents all the residents of Yonkers… The numbers will speak for themselves.
Yonkers’ Hispanic Leaders [must] ask the questions…. The Mayor must be held accountable for his actions. The Next Yonkers Mayoral Election will be held in 2015.
The Hon. Fernando Fuentes is a former Yonkers Board of Education Trustee, a former Yonkers City Council Member, and a former Commissioner of Personnel in Paterson, New Jersey

Comments 38
How many Latinos aka MEXICANOS are just renting and sending money back home. Many have no vested interest in YO, so therefore they don’t get represented in politics.
But, the fact that so little representation in city hall is evident this mayor is about HIMSELF and his FAMILIA only!
Open your blind eyes there taking over everything from the Puerto Ricans and blacks and you just let them grow some balls.
Don’t you get it – Spano continually shows he only cares about feeding, sheltering and clothing his family and friends with fictitious patronage jobs. This conversation is a waste of breath.
Mike Spano has no respect for the Hispanics of Yonkers. He had been heard to say on numerous occasions “they ruined my old Italian neighborhood of Park Hill”. Every time he goes to Guilio’s for a discounted meal he spits on the ground as a sign of his contempt for Hispanics. Good luck Fernando you can ask as many questions as you like but he won’t even answer them never mind hire Hispanics.
Maybe they thought the same of the Italians when they moved into Park Hill? The Bronx has improved while YO has worsened. It’s clear to see.
We want are turkeys.
WHITE TRASH runs this city , county, state, and are pictures are on all your USA cash and food stamps .You don’t like it leave it.
Yonkers White Trash = The Spano’s
The same White Trash that have made such anti-Hispanic comments on this site
The same White Trash that got elected Mayor and thumbs his nose at the Hispanics that are a big part of Yonkers
The same White Trash that hasn’t hired one Hispanic to an high level spot in Yonkers.
The same White Trash that Fernando Furntes and the Hispanic community in Yonkers should send packing come next Election Day.
Originally I was responding to one racist commenter here. But I see there are more than one. So this is for all the racist jerks out there.
White Trash
October 19, 2014 at 4:35 pm
Go Fuck yourself you Racist Pig!! There is more white trash in this country than all other ehnic groups combined! Do some research before you make such racist remarks. The fact is that there are more so-called white people (or Europeans as you put it) in this country on public assistance than every other ethnic minority combined! That says a lot about your race asshole. Your race has been migrating here from Europe for many generations and still haven’t stood on your feet as a whole. While the Latino population for the most part are only first and second generation immigrants to this country and have already made huge strides in lifting themselves through hard work and high morals. Take your racist comments back to wherever it was you were found.
Please return.
Hey gutter mouth ‘WHITE TRASH’….do you even know how to analyze statistics – There are more white people on assistance. If they are in the majority, there WILL be more of them on assistance than any other group. IT IS THE PERCENTAGE OF THE ENTIRE POPOULATION ON WELFARE THAT IS THE KEY. THERE ARE 280 MILLION WHITES SO THERE WILL BE MORE OF THEM ON ASSISTANCE. What you have failed to understand is that, broken down, the percentage of the white population, singled out, on assistance, is less than the percentage of all other groups that is on assistance. Get it now?
Are you kidding me? You want to talk about Latinos only being here for a FEW GENERATIONS? ASIANS ARE HERE FOR ONE WEEK AND THEY OPEN UP A BUSINESS! Take a walk you foul mouthed jerk. This is how YOU debate? Throwing out four-letter expletives (look it up)?
Here’s a thought. Why don’t you migrate to another country that you don’t despise as much as the United States. Your hatred toward this country is sickeningly blatant.
The numbers don’t lie. Spano has only hired a handful or either Larinos or African Americans in his 3 years in office. He’s given a harmful of token appointments to boards and commissions to some semi-Latinos, but nothing of any significance. Case in point the School superintendent is Italian. Schools are 50% Latino but top job goes to an Italian which make up less than 10% of students. Viva la Spanos.
Lorraine was the best you could do. Let’s not forget about Franky if you had a big ass and he thought he could get in it you were in just look at PVB .
Latinos need not apply last thing we need is having you in city hall . This is a WHITE only city workforce as you can see stay on school street area fixing flats and dying a slow death from spray painting cars and trucks we don’t want your people in workforce even though we don’t live in yonkers we hate the trash living here and enjoy making a living doing next to nothing and no show jobs.
Dem DL you are a simpleton, aren’t you…
that’s not nice what I mean is the Fernando should run next year I think he is viable.
Obviously, sarcasm, among other things, are lost on you. The man is MIA, that is the point I had tried, unsuccessfully, to make. You have not addressed it at all, yet continue to cheer him on for mayor, city council president, whatever. Why? Because he is Hispanic? What can you tell me this man has done for the community since he left office? Nada.
ok you must be one of mikey friends………….I give up
I’m not friends with him or anybody else. I just question why Fernando surfaces intermittently instead of remaining an active part of the community.
maybe its time for some one to step up from the Latinos, mike bought half of them off……..
Carmen Gonzalez was arrested way back for welfare fraud while living in Schlobolm.
The Carmen Gonzalez that is noted in Fernando Fuentes article
has never been arrested for anything
My god does anyone do any fact checking here ?
Or is it a simple ” free for all ” ?
when you right your right. we have many more latinos .many undocumented aliens clogging up the school system ,and quite honestly the sewers around main and elm. st joes hospital e. r. ward bursting at the seams numerous, police incidents for all of this happening and , of course no income from the feds .why ? no papers . the first thing this group of immigrants did when to came to my / our country was to break the law. the very first step on our sovereign soil was an illegal act .no taxes illegal transfers to latin America mexico Colombia et al. the running joke was there was more spicks at thirteen engine than on the mets. you got your share and more from the consent decree now go eat your rice and beans or fried chicken with your amigos who paved the way for you. give thanks to god you live in a country established by Europeans p s fuk hugo chaves
Go Fuck yourself you Racist Pig!! There is more white trash in this country than all other ehnic groups combined! Do some research before you make such racist remarks. The fact is that there are more so-called white people (or Europeans as you put it) in this country on public assistance than every other ethnic minority combined! That says a lot about your race asshole. Your race has been migrating here from Europe for many generations and still haven’t stood on your feet as a whole. While the Latino population for the most part are only first and second generation immigrants to this country and have already made huge strides in lifting themselves through hard work and high morals. Take your racist comments back to wherever it was you were found.
for one fool the streets you travel on were paved by the giunees .the houses of worship were built by Italians irish scotch irish and polocks lets throw in a few germans that’s fact. you know skilled tradesman of all nations . that’s who built yonkers .as far as standing on their feet they did quite well . they bought homes built houses of worship that still stand and you enjoy .elevated themselves and their familys and simply LIVED WELL IN THE CITY OF GRACIOUS LIVING. they did not whine they picketed for unfair labour practices and caused trouble/economically when the mill owners needed to hear it.they did not get FEDERAL HOUSING or government subsidies it would be taboo if you were an honest working man.they kept their mouth shut and caused civil disobieience when necessary when wronged. they didn’t cry to the courts every time they felt they were OVERLOOKED grow up chump it don’t happen in in one or two generations . my family emigrated here in the 1850 s and if you know history you know what ethnic ancestory im from .keep working and give it a little time 50 years .save your money and retry your case. now say a prayer for how lucky you are to live here in the land of the free and home of the brave. eat your rice and beans and ill eat my potatoes p s its FLATS FIXED NOT FLAT FIXED
Fernando would be a great candidate to take out Liam.
yeah, Fernando should surface again in about two years.
I believe liam has to run again next year
the mayor runs next year not the City Council President. They are staggered terms, fyi
Fernando should think about running for mayor….
You know Mr. Fuentes, you surface about once a year, like the groundhog, and then disappear. Where have you been all the years since you have left office. You hit and then run on the blogs. I have NEVER seen you anywhere visible except on the blogs. Actions speak louder than blogs. Why don’t you run for something? I don’t know where you live now and don’t even know if you still live in Yonkers. Perhaps you could have challenged Wilson Terrero, since he was challenged by a Latina of DR extraction? Or, better yet, if your figures of current census demographics are accurate, and I have no reason to believe they are not, you can run for ANY city council seat in the city, or even for mayor, for that matter.
What is Honorable about Mr. Fuentes?
yes, it is about where you came from, not who is best to serve. wonder when we will be able to drop our former status and just say I am an American.
When you stop going to the supermarket with your benefit cards….
Really???? Whites that live off the expense of the taxpayer???? I think you are misled…I am a resident of northeast yonkers…and while working two decent paying jobs to support the safe comfortable lifestyle I want, I have shopped at the a&p on nepperhan ave, shoprite on Tuckahoe rd and pathmark on central av…just about every time I am in line there is a “minority” in front of me, checking out…I don’t care what race you are but almost every time I watch them pay for their entire purchase with a NYS benefit card…then get into a better car than me…Are you going to tell me that the welfare system in this state is not being abused….
wake up latinos!!!!